
Defines functions KDEs KDE Abramson pilotdensity getG

Documented in KDE KDEs

# Abramson
# get geometric mean pilot density
getG <- function(pdens) {
    fpos <- pdens[pdens>0]
    N <- length(fpos)
    out <- exp(sum(log(fpos))/N)

# Abramson
# get fixed bandwidth pilot density
pilotdensity <- function(dat,bw){
    n <- length(dat)
    dens <- rep(0,n)
    for (i in 1:n){
        dens[i] <- mean(stats::density(dat,bw,from=(dat[i]-1e-10),

# adaptive KDE algorithm of Abramson (1982) as summarised by Jahn (2007)
Abramson <- function(dat,from,to,bw,n=512,...){
    nn <- length(dat)
    pdens <- pilotdensity(dat,bw)
    G <- getG(pdens)
    lambda <- 0
    dens <- rep(0,n)
    for (i in 1:nn){
        lambda = sqrt(G/pdens[i])
        dens <- dens + stats::density(dat[i],bw*lambda,from=from,to=to,n=n,...)$y

#' Create a kernel density estimate
#' Turns a vector of numbers into an object of class \code{KDE} using
#' a combination of the Botev (2010) bandwidth selector and the
#' Abramson (1982) adaptive kernel bandwidth modifier.
#' @param x a vector of numbers
#' @param from minimum age of the time axis. If \code{NULL}, this is
#'     set automatically
#' @param to maximum age of the time axis. If \code{NULL}, this is set
#'     automatically
#' @param bw the bandwidth of the KDE. If NULL, \code{bw} will be
#'     calculated automatically using \code{botev()}
#' @param adaptive boolean flag controlling if the adaptive KDE
#'     modifier of Abramson (1982) is used
#' @param log transform the ages to a log scale if \code{TRUE}
#' @param n horizontal resolution of the density estimate
#' @param ... optional arguments to be passed on to \code{density}
#' @return an object of class \code{KDE}, i.e. a list containing the
#'     following items:
#' \code{x}: horizontal plot coordinates
#' \code{y}: vertical plot coordinates
#' \code{bw}: the base bandwidth of the density estimate
#' \code{ages}: the data values from the input to the \code{KDE} function
#' @examples
#' data(Namib)
#' samp <- Namib$DZ$x[['N1']]
#' dens <- KDE(samp,0,3000,kernel="epanechnikov")
#' plot(dens)
#' @seealso KDEs
#' @export
KDE <- function(x,from=NA,to=NA,bw=NA,adaptive=TRUE,log=FALSE,n=512,...){
    out <- list()
    class(out) <- "KDE"
    out$name <- deparse(substitute(x))
    out$log <- log
    if (is.na(from) | is.na(to)) {
        mM <- setmM(x,from,to,log)
        from <- mM$m
        to <- mM$M
    if (log) {
        d <- log10(x)
        from <- log10(from)
        to <- log10(to)
        bw <- bw/(stats::median(x)*log(10))
    } else {
        d <- x
    out$x <- seq(from=from,to=to,length.out=n)
    if (is.na(bw)){ bw <- botev(d) }
    if (adaptive){
        out$y <- Abramson(d,from=from,to=to,bw=bw,n=n,...)
    } else {
        out$y <- stats::density(d,bw,from=from,to=to,n=n,...)$y
    if (log) out$x <- 10^(out$x)
    out$y <- out$y/(sum(out$y)*(to-from)/n)
    out$bw <- bw
    out$ages <- x

#' Generate an object of class \code{KDEs}
#' Convert a dataset of class \code{distributional} into an object of
#' class \code{KDEs} for further processing by the \code{summaryplot}
#' function.
#' @param x an object of class \code{distributional}
#' @param from minimum limit of the x-axis.
#' @param to maximum limit of the x-axis.
#' @param bw the bandwidth of the kernel density estimates. If
#'     \code{bw = NA}, the bandwidth will be set automatically using
#'     \code{botev()}
#' @param samebandwidth boolean flag indicating whether the same
#'     bandwidth should be used for all samples. If
#'     \code{samebandwidth = TRUE} and \code{bw = NULL}, then the
#'     function will use the median bandwidth of all the samples.
#' @param adaptive boolean flag switching on the adaptive bandwidth
#'     modifier of Abramson (1982)
#' @param normalise boolean flag indicating whether or not the KDEs
#'     should all integrate to the same value.
#' @param log boolean flag indicating whether the data should by
#'     plotted on a logarithmic scale.
#' @param n horizontal resolution of the density estimates
#' @param ... optional parameters to be passed on to \code{density}
#' @return an object of class \code{KDEs}, i.e. a list containing the
#'     following items:
#' \code{kdes}: a named list with objects of class \code{KDE}
#' \code{from}: the beginning of the common time scale
#' \code{to}: the end of the common time scale
#' \code{themax}: the maximum probability density of all the KDEs
#' \code{pch}: the plot symbol to be used by \code{plot.KDEs}
#' \code{xlabel}: the x-axis label to be used by \code{plot.KDEs}
#' @examples
#' data(Namib)
#' KDEs <- KDEs(Namib$DZ,0,3000,pch=NA)
#' summaryplot(KDEs,ncol=3)
#' @seealso KDE
#' @export
KDEs <- function(x,from=NA,to=NA,bw=NA,samebandwidth=TRUE,
    if (is.na(from) | is.na(to)) {
        mM <- setmM(unlist(x$x),from,to,log)
        from <- mM$m
        to <- mM$M
    snames <- names(x$x)
    thekdes <- list()
    themax <- -1
    if (is.na(bw) & samebandwidth) bw <- commonbandwidth(x)
    for (name in snames){
        thekdes[[name]] <- KDE(x$x[[name]],from=from,to=to,bw=bw,adaptive=adaptive,log=log,n=n,...)
        if (normalise){
            maxval <- max(thekdes[[name]]$y)
            if (themax < maxval) {themax <- maxval}
    out <- list()
    class(out) <- "KDEs"
    out$name <- x$name
    out$kdes <- thekdes
    out$from <- from
    out$to <- to
    out$themax <- themax
    out$log <- log
    out$xlab <- x$xlab

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