#' Centred logratio transformation
#' Calculates Aitchison's centered logratio transformation for a
#' dataset of class \code{compositional} or a compositional data
#' matrix.
#' @param x an object of class \code{compositional} OR a matrix of
#' numerical values
#' @param inverse perform the inverse inverse logratio transformation?
#' @param ... optional arguments
#' @return a matrix of CLR coordinates OR an object of class
#' \code{compositional} (if \code{inverse=TRUE})
#' @examples
#' # The following code shows that applying provenance's PCA function
#' # to compositional data is equivalent to applying R's built-in
#' # princomp function to the CLR transformed data.
#' data(Namib)
#' plot(PCA(Namib$Major))
#' clrdat <- CLR(Namib$Major)
#' biplot(princomp(clrdat))
#' @rdname CLR
#' @export
CLR <- function(x,...){ UseMethod("CLR",x) }
#' @rdname CLR
#' @export
CLR.default <- function(x,inverse=FALSE,...){
if (inverse){
closure <- rowSums(exp(x)) %*% matrix(1,nrow=1,ncol=length(x))
out <- as.compositional(exp(x) / closure)
} else {
g <- apply(log(x),1,mean)
nc <- ncol(x)
gg <- matrix(rep(g,nc),ncol=nc,byrow=FALSE)
out <- log(x) - gg
#' @rdname CLR
#' @export
CLR.compositional <- function(x,...){
#' Additive logratio transformation
#' Calculates Aitchison's additive logratio transformation for a
#' dataset of class \code{compositional} or a compositional data
#' matrix.
#' @param x an object of class \code{compositional} OR a matrix of numerical values
#' @param inverse perform the inverse inverse logratio transformation?
#' @param ... optional arguments
#' @return a matrix of ALR coordinates OR an object of class
#' \code{compositional} (if \code{inverse=TRUE}).
#' @examples
#' # logratio plot of trace element concentrations:
#' data(Namib)
#' alr <- ALR(Namib$Trace)
#' pairs(alr[,1:5])
#' title('log(X/Pb)')
#' @export
#' @rdname ALR
#' @export
ALR <- function(x,...){ UseMethod("ALR",x) }
#' @rdname ALR
#' @export
ALR.default <- function(x,inverse=FALSE,...){
dat <- as.matrix(x)
nr <- nrow(dat)
nc <- ncol(dat)
if (inverse){
num <- matrix(1,nr,nc+1)
num[,1:nc] <- exp(dat)
den <- as.matrix(rowSums(num)) %*% matrix(1,1,nc+1)
out <- list()
out$x <- num/den
out$method <- 'KS'
out$colmap <- 'rainbow'
class(out) <- 'compositional'
} else {
num <- log(dat[,1:(nc-1),drop=FALSE])
den <- log(subset(dat,select=nc)) %*% matrix(1,1,nc-1)
out <- num - den
#' @rdname ALR
#' @export
ALR.compositional <- function(x,...){
#' Get a subset of provenance data
#' Return a subset of provenance data according to some specified
#' indices
#' @param x an object of class \code{distributional},
#' \code{compositional}, \code{counts} or \code{varietal}.
#' @param subset logical expression indicating elements or rows to
#' keep: missing values are taken as false.
#' @param select a vector of sample names
#' @param ... optional arguments for the generic subset function
#' @return an object of the same class as \code{x}
#' @seealso \link{amalgamate}, \link{combine}
#' @examples
#' data(Namib)
#' coast <- c("N1","N2","T8","T13","N12","N13")
#' ZTRcoast <- subset(Namib$HM,select=coast,components=c('gt','cpx','ep'))
#' DZcoast <- subset(Namib$DZ,select=coast)
#' summaryplot(ZTRcoast,KDEs(DZcoast),ncol=2)
#' @name subset
#' @export
subset.distributional <- function(x,subset=NULL,select=NULL,...){
out <- x
if (!is.null(subset)){
i <- which(subset,arr.ind=TRUE)
} else if (!is.null(select)){
i <- match(select,names(x))
} else {
if (length(x$err)==length(x$x)) out$err <- x$err[i]
out$x <- x$x[i]
#' @param components vector of categories (column names) to keep
#' @rdname subset
#' @export
subset.compositional <- function(x,subset=NULL,components=NULL,select=NULL,...){
out <- x
if (!is.null(subset)){
i <- which(subset,arr.ind=TRUE)
} else if (!is.null(select)){
i <- match(select,names(x))
} else {
i <- 1:nrow(x$x)
if (!is.null(components)){
j <- match(components,colnames(x$x))
} else {
j <- 1:ncol(x$x)
out$x <- x$x[i,j,drop=FALSE]
if (methods::is(x,"SRDcorrected")){
out$restoration <- x$restoration[i]
for (sname in rownames(out$x)){
out$restoration[[sname]] <- subset(x$restoration[[sname]],select=j)
#' @rdname subset
#' @export
subset.counts <- function(x,subset=NULL,components=NULL,select=NULL,...){
out <- subset.compositional(x,subset=subset,select=select,
if (methods::is(x,"ternary")){
i <- match(rownames(out$x),rownames(x$raw))
j <- match(colnames(out$x),colnames(x$raw))
out$raw <- x$raw[i,j,drop=FALSE]
#' @rdname subset
#' @export
subset.varietal <- function(x,subset=NULL,components=NULL,select=NULL,...){
if (is.null(select)){
if (is.null(subset)){
snames <- names(x)
} else {
snames <- names(x)[subset]
} else {
snames <- select
if (is.null(components)){
components <- colnames(x$x[[1]])
out <- x
out$x <- list()
for (sname in snames){
out$x[[sname]] <- x$x[[sname]][,components]
# calculate the trace of a matrix
tr <- function (m){
if (!is.matrix(m) | (dim(m)[1] != dim(m)[2]))
stop("m must be a square matrix")
} <- function(dlist){
out <- c()
nd <- length(dlist)
for (i in 1:nd){
if (is.null(dlist[[i]]$name)) dname <- i
else dname <- dlist[[i]]$name
out <- c(out,dname)
# set minimum and maximum values of a dataset
setmM <- function(x,from=NA,to=NA,log=FALSE){
if ( { from <- min(x); setm <- TRUE }
else { setm <- FALSE }
if ( { to <- max(x); setM <- TRUE }
else { setM <- FALSE }
if (setm) {
if (log) { from <- from/2 }
else {
if (2*from-to<0) {from <- 0}
else {from <- from-(to-from)/10}
if (setM) {
if (log) { to <- 2*to }
else { to <- to+(to-from)/10 }
#' @export
names.distributional <- function(x){
out <- names(x$x)
if (is.null(out)) out <- 1:length(x$x)
#' @export
names.compositional <- function(x){
out <- rownames(x$x)
if (is.null(out)) out <- 1:nrow(x$x)
#' @export
names.counts <- function(x){
out <- rownames(x$x)
if (is.null(out)) out <- 1:nrow(x$x)
#' @export
names.varietal <- function(x){
#' @export
names.KDEs <- function(x){
out <- names(x$kdes)
if (is.null(out)) out <- 1:length(x$kdes)
#' @export
names.ternary <- function(x){
out <- rownames(x$x)
if (is.null(out)) out <- 1:nrow(x$x)
get.densities <- function(X,dtable){
if (!(methods::is(X,"compositional") | methods::is(X,"counts")))
stop("input is not of class compositional or counts")
minerals <- colnames(X$x)
i <- which(colnames(dtable) %in% colnames(X$x), arr.ind=TRUE)
ndim <- function(X){
sumcols <- function(X,x){
if (ndim(X)==0){
out <- X[x]
} else {
dat <- subset(X,select=x)
out <- rowSums(dat)
#' Group components of a composition
#' Adds several components of a composition together into a single
#' component
#' @param x a compositional dataset
#' @param ... a series of new labels assigned to strings or vectors of
#' strings denoting the components that need amalgamating
#' @return an object of the same class as \code{X} with fewer
#' components
#' @examples
#' data(Namib)
#' HMcomponents <- c("zr","tm","rt","TiOx","sph","ap","ep",
#' "gt","st","amp","cpx","opx")
#' am <- amalgamate(Namib$PTHM,feldspars=c("KF","P"),
#' lithics=c("Lm","Lv","Ls"),heavies=HMcomponents)
#' plot(ternary(am))
#' @rdname amalgamate
#' @export
amalgamate <- function(x,...){ UseMethod("amalgamate",x) }
#' @rdname amalgamate
#' @export
amalgamate.default <- function(x,...){
groups <- list(...)
ng <- length(groups)
labels <- names(groups)
out <- NULL
for (i in 1:ng){
colsum <- sumcols(x,groups[[i]])
out <- cbind(out,colsum)
colnames(out) <- labels
#' @rdname amalgamate
#' @export
amalgamate.compositional <- function(x,...){
out <- x
out$x <- amalgamate(x$x,...)
#' @rdname amalgamate
#' @export
amalgamate.counts <- function(x,...){
out <- x
out$x <- amalgamate(x$x,...)
#' @rdname amalgamate
#' @export
amalgamate.SRDcorrected <- function(x,...){
out <- x
out$x <- amalgamate.default(x$x,...)
for (sname in names(x$restoration)){
out$restoration[[sname]] <-
#' @rdname amalgamate
#' @export
amalgamate.varietal <- function(x,...){
out <- x
out$x <- amalgamate(x$x,...)
#' Combine samples of distributional data
#' Lumps all single grain analyses of several samples together under a
#' new name
#' @param x a distributional dataset
#' @param ... a series of new labels assigned to strings or vectors of
#' strings denoting the samples that need amalgamating
#' @return a distributional data object with fewer samples than
#' \code{x}
#' @examples
#' data(Namib)
#' combined <- combine(Namib$DZ,
#' east=c('N3','N4','N5','N6','N7','N8','N9','N10'),
#' west=c('N1','N2','N11','N12','T8','T13'))
#' summaryplot(KDEs(combined))
#' @export
combine <- function(x,...){
out <- x
groups <- list(...)
ng <- length(groups)
labels <- names(groups)
out$x <- list()
out$err <- list()
loadErr <- (length(x$err)>0)
for (i in 1:ng){
out$x[[labels[i]]] <- NULL
for (g in groups[[i]]){
out$x[[labels[i]]] <- c(out$x[[labels[i]]],x$x[[g]])
if (loadErr) {
out$err[[labels[i]]] <- c(out$err[[labels[i]]],x$err[[g]])
# from package mvtnorm:
dmvnorm <- function(x,mean=rep(0,p),sigma=diag(p),log=FALSE) {
if (is.vector(x))
x <- matrix(x, ncol = length(x))
p <- ncol(x)
if (!missing(mean)) {
if (!is.null(dim(mean)))
dim(mean) <- NULL
if (length(mean) != p)
stop("mean and sigma have non-conforming size")
if (!missing(sigma)) {
if (p != ncol(sigma))
stop("x and sigma have non-conforming size")
if (!isSymmetric(sigma, tol = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps),
check.attributes = FALSE))
stop("sigma must be a symmetric matrix")
dec <- tryCatch(chol(sigma), error = function(e) e)
if (inherits(dec, "error")) { <- colSums(t(x) != mean) == 0
logretval <-, nrow(x))
logretval[] <- Inf
else {
tmp <- backsolve(dec, t(x) - mean, transpose = TRUE)
rss <- colSums(tmp^2)
logretval <- -sum(log(diag(dec))) - 0.5 * p * log(2 *
pi) - 0.5 * rss
names(logretval) <- rownames(x)
if (log)
else exp(logretval)
removeNAcols <- function(x){
bad <- apply(apply(x,2,,2,all)
#' bootstrapped confidence intervals for MDS
#' @param x a provenance data object
#' @noRd
resample <- function(x,...){ UseMethod("resample",x) }
#' @noRd
resample.default <- function(x,...){ stop('No default method') }
#' @param nb number of bootstrap samples
#' @param seed random number seed
#' @noRd
resample.distributional <- function(x,nb=10,seed=1,...){
snames <- names(x$x)
ns <- length(snames)
out <- x
for (i in 1:ns){
ng <- length(x$x[[i]])
for (j in 1:nb){
sname <- paste0(snames[i],'[',j,']')
selected <- sample(1:ng,replace=TRUE)
out$x[[sname]] <- x$x[[i]][selected]
if (x$method=='SH'){
out$err[[sname]] <- x$err[[i]][selected]
#' @noRd
resample.varietal <- function(x,nb=10,seed=1,...){
out <- x
snames <- names(x$x)
for (sname in snames){
ng <- nrow(x$x[[sname]])
for (j in 1:nb){
k <- sample(1:ng,size=ng,replace=TRUE)
out$x[[paste0(sname,'[',j,']')]] <- x$x[[sname]][k,,drop=FALSE]
#' Convert varietal to distributional data
#' Convert an object of class \code{varietal} either to a list of
#' distributional objects by breaking it up into separate elements, or
#' to a single distributional object corresponding to the first
#' principal component.
#' @param x an object of class \code{varietal}.
#' @param bycol logical. If \code{TRUE}, returns a list of
#' distributional objects (one for each element). If \code{FALSE},
#' returns a single distributional object (containing the PC1
#' scores for each sample).
#' @param plot logical. If \code{TRUE}, shows the PCA biplot that is
#' used when \code{bycol} is \code{FALSE}.
#' @examples
#' Ttn_file <- system.file("SNSM/Ttn_chem.csv",package="provenance")
#' Ttn <- read.varietal(fn=Ttn_file,snames=3)
#' varietal2distributional(Ttn,bycol=FALSE,plot=TRUE)
#' @export
varietal2distributional <- function(x,bycol=FALSE,plot=FALSE){
template <- list(x=list(),colmap='rainbow',method=x$method)
class(template) <- 'distributional'
if (bycol){
out <- list()
snames <- names(x)
for (cn in colnames(x$x[[1]])){
out[[cn]] <- template
out[[cn]]$name <- cn
out[[cn]]$xlab <- 'concentration'
for (sname in snames){
out[[cn]]$x[[sname]] <- x$x[[sname]][,cn]
out[[cn]]$breaks <- getbreaks(out[[cn]]$x)
} else {
vc <- varietal2compositional(x)
pc <- PCA(vc,scale.=FALSE)
if (plot) plot(pc)
out <- template
out$name <- x$name
out$rotation <- pc$rotation[,'PC1']
out$breaks <- getbreaks(pc$x[,'PC1'])
out$xlab <- 'PC1'
for (sname in names(x)){
out$x[[sname]] <- stats::predict(pc,newdata=CLR(x$x[[sname]]))[,1]
varietal2compositional <- function(x){
tab <- NULL
snames <- names(x)
for (sname in snames){
tab <- rbind(tab,x$x[[sname]])
out <- as.compositional(tab)
# dat = vector of numbers
getbreaks <- function(dat){
d <- unlist(dat)
ns <- length(dat)
ng <- length(d)
nb <- log(ng/ns,base=2)+1
RStudio <- function(){
Sys.getenv("RSTUDIO") == '1'
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