
Defines functions print_psych.lmCor setCor.diagram

"set.cor" <-
function(y,x,data,z=NULL,n.obs=NULL,use="pairwise",std=TRUE,square=FALSE,main="Regression Models",plot=TRUE,show=FALSE,zero=TRUE,part=FALSE)  {

#lmCor become the common name for what was setCor

"lmCor" <- "setCor" <-
function(y,x,data,z=NULL,n.obs=NULL,use="pairwise",std=TRUE,square=FALSE,main="Regression Models",plot=TRUE,show=FALSE,zero=TRUE,alpha=.05,part=FALSE)  {

 #a function to extract subsets of variables (a and b) from a correlation matrix m or data set m
  #and find the multiple correlation beta weights + R2 of the a set predicting the b set
  #seriously rewritten, March 24, 2009 to make much simpler
  #minor additons, October, 20, 2009 to allow for print and summary function
  #major addition in April, 2011 to allow for set correlation
  #added calculation of residual matrix December 30, 2011
  #added option to allow square data matrices
  #modified December, 2014  to allow for covariances as well as to fix a bug with single x variable
  #modified April, 2015 to handle data with non-numeric values in the data, which are not part of the analysis
  #Modified November, 2017 to handle "lm" style input using my parse function.
  #modified July 4, 2018 to add intercepts and confidence intervals (requested by Franz Strich)
  #Modified September 25, 2019 to add the confidence intervals of the intercepts 
  #This was a substantial rewrite of the code to include the moments matrix
  #modified June 5, 2023 to allow the complete cases option to work.
   cl <- match.call()
    #convert names to locations 
    prod <- ex <-  NULL   #in case we do not have formula input
   #first, see if they are in formula mode  
   if(inherits(y,"formula")) {
   ps <- fparse(y)
   y <- ps$y
   x <- ps$x
   med <- ps$m #but, mediation is not done here, so we just add this to x
  # if(!is.null(med)) x <- c(x,med)   #not  necessary, because we automatically put this in
   prod <- ps$prod
   z <- ps$z   #do we have any variable to partial out
   ex <- ps$ex
           #  data <- char2numeric(data)   #move to later (01/05/19)
    if(is.numeric(y )) y <- colnames(data)[y]
    if(is.numeric(x )) x <- colnames(data)[x]
    if(is.numeric(z )) z <- colnames(data)[z]

#check for bad input  
if(any( !(c(y,x,z,ex) %in% colnames(data)) )) {
  cat("\nOops! Variable names are incorrect. Offending items are ", c(y, x, z, ex)[which(!(c(y, x, z, ex) %in% colnames(data)))],"\n")
 stop("I am stopping because the variable names are incorrect.  See above.")}
  if(!isCorrelation(data))  {  # We have a data matrix rather than a correlation matrix 

                 if(use=="complete") {cc <- complete.cases(data[,c(y,x,z,ex)]) 
                                      data <- data[cc,c(y,x,z,ex)] } else { data <- data[,c(y,x,z,ex)] }
                   data <- char2numeric(data,flag=FALSE) #added 4/21/24              
                   if(!is.matrix(data)) data <- as.matrix(data)  
                    data <- cbind(Intercept=1,data) 
                    colnames(data)[1] <- "(Intercept)"
                    x <- c("(Intercept)",x) #this adds a ones column to the data to find intercept terms 
                   if(!is.numeric(data)) stop("The data must be numeric to proceed")
                   if(!is.null(prod) | (!is.null(ex))) {#we want to find a product term
                  if(zero) data[,x] <- scale(data[,x],scale=FALSE)
     if(!is.null(prod)) {
                     prods <- matrix(NA,ncol=length(prod),nrow=nrow(data))
                     colnames(prods) <- prod
                     colnames(prods) <- paste0("V",1:length(prod))
                     for(i in 1:length(prod)) {
                       prods[,i] <- apply(data[,prod[[i]]],1,prod) 
                       colnames(prods)[i] <- paste0(prod[[i]],collapse="*")
                      data <- cbind(data,prods)
                      x <- c(x,colnames(prods))
        if(!is.null(ex)) {
                  quads <- matrix(NA,ncol=length(ex),nrow=nrow(data))  #find the quadratric terms
                    colnames(quads) <- paste0(ex)
                     for(i in 1:length(ex)) {
                      quads[,i] <- data[,ex[i]] * data[,ex[i]]
                      colnames(quads)[i] <- paste0(ex[i],"^2")
                     data <- cbind(data,quads)
                     x <- c(x,colnames(quads))

                   if(use=="complete") {n.obs <- min(pairwiseCount(data), na.rm=TRUE) } else {n.obs <- max(pairwiseCount(data),na.rm=TRUE)}  #this overestimates the number of observations for missing data 
                   df <- n.obs - length(x) -length(z)  #we have the intercept as one degree of freedom, partialed variables count as well
                    means <- colMeans(data,na.rm=TRUE)   #use these later to find the intercept
                    sds <- apply(data,2,sd, na.rm=TRUE)
                 	C <- cov(data,use=use)  
            if(std) {
                        C["(Intercept)","(Intercept)"] <- 1  
                       m <- cov2cor(C)
                       C <- m
                    } else {
                        #   do it on the moments matrix to get intercepts
                           #if(zero) C["(Intercept)","(Intercept)"] <- 1  
                           if(zero) means[1] <- 1 
                            m <- C
                           if(length(z) < 1) { m <- C * (n.obs-1) + means %*% t(means) * n.obs} else { #this creates the moments matrix unless we are partialling
                              #multiply C * (n.obs-1) to convert the covariances to momements
                            means []<- 0
                             m <- C * (n.obs-1)   # + means %*% t(means) * n.obs   # should this be nobs
                           m[1,1] <- n.obs
                    raw <- TRUE
                   # n.obs=dim(data)[1]   #this does not take into account missing data
                   # n.obs <- max(pairwiseCount(data),na.rm=TRUE )  #this does
                    }  else {
                    if(!is.null(prod)) {warning("I am sorry, but product terms from a correlation  matrix don't make sense and were ignored.")}
                    raw <- FALSE
                    if(!is.matrix(data)) data <- as.matrix(data)  
                    C <- data
                    if(!is.null(n.obs)){ df <- n.obs - length(x) - length(z) } else {df <- NULL}
                    if(std) {m <- cov2cor(C)} else {m <- C}}
    #We do all the calculations on the Covariance or correlation matrix (m)
   #convert names to locations                 

        if(use=="complete") {nm <- n.obs} else {nm <- dim(data)[1]}
        xy <- c(x,y)
        numx <- length(x)
     	numy <- length(y)
     	numz <- 0
        nxy <- numx+numy
        m.matrix <- m[c(x,y),c(x,y)]
     	x.matrix <- m[x,x,drop=FALSE]
     	xc.matrix <- m[x,x,drop=FALSE]  #fixed19/03/15
     	xy.matrix <- m[x,y,drop=FALSE]
     	xyc.matrix <- m[x,y,drop=FALSE]  #fixed 19/03/15
     	y.matrix <- m[y,y,drop=FALSE]

     	if(!is.null(z)){numz <- length(z)      #partial out the z variables
     	                zm <- m[z,z,drop=FALSE]
     	                za <- m[x,z,drop=FALSE]
     	                zb <- m[y,z,drop=FALSE]
     	                zmi <- solve(zm)
     	                 x.matrix <- x.matrix - za %*% zmi %*% t(za)
     	               if(!part)  y.matrix <- y.matrix - zb %*% zmi %*% t(zb)   #part correlations do not partial y
     	                xy.matrix <- xy.matrix - za  %*% zmi %*% t(zb)
     	                m.matrix <- cbind(rbind(y.matrix,xy.matrix),rbind(t(xy.matrix),x.matrix))
     	               #m.matrix is now the matrix of partialled covariances -- make sure we use this one!
     	                m <- m.matrix }
###  The actual regression calculations start here
### some modifications made 12/1/19 to adjust the dfs when returning SSRs    
     	if(numx == 1 ) {beta <- matrix(xy.matrix,nrow=1)/x.matrix[1,1]
     	                rownames(beta) <- rownames(xy.matrix)
     	                colnames(beta) <- colnames(xy.matrix)
     	                } else   #this is the case of a single x 
      				 { beta <- solve(x.matrix,xy.matrix)       #solve the equation bY~aX
       					 beta <- as.matrix(beta) 
       if(raw) {if(numx ==1) { intercept <- beta[1,y]
                             #intercept <- means[y] - sum(means[x] * beta[x,y ])
                           } else {if(numy > 1) { intercept <- means[y] - colSums(means[x] * beta[x,y ])   #fix this to treat multple y
                             } else {intercept <- means[y] - sum(means[x] * beta[x,y ])}} 
                  } else {intercept <- NA
                          Residual.se <- NA

        x.inv <- solve(x.matrix)

       	yhat <- t(xy.matrix) %*% x.inv %*% (xy.matrix)
       	resid <- y.matrix - yhat   #this is in moments  units
         se.beta <- list()
       if(raw) {
       #df.fudge <- (n.obs-1) #maybe n.obs-1  
            if(std) { R2 <- colSums(beta * xy.matrix)/diag(y.matrix) 
                      Vaxy <- beta * xy.matrix/diag(y.matrix)
                      VIF <- 1/(1-smc((x.matrix )))
              SST <- 1 
              MSE <- diag(resid/df)  
                #this is used to find the SSR  was n.obs -1
               Residual.se <- sqrt(diag(resid)*(n.obs-1)/(df))
               #to put in the SSR units, we need to use the number of observations -1  df.fudge?
                        for (i in 1:length(y)) {
     	       				 se.beta[[i]] <- sqrt(MSE[i] * diag(x.inv))
              #se.beta <- sqrt(as.vector(MSE) * diag(x.inv))
             } else {

       		 Residual.se <- sqrt(diag(resid) /df)  #this is the df  n.obs - length(x))
              MSE <- diag(resid )/(df) 
               if(length(y) > 1) {SST <- diag( m [y,y] - means[y]^2 * n.obs)} else {SST <- ( m [y,y] - means[y]^2 * n.obs)}
     	       R2 <- (SST - diag(resid)) /SST 
     	        #we need to find the zero order correlations instead of the moments to get Vaxy
     	          C[1,1] <- 1
     	          Rxy <- cov2cor(C)
     	          beta.std <- solve(Rxy[x,x],Rxy[x,y])
     	          Vaxy <- beta.std * Rxy[x,y]
                  VIF <- 1/(1-smc(Rxy[x,x]))
     	        for (i in 1:length(y)) {
     	        se.beta[[i]] <- sqrt(MSE[i] * diag(x.inv))
                }    else { #from correlations
                R2  <- colSums(beta * xy.matrix)/diag(y.matrix) 
                Vaxy <- beta * xy.matrix/diag(y.matrix)
                VIF <- 1/(1-smc((x.matrix )))

              SST <- 1 
              MSE <- diag( resid/(df-1 ))  #because df is inflated in normal regression because of the intercept term should this be df or df -1
              df.fudge <- n.obs-1
            # Residual.se <- sqrt(diag(resid)/ df)    #df.fudge?
            # Residual.se <- sqrt(diag(resid)*(n.obs-1)/(df+1))  #since we are not estimating the intercept
            # Residual.se <- sqrt(diag(resid)) #*df/(n.obs-1))  #don't use df 
            Residual.se <- sqrt(diag(resid) * (n.obs-1)/(df-1))

              for (i in 1:length(y)) {
     	        se.beta[[i]] <- sqrt(MSE[i] * diag(x.inv))
    	if (numy > 1 ) { 
    	               if(is.null(rownames(beta))) {rownames(beta) <- x}
    	                if(is.null(colnames(beta))) {colnames(beta) <- y}
     	# R2 <- colSums(beta * xy.matrix)/diag(y.matrix)
     	#  if(raw) { SST <- diag( m [y,y] - means[y]^2 * n.obs)   #this seems redundant 
#      	         # R2 <- (SST - resid) /SST
#      	           R2 <- (SST - diag(resid)) /SST 
#      	          } else {R2 <- colSums(beta * xy.matrix)/diag(y.matrix)}
#      	} else {       
#      	 colnames(beta) <- y
#      		# R2 <- sum(beta * xy.matrix)/y.matrix
#      		 R2 <- matrix(R2)
    		 rownames(beta) <- x
    		# rownames(R2) <- colnames(R2) <- y
 #    	VIF <- 1/(1-smc((x.matrix )))

     	#now find the unit weighted correlations  
     	#reverse items in X and Y so that they are all positive signed
     	#But this  doesn't help in predicting y 
     	#we need to weight by the sign of the xy,matrix
     	#this gives a different key for each y
     	#need to adjust this for y
     	#  px <- principal(x.matrix)  
#             keys.x <- diag(as.vector(1- 2* (px$loadings < 0 )) )
#          py <- principal(y.matrix)
#             keys.y <- diag(as.vector(1- 2* (py$loadings < 0 ) ))
#         Vx <- sum( t(keys.x) %*% x.matrix %*% t(keys.x))
#         Vy <- sum( keys.y %*% y.matrix %*% t(keys.y))
#      	ruw <- colSums(abs(xy.matrix))/sqrt(Vx)	 
#      	Ruw <- sum(diag(keys.x) %*% xy.matrix %*% t(keys.y))/sqrt(Vx * Vy)
     	#end of old way of doing it
     	#new way  (2/17/18)
     	if(!std) C[1,1]<- 1
     	Cu <- cov2cor(C)
     	keys.x <- sign(xy.matrix)  #this converts zero order correlations into -1, 0, 1 weights for each y
     	# As of 6/4/24U Changed the matrix  multiply to be just multiply
       # Vx <-  t(keys.x) %*% Cu[x,x,drop=FALSE] %*% (keys.x) #diag are scale variances
        #Vy <- t(keys.x) %*% Cu[y,x,drop=FALSE] %*% keys.x #diag are y variances ?
        #these are the standardized variances and correlations
        Vx <- Cu[x,x,drop=FALSE]
       		 if("(Intercept)" %in% colnames(Vx)) Vx <- Vx[-1,-1,drop=FALSE]
        Vy <-  Cu[y,y,drop=FALSE ] #(y.matrix
         uCxy <- Cu[x,y,drop=FALSE]
         if("(Intercept)" %in% rownames(uCxy)) uCxy <- uCxy[-1,,drop=FALSE]
       #  ruw <- diag(uCxy)/sqrt(diag(Vx))  #these are the individual multiple Rs  but only works for square matrix
         ruw <-  colSums(uCxy)/sqrt(sum(Vx))

         Ruw <-  sum(uCxy)/sqrt(sum(Vx)*sum(Vy))  #The unweighted correlation
         x.matrix <- Cu [x,x]
         y.matrix <- Cu[y,y]
         xy.matrix <- Cu[x,y]
         m.matrix <- Cu
 #Now do the Set correlation from Cohen 
 #do it from the correlation matrix, not the momements matrix

        Lmat <- Mmat <- Dmat <- NULL    #give them NULL values in case we don't need to find them
        if("(Intercept)" %in% colnames(x.matrix)) {X.matrix <- x.matrix[-1,-1,drop=FALSE]    #get rid of the intercepts for the next operations
                                                   if(is.matrix(xy.matrix))  {XY.matrix <- xy.matrix[-1,,drop=FALSE]} else {XY.matrix<- xy.matrix[-1,drop=FALSE]}
                                           }	 else {X.matrix <- x.matrix
                                                      XY.matrix <- xy.matrix
       if("(Intercept)" %in% colnames(m.matrix)) m.matrix <- m.matrix[-1,-1,drop=FALSE]
     	if(numy < 2) {Rset <- 1 - det(m.matrix)/(det(X.matrix) )
     	             Myx <- solve(X.matrix) %*% XY.matrix  %*% t(XY.matrix)
     	             cc2 <- cc <- T <- NULL} else {if (numx < 2) {Rset <- 1 - det(m.matrix)/(det(y.matrix) )
     	            Myx <-  XY.matrix %*% solve(y.matrix) %*% t(XY.matrix)
     	            cc2 <- cc <- T <- NULL
     	                 } else {Rset <- 1 - det(m.matrix)/(det(X.matrix) * det(y.matrix))    #the general case both nx and ny > 1
     	            if(numy > numx) {
     	            Myx <- solve(X.matrix) %*% XY.matrix %*% solve(y.matrix) %*% t(XY.matrix)    #productes of two beta weights  this is A from Bernstein
     	              Beta.y.x <-solve(X.matrix) %*% (XY.matrix)
     	              Beta.x.y <- solve(y.matrix) %*% t(XY.matrix ) 
     	              } else { Myx <- solve(y.matrix) %*% t(XY.matrix )%*% solve(X.matrix) %*% (XY.matrix)
     	              Beta.y.x <-solve(X.matrix) %*% (XY.matrix)
     	              Beta.x.y <- solve(y.matrix) %*% t(XY.matrix ) }

     	           #Myx is the canonical correlation matrix of x ans y (see eq 12.1 in T & F)
     	           #and is the product of Beta.x.y with Beta.y.x 
     	           #the following is taken from the geigen function in the fda package
     	            #see the geigen function in the fda package
     	            #now, we get rid of the 
     	            xfac <- chol(X.matrix)
    				yfac <- chol(y.matrix)
    				xfacinv <- solve(xfac)
    				yfacinv <- solve(yfac)
   	 Dmat <- t(xfacinv) %*% XY.matrix %*% yfacinv #almost the same as Mxy?  No
    p <- dim(x.matrix)[1]
    q <- dim(y.matrix)[1]

    if (p >= q) {   #I am not sure we need to make this choice
        result <- svd(Dmat)
        values <- result$d
        Lmat <- X.matrix %*% xfacinv %*% result$u
        Mmat <- y.matrix %*% yfacinv %*% result$v
        } else { 
        result <- svd(t(Dmat))
        values <- result$d
        Lmat <- X.matrix %*% xfacinv %*% result$v    #these are the values returned from Geigen   
        Mmat <- y.matrix%*% yfacinv %*% result$u}
         colnames(Lmat)<- paste0("Cx",1:NCOL(Lmat))
	     colnames(Mmat) <- paste0("Cy",1:NCOL(Mmat))
     	            gei <- svd(Myx)  
     	            cc2 <-gei$d  #this actually matches result
     	            cc <- sqrt(cc2)
     	           # cc2 <- eigen(Myx)$values
     	           # cc <- sqrt(cc2)
     	            T <- sum(cc2)/length(cc2)             
	     k <- NA 
	  #it would be nice to find the canonical loadings, but this is not done yet.
	  #Although, I think that the Lmat and Mmat are the loadings  but only for the two x two case of T and F
     	if(!is.null(n.obs)) {k<- length(x)-raw  #because we include the intercept in x

  ## Find the confidence intervals of the regressions   	   
     	                     ci.lower <- list()
     	                     ci.upper <- list() 
     	                      df <- n.obs-k-1 -length(z)    #this is the n.obs - length(x) and number of covariates
     	  #                   if(raw) { 
#      	                     uniq <- (1-smc(x.matrix)
#      	                     )  #this returns values based upon correlations
     	                     #these are the standardized beta standard errors   
     	                      se <- matrix(unlist(se.beta),ncol=length(y))
     	                       if(!is.null(z)) {colnames(beta) <- paste0(colnames(beta),"*")  }
     	                       colnames(se) <- colnames(beta)
     	                      if(!is.null(z)) {rownames(beta) <- paste0(rownames(beta),"*")}
     	                     rownames(se) <- rownames(beta)                  
     	                    # se <- t(t(se) * sqrt(diag(C)[y]))/sqrt(diag(xc.matrix))  #need to use m.matrix
     	                   if(!raw) se <- t(t(se) * sqrt(diag(m.matrix)[y]))/sqrt(diag(x.matrix)) #corrected 11/29/18
     	                     for(i in 1:length(y))  {ci.lower[[i]] <-  beta[,i] - qt(1-alpha/2,df)*se[,i]
     	                                             ci.upper[[i]] <- beta[,i] + qt(1-alpha/2,df)*se[,i]}
     	                     ci.lower <- matrix(unlist(ci.lower),ncol=length(y))
     	                     ci.upper <- matrix(unlist(ci.upper),ncol=length(y))
     	                       colnames( ci.lower) <-  colnames( ci.upper) <- colnames( beta)
     	                     rownames( ci.lower)<- rownames( ci.upper) <- rownames(beta)

     	                     confid.beta <- cbind(ci.lower,ci.upper)
     	                     tvalue <- beta/se
     	               # prob <- 2*(1- pt(abs(tvalue),df))
     	                prob <- -2 *  expm1(pt(abs(tvalue),df,log.p=TRUE))  
     	                     SE2 <- 4*R2*(1-R2)^2*(df^2)/((n.obs^2-1)*(n.obs+3))
     	                     SE =sqrt(SE2)
     	                     F <- R2*df/(k*(1-R2))
     	                    # pF <- 1 - pf(F,k,df)
     	                     pF <-  -expm1(pf(F,k,df,log.p=TRUE))  
     	                     shrunkenR2 <- 1-(1-R2)*(n.obs-1)/df 
     	               #find the shrunken R2 for set cor  (taken from CCAW p 615)
     	                     u <- numx * numy
     	                     m1 <- n.obs - max(numy ,(numx+numz)) - (numx + numy +3)/2 
     	                     s <- sqrt((numx ^2 * numy^2 -4)/(numx^2 + numy^2-5)) 
     	                     if(numx*numy ==4) s <- 1
     	                     v <- m1 * s + 1 - u/2
     	                     R2set.shrunk <- 1 - (1-Rset) * ((v+u)/v)^s
     	                     L <- 1-Rset
     	                     L1s <- L^(-1/s)
     	                     Rset.F <- (L1s-1)*(v/u)
     	                     df.m <- n.obs -  max(numy ,(numx+numz))  -(numx + numy +3)/2
     	                      s1 <- sqrt((numx ^2 * numy^2 -4)/(numx^2 + numy^2-5)) #see cohen p 321
     	                     if(numx^2*numy^2 < 5) s1 <- 1
     	                     df.v <- df.m * s1 + 1 - numx * numy/2 #which is just v
     	                    # df.v <- (u+v)  #adjusted for bias to match the CCAW results
     	                    #Rset.F <- Rset.F * (u+v)/v 
     	                    Chisq <- -(n.obs - 1 -(numx + numy +1)/2)*log((1-cc2))
     #	if(numx == 1) {beta <-  beta * sqrt(diag(C)[y])
     #	   } else {beta <-  t(t(beta) * sqrt(diag(C)[y]))/sqrt(diag(xc.matrix))} #this puts the betas into the raw units
       # coeff <- data.frame(beta=beta,se = se,t=tvalue, Probabilty=prob)
       # colnames(coeff) <- c("Estimate", "Std. Error" ,"t value", "Pr(>|t|)")
      x.inv <- solve(C[x,x])

       	yhat <- t(C[x,y,drop=FALSE]) %*% x.inv %*% (C[x,y])
       	resid <- C[y,y] - yhat   #this is now in covariance units

        Vaxy <- as.matrix(Vaxy)
     	if(is.null(n.obs)) {set.cor <- list(coefficients=beta,R=sqrt(R2),R2=R2,Rset=Rset,T=T,cancor = cc, cancor2=cc2,
     	         raw=raw,residual=resid,SE.resid=Residual.se,df=c(k,df),ruw=ruw,Ruw=Ruw, x.matrix=C[x,x],y.matrix=C[y,y],
     	          VIF=VIF,z=z,std=std,Vaxy=Vaxy,Xmat=Lmat, Ymat=Mmat, Call = cl)
     	           } else {
     	    set.cor <- list(coefficients=beta,se=se,t=tvalue,Probability = prob,ci=confid.beta,
     	               R=sqrt(R2),R2=R2,shrunkenR2 = shrunkenR2,seR2 = SE,F=F,probF=pF,df=c(k,df),
     	                Rsetv=df.v,T=T,cancor=cc,cancor2 = cc2,Chisq = Chisq,raw=raw,residual=resid,ruw=ruw,
     	                Ruw=Ruw,x.matrix=C[x,x],y.matrix=C[y,y],VIF=VIF,z=z,data=data,std = std,Vaxy=Vaxy,Xmat=Lmat, Ymat=Mmat,Call = cl)
     	class(set.cor) <- c("psych","lmCor")
     	if(plot) lmDiagram(set.cor,main=main,show=show)
#modified July 12,2007 to allow for NA in the overall matrix
#modified July 9, 2008 to give statistical tests
#modified yet again August 15 , 2008 to convert covariances to correlations
#modified January 3, 2011 to work in the case of a single predictor 
#modified April 25, 2011 to add the set correlation (from Cohen)
#modified April 21, 2014 to allow for mixed names and locations in call
#modified February 19, 2015 to just find the covariances of the data that are used in the regression
#this gets around the problem that some users have large data sets, but only want a few variables in the regression
#corrected February 17, 2018 to correctly find the unweighted correlations

#corrected December 12, 2020 to correctly report the se of the intercept as well as the residual.se 
#I had been been off by  sqrtdf/(n.obs-1)

#mdified Sept 22, 2018 to allow cex and l.cex to be set

#mdified November, 2017 to allow an override of which way to draw the arrows  
#modifed May 1, 2023 to allow for drawing lm output as well.

lmDiagram <- lmCor.diagram <- setCor.diagram <- function(sc,main="Regression model",digits=2,show=FALSE,cex=1,l.cex=1,...) { 
if(missing(l.cex)) l.cex <- cex  

beta <- round(sc$coefficients,digits)
#two cases
#the normal case, the model comes from lmCor
#the 2nd case, the model comes from lm
if(length(class(sc)) ==1) {lm<- TRUE} else { lm <- FALSE}
if(!lm) {#case 1
if(rownames(beta)[1] %in% c("(Intercept)", "intercept*")) {intercept <- TRUE} else {intercept <- FALSE}
x.matrix <- round(sc$x.matrix,digits)

y.matrix <- round(sc$y.matrix,digits)
y.resid <- round(sc$resid,digits)
x.names <- rownames(beta)

if(intercept){ x.matrix <- x.matrix[-intercept,-intercept]
 x.names <- x.names[-intercept] 
beta <- beta[-intercept,,drop=FALSE]
y.names <- colnames(beta)
} else { x.matrix <- round(cov(sc$model[-1]), digits=digits)  #case 2  from lmkl
       x.names <- colnames(sc$model)[-1]
       beta <- as.matrix(beta[-1]) #make the vector into a matrix
      y.names <-  colnames(sc$model)[1]
nx <- length(x.names)
ny <- length(y.names) 
top <- max(nx,ny)
top <- max(nx,ny)
x <- list()
y <- list()
var.list <- arrow.list <-  curve.list <- self.list<- list()
x.scale <- top/(nx+1)
y.scale <- top/(ny+1)
for(i in 1:nx) {x[[i]] <- dia.rect(3,top-i*x.scale,x.names[i],cex=cex,draw=TRUE,...) 
               var.list <- c(var.list,x.names[i],x[[i]])}
for (j in 1:ny) {y[[j]] <- dia.rect(7,top-j*y.scale,y.names[j],cex=cex,draw=TRUE,...)
                  var.list <- c(var.list,y.names[j],y[[j]]) }
for(i in 1:nx) {
  for (j in 1:ny) {
  d.arrow <-  dia.arrow(x[[i]]$right,y[[j]]$left,labels = beta[i,j],adj=4-j,cex=l.cex,draw=FALSE,...)
   arrow.list <- c(arrow.list,d.arrow)
if(nx >1) {
  for (i in 2:nx) {
  for (k in 1:(i-1)) {dca <- dia.curved.arrow(x[[i]]$left,x[[k]]$left,x.matrix[i,k],scale=-(abs(i-k)),both=TRUE,dir="u",cex = l.cex,draw=FALSE,...)
                     curve.list <- c(curve.list,dca)} #dia.curve(x[[i]]$left,x[[k]]$left,x.matrix[i,k],scale=-(abs(i-k)))  } 
  } }
  if(ny >1) {for (i in 2:ny) {
  for (k in 1:(i-1)) {dca <- dia.curved.arrow(y[[i]]$right,y[[k]]$right,y.resid[i,k],scale=(abs(i-k)),dir="u",cex=l.cex,draw=FALSE, ...)
     curve.list <- c(curve.list,dca)} 
  for(i in 1:ny) {d.self <- dia.self(y[[i]],side=3,scale=.2,draw=FALSE,... )
          self.list <- c(self.list,d.self)}
 if(show) {text((10-nx/3)/2,0,paste("Unweighted matrix correlation  = ",round(sc$Ruw,digits)))}
 #now draw all the arrows at once

print_psych.lmCor <- function(x,digits=2) {

cat("Call: ")
            if(x$raw) {cat("\nMultiple Regression from raw data \n")} else {
            cat("\nMultiple Regression from matrix input \n")}
            ny <- NCOL(x$coefficients)
          for(i in 1:ny) {cat("\n DV = ",colnames(x$coefficients)[i],"\n")
         # if(!is.na(x$intercept[i])) {cat(' intercept = ',round(x$intercept[i],digits=digits),"\n")}
          if(!is.null(x$se)) {result.df <- data.frame( round(x$coefficients[,i],digits),round(x$se[,i],digits),round(x$t[,i],digits),signif(x$Probability[,i],digits),round(x$ci[,i],digits), round(x$ci[,(i +ny)],digits),round(x$VIF,digits))
              colnames(result.df) <- c("slope","se", "t", "p","lower.ci","upper.ci",  "VIF")        
              result.df <- data.frame(R = round(x$R[i],digits), R2 = round(x$R2[i],digits), Ruw = round(x$ruw[i],digits),R2uw =  round( x$ruw[i]^2,digits), round(x$shrunkenR2[i],digits),round(x$seR2[i],digits), round(x$F[i],digits),x$df[1],x$df[2], signif(x$probF[i],digits+1))
              colnames(result.df) <- c("R","R2", "Ruw", "R2uw","Shrunken R2", "SE of R2", "overall F","df1","df2","p")
              cat("\n Multiple Regression\n")
             print(result.df) } else {
              result.df <- data.frame( round(x$beta[,i],digits),round(x$VIF,digits))
              colnames(result.df) <- c("slope", "VIF")        
              result.df <- data.frame(R = round(x$R[i],digits), R2 = round(x$R2[i],digits), Ruw = round(x$Ruw[i],digits),R2uw =  round( x$Ruw[i]^2,digits))
              colnames(result.df) <- c("R","R2", "Ruw", "R2uw")
              cat("\n Multiple Regression\n")

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