
Defines functions compare.boot p.boot.mediate short.boot boot.mediate partialReg matReg

Documented in matReg

#The basic logic is to find the regression of Y on X, of M on X, and of Y on M
#and then compare the direct (Y on X) also known as c  to c - ab 
#Modified May, 2015 to allow multiple Xs (and multiple Ys)
#Revised June, 2015 for prettier output
#Revised February 2016 to get moderation to work
#The moderate part is a bit more complicated and needs to be cleaned up
#Three potential cases of moderate
#a) moderation with out mediation  -- not yet treated
#b) moderation of the independent to mediator  
#c) moderation of the mediator to dependent -- not yet treated
#substantially revised May 6, 2016 by using matReg to make simpler to understand
#and November,2017 improved to handle formula input and do more moderations 
#added the zero option to match Hayes Process  
#added the ability to partial out variables
#12/1/18  Added the ability to do quadractic terms (similar to setCor) 
"mediate" <-
function(y,x,m=NULL, data, mod=NULL, z=NULL, n.obs=NULL,use="pairwise",n.iter=5000,alpha=.05,std=FALSE,plot=TRUE,zero=TRUE,part=FALSE,main= "Mediation")  {
 #this first part just gets the variables right, depending upon the way we input them
   cl <- match.call()
   #convert names to locations 
   #first, see if they are in formula mode  
   if(inherits(y,"formula")) {  ps <- fparse(y)
   y <- ps$y
   x <- ps$x
   m <- ps$m #but, mediation is not done here, so we just add this to x
  # if(!is.null(med)) x <- c(x,med)   #not  necessary, because we automatically put this in
   mod <- ps$prod
   ex <- ps$ex  #the quadratic term
   #but, we want to drop the m variables from x
   x <- x[!ps$x %in% ps$m] 
   z <- ps$z  #are there any variables to partial
} else {ex <- NULL}
   all.ab <- NULL  #preset this in case we are just doing regression 
    if(is.numeric(y )) y <- colnames(data)[y]
    if(is.numeric(x )) x <- colnames(data)[x]
    if(!is.null(m))  if(is.numeric(m )) m <- colnames(data)[m]
    if(!is.null(mod) ) {if(is.numeric(mod)) {nmod <- length(mod)  #presumably 1 
                                         mod <- colnames(data)[mod] } }
    if(is.null(mod)) {nmod<- 0} else {nmod<- length(mod)}
     var.names <- list(IV=x,DV=y,med=m,mod=mod,z=z,ex=ex)
 # if(any(!(unlist(var.names) %in% colnames(data)))) {stop ("Variable names not specified correctly")} 
  if(any( !(unlist(var.names) %in% colnames(data)) )) {
     select <- unlist(var.names)
  cat("\nOops! Variable names are incorrect. Offending items are ", select[which(!(select %in% colnames(data)))],"\n")
 stop("I am stopping because the variable names are incorrect.  See above.")}
    if(ncol(data) == nrow(data)) {raw <- FALSE 
            if(nmod > 0) {stop("Moderation Analysis requires the raw data") } else {data <- data[c(y,x,m,z),c(y,x,m,z)]} 
                 } else { data <- data[,c(y,x,m,z,ex)]
   # if(nmod > 0 ) {data <- data[,c(y,x,mod,m)] } else {data <- data[,c(y,x,m)]} #include the moderation variable
   if(nmod==1) {mod<- c(x,mod)
     nmod <- length(mod) 
  #first make sure the data are all numeric
  #otherwise we choke on factor data
  data <- char2numeric(data, flag=FALSE)  #added 01/14/24 
   if(!is.matrix(data)) data <- as.matrix(data)
  if((dim(data)[1]!=dim(data)[2]))  {n.obs=dim(data)[1]   #this does not take into account missing data
                    if(!is.null(mod)) if(zero) data[,c(x,m,z,ex)] <- scale(data[,c(x,m,z,ex)],scale=FALSE)  #0 center  but not the dv
                    C <- cov(data,use=use)
                    raw <- TRUE
                    if(std) {C <- cov2cor(C)}   #use correlations rather than covariances
                     }  else {
                    raw <- FALSE
                    C <- data
   nvar <- ncol(C)
   if(is.null(n.obs)) {n.obs <- 1000
      message("The data matrix was a correlation matrix and the number of subjects was not specified. \n n.obs arbitrarily set to 1000")
   if(!is.null(m)) { # only if we are doing mediation (12/11/18)
      message("The replication data matrices were simulated based upon the specified number of subjects and the observed correlation matrix.")
       eX <- eigen(C)   #we use this in the bootstrap replications in the case of a correlation matrix
       data <- matrix(rnorm(nvar * n.obs),n.obs)
      data <- t( eX$vectors %*% diag(sqrt(pmax(eX$values, 0)), nvar) %*%  t(data) )
      colnames(data) <- c(y,x,m,z)}


  if ((nmod > 0 ) | (!is.null(ex))) {if(!raw) {stop("Moderation  analysis requires the raw data")
   } else { if(zero) {data <- scale(data,scale=FALSE)}
if (nmod > 0 ) {
              prods <- matrix(NA,ncol=length(ps$prod),nrow=nrow(data))
                     colnames(prods) <- paste0("V",1:length(ps$prod))
                     for(i in 1:length(ps$prod)) {
                       prods[,i] <- apply(data[,ps$prod[[i]]],1,prod) 
                       colnames(prods)[i] <- paste0(ps$prod[[i]],collapse="*")
                      data <- cbind(data,prods)
                      x <- c(x,colnames(prods))
     if(!is.null(ex)) {
                    quads <- matrix(NA,ncol=length(ex),nrow=nrow(data))  #find the quadratric terms
                    colnames(quads) <- ex
                     for(i in 1:length(ex)) {
                      quads[,i] <- data[,ex[i]] * data[,ex[i]]
                      colnames(quads)[i] <- paste0(ex[i],"^2")
                     data <- cbind(data,quads)
                     x <- c(x,colnames(quads))
   #We have now added in products and quadratics, if desired
             if(raw)  {C <- cov(data,use=use) } #else {C <- data}
              if(std) {  C <- cov2cor(C)} 
  #now, we are ready to process the data
  #We do the basic regressions as matrix operations using matReg

        xy <- c(x,y)
        numx <- length(x) 
     	numy <- length(y)
     	if(!is.null(m)) {numm <- length(m)
        nxy <- numx + numy 
        m.matrix <- C[c(x,m),c(x,m),drop=FALSE] #this is the predictor +  moderator matrix
        } else {numm <- 0
             nxy <- numx}  #the case of moderation without mediation 
     	df <- n.obs - nxy - 1 

     	xy.matrix <- C[c(x,m),y,drop=FALSE]   #this is the matrix of correlations with the criterion

#this next section adds the intercept to the regressions

 C.int <- matrix(NA,nrow=NROW(C)+1,ncol=ncol(C)+1)
  C.int[1,] <- C.int[,1] <- 0
  C.int[-1,-1] <- C
 if(!raw) { std <- TRUE
     C.int[1,1] <- 1
     means <- rep(0,NCOL(data))} else {
     C.int[1,1] <- 0 
    if(!std){ means <- colMeans(data,na.rm=TRUE)} else { means <- rep(0,ncol(C))}
     means <- c(1,means)
     C.int <- C.int *  (n.obs-1) + means %*% t(means) * n.obs
 rownames(C.int) <- colnames(C.int) <- c("Intercept",colnames(C))
if(std) { C.int <- cov2cor(C.int) }  

#first, find the complete regression model 
cprime.reg <- matReg(c("Intercept",x,m),y,C=C.int,n.obs=n.obs,z=z,means=means,std=std,raw=raw,part=part) #we have added  the intercept term here (11/25/19)

 ##this is the zero order beta -- the total effect
  # total.reg <- matReg(x,y,m=m,z=z,C=C,n.obs=n.obs,std=std,part=part)   #include m for correct df, add in the z here to do partial correlations
  total.reg <- matReg(c("Intercept",x),y,m=m,z=z,C=C.int,n.obs=n.obs,std=std,part=part)   #include m for correct df, add in the z here to do partial correlations
   direct <- total.reg$beta
   if(!is.null(z)) {colnames(direct) <- paste0(colnames(direct),"*")
                   rownames(direct) <- paste0(rownames(direct),"*") }
   #There are 3 broad cases that need to be handled somewhat differently in terms of the matrix operations
   # 1 IV, 1 or more mv 
   # multiple IV, 1 MV
   #multiple IV, multiple MV
   #this is the direct path from X to M  
   #For the purposes of moderation, at least for now, think of this as just 2 or 3 IVs

 #get a, b and cprime effects and their se

 if(numm > 0) {a.reg <- matReg(x=c("Intercept",x),y=m,C=C.int,z=z,n.obs=n.obs,means=means,std=std,part=part)   #the default case is to have at least one mediator
 b.reg <- matReg(c(x,m),y,C=C,z=z,n.obs=n.obs,part=part)  #the df is fudged in matReg -- need to fix that 

# cprime.reg <- matReg(c("Intercept",x,m),y,C=C.int,n.obs=n.obs,z=z,means=means,std=std) #we have added  the intercept term here (11/25/19)

 a <- a.reg$beta[-1,,drop=FALSE]
 b <- b.reg$beta[-(1:numx),,drop=FALSE]  #this reports just the mediator stats
 c <- total.reg$beta[-1,,drop=FALSE]
 cprime <- cprime.reg$beta

   # ab <- a * b    #these are the ab products for each a and b path   c' is c - sum of all of these
#  all.ab <- matrix(NA,ncol=numm*numy,nrow=numx)
#We currently only get the all.ab  terms if there is just 1 dv

 all.ab <- matrix(NA,ncol=numm*numx,nrow=numy)
 # if((numx == 1) & (numy==1)) {ab <- a * t(b)}  else {ab <- matrix(NA,ncol=numm*numx,nrow=numy)
#                                  for (i in 1:numx) { ab <- t(a[i,] *  b[,1:numy])}}
#fixed ? November 18, 2019 to handle more than 1 dv

  for(i in 1:numx) {
  if((numx == 1) & (numy==1)) {all.ab  <- a * t(b)}  else {
       all.ab <- matrix(NA,ncol=numm*numx,nrow=numy)
     for (i in 1:numx) { all.ab <- t(a[i,] *  b[,1:numy])}}               
 # all.ab[i,] <- a[i,] * t(b[,1])
 }   #just do the first column of b   (this is problematic, perhaps and doesn't work for two dependent variables)
 # colnames(all.ab) <- rep(m, numy)

 # colnames(all.ab) <- m
 # rownames(all.ab) <- x

   ab <- a %*% b      #are we sure that we want to do the matrix sum? 
   indirect <- c - ab

 if(is.null(n.obs)) {message("Bootstrap is not meaningful unless raw data are provided or the number of subjects is specified.") 
          mean.boot <- sd.boot <- ci.quant <- boot <-  se <- tvalue  <- prob <- NA } else {
         #  if(is.null(mod)) {
           boot <- p.boot.mediate(data,x,y,m,z,n.iter=n.iter,std=std,use=use)   #this returns a list of vectors

  #the first values are the indirect (c') (directly found), the later values are c-ab from  the products
           #we have now dropped those extra values  #this is a mistake 
           if(numy==1) {colnames(boot) <- c(x,paste0(rep(m,each=length(x)),"*",x))} else {
              cn  <-  c(x,paste0(rep(m,each=length(x)),"*",x))
              shorter.cn <- paste0(rep(m,each=length(x)),"*",x)
              long.cn  <- short.cn <-  NULL
              for(tem in 1:numy) {long.cn <- c(long.cn,paste0(y[tem],cn))        
                short.cn <- c(short.cn,paste0(y[tem],shorter.cn))}
              colnames(boot) <- long.cn }
           #if(ncol(boot)== length(c(x,m) )) colnames(boot) <- c(x,m)
          # if(length(y) ==1) {boot <- boot[, c(paste0(rep(m,each=length(x)),"*",x)),drop=FALSE]} else {
              # boot <- boot[,short.cn]}  #this picks the mediate variables   #except we actually want to keep the indirect value 
            mean.boot <- colMeans(boot)    
            sd.boot <- apply(boot,2,sd)
            ci.quant <- apply(boot,2, function(x) quantile(x,c(alpha/2,1-alpha/2),na.rm=TRUE)) 

           # mean.boot <- matrix(mean.boot[1:(numx*numy)],nrow=numx)
           mean.boot <- matrix(mean.boot,nrow=numx)
           # sd.boot <- matrix(sd.boot[1:(numx*numy)],nrow=numx)
           sd.boot <- matrix(sd.boot,nrow=numx)
          #  ci.ab <- matrix(ci.quant,nrow=2*numx)
          ci.ab <- ci.quant
           # colnames(mean.boot) <- colnames(sd.boot)  <- c(y,m)
            rownames(mean.boot) <- rownames(sd.boot) <- x

            boots <- list(mean=mean.boot,sd=sd.boot,ci=ci.quant,ci.ab=ci.ab)
      } else {    #the case of just an interaction term 
    a.reg <- b.reg <- reg <- NA
    a <- b <- c <- ab <- cprime <- boot<- boots <- indirect <- NA}  
    #beta.x is the effect without the mediators
    #direct is the effect with the mediators
    #indirect is ab from the difference
    #ab is ab from the product  of a and b paths

if(!is.null(z)) {var.names$IV <- paste0(var.names$IV,"*")
                var.names$DV <- paste0(var.names$DV,"*")
                var.names$med <- paste0(var.names$med,"*")
                colnames(C) <- rownames(C) <- paste0(colnames(C),"*")

     result <- list(var.names=var.names,a=a,b=b,ab=ab,all.ab = all.ab,c=c,direct=direct,indirect=indirect,cprime = cprime, total.reg=total.reg,a.reg=a.reg,b.reg=b.reg,cprime.reg=cprime.reg,boot=boots,boot.values = boot,sdnames=colnames(data),data=data,C=C,  Call=cl)
    class(result) <- c("psych","mediate")
   if(plot) {if(is.null(m)) {moderate.diagram(result) } else {  mediate.diagram(result,main=main) }

#a helper function to find regressions from covariances
#May 6, 2016
#Fixed November 29, 2018 to handle se of partialed variables correctly
#modified September 25, 2019 to find intercepts and standard errors using momements
#modified even more November 25, 2019 to return the intercepts and R2
#correct May 31, 2021 to correctly estimate dfs with and without intercept terms (finally)
matReg <- function(x,y,C,m=NULL,z=NULL,n.obs=0,means=NULL,std=FALSE,raw=TRUE,part=FALSE) {
 if(is.null(n.obs)) n.obs <- 0
   numx <- length(x)   #this is the number of predictors (but we should adjust by the number of covariates)   
   numz <- length(z)
   numy <- length(y)
   #df <- n.obs -1 - numx - length(z) - length(m)    #but this does not take into account the mediating variables
   #note that the x variable includes the intercept and thus uses up one extra df
  # df <- n.obs  - numx -numz #We have partialed out z, should we use the df from it?  This is changed 11/26/19 to reduce df for z  
    #   This df is correct if we are calculating the intercept but is off if we we are not
    if("Intercept" %in% colnames(C)) { df <- n.obs  - numx -numz } else {df <- n.obs -1  - numx -numz  } #05/31/21
       Cr <- cov2cor(C)  
        	if(!is.null(z)){numz <- length(z)      #partial out the z variables
     	                zm <- C[z,z,drop=FALSE]
     	                za <- C[x,z,drop=FALSE]
     	                zb <- C[y,z,drop=FALSE]
     	                zmi <- solve(zm)
     	                 x.matrix <- C[x,x,drop=FALSE] - za %*% zmi %*% t(za)
     	               if(!part)  y.matrix <- C[y,y,drop=FALSE] - zb %*% zmi %*% t(zb)  #part versus partial (default)
     	                xy.matrix <- C[x,y,drop=FALSE] - za  %*% zmi %*% t(zb)
     	                 C <- cbind(rbind(y.matrix,xy.matrix),rbind(t(xy.matrix),x.matrix))
    if(numx==1) { beta <- solve(C[x,x,drop=FALSE],(C[x,y,drop=FALSE])) 
                 colnames(beta) <- y
        } else {
        beta <- solve(C[x,x],(C[x,y])) }    #this is the same as setCor and is a x * x matrix
    if(!is.matrix(beta)) {beta <- matrix(beta,nrow=length(beta))}   #beta is a matrix of beta weights 
    if(is.character(x)) {rownames(beta) <- x}  else {rownames(beta) <- colnames(C)[x]}
    if(is.character(y)) { colnames(beta) <- y} else { colnames(beta) <- colnames(C)[y]}
      x.inv <- solve(C[x,x]) #solve x.matrix    #taken from setCor
      yhat <- t(C[x,y,drop=FALSE]) %*% x.inv %*% C[x,y,drop=FALSE]
      resid <- C[y,y]- yhat

     if(!std ) {
       # df <- n.obs - numx - numz

         Residual.se <- sqrt(diag(resid /df))  #this is the df  n.obs - length(x))
         se <- MSE <- diag(resid )/(df) 
               if(length(y) > 1) {SST <- diag(C[y,y] - means[y]^2 * n.obs)} else {SST <- ( C [y,y] - means[y]^2 * n.obs)}
     	       R2 <- (SST - diag(resid)) /SST 
     	       se.beta <- list()
     	        for (i in 1:length(y)) {
     	        se.beta[[i]] <- sqrt(MSE[i] * diag(x.inv))
                se <- matrix(unlist(se.beta),ncol=numy)
      if(length(y) > 1) {SST <- diag(C [y,y] - means[y]^2 * n.obs)} else {SST <- ( C [y,y] - means[y]^2 * n.obs)}
	       R2 <- (SST - diag(resid)) /SST 
      } else {      R2 <- colSums(beta * C[x,y])/diag(C[y,y,drop=FALSE])   #the standardized case
        uniq <- 1-(1-1/diag(solve(Cr[x,x,drop=FALSE])))  #1- smc

        if(n.obs > 2) { # se <- (sqrt((1-R2)/(n.obs-1 - numx-numz)) %*% t(sqrt(1/uniq)))  #these are the standardized se
                        se <- (sqrt((1-R2)/(df)) %*% t(sqrt(1/uniq)))   #setCor uses df = n.obs - numx - 1
                        se <- t( se * sqrt(diag(C[y,y,drop=FALSE])) %*% t(sqrt(1/diag(C[x,x,drop=FALSE]))) )  #But does this work in the general case?

                    colnames(se) <- colnames(beta) } else {se <- NA}
                  # if(raw) {   #used to compare models  -- we need to adjust this for dfs
                        #   Residual.se <-   sqrt((1-R2)* df/(df-1)) } else {  #this was a kludge which was necessary to treat the SSR correctly -- probably because I was off on df
                           Residual.se <- sqrt((1-R2)/df * (n.obs-1)) #}
                    if(!any(is.na(se))) { tvalue <- beta/se
                                        # prob <- 2*(1- pt(abs(tvalue),df))
                                          prob <- -2 *  expm1(pt(abs(tvalue),df,log.p=TRUE))
                                         } else {tvalue <- prob <- df <- NA}
  result <- list(beta=beta,se=se, t=tvalue,df=df,prob=prob,R2=R2,SE.resid=Residual.se)
  return(result)       }  		 

partialReg <- function(C,x,y,m,z) {
   x <- c(x,m)
   y <- c(y,m)
                        numz <- length(z)      #partial out the z variables
     	                zm <- C[z,z,drop=FALSE]
     	                za <- C[x,z,drop=FALSE]
     	                zb <- C[y,z,drop=FALSE]
     	                zmi <- solve(zm)
     	                 x.matrix <- C[x,x,drop=FALSE] - za %*% zmi %*% t(za)
     	                 y.matrix <- C[y,y,drop=FALSE] - zb %*% zmi %*% t(zb)
     	                xy.matrix <- C[x,y,drop=FALSE] - za  %*%zmi %*% t(zb)
     	                 C <- cbind(rbind(y.matrix,xy.matrix),rbind(t(xy.matrix),x.matrix))
#finally fixed November 3, 2019
boot.mediate <- function(data,x,y,m,z,n.iter=10,std=FALSE,use="pairwise") {

  n.obs <- nrow(data)
  numx <- length(x)
  numy <- length(y)
  numm <- length(m)
  nxy <- numx + numy 
 result <- matrix(NA,nrow=n.iter,ncol = (numx*numy+ numm*numy*numx ))
 if((numm > 1) &  (numx > 1)) ab <- matrix(0,nrow=numx,ncol=numy)     
  for (iteration in 1:n.iter) {
  samp.data <- data[sample.int(n.obs,replace=TRUE),]
  C <- cov(samp.data,use=use)
  if(!is.null(z)) C <- partialReg(C,x,y,m,z)  #partial out z
  if(std) C <- cov2cor(C)
   xy <- c(x,y)     
        m.matrix <- C[c(x,m),c(x,m)]
     #	df <- n.obs - nxy - 1 
     	xy.matrix <- C[c(x,m),y,drop=FALSE]
   if(numx ==1) { beta.x <- solve(C[x,x],t(C[x,y]) ) } else  {beta.x <- solve(C[x,x],C[x,y]) }  #this is the zero order beta -- the total effect
  # if(numx ==0) { a <-  solve(C[x,x,drop=FALSE],t(C[x,m,drop=FALSE]) ) } else { a <-  solve(C[x,x,drop=FALSE],(C[x,m,drop=FALSE]) )} #the a paths    
   a <-  solve(C[x,x,drop=FALSE],(C[x,m,drop=FALSE]))
    beta.xm <- solve(m.matrix,xy.matrix)       #solve the equation bY~aX
    beta <- as.matrix(beta.xm)     #these are the individual predictors, x and then m

  b <- beta[-c(1:numx),,drop=FALSE]

 if((numx == 1) & (numy==1)) {ab <- a[-1] * t(b)}  else {ab <- array(NA,dim=c(numx,numm,numy))
                                 for(j in 1:numy) {
                                 for(k in 1:numm) {
                                  for (i in 1:numx) { ab[i,k,j] <- t(a[i,k] *  b[k,j])}}   #this needs to be fixed for two numm>1
 # ab <- a %*% b    #each individual path  #this probably is only correct for the numx = 1 model
#  if((numx > 1) & (numy > 1)) {for (i in 1:numx) {ab[i,] <- a[i,] * b}}
  # ab <- a * b  #we don't really need this
#all.ab <- matrix(NA,ncol=numm*numy,nrow=numx*numm)   
   #The number of all.ab terms is ( numx * numm) * (numm * numy)
 # for(j in 1:numm*numy) {
 # for(i in 1:numx*numm) {all.ab[i,j] <- a[i,] * t(b[j,i])}  #this just does one column of b
  #consider muliple ivs 
 # all.ab <-outer(a,t(b))    #this is cute,but actually not correct
  #all.ab <- matrix(all.ab,nrow=numx*numm,ncol=numm*numy)
  all.ab <- ab
  indirect <-  beta.x - beta[1:numx,1:numy]  #this is c' = c - ab
 # result[iteration,] <- c(indirect,ab)  #this is a list of vectors

  result[iteration,] <- c(indirect, all.ab)  #this is a list of vectors -- do we really need all all.ab since it is identical to indirect?
 return(result)  }

 short.boot <- function(i,data,n.obs,x,y,m,z,std,use=use ){ 
   numx <- length(x)
  numy <- length(y)
  numm <- length(m)
  nxy <- numx + numy 
  samp.data <- data[sample.int(n.obs,replace=TRUE),]
  C <- cov(samp.data,use=use)
  if(!is.null(z)) C <- partialReg(C,x,y,m,z)  #partial out z
  if(std) C <- cov2cor(C)
   xy <- c(x,y)     
        m.matrix <- C[c(x,m),c(x,m)]
     #	df <- n.obs - nxy - 1 
     	xy.matrix <- C[c(x,m),y,drop=FALSE]
   if(numx ==1) { beta.x <- solve(C[x,x],t(C[x,y]) ) } else  {beta.x <- solve(C[x,x],C[x,y]) }  #this is the zero order beta -- the total effect
  # if(numx ==0) { a <-  solve(C[x,x,drop=FALSE],t(C[x,m,drop=FALSE]) ) } else { a <-  solve(C[x,x,drop=FALSE],(C[x,m,drop=FALSE]) )} #the a paths    
   a <-  solve(C[x,x,drop=FALSE],(C[x,m,drop=FALSE]))
    beta.xm <- solve(m.matrix,xy.matrix)       #solve the equation bY~aX
    beta <- as.matrix(beta.xm)     #these are the individual predictors, x and then m

  b <- beta[-c(1:numx),,drop=FALSE]

 if((numx == 1) & (numy==1)) {ab <- a * t(b)}  else {ab <- array(NA,dim=c(numx,numm,numy))   #was a[-1]
                                 for(j in 1:numy) {
                                 for(k in 1:numm) {
                                  for (i in 1:numx) { ab[i,k,j] <- t(a[i,k] *  b[k,j])}}   #this needs to be fixed for two numm>1
 # ab <- a %*% b    #each individual path  #this probably is only correct for the numx = 1 model
#  if((numx > 1) & (numy > 1)) {for (i in 1:numx) {ab[i,] <- a[i,] * b}}
  # ab <- a * b  #we don't really need this
#all.ab <- matrix(NA,ncol=numm*numy,nrow=numx*numm)   
   #The number of all.ab terms is ( numx * numm) * (numm * numy)
 # for(j in 1:numm*numy) {
 # for(i in 1:numx*numm) {all.ab[i,j] <- a[i,] * t(b[j,i])}  #this just does one column of b
  #consider muliple ivs 
 # all.ab <-outer(a,t(b))    #this is cute,but actually not correct
  #all.ab <- matrix(all.ab,nrow=numx*numm,ncol=numm*numy)
  all.ab <- ab
  indirect <-  beta.x - beta[1:numx,1:numy]  #this is c' = c - ab
 # result[iteration,] <- c(indirect,ab)  #this is a list of vectors

  result <- c(indirect, all.ab)  #this is a list of vectors -- do we really need all all.ab since it is identical to indirect? 
 return(result)  }
 p.boot.mediate <- function(data,x,y,m,z,n.iter=10,std=FALSE,use="pairwise") {

  n.obs <- nrow(data)
  numx <- length(x)
  numy <- length(y)
  numm <- length(m)
  nxy <- numx + numy 
 result <- matrix(NA,nrow=n.iter,ncol = (numx*numy+ numm*numy*numx ))
 if((numm > 1) &  (numx > 1)) ab <- matrix(0,nrow=numx,ncol=numy) 
  p.result <- list()
  #mapply to debug
 p.result <-  t(mcmapply(short.boot,c(1:n.iter),MoreArgs=list(data,n.obs=n.obs,x=x,y=y,m=m,z=z,std=std,use=use))) #added the transpose 10/03/20 

"mediate.diagram" <- function(medi,digits=2,ylim=c(3,7),xlim=c(-1,10),show.c=TRUE, main="Mediation model",cex=1,l.cex=1,...) { 
    if(missing(l.cex)) l.cex <- cex
     dv <- medi$var.names[["DV"]]
   # iv <- medi$var.names[["IV"]]
     iv <- as.matrix(rownames(medi$direct))
     if(iv[1] =="Intercept") {iv <- iv[-1]
            direct <- round(medi$direct[-1,,drop=FALSE],digits)} else { direct <- round(medi$direct,digits)}
    mv <- medi$var.names[["med"]]
    mod <- medi$var.names[["mod"]]
   # numx <- length(medi$var.names[["IV"]])

    numy <- length(dv)
   # direct <- round(medi$direct,digits)
    if(!("Intercept*" %in% rownames(C))) {iv <- as.matrix(rownames(medi$direct)[-1])}
       numx <- NROW(iv)
    C <- round(medi$C[c(iv,mv,dv),c(iv,mv,dv)],digits) 
#if have moderated effects, this is the same as more xs  

miny <- 5 - max(length(iv)/2,length(mv),2) - .5
maxy <- 5 + max(length(iv)/2,length(mv),2) + .5

if(missing(xlim)) xlim=c(-numx * .67,10)
if(missing(ylim)) ylim=c(miny,maxy)
var.names <- c(rownames(medi$direct),colnames(medi$direct),rownames(medi$b))
if(is.null(mv)) {n.mediate <- 0} else {n.mediate <- length(mv)}

m <- list()
arrow.list <- list()
rect.list <- list()
 #c <- as.matrix(round(medi$total,digits))
 c <- as.matrix(round(medi$c,digits))
 a <- as.matrix(round(medi$a,digits))
 if(ncol(a)==1) a <- t(a)
 b <- as.matrix(round(medi$b,digits))
 cprime <- as.matrix(round(medi$cprime,digits))
 x <- list()
 if((numx > 1) && (n.mediate > 1) ) {adj <- 3} else {adj <- 2}  #this fixes where to put the labels on the a path

viv <- 1:numx
for(i in 1:numx)  {
if((numx %% 2)== 0) {
viv[i] <- switch(i,7,3,6,4,8,2,9,1,10)  } else { viv[i] <- switch(i,5,7,3,6,4,8,2,9)}
 x[[i]]  <- dia.rect(1,viv[i],iv[i],cex=cex,draw=FALSE,...)
   rect.list <- c(rect.list,iv[i],x[[i]])}
 vdv <- 1:numy
 y <- list()
 for (i in 1:numy) {
 if((numy %% 2)== 0) {
vdv[i] <- switch(i,6,4,7,3,8,2,9,1,10)  } else { vdv[i] <- switch(i,5,7,3,6,4,8,2,9)}
 y[[i]] <- dia.rect(9,vdv[i],dv[i],cex=cex,draw=FALSE,...) 
 rect.list <- c(rect.list,dv[i],y[[i]])

#y <- dia.rect(9,5,dv) 

v.loc <- 1:n.mediate
if(n.mediate > 0) {
for (mediate in 1:n.mediate) {
  if((n.mediate %% 2) ==0) {v.loc[mediate] <- switch(mediate,7,3,9,1,6,4,7,3,10) } else {
   1:  {v.loc[mediate] <- switch(mediate,7,3,8,1,6,4,9,2)}, 
   2 : {v.loc[mediate] <- switch(mediate,5,3,7,2,6,4,8,2)},
   3:  {v.loc[mediate] <- switch(mediate,5.5,3,7,2,5,4,8,2)},
   4:  {v.loc[mediate] <- switch(mediate,5,3,7,2,6,4,8,2)},
   5:  {v.loc[mediate] <- switch(mediate,6,3,7,2,5,4,8,2)},
   6:  {v.loc[mediate] <- switch(mediate,5,3,7,2,6,4,8,2)},
   7:   {v.loc[mediate] <- switch(mediate,6,3,7,2,5,4,8,2)})

v.loc <- sort(v.loc,decreasing=TRUE)
if(n.mediate ==0) { for(j in 1:numy) {
			for(i in 1: numx) {
     			d.arrow <-  dia.arrow(x[[i]]$right,y[[j]]$left,labels=paste("c = ",direct[i,j]),pos=NULL,cex=l.cex,draw=FALSE,...)
     			arrow.list <- c(arrow.list,d.arrow)}
} else {
if(n.mediate==1) a <- t(a)
for (mediate in 1:n.mediate) {
	m[[mediate]] <- dia.rect(5,v.loc[mediate],mv[mediate],cex=cex,draw=FALSE,... )
	  rect.list <- c(rect.list,mv[mediate],m[[mediate]]) 
		for(j in 1:numy) {
			for(i in 1: numx) {d.arrow <- dia.arrow(x[[i]]$right,m[[mediate]]$left,labels=a[i,mediate],adj=adj,cex=l.cex,draw=FALSE,...)
			           arrow.list <- c(arrow.list,d.arrow) #a term
     			if(show.c) {d.arrow <- dia.arrow(x[[i]]$right,y[[j]]$left,labels=paste("c = ",c[i,j]),pos=3,cex=l.cex,draw=FALSE,...)
     			  arrow.list <- c(arrow.list,d.arrow)}
     			 d.arrow <- dia.arrow(x[[i]]$right,y[[j]]$left,labels=paste("c' = ",cprime[i+1,j]),pos=1,cex=l.cex,draw=FALSE,...)
     			  arrow.list <- c(arrow.list,d.arrow)}   #we have an intercept
      			d.arrow <- dia.arrow(m[[mediate]]$right,y[[j]]$left,labels=b[mediate,j],cex=l.cex,draw=FALSE,...)
      			 arrow.list <- c(arrow.list,d.arrow)  #     
	rviv <- max(viv)
if(numx >1) {
  for (i in 2:numx) {
  for (k in 1:(i-1)) {dia.curved.arrow(x[[i]]$left,x[[k]]$left,C[i,k],scale=-(numx-1)*(abs(viv[i]-viv[k])/rviv),both=TRUE,dir="u",cex=l.cex,...)} 
  } }

"moderate.diagram" <- function(medi,digits=2,ylim=c(2,8),main="Moderation model",cex=1,l.cex=1,...) {
if(missing(l.cex)) l.cex <- cex  

var.names <- rownames(medi$direct)
x.names <- rownames(medi$direct)
if(x.names[1] == "Intercept") {x.names <- x.names[-1]
 beta <- round(medi$direct[-1,,drop=FALSE],digits)} else { beta <- round(medi$direct,digits)}   #fixed 10/29/20
y.names <- colnames(medi$direct)
#beta <- round(medi$direct,digits)

nx <- length(x.names)
ny <- length(y.names)
top <- max(nx,ny)
top <- max(nx,ny)
x <- list()
y <- list()
x.scale <- top/(nx+1)
y.scale <- top/(ny+1)


for(i in 1:nx) {x[[i]] <- dia.rect(2,top-i*x.scale,x.names[i],cex=cex,...) }
for(j in 1: ny) {y[[j]] <- dia.rect(7,top-j*y.scale,y.names[j],cex=cex,...) }
y[[1]] <- dia.rect(7,top-y.scale,y.names[1],cex=cex,...) 
# dia.arrow(x[[1]]$right,y[[j]]$left,labels=paste("c = ",c),pos=3,...)
#dia.arrow(x[[1]]$right,y[[j]]$left,labels=paste("c' = ",cprime),pos=1,...)

for(j in 1:ny){
for(i in 1:nx) {
   dia.arrow(x[[i]]$right,y[[j]]$left,labels = beta[i,j],adj=2,cex=l.cex,...)
if(nx >1) {
  for (i in 2:nx) {
  for (k in 1:(i-1)) {dia.curved.arrow(x[[i]]$left,x[[k]]$left,round(medi$C[i+1,k+1],2),scale= -(abs(k-i)),both=TRUE,dir="u",cex=l.cex,...)} 
  } }

  #finally got the print to work on multiple dvs    11/24/19 	
"summary_psych.mediate" <- function(x,digits=2,short=FALSE) {
 cat("Call: ")
    dv <- x$var.names[["DV"]]
   # iv <- x$var.names[["IV"]]
    mv <- x$var.names[["med"]]
    mod <- x$var.names[["mod"]]
   # dv <- x$names[1]
    iv <- rownames(x$direct)[-1]
    niv <- length(iv)
    nmed <- length(mv)
    ndv <- length(dv)
     nz <- length(x$var.names[["z"]])
 if(nmed < 1) {
 cat("\nNo mediator specified leads to traditional regression \n") } else {    
 cat("\nDirect effect estimates (traditional regression)    (c') X + M on Y \n")}
 #print the traditional regression values
     for(j in 1:ndv) {
    if (niv==1) { dfd <- round(data.frame(direct=x$cprime.reg$beta[,j],se = x$cprime.reg$se[,j],t=x$cprime.reg$t[,j],df=x$cprime.reg$df),digits)
     dfdp <- cbind(dfd,p=signif(x$cprime.reg$prob[,j],digits=digits+1)) } else {
     dfd <- round(data.frame(direct=x$cprime.reg$beta[1:(niv+1+nmed),j],se = x$cprime.reg$se[1:(niv+1+nmed),j],t=x$cprime.reg$t[1:(niv+1+nmed),j],df=x$cprime.reg$df),digits)
     dfdp <- cbind(dfd,p=signif(x$cprime.reg$prob[1:(niv+1+nmed),j],digits=digits+1))
      colnames(dfdp) <- c(dv[j],"se","t","df","Prob")
     F <-  x$cprime.reg$df * x$cprime.reg$R2[j]/(((nrow(x$cprime.reg$beta)-1) * (1-x$cprime.reg$R2[j])))
      pF <-  -expm1(pf(F,nrow(x$cprime.reg$beta)-1,x$cprime.reg$df,log.p=TRUE)) 
      cat("\nR =", round(sqrt(x$cprime.reg$R2[j]),digits),"R2 =", round(x$cprime.reg$R2[j],digits),  "  F =", round(F,digits), "on",nrow(x$cprime.reg$beta)-1, "and", x$cprime.reg$df,"DF   p-value: ",signif(pF,digits+1), "\n") 
 if(nmed > 0) {
     cat("\n Total effect estimates (c) (X on Y) \n")
        for(j in 1:ndv) {

    dft <- round(data.frame(direct=x$total.reg$beta[,j],se = x$total.reg$se[,j],t=x$total.reg$t[,j],df=x$total.reg$df),digits)
    dftp <- cbind(dft,p = signif(x$total.reg$prob[,j],digits=digits+1))
    colnames(dftp) <- c(dv[j],"se","t","df","Prob")
    rownames(dftp) <- rownames(x$total.reg$beta)

    cat("\n 'a'  effect estimates (X on M) \n")
for(j in 1:ndv) {
  if(niv==1) {
    for(i in 1:nmed) {
    	dfa <- round(data.frame(a = x$a.reg$beta[,i],se = x$a.reg$se[,i],t = x$a.reg$t[,i],df= x$a.reg$df),digits)
    	dfa <- cbind(dfa,p=signif(x$a.reg$prob[,i],digits=digits+1))
    	if(NROW(dfa) ==1) {rownames(dfa) <- rownames(x$a.reg$beta)
    	colnames(dfa) <-  c(colnames(x$a.reg$beta),"se","t","df", "Prob")} else {
    	rownames(dfa) <- rownames(x$a.reg$beta)
    	colnames(dfa) <-  c(colnames(x$a.reg$beta)[i],"se","t","df", "Prob")}
    	} else {
     	for (i in 1:nmed) {
     	dfa <- round(data.frame(a = x$a.reg$beta[,i],se = x$a.reg$se[,i],t = x$a.reg$t[,i],df= x$a.reg$df),digits)
    	dfa <- cbind(dfa,p=signif(x$a.reg$prob[,i],digits=digits+1))
     	rownames(dfa) <-rownames(x$a.reg$beta)
     	colnames(dfa) <-  c(colnames(x$a.reg$beta)[i],"se","t","df","Prob") 
     	print(dfa) }
      cat("\n 'b'  effect estimates (M on Y controlling for X) \n")
      for (j in 1:ndv) {
      if(niv==1) {
     dfb <- round(data.frame(direct=x$b.reg$beta[-(1:niv),j],se = x$b.reg$se[-(1:niv),j],t=x$b.reg$t[-(1:niv),j], df=x$b.reg$df),digits)
     dfb <- cbind(dfb,p=signif(x$b.reg$prob[-(1:niv),j],digits=digits+1))} else {
      dfb <- round(data.frame(direct=x$b.reg$beta[-(1:niv),j],se = x$b.reg$se[-(1:niv),j],t=x$b.reg$t[-(1:niv),j],df=x$b.reg$df),digits)
     dfb <- cbind(dfb,p=signif(x$b.reg$prob[-(1:niv),j],digits=digits+1))}
     rownames(dfb) <- rownames(x$b.reg$beta)[-(1:niv)]
     colnames(dfb) <-  c(dv[j],"se","t","df", "Prob")
  #not clear how this is different from next section
  #the indirect is correct, but the mediators (boot) need to be summed 
      cat("\n 'ab'  effect estimates (through all  mediators)\n")

#need to think about the number of mediators as well as ndv and niv
 for (j in 1:ndv) {   #currently only works for ndv =1
 if(niv > 1){
  dfab  <- round(data.frame(indirect = x$ab[,j],boot = x$boot$mean[,j],
                       #    lower=x$boot$ci[,((j-1)*(niv+ndv+nmed)+niv+1):((j)*(niv+ndv+nmed))],
                        #  upper=x$boot$ci[,((j-1)*(niv+ndv+nmed)+niv+1):((j)*(niv+ndv+nmed))]),digits)}  else {
                       upper=x$boot$ci[2,j]),digits)}  else {
       dfab  <-round(data.frame(indirect = x$ab[,j],boot = x$boot$mean[,j]
#                         #  lower=x$boot$ci[1,1:niv],   #was niv perhaps should be ndv?
#                          #  upper=x$boot$ci[2,1:niv]),digits)
                            lower=x$boot$ci[1,(1:niv + niv*(j-1))],
                            upper=x$boot$ci[2,(1:niv + niv*(j-1))]),digits)
#                          #  lower=x$boot$ci[1,(j*niv )],
#                           # upper=x$boot$ci[2,(j*niv )]),digits)
 # dfab <- round(data.frame(indirect = x$ab[,j],boot = sum(x$boot$mean[,1:(j*niv+1)])),digits)}
      rownames(dfab) <- rownames(x$ab)
      colnames(dfab)[1] <- dv[j]
#      }
    #now show the individual ab effects (just works for 1 dv)

#rownames(x$boot$ci) <- rownames(x$boot$mean) <- rownames(x$boot$sd ) <- NULL

#problem when ndv > 1

for(k in 1: ndv) {
    if(nmed > 1) {
    cat("\n 'ab' effects estimates for each mediator for",colnames(x$ab)[k], "\n")
    #rows of x$boot$mean are IVs
    #columns of x$boot$mean are g for each DV
    dfab <-  round(data.frame(boot=as.vector(x$boot$mean),sd=as.vector(x$boot$sd),
                    upper =x$boot$ci[2,]), digits)
  #   for (j in 1:nmed) { 
#        dfab  <-round(data.frame(#indirect = x$all.ab[,j],
#              boot = as.vector(x$boot$mean[,(k*(j-1)+1):(k*j)]),sd=as.vector(x$boot$sd[,(k*(j-1)+1):(k*j)]),
#                            #lower=x$boot$ci[1,(j*niv*k +1):(j*niv*k +niv)],
#                            #upper=x$boot$ci[2,(j*niv*k +1):(j*niv*k +niv)]),digits)
#                             lower=x$boot$ci[1,(1:(j*niv*k ))],
#                            upper=x$boot$ci[2,(1:(j*niv*k))]),digits)
#      #rownames(dfab) <- colnames(x$boot$ci)
#      # colnames(dfab)[1] <- mv[j]
#       }
       #now, if number of mediators >1, compare them

  #not clear what this is supposed to do  
 #   if(nmed * niv * ndv > 1) {
#           cat("\n Compare the ab estimates for each mediator \n")
#       print(round(compare.boot(x$boot.values),digits))
#       }
compare.boot <- function(boot,alpha=.05)  {
  #find the differences
  ncboot <- ncol(boot)
  npairs <- ncboot * (ncboot-1)/2
  if(ncboot > 1) {
  num.cases <- nrow(boot)
  cnames <- colnames(boot)
  diff<- matrix(NA,ncol=npairs,nrow=nrow(boot))
  cn <- rep(NA,npairs)
  k <- 1
  for(i in 2:ncboot) {
    for (j in 1:(i-1)){
    diff[,k] <- boot[,i]- boot[,j]
    k <- k +1  }}
  mean.diff <- colMeans(diff)    
            sd.diff <- apply(diff,2,sd)
            ci.quant <- apply(diff,2, function(x) quantile(x,c(alpha/2,1-alpha/2),na.rm=TRUE)) 

           # mean.boot <- matrix(mean.boot[1:(numx*numy)],nrow=numx)
           mean.diff <- matrix(mean.diff,nrow=npairs)
           # sd.boot <- matrix(sd.boot[1:(numx*numy)],nrow=numx)
           sd.diff <- matrix(sd.diff,nrow=npairs)
           k <- 1
           for(i in 2:length(cnames)) {
              for (j in 1:(i-1)){cn[k] <- paste0(cnames[i]," x ",cnames[j])
              k <- k + 1}
             diff.df <- data.frame(mean.diff=mean.diff,sd.diff=sd.diff,low=ci.quant[1,], high=ci.quant[2,])
          #  ci.ab <- matrix(ci.quant,nrow=2*numx)
          ci.ab <- ci.quant
           # colnames(mean.boot) <- colnames(sd.boot)  <- c(y,m)
         #   rownames(mean.diff) <- rownames(sd.diff) <- x
            #boots <- list(diffs=diff.df)
            } else {} #nothing to do

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