
Defines functions SS_html

Documented in SS_html

#' Create HTML files to view figures in browser.
#' Writes a set of HTML files with tabbed navigation between them.  Depends on
#' [SS_plots()] with settings in place to write figures to PNG files.
#' Should open main file in default browser automatically.
#' @template replist
#' @param plotdir Directory where PNG files are located.
#' @param plotInfoTable CSV file with info on PNG files. By default, the
#' `plotdir` directory will be searched for files with name beginning
#' 'plotInfoTable*'
#' @param title Title for HTML page.
#' @param width Width of plots (in pixels).
#' @param openfile Automatically open index.html in default browser?
#' @param multimodel Override errors associated with plots from multiple model
#' runs. Only do this if you know what you're doing.
#' @param filenotes Add additional notes to home page.
#' @param verbose Display more info while running this function?
#' @note By default, this function will look in the directory where PNG files
#' were created for CSV files with the name 'plotInfoTable...' written by
#' 'SS_plots. HTML files are written to link to these plots and put in the same
#' directory. Please provide feedback on any bugs, annoyances, or suggestions
#' for improvement.
#' @author Ian Taylor
#' @export
#' @seealso [SS_plots()], [SS_output()]
SS_html <- function(replist = NULL,
                    plotdir = NULL,
                    plotInfoTable = NULL,
                    title = "SS Output",
                    width = 500,
                    openfile = TRUE,
                    multimodel = FALSE,
                    filenotes = NULL,
                    verbose = TRUE) {
  if (verbose) {
      "Running 'SS_html':\n",
      "  By default, this function will look in the directory where PNG files were created\n",
      "  for CSV files with the name 'plotInfoTable...' written by 'SS_plots.'\n",
      "  HTML files are written to link to these plots and put in the same directory.\n\n"
  if (is.null(plotdir)) {
    stop("input 'plotdir' required")
  # check for table in directory with PNG files
  if (is.null(plotInfoTable)) {
    if (!is.null(replist)) {
      filenames <- dir(plotdir)
      # look for all files beginning with the name 'plotInfoTable'
      filenames <- filenames[grep("plotInfoTable", filenames)]
      filenames <- filenames[grep(".csv", filenames)]
      if (length(filenames) == 0) stop("No CSV files with name 'plotInfoTable...'")
      plotInfoTable <- NULL
      # loop over matching CSV files and combine them
      for (ifile in 1:length(filenames)) {
        filename <- file.path(plotdir, filenames[ifile])
        temp <- read.csv(filename, colClasses = "character")
        plotInfoTable <- rbind(plotInfoTable, temp)
      plotInfoTable[["png_time"]] <- as.POSIXlt(plotInfoTable[["png_time"]])
      # look for duplicate models
      runs <- unique(plotInfoTable[["StartTime"]])
      if (length(runs) > 1) {
        if (multimodel) {
          msg <- c(
            "Warning!: CSV files with name 'plotInfoTable...' are from multiple model runs.\n",
            "    Hopefully you know what you're doing, or change to 'multimodel=FALSE.\n",
            "    Runs:\n"
          for (irun in 1:length(runs)) msg <- c(msg, paste("    ", runs[irun], "\n"))
        } else {
          msg <- c(
            "CSV files with name 'plotInfoTable...' are from multiple model runs.\n",
            "    Delete old files or (if you really know what you're doing) override with 'multimodel=TRUE.\n",
            "    Runs:\n"
          for (irun in 1:length(runs)) msg <- c(msg, paste("    ", runs[irun], "\n"))
      # look for duplicate file names
      filetable <- table(plotInfoTable[["file"]])
      duplicates <- names(filetable[filetable > 1])
      # loop over duplicates and remove rows for older instance
      if (length(duplicates) > 0) {
        if (verbose) cat("Removing duplicate rows in combined plotInfoTable based on multiple CSV files\n")
        for (idup in 1:length(duplicates)) {
          duprows <- grep(duplicates[idup], plotInfoTable[["file"]], fixed = TRUE)
          duptimes <- plotInfoTable[["png_time"]][duprows]
          # keep duplicates with the most recent time
          dupbad <- duprows[duptimes != max(duptimes)]
          goodrows <- setdiff(1:nrow(plotInfoTable), dupbad)
          plotInfoTable <- plotInfoTable[goodrows, ]
    } else {
      stop("Need input for 'replist' or 'plotInfoTable'")
  if (!is.data.frame(plotInfoTable)) {
    stop("'plotInfoTable' needs to be a data frame")

  plotInfoTable[["basename"]] <- basename(as.character(plotInfoTable[["file"]]))
  plotInfoTable[["dirname"]] <- dirname(as.character(plotInfoTable[["file"]]))
  plotInfoTable[["dirname2"]] <- basename(dirname(as.character(plotInfoTable[["file"]])))
  plotInfoTable[["path"]] <- file.path(plotInfoTable[["dirname2"]], plotInfoTable[["basename"]])
  dir <- dirname(plotInfoTable[["dirname"]])[1]

  # write unique HTML file for each category of plots (or whatever)
  categories <- unique(plotInfoTable[["category"]])
  for (icat in 0:length(categories)) {
    if (icat == 0) {
      category <- "Home"
      htmlfile <- file.path(plotdir, "_SS_output.html")
      htmlhome <- htmlfile
      if (verbose) {
        cat("Home HTML file with output will be:\n", htmlhome, "\n")
    } else {
      category <- categories[icat]
      htmlfile <- file.path(plotdir, paste("_SS_output_", category, ".html", sep = ""))
    # write HTML head including some CSS stuff about fonts and whatnot
    # source for text below is http://unraveled.com/publications/css_tabs/
    cat("<html><head><title>", title, "</title>\n",
      "    <!-- source for text below is http://unraveled.com/publications/css_tabs/ -->\n",
      "    <!-- CSS Tabs is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ -->\n",
      "    \n",
      '    <style type="text/css">\n',
      "    \n",
      "    body {\n",
      "    font: 100% verdana, arial, sans-serif;\n",
      "    background-color: #fff;\n",
      "    margin: 50px;\n",
      "    }\n",
      "    \n",

      #### this stuff allows scrolling while leaving the tabs in place,
      #### but I'd like to not have to set the height
      ## .container{
      ## }
      ## .panel{
      ## height: 1000px;
      ## overflow: auto;
      ## }

      "    /* begin css tabs */\n",
      "    \n",
      "    ul#tabnav { /* general settings */\n",
      "    text-align: left; /* set to left, right or center */\n",
      "    margin: 1em 0 1em 0; /* set margins as desired */\n",
      "    font: bold 11px verdana, arial, sans-serif; /* set font as desired */\n",
      "    border-bottom: 1px solid #6c6; /* set border COLOR as desired */\n",
      "    list-style-type: none;\n",
      "    padding: 3px 10px 2px 10px; /* THIRD number must change with respect to padding-top (X) below */\n",
      "    }\n",
      "    \n",
      "    ul#tabnav li { /* do not change */\n",
      "    display: inline;\n",
      "    }\n",
      "    \n",
      "    body#tab1 li.tab1, body#tab2 li.tab2, body#tab3 li.tab3, body#tab4 li.tab4 { /* settings for selected tab */\n",
      "    border-bottom: 1px solid #fff; /* set border color to page background color */\n",
      "    background-color: #fff; /* set background color to match above border color */\n",
      "    }\n",
      "    \n",
      "    body#tab1 li.tab1 a, body#tab2 li.tab2 a, body#tab3 li.tab3 a, body#tab4 li.tab4 a { /* settings for selected tab link */\n",
      "    background-color: #fff; /* set selected tab background color as desired */\n",
      "    color: #000; /* set selected tab link color as desired */\n",
      "    position: relative;\n",
      "    top: 1px;\n",
      "    padding-top: 4px; /* must change with respect to padding (X) above and below */\n",
      "    }\n",
      "    \n",
      "    ul#tabnav li a { /* settings for all tab links */\n",
      "    padding: 2px 4px; /* set padding (tab size) as desired; FIRST number must change with respect to padding-top (X) above */\n",
      "    border: 1px solid #6c6; /* set border COLOR as desired; usually matches border color specified in #tabnav */\n",
      "    background-color: #cfc; /* set unselected tab background color as desired */\n",
      "    color: #666; /* set unselected tab link color as desired */\n",
      "    margin-right: 0px; /* set additional spacing between tabs as desired */\n",
      "    text-decoration: none;\n",
      "    border-bottom: none;\n",
      "    }\n",
      "    \n",
      "    ul#tabnav a:hover { /* settings for hover effect */\n",
      "    background: #fff; /* set desired hover color */\n",
      "    }\n",
      "    \n",
      "    /* end css tabs */\n",
      "    \n",
      "    \n",
      "    h2 {\n",
      "    font-size: 20px;\n",
      "    color: #4c994c;\n",
      "    padding-top: 1px;\n",
      "    font-weight: bold;\n",
      "    border-bottom-width: 1px;\n",
      "    border-bottom-style: solid;\n",
      "    border-bottom-color: #6c6;\n",
      "    padding-bottom: 2px;\n",
      "    padding-left: 0px;\n",
      "    }\n",
      "    </style>",
      sep = "", file = htmlfile, append = FALSE

    ## # old navigation menu
    ## cat('<!-- Site navigation menu -->\n',
    ##     '  <ul class="navbar">\n',
    ##     file=htmlfile, append=TRUE)
    ## for(icat in categories)
    ##   cat('    <li><a href="#',icat,'">',icat,'</a></li>\n',sep="",
    ##       file=htmlfile, append=TRUE)

    # write navigation menu

    #### more stuff related to scroll options
    ## <div class="main">
    ##   <div class="container">

    cat("<!-- Site navigation menu -->\n",
      '  <ul id="tabnav">\n',
      file = htmlfile, append = TRUE
    for (itab in 0:length(categories)) {
      if (itab == 0) {
        tab <- "Home"
        cat('    <li class="tab1"><a href="_SS_output.html">Home</a></li>\n',
          sep = "",
          file = htmlfile, append = TRUE
      } else {
        tab <- categories[itab]
        cat('    <li class="tab', itab + 1, '"><a href="_SS_output_', tab, '.html">', tab, "</a></li>\n",
          sep = "",
          file = htmlfile, append = TRUE
    cat("  </ul>\n", file = htmlfile, append = TRUE)

    #### more stuff related to scroll options
    ## <div class="panel">

    # add text on "Home" page
    if (category == "Home") {
      cat('\n\n<h2><a name="', category, '">', category, "</h2>\n",
        sep = "",
        file = htmlfile, append = TRUE
      if (is.null(replist)) {
        cat('<p>Model info not available (need to supply "replist" input to SS_HTML function)</p>\n',
          sep = "", file = htmlfile, append = TRUE
      } else {
        r4ss_info <- packageDescription("r4ss")
        if (!is.list(r4ss_info)) {
          r4ss_info_text <- NULL
        } else {
          goodnames <- c(
            "Version", "Date", "Built",
            grep("Remote", names(r4ss_info), value = TRUE)
          r4ss_info_text <- "<p><b>r4ss info:<br></b>\n"
          for (name in goodnames) {
            r4ss_info_text <- c(
              paste0(name, ": ", r4ss_info[name], "<br>")
        cat("<p><b>SS version:</b>\n",
          replist[["SS_version"]], "</p>\n\n",
          "<p><b>Starting time of model:</b>\n",
          substring(replist[["StartTime"]], 12), "</p>\n\n",
          sep = "", file = htmlfile, append = TRUE
        if (!is.null(filenotes)) {
          for (i in 1:length(filenotes)) {
              paste(filenotes, collapse = "</b>\n"),
              sep = "", file = htmlfile, append = TRUE
        nwarn <- replist[["Nwarnings"]]
        if (is.na(nwarn)) {
          cat("<p><b>Warnings (from file warnings.sso):</b> NA</p>\n\n",
            sep = "", file = htmlfile, append = TRUE
        } else {
          if (nwarn == 0) {
            cat("<p><b>Warnings (from file warnings.sso):</b> None</p>\n\n",
              sep = "", file = htmlfile, append = TRUE
          if (nwarn > 0) {
            if (nwarn <= 20) {
              cat("<p><b>Warnings (from file warnings.sso):</b></p>\n\n",
                sep = "", file = htmlfile, append = TRUE
            } else {
              cat("<p><b>Warnings (first 20 from file warnings.sso):</b></p>\n\n",
                sep = "", file = htmlfile, append = TRUE
            for (irow in 3:length(replist[["warnings"]])) {
              cat(replist[["warnings"]][irow], "\n",
                sep = "", file = htmlfile, append = TRUE
              sep = "", file = htmlfile, append = TRUE
    } else if (category == "DiagnosticTables") {
      plotinfo <- plotInfoTable[plotInfoTable[["category"]] == category, ]
      cat('\n\n<h2><a name="', category, '">', category, "</h2>\n",
        sep = "",
        file = htmlfile, append = TRUE
      for (i in 1:nrow(plotinfo)) {
        txtfilename <- plotinfo[["basename"]][i]
        table_text <- readLines(file.path(plotdir, txtfilename))
        cat("<p align=left>",
          "<br>", plotinfo[["caption"]][i], "<br><i><small>file: <a href='",
          txtfilename, "'>", plotinfo[["basename"]][i], "</a></small></i>\n",
          sep = "", file = htmlfile, append = TRUE
    } else {
      plotinfo <- plotInfoTable[plotInfoTable[["category"]] == category, ]

      cat('\n\n<h2><a name="', category, '">', category, "</h2>\n",
        sep = "",
        file = htmlfile, append = TRUE
      for (i in 1:nrow(plotinfo)) {
        # default alternative text is caption up to any line break <br>
        alt <- strsplit(plotinfo[["caption"]][i],
          split = "<br>",
          fixed = TRUE
        cat("<p align=left><a href='", plotinfo[["basename"]][i],
          "'><img src='", plotinfo[["basename"]][i],
          "' border=0 width=", width,
          " alt='", alt, "'></a><br>",
          "<br><i><small>file: <a href='", plotinfo[["basename"]][i],
          "'>", plotinfo[["basename"]][i], "</a></small></i>\n",
          sep = "", file = htmlfile, append = TRUE

  #### more stuff related to scroll options
  ## </div></div>

  cat("\n\n</body>\n</html>", file = htmlfile, append = TRUE)

  # open HTML file automatically:
  # thanks John Wallace for finding the browseURL command
  if (openfile) {
    if (verbose) cat("Opening HTML file in your default web-browser.\n")
    # check for presence of file
    # alternative location for file in the path is relative to the working directory
    htmlhome2 <- file.path(getwd(), htmlhome)
    if (is.na(file.info(htmlhome2)$size)) {
    } else {

Try the r4ss package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

r4ss documentation built on May 28, 2022, 1:11 a.m.