
Defines functions get_last_phase get_tuning_table SS_tune_comps

Documented in get_last_phase get_tuning_table SS_tune_comps

#' Calculate new tunings for length and age compositions and (re)run models
#' Creates a table of values that can be copied into the SS control file
#' for SS 3.30 models to adjust the input sample sizes for length and age
#' compositions based on either the Francis or McAllister-Ianelli tuning or
#' adds the Dirichlet-Multinomial parameters to the necessary files to
#' tune the model using an integrated method.
#' Optionally, this function can automatically add these tunings to the
#' appropriate files and rerun the model for the desired number of iterations.
#' @md
#' @details
#' # `option`
#' ## Francis
#' The Francis approach to data weighting adjusts the input sample sizes using
#' a scalar such that the fit of the expected value is within the uncertainty
#' intervals based on the expected fit given adjusted sample sizes.
#' ## McAllister-Ianelli (MI)
#' Also known as the Harmonic-Mean approach to data weighting, the
#' McAllister-Ianelli weighting approach uses a scalar to adjust the input
#' sample size of composition data based matching the arithmetic mean
#' of the input sample size to the harmonic mean of the effective sample size.
#' ## Dirichlet-Multinomial (DM)
#' The Dirichlet-Multinomial likelihood is an alternative approach that allows
#' the tuning factor to be estimated rather than iteratively tuned.
#' Note that for `option = "DM"` a table of tunings is
#' not created as the DM is not an iterative reweighting option. Instead, each
#' of the fleets with length- and age-composition data will be assigned a DM
#' parameter and the model will be rerun.
#' # SS versions
#' ## 3.30.00-3.30.11
#' Recommended_var_adj and other columns were named differently in these
#' early version of SS. Calculations are thus done internally based on
#' finding the correct column name.
#' ## 3.30.12-3.30.16
#' Starting with SS version 3.30.12, the "Length_Comp_Fit_Summary"
#' table in Report.sso is already in the format required to paste into
#' the control file to apply the McAllister-Ianelli tuning. However, this
#' function provides the additional option of the Francis tuning and the
#' ability to compare the two approaches, as well as the functionality to add
#' tunings and rerun the model. The "Age_Comp_Fit_Summary" table in Report.sso
#' is formatted similarly though, though the Recommended_var_adj was wrongly
#' set to 1 for all fleets in SS versions 3.30.12 to 3.30.16. Thus, the
#' MI approach is not taken from this recommended column, instead, it is
#' calculated from the harmonic mean and input sample sizes.
#' @template replist
#' @param fleets Either the string 'all', or a vector of fleet numbers
#' @param option Which type of tuning: 'none', 'Francis', 'MI', or 'DM'.
#'  The first option, `none`, will only return information about the
#'  Francis and MI weights that are suggested.
#' @param digits Number of digits to round numbers to.
#' @param write Write suggested tunings to a file saved to the disk called
#'  `suggested_tunings.ss`. This file name is currently hard coded and will
#'  be saved in `dir`.
#' @param niters_tuning The number of times to retune models. Defaults to 0,
#'  where only the tunings should be calculated and the model is not rerun. Note
#'  that for DM, it will be assumed that 0 means not to run the model and
#'  specifying 1 or greater will only run the model once (because DM is not an
#'  iterative retuning method).
#' @param init_run Should the model be run before calculating the tunings?
#'  Defaults to `FALSE`. This run is not counted as an iteration for
#'  `niters_tuning` and will not be used if `option = "DM"`.
#' @param dir The path to the model directory.
#' @param model The name of the stock synthesis executable. This model is
#'  assumed to be either in the same folder as the model files (specified in
#'  `dir`), or in the PATH if `exe_in_path = TRUE`. This will not be used if
#'  `init_run = FALSE` and `niters_tuning = 0`.
#' @param exe_in_path logical. If TRUE, will look for exe in the PATH. If FALSE,
#'  will look for exe in the model folders. Default = FALSE.
#' @param extras Additional commands to use when running SS. Default = "-nox"
#'  will reduce the amount of command-line output. A commonly used option is
#'  "-nohess" to skip calculating the hessian (and asymptotic uncertainty).
#' @template verbose
#' @param allow_up_tuning Allow tuning values for Francis or MI > 1? Defaults to
#'  FALSE, which caps tuning values at 1.
#' @param ... Additional arguments to pass to [run_SS_models].
#' @return Returns a table that can be copied into the control file.
#' If `write=TRUE` then will write the values to a file
#' (currently hardwired to go in the directory where the model was run
#' and called "suggested_tunings.ss").
#' @author Ian G. Taylor, Kathryn Doering
#' @export
#' @seealso [SSMethod.TA1.8()]
#' @references Francis, R.I.C.C. (2011). Data weighting in statistical
#' fisheries stock assessment models. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 68: 1124-1138.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Set up the folders ----
#' # Create a temporary directory, feel free to change this location
#' mod_path <- file.path(tempdir(), "simple_mod")
#' # Path to simple model in r4ss and copy files to mod_path
#' example_path <- system.file("extdata", "simple_3.30.13", package = "r4ss")
#' # copy model input files
#' copy_SS_inputs(dir.old = example_path, dir.new = mod_path, verbose = FALSE)
#' # copy over the Report file
#' file.copy(
#'   from = file.path(example_path, "Report.sso"),
#'   to = file.path(mod_path, "Report.sso")
#' )
#' # copy comp report file
#' file.copy(
#'   from = file.path(example_path, "CompReport.sso"),
#'   to = file.path(mod_path, "CompReport.sso")
#' )
#' # Use the SS_tune_comps function----
#' # Examples where a model is not run ----
#' # Just get the Francis and MI tables, without running the model. Note that the
#' # model in mod_path needs to already have been run with Stock Synthesis, so
#' # that a report file is available.
#' weight_table <- SS_tune_comps(
#'   dir = mod_path,
#'   option = "none",
#'   verbose = FALSE
#' )
#' # view the weights. Note that the columns New_Francis and New_MI show the
#' # weights, but neither were added to the New_Var_adj column
#' weight_table
#' # Get the Francis and MI tables, but with the Francis weights in the
#' # New_Var_adj column. Note if option = "MI" were used, the output would be
#' # the same except that the New_Var_adj column would contain the MI weights.
#' weight_table_fran <- SS_tune_comps(
#'   dir = mod_path,
#'   option = "Francis",
#'   verbose = FALSE
#' )
#' weight_table_fran
#' # Add Dirichlet multinomial tuning parameters to the model, without running it.
#' DM_parm_info <- SS_tune_comps(
#'   option = "DM",
#'   niters_tuning = 0, # 0 means the model will not be run.
#'   dir = mod_path,
#'   model = "ss",
#'   extras = "-nohess",
#'   verbose = FALSE
#' )
#' # See the Dirichlet parameters added to the model.
#' DM_parm_info[["tuning_table_list"]]
#' # can also look in the data file to see which fleets of comp data now have
#' # DM parameters. The "ParmSelect" column of the len_info and age_info
#' # contains the dirichlet multinomial parameter numbers.
#' dat <- SS_readdat(file.path(mod_path, "simple_data.ss"), verbose = FALSE)
#' dat[["len_info"]]
#' dat[["age_info"]]
#' # Examples where models are run ----
#' # Run MI weighting and allow upweighting for 1 iteration. Assume that an ss
#' # executable called "ss or ss.exe" is available in the mod_path folder.
#' # If the executable is not available, then the call will exit on error.
#' # Note that the Dirichlet mulitnomial parameters will be removed, but any
#' # previous tunings will be retained.
#' tune_info <- SS_tune_comps(
#'   option = "MI",
#'   niters_tuning = 1,
#'   dir = mod_path,
#'   allow_up_tuning = TRUE,
#'   model = "ss",
#'   verbose = FALSE
#' )
#' # see the tuning table, and the weights applied to the model.
#' tune_info
#' # Add Dirichlet multinomial paramters and rerun. The function will
#' # automatically remove the MI weighting and add in the DM parameters.
#' # Use extras = "-nohess" when running model to speed up run.
#' DM_parm_info <- SS_tune_comps(
#'   option = "DM",
#'   niters_tuning = 1, # must be 1 or greater to run
#'   dir = mod_path,
#'   model = "ss",
#'   extras = "-nohess",
#'   verbose = FALSE
#' )
#' # see the DM parameter estimates
#' DM_parm_info[["tuning_table_list"]]
#' # cleanup ----
#' unlink(mod_path, recursive = TRUE)
#' }
SS_tune_comps <- function(replist = NULL, fleets = "all",
                          option = c("Francis", "MI", "none", "DM"),
                          digits = 6, write = TRUE, niters_tuning = 0,
                          init_run = FALSE, dir = getwd(), model = "ss",
                          exe_in_path = FALSE, extras = "-nox",
                          allow_up_tuning = FALSE,
                          verbose = TRUE, ...) {
  # check inputs
  option <- match.arg(option, several.ok = FALSE)
  # try to read in rep list, if it is null.
  if (is.null(replist)) {
    replist <- try(SS_output(dir = dir, verbose = FALSE, hidewarn = TRUE, printstats = FALSE))
    if ("try-error" %in% class(replist)) {
      replist <- NULL
  # this combination of setting won't work:
  if (is.null(replist) &
    init_run == FALSE &
    option %in% c("Francis", "MI", "none")) {
      "Please specify replist (no report file found) or set init_run == TRUE",
      " when using option Francis, MI, or none"
  # read in model files
  # get the r4ss files
  start <- SS_readstarter(file.path(dir, "starter.ss"), verbose = FALSE)
  dat <- SS_readdat(file.path(dir, start[["datfile"]]),
    verbose = FALSE, section = 1
  ctl <- SS_readctl(file.path(dir, start[["ctlfile"]]),
    use_datlist = TRUE, datlist = dat,
    verbose = FALSE
  if (fleets[1] == "all") {
    fleets <- seq_len(dat[["Nfleets"]])
  } else {
    if (!all(fleets %in% seq_len(dat[["Nfleets"]]))) {
      fleets <- fleets[fleets %in% seq_len(dat[["Nfleets"]])]
        "Not all fleets are included in the model. Changing fleets to ",
        "use only ones in the model: ", paste0(fleets, collapse = ", ")
      if (length(fleets) == 0) {
        stop("Please specify fleets used in the model")
  # add check that last_phase is less than max_phase in starter. If not,
  # modify the max phase and send warning.
  # get the highest phase in the model
  last_phase <- get_last_phase(ctl)
  if (last_phase >= start[["last_estimation_phase"]]) {
      "The last phase used in the control file, ", last_phase,
      ", is higher or the same as the last_estimation_phase in the ",
      "starter file currently set to ",
      start[["last_estimation_phase"]], ".",
      "Changing the last_estimation_phase in the starter file to ",
      last_phase + 1, "."
    start[["last_estimation_phase"]] <- last_phase + 1
      dir = dir, verbose = FALSE,
      overwrite = TRUE

  # francis, MI ----
  if (option %in% c("none", "Francis", "MI")) {
    if (!is.null(ctl[["dirichlet_parms"]])) {
      if (verbose) message("Removing DM parameters from model")
      # take DM specifications out of data file
      if (!is.null(dat[["len_info"]])) {
        dat[["len_info"]][, "CompError"] <- 0
        dat[["len_info"]][, "ParmSelect"] <- 0
      if (!is.null(dat[["age_info"]])) {
        dat[["age_info"]][, "CompError"] <- 0
        dat[["age_info"]][, "ParmSelect"] <- 0
      ctl[["dirichlet_parms"]] <- NULL
        file.path(dir, start[["ctlfile"]]),
        overwrite = TRUE,
        verbose = FALSE
        file.path(dir, start[["datfile"]]),
        overwrite = TRUE,
        verbose = FALSE
    # do an init model run if desired, to get a new replist.
    if (init_run) {
        dirvec = dir, model = model, extras = extras,
        skipfinished = FALSE, verbose = verbose,
        exe_in_path = exe_in_path, ...
        replist <- SS_output(
          dir = dir, verbose = FALSE, printstats = FALSE,
          covar = !grepl("nohess", extras),
          hidewarn = TRUE
    if (niters_tuning == 0 | option == "none") {
      # calculate the tuning table and rerun
      tuning_table <- get_tuning_table(
        replist = replist, fleets = fleets,
        option = option, digits = digits,
        write = write, verbose = verbose
    if (niters_tuning > 0) {
      # Use results from the tuning table to rerun the model, if desired.
      weights <- vector("list", length = niters_tuning)
      tuning_table_list <- vector("list", length = niters_tuning)
      for (it in seq_len(niters_tuning)) {
        # 2. get the tunings
          out <- SS_output(dir,
            verbose = FALSE, printstats = FALSE,
            covar = !grepl("nohess", extras),
            hidewarn = TRUE
        # construct the variance adjustment
        var_adj <- get_tuning_table(
          replist = out, fleets = fleets,
          option = option, digits = digits,
          write = write, verbose = verbose
        var_adj_unmodified <- var_adj
        var_adj <- var_adj[, 1:3]
        colnames(var_adj) <- c("Factor", "Fleet", "Value")
        if (allow_up_tuning == FALSE) {
          var_adj[["Value"]] <- ifelse(var_adj[["Value"]] > 1, 1, var_adj[["Value"]])
        var_adj <- var_adj[var_adj[["Fleet"]] %in% fleets, ]
        start <- SS_readstarter(file.path(dir, "starter.ss"),
          verbose = FALSE
        dat <- SS_readdat(file.path(dir, start[["datfile"]]),
          verbose = FALSE, section = 1
        ctl <- SS_readctl(file.path(dir, start[["ctlfile"]]),
          use_datlist = TRUE, datlist = dat,
          verbose = FALSE
        if ((nrow(var_adj)) > 0) {
          ctl[["DoVar_adjust"]] <- 1
          if (is.null(ctl[["Variance_adjustment_list"]])) {
            # create the list if it does not already exist
            ctl[["Variance_adjustment_list"]] <- var_adj
          } else {
            # leave all var adj intact, unless they match factor and fleet in var_adj.
            cur_var_adj <- ctl[["Variance_adjustment_list"]]
            for (i in seq_len(nrow(var_adj))) {
              tmp_fac <- var_adj[i, "Factor"]
              tmp_flt <- var_adj[i, "Fleet"]
              tmp_row <- which(ctl[["Variance_adjustment_list"]][, "Factor"] == tmp_fac &
                ctl[["Variance_adjustment_list"]][, "Fleet"] == tmp_flt)
              if (length(tmp_row) == 1) {
                ctl[["Variance_adjustment_list"]][tmp_row, ] <- var_adj[i, ]
              } else if (length(tmp_row) == 0) {
                ctl[["Variance_adjustment_list"]] <- rbind(ctl[["Variance_adjustment_list"]], var_adj[i, ])
              # sanity check. If user recieving this error message, function is not
              # working as developer intended.
              if (length(tmp_row) > 1) {
                  "Multiple rows with same factor and fleet in the variance ",
                  "variance adjustment list, which should not be possible. Please",
                  " check that the control file will work with SS. If still having",
                  " issues, please report your problem: ",
          file.path(dir, start[["ctlfile"]]),
          overwrite = TRUE,
          verbose = FALSE
        # 4. run SS again with reweighting
          dirvec = dir, model = model, extras = extras,
          skipfinished = FALSE, exe_in_path = exe_in_path,
          verbose = verbose, ...
        # save the weights from the run to a list
        weights[[it]] <- var_adj
        tuning_table_list[[it]] <- var_adj_unmodified
  # DM ----
  if (option == "DM") {
    if (init_run) {
        "Init run was TRUE, but option == DM, so no initial run was done.",
        "The model will only be run if niters > 0."
    # determine which fleets specified by user are included in model
    fleets_len <- fleets[fleets %in% unique(dat[["lencomp"]][, "FltSvy"])]
    fleets_age <- fleets[fleets %in% unique(dat[["agecomp"]][, "FltSvy"])]

    # 1. specify the parameters in the data file need to do dirichlet MN
    dat[["len_info"]][fleets_len, "CompError"] <- 1
    dat[["age_info"]][fleets_age, "CompError"] <- 1
    # TODO: make this more general so can share params across fleets?
    dat[["len_info"]][fleets_len, "ParmSelect"] <- seq_len(length(fleets_len))
    dat[["age_info"]][fleets_age, "ParmSelect"] <-
      (length(fleets_len) + 1):(length(fleets_len) + length(fleets_age))
    npars <- length(fleets_len) + length(fleets_age)
    # get the highest phase in the model
    last_phase <- get_last_phase(ctl)
    # add check that last_phase is less than max_phase in starter. If not,
    # modify the max phase and send warning.
    if (last_phase >= start[["last_estimation_phase"]]) {
        "The last phase used in the control file, ", last_phase,
        ", is higher or the same as the last_estimation_phase in the ",
        "starter file currently set to ",
        start[["last_estimation_phase"]], ".",
        "Changing the last_estimation_phase in the starter file to ",
        last_phase + 1, "."
      start[["last_estimation_phase"]] <- last_phase + 1
        dir = dir, verbose = FALSE,
        overwrite = TRUE
    ctl[["dirichlet_parms"]] <- data.frame(
      "LO" = rep(-5, times = npars),
      "HI" = 20,
      "INIT" = 0.5,
      "PRIOR" = 0,
      "PR_SD" = 1.813,
      "PR_type" = 6,
      "PHASE" = last_phase + 1,
      "env_var&link" = 0,
      "dev_link" = 0,
      "dev_minyr" = 0,
      "dev_maxyr" = 0,
      "dev_PH" = 0,
      "Block" = 0,
      "Block_Fxn" = 0

    # remove weights specified through variance adjustment for comps, if any
    if (!is.null(ctl[["Variance_adjustment_list"]])) {
      message("removing composition variance adjustments from model")
      # filter out just factors 4 and 5 for length and age comps
      if (nrow(ctl[["Variance_adjustment_list"]] > 0)) {
        ctl[["Variance_adjustment_list"]] <-
          ctl[["Variance_adjustment_list"]][!ctl[["Variance_adjustment_list"]][["Factor"]] %in%
            c(4:5), ]
      # remove the list if there's nothing left
      if (nrow(ctl[["Variance_adjustment_list"]]) == 0) {
        ctl[["Variance_adjustment_list"]] <- NULL
        ctl[["DoVar_adjust"]] <- 0
    # Run the model once - look for convergence
    SS_writedat(dat, file.path(dir, start[["datfile"]]),
      verbose = FALSE,
      overwrite = TRUE
    SS_writectl(ctl, file.path(dir, start[["ctlfile"]]),
      verbose = FALSE,
      overwrite = TRUE
    if (niters_tuning > 0) {
        dirvec = dir, model = model, extras = extras,
        skipfinished = FALSE, exe_in_path = exe_in_path,
        verbose = verbose, ...
        out <- SS_output(dir,
          verbose = FALSE, printstats = FALSE,
          covar = !grepl("nohess", extras),
          hidewarn = TRUE
      # figure out what to read in for weights? maybe the DM param ests?
      weights <- out[["Dirichlet_Multinomial_pars"]]
      tuning_table_list <- out[["Dirichlet_Multinomial_pars"]]
    } else {
      # maybe return something besides this weights?
      weights <- ctl[["dirichlet_parms"]]
      tuning_table_list <- ctl[["dirichlet_parms"]]
  return_list <- list(
    tuning_table_list = tuning_table_list,
    weights = weights

#' Get the tuning table
#' @template replist
#' @param fleets A vector of fleet numbers
#' @param option Which type of tuning: 'none', 'Francis', 'MI', or 'DM'
#' @param digits Number of digits to round numbers to
#' @param write Write suggested tunings to a file 'suggested_tunings.ss'
#' @template verbose
get_tuning_table <- function(replist, fleets,
                             digits = 6, write = TRUE, verbose = TRUE) {

  # check inputs
  # place to store info on data weighting
  tuning_table <- data.frame(
    Factor = integer(),
    Fleet = integer(),
    Var_adj = double(),
    Hash = character(),
    Old_Var_adj = double(),
    New_Francis = double(),
    New_MI = double(),
    Francis_mult = double(),
    Francis_lo = double(),
    Francis_hi = double(),
    MI_mult = double(),
    Type = character(),
    Name = character(),
    Note = character(),
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE
  # loop over fleets and modify the values for length data
  for (type in c("len", "age")) {
    for (fleet in fleets) {
      if (verbose) {
        message("calculating ", type, " tunings for fleet ", fleet)
      if (type == "len") {
        # table of info from SS
        tunetable <- replist[["Length_Comp_Fit_Summary"]]
        Factor <- 4 # code for Control file
        has_marginal <- fleet %in% replist[["lendbase"]][["Fleet"]]
        has_conditional <- FALSE
      if (type == "age") {
        # table of info from SS
        tunetable <- replist[["Age_Comp_Fit_Summary"]]
        Factor <- 5 # code for Control file
        has_marginal <- fleet %in% replist[["agedbase"]][["Fleet"]]
        has_conditional <- fleet %in% replist[["condbase"]][["Fleet"]]
      if (has_marginal & has_conditional) {
          "fleet", fleet, "has both conditional ages and marginal ages",
          "\ntuning will be based on conditional ages"
      if (has_marginal | has_conditional) {
        # data is present, calculate stuff
        # Francis_multiplier
        Francis_mult <- NULL
        Francis_lo <- NULL
        Francis_hi <- NULL
        Francis_output <- SSMethod.TA1.8(
          fit = replist, type = type,
          fleet = fleet, plotit = FALSE,
          printit = FALSE
        if (has_conditional) {
          # run separate function for conditional data
          # (replaces marginal multiplier if present)
          Francis_output <- SSMethod.Cond.TA1.8(
            fit = replist,
            fleet = fleet, plotit = FALSE,
            printit = FALSE
        Francis_mult <- Francis_output[1]
        Francis_lo <- Francis_output[2]
        Francis_hi <- Francis_output[3]
        Note <- ""
        if (is.null(Francis_output)) {
          Francis_mult <- NA
          Francis_lo <- NA
          Francis_hi <- NA
          Note <- "No Francis weight"
        # current value
        Curr_Var_Adj <- NA
        if ("Curr_Var_Adj" %in% names(tunetable)) {
          Curr_Var_Adj <- tunetable[["Curr_Var_Adj"]][tunetable[["Fleet"]] == fleet]
        if ("Var_Adj" %in% names(tunetable)) {
          Curr_Var_Adj <- tunetable[["Var_Adj"]][tunetable[["Fleet"]] == fleet]
        if (is.na(Curr_Var_Adj)) {
          stop("Model output missing required values, perhaps due to an older version of SS")

        # McAllister-Ianelli multiplier
        # that will later be multiplied by Curr_Var_Adj to get "New_MI"
        MI_mult <- NA
        if ("HarMean(effN)/mean(inputN*Adj)" %in% names(tunetable)) {
          MI_mult <- tunetable$"HarMean(effN)/mean(inputN*Adj)"[tunetable[["Fleet"]] == fleet]
        if ("MeaneffN/MeaninputN" %in% names(tunetable)) {
          MI_mult <- tunetable$"MeaneffN/MeaninputN"[tunetable[["Fleet"]] == fleet]
        if ("Factor" %in% names(tunetable)) {
          # starting with version 3.30.12
          MI_mult <- tunetable[["Recommend_var_adj"]][tunetable[["Fleet"]] == fleet] /
            tunetable[["Curr_Var_Adj"]][tunetable[["Fleet"]] == fleet]
        if (all(c("Factor", "HarMean_effN", "mean_Nsamp_adj") %in% names(tunetable))) {
          # starting with version 3.30.16?
          MI_mult <-
            tunetable[["HarMean_effN"]][tunetable[["Fleet"]] == fleet] /
              tunetable[["mean_Nsamp_adj"]][tunetable[["Fleet"]] == fleet]
        if (is.na(MI_mult)) {
          stop("Model output missing required values, perhaps due to an older version of SS")

        # make new row for table
        newrow <-
            Factor = Factor,
            Fleet = fleet,
            New_Var_adj = NA,
            hash = "#",
            Old_Var_adj = round(Curr_Var_Adj, digits),
            New_Francis = round(Curr_Var_Adj * Francis_mult, digits),
            New_MI = round(Curr_Var_Adj * MI_mult, digits),
            Francis_mult = round(Francis_mult, digits),
            Francis_lo = round(Francis_lo, digits),
            Francis_hi = round(Francis_hi, digits),
            MI_mult = round(MI_mult, digits),
            Type = type,
            Name = replist[["FleetNames"]][fleet],
            Note = Note,
            stringsAsFactors = FALSE

        # add row to existing table
        tuning_table <- rbind(tuning_table, newrow)
      } # end check for data type for this fleet
    } # end loop over fleets
  } # end loop over length or age

  # fill in new variance adjustment based on chosen option
  if (option == "none") {
    tuning_table[["New_Var_adj"]] <- tuning_table[["Old_Var_adj"]]
  if (option == "Francis") {
    tuning_table[["New_Var_adj"]] <- tuning_table[["New_Francis"]]
    NAvals <- is.na(tuning_table[["New_Var_adj"]])
    tuning_table[["New_Var_adj"]][NAvals] <- tuning_table[["New_MI"]][NAvals]
    tuning_table[["Note"]][NAvals] <- paste0(tuning_table[["Note"]][NAvals], "--using MI value")
  if (option == "MI") {
    tuning_table[["New_Var_adj"]] <- tuning_table[["New_MI"]]
  names(tuning_table)[1] <- "#Factor" # add hash to facilitate pasting into Control
  rownames(tuning_table) <- 1:nrow(tuning_table)

  # stuff related to generalized size frequency data
  tunetable_size <- replist[["Size_Comp_Fit_Summary"]]
  if (!is.null(tunetable_size)) {
      "Generalized size composition data doesn't have\n",
      "Francis weighting available and the table of tunings\n",
      "is formatted differently in both 'suggested_tuning.ss'\n",
      "and the data.frame returned by this function\n",
      "(which are also formatted different from each other)."

  # return the results
  if (write) {
    file <- file.path(replist[["inputs"]][["dir"]], "suggested_tuning.ss")
    if (verbose) {
      message("writing to file ", file)
      file = file, quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE
    # append generalized size comp table with different columns
    if (!is.null(tunetable_size)) {
      names(tunetable_size)[1] <- "#Factor" # add hash to facilitate pasting into Control
        file = file, quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, append = TRUE
  # remove mismatched columns from generalized size comp data to combine
  # with other data types
  if (!is.null(tunetable_size)) {
    tunetable_size[, -(1:4)] <- NA
    names(tunetable_size) <- names(tuning_table)
    tuning_table <- rbind(tuning_table, tunetable_size)
  # return the table

#' Get the highest phase used in the control file
#' @param ctl A control file list read in using `r4ss::SS_readctl`.
#' @author Kathryn Doering
get_last_phase <- function(ctl) {
  # read all phases in ctl
  df_vec <- c(
    "MG_parms", "MG_parms_tv", "MG_parms_seas", "SRparm", "SR_parms",
    "SR_parms_tv", "recr_cycle_pars", "init_F", "Q_parms",
    "Q_parms_tv", "size_selex_parms", "size_selex_parms_tv",
    "age_selex_parms", "age_selex_parms_tv", "dirichlet_parms", "pars_2D_AR",
    "TG_loss_init", "TG_loss_cronic", "TG_overdispersion",
    "TG_Report_fleet", "TG_Report_fleet_decay"
  atomic_vec <- c("recdev_phase", "recdev_early_phase", "Fcast_recr_phase")
  phases <- c(
      function(x, l) {
        l[[x]][, grep("PHASE|dev_PH", colnames(l[[x]])), drop = FALSE]
      l = ctl
    unlist(lapply(atomic_vec, function(x, l) l[[x]], l = ctl)),
    ctl[["F_setup2"]][2], ctl[["specs_2D_AR"]][, "devphase"]
  last_phase <- ceiling(max(phases)) # round up if not integer value.

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r4ss documentation built on May 28, 2022, 1:11 a.m.