
Defines functions SSplotComps

Documented in SSplotComps

#' Plot composition data and fits.
#' Plot composition data and fits from Stock Synthesis output.  Multi-figure
#' plots depend on `make_multifig`.
#' @template replist
#' @param subplots vector controlling which subplots to create
#' Numbering of subplots is as follows, where subplots 21 to 24
#' (aggregated across years) are provided first, and subplots
#' 1 to 10 are all repeated for each fleet
#' \itemize{
#'   \item 1 index data by fleet
#'   \item 1 multi-panel composition plot
#'   \item 2 single panel bubble plot for numbers at length or age
#'   \item 3 multi-panel bubble plots for conditional age-at-length
#'   \item 4 multi-panel plot of fit to conditional age-at-length for specific years
#'   \item 5 Pearson residuals for A-L key
#'   \item 6 multi-panel plot of point and line fit to conditional
#'           age-at-length for specific length bins
#'   \item 7 sample size plot
#'   \item 8 TA1.8 Francis weighting plot
#'   \item 9 TA1.8 Francis weighting plot for conditional data
#'   \item 10 Andre's mean age and std. dev. in conditional AAL
#'   \item 21 composition by fleet aggregating across years
#'   \item 22 composition by fleet aggregating across years within each season
#'   \item 23 composition by fleet aggregating across seasons within a year
#'   \item 24 bubble plot comparison of length or age residuals
#             across fleets within partition
#' }
#' @param kind indicator of type of plot can be "LEN", "SIZE", "AGE", "cond",
#' "GSTAGE", "GSTLEN", "L@A", or "W@A".
#' @param sizemethod if kind = "SIZE" then this switch chooses which of the
#' generalized size bin methods will be plotted.
#' @param aalyear Years to plot multi-panel conditional age-at-length fits for
#' all length bins; must be in a "c(YYYY,YYYY)" format. Useful for checking the
#' fit of a dominant year class, critical time period, etc. Default=-1.
#' @param aalbin The length bin for which multi-panel plots of the fit to
#' conditional age-at-length data will be produced for all years.  Useful to
#' see if growth curves are ok, or to see the information on year classes move
#' through the conditional data. Default=-1.
#' @param plot plot to active plot device?
#' @param print print to PNG files?
#' @param fleets optional vector to subset fleets for which plots will be made
#' @param fleetnames optional vector of fleet names to put in the labels
#' @param sexes which sexes to show plots for. Default="all" which will include
#' males, females, and unsexed. This option is not fully implemented for all
#' plots.
#' @param yupper upper limit on ymax for polygon/histogram composition plots
#' @param datonly make plots of data without fits?
#' @param samplesizeplots make sample size plots?
#' @param compresidplots make plots of residuals for fit to composition data?
#' @param bub make bubble plot for numbers at age or size?
#' @param showyears Add labels for years to sample size plots?
#' @param showsampsize add sample sizes to plot
#' @param showeffN add effective sample sizes to plot
#' @param aggregates_by_mkt separate plots of aggregates across years
#' into different plots for each market category (retained, discarded)?
#' @param sampsizeline show line for input sample sizes on top of conditional
#' age-at-length plots (TRUE/FALSE, still in development)
#' @param effNline show line for effective sample sizes on top of conditional
#' age-at-length plots (TRUE/FALSE, still in development)
#' @param minnbubble number of unique x values before adding buffer. see
#' ?bubble3 for more info.
#' @param pntscalar This scalar defines the maximum bubble size for bubble
#' plots. This option is still available but a better choice is to use cexZ1
#' which allow the same scaling throughout all plots.
#' @param scalebubbles scale data-only bubbles by sample size, not just
#' proportion within sample? Default=FALSE.
#' @param cexZ1 Character expansion (cex) for point associated with value of 1.
#' @param bublegend Add legend with example bubble sizes to bubble plots.
#' @param colvec Vector of length 3 with colors for females, males, unsexed fish
#' @param linescol Color for lines on top of polygons
#' @param xlas label style (las) input for x-axis. Default 0 has horizontal
#' labels, input 2 would provide vertical lables.
#' @param ylas label style (las) input for y-axis. Default NULL has horizontal
#' labels when all labels have fewer than 6 characters and vertical otherwise.
#' Input 0 would force vertical labels, and 1 would force horizontal.
#' @param axis1 optional position of bottom axis values
#' @param axis2 optional position of left size axis values
#' @param axis1labs optional vector of labels for axis1 (either NULL or needs to
#' match length of axis1)
#' @param sizebinlabs Vector of size bin labels corresponding to the generalized
#' size frequency method
#' @param red What color to use for females in bubble plots (default is slightly
#' transparent red)
#' @param blue What color to use for males in bubble plots (default is slightly
#' transparent blue)
#' @template pwidth
#' @template pheight
#' @template punits
#' @template ptsize
#' @template res
#' @param plotdir directory where PNG files will be written. by default it will
#' be the directory where the model was run.
#' @param cex.main character expansion parameter for plot titles
#' @param linepos should lines be added before points (linepos=1) or after
#' (linepos=2)?
#' @param fitbar show fit to bars instead of points
#' @param do.sqrt scale bubbles based on sqrt of size vector. see ?bubble3 for
#' more info.
#' @param smooth add loess smoother to observed vs. expected index plots and
#' input vs. effective sample size?
#' @param cohortlines optional vector of birth years for cohorts for which to
#' add growth curves to numbers at length bubble plots
#' @param labels vector of labels for plots (titles and axis labels)
#' @param printmkt show market categories in plot titles?
#' @param printsex show sex in plot titles?
#' @param maxrows maximum (or fixed) number or rows of panels in the plot
#' @param maxcols maximum (or fixed) number or columns of panels in the plot
#' @param maxrows2 maximum number of rows for conditional age at length plots
#' @param maxcols2 maximum number of columns for conditional age at length
#' plots
#' @param rows number or rows to return to as default for next plots to come or
#' for single plots
#' @param cols number or cols to return to as default for next plots to come or
#' for single plots
#' @param andre_oma Outer margins passed to Andre's multi-panel conditional
#' age-at-length plots.
#' @param andrerows Number of rows of Andre's conditional age-at-length plots
#' within each page. Default=3.
#' @param fixdims fix the dimensions at maxrows by maxcols or resize based on
#' number of years of data
#' @param fixdims2 fix the dimensions at maxrows by maxcols in aggregate plots
#' or resize based on number of fleets
#' @param maxneff the maximum value to include on plots of input and effective
#' sample size. Occasionally a calculation of effective N blows up to very
#' large numbers, rendering it impossible to observe the relationship for other
#' data. Default=5000.
#' @param verbose return updates of function progress to the R GUI?
#' @param scalebins Rescale expected and observed proportions by dividing by
#' bin width for models where bins have different widths? Caution!: May not
#' work correctly in all cases.
#' @param addMeans Add parameter means in addition to medians for MCMC
#' posterior distributions in which the median and mean differ.
#' @param mainTitle Logical indicating if a title for the plot should be produced
#' @param \dots additional arguments that will be passed to
#' the `par` command in the [make_multifig()] function.
#' @author Ian Taylor
#' @export
#' @seealso [SS_plots()], [make_multifig()]
SSplotComps <-
           subplots = c(1:10, 21, 24),
           kind = "LEN", sizemethod = 1, aalyear = -1, aalbin = -1,
           plot = TRUE, print = FALSE,
           fleets = "all", fleetnames = "default", sexes = "all",
           yupper = 0.4,
           datonly = FALSE, samplesizeplots = TRUE,
           compresidplots = TRUE, bub = FALSE,
           showyears = TRUE, showsampsize = TRUE,
           showeffN = TRUE, aggregates_by_mkt = FALSE,
           sampsizeline = FALSE, effNline = FALSE,
           minnbubble = 3, pntscalar = NULL,
           scalebubbles = FALSE, cexZ1 = 1.5, bublegend = TRUE,
           colvec = c(rgb(1, 0, 0, .7), rgb(0, 0, 1, .7), rgb(.1, .1, .1, .7)),
           linescol = c(rgb(0, .5, 0, .7), rgb(.8, 0, 0, .7), rgb(0, 0, .8, .7)),
           xlas = 0, ylas = NULL,
           axis1 = NULL, axis2 = NULL, axis1labs = NULL, sizebinlabs = NULL,
           blue = rgb(0, 0, 1, 0.7), red = rgb(1, 0, 0, 0.7),
           pwidth = 6.5, pheight = 6.5, punits = "in", ptsize = 10, res = 300,
           plotdir = "default", cex.main = 1, linepos = 1, fitbar = FALSE,
           do.sqrt = TRUE, smooth = TRUE, cohortlines = c(),
           labels = c(
             "Length (cm)", # 1
             "Age (yr)", # 2
             "Year", # 3
             "Observed sample size", # 4
             "Effective sample size", # 5
             "Proportion", # 6
             "cm", # 7
             "Frequency", # 8
             "Weight", # 9
             "Length", # 10
             "(mt)", # 11
             "(numbers x1000)", # 12
             "Stdev (Age)", # 13
             "Conditional AAL plot, ", # 14
             "Size bin"
           ), # 15
           printmkt = TRUE, printsex = TRUE,
           maxrows = 6, maxcols = 4, maxrows2 = 4, maxcols2 = 4, rows = 1, cols = 1,
           andre_oma = c(3, 0, 3, 0), andrerows = 4,
           fixdims = TRUE, fixdims2 = FALSE, maxneff = 5000, verbose = TRUE,
           scalebins = FALSE, addMeans = TRUE, mainTitle = FALSE, ...) {
    # SSplotComps

    ###### list of subplots
    ### { # loop over fleets
    ### subplot 1: multi-panel composition plot
    ### subplot 2: single panel bubble plot for numbers at length or age
    ### subplot 3: multi-panel bubble plots for conditional age-at-length
    ### subplot 4: multi-panel plot of fit to conditional age-at-length for specific years
    ### subplot 5: Pearson residuals for A-L key
    ### subplot 6: multi-panel plot of point and line fit to conditional
    ###            age-at-length for specific length bins
    ### subplot 7: sample size plot
    ### subplot 8: TA1.8 Francis weighting plot
    ### subplot 9: TA1.8 Francis weighting plot for conditional data
    ### subplot 10: Andre's mean age and std. dev. in conditional AAL
    ### } # end loop over fleets
    ### subplot 21: by fleet aggregating across years
    ### subplot 22: by fleet aggregating across years within each season
    ### subplot 23: by fleet aggregating across seasons within a year
    ### subplot 24: bubble plot comparison of length or age residuals
    ###             across fleets within partition

    # table to store information on each plot
    plotinfo <- NULL

    SS_versionNumeric <- replist[["SS_versionNumeric"]]

    lendbase <- replist[["lendbase"]]
    sizedbase <- replist[["sizedbase"]]
    agedbase <- replist[["agedbase"]]
    condbase <- replist[["condbase"]]
    ghostagedbase <- replist[["ghostagedbase"]]
    ghostlendbase <- replist[["ghostlendbase"]]
    ladbase <- replist[["ladbase"]]
    wadbase <- replist[["wadbase"]]
    tagdbase1 <- replist[["tagdbase1"]]
    tagdbase2 <- replist[["tagdbase2"]]

    nfleets <- replist[["nfleets"]]
    nseasons <- replist[["nseasons"]]
    seasfracs <- replist[["seasfracs"]]
    FleetNames <- replist[["FleetNames"]]
    nsexes <- replist[["nsexes"]]
    accuage <- replist[["accuage"]]

    Age_tuning <- replist[["Age_comp_Eff_N_tuning_check"]]

    # define a variety of titles and labels
    titles <- NULL
    titlemkt <- ""
    if (plotdir == "default") {
      plotdir <- replist[["inputs"]][["dir"]]

    # sort out which fleets will be included
    if (fleets[1] == "all") {
      fleets <- 1:nfleets
    } else {
      if (length(intersect(fleets, 1:nfleets)) != length(fleets)) {
        stop("Input 'fleets' should be 'all' or a vector of values between 1 and nfleets.")
    if (fleetnames[1] == "default") {
      fleetnames <- FleetNames

    # sort out which sexes will be included, and associated labels
    if (sexes[1] == "all") {
      sexes <- 0:nsexes # this can be used to subset stuff below
    if (nsexes == 1) {
      sexes <- 0:nsexes
    if (nsexes == 1 | length(sexes) > 1) {
      # single-sex models, or models with all sexes shown
      # on the same plot, don't need sex-specific title
      titlesex <- ""
      filesex <- ""
    if (nsexes > 1 & length(sexes) == 1) {
      # multi-sex models with only 1 sex shown need
      # title and filename info
      if (sexes == 0) {
        titlesex <- "sexes combined, "
        filesex <- "sex0"
      if (sexes == 1) {
        titlesex <- "female, "
        filesex <- "sex1"
      if (sexes == 2) {
        titlesex <- "male, "
        filesex <- "sex2"
    titlesex <- ifelse(printsex, titlesex, "")

    # a few quantities related to data type and plot number
    if (kind == "LEN") {
      dbase_kind <- lendbase
      kindlab <- labels[1]
      if (datonly) {
        filenamestart <- "comp_lendat_"
        titledata <- "Length comp data, "
      } else {
        filenamestart <- "comp_lenfit_"
        titledata <- "Length comps, "
    if (kind == "GSTLEN") {
      dbase_kind <- ghostlendbase
      kindlab <- labels[1]
      if (datonly) {
        filenamestart <- "comp_gstlendat_"
        titledata <- "Ghost length comp data, "
      } else {
        filenamestart <- "comp_gstlenfit_"
        titledata <- "Ghost length comps, "
    if (kind == "SIZE") {
      dbase_kind <- sizedbase[sizedbase[["method"]] == sizemethod, ]
      # if user provided sizebinlabs, then add tick and label
      # associated with each bin
      if (!is.null(sizebinlabs)) {
        kindlab <- labels[15]
        axis1 <- sort(unique(dbase_kind[["Bin"]]))
        # confirm that vector of labels is the correct length
        if (length(sizebinlabs) == length(axis1)) {
          axis1labs <- sizebinlabs
        } else {
          axis1labs <- axis1
            "Input 'sizebinlabs' differs in length from the unique Bin\n",
            "  values associated with sizemethod = ", sizemethod,
            ". Using bin values instead."
      } else {
        # evenly spaced units in length or weight rather than sizebins
        sizeunits <- unique(dbase_kind[["units"]])
        if (length(sizeunits) > 1) {
            "!error with size units in generalized size comp plots:\n",
            "    more than one unit value per method.\n"
        if (sizeunits %in% c("in", "cm")) {
          kindlab <- paste(labels[10], " (", sizeunits, ")", sep = "")
        if (sizeunits %in% c("lb", "kg")) {
          kindlab <- paste(labels[9], " (", sizeunits, ")", sep = "")
      if (datonly) {
        filenamestart <- "comp_sizedat_"
        titledata <- "Size comp data, "
      } else {
        filenamestart <- "comp_sizefit_"
        titledata <- "Size comps, "
      # add text noting which size method is represented
      if (length(unique(sizedbase[["method"]])) > 1) {
        filenamestart <- paste0(filenamestart, "method", sizemethod, "_")
        titledata <- paste0(titledata, " size method ", sizemethod, ", ")
    if (kind == "AGE") {
      dbase_kind <- agedbase
      kindlab <- labels[2]
      if (datonly) {
        filenamestart <- "comp_agedat_"
        titledata <- "Age comp data, "
      } else {
        filenamestart <- "comp_agefit_"
        titledata <- "Age comps, "
    if (kind == "cond") {
      dbase_kind <- condbase
      kindlab <- labels[2]
      if (datonly) {
        filenamestart <- "comp_condAALdat_"
        titledata <- "Conditional age-at-length data, "
      } else {
        filenamestart <- "comp_condAALfit_"
        titledata <- "Conditional age-at-length, "
    if (kind == "GSTAGE") {
      dbase_kind <- ghostagedbase
      kindlab <- labels[2]
      if (datonly) {
        filenamestart <- "comp_gstagedat_"
        titledata <- "Ghost age comp data, "
      } else {
        filenamestart <- "comp_gstagefit_"
        titledata <- "Ghost age comps, "
    if (kind == "GSTcond") {
      dbase_kind <- ghostagedbase
      kindlab <- labels[2]
      if (datonly) {
        filenamestart <- "comp_gstCAALdat_"
        titledata <- "Ghost conditional age-at-length data, "
      } else {
        filenamestart <- "comp_gstCAALfit_"
        titledata <- "Ghost conditional age-at-length comps, "
    if (kind == "L@A") {
      dbase_kind <- ladbase[ladbase[["Nsamp_adj"]] != 0, ] # remove values with 0 sample size
      kindlab <- labels[2]
      if (datonly) {
        filenamestart <- "comp_LAAdat_"
        titledata <- "Mean length at age data, "
      } else {
        filenamestart <- "comp_LAAfit_"
        titledata <- "Mean length at age fit, "
      dbase_kind[["SD"]] <- dbase_kind[["Lbin_lo"]] / dbase_kind[["Nsamp_adj"]]
    if (kind == "W@A") {
      dbase_kind <- wadbase[wadbase[["Nsamp_adj"]] != 0, ] # remove values with 0 sample size
      kindlab <- labels[2]
      if (datonly) {
        filenamestart <- "comp_WAAdat_"
        titledata <- "Mean weight at age data, "
      } else {
        filenamestart <- "comp_WAAfit_"
        titledata <- "Mean weight at age fit, "
      dbase_kind[["SD"]] <- dbase_kind[["Lbin_lo"]] / dbase_kind[["Nsamp_adj"]]
    if (!(kind %in% c("LEN", "SIZE", "AGE", "cond", "GSTAGE", "GSTLEN", "L@A", "W@A"))) {
        "Input 'kind' to SSplotComps needs to be one of the following:\n  ",

    if (datonly) {
      titletype <- titledata
    } else {
      titletype <- "Pearson residuals, "

    # partition group is used by some aggregate plots (subplot 21+)
    # either equal to partition or constant across all samples
    if (nrow(dbase_kind) > 0) {
      if (aggregates_by_mkt) {
        dbase_kind[["Part_group"]] <- dbase_kind[["Part"]]
      } else {
        dbase_kind[["Part_group"]] <- -1 # code for all partitions combined

    # Add asterix to indicate super periods and then remove rows labeled "skip".
    # It would be better to somehow show the range of years, but that seems difficult.
    if (any(dbase_kind[["SuprPer"]] == "Sup" & dbase_kind[["Used"]] == "skip")) {
        "Note: removing super-period composition values labeled 'skip'\n",
        "     and designating super-period values with a '*'\n"
      dbase_kind <- dbase_kind[dbase_kind[["SuprPer"]] == "No" | dbase_kind[["Used"]] != "skip", ]
      dbase_kind[["YrSeasName"]] <- paste(dbase_kind[["YrSeasName"]], ifelse(dbase_kind[["SuprPer"]] == "Sup", "*", ""), sep = "")
    ageerr_warning <- TRUE

    # subset data based on requested range of fleets and sexes
    dbase_kind <- dbase_kind[dbase_kind[["Fleet"]] %in% fleets & dbase_kind[["sex"]] %in% sexes, ]

    ### subplot 21: by fleet aggregating across years
    if (21 %in% subplots & kind != "cond") # for age or length comps, but not conditional AAL
        # check for the presence of data
        if (nrow(dbase_kind) > 0) {
          # loop over partitions (discard, retain, total)
          for (j in unique(dbase_kind[["Part_group"]])) {
            # dbase is the final data.frame used in the individual plots
            # it is subset based on the kind (age, len, age-at-len), fleet, sex, and partition
            dbase <- dbase_kind[dbase_kind[["Part_group"]] == j, ]
            if (nrow(dbase) > 0) {
              # market category
              if (j == -1) titlemkt <- ""
              if (j == 0) titlemkt <- "whole catch, "
              if (j == 1) titlemkt <- "discard, "
              if (j == 2) titlemkt <- "retained, "
              titlemkt <- ifelse(printmkt, titlemkt, "")

              # plot bars for data only or if input 'fitbar=TRUE'
              if (datonly | fitbar) {
                bars <- TRUE
              } else {
                bars <- FALSE

              ## aggregating identifiers for plot titles and filenames
              ## note: titlesex is set at the top of this function
              title_sexmkt <- paste(titlesex, titlemkt, sep = "")
              filename_fltsexmkt <- paste(filesex)
              if (j > -1) { # add market category to filename if it's not a mix
                filename_fltsexmkt <- paste0(filename_fltsexmkt, "mkt", j)

              caption1 <- paste(titledata, title_sexmkt, "aggregated across time by fleet", sep = "") # total title

              if (mainTitle) {
                ptitle <- caption1
              } else {
                ptitle <- ""
              titles <- c(ptitle, titles) # compiling list of all plot titles

              Bins <- sort(unique(dbase[["Bin"]]))
              nbins <- length(Bins)
              df <- data.frame(
                Nsamp_adj = dbase[["Nsamp_adj"]],
                effN = dbase[["effN"]],
                obs = dbase[["Obs"]] * dbase[["Nsamp_adj"]],
                exp = dbase[["Exp"]] * dbase[["Nsamp_adj"]]
              if ("DM_effN" %in% names(dbase) && any(!is.na(dbase[["DM_effN"]]))) {
                df[["DM_effN"]] <- dbase[["DM_effN"]]

              agg <- aggregate(
                x = df,
                by = list(
                  bin = dbase[["Bin"]], f = dbase[["Fleet"]],
                  sex = dbase[["sex"]], mkt = dbase[["Part"]]
                FUN = sum
              agg <- agg[agg[["f"]] %in% fleets, ]
              agg[["obs"]] <- agg[["obs"]] / agg[["Nsamp_adj"]]
              agg[["exp"]] <- agg[["exp"]] / agg[["Nsamp_adj"]]

              # note: sample sizes will be different for each bin if tail compression is used
              #       printed sample sizes in plot will be maximum, which may or may not
              #       represent sum of sample sizes over all years/ages

              # loop over fleets
              for (f in unique(agg[["f"]])) {
                # loop over fleets within market
                for (mkt in unique(agg[["mkt"]][agg[["f"]] == f])) {
                  sub <- agg[["f"]] == f & agg[["mkt"]] == mkt
                  agg[["Nsamp_adj"]][sub] <- max(agg[["Nsamp_adj"]][sub])
                  if ("DM_effN" %in% names(agg) && any(!is.na(agg[["DM_effN"]]))) {
                    agg[["DM_effN"]][sub] <- max(agg[["DM_effN"]][sub], na.rm = TRUE)
                  } else {
                    if (any(!is.na(agg[["effN"]][sub]))) {
                      agg[["effN"]][sub] <- max(agg[["effN"]][sub], na.rm = TRUE)
                    } else {
                      agg[["effN"]][sub] <- NA

              namesvec <- fleetnames[agg[["f"]]]

              # check for multiple market categories in a fleet to plot separately
              max_n_mkt <- max(apply(table(agg[["f"]], agg[["mkt"]]) > 0, 1, sum))
              if (max_n_mkt > 0) {
                mktnames <- c("", "(discards)", "(retained)")
                namesvec <- paste(fleetnames[agg[["f"]]], mktnames[agg[["mkt"]] + 1])
              if (!(kind %in% c("GSTAGE", "GSTLEN", "L@A", "W@A"))) {
                # group remaining calculations as a function
                tempfun7 <- function(ipage, ...) {
                  # test for Dirichlet-Multinomial likelihood
                  if ("DM_effN" %in% names(agg) && any(!is.na(agg[["DM_effN"]]))) {
                    # Dirichlet-Multinomial likelihood
                      ptsx = agg[["bin"]], ptsy = agg[["obs"]], yr = paste(agg[["f"]], agg[["mkt"]]),
                      linesx = agg[["bin"]], linesy = agg[["exp"]],
                      sampsize = agg[["Nsamp_adj"]],
                      effN = agg[["DM_effN"]],
                      showsampsize = showsampsize, showeffN = showeffN,
                      sampsize_label = "Sum of N input=",
                      effN_label = "Sum of N adj.=",
                      bars = bars, linepos = (1 - datonly) * linepos,
                      nlegends = 3,
                      legtext = list(namesvec, "sampsize", "effN"),
                      main = ptitle, cex.main = cex.main, xlab = kindlab, ylab = labels[6],
                      maxrows = maxrows, maxcols = maxcols, rows = rows, cols = cols,
                      fixdims = fixdims2, ipage = ipage, lwd = 2, scalebins = scalebins,
                      colvec = colvec, linescol = linescol,
                      xlas = xlas, ylas = ylas,
                      axis1 = axis1, axis2 = axis2, axis1labs = axis1labs,
                      sexvec = agg[["sex"]], yupper = yupper, ...
                  } else {
                    # standard multinomial likelihood
                      ptsx = agg[["bin"]], ptsy = agg[["obs"]], yr = paste(agg[["f"]], agg[["mkt"]]),
                      linesx = agg[["bin"]], linesy = agg[["exp"]],
                      sampsize = agg[["Nsamp_adj"]], effN = agg[["effN"]],
                      showsampsize = showsampsize, showeffN = showeffN,
                      sampsize_label = "Sum of N adj.=",
                      effN_label = "Sum of N eff.=",
                      bars = bars, linepos = (1 - datonly) * linepos,
                      nlegends = 3,
                      legtext = list(namesvec, "sampsize", "effN"),
                      main = ptitle, cex.main = cex.main, xlab = kindlab, ylab = labels[6],
                      maxrows = maxrows, maxcols = maxcols, rows = rows, cols = cols,
                      fixdims = fixdims2, ipage = ipage, lwd = 2, scalebins = scalebins,
                      colvec = colvec, linescol = linescol,
                      xlas = xlas, ylas = ylas,
                      axis1 = axis1, axis2 = axis2, axis1labs = axis1labs,
                      sexvec = agg[["sex"]], yupper = yupper, ...
                if (plot) tempfun7(ipage = 0, ...)
                if (print) { # set up plotting to png file if required
                  npages <- ceiling(length(unique(agg[["f"]])) / maxrows / maxcols)
                  for (ipage in 1:npages) {
                    pagetext <- ""
                    caption <- caption1
                    if (max_n_mkt > 0 & ipage == 1) {
                      caption <-
                          caption, ".\n <br> ",
                          "Labels 'retained' and 'discard' indicate",
                          " discarded or retained sampled for each fleet.",
                          " Panels without this designation represent",
                          " the whole catch.\n"
                    if (npages > 1) {
                      pagetext <- paste("_page", ipage, sep = "")
                      caption <- paste(caption, "<br> (plot ", ipage, " of ", npages, ")", sep = "")
                    file <- paste(filenamestart, filename_fltsexmkt,
                      pagetext, "_aggregated_across_time.png",
                      sep = ""
                    plotinfo <- save_png(
                      plotinfo = plotinfo, file = file, plotdir = plotdir, pwidth = pwidth,
                      pheight = pheight, punits = punits, res = res, ptsize = ptsize,
                      caption = caption
                    tempfun7(ipage = ipage, ...)
                } # end print function
              } else {
                # haven't configured this aggregated plot for other types
                ## if(kind=="GSTAGE"){
                ##   make_multifig(ptsx=dbase[["Bin"]],ptsy=dbase[["Obs"]],yr=dbase[["Yr.S"]],linesx=dbase[["Bin"]],linesy=dbase[["Exp"]],
                ##                 sampsize=dbase[["Nsamp_adj"]],effN=dbase[["effN"]],showsampsize=FALSE,showeffN=FALSE,
                ##                 bars=bars,linepos=(1-datonly)*linepos,
                ##                 nlegends=3,legtext=list(dbase[["YrSeasName"]],"sampsize","effN"),
                ##                 main=ptitle,cex.main=cex.main,xlab=kindlab,ylab=labels[6],
                ##                 maxrows=maxrows,maxcols=maxcols,rows=rows,cols=cols,
                ##                 fixdims=fixdims,ipage=ipage,...)
                ## }
                ## if(kind %in% c("L@A","W@A")){
                ##   make_multifig(ptsx=dbase[["Bin"]],ptsy=dbase[["Obs"]],yr=dbase[["Yr.S"]],linesx=dbase[["Bin"]],linesy=dbase[["Exp"]],
                ##                 sampsize=dbase[["Nsamp_adj"]],effN=0,showsampsize=FALSE,showeffN=FALSE,
                ##                 nlegends=1,legtext=list(dbase[["YrSeasName"]]),
                ##                 bars=bars,linepos=(1-datonly)*linepos,
                ##                 main=ptitle,cex.main=cex.main,xlab=kindlab,ylab=ifelse(kind=="W@A",labels[9],labels[1]),
                ##                 maxrows=maxrows,maxcols=maxcols,rows=rows,cols=cols,
                ##                 fixdims=fixdims,ipage=ipage,...)
                ## }
            } # end test for presence of observations in this partition group
          } # end loop over partitions group
          #      } # end loop over combined/not-combined sex
        } # end if data
      } # end subplot 21

    ### subplot 22: by fleet aggregating across years within each season
    if (22 %in% subplots & kind != "cond" & nseasons > 1) # for age or length comps, but not conditional AAL
        dbasef <- dbase_kind[dbase_kind[["Fleet"]] %in% fleets, ]
        if ("DM_effN" %in% names(dbasef) && any(!is.na(dbasef[["DM_effN"]]))) {
          warning("Sample sizes in plots by fleet aggregating across years within each season have not yet been updated to reflect Dirichlet-Multinomial likelihood")
        # check for the presence of data
        if (nrow(dbasef) > 0) {
          testor <- length(dbasef[["sex"]][dbasef[["sex"]] == 1 & dbasef[["Pick_sex"]] == 0]) > 0
          testor[2] <- length(dbasef[["sex"]][dbasef[["sex"]] == 1 & dbasef[["Pick_sex"]] %in% c(1, 3)]) > 0
          testor[3] <- length(dbasef[["sex"]][dbasef[["sex"]] == 2]) > 0

          # loop over sex combinations
          for (k in (1:3)[testor])
            if (k == 1) {
              dbase_k <- dbasef[dbasef[["sex"]] == 1 & dbasef[["Pick_sex"]] == 0, ]
            if (k == 2) {
              dbase_k <- dbasef[dbasef[["sex"]] == 1 & dbasef[["Pick_sex"]] %in% c(1, 3), ]
            if (k == 3) {
              dbase_k <- dbasef[dbasef[["sex"]] == 2, ]
            sex <- ifelse(k == 3, 2, 1)

            # loop over partitions (discard, retain, total)
            for (j in unique(dbase_k[["Part"]]))
              # dbase is the final data.frame used in the individual plots
              # it is subset based on the kind (age, len, age-at-len), fleet, sex, and partition
              dbase <- dbase_k[dbase_k[["Part"]] == j, ]
              if (nrow(dbase) > 0) {
                ## assemble pieces of plot title
                # sex
                if (k == 1) titlesex <- "sexes combined, "
                if (k == 2) titlesex <- "female, "
                if (k == 3) titlesex <- "male, "
                titlesex <- ifelse(printsex, titlesex, "")

                # market category
                if (j == 0) titlemkt <- "whole catch, "
                if (j == 1) titlemkt <- "discard, "
                if (j == 2) titlemkt <- "retained, "
                titlemkt <- ifelse(printmkt, titlemkt, "")

                # plot bars for data only or if input 'fitbar=TRUE'
                if (datonly | fitbar) bars <- TRUE else bars <- FALSE

                # aggregating identifiers for plot titles and filenames
                title_sexmkt <- paste(titlesex, titlemkt, sep = "")
                filename_fltsexmkt <- paste("sex", k, "mkt", j, sep = "")

                caption1 <- paste0(
                  titledata, title_sexmkt,
                  "\naggregated within season by fleet"
                ) # total title
                if (mainTitle) {
                  ptitle <- caption1
                } else {
                  ptitle <- ""
                titles <- c(ptitle, titles) # compiling list of all plot titles

                Bins <- sort(unique(dbase[["Bin"]]))
                nbins <- length(Bins)
                df <- data.frame(
                  Nsamp_adj = dbase[["Nsamp_adj"]],
                  effN = dbase[["effN"]],
                  obs = dbase[["Obs"]] * dbase[["Nsamp_adj"]],
                  exp = dbase[["Exp"]] * dbase[["Nsamp_adj"]]
                agg <- aggregate(x = df, by = list(bin = dbase[["Bin"]], f = dbase[["Fleet"]], s = dbase[["Seas"]]), FUN = sum)
                agg <- agg[agg[["f"]] %in% fleets, ]
                if (any(agg[["s"]] <= 0)) {
                  cat("super-periods may not work correctly in plots of aggregated comps\n")
                  agg <- agg[agg[["s"]] > 0, ]
                agg[["obs"]] <- agg[["obs"]] / agg[["Nsamp_adj"]]
                agg[["exp"]] <- agg[["exp"]] / agg[["Nsamp_adj"]]
                # note: sample sizes will be different for each bin if tail compression is used
                #       printed sample sizes in plot will be maximum, which may or may not
                #       represent sum of sample sizes over all years/ages

                for (f in unique(agg[["f"]])) { # loop over fleets
                  for (s in unique(agg[["s"]][agg[["f"]] == f])) { # loop over seasons within fleet
                    infleetseas <- agg[["f"]] == f & agg[["s"]] == s
                    agg[["Nsamp_adj"]][infleetseas] <- max(agg[["Nsamp_adj"]][infleetseas])
                    agg[["effN"]][infleetseas] <- max(agg[["effN"]][infleetseas])
                agg[["fseas"]] <- agg[["f"]] + seasfracs[agg[["s"]]]

                namesvec <- paste(fleetnames[agg[["f"]]], " s", agg[["s"]], sep = "")

                # group remaining calculations as a function
                tempfun8 <- function(ipage, ...) {
                  if (!(kind %in% c("GSTAGE", "GSTLEN", "L@A", "W@A"))) {
                      ptsx = agg[["bin"]], ptsy = agg[["obs"]], yr = agg[["fseas"]],
                      linesx = agg[["bin"]], linesy = agg[["exp"]],
                      sampsize = agg[["Nsamp_adj"]], effN = agg[["effN"]],
                      showsampsize = showsampsize, showeffN = showeffN,
                      bars = bars, linepos = (1 - datonly) * linepos,
                      nlegends = 3,
                      legtext = list(namesvec, "sampsize", "effN"),
                      main = ptitle, cex.main = cex.main, xlab = kindlab, ylab = labels[6],
                      maxrows = maxrows, maxcols = maxcols, rows = rows, cols = cols,
                      fixdims = fixdims2, ipage = ipage, lwd = 2, scalebins = scalebins,
                      colvec = colvec, linescol = linescol,
                      xlas = xlas, ylas = ylas,
                      axis1 = axis1, axis2 = axis2, axis1labs = axis1labs,
                      sexvec = agg[["sex"]], yupper = yupper, ...

                  # haven't configured this aggregated plot for other types
                  ## if(kind=="GSTAGE"){
                  ##   make_multifig(ptsx=dbase[["Bin"]],ptsy=dbase[["Obs"]],yr=dbase[["Yr.S"]],linesx=dbase[["Bin"]],linesy=dbase[["Exp"]],
                  ##                 sampsize=dbase[["Nsamp_adj"]],effN=dbase[["effN"]],showsampsize=FALSE,showeffN=FALSE,
                  ##                 bars=bars,linepos=(1-datonly)*linepos,
                  ##                 nlegends=3,legtext=list(dbase[["YrSeasName"]],"sampsize","effN"),
                  ##                 main=ptitle,cex.main=cex.main,xlab=kindlab,ylab=labels[6],
                  ##                 maxrows=maxrows,maxcols=maxcols,rows=rows,cols=cols,
                  ##                 fixdims=fixdims,ipage=ipage,...)
                  ## }
                  ## if(kind %in% c("L@A","W@A")){
                  ##   make_multifig(ptsx=dbase[["Bin"]],ptsy=dbase[["Obs"]],yr=dbase[["Yr.S"]],linesx=dbase[["Bin"]],linesy=dbase[["Exp"]],
                  ##                 sampsize=dbase[["Nsamp_adj"]],effN=0,showsampsize=FALSE,showeffN=FALSE,
                  ##                 nlegends=1,legtext=list(dbase[["YrSeasName"]]),
                  ##                 bars=bars,linepos=(1-datonly)*linepos,
                  ##                 main=ptitle,cex.main=cex.main,xlab=kindlab,ylab=ifelse(kind=="W@A",labels[9],labels[1]),
                  ##                 maxrows=maxrows,maxcols=maxcols,rows=rows,cols=cols,
                  ##                 fixdims=fixdims,ipage=ipage,...)
                  ## }
                if (plot) tempfun8(ipage = 0, ...)
                if (print) { # set up plotting to png file if required
                  npages <- ceiling(length(unique(agg[["fseas"]])) / maxrows / maxcols)
                  for (ipage in 1:npages)
                    caption <- caption1
                    pagetext <- ""
                    if (npages > 1) {
                      pagetext <- paste("_page", ipage, sep = "")
                      caption <- paste(caption, " (plot ", ipage, " of ", npages, ")", sep = "")
                    file <- paste(filenamestart, filename_fltsexmkt, pagetext,
                      sep = ""
                    plotinfo <- save_png(
                      plotinfo = plotinfo, file = file, plotdir = plotdir, pwidth = pwidth,
                      pheight = pheight, punits = punits, res = res, ptsize = ptsize,
                      caption = caption
                    tempfun8(ipage = ipage, ...)
                } # end print function
              } # end test for presence of observations in this partition
            } # end loop over partitions
          } # end loop over combined/not-combined sex
        } # end if data
      } # end subplot 22

    ### subplot 23: by fleet aggregating across seasons within a year
    if (23 %in% subplots & kind != "cond" & nseasons > 1) { # for age or length comps, but not conditional AAL
      # loop over fleets
      for (f in fleets) {
        dbasef <- dbase_kind[dbase_kind[["Fleet"]] == f, ]
        if ("DM_effN" %in% names(dbasef) && any(!is.na(dbasef[["DM_effN"]]))) {
          warning("Sample sizes in plots by fleet aggregating across seasons within a year have not yet been updated to reflect Dirichlet-Multinomial likelihood")

        # check for the presence of data
        if (nrow(dbasef) > 0) {
          testor <- length(dbasef[["sex"]][dbasef[["sex"]] == 1 & dbasef[["Pick_sex"]] == 0]) > 0
          testor[2] <- length(dbasef[["sex"]][dbasef[["sex"]] == 1 & dbasef[["Pick_sex"]] %in% c(1, 3)]) > 0
          testor[3] <- length(dbasef[["sex"]][dbasef[["sex"]] == 2]) > 0
          # loop over sex combinations
          for (k in (1:3)[testor]) {
            if (k == 1) {
              dbase_k <- dbasef[dbasef[["sex"]] == 1 & dbasef[["Pick_sex"]] == 0, ]
            if (k == 2) {
              dbase_k <- dbasef[dbasef[["sex"]] == 1 & dbasef[["Pick_sex"]] %in% c(1, 3), ]
            if (k == 3) {
              dbase_k <- dbasef[dbasef[["sex"]] == 2, ]
            sex <- ifelse(k == 3, 2, 1)

            # loop over partitions (discard, retain, total)
            for (j in unique(dbase_k[["Part"]])) {
              # dbase is the final data.frame used in the individual plots
              # it is subset based on the kind (age, len, age-at-len), fleet, sex, and partition
              dbase <- dbase_k[dbase_k[["Part"]] == j, ]
              if (nrow(dbase) > 0) {
                ## assemble pieces of plot title
                # sex
                if (k == 1) titlesex <- "sexes combined, "
                if (k == 2) titlesex <- "female, "
                if (k == 3) titlesex <- "male, "
                titlesex <- ifelse(printsex, titlesex, "")

                # market category
                if (j == 0) titlemkt <- "whole catch, "
                if (j == 1) titlemkt <- "discard, "
                if (j == 2) titlemkt <- "retained, "
                titlemkt <- ifelse(printmkt, titlemkt, "")

                # plot bars for data only or if input 'fitbar=TRUE'
                if (datonly | fitbar) bars <- TRUE else bars <- FALSE

                # aggregating identifiers for plot titles and filenames
                title_sexmkt <- paste(titlesex, titlemkt, sep = "")
                filename_fltsexmkt <- paste("flt", f, "sex", k, "mkt", j, sep = "")

                Bins <- sort(unique(dbase[["Bin"]]))
                nbins <- length(Bins)
                df <- data.frame(
                  Nsamp_adj = dbase[["Nsamp_adj"]],
                  effN = dbase[["effN"]],
                  obs = dbase[["Obs"]] * dbase[["Nsamp_adj"]],
                  exp = dbase[["Exp"]] * dbase[["Nsamp_adj"]]
                agg <- aggregate(
                  x = df,
                  by = list(bin = dbase[["Bin"]], f = dbase[["Fleet"]], y = floor(dbase[["Yr.S"]])),
                  FUN = sum
                agg <- agg[agg[["f"]] %in% fleets, ]
                agg[["obs"]] <- agg[["obs"]] / agg[["Nsamp_adj"]]
                agg[["exp"]] <- agg[["exp"]] / agg[["Nsamp_adj"]]

                # note: sample sizes will be different for each bin if tail compression is used
                #       printed sample sizes in plot will be maximum, which may or may not
                #       represent sum of sample sizes over all years/ages
                for (f in unique(agg[["f"]])) {
                  for (y in unique(agg[["y"]][agg[["f"]] == f])) {
                    infleetyr <- agg[["f"]] == f & agg[["y"]] == y
                    agg[["Nsamp_adj"]][infleetyr] <- max(agg[["Nsamp_adj"]][infleetyr])
                    agg[["effN"]][infleetyr] <- max(agg[["effN"]][infleetyr])
                agg[["fy"]] <- agg[["f"]] + agg[["y"]] / 10000
                # total title
                caption <- paste(titledata, title_sexmkt, fleetnames[f],
                  "\naggregated across seasons within year",
                  sep = ""
                if (mainTitle) {
                  ptitle <- caption
                } else {
                  ptitle <- ""

                # group remaining calculations as a function
                tempfun9 <- function(ipage, ...) {
                  if (!(kind %in% c("GSTAGE", "GSTLEN", "L@A", "W@A"))) {
                      ptsx = agg[["bin"]], ptsy = agg[["obs"]], yr = agg[["fy"]],
                      linesx = agg[["bin"]], linesy = agg[["exp"]],
                      sampsize = agg[["Nsamp_adj"]], effN = agg[["effN"]],
                      showsampsize = showsampsize, showeffN = showeffN,
                      bars = bars, linepos = (1 - datonly) * linepos,
                      nlegends = 3,
                      legtext = list(agg[["y"]], "sampsize", "effN"),
                      main = ptitle, cex.main = cex.main, xlab = kindlab, ylab = labels[6],
                      maxrows = maxrows, maxcols = maxcols, rows = rows, cols = cols,
                      fixdims = fixdims2, ipage = ipage, lwd = 2, scalebins = scalebins,
                      colvec = colvec, linescol = linescol,
                      xlas = xlas, ylas = ylas,
                      axis1 = axis1, axis2 = axis2, axis1labs = axis1labs,
                      sexvec = agg[["sex"]], yupper = yupper, ...

                  # haven't configured this aggregated plot for other types
                  ## if(kind=="GSTAGE"){
                  ##   make_multifig(ptsx=dbase[["Bin"]],ptsy=dbase[["Obs"]],yr=dbase[["Yr.S"]],linesx=dbase[["Bin"]],linesy=dbase[["Exp"]],
                  ##                 sampsize=dbase[["Nsamp_adj"]],effN=dbase[["effN"]],showsampsize=FALSE,showeffN=FALSE,
                  ##                 bars=bars,linepos=(1-datonly)*linepos,
                  ##                 nlegends=3,legtext=list(dbase[["YrSeasName"]],"sampsize","effN"),
                  ##                 main=ptitle,cex.main=cex.main,xlab=kindlab,ylab=labels[6],
                  ##                 maxrows=maxrows,maxcols=maxcols,rows=rows,cols=cols,
                  ##                 fixdims=fixdims,ipage=ipage,...)
                  ## }
                  ## if(kind %in% c("L@A","W@A")){
                  ##   make_multifig(ptsx=dbase[["Bin"]],ptsy=dbase[["Obs"]],yr=dbase[["Yr.S"]],linesx=dbase[["Bin"]],linesy=dbase[["Exp"]],
                  ##                 sampsize=dbase[["Nsamp_adj"]],effN=0,showsampsize=FALSE,showeffN=FALSE,
                  ##                 nlegends=1,legtext=list(dbase[["YrSeasName"]]),
                  ##                 bars=bars,linepos=(1-datonly)*linepos,
                  ##                 main=ptitle,cex.main=cex.main,xlab=kindlab,ylab=ifelse(kind=="W@A",labels[9],labels[1]),
                  ##                 maxrows=maxrows,maxcols=maxcols,rows=rows,cols=cols,
                  ##                 fixdims=fixdims,ipage=ipage,...)
                  ## }
                } # end tempfun

                if (plot) tempfun9(ipage = 0, ...)
                if (print) { # set up plotting to png file if required
                  npages <- ceiling(length(unique(agg[["fy"]])) / maxrows / maxcols)
                  for (ipage in 1:npages) {
                    pagetext <- ""
                    if (npages > 1) {
                      pagetext <- paste("_page", ipage, sep = "")
                      caption <- paste(caption, " (plot ", ipage, " of ", npages, ")", sep = "")
                    file <- paste(filenamestart, filename_fltsexmkt, pagetext,
                      sep = ""
                    plotinfo <- save_png(
                      plotinfo = plotinfo, file = file, plotdir = plotdir, pwidth = pwidth,
                      pheight = pheight, punits = punits, res = res, ptsize = ptsize,
                      caption = caption
                    tempfun9(ipage = ipage, ...)
                } # end print function
              } # end test for presence of observations in this partition
            } # end loop over partitions
          } # end loop over combined/not-combined sex
        } # end if data
      } # end loop over fleets
    } # end subplot 23

    ### subplot 24: bubble plot comparison of length or age residuals
    ###             across fleets within sex/partition
    if (24 %in% subplots & kind %in% c("LEN", "AGE")) {

      # loop over partitions groups (everything, or separate discard, retain, total)
      for (j in unique(dbase_kind[["Part_group"]])) {
        # subset data.frame for this partition group and subset of fleets of interest
        dbase_parts <- dbase_kind[dbase_kind[["Part_group"]] == j, ]
        # new column combining fleet and partition
        # where 3.1 is fleet=3, partition=1
        dbase_parts[["FleetPart"]] <- dbase_parts[["Fleet"]] + 0.1 * dbase_parts[["Part"]]
        # table of info on each panel
        panel_table <- data.frame(FleetPart = sort(unique(dbase_parts[["FleetPart"]])))
        # separate the pieces out again
        panel_table[["Fleet"]] <- floor(panel_table[["FleetPart"]])
        # round below is necessary because values were coming out as
        # 1.9999999999999996 instead of 2
        panel_table[["Part"]] <- round(10 * (panel_table[["FleetPart"]] - panel_table[["Fleet"]]))
        # fleet name to use for each panel
        panel_table[["Name"]] <- fleetnames[panel_table[["Fleet"]]]

        # check for multiple market categories in a fleet to plot separately
        max_n_mkt <- max(apply(table(
        ) > 0, 1, sum))
        if (max_n_mkt > 1) {
          # if multiple categories within a fleet, append to name
          mktnames <- c("", "(discards)", "(retained)")
          panel_table[["Name"]] <- paste(
            mktnames[panel_table[["Part"]] + 1]
        npanels <- nrow(panel_table)
        panelvec <- 1:npanels

        xlim <- range(dbase_parts[["Yr.S"]]) # set xlim based on range across all fleets
        xaxislab <- sort(unique(floor(dbase_parts[["Yr.S"]]))) # label with all years

        # get growth curves if requested
        if (length(cohortlines) > 0) {
          growdat <- replist[["endgrowth"]]
          growdatF <- growdat[growdat[["Sex"]] == 1 &
            growdat[["Morph"]] == min(growdat[["Morph"]][growdat[["Sex"]] == 1]), ]
          if (nsexes > 1) {
            growdatM <- growdat[growdat[["Sex"]] == 2 &
              growdat[["Morph"]] == min(growdat[["Morph"]][growdat[["Sex"]] == 2]), ]
        # market category
        if (j == -1) titlemkt <- ""
        if (j == 0) titlemkt <- "whole catch"
        if (j == 1) titlemkt <- "discard"
        if (j == 2) titlemkt <- "retained"
        titlemkt <- ifelse(printmkt, titlemkt, "")
        ## title_sexmkt <- paste(titlesex,titlemkt,sep="")

        caption_base <- paste0(titletype, titlemkt, ", comparing across fleets")
        # hack to remove ", ," from caption
        caption_base <- gsub(", ,", ", ", caption_base)
        if (mainTitle) {
          ptitle <- caption_base
        } else {
          ptitle <- ""
        titles <- c(ptitle, titles) # compiling list of all plot titles
        # if not all market categories, append mkt value to filename
        filenamemkt <- ifelse(j > -1, paste("mkt", j, sep = ""), "")

        multifleet.bubble.fun <- function(ipage = 0) {
          # a function to wrap up multi-fleet bubble plots
          # old graphics parameter settings
          par_old <- par()
          # multi-figure plot with as many rows as fleets, or the maxrows value
            mfrow = c(min(npanels, maxrows), 1),
            mar = c(0.5, 0, 0, 0),
            oma = c(4, 6, ifelse(mainTitle, 3, 1), 1)

          # set up some stuff for cases where there are more fleets than panels in one plot
          panelrange <- 1:npanels
          npages <- ceiling(npanels / maxrows) # how many pages of plots
          if (npages > 1 & ipage != 0) { # range of which panels to print for each page
            panelrange <- intersect(panelrange, 1:maxrows + maxrows * (ipage - 1))

          # loop over panels (fleet x partition)
          for (ipanel in panelvec[panelrange]) {
            flt <- panel_table[["Fleet"]][ipanel] # fleet number
            mkt <- panel_table[["Part"]][ipanel] # market category
            # subset database of values
            dbase <- dbase_parts[dbase_parts[["Fleet"]] == flt &
              dbase_parts[["Part"]] == mkt, ]
            # dbase is the final data.frame used in the individual plots
            # it is subset based on the kind (age, len, age-at-len), sex, and partition,
            ### not sure if multiple ageing error methods is supported at the moment,
            ### haven't tested -Ian 6/7/17
            # check for multiple ageing error types within a year to plot separately
            max_n_ageerr <- max(apply(table(dbase[["Yr.S"]], dbase[["Ageerr"]]) > 0, 1, sum))

            if (max_n_ageerr > 1) {
              if (ageerr_warning) {
                  "Note: multiple samples with different ageing error types within fleet/year.\n",
                  "     Plots label '2005a3' indicates ageing error type 3 for 2005 sample.\n",
                  "     Bubble plots may be misleading with overlapping bubbles.\n"
                ageerr_warning <- FALSE
              # add 1/1000 of a year for each ageing error type to distinguish
              # between types within a year (may not work well for this plot)
              dbase[["Yr.S"]] <- dbase[["Yr.S"]] + dbase[["Ageerr"]] / (1000 * max_n_ageerr)
              dbase[["YrSeasName"]] <- paste(dbase[["YrSeasName"]], "a", dbase[["Ageerr"]], sep = "")

            # calculate smallest difference among years
            # which is used to adjust offsets males and females
            xdiff <- 0.1 * sort(unique(diff(sort(unique(dbase[["Yr.S"]])),
              na.rm = TRUE
            # not sure what cases would have missing xdiff
            # from above calculation, but it definitely happens
            # with only one year of data, so setting default
            # to work for that case
            if (is.na(xdiff)) {
              xdiff <- 0.1

            # define colors
            xvals <- dbase[["Yr.S"]]
            cols <- rep(colvec[3], nrow(dbase))
            if (nsexes > 1) {
              xvals[dbase[["sex"]] > 0] <- dbase[["Yr.S"]][dbase[["sex"]] > 0] -
                (dbase[["sex"]][dbase[["sex"]] > 0] - 1.5) * xdiff
              if (length(unique(dbase[["Yr.S"]])) == 1) {
                # if only one year, don't bother showing points
                # as mid-year values
                # this may not be ideal for seasonal models
                xvals[dbase[["sex"]] > 0] <- floor(dbase[["Yr.S"]][dbase[["sex"]] > 0]) -
                  (dbase[["sex"]][dbase[["sex"]] > 0] - 1.5) * xdiff
              cols[dbase[["sex"]] > 0] <- colvec[dbase[["sex"]][dbase[["sex"]] > 0]]

            # determine bubble size and colors
            if (datonly) {
              z <- dbase[["Obs"]]
              if (scalebubbles) z <- dbase[["Nsamp_adj"]] * dbase[["Obs"]] # if requested, scale by sample sizes
              titletype <- titledata
              filetype <- "bub"
              allopen <- TRUE
            } else {
              z <- dbase[["Pearson"]]
              titletype <- "Pearson residuals, "
              filetype <- "resids"
              allopen <- FALSE

            # make bubbles for a single fleet
            # this section is a modified version of tempfun2 above
            ylim <- range(dbase[["Bin"]])
            ylim[2] <- ylim[2] + 0.2 * diff(ylim) # add buffer of 10% at the top for fleet name
              x = xvals, y = dbase[["Bin"]], z = z, col = cols, cexZ1 = cexZ1,
              legend = bublegend,
              las = 1, main = "", cex.main = cex.main, maxsize = pntscalar, allopen = allopen,
              xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, axis1 = FALSE
            ### add label at top left of each panel
              title = panel_table[["Name"]][ipanel],
              legend = NA, bty = "n", cex = 1.5
            ### alternative way with legends on the side
            ### (probably not as good once the partition has been added)
            # mtext(namesvec[ipanel],side=2,line=4.5,cex=par()$cex)

            # add lines for growth of individual cohorts if requested
            if (length(cohortlines) > 0) {
              for (icohort in 1:length(cohortlines)) {
                cat("  Adding line for", cohortlines[icohort], "cohort\n")
                if (kind == "LEN") {
                  lines(growdatF[["Age"]] + cohortlines[icohort],
                    col = colvec[1]
                  ) # females
                  if (nsexes > 1) {
                    lines(growdatM[["Age"]] + cohortlines[icohort],
                      col = colvec[2]
                    ) # males
                if (kind == "AGE") {
                  lines(0.5 + c(cohortlines[icohort], cohortlines[icohort] + accuage),
                    c(0, accuage),
                    col = "red"

            if (par()$mfg[1] == par()$mfg[3] | ipanel == tail(panelvec, 1)) {
              # label all years on x-axis of last panel
              axis(1, at = xaxislab)
            } else {
              # or just tick marks for other panels
              axis(1, at = xaxislab, labels = rep("", length(xaxislab)))
            if (par()$mfg[1] == 1) {
              # add title after making first panel
              title(main = ptitle, outer = TRUE, xlab = labels[3], ylab = kindlab)
          } # end loop over fleets
          # restore previous graphics parameter settings
          par(mfcol = par_old[["mfcol"]], mar = par_old[["mar"]], oma = par_old[["oma"]])
        } # end function wrapping up a single page of the residual comparison plot

        # make plots or write to PNG file
        if (length(panelvec) > 0) {
          if (plot) multifleet.bubble.fun(ipage = 0)
          if (print) { # set up plotting to png file if required
            npages <- ceiling(nrow(panel_table) / maxrows)
            for (ipage in 1:npages) {
              pagetext <- ""
              caption <- caption_base
              if (npages > 1) {
                pagetext <- paste("_page", ipage, sep = "")
                caption <- paste0(caption, " (plot ", ipage, " of ", npages, ")")
              if (ipage == 1 & length(grep("Pearson", caption)) > 0) {
                caption <- paste(
                  "<br> \nClosed bubbles are positive residuals",
                  "(observed > expected)",
                  "and open bubbles are negative residuals",
                  "(observed < expected)."
              #### current scaling allows comparison across panels, so warning below
              #### has been turned off
              ## caption <- paste(caption,
              ##                  "<br>Note: bubble sizes are scaled to maximum within each panel.",
              ##                  "<br>Thus, comparisons across panels should focus on patterns, not bubble sizes.")
              file <- paste(filenamestart, filenamemkt, pagetext,
                sep = ""
              plotinfo <- save_png(
                plotinfo = plotinfo, file = file, plotdir = plotdir, pwidth = pwidth,
                pheight = pheight, punits = punits, res = res, ptsize = ptsize,
                caption = caption
              multifleet.bubble.fun(ipage = ipage)
            } # end loop over pages within printing PNG
          } # end printing to PNG files
        } # end test for non-zero number of fleets
      } # end loop over partitions
      ## } # end loop over sexes
      ## } # end loop over sex combinations
      # restore default single panel settings
      par(mfcol = c(rows, cols), mar = c(5, 4, 4, 2) + .1, oma = rep(0, 4))
    } # end subplot 24

    # loop over fleets
    for (f in fleets) {
      # check for the presence of data
      if (length(dbase_kind[["Obs"]][dbase_kind[["Fleet"]] == f]) > 0) {
        dbasef <- dbase_kind[dbase_kind[["Fleet"]] == f, ]
        # get mean sample quantities to show in conditional age-at-length figures
        if (kind %in% c("cond", "GSTcond") && f %in% Age_tuning[["Fleet"]]) {
          #### these values not to be trusted in the presence of ghost data:
          ## HarmEffNage <- Age_tuning$"HarMean(effN)"[Age_tuning[["Fleet"]]==f]
          ## MeanNage    <- Age_tuning$"mean(inputN*Adj)"[Age_tuning[["Fleet"]]==f]
          HarmEffNage <- NULL
          MeanNage <- NULL
        } else {
          HarmEffNage <- NULL
          MeanNage <- NULL

        # get table of info about the comp data of this kind/fleet
        if (kind %in% c("AGE", "GSTAGE", "cond", "GSTcond")) {
          data_info <- replist[["age_data_info"]]
        if (kind %in% c("LEN", "GSTLEN")) {
          data_info <- replist[["len_data_info"]]

        # loop over partitions (discard, retain, total)
        for (j in unique(dbasef[["Part"]])) {
          dbase <- dbasef[dbasef[["Part"]] == j, ]
          # dbase is the final data.frame used in the individual plots
          # it is subset based on the kind (age, len, age-at-len), fleet, sex, and partition

          ## # starting with SSv3.24a, the Yr.S column is already in the output, otherwise fill it in
          ## if(!"Yr.S" %in% names(dbase)){
          ##   # add fraction of season to distinguish between samples
          ##   dbase[["Yr.S"]] <- dbase[["Yr"]] + (0.5/nseasons)*dbase[["Seas"]]
          ## }
          # check for multiple ageing error types within a year to plot separately
          max_n_ageerr <- max(apply(table(dbase[["Yr.S"]], dbase[["Ageerr"]]) > 0, 1, sum))

          if (max_n_ageerr > 1) {
            if (ageerr_warning) {
                "Note: multiple samples with different ageing error types within fleet/year.\n",
                "     Plots label '2005a3' indicates ageing error type 3 for 2005 sample.\n",
                "     Bubble plots may be misleading with overlapping bubbles.\n"
              ageerr_warning <- FALSE
            # add 1/1000 of a year for each ageing error type to distinguish between types within a year
            dbase[["Yr.S"]] <- dbase[["Yr.S"]] + dbase[["Ageerr"]] / 1000
            dbase[["YrSeasName"]] <- paste(dbase[["YrSeasName"]], "a", dbase[["Ageerr"]], sep = "")

          ## assemble pieces of plot title
          # market category
          if (j == 0) titlemkt <- "whole catch, "
          if (j == 1) titlemkt <- "discard, "
          if (j == 2) titlemkt <- "retained, "
          titlemkt <- ifelse(printmkt, titlemkt, "")

          # plot bars for data only or if input 'fitbar=TRUE'
          if (datonly | fitbar) bars <- TRUE else bars <- FALSE

          # aggregating identifiers for plot titles and filenames
          title_sexmkt <- paste(titlesex, titlemkt, sep = "")
          filename_fltsexmkt <- paste("flt", f, filesex, "mkt", j, sep = "")

          ### subplot 1: multi-panel composition plot
          if (1 %in% subplots & kind != "cond") { # for age or length comps, but not conditional AAL
            caption <- paste(titledata, title_sexmkt, fleetnames[f], sep = "") # total title
            if (mainTitle) {
              ptitle <- caption
            } else {
              ptitle <- ""
            titles <- c(ptitle, titles) # compiling list of all plot titles
            tempfun <- function(ipage, ...) {
              sexvec <- dbase[["sex"]]
              # a function to combine a bunch of repeated commands
              if (!(kind %in% c("GSTAGE", "GSTLEN", "L@A", "W@A"))) {
                # test for Dirichlet-Multinomial likelihood
                if ("DM_effN" %in% names(dbase) && any(!is.na(dbase[["DM_effN"]]))) {
                  # Dirichlet-Multinomial likelihood
                    ptsx = dbase[["Bin"]], ptsy = dbase[["Obs"]], yr = dbase[["Yr.S"]],
                    linesx = dbase[["Bin"]], linesy = dbase[["Exp"]],
                    sampsize = dbase[["Nsamp_adj"]],
                    effN = dbase[["DM_effN"]],
                    showsampsize = showsampsize, showeffN = showeffN,
                    sampsize_label = "N input=",
                    effN_label = "N adj.=",
                    bars = bars, linepos = (1 - datonly) * linepos,
                    nlegends = 3,
                    legtext = list(dbase[["YrSeasName"]], "sampsize", "effN"),
                    main = ptitle, cex.main = cex.main, xlab = kindlab, ylab = labels[6],
                    maxrows = maxrows, maxcols = maxcols, rows = rows, cols = cols,
                    fixdims = fixdims, ipage = ipage, scalebins = scalebins,
                    colvec = colvec, linescol = linescol,
                    xlas = xlas, ylas = ylas,
                    axis1 = axis1, axis2 = axis2, axis1labs = axis1labs,
                    sexvec = sexvec, yupper = yupper, ...
                } else {
                  # standard multinomial likelihood
                    ptsx = dbase[["Bin"]], ptsy = dbase[["Obs"]], yr = dbase[["Yr.S"]],
                    linesx = dbase[["Bin"]], linesy = dbase[["Exp"]],
                    sampsize = dbase[["Nsamp_adj"]], effN = dbase[["effN"]],
                    showsampsize = showsampsize, showeffN = showeffN,
                    sampsize_label = "N adj.=",
                    effN_label = "N eff.=",
                    bars = bars, linepos = (1 - datonly) * linepos,
                    nlegends = 3,
                    legtext = list(dbase[["YrSeasName"]], "sampsize", "effN"),
                    main = ptitle, cex.main = cex.main, xlab = kindlab, ylab = labels[6],
                    maxrows = maxrows, maxcols = maxcols, rows = rows, cols = cols,
                    fixdims = fixdims, ipage = ipage, scalebins = scalebins,
                    colvec = colvec, linescol = linescol,
                    xlas = xlas, ylas = ylas,
                    axis1 = axis1, axis2 = axis2, axis1labs = axis1labs,
                    sexvec = sexvec, yupper = yupper, ...
              if (kind == "GSTAGE") {
                  ptsx = dbase[["Bin"]], ptsy = dbase[["Obs"]], yr = dbase[["Yr.S"]], linesx = dbase[["Bin"]], linesy = dbase[["Exp"]],
                  sampsize = dbase[["Nsamp_adj"]], effN = dbase[["effN"]],
                  showsampsize = FALSE, showeffN = FALSE,
                  bars = bars, linepos = (1 - datonly) * linepos,
                  nlegends = 3, legtext = list(dbase[["YrSeasName"]], "sampsize", "effN"),
                  main = ptitle, cex.main = cex.main, xlab = kindlab, ylab = labels[6],
                  maxrows = maxrows, maxcols = maxcols, rows = rows, cols = cols,
                  fixdims = fixdims, ipage = ipage, scalebins = scalebins,
                  colvec = colvec, linescol = linescol,
                  xlas = xlas, ylas = ylas,
                  axis1 = axis1, axis2 = axis2, axis1labs = axis1labs,
                  sexvec = sexvec, yupper = yupper, ...
              if (kind == "GSTLEN") {
                  ptsx = dbase[["Bin"]], ptsy = dbase[["Obs"]], yr = dbase[["Yr.S"]], linesx = dbase[["Bin"]], linesy = dbase[["Exp"]],
                  sampsize = dbase[["Nsamp_adj"]], effN = dbase[["effN"]], showsampsize = FALSE, showeffN = FALSE,
                  bars = bars, linepos = (1 - datonly) * linepos,
                  nlegends = 3, legtext = list(dbase[["YrSeasName"]], "sampsize", "effN"),
                  main = ptitle, cex.main = cex.main, xlab = kindlab, ylab = labels[6],
                  maxrows = maxrows, maxcols = maxcols, rows = rows, cols = cols,
                  fixdims = fixdims, ipage = ipage, scalebins = scalebins,
                  colvec = colvec, linescol = linescol,
                  xlas = xlas, ylas = ylas,
                  axis1 = axis1, axis2 = axis2, axis1labs = axis1labs,
                  sexvec = sexvec, ...
              if (kind %in% c("L@A", "W@A")) {
                  ptsx = dbase[["Bin"]], ptsy = dbase[["Obs"]], yr = dbase[["Yr.S"]],
                  linesx = dbase[["Bin"]], linesy = dbase[["Exp"]],
                  ptsSD = dbase[["SD"]],
                  sampsize = dbase[["Nsamp_adj"]], effN = 0, showsampsize = FALSE, showeffN = FALSE,
                  nlegends = 1, legtext = list(dbase[["YrSeasName"]]),
                  bars = bars, linepos = (1 - datonly) * linepos,
                  main = ptitle, cex.main = cex.main, xlab = kindlab,
                  ylab = ifelse(kind == "W@A", labels[9], labels[1]),
                  maxrows = maxrows, maxcols = maxcols, rows = rows, cols = cols,
                  fixdims = fixdims, ipage = ipage, scalebins = scalebins,
                  colvec = colvec, linescol = linescol,
                  xlas = xlas, ylas = ylas,
                  axis1 = axis1, axis2 = axis2, axis1labs = axis1labs,
                  sexvec = sexvec, ...
            } # end tempfun

            if (plot) tempfun(ipage = 0, ...)
            if (print) { # set up plotting to png file if required
              npages <- ceiling(length(unique(dbase[["Yr.S"]])) / maxrows / maxcols)
              for (ipage in 1:npages) {
                pagetext <- ""
                caption_count <- ""
                if (npages > 1) {
                  pagetext <- paste0("_page", ipage)
                  caption_count <- paste0(" (plot ", ipage, " of ", npages, ")")
                caption_extra <- ""
                if (ipage == 1) {
                  if ("DM_effN" %in% names(dbase) && any(!is.na(dbase[["DM_effN"]]))) {
                    # get Theta value for this fleet
                    if (kind %in% "LEN") {
                      ipar <- data_info[["ParmSelect"]][f]
                    } else { # "AGE" or "cond"
                      ipar <- data_info[["ParmSelect"]][f]
                    # D-M option 1 (linear)
                    if (data_info[["CompError"]][f] == 1) {
                      Theta <- as.numeric(replist[["Dirichlet_Multinomial_pars"]][["Theta"]][ipar])
                      # note: in caption below &#920 = Theta
                      caption_extra <-
                          ".<br><br>'N input' is the input sample size. ",
                          "'N adj.' is the sample size after adjustment by the ",
                          "Dirichlet-Multinomial <i>&#920</i> parameter based on the ",
                          "formula N adj. = 1 / (1+<i>&#920</i>) + N * <i>&#920</i> / (1+<i>&#920</i>). ",
                          "<br><br>For this fleet, <i>&#920</i> = ", round(Theta, 3),
                          " and the sample size multiplier is approximately ",
                          "<i>&#920</i> / (1+<i>&#920</i>) = ", round(Theta / (1 + Theta), 3)
                    # D-M option 2 (saturating)
                    if (data_info[["CompError"]][f] == 2) {
                      beta <- as.numeric(replist[["Dirichlet_Multinomial_pars"]][["Theta"]][ipar])
                      # note: in captions below &#946 = beta
                      caption_extra <-
                          ".<br><br>'N input' is the input sample size. ",
                          "'N adj.' is the sample size after adjustment by the ",
                          "Dirichlet-Multinomial <i>&#946</i> parameter based on the ",
                          "formula N adj. = (N + N<i>&#946</i>) / (N + <i>&#946</i>). ",
                          "<br><br>For this fleet, <i>&#946</i> = ", round(beta, 1),
                          ". But due to the saturating functional form, there is no single ",
                          "approximate sample size multiplier."
                    caption_extra <- paste0(
                      "<br><br>For more info, see<br>",
                      "Thorson, J.T., Johnson, K.F., ",
                      "Methot, R.D. and Taylor, I.G. 2017. ",
                      "Model-based estimates of effective sample size ",
                      "in stock assessment models using the ",
                      "Dirichlet-multinomial distribution. ",
                      "<i>Fisheries Research</i>",
                      "192: 84-93. ",
                      "<a href=https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fishres.2016.06.005>",
                  } else { # if not using Dirichlet-Multinomial likelihood
                    caption_extra <-
                        ".<br><br>'N adj.' is the input sample size ",
                        "after data-weighting adjustment. ",
                        "N eff. is the calculated effective sample size used ",
                        "in the McAllister-Ianelli tuning method."
                } # end check for ipage == 1
                file <- paste(filenamestart,
                  filename_fltsexmkt, pagetext, ".png",
                  sep = ""
                caption <- paste0(caption, caption_count, caption_extra)
                plotinfo <- save_png(
                  plotinfo = plotinfo, file = file, plotdir = plotdir, pwidth = pwidth,
                  pheight = pheight, punits = punits, res = res, ptsize = ptsize,
                  caption = caption
                tempfun(ipage = ipage, ...)
          } # end subplot 1

          # some things related to the next two bubble plots (single or multi-panel)
          if (datonly) {
            z <- dbase[["Obs"]]
            if (scalebubbles) {
              z <- dbase[["Nsamp_adj"]] * dbase[["Obs"]] # if requested, scale by sample sizes
            col <- rep("black", 2)
            titletype <- titledata
            filetype <- "bub"
            allopen <- TRUE
          } else {
            z <- dbase[["Pearson"]]
            col <- rep(colvec[3], 2)
            titletype <- "Pearson residuals, "
            filetype <- "resids"
            allopen <- FALSE

          ### subplot 2: single panel bubble plot for numbers at length or age
          if (2 %in% subplots & bub & kind != "cond") {
            # get growth curves if requested
            if (length(cohortlines) > 0) {
              growdat <- replist[["endgrowth"]]
              growdatF <- growdat[growdat[["Sex"]] == 1 & growdat[["Morph"]] == min(growdat[["Morph"]][growdat[["Sex"]] == 1]), ]
              if (nsexes > 1) {
                growdatM <- growdat[growdat[["Sex"]] == 2 & growdat[["Morph"]] == min(growdat[["Morph"]][growdat[["Sex"]] == 2]), ]
            # assemble caption that may also be used for plot title
            caption <- paste(titletype, title_sexmkt, fleetnames[f], sep = "")
            caption <- paste(caption, " (max=", round(max(z), digits = 2), ")", sep = "")
            if (mainTitle) {
              ptitle <- caption
            } else {
              ptitle <- ""
            titles <- c(ptitle, titles) # compiling list of all plot titles

            tempfun2 <- function() {
              xvals <- dbase[["Yr.S"]]
              # calculate smallest difference among years
              # which is used to adjust offsets males and females
              xdiff <- 0.1 * sort(unique(diff(sort(unique(dbase[["Yr.S"]])),
                na.rm = TRUE
              # not sure what cases would have missing xdiff
              # from above calculation, but it definitely happens
              # with only one year of data, so setting default
              # to work for that case
              if (is.na(xdiff)) {
                xdiff <- 0.1
              cols <- rep(colvec[3], nrow(dbase))
              if (nsexes > 1) {
                xvals[dbase[["sex"]] > 0] <- dbase[["Yr.S"]][dbase[["sex"]] > 0] -
                  (dbase[["sex"]][dbase[["sex"]] > 0] - 1.5) * xdiff
                if (length(unique(dbase[["Yr.S"]])) == 1) {
                  # if only one year, don't bother showing points
                  # as mid-year values
                  # this may not be ideal for seasonal models
                  xvals[dbase[["sex"]] > 0] <- floor(dbase[["Yr.S"]][dbase[["sex"]] > 0]) -
                    (dbase[["sex"]][dbase[["sex"]] > 0] - 1.5) * xdiff
                cols[dbase[["sex"]] > 0] <- colvec[dbase[["sex"]][dbase[["sex"]] > 0]]
                x = xvals, y = dbase[["Bin"]], z = z, xlab = labels[3],
                ylab = kindlab, col = cols, cexZ1 = cexZ1,
                legend = bublegend,
                las = 1, main = ptitle, cex.main = cex.main, maxsize = pntscalar,
                allopen = allopen, minnbubble = minnbubble
              # add lines for growth of individual cohorts if requested
              if (length(cohortlines) > 0) {
                for (icohort in 1:length(cohortlines)) {
                  cat("  Adding line for", cohortlines[icohort], "cohort\n")
                  if (kind == "LEN") {
                    if (nsexes > 1) {
                      lines(growdatF[["Age_Mid"]] + cohortlines[icohort],
                        col = colvec[1]
                      ) # females
                      lines(growdatM[["Age_Mid"]] + cohortlines[icohort],
                        col = colvec[2]
                      ) # males
                    } else {
                      lines(growdatF[["Age_Mid"]] + cohortlines[icohort],
                        col = colvec[3]
                      ) # single-sex growth
                  if (kind %in% c("AGE", "GSTAGE")) {
                    lines(0.5 + c(cohortlines[icohort], cohortlines[icohort] + accuage),
                      c(0, accuage),
                      col = colvec[3], lty = 3
                    ) # one-one line for age
            if (plot) tempfun2()
            if (print) { # set up plotting to png file if required
              pagetext <- ""
              if (npages > 1) {
                pagetext <- paste("_page", ipage, sep = "")
                caption <- paste(caption, " (plot ", ipage, " of ", npages, ")", sep = "")
              if (length(grep("Pearson", caption)) > 0) {
                caption <- paste(
                  "<br> \nClosed bubbles are positive residuals",
                  "(observed > expected)",
                  "and open bubbles are negative residuals",
                  "(observed < expected)."
              file <- paste(filenamestart, filetype,
                filename_fltsexmkt, pagetext, ".png",
                sep = ""
              plotinfo <- save_png(
                plotinfo = plotinfo, file = file, plotdir = plotdir, pwidth = pwidth,
                pheight = pheight, punits = punits, res = res, ptsize = ptsize,
                caption = caption
              dev.off() # close device if png
          } # end bubble plot
          ### subplot 3: multi-panel bubble plots for conditional age-at-length

          if (3 %in% subplots & kind == "cond") {
            # assemble caption that may also be used for plot title
            caption1 <- paste(titletype, title_sexmkt, fleetnames[f], sep = "")
            caption1 <- paste(caption1, " (max=", round(max(z), digits = 2), ")", sep = "")
            if (mainTitle) {
              ptitle <- caption1
            } else {
              ptitle <- ""
            titles <- c(ptitle, titles) # compiling list of all plot titles
            # calculate scaling of lines showing effect and input sample size
            sampsizeline.old <- sampsizeline
            effNline.old <- effNline
            if (is.logical(sampsizeline) && sampsizeline) {
              # scaling when displaying only adjusted input sample size
              sampsizeline <- max(dbase[["Bin"]]) / max(dbase[["Nsamp_adj"]], na.rm = TRUE)
              if (!datonly && is.logical(effNline) && effNline) {
                # scaling when displaying both input and effective
                sampsizeline <- effNline <- max(dbase[["Bin"]]) / max(dbase[["Nsamp_adj"]], dbase[["effN"]], na.rm = TRUE)
                cat("  Fleet ", f, " ", titlesex, "adj. input & effective N in red & green scaled by ", effNline, "\n", sep = "")
              } else {
                cat("  Fleet ", f, " ", titlesex, "adj. input N in red scaled by ", sampsizeline, "\n", sep = "")
            # function to make plots
            tempfun3 <- function(ipage, ...) {
              sexvec <- dbase[["sex"]]
              col.index <- sexvec
              col.index[col.index == 0] <- 3
              cols <- colvec[col.index]
              yrvec <- dbase[["Yr.S"]] + dbase[["sex"]] * 1e-6
                ptsx = dbase[["Bin"]], ptsy = dbase[["Lbin_mid"]], yr = yrvec, size = z,
                sampsize = dbase[["Nsamp_adj"]], showsampsize = showsampsize, effN = dbase[["effN"]],
                showeffN = FALSE,
                cexZ1 = cexZ1,
                bublegend = bublegend,
                nlegends = 1, legtext = list(dbase[["YrSeasName"]]),
                bars = FALSE, linepos = 0, main = ptitle, cex.main = cex.main,
                xlab = labels[2], ylab = labels[1], ymin0 = FALSE, maxrows = maxrows2, maxcols = maxcols2,
                fixdims = fixdims, allopen = allopen, minnbubble = minnbubble,
                # ptscol=col[1],ptscol2=col[2],
                ptscol = cols,
                ipage = ipage, scalebins = scalebins,
                sampsizeline = sampsizeline, effNline = effNline,
                sampsizemean = MeanNage, effNmean = HarmEffNage,
                colvec = colvec, linescol = linescol,
                xlas = xlas, ylas = ylas,
                axis1 = axis1, axis2 = axis2, axis1labs = axis1labs,
                sexvec = sexvec, ...
            if (plot) tempfun3(ipage = 0, ...)
            if (print) { # set up plotting to png file if required
              npages <- ceiling(length(unique(dbase[["Yr.S"]])) *
                length(unique(dbase[["sex"]])) / maxrows2 / maxcols2)
              for (ipage in 1:npages) {
                pagetext <- ""
                caption <- caption1
                if (npages > 1) {
                  pagetext <- paste("_page", ipage, sep = "")
                  caption <- paste(caption, " (plot ", ipage, " of ", npages, ")", sep = "")
                file <- paste(filenamestart, filetype,
                  filename_fltsexmkt, pagetext, ".png",
                  sep = ""
                plotinfo <- save_png(
                  plotinfo = plotinfo, file = file, plotdir = plotdir, pwidth = pwidth,
                  pheight = pheight, punits = punits, res = res, ptsize = ptsize,
                  caption = caption
                tempfun3(ipage = ipage, ...)
                dev.off() # close device if png
            sampsizeline <- sampsizeline.old
            effNline <- effNline.old
          } # end conditional bubble plot
          ### subplots 4 and 5: multi-panel plot of point and line fit to
          ###                   conditional age-at-length
          ###                   and Pearson residuals of A-L key for specific years
          if ((4 %in% subplots | 5 %in% subplots) & aalyear[1] > 0 & kind == "cond") {
            for (y in 1:length(aalyear)) {
              aalyr <- aalyear[y]
              if (length(dbase[["Obs"]][dbase[["Yr"]] == aalyr]) > 0) {
                ydbase <- dbase[dbase[["Yr"]] == aalyr, ]
                sexvec <- ydbase[["sex"]]
                if (4 %in% subplots) {
                  ### subplot 4: multi-panel plot of fit to conditional age-at-length for specific years
                  caption1 <- paste(aalyr, " age-at-length bin, ", title_sexmkt, fleetnames[f], sep = "")
                  if (mainTitle) {
                    ptitle <- caption1
                  } else {
                    ptitle <- ""
                  titles <- c(ptitle, titles) # compiling list of all plot titles
                  lenbinlegend <- paste(ydbase[["Lbin_lo"]], labels[7], sep = "")
                  lenbinlegend[ydbase[["Lbin_range"]] > 0] <- paste(ydbase[["Lbin_lo"]], "-", ydbase[["Lbin_hi"]], labels[7], sep = "")
                  tempfun4 <- function(ipage, ...) { # temporary function to aid repeating the big function call
                      ptsx = ydbase[["Bin"]], ptsy = ydbase[["Obs"]], yr = ydbase[["Lbin_lo"]],
                      linesx = ydbase[["Bin"]], linesy = ydbase[["Exp"]],
                      sampsize = ydbase[["Nsamp_adj"]], effN = ydbase[["effN"]], showsampsize = showsampsize, showeffN = showeffN,
                      nlegends = 3, legtext = list(lenbinlegend, "sampsize", "effN"),
                      bars = FALSE, linepos = linepos, main = ptitle, cex.main = cex.main,
                      xlab = labels[2], ylab = labels[6], maxrows = maxrows, maxcols = maxcols, rows = rows, cols = cols,
                      fixdims = fixdims, ipage = ipage, scalebins = scalebins,
                      xlas = xlas, ylas = ylas,
                      axis1 = axis1, axis2 = axis2, axis1labs = axis1labs,
                      sexvec = sexvec, yupper = yupper, ...
                  if (plot) tempfun4(ipage = 0, ...)
                  if (print) {
                    npages <- ceiling(length(unique(ydbase[["Yr.S"]])) / maxrows / maxcols)
                    for (ipage in 1:npages) {
                      pagetext <- ""
                      caption <- caption1
                      if (npages > 1) {
                        pagetext <- paste("_page", ipage, sep = "")
                        caption <- paste(caption, " (plot ", ipage, " of ", npages, ")", sep = "")
                      if (length(grep("Pearson", caption)) > 0) {
                        caption <- paste(
                          "<br> \nClosed bubbles are positive residuals",
                          "(observed > expected)",
                          "and open bubbles are negative residuals",
                          "(observed < expected)."
                      file <- paste0(
                        filenamestart, filename_fltsexmkt,
                        "_", aalyr, pagetext, ".png"
                      plotinfo <- save_png(
                        plotinfo = plotinfo, file = file, plotdir = plotdir, pwidth = pwidth,
                        pheight = pheight, punits = punits, res = res, ptsize = ptsize,
                        caption = caption
                      tempfun4(ipage = ipage, ...)
                      dev.off() # close device if print
                } # end if 4 in subplots
                if (5 %in% subplots) {
                  ### subplot 5: Pearson residuals for A-L key
                  z <- ydbase[["Pearson"]]
                  col.index <- sexvec
                  col.index[col.index == 0] <- 3
                  cols <- colvec[col.index]
                  x.vec <- ydbase[["Bin"]] + ydbase[["sex"]] * 1e-6
                  caption <- paste(aalyr, " Pearson residuals for A-L key, ", title_sexmkt, fleetnames[f], sep = "")
                  caption <- paste(caption, " (max=", round(abs(max(z)), digits = 2), ")", sep = "")
                  if (mainTitle) {
                    ptitle <- caption
                  } else {
                    ptitle <- ""
                  titles <- c(ptitle, titles) # compiling list of all plot titles
                  tempfun5 <- function() {
                      x = x.vec, y = ydbase[["Lbin_lo"]], z = z, xlab = labels[2],
                      ylab = labels[1], col = cols, las = 1, main = ptitle,
                      cex.main = cex.main, maxsize = pntscalar,
                      cexZ1 = cexZ1,
                      legend = bublegend,
                      allopen = FALSE, minnbubble = minnbubble
                  if (plot) tempfun5()
                  if (print) {
                    if (length(grep("Pearson", caption)) > 0) {
                      caption <- paste(
                        "<br> \nClosed bubbles are positive residuals",
                        "(observed > expected)",
                        "and open bubbles are negative residuals",
                        "(observed < expected)."
                    file <- paste0(
                      filenamestart, "yearresids_",
                      filename_fltsexmkt, "_", aalyr, pagetext, ".png"
                    plotinfo <- save_png(
                      plotinfo = plotinfo, file = file, plotdir = plotdir, pwidth = pwidth,
                      pheight = pheight, punits = punits, res = res, ptsize = ptsize,
                      caption = caption
                    dev.off() # close device if print
                } # end if 5 in subplots

          ### subplot 6: multi-panel plot of point and line fit to conditional
          ###            age-at-length for specific length bins
          if (6 %in% subplots & aalbin[1] > 0) {
            badbins <- setdiff(aalbin, dbase[["Lbin_hi"]])
            goodbins <- intersect(aalbin, dbase[["Lbin_hi"]])
            if (length(goodbins) > 0) {
              if (length(badbins) > 0) {
                  "Error! the following inputs for 'aalbin' do not match the Lbin_hi values for the conditional age-at-length data:", badbins, "\n",
                  "       the following inputs for 'aalbin' are fine:", goodbins, "\n"
              for (ibin in 1:length(goodbins)) { # loop over good bins
                ilenbin <- goodbins[ibin]
                abindbase <- dbase[dbase[["Lbin_hi"]] == ilenbin, ]
                if (nrow(abindbase) > 0) { # check for data associated with this bin
                  sexvec <- abindbase[["sex"]]
                  caption1 <- paste0("Age-at-length ", ilenbin, labels[7], ", ", title_sexmkt, fleetnames[f])
                  if (mainTitle) {
                    ptitle <- caption1
                  } else {
                    ptitle <- ""
                  titles <- c(ptitle, titles) # compiling list of all plot titles
                  tempfun6 <- function(ipage, ...) { # temporary function to aid repeating the big function call
                      ptsx = abindbase[["Bin"]], ptsy = abindbase[["Obs"]], yr = abindbase[["Yr.S"]], linesx = abindbase[["Bin"]], linesy = abindbase[["Exp"]],
                      sampsize = abindbase[["Nsamp_adj"]], effN = abindbase[["effN"]], showsampsize = showsampsize, showeffN = showeffN,
                      nlegends = 3, legtext = list(abindbase[["YrSeasName"]], "sampsize", "effN"),
                      bars = bars, linepos = (1 - datonly) * linepos,
                      main = ptitle, cex.main = cex.main, xlab = kindlab, ylab = labels[6],
                      maxrows = maxrows, maxcols = maxcols, rows = rows, cols = cols,
                      fixdims = fixdims, ipage = ipage, scalebins = scalebins,
                      sexvec = sexvec, ...
                  if (plot) tempfun6(ipage = 0, ...)
                  if (print) {
                    npages <- ceiling(length(unique(abindbase[["Yr.S"]])) / maxrows / maxcols)
                    for (ipage in 1:npages) {
                      pagetext <- ""
                      caption <- caption1
                      if (npages > 1) {
                        pagetext <- paste0("_page", ipage)
                        caption <- paste0(caption, " (plot ", ipage, " of ", npages, ")")
                      file <- paste0(
                        filenamestart, filename_fltsexmkt,
                        "_length", ilenbin, labels[7], pagetext, ".png"
                      plotinfo <- save_png(
                        plotinfo = plotinfo, file = file, plotdir = plotdir, pwidth = pwidth,
                        pheight = pheight, punits = punits, res = res, ptsize = ptsize,
                        caption = caption
                      tempfun6(ipage = ipage, ...)
                      dev.off() # close device if print
                  } # end print
                } # end if data
              } # end loop over length bins
            } # end if length(goodbins)>0
          } # end if plot requested

          ### subplot 7: sample size plot
          if (7 %in% subplots & samplesizeplots & !datonly &
            !("DM_effN" %in% names(dbase) && any(!is.na(dbase[["DM_effN"]]))) &
            !(kind %in% c("GSTAGE", "GSTLEN", "L@A", "W@A"))) {
            caption <- paste0("N-EffN comparison, ", titledata, title_sexmkt, fleetnames[f])
            if (mainTitle) {
              ptitle <- caption
            } else {
              ptitle <- ""
            titles <- c(ptitle, titles) # compiling list of all plot titles
            lfitfunc <- function() {
              if (kind == "cond") {
                # trap nonrobust effective n's
                # should this only be for conditional age-at-length or all plots?
                dbasegood <- dbase[dbase[["Obs"]] >= 0.0001 & dbase[["Exp"]] < 0.99 &
                  !is.na(dbase[["effN"]]) & dbase[["effN"]] < maxneff, ]
              } else {
                dbasegood <- dbase
              if (nrow(dbasegood) > 0) {
                # thinning out columns and removing rows with redundant information
                # (for the purposes of this function)
                dbasegood2 <- dbasegood[, c("YrSeasName", "Nsamp_adj", "effN")]
                dbasegood2 <- unique(dbasegood2)
                plot(dbasegood2[["Nsamp_adj"]], dbasegood2[["effN"]],
                  xlab = labels[4], main = ptitle,
                  cex.main = cex.main,
                  ylim = c(0, 1.15 * max(dbasegood2[["effN"]])), xlim = c(0, 1.15 * max(dbasegood2[["Nsamp_adj"]])),
                  col = colvec[3], pch = 19, ylab = labels[5], xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i"
                # add labels for the years if requested
                if (showyears) {
                  par(xpd = TRUE) # allows the label to go over plot boundary
                    x = dbasegood2[["Nsamp_adj"]], y = dbasegood2[["effN"]],
                    dbasegood2[["YrSeasName"]], adj = c(-0.2, 0.5)
                  par(xpd = FALSE) # restores default clipping
                abline(0, 1, col = "black", lty = 1)
                # add loess smoother if there's at least 6 points with a range greater than 2
                if (smooth & length(unique(dbasegood2[["Nsamp_adj"]])) > 6 & diff(range(dbasegood2[["Nsamp_adj"]])) > 2) {
                  old_warn <- options()$warn # previous warnings setting
                  options(warn = -1) # turn off loess warnings
                  psmooth <- loess(dbasegood2[["effN"]] ~ dbasegood2[["Nsamp_adj"]], degree = 1)
                  options(warn = old_warn) # returning to old value
                  lines(psmooth[["x"]][order(psmooth[["x"]])], psmooth[["fit"]][order(psmooth[["x"]])], lwd = 1.2, col = "red", lty = "dashed")
                if (addMeans) {
                  # vertical line with label for mean input sample size
                  abline(v = mean(dbasegood2[["Nsamp_adj"]]), lty = "22", col = "green3")
                    x = mean(dbasegood2[["Nsamp_adj"]]), y = 0,
                    col = "green3", "arithmetic mean",
                    srt = 90, adj = c(-0.1, -0.3)
                  # horizontal line with label for harmonic effective sample size
                  abline(h = 1 / mean(1 / dbasegood2[["effN"]]), lty = "22", col = "green3")
                    x = 0, y = 1 / mean(1 / dbasegood2[["effN"]]),
                    col = "green3", "harmonic mean",
                    adj = c(-0.1, -0.3)
            if (plot) lfitfunc()
            if (print) { # set up plotting to png file if required
              file <- paste(filenamestart, "sampsize_",
                filename_fltsexmkt, ".png",
                sep = ""
              plotinfo <- save_png(
                plotinfo = plotinfo, file = file, plotdir = plotdir, pwidth = pwidth,
                pheight = pheight, punits = punits, res = res, ptsize = ptsize,
                caption = caption
          } # end subplot 7

          ### subplot 8: Chris Francis TA1.8 method for non-conditional data
          if (8 %in% subplots & kind %in% c("LEN", "SIZE", "AGE")) {
            # convert "AGE" to "age" so that SSMethod.TA1.8 can find "agedbase", etc.
            kind2 <- tolower(kind)
            if (plot) {
              tmp <- SSMethod.TA1.8(
                fit = replist, type = kind2,
                fleet = f, fleetnames = fleetnames, datonly = datonly,
                printit = FALSE
            if (print) { # set up plotting to png file if required
              file <- paste0(
                "data_weighting_TA1.8_", fleetnames[f], ".png"
              # not using save_png because caption isn't available until after
              # plot is created
              # old command: plotinfo <- save_png(file=file, caption=caption)
                filename = file.path(plotdir, file), width = pwidth, height = pheight,
                units = punits, res = res, pointsize = ptsize
              # run function
              tmp <- SSMethod.TA1.8(
                fit = replist, type = kind2,
                fleet = f, fleetnames = fleetnames, datonly = datonly,
                printit = FALSE
              # create caption
              caption <- paste0(
                "Mean ", gsub("len", "length", tolower(kind)),
                " for ", fleetnames[f],
                " with 95% confidence intervals",
                " based on current samples sizes."
              # add warning at top of caption if Dirichlet-Multinomial is used
              # regarldess of whether it is applied to this fleet/data combination
              if (!is.null(replist[["Dirichlet_Multinomial_pars"]])) {
                caption <-
                    "WARNING: this figure is based on multinomial likelihood",
                    "and has not been updated to account for Dirichlet-Multinomial",
                    "likelihood and the sample size adjustment associated with",
                    "the estimated log(<i>&#920</i>) parameters.<br><br>", caption
              if (!datonly) {
                caption <- paste0(
                  "<br>Francis data weighting method TA1.8:"
                if (!is.null(tmp[1])) {
                  vals <- paste0(
                    "thinner intervals (with capped ends) show ",
                    "result of further adjusting sample sizes ",
                    "based on suggested multiplier ",
                    "(with 95% interval) for ", kind2, " data from ",
                    fleetnames[f], ":<br>",
                    round(tmp[1], 4), " (",
                    round(tmp[2], 4), "-", round(tmp[3], 4), ")"
                } else {
                  vals <- "too few points to calculate adjustments."
                caption <- paste(
                  caption, vals, "<br><br>For more info, see<br>",
                  "<blockquote>Francis, R.I.C.C. (2011).",
                  "Data weighting in statistical fisheries stock assessment",
                  "models. <i>Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.</i>",
                  "68: 1124-1138. ",
                  "<a href=https://doi.org/10.1139/f2011-025>",
              } # end test for datonly

              # add caption to the plotinfo table (normally done by save_png)
              plotinfo <- rbind(plotinfo, data.frame(
                file = file,
                caption = caption,
                alt_text = NA

              dev.off() # close device if png
            } # end test for print to PNG option
          } # end subplot 8
          ### subplot 9: Chris Francis TA1.8 method for conditional data
          if (9 %in% subplots & kind == "cond" & (f %in% condbase[["Fleet"]])) {
            if (plot) {
                fit = replist,
                fleet = f, fleetnames = fleetnames, datonly = datonly
            if (print) { # set up plotting to png file if required
              file <- paste(filenamestart,
                "data_weighting_TA1.8_condAge", fleetnames[f], ".png",
                sep = ""
              # not using save_png because caption isn't available until after
              # plot is created
                filename = file.path(plotdir, file), width = pwidth, height = pheight,
                units = punits, res = res, pointsize = ptsize
              # run function
              tmp <- SSMethod.Cond.TA1.8(
                fit = replist,
                fleet = f, fleetnames = fleetnames, datonly = datonly
              # create caption
              caption <- paste0(
                "Mean age from conditional data",
                " (aggregated across length bins) for ",
                " with 95% confidence intervals ",
                " based on current samples sizes."
              if (!datonly) {
                caption <- paste0(
                  "<br>Francis data weighting method TA1.8:"
                if (!is.null(tmp[1])) {
                  vals <- paste0("thinner intervals (with capped ends) show ",
                    "result of further adjusting sample sizes ",
                    "based on suggested multiplier ",
                    "(with 95% interval) for ",
                    "conditional age-at-length data from ",
                    fleetnames[f], ":<br>",
                    round(tmp[1], 4), " (",
                    round(tmp[2], 4), "-", round(tmp[3], 4), ")",
                    sep = ""
                } else {
                  vals <- "too few points to calculate adjustments."
                caption <- paste(
                  caption, vals, "<br><br>For more info, see<br>",
                  "<blockquote>Francis, R.I.C.C. (2011).",
                  "Data weighting in statistical fisheries stock assessment",
                  "models. <i>Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.</i>",
                  "68: 1124-1138.</blockquote>"
              } # end test for datonly
              # add caption to the plotinfo table (normally done by save_png)
              plotinfo <- rbind(plotinfo, data.frame(
                file = file,
                caption = caption,
                alt_text = NA
              dev.off() # close device if png
            } # end test for print to PNG option
          ### subplot 10: Andre's mean age and std. dev. in conditional AAL
          if (10 %in% subplots & kind == "cond" & length(unique(dbase[["Bin"]])) > 1) {
            caption1 <- paste(labels[14], title_sexmkt, fleetnames[f], sep = "")
            if (mainTitle) {
              ptitle <- caption1
            } else {
              ptitle <- ""
            andrefun <- function(ipage = 0) {
              Lens <- sort(unique(dbase[["Lbin_lo"]]))
              Yrs <- sort(unique(dbase[["Yr.S"]]))

              ymax <- 1.1 * max(dbase[["Bin"]], na.rm = TRUE)
              xmax <- max(condbase[["Lbin_hi"]], na.rm = TRUE)
              xmin <- min(condbase[["Lbin_lo"]], na.rm = TRUE)

              # do some stuff so that figures that span multiple pages can be output as separate PNG files
              npanels <- length(Yrs)
              npages <- npanels / andrerows
              panelrange <- 1:npanels
              if (npages > 1 & ipage != 0) panelrange <- intersect(panelrange, 1:andrerows + andrerows * (ipage - 1))
              Yrs2 <- Yrs[panelrange]

              par(mfrow = c(andrerows, 2), mar = c(2, 4, 1, 1), oma = andre_oma)
              for (Yr in Yrs2) {
                y <- dbase[dbase[["Yr.S"]] == Yr, ]
                Size <- NULL
                Size2 <- NULL
                Obs <- NULL
                Obs2 <- NULL
                Pred <- NULL
                Pred2 <- NULL
                Upp <- NULL
                Low <- NULL
                Upp2 <- NULL
                Low2 <- NULL
                for (Ilen in Lens) {
                  z <- y[y[["Lbin_lo"]] == Ilen, ]
                  if (length(z[, 1]) > 0) {
                    weightsPred <- z[["Exp"]] / sum(z[["Exp"]])
                    weightsObs <- z[["Obs"]] / sum(z[["Obs"]])
                    ObsV <- sum(z[["Bin"]] * weightsObs)
                    ObsV2 <- sum(z[["Bin"]] * z[["Bin"]] * weightsObs)
                    PredV <- sum(z[["Bin"]] * weightsPred)
                    PredV2 <- sum(z[["Bin"]] * z[["Bin"]] * weightsPred)
                    # Overdispersion on N
                    # NN <- z[["Nsamp_adj"]][1]*0.01 # Andre did this for reasons unknown
                    NN <- z[["Nsamp_adj"]][1]
                    if (max(z[["Obs"]], na.rm = TRUE) > 1.0e-4 & !is.na(NN) && NN > 0) {
                      Size <- c(Size, Ilen)
                      Obs <- c(Obs, ObsV)
                      Pred <- c(Pred, PredV)
                      varn <- sqrt(PredV2 - PredV * PredV) / sqrt(NN)
                      Pred2 <- c(Pred2, varn)
                      varn <- sqrt(max(0, ObsV2 - ObsV * ObsV, na.rm = TRUE)) / sqrt(NN)
                      Obs2 <- c(Obs2, varn)
                      Low <- c(Low, ObsV - 1.64 * varn)
                      Upp <- c(Upp, ObsV + 1.64 * varn)
                      if (NN > 1) {
                        Size2 <- c(Size2, Ilen)
                        Low2 <- c(Low2, varn * sqrt((NN - 1) / qchisq(0.95, NN)))
                        Upp2 <- c(Upp2, varn * sqrt((NN - 1) / qchisq(0.05, NN)))
                if (length(Obs) > 0) {
                  ## next line was replaced with setting at the top,
                  ## for consistency across years
                  # ymax <- max(Pred,Obs,Upp)*1.1
                  plot(Size, Obs, type = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "Age", xlim = c(xmin, xmax), ylim = c(0, ymax), yaxs = "i")
                  label <- ifelse(nseasons == 1, floor(Yr), Yr)
                  text(x = par("usr")[1], y = .9 * ymax, labels = label, adj = c(-.5, 0), font = 2, cex = 1.2)
                  if (length(Low) > 1) polygon(c(Size, rev(Size)), c(Low, rev(Upp)), col = "grey95", border = NA)
                  if (!datonly) lines(Size, Pred, col = 4, lwd = 3)
                  points(Size, Obs, pch = 16)
                  lines(Size, Low, lty = 3)
                  lines(Size, Upp, lty = 3)
                  if (par("mfg")[1] == 1) {
                    title(main = ptitle, xlab = labels[1], outer = TRUE, line = 1)

                  ymax2 <- max(Obs2, Pred2, na.rm = TRUE) * 1.1
                  plot(Size, Obs2, type = "n", xlab = labels[1], ylab = labels[13], xlim = c(xmin, xmax), ylim = c(0, ymax2), yaxs = "i")
                  if (length(Low2) > 1) polygon(c(Size2, rev(Size2)), c(Low2, rev(Upp2)), col = "grey95", border = NA)
                  if (!datonly) lines(Size, Pred2, col = 4, lwd = 3)
                  points(Size, Obs2, pch = 16)
                  lines(Size2, Low2, lty = 3)
                  lines(Size2, Upp2, lty = 3)
                  if (!datonly & par("mfg")[1] == 1) {
                      legend = c("Observed (with 90% interval)", "Expected"),
                      bty = "n", col = c(1, 4), pch = c(16, NA), lty = c(NA, 1), lwd = 3
                } # end if data exist
              } # end loop over years
            } # end andrefun
            if (plot) andrefun()
            if (print) { # set up plotting to png file if required
              npages <- ceiling(length(unique(dbase[["Yr.S"]])) / andrerows)
              for (ipage in 1:npages) {
                pagetext <- ""
                caption <- caption1
                if (npages > 1) {
                  pagetext <- paste("_page", ipage, sep = "")
                  caption <- paste(caption, " (plot ", ipage, " of ", npages, ")", sep = "")
                if (ipage == 1) {
                  # add more information only to first page of plots
                  caption <- paste(caption,
                    "\nThese plots show mean age and std. dev. in conditional A@L.<br>",
                    "Left plots are mean A@L by size-class (obs. and exp.) ",
                    "with 90% CIs based on adding 1.64 SE of mean to the data.<br>",
                    "Right plots in each pair are SE of mean A@L (obs. and exp.) ",
                    "with 90% CIs based on the chi-square distribution.",
                    sep = ""
                file <- paste(filenamestart, "Andre_plots",
                  filename_fltsexmkt, pagetext, ".png",
                  sep = ""
                plotinfo <- save_png(
                  plotinfo = plotinfo, file = file, plotdir = plotdir, pwidth = pwidth,
                  pheight = pheight, punits = punits, res = res, ptsize = ptsize,
                  caption = caption
                andrefun(ipage = ipage)
                dev.off() # close device if png
              } # end loop over pages
            } # end test for print to PNG option
          } # end subplot 10
        } # end loop over partitions (index j)
        #        } # end test for whether sex in vector of requested sexes
        #      } # end loop over combined/not-combined sex
      } # end if data
    } # end loop over fleets

    if (!is.null(plotinfo)) plotinfo[["category"]] <- "Comp"
  } # end SSplotComps function

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r4ss documentation built on May 28, 2022, 1:11 a.m.