
Defines functions SSplotData

Documented in SSplotData

#' Timeline of presence/absence of data by type, year, and fleet.
#' Plot shows graphical display of what data is being used in the model.  Some
#' data types may not yet be included. Note, this is based on output from the
#' model, not the input data file.
#' @template replist
#' @param plot plot to active plot device?
#' @param print print to PNG files?
#' @param plotdir directory where PNG files will be written. by default it will
#' be the directory where the model was run.
#' @param subplot vector controlling which subplots to create
#' Currently there are only 2 subplots:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item 1 equal size points showing presence/absence of data type by year/fleet
#'   \item 2 points scaled to indicate quantity or precision of data
#' }
#' @param fleetcol Either the string "default", or a vector of colors to use
#' for each fleet. If tagging data is included, an additional color needs to be
#' added for the tag releases which are not assigned to a fleet.
#' @param datatypes Either the string "all", or a vector including some subset
#' of the following: "catch", "cpue", "lendbase", "sizedbase", "agedbase",
#' "condbase", "ghostagedbase", "ghostcondbase", "ghostlendbase", "ladbase",
#' "wadbase", "mnwgt", "discard", "tagrelease", and "tagdbase1".
#' @param fleets Either the string "all", or a vector of numerical values, like
#' c(1,3), listing fleets or surveys to be included in the plot.
#' @param fleetnames A vector of alternative names to use in the plot. By
#' default the parameter names in the data file are used.
#' @param ghost TRUE/FALSE indicator for whether to show presence of
#' composition data from ghost fleets (data for which the fit is shown, but is
#' not included in the likelihood calculations).
#' @param pwidth width of plot
#' @param pheight height of plot
#' @param punits units for PNG file
#' @template res
#' @param ptsize point size for PNG file
#' @param cex.main character expansion for plot titles
#' @param margins margins of plot (passed to par() function), which may need to
#' be increased if fleet names run off right-hand margin
#' @param cex Character expansion for points showing isolated years of data
#' @param lwd Line width for lines showing ranges of years of data
#' @param verbose report progress to R GUI?
#' @param maxsize The size (cex) of the largest bubble in the datasize
#' plot. Default is 1.
#' @param alphasize The transparency of the bubbles in the datasize
#' plot. Defaults to 1 (no transparency). Useful for models with lots of
#' overlapping points.
#' @param mainTitle TRUE/FALSE switch to turn on/off the title on the plot.
#' @author Ian Taylor, Chantel Wetzel, Cole Monnahan
#' @export
#' @seealso [SS_plots()], [SS_output()],
#' [SS_readdat()]
SSplotData <- function(replist,
                       plot = TRUE, print = FALSE,
                       plotdir = "default",
                       subplot = 1:2,
                       fleetcol = "default",
                       datatypes = "all", fleets = "all", fleetnames = "default", ghost = FALSE,
                       pwidth = 6.5, pheight = 5.0, punits = "in", res = 300, ptsize = 10, cex.main = 1,
                       margins = c(5.1, 2.1, 2.1, 8.1),
                       cex = 2, lwd = 12,
                       maxsize = 1.0,
                       alphasize = 1,
                       mainTitle = FALSE,
                       verbose = TRUE) {
  # table to store information on each plot
  plotinfo <- NULL

  ## ### override datasize variable in seasonal models
  ## if(replist[["nseasons"]] > 1){
  ##   cat("  Setting datasize to FALSE because not yet implemented for seasonal models.\n")
  ##   datasize <- FALSE
  ## }

  ### get info from replist
  # dimensions
  startyr <- replist[["startyr"]]
  endyr <- replist[["endyr"]]
  nfleets <- replist[["nfleets"]]

  if (fleetnames[1] == "default") {
    fleetnames <- replist[["FleetNames"]]
  if (plotdir == "default") {
    plotdir <- replist[["inputs"]][["dir"]]

  # catch
  catch <- replist[["catch"]]

  # index
  cpue <- replist[["cpue"]]

  # composition data
  lendbase <- replist[["lendbase"]]
  sizedbase <- replist[["sizedbase"]]
  agedbase <- replist[["agedbase"]]
  condbase <- replist[["condbase"]]
  ghostagedbase <- replist[["ghostagedbase"]]
  ghostcondbase <- replist[["ghostcondbase"]]
  ghostlendbase <- replist[["ghostlendbase"]]
  ladbase <- replist[["ladbase"]]
  wadbase <- replist[["wadbase"]]
  tagdbase1 <- replist[["tagdbase1"]]

  # mean body weight
  mnwgt <- replist[["mnwgt"]]

  # discards
  discard <- replist[["discard"]]

  # tag data
  tagrelease <- replist[["tagrelease"]]

  # make table of data types
  typetable <- matrix(c(
    "catch", "Catches", # 1
    "cpue", "Abundance indices", # 2
    "lendbase", "Length compositions", # 3
    "sizedbase", "Size compositions", # 4
    "agedbase", "Age compositions", # 5
    "condbase", "Conditional age-at-length compositions", # 6
    "ghostagedbase", "Ghost age compositions", # 7
    "ghostcondbase", "Ghost conditional age-at-length compositions", # 8
    "ghostlendbase", "Ghost length compositions", # 9
    "ladbase", "Mean length-at-age", # 10
    "wadbase", "Mean weight-at-age", # 11
    "mnwgt", "Mean body weight", # 12
    "discard", "Discards", # 13
    "tagrelease", "Tag releases", # 14
    "tagdbase1", "Tag recaptures"
  ), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) # 15
  # note: tagdbase2 excluded since it is not fleet specific and the years
  #       should always match those in tagdbase1

  # exclude ghost fleet observations if requested
  if (!ghost) {
    typetable <- typetable[-grep("ghost", typetable[, 1]), ]
  typenames <- typetable[, 1]
  typelabels <- typetable[, 2]

  # loop over types to make a database of years with comp data
  ntypes <- 0
  # replace typetable object with empty table
  typetable <- NULL
  ## now loop over typenames looking for presence of this data type
  ### --- 11/2015 Cole added a "size" column to this data so that relative
  ### uncertainties can be used for cex values in a new plot below.
  for (itype in 1:length(typenames)) {
    dat <- get(typenames[itype])
    typename <- typenames[itype]
    # confirm that there is non-NA data of this type
    if (!is.null(dat) && !all(is.na(dat)) && nrow(dat) > 0) {
      ntypes <- ntypes + 1
      for (ifleet in 1:nfleets) {
        allyrs <- NULL
        size <- NULL
        # subset for this fleet
        dat.f <- dat[dat[["Fleet"]] == ifleet, ]
        # check for observations from this fleet
        if (nrow(dat.f) > 0) {

          # identify years from different data types
          if (typename == "catch") {
            # aggregate catch by year
            dat.agg <- aggregate(dat.f[["Obs"]], by = list(dat.f[["Yr"]]), FUN = sum)
            allyrs <- dat.agg[["Group.1"]][dat.agg[["x"]] > 0]
            size <- dat.agg[["x"]][dat.agg[["x"]] > 0]

            #### turning off this feature because a data plot should probably
            #### only show data, rather than estimated discard mortality
            ## # use updated table in newer versions of SS (probably 3.30+)
            ## # presumably this will include discards whereas the previous approach
            ## # may have only been landed catch
            ## if("kill_bio" %in% names(dat.f)){
            ##   size <- dat.f[["kill_bio"]][dat.f[["Obs"]]>0]
            ## }
          if (typename == "cpue") {
            # filter out rows that aren't used
            dat.f <- dat.f[!is.na(dat.f[["Use"]]) & dat.f[["Use"]] > 0, ]
            if (nrow(dat.f) > 0) { # skip of all values are excluded
              # aggregate by year, taking average SE (on a log scale)
              dat.agg <- aggregate(dat.f[["SE"]], by = list(dat.f[["Yr"]]), FUN = mean)
              allyrs <- dat.agg[["Group.1"]]
              size <- 1 / dat.agg[["x"]] # inverse of mean SE
          if (typename == "mnwgt") {
            # filter out rows that aren't used
            dat.f <- dat.f[!is.na(dat.f[["Use"]]) & dat.f[["Use"]] > 0, ]
            if (nrow(dat.f) > 0) { # skip of all values are excluded
              # get mean CV across partitions
              dat.agg <- aggregate(dat.f[["CV"]], by = list(dat.f[["Yr"]]), FUN = mean)
              allyrs <- dat.agg[["Group.1"]]
              size <- 1 / dat.agg[["x"]] # inverse of mean CV
          if (typename == "discard") {
            # filter out rows that aren't used
            dat.f <- dat.f[!is.na(dat.f[["Use"]]) & dat.f[["Use"]] > 0, ]
            if (nrow(dat.f) > 0) { # skip of all values are excluded
              # get mean standard deviation across partitions
              dat.agg <- aggregate(dat.f[["Std_in"]], by = list(dat.f[["Yr"]]), FUN = mean)
              allyrs <- dat.agg[["Group.1"]]
              size <- 1 / dat.agg[["x"]] # inverse of mean CV
          if (typename %in% c("lendbase", "sizedbase", "agedbase")) {
            # aggregate sample sizes by year
            dat.agg <- aggregate(dat.f[["Nsamp_adj"]], by = list(dat.f[["Yr"]]), FUN = sum)
            allyrs <- dat.agg[["Group.1"]]
            size <- dat.agg[["x"]]
          if (typename %in% c("ghostagedbase", "ghostcondbase", "ghostlendbase")) {
            allyrs <- unique(dat.f[["Yr"]])
            # sample sizes not currently (as of 3.30.13) reported
            # for ghost observations
            size <- rep(1, length(allyrs))
          if (typename %in% c("condbase", "ghostcondbase")) {
            # subset to a row for each observation (entry in data file)
            # to get representative sample size (sample size is repeated
            # for all bins within each vector of observations)
            representative.rows <- !duplicated(paste(
            dat.sub <- dat.f[representative.rows, ]
            # check for observations within this fleet
            if (nrow(dat.sub) > 0) {
              # aggregate sample sizes by year
              dat.agg <- aggregate(dat.sub[["Nsamp_adj"]], by = list(dat.sub[["Yr"]]), FUN = sum)
              allyrs <- dat.agg[["Group.1"]]
              size <- dat.agg[["x"]]
          if (typename == "tagrelease" & ifleet == 1) {
            # aggregate sample sizes by year
            dat.agg <- aggregate(dat.f[["Nrelease"]], by = list(dat.f[["Yr"]]), FUN = sum)
            allyrs <- dat.agg[["Group.1"]]
            size <- dat.agg[["x"]]
          if (typename == "tagdbase1") {
            # filter out rows that aren't used
            dat.f <- dat.f[dat.f[["Used"]] == "yes", ]
            if (nrow(dat.f) > 0) { # skip of all values are excluded
              # aggregate sample sizes by year
              dat.agg <- aggregate(dat.f[["Obs"]], by = list(dat.f[["Yr"]]), FUN = sum)
              allyrs <- dat.agg[["Group.1"]][dat.agg[["x"]] > 0]
              size <- dat.agg[["x"]][dat.agg[["x"]] > 0]
          # length- and weight-at-age have different sample sizes for each age
          # within a year, use sum of sample sizes
          # (results will be same as if average was used due to rescaling)
          if (typename %in% c("ladbase", "wadbase")) {
            # filter out rows that aren't used
            dat.f <- dat.f[dat.f[["Used"]] == "yes", ]
            if (nrow(dat.f) > 0) { # skip of all values are excluded
              # aggregate sample sizes by year
              dat.agg <- aggregate(dat.f[["Nsamp_adj"]], by = list(dat.f[["Yr"]]), FUN = sum)
              allyrs <- dat.agg[["Group.1"]]
              size <- dat.agg[["x"]]

          # expand table of years with data
          if (!is.null(allyrs) & length(allyrs) > 0) {
            ## subset to unique values and be careful about keeping the
            ## order of size
            ## this will cause repeat observations for different partitions
            ## to be averaged
            unique.index <- which(!duplicated(allyrs))
            yrs <- floor(allyrs[unique.index])
            size.sorted <- size[unique.index][order(yrs)]
            yrs.sorted <- yrs[order(yrs)]

            # add to big typetable
            typetable <- rbind(
                yr = yrs.sorted,
                fleet = ifelse(typename == "tagrelease",
                  nfleets + 1, ifleet
                itype = ntypes, typename = typename,
                size = size.sorted,
                stringsAsFactors = FALSE
          } # end example table
        } # check for values within this fleet
      } # end loop over fleets
    } # end check for presence of data of this type
  } # end loop over typenames

  # subset by fleets and data types if requested
  if (fleets[1] == "all") {
    fleets <- 1:(nfleets + 1)
  if (datatypes[1] == "all") {
    datatypes <- typenames

  # typetable2 has been subset according to requested choices of type
  typetable2 <- typetable[typetable[["fleet"]] %in% fleets &
    typetable[["typename"]] %in% datatypes, ]

  # define dimensions of plot
  ntypes <- length(unique(typetable2[["itype"]]))
  # fleets2 is a subset of fleets that have data of the requested types
  fleets2 <- sort(unique(typetable2[["fleet"]]))
  fleets2 <- fleets2[fleets2 %in% c(0, fleets)]
  nfleets2 <- length(fleets2)
  # add name for tag releases which are not assigned to a fleet
  if (nfleets + 1 %in% fleets2) {
    fleetnames <- c(fleetnames, "unassigned")

  # define colors
  if (fleetcol[1] == "default") {
    if (nfleets2 > 3) fleetcol <- rich.colors.short(nfleets2 + 1)[-1]
    if (nfleets2 == 1) fleetcol <- "grey40"
    if (nfleets2 == 2) fleetcol <- rich.colors.short(nfleets2)
    if (nfleets2 == 3) fleetcol <- c("blue", "red", "green3")
  } else {
    if (length(fleetcol) < nfleets2) fleetcol <- rep(fleetcol, nfleets2)

  # function containing plotting commands
  plotdata <- function(datasize) {
    par(mar = margins) # multi-panel plot
    xlim <- c(-1, 1) + range(typetable2[["yr"]], na.rm = TRUE)
    yval <- 0
    # count number of unique combinations of fleet and data type
    ymax <- sum(as.data.frame(table(typetable2[["fleet"]], typetable2[["itype"]]))$Freq > 0)
    main.temp <- ""
    if (mainTitle) {
      main.temp <- if (datasize) {
        "Data by type and year, circle area is relative to precision within data type"
      } else {
        "Data by type and year"
      xlim = xlim, ylim = c(0, ymax + 2 * ntypes + .5), axes = FALSE, xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i",
      type = "n", xlab = "Year", ylab = "", main = main.temp, cex.main = cex.main
    xticks <- 5 * round(xlim[1]:xlim[2] / 5)
    abline(v = xticks, col = "grey", lty = 3)
    axistable <- data.frame(fleet = rep(NA, ymax), yval = NA)
    itick <- 1
    # loop over data types
    for (itype in rev(unique(typetable2[["itype"]]))) {
      ## Calculate relative size for each data type separately
      size.max <- max(typetable2[["size"]][typetable2[["itype"]] == itype], na.rm = TRUE)
      if (size.max > 0) {
        # rescale if max > 0
        typetable2[["size"]][typetable2[["itype"]] == itype] <-
          typetable2[["size"]][typetable2[["itype"]] == itype] / size.max
      } else {
        # if max = 0, then set all points to 0 (presumably they already were)
        typetable2[["size"]][typetable2[["itype"]] == itype] <- 0

      # name for this data type
      typename <- unique(typetable2[["typename"]][typetable2[["itype"]] == itype])
      # subset of fleets for this data type
      type.fleets <- sort(unique(typetable2[["fleet"]][typetable2[["itype"]] == itype]))
      for (ifleet in rev(type.fleets)) {
        yrs <- typetable2[["yr"]][typetable2[["fleet"]] == ifleet & typetable2[["itype"]] == itype]
        if (length(yrs) > 0) {
          col <- fleetcol[which(fleets2 == ifleet)]
          size.cex <- typetable2[["size"]][typetable2[["fleet"]] == ifleet & typetable2[["itype"]] == itype]
          yval <- yval + 1
          x <- min(yrs):max(yrs)
          n <- length(x)
          y <- rep(yval, n)
          y[!x %in% yrs] <- NA
          # identify solo points (no data from adjacent years)
          solo <- rep(FALSE, n)
          if (n == 1) solo <- 1
          if (n == 2 & yrs[2] != yrs[1] + 1) solo <- rep(TRUE, 2)
          if (n >= 3) {
            for (i in 2:(n - 1)) if (is.na(y[i - 1]) & is.na(y[i + 1])) solo[i] <- TRUE
            if (is.na(y[2])) solo[1] <- TRUE
            if (is.na(y[n - 1])) solo[n] <- TRUE
          if (!datasize) {
            ## The original plot is to add points and lines
            points(x[solo], y[solo], pch = 16, cex = cex, col = col)
            lines(x, y, lwd = lwd, col = col)
          } else {
            ## make circle sizes propotional to the uncertainty,
            ## contained in size, NA's don't work for symbols so remove them
            x <- x[!is.na(y)]
            y <- y[!is.na(y)]
              x = x, y = y, circles = sqrt(size.cex) * maxsize,
              bg = adjustcolor(col, alpha.f = alphasize),
              add = TRUE, inches = FALSE
          axistable[itick, ] <- c(ifleet, yval)
          itick <- itick + 1
      yval <- yval + 2
      if (itype != 1) abline(h = yval + .3, col = "grey", lty = 3)
      text(mean(xlim), yval - .3, typelabels[typenames == typename], font = 2)
      # text(mean(xlim),yval,typelabels[typenames==typename],font=2)
    axis(4, at = axistable[["yval"]], labels = fleetnames[axistable[["fleet"]]], las = 1)
    axis(1, at = xticks)

  ## Make the plot with no scaling on circles
  if (1 %in% subplot) {
    if (plot) {
      plotdata(datasize = FALSE)
    if (print) {
      caption <- "Data presence by year for each fleet and data type."
      file <- "data_plot.png"
      plotinfo <- save_png(
        plotinfo = plotinfo, file = file, plotdir = plotdir, pwidth = pwidth,
        pheight = pheight, punits = punits, res = res, ptsize = ptsize,
        caption = caption
      plotdata(datasize = FALSE)

  ## Make second data plot
  if (2 %in% subplot) {
    if (plot) {
      plotdata(datasize = TRUE)
    if (print) {
      caption <- paste(
        "Data presence by year for each fleet, where circle area is <br> ",
        "relative within a data type. Circles are proportional to <br> ",
        "total catch for catches; to precision for indices, discards, and <br> ",
        "mean body weight observations; and to total sample size for <br>",
        "compositions and mean weight- or length-at-age observations. <br>",
        "'Ghost' observations (not included in the likelihood) have <br>",
        "equal size for all years. <br>",
        "Note that since the circles are are scaled relative <br> ",
        "to maximum within each type, the scaling within separate plots <br> ",
        "should not be compared."
      if (replist[["nseasons"]] > 1) {
        caption <- paste(
          "<br>This is a seasonal model, so scaling is based on either <br> ",
          "the sum of samples within each year (for things like comps) <br> ",
          "or the average among observations within a year (for  <br> ",
          "things like index uncertainty)."
      file <- "data_plot2.png"
      plotinfo <- save_png(
        plotinfo = plotinfo, file = file, plotdir = plotdir, pwidth = pwidth,
        pheight = pheight, punits = punits, res = res, ptsize = ptsize,
        caption = caption
      plotdata(datasize = TRUE)

  returnlist <- list(typetable2 = typetable2)

  if (!is.null(plotinfo)) {
    plotinfo[["category"]] <- "Data"
    returnlist[["plotinfo"]] <- plotinfo

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