
Defines functions SurrogateData PlotSmap PlotObsPred isValidDataFrame ValidateDataFrame FlattenToString ComputeError is.scalar

Documented in ComputeError SurrogateData

is.scalar = function(x) { is.atomic(x) && length(x) == 1L }

ComputeError = function( obs, pred ) {
  # Pearson rho, RMSE, MAE.
  return ( RtoCpp_ComputeError( obs, pred ) )

FlattenToString = function( x, delimiter = " " ) {
  # R is Bizarre... does not have a consistent type system
  #   is.vector( list() ) is TRUE; is.list( data.frame() ) is TRUE
  #   length( 'xxx' ) is 1; length( c('xxx' ) ) is 1
  #   nchar ( 'xxx' ) is 3; nchar ( c('xxx' ) ) is 3
  # Test for data.frame or matrix first, then list, then vector
  # or, use class string as selector
  if ( is.data.frame( x ) || is.matrix( x ) ) {
    s = ""
    for( row in 1:nrow( x ) ) {
      s = paste( s, paste( x[row,], collapse = delimiter ),
                 collapse = delimiter )
  else if ( is.list( x ) ) {
    s = paste( unlist( x ), collapse = delimiter )
  else if ( is.vector( x ) ) {
    s = paste( x,  collapse = delimiter )
  else {
    s = x
  return ( s )

# Validate dataFrame, or load dataFile and create dataFrame to validate
ValidateDataFrame = function( pathIn, dataFile, dataFrame,
                              columns, target, noTime,
                              verbose = FALSE ) {

  if ( nchar( dataFile ) ) {
    # Shame to read the data just for this... anti Big Data. R fails anyway.
    # Perhaps pass the df back ?  Gets messy.
    # R data.frame names are presumed to be valid variable names.
    #   Numeric fist character or hyphen/dash/minus "-" are not valid.
    #   Disable check.names that calls make.names() on column names.
    df = read.csv( paste( pathIn, dataFile, sep = '/' ),
                   as.is = TRUE, check.names = FALSE )
  else {
    df = dataFrame

  if ( ! isValidDataFrame( df ) ) {
    print( "Error: ValidateDataFrame(): dataFrame is not valid." )
    return( FALSE )
  if ( verbose ) {
    print( "ValidateDataFrame(): dataFrame is valid." )

  columnNames = names( df ) # Names from data.frame itself

  # Names from API input columns and target
  # Is there ',' in API string for name with whitespace?
  # regex for multiple whitespace : "\\s+"
  if ( length( columns ) > 1 ) {
    columnVec = columns # Vector of strings passed in columns, use as-is
  else {
    if ( TRUE %in% grepl( ",", columns ) ) { regex_delimiters = ",+"   }
    else                                   { regex_delimiters = "\\s+" }
    columnVec = strsplit( trimws( columns ), regex_delimiters )[[1]]

  if ( length( target ) > 1 ) {
    columnVec = columns # Vector of strings passed in target, use as-is
  else {
    if ( TRUE %in% grepl( ",", target ) ) {
      targetVec = strsplit( trimws( columns ), ",+" ) # CCM can have multiple
    else {
      targetVec = c( target ) # No ',' in target string, take as-is

  for ( target in targetVec ) {
    if ( length( df[,target] ) == 0 ) {
      print( paste("Error: ValidateDataFrame(): Target", target, "is empty."))
      return( FALSE )

    if ( ! (target %in% columnNames) ) {
      print( paste( "Error: ValidateDataFrame(): Target", target,
                    "not found in dataFrame columns:" ) )
      print( columnNames )
      return( FALSE )

  for ( column in columnVec ) {
    if ( length( df[,column] ) == 0 ) {
      print( paste("Error: ValidateDataFrame(): Column", column, "is empty."))
      return( FALSE )

    if ( ! (column %in% columnNames) ) {
      print( paste( "Error: ValidateDataFrame(): Column", column,
                    "not found in dataFrame columns:" ) )
      print( columnNames )
      return( FALSE )

  if ( verbose ) {
    print( "ValidateDataFrame(): dataFrame validated." )
  return( TRUE )

# Is dataFrame a non-empty data.frame?
# Do columns 2:ncol(dataFrame) have character or factors? TRUE : FALSE
isValidDataFrame = function( dataFrame ) {
  if ( inherits( dataFrame, "data.frame" ) ) {
    if ( nrow( dataFrame ) == 0 || ncol( dataFrame ) == 0 ) { 
      print( paste( "isValidDataFrame(): dataFrame is empty." ) )
      return( FALSE )
    df.class = sapply( dataFrame[ , 2:ncol(dataFrame) ], class )

    if ( "character" %in% df.class || "factor" %in% df.class ) {
      print( "isValidDataFrame(): Non-numeric column detected in dataFrame." )
      return( FALSE )
    return( TRUE )
  else {
    print( "isValidDataFrame(): dataFrame is not an R data.frame." )
    return( FALSE )

# Plot data.frame with "time" "Observations" "Predictions"
PlotObsPred = function( df,
                        dataFile = NULL,
                        E        = NULL,
                        Tp       = NULL ) {

  if ( ncol( df ) < 3 ) {
    print( "PlotObsPred: at least 3 columns are expected." )
    return( 0 )
  if ( ! "Observations" %in% names( df ) ) {
    print( "PlotObsPred: unable to find Observations." )
    return( 0 )
  if ( ! "Predictions" %in% names( df ) ) {
    print( "PlotObsPred: unable to find Predictions." )
    return( 0 )

  # Try to convert first column to Date or POSIXlt or numeric
  time = NULL
  if ( is.numeric( df[,1] ) ) {
    time = df[,1]
  else {
    time = try( as.Date( df[,1] ), silent = TRUE )
    if ( "try-error" %in% class( time ) ) {
      time = try( as.POSIXlt( df[,1] ), silent = TRUE )
      if ( "try-error" %in% class( time ) ) {
        time = try(as.numeric(levels(df[,1]))[df[,1]], silent = TRUE)
  if ( "try-error" %in% class( time ) ) {
    # Create a bogus time vector
    time = seq( 1, nrow( df ) )

  # stats: {'MAE': 0., 'RMSE': 0., 'rho': 0. }
  stats = ComputeError( df $ Observations,
                        df $ Predictions )

  title = paste( "\nE=", E, " Tp=", Tp,
                 " rho=",  round( stats[['rho']],  2 ),    
                 " RMSE=", round( stats[['RMSE']], 2 ) )

  plot( time, df $ Observations, main = title,
        xlab = names(df)[1], ylab = "",
        type = "l", col = "blue", lwd = 3,
        cex.axis = 1.3, cex.lab = 1.3 )

  lines( time, df $ Predictions, col = "red", lwd = 3 )

  legend( 'topright', c( "Predictions", "Observations" ), 
          fill = c('red', 'blue' ), bty = 'n', cex = 1.2 )

# Plot S-Map coefficients
PlotSmap = function( SmapList,
                     dataFile = NULL,
                     E        = NULL,
                     Tp       = NULL ) {

  if ( ! "predictions" %in% names( SmapList ) ) {
    print( "PlotSmap: unable to find predictions." )
    return( 0 )
  if ( ! "coefficients" %in% names( SmapList ) ) {
    print( "PlotSmap: unable to find coefficients." )
    return( 0 )

  p = SmapList[[ "predictions"  ]]
  c = SmapList[[ "coefficients" ]]

  if ( ncol( p ) < 3 ) {
    print( "PlotSmap: expected at least 3 columns in predictions." )
    return( 0 )

  # Try to convert first column to Date or POSIXlt or numeric
  time = NULL
  if ( is.numeric( p[,1] ) ) {
    time = p[,1]
  else {
    time = try( as.Date( p[,1] ), silent = TRUE )
    if ( "try-error" %in% class( time ) ) {
      time = try( as.POSIXlt( p[,1] ), silent = TRUE )
      if ( "try-error" %in% class( time ) ) {
        time = try(as.numeric(levels(p[,1]))[p[,1]], silent = TRUE)
  if ( "try-error" %in% class( time ) ) {
    # Create a bogus time vector
    time = seq( 1, nrow( p ) )

  numCoeff = ncol( c ) - 1 

  old.par = par( no.readonly = TRUE )

  par( mfrow = c( numCoeff + 1, 1 ), mar = c( 3.5, 4, 0.5, 1 ),
       mgp = c( 1.5, 0.5, 0 ), cex.axis = 1.3, cex.lab = 1.3 )

  # Observations & Predictions
  plot( time, p $ Observations,
        xlab = names(p)[1], ylab = "",
        type = "l", col = "blue", lwd = 3,
        cex.axis = 1.3, cex.lab = 1.3 )

  lines( time, p $ Predictions, col = "red", lwd = 3 )
  legend( 'topright', c( "Predictions", "Observations" ), 
          fill = c('red', 'blue' ), bty = 'n', cex = 1.5 )

  # Coefficients
  title = paste( dataFile , 'S-Map Coefficients', '\nE=' , E, ' Tp=', Tp )

  coefName = names( c )
  for ( coef in 2:ncol(c) ) {
    plot( time, c[,coef], xlab = "Time", ylab = coefName[coef],
          col = "blue", type = "l", lwd = 3 )
    mtext( title, side = 3, line = -1.5, cex = 1.2 )

  par( old.par )

# Generate surrogate data for permutation/randomization tests
# Method "random_shuffle" creates surrogates by randomly permuting the values 
# of the original time series.
# Method "Ebisuzaki" creates surrogates by randomizing the phases of a Fourier 
# transform, preserving the power spectra of the null surrogates.
# Method "seasonal" creates surrogates by computing a mean seasonal trend of 
# the specified period and shuffling the residuals.
SurrogateData = function(
  method = c("random_shuffle", "ebisuzaki", "seasonal"), 
  num_surr = 100, T_period = 1, alpha = 0 )

  method = match.arg(method)
  if( method == "random_shuffle" ) {
    return( sapply( 1:num_surr, function(i) {
      sample(ts, size = length(ts))
    } ) )
  else if( method == "ebisuzaki" ) {
    if( any( ! is.finite(ts) ) ) {
      stop("SurrogateData(): input time series contained invalid values")

    n  = length(ts)
    n2 = floor(n/2)

    mu    = mean(ts)
    sigma = sd(ts)
    a     = fft(ts)
    amplitudes    = abs(a)
    amplitudes[1] = 0

    return( sapply(1:num_surr, function(i) {
      if(n %% 2 == 0) # even length
        thetas   = 2*pi*runif(n2-1)
        angles   = c(0, thetas, 0, -rev(thetas))
        recf     = amplitudes * exp(complex(imaginary = angles))
        recf[n2] = complex(real = sqrt(2) * amplitudes[n2] * cos(runif(1)*2*pi))
      else # odd length
        thetas = 2*pi*runif(n2)
        angles = c(0, thetas, -rev(thetas))
        recf   = amplitudes * exp(complex(imaginary = angles))
      temp = Re( fft(recf, inverse = T) / n )
      # adjust variance of the surrogate time series to match the original
      return(temp / sd(temp) * sigma)
  else {
    if( any(!is.finite(ts)) ) {
      stop("SurrogateData(): input time series contained invalid values")

    n = length(ts)
    I_season = suppressWarnings( matrix( 1:T_period, nrow = n, ncol = 1 ) )
    # Calculate seasonal cycle using smooth.spline
    seasonal_F = smooth.spline(
      c(I_season - T_period, I_season, I_season + T_period), c(ts, ts, ts) )
    seasonal_cyc   = predict( seasonal_F, I_season ) $ y
    seasonal_resid = ts - seasonal_cyc
    return(sapply(1:num_surr, function(i) {
      seasonal_cyc + sample(seasonal_resid, n) + rnorm(n, 0, alpha)

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