
Defines functions selBias validateSelBias

Documented in selBias

#' @include doublyT.R
#' @include getStat.R
#' @include testDec.R
#' @include getExpectation.R
#' @include endpoint.R

# --------------------------------------------#
# Class selBias                               #
# --------------------------------------------#

# --------------------------------------------
# Function for validity check
# --------------------------------------------

# Validity check function for objects of the selBias class
# @inheritParams overview
# @return Returns a \code{TRUE}, if the settings of the object are valid.
validateSelBias <- function(object) {
  errors <- character()
  lengthType <- length(object@type)
  if (lengthType != 1) {
    msg <- paste("Type is length ", lengthType, ". Should be 1.", sep = "")
    errors <- c(errors, msg)

  type <- object@type[1]
  if (!(type %in% c("CS", "DS", "CS2"))) {
    msg <- paste("(First) Argument of type is ", type, ". Should be \"CS\", \"DS\" or \"CS2\" ."
                 , sep = "")
    errors <- c(errors, msg)

  lengthEta <- length(object@eta)
  if (lengthEta != 1) {
    msg <- paste("eta is length ", lengthEta, ". Should be 1.", sep = "")
    errors <- c(errors, msg)

  lengthDelta <- length(object@delta)
  if (lengthDelta != 1) {
    msg <- paste("delta is length ", lengthDelta, ". Should be 1.", sep = "")
    errors <- c(errors, msg)

  lengthMethod <- length(object@method)
  if (lengthMethod != 1) {
    msg <- paste("Method is length ", lengthMethod, ". Should be 1.", sep = "")
    errors <- c(errors, msg)

  method <- object@method[1]
  if (!(method %in% c("exact", "sim"))) {
    msg <- paste("(First) Argument of method is ", method, ". Should be \"exact\" or \"sim\"."
                 , sep = "")
    errors <- c(errors, msg)

  lengthAlpha<- length(object@alpha)
  if (lengthAlpha != 1) {
    msg <- paste("Alpha is length ", lengthAlpha, ". Should be 1.", sep = "")
    errors <- c(errors, msg)

  alpha <- object@alpha[1]
  if (!(alpha >= 0 && alpha <= 1 )) {
    msg <- paste("(First) Argument of alpha is ", alpha, ". Should be in [0,1]."
                 , sep = "")
    errors <- c(errors, msg)

  if(length(errors) == 0) TRUE else errors

# --------------------------------------------
# Class definition for selBias
# --------------------------------------------

# The selBias class
setClass("selBias", slots = c(eta = "numeric", delta = "numeric", type = "character",
                              method = "character", alpha = "numeric"),
         validity = validateSelBias)

# --------------------------------------------
# Constructor function for selBias
# --------------------------------------------

#' Representing selection bias
#' Represents the issue of selection bias in a clinical trial.
#' @family issues
#' @inheritParams overview
#' @param delta parameter of selection bias used for calculating shape and scale
#'  of the Weibull distribution with exponential endpoints
#' @importFrom stats anova lm
#' @param
#' method character string, should be one of \code{"sim"} or \code{"exact"}, see
#' Details.
#' @param
#' type character string, should be one of \code{"CS"}, \code{"CS2"} or \code{"DS"}, see
#' Details.
#' @param alpha significance level.
#' @details
#' Selection bias can be an issue in the design of a clinical trial. The
#' \code{selBias} function is a constructor function
#' for an S4 object of the class \code{selBias} representing the issue of
#' third order selection bias in a clinical trial. It supports two possible modes,
#' \code{method="sim"} and \code{method="exact"}. This representation is
#' particularly useful in interaction with the \code{\link{assess}} function.
#' \describe{
#'  \item{\code{method="sim"}}{Represents the simulated type-I-error rate given
#'  the level \code{alpha}, the selection effect \code{eta} and the biasing
#'  strategy \code{type}. When calling \code{assess} for a \code{selBias} object
#'  with \code{method="sim"}, one test decision is computed for each sequence of
#' \code{randSeq}. The type-I-error rate (power) is the proportion of falsely
#' (correctly) rejected null hypotheses.
#'  }
#'  \item{\code{method="exact"}}{Represents the exact type-I-error probability
#'  given the level \code{alpha}, the selection effect \code{eta} and the
#'  biasing strategy \code{type}. When calling \code{assess} for a \code{selBias}
#'  object with \code{method="exact"}, the \emph{p}-value of each randomization
#'  sequence is computed. For normal endpoints and two treatment groups these p-values
#'  are exact values which can be calculated from the sum of the corresponding quantiles
#'  of the doubly noncentral t-distribution. For more than two treatment groups, exact
#'  p-values are computed using a doubly noncentral F distribution. For exponential
#'  endpoints the p-values are obtained using an approximation formula.
#'  }
#' }
#' It also supports three types of selection bias:
#' \describe{
#'  \item{\code{type="DS"}}{Refers to the divergence strategy according to
#'  Blackwell and Hodges (1957). Under this guessing strategy, the investigator
#'  guesses that the upcoming treatment is the one that has so far been allocated
#'  *more* frequently.
#'  }
#'  \item{\code{type="CS"}}{Refers to the convergence strategy according to
#'  Blackwell and Hodges (1957). Under this guessing strategy, the investigator
#'  guesses that the upcoming treatment is the one that has so far been allocated
#'  *less* frequently. In multi-arm trials, \code{type="CS"} refers to the first
#'  generalization of the convergence strategy according to Uschner et al (2018).
#'  The investigator guesses the treatment that had been allocated less frequently
#'  whenever all the treatments of the opposite group are larger than the smallest
#'  of the present group.
#'  }
#'  \item{\code{type="CS2"}}{In trials with two treatment arms, \code{type="CS2"}
#'  is equivalent to \code{type="CS"}. In multi-arm trials, \code{type="CS2"} refers
#'  to the second generalization of convergence strategy according to
#'  Uschner et al (2018).
#'  The investigator guesses the treatment that had been allocated less frequently
#'  whenever all the treatments of the opposite group are larger than the smallest
#'  of the present group.
#'  }
#' }
#' @return
#' \code{S4} object of class \code{selBias}, a formal representation of the
#' issue of selection bias in a clinical trial.
#' @seealso Compute exact or simulated rejection probability: \code{\link{assess}}.
#' @references
#' D. Blackwell and J.L. Hodges Jr. (1957) Design for the control of
#' selection bias. \emph{Annals of Mathematical Statistics}, \strong{25}, 449-60.
#' M. Proschan (1994) Influence of selection bias on the type-I-error rate
#' under random permuted block designs. \emph{Statistica Sinica}, \strong{4}, 219-31.
#' D. Uschner, R.-D. Hilgers, N. Heussen (2018) The impact of selection bias in
#' randomized multi-arm parallel group clinical trials \emph{PLOS ONE}, \strong{13}(1), 1-18.
#' @examples
#' # create a selection bias of the convergency strategy type with eta = 0.25 for which
#' # the exact rejection probabilities are calculated
#' sbias <- selBias("CS", 0.25, "exact")
#' @export
selBias <- function(type, eta, method, alpha = 0.05, delta = 0) {
  new("selBias", type = type, eta = eta, method = method, alpha = alpha, delta = delta)

# --------------------------------------------
# Methods for selBias
# --------------------------------------------

# @rdname getStat
setMethod("getStat", signature(randSeq = "randSeq", issue = "selBias", endp = "missing"),
          function(randSeq, issue, endp) stop("Need an object of endpoint class."))

# @rdname getStat
setMethod("getStat", signature(randSeq = "randSeq", issue = "selBias", endp = "normEndp"),
          function(randSeq, issue, endp) {
            stopifnot(validObject(randSeq), validObject(issue), validObject(endp), randSeq@K == length(endp@mu))
            if (issue@method == "sim") {
              D <- data.frame(testDec(randSeq, issue, endp))
              colnames(D) <- paste("testDec(", issue@type, ")", sep = "")
            } else {
              D <- data.frame(testDec(randSeq, issue, endp))
              colnames(D) <- paste("P(rej)(", issue@type, ")", sep = "")

# @rdname getStat
setMethod("getStat", signature(randSeq = "randSeq", issue = "selBias", endp = "expEndp"),
          function(randSeq, issue, endp) {
            stopifnot(validObject(randSeq), validObject(issue), validObject(endp), randSeq@K == length(endp@lambda))
            if (issue@method == "sim") {
              D <- data.frame(testDec(randSeq, issue, endp))
              colnames(D) <- paste("testDec(", issue@type, ")", sep = "")
            } else {
              D <- data.frame(testDec(randSeq, issue, endp))
              colnames(D) <- paste("P(rej)(", issue@type, ")", sep = "")

# @rdname getStat
setMethod("getStat", signature(randSeq = "randSeq", issue = "selBias", endp = "survEndp"),
          function(randSeq, issue, endp) {
            stopifnot(validObject(randSeq), validObject(issue), validObject(endp), randSeq@K == 2)
            if (issue@method == "sim") {
              D <- data.frame(testDec(randSeq, issue, endp))
              colnames(D) <- paste("testDec(", issue@type, ")", sep = "")
            } else {
              D <- data.frame(testDec(randSeq, issue, endp))
              colnames(D) <- paste("P(rej)(", issue@type, ")", sep = "")

#' @rdname getExpectation
setMethod("getExpectation", signature(randSeq = "randSeq", issue = "selBias",
                                     endp = "normEndp"),
          function(randSeq, issue, endp) {
            stopifnot(randSeq@K == length(endp@mu))
            validObject(randSeq); validObject(issue); validObject(endp)
            # for the second convergence strategy, use the already implemented function
            # in the doublyF file
            if(issue@type == "CS2"){
              R_ <- genSeq(crPar(N(randSeq), K(randSeq)))
              issue_ <- t(apply(randSeq@M, 1, function(x) {
                R_@M <- matrix(x, nrow = 1)
                makeBiasedExpectation(R_, endp@mu, issue)
            } else if (issue@type == "CS") {
              # convergence strategy
              issue <- t(apply(randSeq@M, 1, function(x) {
                issue <- sign(cumsum(2*x - 1)) * issue@eta
                issue <- issue[-length(issue)]
                issue <- c(0, issue)
            } else if (issue@type == "DS") {
              issue <- t(apply(randSeq@M, 1, function(x) {
                issue <- sign(cumsum(2*x - 1)) * issue@eta * (-1)
                issue <- issue[-length(issue)]
                issue <- c(0, issue)
            issue[randSeq@M == 0] <- issue[randSeq@M == 0] + endp@mu[1]
            issue[randSeq@M == 1] <- issue[randSeq@M == 1] + endp@mu[2]

#' @rdname getExpectation
setMethod("getExpectation", signature(randSeq = "randSeq", issue = "selBias",
                                      endp = "expEndp"),
          function(randSeq, issue, endp) {
            stopifnot(randSeq@K == 2, randSeq@K == length(endp@lambda))
            validObject(randSeq); validObject(issue); validObject(endp)
            if (issue@type == "CS") {
              # convergence strategy
              issue <- t(apply(randSeq@M, 1, function(x) {
                issue <- sign(cumsum(2*x - 1)) * issue@eta
                issue <- issue[-length(issue)]
                issue <- c(0, issue)
            else if (issue@type == "DS") {
              # convergence strategy
              issue <- t(apply(randSeq@M, 1, function(x) {
                issue <- sign(cumsum(2*x - 1)) * issue@eta * (-1)
                issue <- issue[-length(issue)]
                issue <- c(0, issue)
            issue[randSeq@M == 0] <- exp(issue[randSeq@M == 0]) * endp@lambda[1]
            issue[randSeq@M == 1] <- exp(issue[randSeq@M == 1]) * endp@lambda[2]

#' @rdname getExpectation
setMethod("getExpectation", signature(randSeq = "randSeq", issue = "selBias",
                                      endp = "survEndp"),
          function(randSeq, issue, endp) {
            stopifnot(randSeq@K == 2)
            validObject(randSeq); validObject(issue); validObject(endp)

            if (issue@type == "CS2"){
              # convergence strategy, allocation bias model 2
              distributionPars <- getDistributionPars(randSeq, issue, endp)
              issue <- distributionPars$scale * gamma(1+1/distributionPars$shape)

            else {

              if (issue@type == "CS") {
                # convergence strategy
                issue <- t(apply(randSeq@M, 1, function(x) {
                  issue <- sign(cumsum(2*x - 1)) * issue@eta
                  issue <- issue[-length(issue)]
                  issue <- c(0, issue)
              else if (issue@type == "DS") {
                # divergence strategy
                issue <- t(apply(randSeq@M, 1, function(x) {
                  issue <- sign(cumsum(2*x - 1)) * issue@eta * (-1)
                  issue <- issue[-length(issue)]
                  issue <- c(0, issue)

              issue[randSeq@M == 0] <- exp(issue[randSeq@M == 0])^{-1/endp@shape[1]} *
                endp@scale[1] * gamma(1+1/endp@shape[1])
              issue[randSeq@M == 1] <- exp(issue[randSeq@M == 1])^{-1/endp@shape[2]} *
                endp@scale[2] * gamma(1+1/endp@shape[2])


#' @rdname getExpectation
setMethod("getExpectation", signature(randSeq = "randSeq", issue = "selBias",
                                     endp = "missing"),
          function(randSeq, issue) {
            stopifnot(validObject(randSeq), validObject(issue))
            # if no endpoint is specified, create a vector with 0s for the
            # second convergence strategy
            if(issue@type == "CS2"){
              mu <- rep(0, randSeq@K)
              R_ <- genSeq(crPar(N(randSeq), K(randSeq)))
              issue_ <- t(apply(randSeq@M, 1, function(x) {
                R_@M <- matrix(x, nrow = 1)
                makeBiasedExpectation(R_, mu, issue)
            }else if (issue@type == "CS") {
              # convergence strategy
              issue <- t(apply(randSeq@M, 1, function(x) {
                issue <- sign(cumsum(2*x - 1)) * issue@eta
                issue <- issue[-length(issue)]
                issue <- c(0, issue)
            } else if (issue@type == "DS") {
              issue <- t(apply(randSeq@M, 1, function(x) {
                issue <- sign(cumsum(2*x - 1)) * issue@eta
                issue <- issue[-length(issue)]
                issue <- c(0, issue)


# --------------------------------------------
# Get Parameters for selBias
# --------------------------------------------

#' @rdname getDistributionPars
setMethod("getDistributionPars", signature(randSeq = "randSeq", issue = "selBias",
                                           endp = "survEndp"),
          function(randSeq, issue, endp) {
            stopifnot(randSeq@K == 2)
            validObject(randSeq); validObject(issue); validObject(endp)

            shape <- matrix(numeric(0), ncol = ncol(randSeq@M),
                            nrow = nrow(randSeq@M))
            scale <- matrix(numeric(0), ncol = ncol(randSeq@M),
                            nrow = nrow(randSeq@M))

            if (issue@type == "CS2") {
              # convergence strategy, allocation bias model 2
              res <- t(apply(randSeq@M, 1, function(x) {
                res <- sign(cumsum(2*x - 1))
                res <- res[-length(res)]
                res <- c(0, res)
              for(i in 0:(randSeq@K-1)) {
                shape[randSeq@M == i] <- (endp@shape[i+1] + res[randSeq@M == i] * issue@delta)
                scale[randSeq@M == i] <- ((endp@shape[i+1] + res[randSeq@M == i] * issue@delta) * endp@shape[i+1]^{-1} *
                                            endp@scale[i+1]^endp@shape[i+1] * exp(res[randSeq@M == i] * (-issue@eta))
                                          )^(1/(endp@shape[i+1] + res[randSeq@M == i] * issue@delta))
            else {
              if (issue@type == "CS") {
                # convergence strategy
                res <- t(apply(randSeq@M, 1, function(x) {
                  res <- sign(cumsum(2*x - 1)) * issue@eta
                  res <- res[-length(res)]
                  res <- c(0, res)
              else if (issue@type == "DS") {
                # divergence strategy
                res <- t(apply(randSeq@M, 1, function(x) {
                  res <- sign(cumsum(2*x - 1)) * issue@eta * (-1)
                  res <- res[-length(res)]
                  res <- c(0, res)
              for(i in 0:(randSeq@K-1)) {
                shape[randSeq@M == i] <- endp@shape[i+1]
                scale[randSeq@M == i] <- exp(res[randSeq@M == i])^{-1/endp@shape[i+1]} * endp@scale[i+1]
            list(shape = shape, scale = scale)

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