
Defines functions CMBDataFrame

Documented in CMBDataFrame

#' CMBDataFrame class
#' The function \code{CMBDataFrame} creates objects of class \code{CMBDataFrame}.
#' These are a special type of \code{\link{data.frame}} that carry metadata
#' about, e.g., the HEALPix ordering scheme, coordinate system, and nside parameter.
#'@param CMBData Can be a string location of FITS file,
#'another \code{CMBDataFrame}, a \code{CMBDat} object,
#'a \code{\link{HPDataFrame}} or unspecified.
#'@param coords Can be "spherical," "cartesian", or unspecified (HEALPix only).
#'@param win optional \code{\link{CMBWindow}} object that specifies a
#'spherical polygon within which to subset the full sky CMB data.
#'@param include.polar TRUE if polarisation data is required, otherwise FALSE.
#'@param include.masks TRUE if TMASK and PMASK are required, otherwise FALSE.
#'@param spix Optional vector of sample pixel indices, or a path to a file
#'containing comma delimited sample pixel indices. The ordering scheme is
#'given by \code{ordering}. If \code{ordering} is unspecified then
#'CMBData must be either a CMBDataFrame or a FITS file and the ordering
#'scheme is then assumed to match that of CMBData.
#'@param sample.size If a positive integer is given, a simple random
#'sample of size equal to sample.size will be taken from CMBData. If
#'spix is specified then \code{sample.size} must be unspecified.
#'@param nside Optionally specify the nside parameter manually nside=\eqn{2^k}
#'(usually 1024 or 2048).
#'@param ordering Specifies the desired HEALPix ordering scheme
#'("ring" or "nested") for the output CMBDataFrame.
#'If \code{ordering} is unspecified then the ordering
#'scheme will be taken from the CMBData object. If ordering information
#'cannot be found the default will be "nested". This parameter also specifies
#'the ordering scheme of \code{spix}.
#'@param I A vector of intensities to be included
#'if \code{CMBData} is unspecified. Note that \code{length(I)}
#'must equal \eqn{12*nside^2} if either spix or
#'sample.size are unspecified.
#'@param ... Optional names data columns of length nrow(CMBData) to
#'add to the CMBDataFrame.
#'A \code{CMBDataFrame} whose \code{row.names} attribute contains
#'HEALPix indices.
#' ## Method 1: Read the data while constructing the CMBDataFrame
#' ## download a FITS file and use real data
#' # downloadCMBMap()
#' # df <- CMBDataFrame("CMB_map_smica1024.fits")
#' df <- CMBDataFrame(nside = 16, I = rnorm(12 * 16 ^ 2),
#'                    ordering = "nested")
#' # Specify a sample size for a random sample
#' df.sample <- CMBDataFrame(df, sample.size = 80)
#' plot(df.sample)
#' # Specify a vector of pixel indices using spix
#' df.subset <- CMBDataFrame(df, spix = c(2,4,6))
#' # Take a look at the summary
#' summary(df)
#' # Access HEALPix pixel indices using pix function
#' # (these are stored in the row.names attribute)
#' pix(df.subset)
CMBDataFrame <- function(CMBData,
                         include.polar = FALSE,
                         include.masks = FALSE,
                         ...) {


  if ( !missing(win) ) {

    if ( !rcosmo::is.CMBWindow(win) ) {

      if ( !is.list(win) ) {

        stop("'win' must be a CMBWindow or list of CMBWindows")

      if ( !all(sapply(win, rcosmo::is.CMBWindow)) ) {

        stop("'win' must be a CMBWindow or list of CMBWindows")

  if (!missing(ordering)) ordering <- tolower(ordering)

  if ( !missing(spix) && !missing(sample.size) ) {

    stop("At least one of spix or sample.size should be unspecified")

  if (!missing(spix)) {

    if (is.character(spix)) {

      # If spix is a string then assume it is a path to file:
      message("Reading sample pixel indices from file...\n")
      spix <- utils::read.table(spix, sep = ",")[, 1]

    if (any(spix %% 1 != 0)) {

      stop("Sample pixel indices must be integers")

    spix <- sort(as.integer(spix))

  if ( !missing(coords) ) {
    coords <- tolower(coords)

    if ( coords != "spherical" && coords != "cartesian" ) {

      stop(paste("Invalid argument coords must be unspecified,",
                 "spherical or cartesian"))

  if ( missing(spix) ) {

    spix <- NULL

  } else {

    len <- length(spix)
    spix <- as.integer(spix)
  if ( !missing(sample.size) ) {

    len <- sample.size

  ## CASE 1: CMBData is a path
  CMBData.is.path <- FALSE
  if (!missing(CMBData) && is.character(CMBData)) {

    CMBData.is.path <- TRUE

    if ( !missing(nside) ) {

      stop("nside must be unspecified when 'CMBData' is specified")

    if ( !missing(I) ) {

      stop("I must be unspecified when 'CMBData' is specified")

  ## CASE 2: CMBData is a CMBDataFrame
  CMBData.is.cmbdf <- FALSE
  if ( !missing(CMBData) && is.CMBDataFrame(CMBData) ) {

    CMBData.is.cmbdf <- TRUE

    if ( !missing(nside) ) {

      stop("nside must be unspecified when 'CMBData' is specified")

    if ( !missing(I) ) {

      stop("I must be unspecified when 'CMBData' is specified")

    if ( include.polar != FALSE || include.masks != FALSE ) {

      stop(paste("include.polar and include.masks must be",
                 "FALSE unless a FITS file is given"))


  ## CASE 3: CMBData is unspecified
  if ( missing(CMBData) ) {

    if ( missing(nside) ) {

      stop(paste("If 'CMBData' is unspecified then 'nside'",
                 "must be specified"))

    if ( !missing(I) ) {

      if ( is.null(spix) && missing(sample.size) ) {

        if ( length(I) != 12*nside^2 ) {

          stop(paste("The I parameter must have length 12*nside^2",
                     "unless spix or sample.size is specified"))

  ## CASE 4: CMBData is a CMBDat object
  if ( !missing(CMBData) && is.CMBDat(CMBData) ) {

    if ( !missing(nside) ) {

      stop("nside must be unspecified when 'CMBData' is specified")

    if ( !missing(I) ) {

      stop("I must be unspecified when 'CMBData' is specified")

    if ( !missing(include.polar) || !missing(include.masks) ) {

      stop(paste("include.polar and include.masks must not be",
                 "specified if CMBData is a CMBDat object"))

  ### ---------------------------------------------------  ###

  ##### CASE 1: CMBData is a path to a FITS file                 #########
  if (CMBData.is.path) {

    CMBData <- CMBDat(CMBData, mmap = TRUE)

    if (missing(win)) {

      # Get Nside from FITS header:
      nside <- CMBData$nside
      if(nside %% 1 != 0 || (nside <= 0)) {

        stop("Failed to obtain valid nside from FITS header")

      # Get ordering from FITS header:
      orderFITS <- CMBData$ordering
      if(orderFITS != "ring" && orderFITS != "nested") {

        stop(paste("Failed to obtain valid ordering scheme from FITS header,",
                   "instead obtained: ", orderFITS))

      if ( !missing(sample.size) ) {

        spix <- sort(sample(seq(1,12*nside^2), sample.size))

      if (is.null(spix)) {
        spix <- 1:(12*nside^2)
        data <- as.data.frame(CMBData$data[spix,])
        spix <- NULL
      } else {
        data <- as.data.frame(CMBData$data[spix,])

      names(data) <- CMBData$colnames

      if (!missing(coords)) {

        message("Generating coordinates from HEALPix ordering...\n")

        nest <- ifelse(orderFITS == "nested", TRUE, FALSE)
        cartesian <- ifelse(coords == "cartesian", TRUE, FALSE)

        # generate the coordinates from HEALPix indices
        coordinates <- pix2coords_internal(nside = nside, nested = nest,
                                            spix = spix, cartesian = cartesian)

        # Put the coordinates in a data.frame
        if (coords == "spherical"){

          cmbdf <- data.frame(theta = coordinates[,1], phi = coordinates[,2])

        } else {

          cmbdf <- data.frame(x = coordinates[,1], y = coordinates[,2], z = coordinates[,3])

        cmbdf <- data.frame(cmbdf, I = as.vector(data$I_STOKES))

      # Else coords are unspecified (HEALPix)
      } else {

        cmbdf <- data.frame(I = as.vector(data$I_STOKES))


      if (include.polar == TRUE) {
        if ( length(data$Q_STOKES) > 0 ) {

          cmbdf$Q <- as.vector(data$Q_STOKES, mode = "numeric")
        if ( length(data$U_STOKES) > 0 ) {

          cmbdf$U <- as.vector(data$U_STOKES, mode = "numeric")

      if (include.masks == TRUE) {
        if ( length(data$TMASK) > 0 ) {

          cmbdf$TMASK <- as.vector(data$TMASK, mode = "integer")
        if ( length(data$PMASK) > 0 ) {

          cmbdf$PMASK <- as.vector(data$PMASK, mode = "integer")

      message("Adding CMB Data Frame attributes...\n")

      if ( is.null(spix) ) spix <- 1:(12*nside^2)
      attr(cmbdf, "row.names") <- spix
      attr(cmbdf, "nside") <- nside
      class(cmbdf) <- c("CMBDataFrame","data.frame")
      attr(cmbdf, "ordering") <- orderFITS
      if (missing(coords)) coords <- NULL
      attr(cmbdf, "coords") <- coords
      attr(cmbdf, "resolution") <- CMBData$resoln
      attr(cmbdf, "header1") <- CMBData$header1
      attr(cmbdf, "header2") <- CMBData$header2

      if (!missing(ordering))
        rcosmo::ordering(cmbdf) <- ordering

    ## Otherwise win is specified
    } else {

      CMBData <- rcosmo::window(CMBData, new.window = win)
      # We now pass it to "CASE 2: CMBData is a CMBDataFrame" below
      CMBData.is.cmbdf <- TRUE

      if (!include.polar) {
        CMBData$Q <- NULL
        CMBData$U <- NULL

      if (!include.masks) {
        CMBData$PMASK <- NULL
        CMBData$TMASK <- NULL

  ###### CASE 2: CMBData is a CMBDataFrame                ######
  if ( CMBData.is.cmbdf ) {

    nside <- rcosmo::nside(CMBData)
    n <- nrow(CMBData)

    if (( !missing(sample.size) || !is.null(spix) ) ) {

      if ( len > n ) {

        stop("sample.size or length(spix) exceeds number of rows of 'CMBData'")

    if ( !missing(sample.size) ) {

      spix <- sort(sample(pix(CMBData), sample.size))

    if (!is.null(spix)) {

      cmbdf <- CMBData[pix(CMBData) %in% spix,]
    } else {

      cmbdf <- CMBData

    if (!missing(ordering))
      ordering(cmbdf) <- ordering

    if (!missing(coords))
      coords(cmbdf) <- coords

  ###### CASE 3: CMBData is unspecified             ##############
  } else if ( missing(CMBData) ) {

    if (missing(ordering))
      ordering <- "nested"

    if ( !missing(sample.size) ) {

      spix <- sort(sample(seq(1,12*nside^2), sample.size))
    } else if ( is.null(spix) ) {

      len <- 12*nside^2

    if ( !is.null(spix) && !missing(I)
         && length(I) != length(spix) ) {

      I <- I[spix]

    if ( missing(I) ) {

      I <- rep(NA, len)

    if ( !missing(coords) ) {

      message("Generating coordinates from HEALPix ordering...\n")

      cmbdf <- rcosmo::pix2coords(nside = nside, ordering = ordering,
                                  coords = coords, spix = spix)

      cmbdf <- cbind(cmbdf, I = I)

    } else {

      cmbdf <- data.frame(I = I)


    message("Adding CMB Data Frame attributes...\n")

    if ( is.null(spix) ) spix <- as.integer(1:(12*nside^2))
    attr(cmbdf, "row.names") <- spix
    attr(cmbdf, "nside") <- nside
    class(cmbdf) <- c("CMBDataFrame","data.frame")
    attr(cmbdf, "ordering") <- ordering
    if ( missing(coords) ) coords <- NULL
    attr(cmbdf, "coords") <- coords

  ###### CASE 4: CMBData is a CMBDat object (maybe with mmap) ####
  } else if ( !missing(CMBData) && is.CMBDat(CMBData) && !CMBData.is.path ) {

    ns <- CMBData$nside
    if ( !missing(sample.size) ) {

      spix <- sort(sample(1:(12*ns^2), sample.size))

    } else if ( is.null(spix) ) {

      spix <- 1:(12*ns^2)

    cmbdf <- CMBData$data[spix,]

    attr(cmbdf, "row.names") <- spix
    attr(cmbdf, "nside") <- ns
    class(cmbdf) <- c("CMBDataFrame","data.frame")
    attr(cmbdf, "ordering") <- CMBData$ordering
    attr(cmbdf, "coords") <- NULL
    attr(cmbdf, "resolution") <- CMBData$resoln
    attr(cmbdf, "header1") <- CMBData$header1
    attr(cmbdf, "header2") <- CMBData$header2

    if ( !missing(coords) )
      coords(cmbdf) <- coords

  } else if (!CMBData.is.path) {

    stop("CMBData must be a CMBDataFrame, a path to a FITS file, or unspecified")


  if ( !missing(...) )
    cmbdf <- cbind(cmbdf, ...)

  if ( !missing(win) )
    window(cmbdf) <- win


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rcosmo documentation built on Dec. 11, 2021, 9:29 a.m.