
Defines functions testIS

testIS = function(nc = c(3, 2), locus = 1, seed = 123456){
  np = 2 * nc[2]
  freqs = USCaucs$freqs
  for(i in 2:np){
    cmd = paste0("p",i," = IS(freqs[locus], numContributors = nc[1], maxPeaks =  ", i,", numIterations = 1e5)")
    cat(cmd, "\n")
    eval(parse(text = cmd))
    cmd = paste0("p",i,"$est = mean(exp(p",i,"$numerator - p",i,"$denominator))")
    eval(parse(text = cmd))
  est = NULL
  cmd = paste0("est = c(", paste0("p", 2:np, "$est", collapse = ", "), ")")
  eval(parse(text = cmd))
  cat(paste(est, "\n"))
  ppoint = sum(est)
  ptail = IS(USCaucs$freqs[locus], numContributors = nc, numIterations = 1e5, bTail = TRUE)
  ptail = mean(exp(ptail$numerator - ptail$denominator))
  list(pointEstSum = ppoint, tailProb = ptail, ratio = ppoint / ptail)

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relSim documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:33 a.m.