pyenv_root <- function() {
root <- user_data_dir("r-reticulate")
dir.create(root, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
norm <- normalizePath(root, winslash = "/", mustWork = TRUE)
file.path(norm, "pyenv")
pyenv_resolve_latest_patch <- function(version, installed = TRUE, pyenv = pyenv_find()) {
# if version = "3.8:latest", resolve latest installed
# recent versions of pyenv on Mac/Linux can accept a ":latest" suffix on install,
# but then we can't easily resolve the latest from what's locally installed.
# windows pyenv can't handle :latest at all.
# So we do it all in R.
stopifnot(endsWith(version, ":latest"))
version <- substr(version, 1L, nchar(version) - nchar(":latest"))
available <- pyenv_list(pyenv, installed)
available <- available[startsWith(available, version)]
out <- as.character(max(numeric_version(available, strict = FALSE),
na.rm = TRUE))
if (!length(out))
sprintf("Python release version '%s' not found. ", version),
"Run `install_python(list = TRUE)` to see available versions."
pyenv_python <- function(version) {
if (is.null(version))
if(grepl("^3\\.[0-9]+$", version))
version <- paste0(version, ":latest")
if (endsWith(version, ":latest"))
version <- pyenv_resolve_latest_patch(version, installed = TRUE)
# on Windows, Python will be installed as part of the pyenv installation
prefix <- if (is_windows()) {
pyenv <- pyenv_find()
if (endsWith(pyenv, ".cmd")) {
# check if it's a scoop shim, resolve the actual installation if so
if (file.exists(actual_pyenv <-
str_drop_prefix(readLines(pyenv, 1), "@rem ")))
pyenv <- actual_pyenv
file.path(pyenv, "../../versions", version)
} else {
root <- Sys.getenv("PYENV_ROOT", unset = "~/.pyenv")
file.path(root, "versions", version)
if (!file.exists(prefix)) {
fmt <- paste(
"Python %s does not appear to be installed.",
"Try installing it with install_python(version = %s).",
sep = "\n"
msg <- sprintf(fmt, version, shQuote(version))
stem <- if (is_windows()) "python.exe" else "bin/python"
file.path(prefix, stem),
winslash = "/",
mustWork = TRUE
pyenv_list <- function(pyenv = NULL, installed = FALSE) {
# resolve pyenv
pyenv <- normalizePath(
pyenv %||% pyenv_find(),
winslash = "/",
mustWork = TRUE
if (installed)
return(system2(pyenv, c("versions", "--bare"), stdout = TRUE))
# request list of Python packages
output <- system2(pyenv, c("install", "--list"), stdout = TRUE, stderr = TRUE)
# clean up output
# on some platforms, warnings from cmd.exe appear in the output
# also, there is a header like ":: [Info] :: Mirror:"
header_end <- max(1L, grep("^:: \\[Info\\] :: .+$", output))
versions <- tail(output, n = -header_end)
cleaned <- gsub("^\\s*", "", versions)
# only include CPython interpreters for now
grep("^[[:digit:]]", cleaned, value = TRUE)
pyenv_find <- function(install = TRUE) {
pyenv <- pyenv_find_impl(install = install)
if (isFALSE(install) && is.null(pyenv))
pyenv_find_impl <- function(install = TRUE) {
# check for pyenv binary specified via option
pyenv <- getOption("reticulate.pyenv", default = NULL)
if (!is.null(pyenv) && file.exists(pyenv))
# check for pyenv executable on the PATH
pyenv <- Sys.which("pyenv")
if (nzchar(pyenv))
# form stem path to pyenv binary (it differs between pyenv and pyenv-win)
stem <- if (is_windows()) "pyenv-win/bin/pyenv" else "bin/pyenv"
# check for a binary in the PYENV_ROOT folder
root <- Sys.getenv("PYENV_ROOT", unset = "~/.pyenv")
pyenv <- file.path(root, stem)
if (file.exists(pyenv))
# check for reticulate's own pyenv
root <- pyenv_root()
pyenv <- file.path(root, stem)
if (file.exists(pyenv))
# all else fails, try to manually install pyenv
pyenv_install <- function(version, force, pyenv = NULL, optimized = TRUE) {
pyenv <- canonical_path(pyenv %||% pyenv_find())
if (optimized) {
PYTHON_CONFIGURE_OPTS = "--enable-shared --enable-optimizations --with-lto",
PYTHON_CFLAGS = "-march=native -mtune=native"
} else {
PYTHON_CONFIGURE_OPTS = "--enable-shared"
if(is_macos() &&
Sys.which("brew") == "" &&
# build install arguments
force <- if (force)
else if (!is_windows())
args <- c("install", force, version)
system2t(pyenv, args)
pyenv_bootstrap <- function() {
if (is_windows())
pyenv_bootstrap_windows <- function() {
# get path to pyenv
root <- normalizePath(
winslash = "/",
mustWork = FALSE
if (Sys.which("git") == "")
stop("Please install git and ensure it is on your PATH")
# clone if necessary
if (!file.exists(root)) {
url <- ""
system2("git", c("clone", shQuote(url), shQuote(root)))
# ensure up-to-date
owd <- setwd(root)
on.exit(setwd(owd), add = TRUE)
system("git pull")
# path to pyenv binary
pyenv <- file.path(root, "pyenv-win/bin/pyenv")
# running 'update' after install on windows is basically required
system2(pyenv, "update")
# return path to pyenv binary
pyenv_bootstrap_unix <- function() {
if (!nzchar(Sys.which("git")))
stop("bootstrapping of pyenv requires git to be installed")
# move to tempdir
owd <- setwd(tempdir())
on.exit(setwd(owd), add = TRUE)
# pyenv python builds are substantially faster on macOS if we pre-install
# some dependencies (especially openssl) as pre-built but "untapped kegs"
# (i.e., unlinked to somewhere on the PATH but tucked away under $BREW_ROOT/Cellar).
if (is_macos()) {
brew <- Sys.which("brew")
if(brew == "" && file.exists(brew <- "/opt/homebrew/bin/brew"))
if(file.exists(brew)) {
system2t(brew, c("install -q openssl readline sqlite3 xz zlib tcl-tk"))
system2t(brew, c("install --only-dependencies pyenv python"))
# download the installer
url <- ""
name <- basename(url)
download.file(url, destfile = name, mode = "wb")
# ensure it's runnable
Sys.chmod(name, mode = "0755")
# set root directory
root <- pyenv_root()
withr::local_envvar(PYENV_ROOT = root)
# run the script -- for some reason, the pyenv installer will return
# a non-zero status code even on success?
writeLines("Installing pyenv ...")
suppressWarnings(system("./pyenv-installer", intern = TRUE))
path <- file.path(root, "bin/pyenv")
if (!file.exists(path))
stop("installation of pyenv failed")
writeLines(sprintf("Done! pyenv has been installed to '%s'.", path))
pyenv_update <- function(pyenv = pyenv_find()) {
if (startsWith(pyenv, root <- pyenv_root())) {
# this pyenv installation is fully managed by reticulate
# root == where .../bin/pyenv lives
withr::with_dir(root, system2("git", "pull", stdout = FALSE, stderr = FALSE))
if (is_windows()) {
# `pyenv update` is very slow on windows, we need to throttle it.
# only update it once every 30 days
cache_file <- file.path(dirname(dirname(pyenv)), ".versions_cache.xml")
if (!file.exists(cache_file) ||
(Sys.Date() - as.Date(file.mtime(cache_file)) > 30))
system2t(pyenv, "update")
# $ git clone $(pyenv root)/plugins/pyenv-update
# root == ~/.pyenv == where installed pythons live
root <- system2(pyenv, "root", stdout = TRUE)
if (!dir.exists(file.path(root, "plugins/pyenv-update")))
system2("git", c("clone", "",
file.path(root, "plugins/pyenv-update")))
result <- system2t(pyenv, "update", stdout = FALSE, stderr = FALSE)
if (!identical(result, 0L)) {
fmt <- "Error updating pyenv [exit code %i]"
warningf(fmt, result)
#export PATH="$HOME/.local/share/r-reticulate/pyenv/bin/:$PATH"
#eval "$(pyenv init --path)"
#eval "$(pyenv virtualenv-init -)"
#export PATH="$HOME/.pyenv/bin:$PATH"
#eval "$(pyenv init --path)"
#eval "$(pyenv virtualenv-init -)"
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