ensureMatrix <- function(x, nrow) {
if (!is.matrix(x))
x <- matrix(x, nrow = nrow)
mesh3d <- function( x, y = NULL, z = NULL, vertices,
material = NULL,
normals = NULL, texcoords = NULL,
points = NULL, segments = NULL,
triangles = NULL, quads = NULL,
meshColor = c("vertices", "edges", "faces", "legacy")) {
if (missing(vertices)) {
xyz <- xyz.coords(x, y, z, recycle=TRUE)
if (length(xyz$x) && length(xyz$y) && length(xyz$z))
vertices <- rbind(xyz$x, xyz$y, xyz$z, 1)
vertices <- matrix(numeric(), nrow = 4)
} else vertices <- asHomogeneous2(vertices)
# Remove dimnames
dimnames(vertices) <- NULL
if (missing(meshColor)
&& !is.null(material)
&& !is.null(material$meshColor)) {
meshColor <- material$meshColor
material$meshColor <- NULL
meshColor <- match.arg(meshColor)
if (is.null(texcoords)
&& !is.null(material)
&& !is.null(material$texcoords)) {
texcoords <- material$texcoords
material$texcoords <- NULL
nvertex <- ncol(vertices)
if ( !is.null(normals) ) {
normals <- xyz.coords(normals, recycle=TRUE)
x <- rep(normals$x, length.out = nvertex)
y <- rep(normals$y, length.out = nvertex)
z <- rep(normals$z, length.out = nvertex)
normals <- rgl.vertex(x, y, z)
if ( !is.null(texcoords) ) {
texcoords <- xy.coords(texcoords, recycle = TRUE)
x <- rep(texcoords$x, length.out = nvertex)
y <- rep(texcoords$y, length.out = nvertex)
texcoords <- rbind(x, y)
object <- list(
vb = vertices,
material = .getMaterialArgs(material = material),
normals = normals,
texcoords = texcoords,
meshColor = meshColor
if (!is.null(points)) object$ip <- ensureMatrix(points, 1)
if (!is.null(segments)) object$is <- ensureMatrix(segments, 2)
if (!is.null(triangles)) object$it <- ensureMatrix(triangles, 3)
if (!is.null(quads)) object$ib <- ensureMatrix(quads, 4)
class(object) <- c("mesh3d", "shape3d")
register_compare_proxy <- local({
registered <- FALSE
function() {
if (!registered &&
isNamespaceLoaded("waldo")) {
if ("path" %in% names(formals(waldo::compare_proxy))) { # appeared after 0.2.5
registerS3method("compare_proxy", "mesh3d",
envir = asNamespace("waldo"))
registerS3method("compare_proxy", "rglscene",
envir = asNamespace("waldo"))
} else {
registerS3method("compare_proxy", "mesh3d",
envir = asNamespace("waldo"))
registerS3method("compare_proxy", "rglscene",
envir = asNamespace("waldo"))
registered <<- TRUE
compare_proxy.mesh3d <- function(x, path = "x") {
list(object = old_compare_proxy.mesh3d(x),
path = paste0("compare_proxy(", path, ")"))
old_compare_proxy.mesh3d <- function(x) {
for (n in names(x)) # Some elements are NULL, some are not there
if (is.null(x[[n]])) x[[n]] <- NULL
if (is.null(x$material) ||
length(x$material$color) < 2)
x$meshColor <- NULL # It doesn't matter.
for (n in c("ip", "is", "it", "ib"))
if (!is.null(x[[n]]))
x[[n]] <- as.numeric(x[[n]])
x$primitivetype <- NULL # Not used since before 0.100.x
# triangle mesh object
tmesh3d <- function( vertices, indices, homogeneous=TRUE, material=NULL, normals=NULL,
texcoords = NULL,
meshColor = c("vertices", "edges", "faces", "legacy")) {
if (missing(meshColor) && !is.null(material$meshColor))
meshColor <- material$meshColor
meshColor <- match.arg(meshColor)
if (is.null(dim(vertices)))
vertices <- matrix(vertices, nrow = if (homogeneous) 4 else 3)
# For back-compatibility:
colnames(indices) <- NULL
mesh3d(vertices = vertices, triangles = indices,
material = material, normals = normals, texcoords = texcoords,
meshColor = meshColor)
# R 3d object : quad mesh
qmesh3d <- function( vertices, indices, homogeneous=TRUE, material=NULL, normals=NULL,
meshColor = c("vertices", "edges", "faces", "legacy")) {
if (missing(meshColor) && !is.null(material$meshColor))
meshColor <- material$meshColor
meshColor <- match.arg(meshColor)
if (is.null(dim(vertices)))
vertices <- matrix(vertices, nrow = if (homogeneous) 4 else 3)
# For back-compatibility
colnames(indices) <- NULL
mesh3d(vertices = vertices, quads = indices,
material = material, normals = normals, texcoords = texcoords,
meshColor = meshColor)
as.mesh3d <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("as.mesh3d")
as.mesh3d.deldir <- function(x, col = "gray", coords = c("x", "y", "z"),
smooth = TRUE, normals = NULL, texcoords = NULL,
...) {
checkDeldir(error = TRUE)
if (!identical(sort(coords), c("x", "y", "z")))
stop(sQuote("coords"), " should be a permutation of c('x', 'y', 'z')")
if (!all(coords %in% names(x$summary)))
stop("The 'deldir' object needs x, y, and z coordinates.")
if (smooth && !is.null(normals)) {
warning("'smooth' ignored as 'normals' was specified.")
smooth <- FALSE
pointnames <- as.numeric(rownames(x$summary))
points <- matrix(NA, max(pointnames), 3)
points[pointnames, ] <- as.matrix(x$summary[, coords])
points <- t(points)
triangs <-, deldir::triang.list(x))
if (!is.null(texcoords))
texcoords <- texcoords[triangs$ptNum, ]
material <- .getMaterialArgs(...)
material$color <- col
result <- mesh3d(vertices = asHomogeneous2(points), triangles = triangs$ptNum,
normals = normals, texcoords = texcoords,
material = material)
if (smooth)
result <- addNormals(result)
as.mesh3d.triSht <-
as.mesh3d.tri <- function(x, z, col = "gray",
coords = c("x", "y", "z"),
smooth = TRUE, normals = NULL, texcoords = NULL,
...) {
if (inherits(x, "tri"))
triangles <- tripack::triangles
else if (inherits(x, "triSht")) {
triangles <- interp::triangles
if (!identical(sort(coords), c("x", "y", "z")))
stop(sQuote("coords"), " should be a permutation of c('x', 'y', 'z')")
if (!is.numeric(z) || length(z) != x$n)
stop("z should be a numeric vector with one entry per node of x")
if (smooth && !is.null(normals)) {
warning("'smooth' ignored as 'normals' was specified.")
smooth <- FALSE
points <- rbind(x$x, x$y, z)
rownames(points) <- c("x", "y", "z")
points <- points[coords,]
triangs <- t(triangles(x)[, 1:3])
if (inherits(x, "tri") && x$nc) {
constraintIndex <- min(x$lc)
keep <- apply(triangs, 2, function(col) any(col < constraintIndex))
triangs <- triangs[, keep]
if (!is.null(texcoords))
texcoords <- texcoords[triangs, ]
material <- .getMaterialArgs(...)
material$color <- col
result <- mesh3d(vertices = asHomogeneous2(points), triangles = triangs,
normals = normals, texcoords = texcoords,
material = material)
if (smooth)
result <- addNormals(result)
# rendering support
dot3d.mesh3d <- function(x, ..., front = "points", back = "points") {
if (missing(front) && !is.null(x$material$front))
front <- x$material$front
if (missing(back) && !is.null(x$material$back))
back <- x$material$back
shade3d.mesh3d(x, ..., front = front, back = back)
wire3d.mesh3d <- function(x, ..., front = "lines", back = "lines") {
if (missing(front) && !is.null(x$material$front))
front <- x$material$front
if (missing(back) && !is.null(x$material$back))
back <- x$material$back
shade3d.mesh3d(x, ..., front = front, back = back)
allowedMeshColor <- function(meshColor, modes) {
meshColor != "edges" ||
(modes[1] == modes[2] && modes[1] == "lines")
shade3d.mesh3d <- function( x, override = TRUE,
meshColor = c("vertices", "edges", "faces", "legacy"),
texcoords = NULL,
front = "filled", back = "filled") {
if (missing(front) && !is.null(x$material$front))
front <- x$material$front
if (missing(back) && !is.null(x$material$back))
back <- x$material$back
argMaterial <- c(list(front = front, back = back), .getMaterialArgs(...))
xHasColor <- !is.null(x$material) && !is.null(x$material$color)
hasMeshColor <- !missing(meshColor)
if ( override ) {
material <- x$material
if (is.null(material)) material <- list()
material[names(argMaterial)] <- argMaterial
if (hasMeshColor || is.null(x$meshColor))
meshColor <- match.arg(meshColor)
meshColor <- x$meshColor
if (is.null(texcoords) && !is.null(x$texcoords))
texcoords <- t(x$texcoords)
} else {
material <- argMaterial
material[names(x$material)] <- x$material
if (is.null(x$meshColor))
meshColor <- match.arg(meshColor)
meshColor <- x$meshColor
if (!is.null(x$texcoords))
texcoords <- t(x$texcoords)
normals <- x$normals
if (!is.null(normals))
normals <- t(normals)
modes <- c(front, back)
if (!allowedMeshColor(meshColor, modes))
stop("'meshColor = ", meshColor, "' not supported.")
if (meshColor != "legacy") {
if (is.null(material$color))
material$color <- material3d("color")
if (is.null(material$alpha))
material$alpha <- material3d("alpha")
vertices <- t(asEuclidean2(x$vb))
result <- integer(0)
prev <- 0
doVertices <- function(vals, inds, setPrev) {
inds <- as.numeric(inds)
if (length(unique(vals)) > 1) {
vals <- rep_len(vals, max(inds))
} else
doLegacy <- function(vals, inds, setPrev) {
inds <- as.numeric(inds) + prev
if (setPrev)
prev <<- prev + length(inds)
if (length(unique(vals)) > 1)
vals <- rep_len(vals, length(inds))
doFaces <- function(vals, inds, setPrev) {
if (!is.matrix(inds))
inds <- matrix(inds, nrow = 1)
if (prev) {
vals <- rep_len(vals, prev + ncol(inds))
vals <- vals[-seq_len(prev)]
if (setPrev)
prev <<- prev + ncol(inds)
vals <- rep_len(vals, ncol(inds))
rep(vals, each = nrow(inds))
doEdges <- function(vals, inds, setPrev) {
if (!is.matrix(inds))
inds <- matrix(inds, nrow = 1)
inds <- inds + prev
if (setPrev)
prev <<- prev + length(inds)
newlen <- ncol(inds)
if (nrow(inds) > 1)
newlen <- newlen * nrow(inds) / 2
vals <- rep_len(vals, newlen)
if (nrow(inds) > 1)
vals <- rep(vals, each = 2)
getArgs <- function(inds) {
args <- c(list(x = vertices[as.numeric(inds),]), material)
if (!is.null(texcoords))
args$texcoords <- texcoords[as.numeric(inds),]
if (!is.null(normals))
args$normals <- normals[as.numeric(inds),]
args$color <- repfn(args$color, inds, is.null(args$alpha))
args$alpha <- repfn(args$alpha, inds, TRUE)
repfn <- switch(meshColor,
vertices = doVertices,
legacy = doLegacy,
faces = doFaces,
if (length(x$ip)) {
args <- getArgs(x$ip)
result <- c(result, points =, args = args ))
if (length(x$is)) {
args <- getArgs(x$is)
result <- c(result, segments =, args = args ))
if (length(x$it)) {
if (meshColor == "edges") {
x$it <- x$it[c(1,2,2,3,3,1),]
fn <- segments3d
} else
fn <- triangles3d
args <- getArgs(x$it)
result <- c(result, triangles =, args = args ))
if (length(x$ib)) {
if (meshColor == "edges") {
x$ib <- x$ib[c(1,2,2,3,3,4,4,1),]
fn <- segments3d
} else
fn <- quads3d
args <- getArgs(x$ib)
result <- c(result, quads =, args = args ))
# transformation support
translate3d.mesh3d <- function( obj, x, y, z, ... ) {
obj$vb <- t(translate3d(t(obj$vb), x, y, z))
rotate3d.mesh3d <- function( obj,angle,x,y,z,matrix, ... ) {
obj$vb <- t(rotate3d(t(obj$vb), angle, x, y, z, matrix))
if ( !is.null(obj$normals) ) {
normals <- obj$normals # 4xn matrix
if ( missing(matrix) )
normals <- rotate3d(t(normals), angle, x, y, z) # nx4
else {
if (nrow(matrix) == 4) matrix[4,1:3] <- 0
if (ncol(matrix) == 4) matrix[1:3,4] <- 0
normals <- rotate3d(t(normals), angle, x, y, z, t(solve(matrix))) # nx4
# Reverse the normals if the transformation
# changes the orientation of the mesh
if (det(matrix) < 0)
normals[, 1:3] <- -normals[, 1:3] # nx4
normals <- asEuclidean(normals) # nx3
normals <- normals/sqrt(rowSums(normals^2))
obj$normals <- rbind( t(normals), 1 ) # 4xn
scale3d.mesh3d <- function( obj, x, y, z, ... ) {
obj$vb <- t(scale3d(t(obj$vb), x, y, z))
if ( !is.null(obj$normals) ) {
obj$normals <- scale3d(t(obj$normals), 1/x, 1/y, 1/z)
obj$normals <- t( obj$normals/sqrt(apply(obj$normals[,1:3]^2, 1, sum)) )
if (nrow(obj$normals) == 4)
obj$normals[4,] <- 1
# for debugging
showNormals <- function(obj, scale = 1) {
v <- obj$vb
n <- obj$normals
if (is.null(n)) {
warning("No normals found.")
save <- par3d(skipRedraw = TRUE)
for (i in seq_len(ncol(n))) {
p0 <- v[1:3, i]/v[4, i]
p1 <- p0 + n[1:3, i]*scale
if (all(is.finite(c(p0, p1))))
arrow3d(p0, p1, type = "lines")
print.mesh3d <- function(x, prefix = "", ...) {
cat(prefix, " mesh3d object with ", ncol(x$vb), " vertices, ",
if (length(x$ip)) paste(length(x$ip), "points"),
if (length(x$is)) paste(ncol(x$is), "segments"),
if (length(x$it)) paste(ncol(x$it), "triangles"),
if (length(x$ib)) paste(ncol(x$ib), "quads")), collapse = ", "),
".\n", sep = "")
match_names <- function(x, reference) {
if (!is.null(x))
structure(x[names(reference)], class = class(x))
# Compare old and new meshes
all.equal.mesh3d <- function(target, current, ...) {
if (inherits(current, "mesh3d"))
compare_proxy.mesh3d(current), ...)
"'current' is not a mesh3d object"
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