
Defines functions report_problems report_problems csv_to_fst gunzip partition_table split_write merge_fst_chunks import_tbl.default import_tbl.tbl_cfg import_tbl import_src.default import_src.character import_src.aumc_cfg import_src.src_cfg import_src

Documented in import_src import_src.aumc_cfg import_src.character import_src.src_cfg import_tbl import_tbl.tbl_cfg

#' Data import utilities
#' Making a dataset available to `ricu` consists of 3 steps: downloading
#' ([download_src()]), importing ([import_src()]) and attaching
#' ([attach_src()]). While downloading and importing are one-time procedures,
#' attaching of the dataset is repeated every time the package is loaded.
#' Briefly, downloading loads the raw dataset from the internet (most likely
#' in `.csv` format), importing consists of some preprocessing to make the
#' data available more efficiently and attaching sets up the data for use by
#' the package.
#' @details
#' In order to speed up data access operations, `ricu` does not directly use
#' the PhysioNet provided CSV files, but converts all data to [fst::fst()]
#' format, which allows for random row and column access. Large tables are
#' split into chunks in order to keep memory requirements reasonably low.
#' The one-time step per dataset of data import is fairly resource intensive:
#' depending on CPU and available storage system, it will take on the order of
#' an hour to run to completion and depending on the dataset, somewhere
#' between 50 GB and 75 GB of temporary disk space are required as tables are
#' uncompressed, in case of partitioned data, rows are reordered and the data
#' again is saved to a storage efficient format.
#' The S3 generic function `import_src()` performs import of an entire data
#' source, internally calling the S3 generic function `import_tbl()` in order
#' to perform import of individual tables. Method dispatch is intended to
#' occur on objects inheriting from `src_cfg` and `tbl_cfg` respectively. Such
#' objects can be generated from JSON based configuration files which contain
#' information such as table names,  column types or row numbers, in order to
#' provide safety in parsing of `.csv` files. For more information on data
#' source configuration, refer to [load_src_cfg()].
#' Current import capabilities include re-saving a `.csv` file to `.fst` at
#' once (used for smaller sized tables), reading a large `.csv` file using the
#' [readr::read_csv_chunked()] API, while partitioning chunks and reassembling
#' sub-partitions (used for splitting a large file into partitions), as well
#' as re-partitioning an already partitioned table according to a new
#' partitioning scheme. Care has been taken to keep the maximal memory
#' requirements for this reasonably low, such that data import is feasible on
#' laptop class hardware.
#' @param x Object specifying the source configuration
#' @param ... Passed to downstream methods (finally to
#' [readr::read_csv]/[readr::read_csv_chunked])/generic consistency
#' @return Called for side effects and returns `NULL` invisibly.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' dir <- tempdir()
#' list.files(dir)
#' download_src("mimic_demo", dir)
#' list.files(dir)
#' import_src("mimic_demo", dir)
#' list.files(dir)
#' unlink(dir, recursive = TRUE)
#' }
#' @rdname import
#' @export
import_src <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("import_src", x)

#' @inheritParams download_src
#' @rdname import
#' @export
import_src.src_cfg <- function(x, data_dir = src_data_dir(x), tables = NULL,
                               force = FALSE, verbose = TRUE, ...) {

  assert_that(is.dir(data_dir), is.flag(force))

  tbl <- as_tbl_cfg(x)
  ver <- isTRUE(verbose)

  if (is.null(tables)) {

    todo <- src_file_exist(tbl, data_dir, "raw")

  } else {

    assert_that(is.character(tables), has_length(tables),
                are_in(tables, names(tbl)))

    todo <- names(tbl) %in% tables

  done <- src_file_exist(tbl, data_dir, "fst")
  skip <- done & todo

  if (!force && any(skip)) {

    if (ver) {
      msg_ricu("Table{?s} {quote_bt(names(tbl)[skip])} ha{?s/ve} already been
               imported and will be skipped")

    todo <- todo & !skip

  if (!any(todo)) {
    warn_ricu("All required tables have already been imported",
              class = "no_import")

  tbl <- tbl[todo]

  if (ver) {
    pba <- progress_init(n_tick(tbl),
      msg = "Importing {length(tbl)} table{?s} for {quote_bt(src_name(x))}"
  } else {
    pba <- FALSE

    for(table in vec_chop(tbl)) {
      import_tbl(table, data_dir = data_dir, progress = pba, ...)
  }, progress_bar = pba)

  if (ver) {
    msg_ricu("Successfully imported {length(tbl)} table{?s}")


#' @rdname import
#' @export
import_src.aumc_cfg <- function(x, ...) {
  NextMethod(locale = readr::locale(encoding = "latin1"))

#' @param cleanup Logical flag indicating whether to remove raw csv files after
#' conversion to fst
#' @rdname import
#' @export
import_src.character <- function(x, data_dir = src_data_dir(x), tables = NULL,
                                 force = FALSE, verbose = TRUE, cleanup = FALSE,
                                 ...) {

  if (is.character(tables)) {

    assert_that(length(x) == 1L)

    tables <- list(tables)

  } else if (is.null(tables)) {

    tables <- list(tables)


  Map(import_src, load_src_cfg(x, ...), data_dir, tables, force,
      MoreArgs = list(verbose = verbose, cleanup = cleanup))


#' @export
import_src.default <- function(x, ...) stop_generic(x, .Generic)

#' @param progress Either `NULL` or a progress bar as created by
#' [progress::progress_bar()]
#' @rdname import
#' @export
import_tbl <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("import_tbl", x)

#' @rdname import
#' @export
import_tbl.tbl_cfg <- function(x, data_dir = src_data_dir(x), progress = NULL,
                               cleanup = FALSE, ...) {

  assert_that(is.dir(data_dir), is.flag(cleanup))

  if (n_part(x) > 1L) {
    partition_table(x, data_dir, progress, ...)
  } else {
    csv_to_fst(x, data_dir, progress, ...)

  if (cleanup) {
    unlink(file.path(data_dir, raw_file_name(x)))


#' @export
import_tbl.default <- function(x, ...) stop_generic(x, .Generic)

merge_fst_chunks <- function(src, targ, new, old, sort_col, prog, nme, tick) {

  files <- list.files(src, full.names = TRUE)

  sort_ind <- order(
    as.integer(sub("^chunk_", "", sub("\\.fst$", "", basename(files))))

  dat <- lapply(files[sort_ind], fst::read_fst, as.data.table = TRUE)
  dat <- rbindlist(dat)
  dat <- setorderv(dat, sort_col)
  dat <- rename_cols(dat, new, old)

  part_no  <- sub("part_", "", basename(src))
  new_file <- file.path(ensure_dirs(targ), paste0(part_no, ".fst"))

  fst::write_fst(dat, new_file, compress = 100L)

  progress_tick(paste(nme, "part", part_no), prog,
                coalesce(tick, floor(nrow(dat) / 2)))


split_write <- function(x, part_fun, dir, chunk_no, prog, nme, tick) {

  n_row <- nrow(x)

  x <- split(x, part_fun(x))

  tmp_nme <- file.path(dir, paste0("part_", names(x)),
                       paste0("chunk_", chunk_no, ".fst"))


  Map(fst::write_fst, x, tmp_nme)

  progress_tick(paste(nme, "chunk", chunk_no), prog,
                coalesce(tick, floor(n_row / 2)))


partition_table <- function(x, dir, progress = NULL, chunk_length = 10 ^ 7,
                            ...) {

  tempdir <- ensure_dirs(tempfile())
  on.exit(unlink(tempdir, recursive = TRUE))

  spec <- col_spec(x)
  pfun <- partition_fun(x, orig_names = TRUE)
  pcol <- partition_col(x, orig_names = TRUE)
  rawf <- raw_file_name(x)
  file <- file.path(dir, rawf)
  name <- tbl_name(x)

  exp_row <- n_row(x)

  if (is.na(exp_row)) {
    tick <- if (length(file) == 1L) 0L else 1L
  } else {
    tick <- NULL

  if (length(file) == 1L) {

    callback <- function(x, pos, ...) {
      report_problems(x, rawf)
      split_write(x, pfun, tempdir, ((pos - 1L) / chunk_length) + 1L,
                  progress, name, tick)

    if (grepl("\\.gz$", file)) {
      file <- gunzip(file, tempdir)

    readr::read_csv_chunked(file, callback, chunk_length, col_types = spec,
                            progress = FALSE, ...)

    if (is.na(exp_row)) {
      progress_tick(NULL, progress)

  } else {

    for (i in seq_along(file)) {

      dat <- readr::read_csv(file[i], col_types = spec, progress = FALSE, ...)
      report_problems(dat, rawf[i])

      split_write(dat, pfun, tempdir, i, progress, name, tick)

  targ <- file.path(dir, name)
  newc <- ricu_cols(x)
  oldc <- orig_cols(x)

  if (is.na(exp_row)) {
    tick <- 1L

  for (src_dir in file.path(tempdir, paste0("part_", seq_len(n_part(x))))) {
    merge_fst_chunks(src_dir, targ, newc, oldc, pcol, progress, name, tick)

  if (is.null(tick)) {

    act_row <- sum(
      dbl_ply(lapply(file.path(dir, fst_file_name(x)), fst::fst), nrow)

    if (!all_equal(exp_row, act_row)) {
      warn_ricu("expected {exp_row} rows but got {act_row} rows for table
                `{name}`", class = "import_row_mismatch")


gunzip <- function(file, exdir) {

  dest <- file.path(exdir, sub("\\.gz$", "", basename(file)))

  file <- gzfile(file, open = "rb")

  if (file.exists(dest)) {

  out <- file(dest, open = "wb")
  on.exit(close(out), add = TRUE)

  repeat {

    tmp <- readBin(file, what = raw(0L), size = 1L, n = 1e7)

    if (length(tmp) == 0L) {

    writeBin(tmp, con = out, size = 1L)


csv_to_fst <- function(x, dir, progress = NULL, ...) {

  raw <- raw_file_name(x)
  src <- file.path(dir, raw)
  dst <- file.path(dir, fst_file_name(x))

  assert_that(length(x) == 1L, length(src) == 1L, length(dst) == 1L)

  dat <- suppressWarnings(
    readr::read_csv(src, col_types = col_spec(x), progress = FALSE, ...)

  report_problems(dat, raw)

  dat <- rename_cols(setDT(dat), ricu_cols(x), orig_cols(x))

  fst::write_fst(dat, dst, compress = 100L)

  exp_row <- n_row(x)

  tbl <- tbl_name(x)

  if (is.na(exp_row)) {

    ticks <- 1L

  } else {

    act_row <- nrow(fst::fst(dst))

    if (!all_equal(exp_row, act_row)) {
      warn_ricu("expected {exp_row} rows but got {act_row} rows for table
                `{tbl}`", class = "import_row_mismatch")

    ticks <- exp_row

  progress_tick(tbl, progress, ticks)


report_problems <- function(x, file) {

  prob_to_str <- function(x) {
    paste0("[", x[1L], ", ", x[2L], "]: got '", x[4L], "' instead of ", x[3L])

  probs <- readr::problems(x)
  nprob <- nrow(probs)

  if (nprob) {

    out <- bullet(apply(head(probs, n = 10), 1L, prob_to_str))
    ext <- nprob - 10

    if (ext > 0) {
      out <- c(out, bullet("{cli::symbol$ellipsis} and {big_mark(ext)} further

      c("Encountered parsing problems for file {file}:", out),
      class = "csv_parsing_error", indent = c(0L, rep_along(2L, out)),
      exdent = c(0L, rep_along(2L, out))


report_problems <- function(x, file) {

  prob_to_str <- function(x) {
    paste0("[", x[1L], ", ", x[2L], "]: got '", x[4L], "' instead of ", x[3L])

  probs <- readr::problems(x)

  if (nrow(probs)) {

    probs <- bullet(apply(probs, 1L, prob_to_str))

      c("Encountered parsing problems for file {basename(file)}:", probs),
      class = "csv_parsing_error", indent = c(0L, rep_along(2L, probs)),
      exdent = c(0L, rep_along(2L, probs))


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ricu documentation built on Sept. 8, 2023, 5:45 p.m.