
Defines functions .onUnload .onAttach .onLoad

.onLoad <- function(libname, pkgname) { # nocov start

  fix_base_fun <- function(fun, fix) {

    fun_name <- as.character(substitute(fun))

    fun_name <- fun_name[3L]
    fun_body <- body(fun)

    if (!inherits(fun_body, "{")) {
      fun_body <- as.call(c(as.name("{"), fun_body))

    if (!length(grep("id_tbl", fun_body[[2L]], fixed = TRUE))) {

      fun_body <- fun_body[c(1L, NA, 2L:length(fun_body))]
      fun_body[[2L]] <- parse(text = fix)[[1L]]

      body(fun) <- fun_body

      (unlockBinding)(fun_name, baseenv())
      assign(fun_name, fun, envir = asNamespace("base"), inherits = FALSE)
      lockBinding(fun_name, baseenv())



  srcs <- auto_attach_srcs()

  if (has_length(srcs)) {
    attach_src(srcs, assign_env = pkg_env())
    namespaceExport(pkg_env(), attached_srcs())

  if (base::getRversion() < "4.0.0") {

    if (missing(pkgname)) {
      prefix <- ""
    } else {
      prefix <- paste0(methods::getPackageName(), "::")

    cbind_fix <- paste0(
      "if (!identical(class(..1), 'data.frame')) for (x in list(...)) { ",
      "if (inherits(x, 'id_tbl')) return(", prefix, "cbind_id_tbl(...)) }"

    rbind_fix <- paste0("for (x in list(...)) { ",
      "if (inherits(x, 'id_tbl')) return(", prefix, "rbind_id_tbl(...)) }")

    fix_base_fun(base::cbind.data.frame, cbind_fix)
    fix_base_fun(base::rbind.data.frame, rbind_fix)

  if (is_pkg_installed("pillar") &&
      utils::packageVersion("pillar") >= "1.9.0" &&
      utils::packageVersion("prt") < "0.2.0") {
    registerS3method("print", "prt", fix_print_fun)
} # nocov end

.onAttach <- function(libname, pkgname) {

  out <- character(0L)
  con <- textConnection("out", "w", local = TRUE)

  pkg <- methods::getPackageName()
  ver <- utils::packageVersion(pkg)

  cli::cat_line(file = con)
  cli::cat_rule(paste(pkg, ver), file = con)

  stats <- src_data_avail()

  if (is.null(stats)) {

      "\nCurrently no data sources are configured to be attached.\n",
      "(the environment variable `RICU_SRC_LOAD` controls this)",
      file = con

  } else {

    bull  <- ifelse(stats[["available"]], "tick", "cross")
    color <- ifelse(stats[["available"]], "green", "red")
    srcs  <- paste0(stats[["name"]], ": ", stats[["tables"]], " of ",
                    stats[["total"]], " tables available")

      "\nThe following data sources are configured to be attached:\n",
      "(the environment variable `RICU_SRC_LOAD` controls this)\n",
      file = con

    Map(cli::cat_bullet, srcs, bullet = bull, bullet_col = color,
        MoreArgs = list(file = con))

  cli::cat_line(file = con)
  cli::cat_rule(file = con)
  cli::cat_line(file = con)

  packageStartupMessage(paste(out, collapse = "\n"))

.onUnload <- function(libpath) { # nocov start
} # nocov end

.datatable.aware <- TRUE

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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

ricu documentation built on Sept. 8, 2023, 5:45 p.m.