data("pbmc", package = "rliger")
rawDataList <- getMatrix(pbmc, "rawData")
withNewH5Copy <- function(fun) {
ctrlpath.orig <- system.file("extdata/ctrl.h5", package = "rliger")
stimpath.orig <- system.file("extdata/stim.h5", package = "rliger")
if (!file.exists(ctrlpath.orig))
stop("Cannot find original h5 file at: ", ctrlpath.orig)
# if (file.exists("ctrltest.h5")) file.remove("ctrltest.h5")
# if (file.exists("stimtest.h5")) file.remove("stimtest.h5")
# pwd <- getwd()
# # Temp setting for GitHub Actions
# fsep <- ifelse(["sysname"] == "Windows", "\\", "/")
# if (["sysname"] == "Windows") {
# pwd <- file.path("C:\\Users",["user"], "Documents", fsep = fsep)
# }
# ctrlpath <- file.path(pwd, "ctrltest.h5", fsep = fsep)
# stimpath <- file.path(pwd, "stimtest.h5", fsep = fsep)
ctrlpath <- tempfile(pattern = "ctrltest_", fileext = ".h5")
stimpath <- tempfile(pattern = "stimtest_", fileext = ".h5")
cat("Working ctrl H5 file path: ", ctrlpath, "\n")
cat("Working stim H5 file path: ", stimpath, "\n")
file.copy(ctrlpath.orig, ctrlpath, copy.mode = TRUE)
file.copy(stimpath.orig, stimpath, copy.mode = TRUE)
if (!file.exists(ctrlpath))
stop("Cannot find copied h5 file at: ", ctrlpath)
if (!file.exists(stimpath))
stop("Cannot find copied h5 file at: ", stimpath)
fun(list(ctrl = ctrlpath, stim = stimpath))
if (file.exists(ctrlpath)) unlink(ctrlpath)
if (file.exists(stimpath)) unlink(stimpath)
closeH5Liger <- function(object) {
for (d in names(object)) {
if (isH5Liger(object, d)) {
h5file <- getH5File(object, d)
process <- function(object) {
object <- normalize(object)
object <- selectGenes(object)
object <- scaleNotCenter(object)
object <- runOnlineINMF(object, k = 10, minibatchSize = 100)
object <- quantileNorm(object)
object <- runUMAP(object)
# liger object creation
context("Object creation")
test_that("liger object creation - in memory", {
pbmc2 <- createLiger(rawData = rawDataList)
expect_is(pbmc2, "liger")
expect_error(createLiger(rawData = "hi"),
"`rawData` has to be a named list.")
expect_error(createLiger(rawData = rawDataList, modal = letters[1:3]),
"`modal` has to be a length 1 or 2 object of class")
ldList <- datasets(pbmc)
cellmeta <- cellMeta(pbmc)
pbmc2 <- createLiger(rawData = ldList, cellMeta = cellmeta,
addPrefix = FALSE)
expect_identical(cellMeta(pbmc), cellMeta(pbmc2))
pbmc <- removeMissing(pbmc)
pbmc <- runGeneralQC(pbmc, organism = "human", pattern = "^S100",
features = rownames(ldList[[1]]))
expect_true(all(c("featureSubset_pattern", "featureSubset_name") %in%
pbmc <- runGeneralQC(pbmc, organism = "human",
pattern = list(p1 = "^S100", p2 = "^MT"),
features = list(f1 = letters,
f2 = rownames(ldList[[2]])[6:10]))
expect_true(all(c("p1", "p2", "f1", "f2") %in% colnames(cellMeta(pbmc))))
test_that("liger object creation - on disk", {
function(rawList) {
expect_message(createLiger(rawList, formatType = "Hello"),
"Specified `formatType`")
# Customized paths
barcodesName <- "matrix/barcodes"
rawData <- "matrix/data"
indicesName <- "matrix/indices"
indptrName <- "matrix/indptr"
genesName <- "matrix/features/name"
pbmc <- createLiger(rawList,
formatType = NULL,
barcodesName = barcodesName,
dataName = rawData,
indicesName = indicesName,
indptrName = indptrName,
genesName = genesName)
expect_is(pbmc, "liger")
# Preset paths
pbmc <- createLiger(rawList, formatType = "10X")
expect_is(pbmc, "liger")
expect_is(rawData(dataset(pbmc, "ctrl")), "H5D")
expect_is(rawData(dataset(pbmc, "stim")), "H5D")
expect_is(getH5File(pbmc, "ctrl"), "H5File")
expect_is(getH5File(pbmc, "stim"), "H5File")
# liger object methods
context("liger object S3/S4 methods")
test_that("liger S3/S4 methods", {
pbmc <- process(pbmc)
expect_output(show(pbmc), "An object of class liger with 600 cells")
expect_equal(dim(pbmc), c(NA, 600))
bc <- colnames(pbmc)
expect_identical(bc, rownames(cellMeta(pbmc)))
expect_no_error(colnames(pbmc) <- bc)
expect_equal(dim(pbmc[varFeatures(pbmc)[1:5],]), c(NA, 600))
expect_equal(dim(pbmc[varFeatures(pbmc)[1:5], pbmc$dataset == "ctrl"]),
c(NA, 300))
expect_equal(dim(pbmc[,pbmc$dataset == "ctrl"]), c(NA, 300))
ldList <- datasets(pbmc)
expect_is(ldList, "list")
expect_no_error(datasets(pbmc)[["ctrl"]] <- ldList[["ctrl"]])
expect_no_error(datasets(pbmc, check = FALSE)[["ctrl"]] <- ldList[["ctrl"]])
expect_is(dataset(pbmc), "ligerDataset")
expect_is(dataset(pbmc, "ctrl"), "ligerDataset")
expect_is(dataset(pbmc, NULL), "ligerDataset")
expect_is(dataset(pbmc, 2), "ligerDataset")
dataset(pbmc, "ctrl") <- ldList$ctrl
expect_equal(names(pbmc), c("stim", "ctrl"))
dataset(pbmc, "stim2") <- rawData(dataset(pbmc, "stim"))
expect_equal(names(pbmc), c("stim", "ctrl", "stim2"))
dataset(pbmc, "stim2") <- NULL
expect_equal(length(pbmc), 2)
names(pbmc) <- c("STIM", "CTRL")
expect_identical(levels(pbmc$dataset), c("STIM", "CTRL"))
meta <- cellMeta(pbmc)
expect_is(meta, "DFrame")
expect_null(cellMeta(pbmc, NULL))
expect_is(cellMeta(pbmc, "dataset"), "factor")
expect_message(cellMeta(pbmc, "UMAP.1"),
"Specified variables from cellMeta not found")
expect_is(cellMeta(pbmc, "nUMI", cellIdx = 1:500, = TRUE),
expect_is(pbmc[["nUMI"]], "numeric")
expect_is(pbmc$mito, "numeric")
expect_no_error(cellMeta(pbmc) <- meta)
cellMeta(pbmc, "newZeros") <- 0
expect_true("newZeros" %in% colnames(cellMeta(pbmc)))
pbmc[["newOnes"]] <- 1
expect_true("newOnes" %in% colnames(cellMeta(pbmc)))
pbmc$newTwos <- 2
expect_true("newTwos" %in% colnames(cellMeta(pbmc)))
expect_is(varFeatures(pbmc), "character")
expect_no_error(varFeatures(pbmc) <- varFeatures(pbmc))
expect_error(expect_is(c(pbmc, pbmc), "liger"))
expect_is(ggplot2::fortify(pbmc), "data.frame")
expect_no_error(print(commands(pbmc, "normalize")))
pbmc <- normalize(pbmc, scaleFactor = 10, log = TRUE)
pbmc <- normalize(pbmc, scaleFactor = 100, log = TRUE)
normCmds <- commands(pbmc, "normalize")
expect_equal(commandDiff(pbmc, names(normCmds)[2], names(normCmds)[3]),
"Argument not identical: scaleFactor")
expect_identical(commands(pbmc, names(normCmds)[3], "scaleFactor"),
c(scaleFactor = 100))
# ligerDataset object creation
test_that("ligerDataset (in memory) object creation", {
"At least one of")
ld <- createLigerDataset(rawData = rawDataList[[1]], modal = "atac")
expect_is(ld, "ligerATACDataset")
pbmc <- normalize(pbmc)
normDataList <- getMatrix(pbmc, "normData")
ld <- createLigerDataset(normData = normDataList[[1]], modal = "rna")
expect_is(ld, "ligerRNADataset")
pbmc <- selectGenes(pbmc)
pbmc <- scaleNotCenter(pbmc)
scaledMat <- scaleData(pbmc, dataset = "ctrl")
featuremeta <- featureMeta(dataset(pbmc, "ctrl"))
ld <- createLigerDataset(scaleData = scaledMat, featureMeta = featuremeta),
"At least one of "
# ligerDataset object methods
test_that("ligerDataset methods", {
pbmc <- process(pbmc)
ctrl <- dataset(pbmc, "ctrl")
expect_message(isH5Liger("hi"), "Given object is not ")
expect_identical(modalOf(ctrl), "default")
expect_identical(modalOf(pbmc), c(ctrl = "default", stim = "default"))
expect_output(show(ctrl), "An object of class ligerDataset with 300 cells")
expect_equal(dim(ctrl), c(266, 300))
expect_is(dimnames(ctrl), "list")
expect_identical(rownames(ctrl)[1:3], c("ISG15", "ID3", "RPL11"))
expect_no_error(colnames(ctrl) <- colnames(ctrl))
expect_equal(dim(ctrl[1:10,]), c(10, 300))
expect_equal(dim(ctrl[,1:10]), c(266, 10))
expect_equal(dim(ctrl[1:10, 1:10]), c(10, 10))
expect_is(rawData(ctrl), "dgCMatrix")
expect_no_error(rawData(ctrl) <- rawData(ctrl))
expect_error(rawData(ctrl) <- t(rawData(ctrl)), "invalid class")
expect_is(normData(ctrl), "dgCMatrix")
expect_is(scaleData(ctrl), "dgCMatrix")
expect_is(scaleData(pbmc, 2), "dgCMatrix")
expect_null(scaleUnsharedData(pbmc, 2))
expect_no_error(scaleUnsharedData(ctrl) <- scaleData(ctrl))
expect_is(getMatrix(ctrl, "rawData"), "dgCMatrix")
expect_is(getMatrix(pbmc, "W"), "matrix")
expect_is(getMatrix(pbmc, "H.norm"), "matrix")
expect_is(getMatrix(pbmc, "V"), "list")
expect_is(getMatrix(pbmc, "H", dataset = 1, returnList = TRUE), "list")
expect_is(getMatrix(pbmc, "H", dataset = 1, returnList = FALSE), "matrix")
expect_is(getMatrix(pbmc, "H", dataset = 1:2), "list")
expect_is(featureMeta(ctrl), "DFrame")
expect_no_error(featureMeta(ctrl) <- featureMeta(ctrl))
expect_no_error(featureMeta(ctrl) <-
stim <- dataset(pbmc, "stim")
merged <- cbind(ctrl, stim)
expect_equal(dim(merged), c(279, 600))
# ligerATACDataset related
expect_error(rawPeak(pbmc, "stim"),
"unable to find an inherited")
expect_error(rawPeak(pbmc, "stim") <- rawData(ctrl),
"unable to find an inherited")
ctrl <- as.ligerDataset(ctrl, modal = "atac")
pbmc@datasets$ctrl <- ctrl
rawPeak(pbmc, "ctrl") <- rawData(ctrl)
expect_error(normPeak(pbmc, "stim"),
"unable to find an inherited")
expect_error(normPeak(pbmc, "stim") <- normData(stim),
"unable to find an inherited")
normPeak(pbmc, "ctrl") <- normData(ctrl)
expect_true(identical(normPeak(pbmc, "ctrl"), normData(ctrl, "ctrl")))
# ligerSpatialDataset related
expect_message(ctrl <- as.ligerDataset(ctrl, modal = "spatial"),
"Will remove information in the following slots when ")
pbmc@datasets$ctrl <- ctrl
coords <- matrix(rnorm(300*2), 300, 2)
rownames(coords) <- colnames(ctrl)
colnames(coords) <- c("x", "y")
expect_error(coordinate(pbmc, "stim"),
"unable to find an inherited")
expect_error(coordinate(pbmc, "stim") <- coords,
"unable to find an inherited")
coordinate(pbmc, "ctrl") <- coords
expect_true(identical(coordinate(pbmc, "ctrl"), coords))
coords <- matrix(rnorm(300*3), 300, 3)
expect_message(coordinate(ctrl) <- coords,
"No rownames with given spatial coordinate")
coords <- matrix(rnorm(300*4), 300, 4)
rownames(coords) <- colnames(ctrl)
expect_error(coordinate(ctrl) <- coords,
"More than 3 dimensions for the coordinates")
coords <- matrix(rnorm(300*2), 300, 2)
rownames(coords) <- c(colnames(ctrl)[1:299], "hello")
colnames(coords) <- c("x", "y")
ctrl@coordinate <- coords
expect_error(validObject(ctrl), "Inconsistant cell identifiers")
expect_message(coordinate(ctrl) <- coords,
"NA generated for missing cells")
# ligerMethDataset related
expect_message(ctrl <- as.ligerDataset(ctrl, modal = "meth"),
"Will remove information in the following slots when ")
test_that("H5 ligerDataset methods", {
function(rawList) {
pbmc <- createLiger(rawList)
pbmc <- process(pbmc)
ctrl <- dataset(pbmc, "ctrl")
"An object of class ligerDataset with 300 cells")
h5file <- getH5File(pbmc, "ctrl")
ctrl.h5 <- getH5File(ctrl)
expect_is(ctrl.h5, "H5File")
expect_is(getH5File(pbmc), "list")
expect_identical(ctrl.h5, h5file)
expect_no_error(rawData(ctrl) <- ctrl.h5[["matrix/data"]])
expect_no_error(normData(ctrl) <- ctrl.h5[["normData"]])
expect_no_error(scaleData(ctrl) <- ctrl.h5[["scaleDataSparse"]])
expect_no_error(scaleUnsharedData(ctrl) <- ctrl.h5[["scaleDataSparse"]])
expect_error(rawData(ctrl) <- matrix(1),
"Cannot replace slot with in-memory")
expect_error(normData(ctrl) <- matrix(1),
"Cannot replace slot with in-memory")
expect_error(scaleData(ctrl) <- matrix(1),
"Cannot replace slot with in-memory")
expect_error(scaleUnsharedData(ctrl) <- matrix(1),
"Cannot replace slot with in-memory")
expect_is(h5fileInfo(ctrl), "list")
expect_identical(h5fileInfo(ctrl, "formatType"), "10x")
expect_identical(h5fileInfo(ctrl, c("indicesName", "indptrName")),
list(indicesName = "matrix/indices",
indptrName = "matrix/indptr"))
expect_error(h5fileInfo(ctrl, c("indicesName", "hello")),
"Specified `info` not found")
expect_error(h5fileInfo(ctrl, info = 1:2) <- "hey",
"`info` has to be a single character.")
expect_error(h5fileInfo(ctrl, "indicesName") <- "hey",
"Specified `info`")
expect_no_error(h5fileInfo(ctrl, "barcodesName") <-
# ctrl.h5$close()
expect_message(show(ctrl), "Link to HDF5 file fails.")
# class conversion
test_that("as.liger methods", {
# dgCMatrix
ctrlRaw <- rawDataList$ctrl
lig <- as.liger(ctrlRaw)
expect_equal(names(lig), "sample")
lig <- as.liger(ctrlRaw, datasetVar = "ctrl")
expect_equal(names(lig), "ctrl")
lig <- as.liger(ctrlRaw, datasetVar = c(rep("ctrl", 150), rep("stim", 150)))
expect_true(identical(names(lig), c("ctrl", "stim")))
if (requireNamespace("SingleCellExperiment", quietly = TRUE)) {
sce <- SingleCellExperiment::SingleCellExperiment(
assays = list(counts = ctrlRaw),
colData = data.frame(dataset = factor(rep(c("a", "b"), each = 150)))
sce$useless <- 1
expect_message(lig <- as.liger(sce))
expect_equal(names(lig), "SCE")
expect_message(lig <- as.liger(sce, datasetVar = "dataset"))
expect_true(all.equal(sapply(datasets(lig), ncol), c(a = 150, b = 150)))
# Seurat
seu <- SeuratObject::CreateSeuratObject(
ctrlRaw, = data.frame(orig.ident = factor(rep(c("a", "b"), each = 150)),
nUMI = 0,
row.names = colnames(ctrlRaw))
seu <- Seurat::NormalizeData(seu) %>%
Seurat::FindVariableFeatures() %>%
Seurat::ScaleData() %>%
expect_message(lig <- as.liger(seu))
expect_true(all.equal(sapply(datasets(lig), ncol), c(a = 150, b = 150)))
expect_in("pca", names(dimReds(lig)))
test_that("as.ligerDataset methods", {
# ligerDataset
ctrlLD <- dataset(pbmc, "ctrl")
ld <- as.ligerDataset(ctrlLD)
expect_is(ld, "ligerDataset")
ld <- as.ligerDataset(ctrlLD, modal = "atac")
expect_is(ld, "ligerATACDataset")
expect_message(ld <- as.ligerDataset(ld, modal = "rna"),
"Will remove information in the following slots when ")
expect_is(ld, "ligerDataset")
# matrix
mat <- matrix(rnorm(26*26), 26, 26, dimnames = list(letters, letters))
ld <- as.ligerDataset(mat, normData = mat, scaleData = mat,
featureMeta = data.frame(id = 1:26, row.names = letters))
expect_true(all.equal(rownames(ld), letters))
expect_true(all.equal(colnames(ld), letters))
if (requireNamespace("Seurat", quietly = TRUE)) {
# Seurat
seu <- SeuratObject::CreateSeuratObject(rawData(ctrlLD))
ld <- as.ligerDataset(seu)
expect_is(ld, "ligerDataset")
if (requireNamespace("SingleCellExperiment", quietly = TRUE)) {
sce <- SingleCellExperiment::SingleCellExperiment(
assays = list(counts = rawData(ctrlLD))
ld <- as.ligerDataset(sce)
expect_is(ld, "ligerDataset")
test_that("ligerToSeurat", {
seu <- ligerToSeurat(pbmc)
expect_equal(SeuratObject::Assays(seu), "RNA")
pbmc@datasets$stim <- as.ligerDataset(pbmc@datasets$stim, modal = "atac")
pbmc <- normalize(pbmc, useDatasets = "ctrl")
seu <- ligerToSeurat(pbmc)
expect_equal(SeuratObject::Assays(seu), "LIGER")
c("counts.ctrl", "counts.stim", "ligerNormData.ctrl")))
expect_error(seu <- ligerToSeurat(pbmcPlot), "rawData not found")
rawData(pbmcPlot, "ctrl") <- rawData(pbmc, "ctrl")
rawData(pbmcPlot, "stim") <- rawData(pbmc, "stim")
seu <- ligerToSeurat(pbmcPlot, identByDataset = TRUE)
# Importing data
# test_that("Importing data", {
# obj <- importBMMC()
# expect_is(obj, "liger")
# expect_is(obj@datasets[[1]], "ligerDataset")
# expect_is(obj@datasets[[3]], "ligerATACDataset")
# expect_equal(ncol(obj), 16710)
# expect_warning(
# obj <- importBMMC(),
# "File already exists"
# )
# unlink("liger_BMMC_rna_D1T1.rds")
# unlink("liger_BMMC_rna_D1T2.rds")
# unlink("liger_BMMC_atac_D5T1.rds")
# unlink("liger_BMMC_atac_D5T1_peak.rds")
# })
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