
Defines functions latex.bj bj.fit2 validate.bj residuals.bj predict.bj print.bj bjplot bj.fit bj

Documented in bj bj.fit bjplot latex.bj predict.bj print.bj residuals.bj validate.bj

bj <- function(formula, data=environment(formula),
               subset, na.action=na.delete, 
               link="log",	control=NULL,
               method='fit', x=FALSE, y=FALSE, time.inc)
  call <- match.call()

  callenv <- parent.frame()   # don't delay these evaluations
  subset  <- if(! missing(subset )) eval(substitute(subset),  data, callenv)

  X <-
    modelData(data, formula,
              subset = subset,
              na.action=na.action, callenv=callenv)

  X <- Design(X, formula=formula)

  if(method=='model.frame') return(X)
  atrx       <- attributes(X)
  nact       <- atrx$na.action
  Terms      <- atrx$terms
  atr        <- atrx$Design
  sformula   <- atrx$sformula
  mmcolnames <- atr$mmcolnames
  lnames <- c("logit","probit","cloglog","identity","log","sqrt",

  link <- pmatch(link, lnames, 0)
  if(link==0) stop("invalid link function")
  link <- lnames[link]
  Y    <- model.extract(X, "response")
  atY  <- attributes(Y)
  ncy  <- ncol(Y)
  maxtime <- max(Y[,-ncy])
  nnn  <- c(nrow(Y),sum(Y[,ncy]))
  if (! inherits(Y, "Surv")) stop("Response must be a survival object")
  type <- attr(Y, "type")
  linkfun <- make.link(link)$linkfun 
  if (type != 'right') stop ("Surv type must by 'right' censored")
  Y <- cbind(linkfun(Y[,1]), Y[,2])
  X <- model.matrix(sformula, X)
  alt <- attr(mmcolnames, 'alt')
  if(! all(mmcolnames %in% colnames(X)) && length(alt))
        mmcolnames <- alt
  X <- X[, mmcolnames, drop=FALSE]
  assgn <- DesignAssign(atr, 1, Terms)
  if(method == 'model.matrix') return(X)
  time.units <- units(Y)
  if(is.null(time.units) || time.units=='') time.units <- "Day"
  if(missing(time.inc))  {
    time.inc <- switch(time.units, Day=30, Month=1, Year=1, maxtime / 10)
    if(time.inc >= maxtime | maxtime / time.inc > 25) 
      time.inc <- max(pretty(c(0, maxtime))) / 10
  rnam <- dimnames(Y)[[1]]
  dimnames(X) <- list(rnam, atr$colnames)
  n <- nrow(X)
  nvar <- ncol(X)
  fit <- bj.fit(X, Y, control=control)
  if(link == 'log') fit$stats <- c(fit$stats, gr=unname(exp(fit$stats['g'])))
  if(fit$fail) {
    cat("Failure in bj.fit\n")
  if (length(nact)) fit$na.action <- nact
  fit <- c(fit, list(maxtime=maxtime, units=time.units,
                     time.inc=time.inc, non.slopes=1, assign=assgn))
  class(fit) <-  c("bj", "rms")
  fit$sformula <- sformula
  fit$terms   <- Terms
  fit$formula <- as.vector(attr(Terms, "formula"))
  fit$call    <- call
  fit$Design  <- atr
  if (x) fit$x <- X
  if (y) {
    class(Y) <- 'Surv'
    attr(Y,'type') <- atY$type
    fit$y <- Y
  scale.pred <- if(link=="log") c("log(T)","Survival Time Ratio") else "T"
  fit$scale.pred <- scale.pred
  fit$link       <- link

bj.fit <- function(x, y, control = NULL) {
  if(ncol(y) != 2)
	stop("y is not a right-censored Surv object")
  status   <- y[, 2]
  yy       <- y[, 1]
  iter.max <- control$iter.max
  eps      <- control$eps
  trace    <- control$trace
  tol      <- control$tol
  max.cycle <- control$max.cycle
  if(length(iter.max) == 0) iter.max <- 20
  if(length(eps) == 0)   eps <- 0.001
  if(length(trace) == 0) trace <- FALSE
  if(length(tol) == 0)   tol <- 1e-007
  if(length(max.cycle) == 0) max.cycle <- 30
  x <- as.matrix(x)
  if(all(x[, 1] == 1)) x <- x[, -1, drop = FALSE]
  d <- dim(x)
  nvar <- d[2]
  if(length(nvar) == 0)	nvar <- 0
  N <- length(yy)
  if(nvar > 0) {
    xbar <- apply(x, 2, mean)
    xm <- x - rep(xbar, rep(N, nvar))
  else xm <- 0
  timeorig <- yy
  order.orig <- 1:N
  dummystrat <- factor(rep(1, N))
  betahat <- rep(0, max(nvar, 1))
  betamatrix <- NULL
  sse <- 0
  n <- 0	##
  ## new stuff
  nonconv <- FALSE	##
      oldbeta <- betahat
      oldsse <- sse
      if(nvar == 0) ypred <- 0
      else {
        betahat <- solvet(t(xm) %*% xm, t(xm) %*% yy, tol = tol)
        ypred <- x %*% betahat
      alphahat <- mean(yy - ypred)
      sse <- sum((yy - ypred)^2)
      razlika <- oldsse/sse
        cat("iteration = ", n, "   sse ratio = ", format(razlika), "\n")
      n <- n + 1
        cat("  alpha = ", format(alphahat),
            "   beta = ", format(betahat), "\n\n")
      ehat <- timeorig - ypred
      if(! nonconv) {
        if(abs(razlika - 1) <= eps)
        else if(n > iter.max) {
          cyclesse <- NULL
          cycleperiod <- 0
          nonconv <- TRUE
          firstsse <- sse
      else {
        betamatrix <- cbind(betamatrix, c(alphahat, betahat))
        cyclesse <- c(cyclesse, sse)
        cycleperiod <- cycleperiod + 1
        if(any(abs(firstsse - cyclesse) < 1e-007)) {
          cat("\nCycle period = ", cycleperiod, "\n")
          meanbeta <- apply(betamatrix, 1, mean)
          alphahat <- meanbeta[1]
          betahat <- meanbeta[2:length(meanbeta)]
          ypred <- x %*% betahat
          ehat <- timeorig - ypred
        else if(cycleperiod >= max.cycle)
      state <- status
      state[ehat == max(ehat)] <- 1
      S <- structure(cbind(ehat, state), class = "Surv", type = "right")
      KM.ehat <-
        survfitKM(dummystrat, S, conf.type = "none", se.fit = FALSE)
      n.risk <- KM.ehat$n.risk
      surv <- KM.ehat$surv
      repeats <- c(diff( - n.risk), n.risk[length(n.risk)])
      surv <- rep(surv, repeats)
      w <-  - diff(c(1, surv))
      m <- order(ehat,  - status)
      bla <- cumsum((w * ehat[m]))
      bla <- (bla[length(bla)] - bla)/(surv + state[m])
      ## Put bla back into original order
      bl <- bla
      bl[(1 : N)[m]] <- bla
      yhat <- if(nvar == 0) bl else x %*% betahat + bl
      yy[state == 0] <- yhat[state == 0]
  n <- n - 1
  if(nonconv) {
    if(cycleperiod < max.cycle)
      cat("\nNo convergence in", n, "steps, but cycle found - average beta returned\n")
	  else {
      cat("\nNo convergence in", n, "steps\n")
      return(list(fail = TRUE))
  f <- list(fail = FALSE, iter = n)
  cof <- if(nvar == 0) alphahat else c(alphahat, betahat)
  dx <- dimnames(x)[[2]]
  if(length(dx) == 0 && nvar > 0) dx <- paste("x", 1:nvar, sep = "")
  names(cof) <- c("Intercept", dx)
  f$coefficients <- cof
  ehat.u <- ehat[status == 1]
  edf <- sum(status) - nvar - 1
  sigma <- sqrt(sum((ehat.u - mean(ehat.u))^2)/edf)
  if(nvar > 0) {
    x <- cbind(Intercept = 1, x)[status == 1,  , drop = FALSE]
    f$var <- solvet(t(x) %*% x, tol = tol) * sigma * sigma
  else f$var <- (sigma * sigma)/N
  f$linear.predictors <- alphahat + as.vector(ypred)
  g <- GiniMd(f$linear.predictors)
  stats <- c(N, sum(status), nvar, edf, sigma, g)
  names(stats) <- c("Obs", "Events", "d.f.", "error d.f.", "sigma", "g")
  f$stats <- stats
  if(any(status == 0))
	yy <- structure(yy, class = "impute", imputed = (1:N)[status == 0])
  f$y.imputed <- yy

bjplot <- function(fit, which=1:dim(X)[[2]])
  if(!all(c('x','y') %in% names(fit)))
	stop('must specify x=TRUE,y=TRUE to bj to use bjplot')
  X <- fit$x
  Y <- fit$y
  xnam <- dimnames(X)[[2]]
  yy <- fit$y.imputed
  imp <- is.imputed(yy)
  trans <- if(fit$link=='identity') '' else fit$link

  ## Do Hillis plot first
  N <- length(fit$y[, 1])
  dummystrat <- factor(rep(1, N))
  S <- resid(fit)
  S[S[, 1] == max(S[, 1]), 2] <- 1
  m <- order(fit$y[, 1],  - fit$y[, 2])
  resd <- S[m, 1]
  cens <- S[m, 2]
  KM.ehat <- survfitKM(dummystrat, S, 
                       conf.type = "none", se.fit = FALSE)
  repeats <- c(diff( - KM.ehat$n.risk), KM.ehat$n.risk[length(KM.ehat$n.risk)])
  if(length(KM.ehat$time) != N)
      time <- rep(KM.ehat$time, repeats)
      surv <- rep(KM.ehat$surv, repeats)
	  time <- KM.ehat$time
	  surv <- KM.ehat$surv
  u <- runif(N-1, 0, surv[1:(N - 1)])
  w <- approx(surv, time, xout=u, method='constant', f=0)
  t.i <- c(w$y, max(time))
  surv.i <- c(w$x, min(surv))
  residnew <- resd
  residnew[cens == 0] <- t.i[cens == 0]
  retlist <- list(predictor = fit$linear.predictor[m], 
				  x = fit$x[m,  ], res.cens = resd, hillis = residnew, 
				  cens = cens)
  predictor <- fit$linear.predictor[m]
  plot(predictor, resd, type = "n", 
	   xlab = "Linear Predictor", ylab = "Residuals")
  points(predictor[cens == 0], resd[cens == 0], pch = 1)
  points(predictor[cens == 1], resd[cens == 1], pch = 16)
  plot(predictor, residnew, type = 	"n", xlab = "Linear Predictor", 
	   ylab = "Residuals")
  points(predictor[cens == 0], residnew[cens == 0], pch = 1)
  points(predictor[cens == 1], residnew[cens == 1], pch = 16)
  for(i in which) {
    xi <- X[,i]
    ry <- range(yy,Y)
    plot(xi, Y[,1], xlab=xnam[i], ylab=paste('Observed',trans,'Time'),
         type='n', ylim=ry)
    points(xi[!imp], Y[!imp,1], pch=16)
    if(any(imp)) {
      points(xi[imp],  Y[imp,1],  pch=1)
      plot(xi, yy, xlab = xnam[i], ylab=paste('Imputed',trans,'Time'), 
           type = "n", ylim=ry)
      points(xi[imp],   yy[imp],  pch = 1)
      segments(xi[imp], Y[imp,1], xi[imp], yy[imp])
      points(xi[!imp],  yy[!imp], pch = 16)
      plot(xi, yy, xlab=xnam[i],
           ylab=paste('Observed or Imputed',trans,'Time'),
           type='n', ylim=ry)
      points(xi[!imp], yy[!imp], pch=16)
      points(xi[imp],  yy[imp],  pch=1)

print.bj <- function(x, digits=4, long=FALSE, coefs=TRUE,
                     title="Buckley-James Censored Data Regression", ...)
  k <- 0
  z <- list()

  if(length(zz <- x$na.action)) {
    k <- k + 1
    z[[k]] <- list(type=paste('naprint', class(zz)[1], sep='.'), list(zz))
  stats <- x$stats
  ci    <- x$clusterInfo
  misc   <- reListclean(Obs          = stats['Obs'],
                     Events       = stats['Events'],
                     'Cluster on' = ci$name,
                     'Clusters'   = ci$n)
  dfstat <- reListclean('Regression d.f.' = stats['d.f.'],
                     'd.f.'=stats['error d.f.'],
                     dec=c(NA, digits, NA))
  disc <- reListclean(g = stats['g'], gr = stats['gr'], dec=3)
  k <- k + 1
  z[[k]] <- list(type='stats',
                 list(headings=c('', '', 'Discrimination\nIndexes'),
                      data=list(misc, dfstat, disc)))
  cof <- x$coefficients
  se <- sqrt(diag(x$var))
  k <- k + 1
  z[[k]] <- list(type='coefmatrix',
                 list(coef = cof, se = se))

  p <- length(cof)
  if(long &&  p > 1) {
	  ss <- diag(1/se)
	  correl <- ss %*% x$var %*% ss
	  dimnames(correl) <- list(names(cof), names(cof))
	  ll <- lower.tri(correl)
	  correl[ll] <- format(round(correl[ll], digits=max(digits-2,2)))
	  correl[!ll] <- ""
    k <- k + 1
    z[[k]] <- list(type='print',
                   list(correl[-1, - p, drop = FALSE], quote = FALSE),
                   title='Correlation Matrix for Parameter Estimates')
  prModFit(x, title=title, z, digits=digits, coefs=coefs, ...)

predict.bj <- 
  function(object, newdata,
             "adjto.data.frame", "model.frame"),
           se.fit=FALSE, conf.int=FALSE,
           na.action=na.keep, expand.na=TRUE, center.terms=type=="terms", ...)
    type <- match.arg(type)
    predictrms(object, newdata, type, se.fit, conf.int, conf.type,
               na.action, expand.na, center.terms, ...)

residuals.bj <- function(object, 
						 type = c("censored","censored.normalized"), ...)
  type <- match.arg(type)
  y <- object$y
  aty <- attributes(y)
  if('y' %nin% names(object)) stop('did not use y=TRUE with fit')
  ncy <- ncol(y)
  r <- y[, - ncy, drop=FALSE] - object$linear.predictors
  if(type=='censored.normalized') r <- r / object$stats['sigma']
  label(r) <- if(type=='censored') 
    'Residual' else 'Normalized Residual'
  ev <- y[, ncy]
  label(ev) <- label(y)
  units(r)  <- units(y)
  r <- Surv(r, ev)
  attr(r,'type') <- aty$type
  class(r) <- c('residuals.bj', 'Surv')
  if (length(object$na.action)) naresid(object$na.action, r)
  else r

validate.bj <-
  function(fit, method="boot", B=40,
           bw=FALSE, rule="aic", type="residual", sls=.05, aics=0,
           force=NULL, estimates=TRUE, pr=FALSE,
           tol=1e-7, rel.tolerance=1e-3, maxiter=15, ...)

  if(!(length(fit$x) && length(fit$y)))
    stop('you must specify x=TRUE and y=TRUE to bj')
  xb <- fit$linear.predictors
  ny <- dim(fit$y)
  nevents <- sum(fit$y[,ny[2]])

  ##Note: fit$y already has been transformed by the link function by psm

  distance <- function(x,y,fit,iter,evalfit=FALSE,fit.orig,
                       maxiter=15, tol=1e-7, rel.tolerance=1e-3, ...)
      ##Assumes y is matrix with 1st col=time, 2nd=event indicator
      dxy.cens(x, y)["Dxy"]

  predab.resample(fit, method=method,
                  fit=bj.fit2, measure=distance,
                  pr=pr, B=B, bw=bw, rule=rule, type=type,
                  sls=sls, aics=aics, force=force, estimates=estimates,
                  maxiter=maxiter, tol=tol,
                  rel.tolerance=rel.tolerance, ...)

bj.fit2 <- function(x, y, iter=0, maxiter=15, 
                    init=NULL, rel.tolerance=1e-3, tol=1e-7, ...)
  e <- y[, 2]
  if(sum(e) < 1)return(list(fail=TRUE))
  x <- x	#Get around lazy evaluation creating complex expression
  f <- bj.fit(as.matrix(x), y,
              control=list(iter.max=maxiter, eps=rel.tolerance, tol=tol))
  if(f$fail) warning('bj.fit failed')
latex.bj <- function(..., inline=FALSE, file='', append=FALSE) {
  z <- latexrms(..., inline=inline)
  if(inline) return(z)
  if(file == '' && prType() != 'plain') return(rendHTML(z, html=FALSE))
  cat(z, file=file, append=append, sep='\n')

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