
Defines functions zoombbox makebbox .revprojectbbox .projectbbox .fromlatlon .tolatlon .projpts osm.text osm.polygon osm.lines osm.segments osm.points osm.proj osm.raster osm.image tile.raster.autozoom osm.plot tile.plotfused check.dimensions ensure.bands tile.fuse tile.each tile.ploteach tile.apply tile.applywrap tile.loadimage extract_projection is.bbox extract_bbox tile.autozoom tile.plotarray tile.cachedir get_default_cachedir set_default_cachedir bmaps.attribute bmaps.plot bmaps.types bmaps.sourcefromrest bmaps.restquery tile.download tile.cachename tile.attribute tile.minzoom.default tile.maxzoom.default tile.maxzoom tile.ext tile.url tile.bbox tile.nw tile.xy tiles.bybbox bmaps.quadkey create_tile_source osm.types get_default_tile_source set_default_tile_source register_tile_source source_from_global_functions source_from_url_format is.tile_source as.tile_source

Documented in as.tile_source bmaps.plot bmaps.types extract_bbox get_default_cachedir get_default_tile_source is.tile_source makebbox osm.image osm.lines osm.plot osm.points osm.polygon osm.raster osm.segments osm.text osm.types register_tile_source set_default_cachedir set_default_tile_source source_from_url_format zoombbox

#' Deprecated interface
#' The previous interface for rosm was written to support idioms that are
#' no longer prevalent in modren r-spatial code. These functions may continue
#' to exist; however, their use is not encouraged and the functions may be
#' removed in a future release.
#' @param x,y,x0,y0,x1,y1,url_format,max_zoom,min_zoom,attribution,extension Deprecated
#' @param key,tolatlon,epsg,toepsg,labels,n,e,s,w,factor,offset Deprecated
#' @param bbox A bounding box as generated by \code{sp::bbox()}
#' @param zoomin The amount by which to adjust the automatically calculated zoom (or
#' manually specified if the \code{zoom} parameter is passed). Use +1 to zoom in, or -1 to zoom out.
#' @param zoom Manually specify the zoom level (not reccomended; adjust \code{zoomin} or
#' \code{res} instead.
#' @param type A map type; one of that returned by \link{osm.types}. User defined types are possible
#' by defining \code{tile.url.TYPENAME <- function(xtile, ytile, zoom){}} and passing TYPENAME
#' as the \code{type} argument.
#' @param forcedownload \code{TRUE} if cached tiles should be re-downloaded. Useful if
#' some tiles are corrupted.
#' @param stoponlargerequest By default \code{osm.plot} will only load 32 tiles at a time. If
#' plotting at a higher resolution it may be necessary to pass \code{true} here.
#' @param fusetiles \code{TRUE} if tiles should be fused into a single image. This is the
#' default because white lines appear between tiles if it is set to \code{FALSE}. PDFs
#' appear not to have this problem, so when plotting large, high resolution PDFs it may be
#' faster (and more memory efficient) to use \code{fusetiles=FALSE}.
#' @param cachedir The directory in which tiles should be cached. Defaults to \code{getwd()/rosm.cache}.
#' @param res The resolution used to calculate scale.
#' @param project \code{TRUE} if tiles should be projected to a pseudo-mercator projection,
#' \code{FALSE} if lat/lon should be maintained. Becuase \code{sp::plot} adjusts the aspect
#' according to latitude for lat/lon coordinates, this makes little difference at high
#' zoom and may make plotting overlays more convenient. Defaults to \code{TRUE}.
#' @param progress A progress bar to use, or "none" to suppress progress updates
#' @param quiet Pass \code{FALSE} to see more error messages, particularly if
#'   your tiles do not download/load properly.
#' @param projection A map projection in which to reproject the RasterStack as
#'   generated by \code{CRS()} or \code{Spatial*@@proj4string}. If a
#'   \code{Spatial*} object is passed as the first argument, this argument will
#'   be ignored.
#' @param crop \code{TRUE} if results should be cropped to the specified
#'   bounding box (see \code{x}), \code{FALSE} otherwise.
#' @param filename A filename to which the raster should be written (see
#'   \code{raster::writeRaster()}). Use a ".tif" extension to write as a
#'   GeoTIFF.
#' @param resample One of "ngb" (nearest neighbour) or "bilinear". Passed to
#'   \link[raster]{projectRaster}.
#' @param ... Arguments passed to other methods
#' @rdname deprecated
#' @export
as.tile_source <- function(x, ...) {
  # first check if x is a tile source
  if (is.tile_source(x)) {

  # order is registered -> built_in -> functions -> string format
  if ((length(x) == 1) && (x %in% names(registered_sources))) {
    src <- registered_sources[[x]]
    src$name <- x
  } else if ((length(x) == 1) && (x %in% names(tile_sources))) {
    src <- tile_sources[[x]]
    src$name <- x
  } else if ((length(x) == 1) && is.character(x)) {
    # if url function exists, use old-style function definitions
    if (exists(paste0("tile.url.", x))) {
    } else {
      # create using string format
      source_from_url_format(x, ...)
  } else if ((length(x) > 1) && is.character(x)) {
    # character vectors > 1 can't be functions
    source_from_url_format(x, ...)
  } else {
    stop("Don't know how to create a tile_source from type ", class(x))

#' @rdname deprecated
#' @export
is.tile_source <- function(x) {
  inherits(x, "tile_source")

#' @rdname deprecated
#' @export
source_from_url_format <- function(url_format, max_zoom = tile.maxzoom.default(),
                                   min_zoom = 0, attribution = NULL, extension = tools::file_ext(url_format[1]),
                                   ...) {
  # url format like this: https://tiles.wmflabs.org/bw-mapnik/${z}/${x}/${y}.png
  # ${q} for quadkey

  # check format: need ${z}/${x}/${y} xor ${q} (not both)
  # url_format may be a vector of names, so wrap in all()
  if (xor(
    !all(grepl("${q}", url_format, fixed = TRUE)),
    !(!all(grepl("${z}", url_format, fixed = TRUE)) &&
      !all(grepl("${x}", url_format, fixed = TRUE)) &&
      !all(grepl("${y}", url_format, fixed = TRUE)))
  )) {
    stop("url_format must contain ${q} xor ${z} and ${x} and ${y}")

  # check extension
  extension <- match.arg(extension, c("png", "jpeg", "jpg"))

  # force args, since they will be used in closures
  extra_args <- list(...)

    get_tile_url = function(xtile, ytile, zoom, quadkey = "") {
      withx <- gsub("${x}", xtile, sample(url_format, 1), fixed = TRUE)
      withy <- gsub("${y}", ytile, withx, fixed = TRUE)
      withz <- gsub("${z}", zoom, withy, fixed = TRUE)
      # return with quadkey
      gsub("${q}", quadkey, withz, fixed = TRUE)
    get_attribution = function() attribution,
    get_max_zoom = function() max_zoom,
    get_min_zoom = function() min_zoom,
    get_extension = function() extension,
    name = url_format[1],
    url_formats = url_format,

# these are old-style custom tile naming functions
source_from_global_functions <- function(type) {
  message("Using functions as custom tile sources is deprecated. Use string formats instead.")

  # get_url is mandatory, so use match.fun
  get_url <- match.fun(paste0("tile.url.", type))

  # maxzoom function is not manditory
  if (exists(paste0("tile.maxzoom.", type))) {
    get_max_zoom <- match.fun(paste0("tile.maxzoom.", type))
  } else {
    get_max_zoom <- tile.maxzoom.default

  # attribute function is not manditory
  if (exists(paste0("tile.attribute.", type))) {
    attribution <- match.fun(paste0("tile.attribute", type))
  } else {
    attribution <- function() NULL

  # extension should be from tile url
  extension <- tools::file_ext(get_url(0, 0, 0)[1])

  # return tile source
    get_tile_url = get_url,
    get_max_zoom = get_max_zoom,
    get_min_zoom = tile.minzoom.default,
    get_attribution = attribution,
    get_extension = function() extension,
    name = type

#' @rdname deprecated
#' @export
register_tile_source <- function(...) {
  sources <- list(...)
  if (is.null(names(sources))) stop("register_source must be called with named arguments")
  if (any(nchar(names(sources)) == 0)) stop("register_source must be called with named arguments")

  # lapply as.tile_source and copy to registered_sources
  list2env(lapply(sources, as.tile_source), registered_sources)


#' @rdname deprecated
#' @export
set_default_tile_source <- function(x, ...) {
  ts <- as.tile_source(x, ...)
  registered_sources$.defaultsource <- ts

#' @rdname deprecated
#' @export
get_default_tile_source <- function() {
  if (exists(".defaultsource", where = registered_sources)) {
  } else {

# use an environment to keep track of registered sources
registered_sources <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())

#' @rdname deprecated
#' @export
osm.types <- function() {
  c(names(tile_sources), setdiff(names(registered_sources), ".defaultsource"))

# base function to create specs
create_tile_source <- function(get_tile_url, get_max_zoom, get_min_zoom,
                               get_attribution, get_extension, ..., validate = TRUE) {
  # here, get_tile_url, get_max_zoom, and get_attribution are all functions
  # that get passed xtile, ytile, zoom, and quadkey (if quadkey is in the formals)
  # this is for backwards compatiblity with older tile.url.TYPE functions

  # force functions

  if (validate) {
    # validate the functions

    # check that get_tile_url returns a character vector of length 1
    if ("quadkey" %in% names(formals(get_tile_url))) {
      url <- get_tile_url(0, 0, 0, quadkey = "0")
    } else {
      url <- get_tile_url(0, 0, 0)
    if (!is.character(url)) stop("get_tile_url must return type 'character'")
    if (length(url) != 1) stop("get_tile_url must return a vector of length 1")

    # check that maxzoom is an integer
    maxzoom <- get_max_zoom()
    if ((maxzoom %% 1) != 0) stop("get_max_zoom must return an integer")

    # check that minzoom is an integer
    minzoom <- get_min_zoom()
    if ((minzoom %% 1) != 0) stop("get_min_zoom must return an integer")

    # check that get_attribution returns a character vector of length 1
    attribution <- get_attribution()
    if (!is.null(attribution)) {
      if (!is.character(attribution)) stop("get_attribution must return a character vector")
      if (length(attribution) != 1) stop("get_attribution must return a vector of length 1")

    # check that get_extension returns a character vector of length 1
    extension <- get_extension()
    if (!is.null(extension)) {
      if (!is.character(extension)) stop("get_extension must return a character vector")
      if (length(extension) != 1) stop("get_extension must return a vector of length 1")

  # return list of class "tile_source"
    get_tile_url = get_tile_url,
    get_attribution = get_attribution,
    get_max_zoom = get_max_zoom,
    get_min_zoom = get_min_zoom,
    get_extension = get_extension,
  ), class = "tile_source")

# modified from http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Slippy_map_tilenames#R

bmaps.quadkey <- function(tilex, tiley, zoom) {
  nzoom <- 2^zoom
  if (tilex < 0 || tilex >= nzoom) stop("xtile out of range: ", tilex)
  if (tiley < 0 || tiley >= nzoom) stop("ytile out of range: ", tilex)
  out <- ""
  keymap <- matrix(0:3, byrow = TRUE, ncol = 2)
  decx <- tilex / nzoom
  decy <- tiley / nzoom
  for (i in 1:zoom) {
    n <- 2^i
    x <- floor(decx * 2^i) - floor(decx * 2^(i - 1)) * 2
    y <- floor(decy * 2^i) - floor(decy * 2^(i - 1)) * 2
    out <- paste0(out, keymap[y + 1, x + 1])

tiles.bybbox <- function(bbox, zoom, epsg = 4326) {
  nwlatlon <- .tolatlon(bbox[1, 1], bbox[2, 2], epsg)
  selatlon <- .tolatlon(bbox[1, 2], bbox[2, 1], epsg)

  if (nwlatlon[1] < -180) { # fixes wraparound problem with project=F
    nwlatlon[1] <- nwlatlon[1] + 360

  if (nwlatlon[1] > selatlon[1]) {
    # wrapping around backside of earth
    backsidebbox <- matrix(c(nwlatlon[1], selatlon[2], 180, nwlatlon[2]), ncol = 2, byrow = FALSE)
    backsidetiles <- tiles.bybbox(backsidebbox, zoom, 4326)
    nwlatlon[1] <- -180
  } else {
    backsidetiles <- NULL

  nw <- tile.xy(nwlatlon[1], nwlatlon[2], zoom)
  se <- tile.xy(selatlon[1], selatlon[2], zoom)
  tiles <- expand.grid(x = nw[1]:se[1], y = nw[2]:se[2])

  if (is.null(backsidetiles)) {
  } else {
    rbind(backsidetiles, tiles)

tile.xy <- function(x, y, zoom, epsg = 4326) {
  latlon <- .tolatlon(x, y, epsg)

  lat_rad <- latlon[2] * pi / 180
  n <- 2.0^zoom
  xtile <- floor((latlon[1] + 180.0) / 360.0 * n)
  ytile <- floor((1.0 - log(tan(lat_rad) + (1 / cos(lat_rad))) / pi) / 2.0 * n)
  xtile <- max(0, min(xtile, n - 1)) # limit x, y tiles to valid tile numbers
  ytile <- max(0, min(ytile, n - 1))
  c(xtile, ytile)

tile.nw <- function(xtile, ytile, zoom, epsg = 4326) {
  n <- 2.0^zoom
  lon_deg <- xtile / n * 360.0 - 180.0
  lat_rad <- atan(sinh(pi * (1 - 2 * ytile / n)))
  lat_deg <- lat_rad * 180 / pi

  projected <- .fromlatlon(lon_deg, lat_deg, epsg)
  # added to support wrap around tiles
  if (lon_deg < -180 && projected[1] > 0) {
    # wrap around situation

    maxx <- .fromlatlon(180, lat_deg, epsg)[1]
    projected[1] <- projected[1] - maxx * 2

tile.bbox <- function(xtile, ytile, zoom, epsg = 4326) {
  nw <- tile.nw(xtile, ytile, zoom, epsg)
  se <- tile.nw(xtile + 1, ytile + 1, zoom, epsg)
  matrix(c(nw[1], se[2], se[1], nw[2]),
    ncol = 2,
    byrow = FALSE, dimnames = list(c("x", "y"), c("min", "max"))

tile.url <- function(xtile, ytile, zoom, type) {
  fun <- type$get_tile_url
  if ("quadkey" %in% names(formals(fun))) {
    fun(xtile, ytile, zoom, quadkey = bmaps.quadkey(xtile, ytile, zoom))
  } else {
    fun(xtile, ytile, zoom)

tile.ext <- function(type) {

tile.maxzoom <- function(type) {

tile.maxzoom.default <- function() {

tile.minzoom.default <- function() {

tile.attribute <- function(type) {
  attribution <- type$get_attribution()
  if (!is.null(attribution)) message(attribution)

tile.cachename <- function(xtile, ytile, zoom, type, cachedir = NULL) {
  folder <- tile.cachedir(type, cachedir)
  ext <- tile.ext(type)
  file.path(folder, paste0(zoom, "_", xtile, "_", ytile, ".", ext))

tile.download <- function(tiles, zoom, type = "osm", forcedownload = FALSE, cachedir = NULL,
                          progress = "text", quiet = TRUE, pause = 0.1) {
  if (!forcedownload) {
    # check which tiles exist
    texists <- vapply(1:nrow(tiles), function(i) {
      cachename <- tile.cachename(tiles[i, 1], tiles[i, 2], zoom, type, cachedir)
    }, logical(1))
    tiles <- tiles[!texists, , drop = FALSE]

  if (nrow(tiles) > 0) {
    if (progress != "none") {
      message("Fetching ", nrow(tiles), " missing tiles")
      pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = nrow(tiles), width = 20, file = stderr())

    tile.apply(tiles, fun = function(xtile, ytile) {
      cachename <- tile.cachename(xtile, ytile, zoom, type, cachedir)
      url <- tile.url(xtile, ytile, zoom, type)
      # pause to avoid overwhelming servers
      if (pause > 0) Sys.sleep(pause)

      if (!quiet) message("trying URL: ", url)

      # try to download file
      result <- try(curl::curl_download(url, cachename, quiet = quiet, mode = "wb"),
        silent = quiet

      # display errors only in progress mode
      if (!quiet && inherits(result, "try-error")) {
          "Failed to download tile %s:(%s, %s) for type %s / %s",
          zoom, xtile, ytile, type$name, result
      } else if (!quiet && !file.exists(cachename)) {
          "Failed to download tile %s:(%s, %s) for type %s",
          zoom, xtile, ytile, type$name

      # delete files for try-errors
      if (inherits(result, "try-error")) {
        try(unlink(cachename), silent = TRUE)
    }, progress = progress)

    if (progress != "none") message("...complete!")

# use an internal environment to cache REST information
bing_rest_queries <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())

bmaps.restquery <- function(bingtype, key = NULL) {
  # http://dev.virtualearth.net/REST/v1/Imagery/Metadata/Aerial?key=KEY
  # get a key at https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff428642.aspx

  # use cached information first
  if (bingtype %in% names(bing_rest_queries)) {
    result <- bing_rest_queries[[bingtype]]
  } else {
    if (is.null(key)) {
      key <- "Aut49nhp5_Twwf_5RHF6wSGk7sEzpcSA__niIXCHowQZLMeC-m8cdy7EmZd2r7Gs"
    urlstring <- paste0("http://dev.virtualearth.net/REST/v1/Imagery/Metadata/", bingtype, "?key=", key)

    connect <- curl::curl(urlstring)
    lines <- try(readLines(connect, warn = FALSE), silent = TRUE)

    if (inherits(lines, "try-error")) stop("  Bing REST query failed for type: ", bingtype)

    # convert to a list
    result <- jsonlite::fromJSON(paste(lines, collapse = ""), simplifyVector = FALSE)
    # cache the result
    bing_rest_queries[[bingtype]] <- result
  # display the copyright notice

  # return only the relevant node

bmaps.sourcefromrest <- function(rest, name) {
    get_tile_url = function(xtile, ytile, zoom, quadkey) {
      gsub("{quadkey}", quadkey, gsub("{subdomain}", sample(rest$imageUrlSubdomains, 1),
        fixed = TRUE
      fixed = TRUE
    get_max_zoom = function() rest$zoomMax,
    get_min_zoom = function() rest$zoomMin,
    get_attribution = function() NULL,
    get_extension = function() {
      tools::file_ext(gsub("\\?.*$", "", rest$imageUrl[1]))
    name = name

#' @rdname deprecated
#' @export
bmaps.types <- function() {
  c("Aerial", "AerialWithLabels", "Road")

#' @rdname deprecated
#' @export
bmaps.plot <- function(bbox, type = "Aerial", key = NULL, ...) {
  if (!(type %in% bmaps.types())) stop("type must be one of Aerial, AerialWithLabels, or Road")

  # get REST information
  rest <- bmaps.restquery(type, key)
  # plot using OSM.plot
  osm.plot(bbox = bbox, type = bmaps.sourcefromrest(rest, paste0("bing_", type)), ...)
  # plot the little bing logo
  extraargs <- list(...)
  bmaps.attribute(res = extraargs$res, cachedir = extraargs$cachedir)

bmaps.attribute <- function(padin = c(0.05, 0.05), res = NULL, cachedir = NULL, scale = 0.7) {
  if (is.null(res)) {
    res <- 80
  # http://dev.virtualearth.net/Branding/logo_powered_by.png
  bingfile <- file.path(tile.cachedir(list(name = "bing")), "bing.png")
  if (!file.exists(bingfile)) {
      quiet = TRUE, mode = "wb"
  binglogo <- png::readPNG(bingfile)
  ext <- graphics::par("usr")
  rightin <- graphics::grconvertX(ext[2], from = "user", to = "inches")
  bottomin <- graphics::grconvertY(ext[3], from = "user", to = "inches")
  widthin <- dim(binglogo)[2] / res * scale
  heightin <- dim(binglogo)[1] / res * scale
  leftusr <- graphics::grconvertX(rightin - padin[1] - widthin, from = "inches", to = "user")
  bottomusr <- graphics::grconvertY(bottomin + padin[2], from = "inches", to = "user")
  topusr <- graphics::grconvertY(bottomin + padin[2] + heightin, from = "inches", to = "user")
  rightusr <- graphics::grconvertX(rightin - padin[1], from = "inches", to = "user")

  graphics::rasterImage(binglogo, leftusr, bottomusr, rightusr, topusr)

#' Set/Get the Default Tile Cache Location
#' The default tile cache location is the "rosm.cache" folder in the current
#' working directory, but for a variety of reasons it may be desirable to
#' use one cache directory for all calls in a script. This must be called
#' every time the namespace is loaded.
#' @param cachedir A path to use as the cache directory (relative to the working directory).
#'   Use NULL to reset to the default.
#' @return The previous cache directory, invisibly.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' set_default_cachedir(tempfile())
#' get_default_cachedir()
#' (set_default_cachedir(NULL))
set_default_cachedir <- function(cachedir) {
  # NULL sets back to the default
  if (is.null(cachedir)) {
    cachedir <- "rosm.cache"
  if (!is.character(cachedir) || (length(cachedir) != 1)) {
    stop("'cachedir' must be a character vector of length 1")
  # keep ref to old cachedir
  old_cachedir <- rosm_state$default_cachedir
  # set new cachedir
  rosm_state$default_cachedir <- cachedir
  # return old cachedir

#' @rdname set_default_cachedir
#' @export
get_default_cachedir <- function() {

rosm_state <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
rosm_state$default_cachedir <- "rosm.cache"
# functions used by both google and osm

tile.cachedir <- function(type, cachedir = NULL) {
  if (is.null(cachedir)) {
    cachedir <- get_default_cachedir()
  safename <- gsub("[^a-zA-z0-9]", "", type$name)
  folder <- file.path(cachedir, safename)
  created <- dir.create(folder, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)

tile.plotarray <- function(image, box) {
  graphics::rasterImage(image, box[1, 1], box[2, 1], box[1, 2], box[2, 2])

tile.autozoom <- function(res = 150, epsg = 4326) {
  ext <- graphics::par("usr")
  midy <- mean(c(ext[3], ext[4]))
  rightmid <- .tolatlon(ext[2], midy, epsg)
  centermid <- .tolatlon(mean(c(ext[1], ext[2])), midy, epsg)
  leftmid <- .tolatlon(ext[1], midy, epsg)

  anglewidth1 <- rightmid[1] - centermid[1]
  if (anglewidth1 < 0) {
    anglewidth1 <- anglewidth1 + 360

  anglewidth2 <- rightmid[1] - centermid[1]
  if (anglewidth2 < 0) {
    anglewidth2 <- anglewidth2 + 360
  anglewidth <- anglewidth1 + anglewidth2

  widthin <- graphics::grconvertX(ext[2], from = "user", to = "inches") -
    graphics::grconvertX(ext[1], from = "user", to = "inches")
  widthpx <- widthin * res

  zoom <- log2((360.0 / anglewidth) * (widthpx / 256.0))


# function to extract the bounding box given an input object
# always returns the bbox in lat/lon

#' @rdname deprecated
#' @export
extract_bbox <- function(x, tolatlon = TRUE, ...) {
  if (methods::is(x, "Spatial")) {
    if (tolatlon && !is.na(x@proj4string@projargs)) {
      x <- sf::as_Spatial(sf::st_transform(sf::st_as_sfc(x), 4326))

  } else if (methods::is(x, "Raster")) {
    box <- raster::as.matrix(x@extent)
    if (tolatlon && !is.na(x@crs@projargs)) {
      # need a couple of points to get a decent approximation
      coords <- expand.grid(x = box[1, ], y = box[2, ])
      coords_lonlat <- .tolatlon(coords[, 1], coords[, 2], projection = x@crs)
      lon_range <- range(coords_lonlat[, 1])
      lat_range <- range(coords_lonlat[, 2])
      box <- makebbox(lat_range[2], lon_range[2], lat_range[1], lon_range[1])

  } else if (methods::is(x, "bbox")) {
    makebbox(x[4], x[3], x[2], x[1])
  } else if (is.character(x)) {
    stop("Lookup using prettymapr::searchbbox() is no longer supported")
  } else if (is.bbox(x)) {
  } else {

is.bbox <- function(x) {
  is.matrix(x) && identical(dim(x), c(2L, 2L)) && identical(rownames(x), c("x", "y"))

# function to extract a projection from an object
extract_projection <- function(x) {
  if (methods::is(x, "CRS")) {
  } else if (methods::is(x, "Spatial")) {
    if (!is.na(x@proj4string@projargs)) {
    } else {
  } else if (methods::is(x, "Raster")) {
  } else if (is.numeric(x) && (length(x) == 1)) {
    intx <- as.integer(x)
  } else {
# plot slippy tiles

tile.loadimage <- function(x, y, zoom, type, cachedir = NULL, quiet = TRUE) {
  if (x < 0) {
    # negative tiles from wrap situation
    x <- x + 2^zoom

  fname <- tile.cachename(x, y, zoom, type, cachedir)
  parts <- strsplit(fname, "\\.")[[1]]
  ext <- parts[length(parts)]
      if (ext == "jpg" || ext == "jpeg") {
      } else if (ext == "png") {
      } else {
        stop("Extension not recognized: ", ext)
    error = function(err) {
      if (!quiet) message("Error loading ", fname, ": ", err)

tile.applywrap <- function(tiles, zoom) {
  if (!all(min(tiles[, 1]):max(tiles[, 1]) %in% tiles[, 1])) {
    # wrapping around the backside of the earth, make end tiles negative
    warning("Attempting to plot wrap around tiles (~lat=-180), things may get funky.")
    n <- -1
    while (length(tiles[, 1][tiles[, 1] == 2^zoom + n]) > 0) {
      tiles[, 1][tiles[, 1] == 2^zoom + n] <- (tiles[, 1][tiles[, 1] == 2^zoom + n]) - 2^zoom
      n <- n - 1

# loops through the tiles and applies a function (returning a list)
tile.apply <- function(tiles, fun, ..., progress = "none") {
  plyr::alply(tiles, 1, function(tile, ...) {
    fun(tile[[1]], tile[[2]], ...)
  }, ..., .progress = progress)

# loops through the tiles and plots or combines the results to a list
tile.ploteach <- function(tiles, zoom, type, epsg = 4326, cachedir = NULL, quiet = FALSE) {
  tile.apply(tiles, function(x, y) {
    box <- tile.bbox(x, y, zoom, epsg)
    image <- tile.loadimage(x, y, zoom, type, cachedir, quiet = quiet)

    # if in plotting mode, plot the array
    if (!is.null(image)) tile.plotarray(image, box)

tile.each <- function(tiles, zoom, type, epsg = 4326, cachedir = NULL, quiet = FALSE) {
  tile.apply(tiles, function(x, y) {
    box <- tile.bbox(x, y, zoom, epsg)
    image <- tile.loadimage(x, y, zoom, type, cachedir, quiet = quiet)

    # return structure as the image array, with attribute 'bbox'
    # this is modeled after the @bbox slot in the sp package
      bbox = box, type = type,
      epsg = epsg, zoom = zoom, tiles = data.frame(x, y)

tile.fuse <- function(tiles, zoom, type, epsg = 4326, cachedir = NULL, quiet = FALSE) {
  tiles <- tile.applywrap(tiles, zoom)

  tile_dims <- check.dimensions(tiles, zoom, type, cachedir)
  dim_x <- tile_dims$targetdim[1]
  dim_y <- tile_dims$targetdim[2]
  dim_bands <- tile_dims$targetdim[3]

  if (tile_dims$nmissing > 0) {
    message(tile_dims$nmissing, " could not be loaded for type ", type$name)
    missing_tile <- array(0, tile_dims$targetdim)
  } else {
    missing_tile <- NULL

  tiles <- tiles[order(tiles[[1]], tiles[[2]]), , drop = FALSE]
  x_tile <- unique(tiles[, 1])
  y_tile <- unique(tiles[, 2])

  xs <- (seq_along(x_tile) - 1) * dim_x
  ys <- (seq_along(y_tile) - 1) * dim_y

  out <- array(1, dim = c(dim_y * length(y_tile), dim_x * length(x_tile), dim_bands))

  for (i in seq_along(x_tile)) {
    for (j in seq_along(y_tile)) {
      img <- tile.loadimage(x_tile[i], y_tile[j], zoom, type, cachedir, quiet = quiet)
      if (is.null(img) && is.null(missing_tile)) {
        stop("Cannot fuse unloadable tile")
      } else if (is.null(img)) {
      } else {
        ensure.bands(img, tile_dims$targetdim, default_value = 1)

      # row, column, band (where row == y dimension)
      # sometimes both 3- and 4- band images are returned, so the assignment
      # needs to assign only the bands in the loaded img
        ys[j]:(ys[j] + dim_y - 1) + 1,
        xs[i]:(xs[i] + dim_x - 1) + 1,
      ] <- img

  # calc bounding box of whole image
  nw <- tile.nw(min(x_tile), min(y_tile), zoom, epsg)
  se <- tile.nw(max(x_tile) + 1, max(y_tile) + 1, zoom, epsg)

  bbox <- matrix(
    c(nw[1], se[2], se[1], nw[2]),
    ncol = 2,
    byrow = FALSE,
    dimnames = list(
      c("x", "y"),
      c("min", "max")

  # return same structure as tile.each()
  structure(out, bbox = bbox, epsg = epsg, type = type, zoom = zoom, tiles = tiles)

# ensure array dimensions match a given dim value
ensure.bands <- function(image, dimension, default_value = 1) {
  banddiff <- dimension[3] - dim(image)[3]
  if (banddiff == 0) {
  } else if (banddiff > 0) {
    # add extra bands
    abind::abind(image, array(
      c(dimension[1], dimension[2], banddiff)
    along = 3
  } else if (banddiff < 0) {
    # this shouldn't happen, but...
    warning("Cropping image in ensure.bands")
    # crop
    image[, , 1:dimension[3], drop = FALSE]

# checks the dimensions of all the tiles (used in tile.fuse)
check.dimensions <- function(tiles, zoom, type, cachedir) {
  # check dimensions of all tiles before fusing
  dims <- tile.apply(tiles, fun = function(x, y) {
    image <- tile.loadimage(x, y, zoom, type, cachedir)
    if (!is.null(image)) {
    } else {
      c(0, 0, 0)

  # check for 3 dimensions
  if (!all(vapply(dims, length, integer(1)) == 3)) stop("Incorrect dimensions in image")

  # check for missing tiles
  missing_tiles <- vapply(
    dims, function(dim) identical(dim, c(0, 0, 0)),
  if (all(missing_tiles)) stop("Zero tiles were loaded for type ", type$name)

  # find dimension of non-missing tiles (hopefully the same...)
  tiledim <- do.call(rbind, dims[!missing_tiles])

  uniqueXs <- unique(tiledim[, 1, drop = TRUE])
  uniqueYs <- unique(tiledim[, 2, drop = TRUE])
  if (length(uniqueXs) > 1) {
      "More than one image x dimension: ",
      paste(uniqueXs, collapse = ", ")
  if (length(uniqueYs) > 1) {
      "More than one image y dimension: ",
      paste(uniqueYs, collapse = ", ")

  # assign target dim with the max of z dimensions (so a band can be added)
  # if not all have the same bands
  targetdim <- c(uniqueXs, uniqueYs, max(tiledim[, 3, drop = TRUE]))

  # also return the number of missing tiles
  list(targetdim = targetdim, nmissing = sum(missing_tiles))

tile.plotfused <- function(tiles, zoom, type, epsg = 4326, cachedir = NULL, quiet = FALSE) {
  fused <- tile.fuse(tiles, zoom, type, epsg = epsg, cachedir = cachedir, quiet = quiet)
  # plot image
  tile.plotarray(fused, attr(fused, "bbox"))

#' @rdname deprecated
#' @export
osm.plot <- function(bbox, zoomin = 0, zoom = NULL, type = NULL, forcedownload = FALSE,
                     stoponlargerequest = TRUE, fusetiles = TRUE, cachedir = NULL, res = 150,
                     project = TRUE, progress = c("text", "none"), quiet = TRUE, ...) {
  # validate progress arg
  progress <- match.arg(progress)

  # get lookup information from input
  bbox <- extract_bbox(bbox)

  # verify tile source
  if (is.null(type)) {
    type <- get_default_tile_source()
  } else {
    type <- as.tile_source(type)

  if (project) {
    epsg <- 3857
  } else {
    epsg <- 4326

  bbox <- .projectbbox(bbox, epsg)

  coords <- sp::coordinates(t(bbox))
  spoints <- sp::SpatialPoints(coords)

  plotargs <- list(...)
  if (is.null(plotargs$xlim)) {
    xlim <- bbox[1, ]
  if (is.null(plotargs$ylim)) {
    ylim <- bbox[2, ]

  sp::plot(spoints, pch = ".", xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, ...)

  if (is.null(zoom)) {
    zoom <- tile.autozoom(res = res, epsg = epsg)
  zoom <- zoom + zoomin
  maxzoom <- tile.maxzoom(type)
  zoom <- min(zoom, maxzoom)

  # global min zoom set to 1
  zoom <- max(1, zoom)
  message("Zoom: ", zoom)
  # adjust bbox to final plot extents
  bbox <- t(matrix(graphics::par("usr"), ncol = 2, byrow = FALSE))

  tiles <- tiles.bybbox(bbox, zoom, epsg = epsg)
  if ((nrow(tiles) > 32) && stoponlargerequest) {
      "More than 32 tiles to be loaded. ",
      "Run with stoponlargerequest=FALSE or ",
      "zoomin=-1, to continue"
  tile.download(tiles, zoom,
    type = type, forcedownload = forcedownload, cachedir = cachedir,
    progress = progress, quiet = quiet

  if (fusetiles) {
    tile.plotfused(tiles, zoom, type = type, epsg = epsg, cachedir = cachedir, quiet = quiet)
  } else {
    tile.ploteach(tiles, zoom, type = type, epsg = epsg, cachedir = cachedir, quiet = quiet)


tile.raster.autozoom <- function(bbox, epsg, minnumtiles = 12) {
  for (zoom in 1:19) {
    tiles <- tiles.bybbox(bbox, zoom, epsg) # always latlon
    if (nrow(tiles) >= minnumtiles) {

#' @rdname deprecated
#' @export
osm.image <- function(x, zoomin = 0, zoom = NULL, type = NULL, forcedownload = FALSE, cachedir = NULL,
                      progress = c("text", "none"), quiet = TRUE) {
  # verify progress input
  progress <- match.arg(progress)

  # verify tile source
  if (is.null(type)) {
    type <- get_default_tile_source()
  } else {
    type <- as.tile_source(type)

  # get lookup information from input
  lookup.bbox <- extract_bbox(x)

  # get zoom level
  if (is.null(zoom)) {
    zoom <- tile.raster.autozoom(lookup.bbox, epsg = 4326)

  zoom <- min(zoom + zoomin, tile.maxzoom(type))
  zoom <- max(1, zoom) # global min zoom set to 1
  if (progress != "none") message("Zoom: ", zoom)

  # get tile list, download tiles
  tiles <- tiles.bybbox(lookup.bbox, zoom, epsg = 4326)
  tile.download(tiles, zoom,
    type = type, forcedownload = forcedownload, cachedir = cachedir,
    progress = progress, quiet = quiet

  # return fused image
  tile.fuse(tiles, zoom, type = type, epsg = 3857, cachedir = cachedir, quiet = quiet)

#' @rdname deprecated
#' @export
osm.raster <- function(x, zoomin = 0, zoom = NULL, type = "osm", forcedownload = FALSE, cachedir = NULL,
                       progress = c("text", "none"), quiet = TRUE,
                       projection = NULL, crop = FALSE, filename = NULL, resample = "bilinear",
                       ...) {
  # verify inputs
  if (!requireNamespace("raster")) stop("Package 'raster' is required for osm.raster()")

  # verify progress input
  progress <- match.arg(progress)

  # verify tile source
  if (is.null(type)) {
    type <- get_default_tile_source()
  } else {
    type <- as.tile_source(type)

  # if filename is specified, write output of osm.raster() to filename
  if (!is.null(filename)) {
    if (methods::is(x, "Raster")) {
      return(invisible(raster::writeRaster(x, filename = filename, datatype = "INT1U", ...)))
    } else {
          x = x, zoomin = zoomin, zoom = zoom,
          type = type, forcedownload = forcedownload,
          progress = progress, quiet = quiet,
          cachedir = cachedir, projection = projection,
          crop = crop, filename = NULL
        filename = filename, datatype = "INT1U", ...

  # extract source projection
  src_proj <- extract_projection(x)

  # extract bounding box
  lookup.bbox <- extract_bbox(x)
  # if input was a character, make sure lookup only happens once
  if (is.character(x)) {
    x <- lookup.bbox

  # fill in destination projection if not specified
  if (is.null(projection)) {
    if (is.na(src_proj)) {
      # default is to project to google mercator
      projection <- extract_projection(3857)
    } else {
      projection <- src_proj
  } else {
    projection <- extract_projection(projection)

  # get cropping information, if desired
  if (crop) {
    crop.bbox <- extract_bbox(x, tolatlon = FALSE)
    if (is.na(src_proj)) {
      # default is to project to google mercator
      crop.bbox <- .projectbbox(crop.bbox, projection = projection)

  arr <- osm.image(x,
    zoomin = zoomin, zoom = zoom, type = type,
    forcedownload = forcedownload, cachedir = cachedir,
    progress = progress, quiet = quiet
  box <- attr(arr, "bbox")
  nbrow <- dim(arr)[1]
  nbcol <- dim(arr)[2]
  bands <- dim(arr)[3]
  .makeraster <- function(i) {
    raster::raster(matrix(arr[, , i] * 255, nrow = nbrow, ncol = nbcol),
      xmn = box[1, 1], xmx = box[1, 2],
      ymn = box[2, 1], ymx = box[2, 2],
      crs = "EPSG:3857"
  if (bands == 3) {
    rstack <- raster::stack(.makeraster(1), .makeraster(2), .makeraster(3))
  } else if (bands == 4) {
    rstack <- raster::stack(.makeraster(1), .makeraster(2), .makeraster(3), .makeraster(4))
  } else {
    stop("Invalid number of bands in image: ", bands)

  if (!is.null(projection)) {
    if (crop) {
      return(osm.proj(rstack, projection, crop.bbox, method = resample))
    } else {
      return(osm.proj(rstack, projection, method = resample))
  } else {
    if (crop) {
      return(osm.proj(rstack, "EPSG:3857", crop.bbox, method = resample))
    } else {

# @title Project an OSM RasterStack
# projects a raster stack generated above
osm.proj <- function(osm.raster, projection, crop.bbox = NULL, ...) {
  projection <- sf::st_crs(projection)
  if (sf::st_crs(osm.raster@crs) == projection) {
    rstackproj <- osm.raster
  } else {
    osm.terra <- terra::rast(osm.raster)
    terra::crs(osm.terra) <- terra::crs("EPSG:3857")
    rstackproj <- raster::stack(

  # this can occur because of bilinear resampling on project
  # values outside [0, 255] cause problems (e.g., raster::plotRGB())
  rstackproj <- raster::clamp(rstackproj, lower = 0, upper = 255)

  if (!is.null(crop.bbox)) {
    k <- min(c(
      0.052 * (crop.bbox[2, 2] - crop.bbox[2, 1]),
      0.052 * (crop.bbox[1, 2] - crop.bbox[1, 1])
    crop.bbox[2, 2] <- crop.bbox[2, 2] + k
    crop.bbox[1, 1] <- crop.bbox[1, 1] - k
    crop.bbox[2, 1] <- crop.bbox[2, 1] - k
    crop.bbox[1, 2] <- crop.bbox[1, 2] + k

    return(raster::crop(rstackproj, crop.bbox))
  } else {

#' @rdname deprecated
#' @export
osm.points <- function(x, y = NULL, epsg = 4326, toepsg = 3857, ...) {
  graphics::points(.projpts(x, y, epsg, toepsg), ...)

#' @rdname deprecated
#' @export
osm.segments <- function(x0, y0, x1 = x0, y1 = y0, epsg = 4326, toepsg = 3857, ...) {
  c0 <- .projpts(x0, y0, epsg, toepsg)
  c1 <- .projpts(x1, y1, epsg, toepsg)
  graphics::segments(c0[, 1], c0[, 2], c1[, 1], c1[, 2])

#' @rdname deprecated
#' @export
osm.lines <- function(x, y = NULL, epsg = 4326, toepsg = 3857, ...) {
  graphics::lines(.projpts(x, y, epsg, toepsg), ...)

#' @rdname deprecated
#' @export
osm.polygon <- function(x, y = NULL, epsg = 4326, toepsg = 3857, ...) {
  graphics::polygon(.projpts(x, y, epsg, toepsg), ...)

#' @rdname deprecated
#' @export
osm.text <- function(x, y = NULL, labels = seq_along(x), epsg = 4326, toepsg = 3857, ...) {
  graphics::text(.projpts(x, y, epsg, toepsg), labels = labels, ...)

.projpts <- function(x, y = NULL, epsg, toepsg) {
  xy <- grDevices::xy.coords(x, y)
    paste0("EPSG:", epsg),
    paste0("EPSG:", toepsg),
    cbind(xy$x, xy$y)

# projection functions

.tolatlon <- function(x, y, epsg = NULL, projection = NULL) {
  if (is.null(epsg) && is.null(projection)) {
    stop("epsg and projection both null...nothing to project")
  } else if (!is.null(epsg) && !is.null(projection)) {
    stop("epsg and projection both specified...ambiguous call")

  if (is.null(projection)) {
    projection <- sf::st_crs(paste0("EPSG:", epsg))
  } else {
    projection <- sf::st_crs(projection)

    cbind(x, y)

.fromlatlon <- function(lon, lat, epsg = NULL, projection = NULL) {
  if (is.null(epsg) && is.null(projection)) {
    stop("epsg and projection both null...nothing to project")
  } else if (!is.null(epsg) && !is.null(projection)) {
    stop("epsg and projection both specified...ambiguous call")

  if (is.null(projection)) {
    projection <- sf::st_crs(epsg)
  } else {
    projection <- sf::st_crs(projection)

    cbind(lon, lat)

.projectbbox <- function(bbox, toepsg = NULL, projection = NULL) {
  if (is.null(toepsg) && is.null(projection)) {
    stop("toepsg and projection both null...nothing to project")
  } else if (!is.null(toepsg) && !is.null(projection)) {
    stop("toepsg and projection both specified...ambiguous call")

  if (is.null(projection)) {
    projection <- sf::st_crs(toepsg)
  } else {
    projection <- sf::st_crs(projection)

  newpoints <- sf::sf_project(

  newbbox <- t(newpoints)

  if (newbbox[1, 1] > newbbox[1, 2]) { # if min>max
    maxx <- .fromlatlon(180, bbox[2, 1], projection = projection)[1]
    newbbox[1, 1] <- newbbox[1, 1] - maxx * 2

.revprojectbbox <- function(bbox, fromepsg = NULL, projection = NULL) {
  if (is.null(fromepsg) && is.null(projection)) {
    stop("fromepsg and projection both null...nothing to project")
  } else if (!is.null(fromepsg) && !is.null(projection)) {
    stop("fromepsg and projection both specified...ambiguous call")

  if (is.null(projection)) {
    projection <- sf::st_crs(fromepsg)
  } else {
    projection <- sf::st_crs(projection)

  newpoints <- sf::sf_project(


# tile URLs
# create list() of tile sources
tile_sources <- list(
  osm = source_from_url_format(
    url_format = c(
    attribution = paste(
      "Consider donating to the Open Street Map project",
      "at http://donate.openstreetmap.org/"
  opencycle = source_from_url_format(
    url_format = c(
    attribution = paste(
      "Consider donating to the Open Street Map project",
      "at http://donate.openstreetmap.org/"
  hotstyle = source_from_url_format(
    url_format = c(
    attribution = paste(
      "Consider donating to the Open Street Map project",
      "at http://donate.openstreetmap.org/"
  loviniahike = source_from_url_format(
    url_format = "http://tile.waymarkedtrails.org/hiking/${z}/${x}/${y}.png",
    attribution = "Visit the Lovinia hike map at http://osm.lonvia.de/hiking.html"
  loviniacycle = source_from_url_format(
    url_format = "http://tile.waymarkedtrails.org/cycling/${z}/${x}/${y}.png",
    attribution = "Visit the Lovinia cycle map at http://cycling.waymarkedtrails.org/"
  stamenbw = source_from_url_format(
    url_format = "http://a.tile.stamen.com/toner/${z}/${x}/${y}.png",
    attribution = "Visit the Stamen cartography website at http://maps.stamen.com/"
  stamenwatercolor = source_from_url_format(
    url_format = "http://a.tile.stamen.com/watercolor/${z}/${x}/${y}.jpg",
    attribution = "Visit the Stamen cartography website at http://maps.stamen.com/"
  osmtransport = source_from_url_format(
    url_format = c(
    attribution = paste(
      "Consider donating to the Open Street Map project",
      "at http://donate.openstreetmap.org/"
  thunderforestlandscape = source_from_url_format(
    url_format = c(
    attribution = "More on Thunderforest at http://www.thunderforest.com/"
  thunderforestoutdoors = source_from_url_format(
    url_format = c(
    attribution = "More on Thunderforest at http://www.thunderforest.com/"
  cartodark = source_from_url_format(
    url_format = "http://a.basemaps.cartocdn.com/dark_all/${z}/${x}/${y}.png",
    attribution = "Map tiles by Carto, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL."
  cartolight = source_from_url_format(
    url_format = "http://a.basemaps.cartocdn.com/light_all/${z}/${x}/${y}.png",
    attribution = "Map tiles by Carto, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL."

#' @rdname deprecated
#' @export
makebbox <- function(n, e, s, w) {
  if (isTRUE(n < s)) {
    warning("North less than south. Check order?")
    c(w, s, e, n),
    byrow = FALSE,
    ncol = 2,
    dimnames = list(c(
    ), c("min", "max"))

#' @rdname deprecated
#' @export
zoombbox <- function(bbox, factor = 1, offset = c(0, 0)) {
  lons <- bbox[1, ]
  lats <- bbox[2, ]
  clon <- mean(lons) + offset[1]
  clat <- mean(lats) + offset[2]
  if (length(factor) > 1) {
    factorx <- factor[1]
    factory <- factor[2]
  } else {
    factorx <- factor
    factory <- factor
  newwidth <- (lons[2] - lons[1]) / factorx
  newheight <- (lats[2] - lats[1]) / factory
    clat + newheight / 2, clon + newwidth / 2, clat - newheight / 2,
    clon - newwidth / 2

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rosm documentation built on Aug. 27, 2023, 9:06 a.m.