
Defines functions print.summary.multinomialFit multinomialFit CaiHansen2012 pairwiseExpected crosstabTest print.summary.ChenThissen1997 ChenThissen1997 complainAboutQuadSpec tableWithWeights CT1997Internal2 CT1997Internal1 ptw2011.gof.test P.cdf.fn ms ordinal.gamma print.summary.SitemFit SitemFit ot2000md SitemFit1 SitemFit1Internal collapseCells rpf.mean.info rpf.mean.info1 rpf.1dim.fit rpf.1dim.stdresidual rpf.1dim.residual rpf.1dim.moment

Documented in ChenThissen1997 crosstabTest multinomialFit ordinal.gamma ptw2011.gof.test rpf.1dim.fit rpf.1dim.moment rpf.1dim.residual rpf.1dim.stdresidual rpf.mean.info rpf.mean.info1 SitemFit SitemFit1

##' Calculate cell central moments
##' Popular central moments include 2 (variance) and 4 (kurtosis).
##' @param spec list of item models
##' @param params data frame of item parameters, 1 per row
##' @param scores model derived person scores
##' @param m which moment
##' @return moment matrix
##' @docType methods
rpf.1dim.moment <- function(spec, params, scores, m) {
  out <- array(dim=c(length(scores), length(spec)))
  for (ix in 1:length(spec)) {
    i <- spec[[ix]]
    prob <- t(rpf.prob(i, params[,ix], scores))  # remove t() TODO
    Escore <- apply(prob, 1, function(r) sum(r * 0:(i@outcomes-1)))
    grid <- t(array(0:(i@outcomes-1), dim=c(i@outcomes, length(scores))))
    out[,ix] <- apply((grid - Escore)^m * prob, 1, sum)

##' Calculate residuals
##' @param spec list of item models
##' @param params data frame of item parameters, 1 per row
##' @param responses persons in rows and items in columns
##' @param scores model derived person scores
##' @return residuals
##' @docType methods
rpf.1dim.residual <- function(spec, params, responses, scores) {
  Zscore <- array(dim=c(length(scores), length(spec)))
  for (ix in 1:length(spec)) {
    i <- spec[[ix]]
    prob <- t(rpf.prob(i, params[,ix], scores))  # remove t() TODO
    Escore <- apply(prob, 1, function(r) sum(r * 0:(i@outcomes-1)))
    data <- responses[,ix]
    if (is.ordered(data)) {
      data <- unclass(data) - 1
    } else if (is.factor(data)) {
      stop(paste("Column",ix,"is an unordered factor"))
    if (length(data) != length(Escore)) stop("Length mismatch")
    Zscore[,ix] <- data - Escore

##' Calculate standardized residuals
##' @param spec list of item models
##' @param params data frame of item parameters, 1 per row
##' @param responses persons in rows and items in columns
##' @param scores model derived person scores
##' @return standardized residuals
##' @docType methods
rpf.1dim.stdresidual <- function(spec, params, responses, scores) {
  res <- rpf.1dim.residual(spec, params, responses, scores)
  variance <- rpf.1dim.moment(spec, params, scores, 2)
  res / sqrt(variance)

##' Calculate item and person Rasch fit statistics
##' Note: These statistics are only appropriate if all discrimination
##' parameters are fixed equal and items are conditionally independent
##' (see \code{\link{ChenThissen1997}}).  A best effort is made to
##' cope with missing data.
##' Exact distributional properties of these statistics are unknown
##' (Masters & Wright, 1997, p. 112).  For details on the calculation,
##' refer to Wright & Masters (1982, p. 100).
##' The Wilson-Hilferty transformation is biased for less than 25 items.
##' Consider wh.exact=FALSE for less than 25 items.
##' @template detail-group
##' @param spec list of item response models \lifecycle{deprecated}
##' @param params matrix of item parameters, 1 per column \lifecycle{deprecated}
##' @param responses persons in rows and items in columns \lifecycle{deprecated}
##' @param scores model derived person scores \lifecycle{deprecated}
##' @param margin for people 1, for items 2
##' @param wh.exact whether to use the exact Wilson-Hilferty transformation
##' @param group spec, params, data, and scores can be provided in a list instead of as arguments
##' @template detail-group
##' @references Masters, G. N. & Wright, B. D. (1997). The Partial
##' Credit Model. In W. van der Linden & R. K. Kambleton (Eds.),
##' \emph{Handbook of modern item response theory}
##' (pp. 101-121). Springer.
##' Wilson, E. B., & Hilferty, M. M. (1931). The distribution of
##' chi-square. \emph{Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the
##' United States of America,} 17, 684-688.
##' Wright, B. D. & Masters, G. N. (1982). \emph{Rating Scale
##' Analysis.} Chicago: Mesa Press.
##' @family diagnostic
##' @examples
##' data(kct)
##' responses <- kct.people[,paste("V",2:19, sep="")]
##' rownames(responses) <- kct.people$NAME
##' colnames(responses) <- kct.items$NAME
##' scores <- kct.people$MEASURE
##' params <- cbind(1, kct.items$MEASURE, logit(0), logit(1))
##' rownames(params) <- kct.items$NAME
##' items<-list()
##' items[1:18] <- rpf.drm()
##' params[,2] <- -params[,2]
##' rpf.1dim.fit(items, t(params), responses, scores, 2, wh.exact=TRUE)
rpf.1dim.fit <- function(spec, params, responses, scores, margin, group=NULL, wh.exact=TRUE) {
  if (missing(margin)) stop("Which margin?")
  if (!missing(group)) {
        spec <- group$spec
        params <- group$param
        responses <- group$data
        scores <- group$score[,1]  # should not assume first score TODO

  if (any(is.na(responses))) warning("Rasch fit statistics should not be used with missing data")  # true? TODO

  if (dim(params)[2] != length(spec)) {
    stop(paste("spec is length", length(spec), "but param has",
               dim(params)[2], "columns"))
  if (nrow(responses) != length(scores)) {
    stop(paste("nrow(responses) is", nrow(responses), "but",length(scores),
               "factor scores"))

  if (dim(params)[2] < 25 && wh.exact) {
    if (missing(wh.exact)) {
      wh.exact <- FALSE
      warning("Consider wh.exact=FALSE for less than 25 items")
  if (dim(params)[2] > 25 && !wh.exact) {
    if (missing(wh.exact)) {
      wh.exact <- TRUE
      warning("Consider wh.exact=TRUE for more than 25 items")

  exclude.col <- c()
  outcomes <- sapply(spec, function(s) s@outcomes)
  for (ix in 1:dim(responses)[2]) {
    kat <- sum(table(responses[,ix]) > 0)
    if (kat != outcomes[ix]) {
      exclude.col <- c(exclude.col, ix)
      warning(paste("Excluding item", colnames(responses)[ix], "because outcomes !=", outcomes[ix]))

  if (length(exclude.col)) {
    responses <- responses[,-exclude.col]
    spec <- spec[-exclude.col]
    params <- params[,-exclude.col]
    outcomes <- outcomes[-exclude.col]

  exclude.row <- c()
  for (ix in 1:dim(responses)[1]) {
    r1 <- sapply(responses[ix,], unclass)
    if (any(is.na(r1))) next
    if (all(r1 == 1) || all(r1 == outcomes)) {
      exclude.row <- c(exclude.row, ix)
      warning(paste("Excluding response", rownames(responses)[ix], "because it is a minimum or maximum"))

  if (length(exclude.row)) {
    responses <- responses[-exclude.row,]
    scores <- scores[-exclude.row]

  r.z <- rpf.1dim.stdresidual(spec, params, responses, scores)
  r.var <- rpf.1dim.moment(spec, params, scores,2)
  r.var[is.na(r.z)] <- NA
  r.k <- rpf.1dim.moment(spec, params, scores,4)
  r.k[is.na(r.z)] <- NA

  outfit.var <- r.var
  outfit.var[r.var^2 < 1e-5] <- sqrt(1e-5)
  outfit.n <- apply(r.var, margin, function(l) sum(!is.na(l)))
  outfit.sd <- sqrt(apply(r.k / outfit.var^2, margin, sum, na.rm=na.rm) /
                    outfit.n^2 - 1/outfit.n)
  outfit.sd[outfit.sd > 1.4142] <- 1.4142
  outfit.fudge <- outfit.sd/3

  infit.sd <- sqrt(apply(r.k - r.var^2, margin, sum, na.rm=na.rm)/
    apply(r.var, margin, sum, na.rm=na.rm)^2)
  infit.sd[infit.sd > 1.4142] <- 1.4142
  infit.fudge <- infit.sd/3
  if (!wh.exact) {
    infit.fudge <- 0
    outfit.fudge <- 0

  outfit <- apply(r.z^2, margin, sum, na.rm=na.rm)/
                       apply(r.z, margin, function (l) sum(!is.na(l)))
  outfit.z <- (outfit^(1/3) - 1)*(3/outfit.sd) + outfit.fudge

  infit <- apply(r.z^2 * r.var, margin, sum, na.rm=na.rm)/
                     apply(r.var, margin, sum, na.rm=na.rm)
  infit.z <- (infit^(1/3) - 1)*(3/infit.sd) + infit.fudge

  df <- data.frame(n=outfit.n, infit, infit.z, outfit, outfit.z)
  if (margin == 2) {
    df$name <- colnames(params)
  } else {
    df$name <- rownames(responses)

##' Find the point where an item provides mean maximum information
##' \lifecycle{experimental}
##' @param spec an item spec
##' @param iparam an item parameter vector
##' @param grain the step size for numerical integration (optional)
rpf.mean.info1 <- function(spec, iparam, grain=.1) {
  range <- 9
  dim <- spec@factors
  if (dim != 1) stop("Not implemented")
  grid <- seq(-range, range, grain)
  info <- rpf.info(spec, iparam, grid)
  sum(info * grid) / sum(info)

##' Find the point where an item provides mean maximum information
##' \lifecycle{experimental}
##' This is a point estimate of the mean difficulty of items that do
##' not offer easily interpretable parameters such as the Generalized
##' PCM. Since the information curve may not be unimodal, this
##' function integrates across the latent space.
##' @param spec list of item specs
##' @param param list or matrix of item parameters
##' @param grain the step size for numerical integration (optional)
rpf.mean.info <- function(spec, param, grain=.1) {
  ret <- list()
  for (ix in 1:length(spec)) {
    iparam <- c()
    if (is.list(param)) {
      iparam <- param[[ix]]
    } else {
      iparam <- param[ix,]
    ret[[ix]] <- rpf.mean.info1(spec[[ix]], iparam, grain)

# copied from mirt
collapseCells <- function(On, En, mincell = 1){
		drop <- which(rowSums(is.na(En)) > 0)
		En[is.na(En)] <- 0
					#collapse known upper and lower sparce cells
		if(length(drop) > 0L){
			up <- drop[1L]:drop[length(drop)/2]
			low <- drop[length(drop)/2 + 1L]:drop[length(drop)]
			En[max(up)+1, ] <- colSums(En[c(up, max(up)+1), , drop = FALSE])
			On[max(up)+1, ] <- colSums(On[c(up, max(up)+1), , drop = FALSE])
			En[min(low)-1, ] <- colSums(En[c(low, min(low)-1), , drop = FALSE])
			On[min(low)-1, ] <- colSums(On[c(low, min(low)-1), , drop = FALSE])
			En[c(up, low), ] <- On[c(up, low), ] <- NA
			En <- na.omit(En)
			On <- na.omit(On)
					#collapse accross
		if(ncol(En) > 2L){
			for(j in 1L:(ncol(On)-1L)){
				L <- En < mincell
				sel <- L[,j]
				if(!any(sel)) next
				On[sel, j+1L]  <- On[sel, j] + On[sel, j+1L]
				En[sel, j+1L]  <- En[sel, j] + En[sel, j+1L]
				On[sel, j] <- En[sel, j] <- NA
			sel <- L[,j+1L]
			sel[rowSums(is.na(En[, 1L:j])) == (ncol(En)-1L)] <- FALSE
			put <- apply(En[sel, 1L:j, drop=FALSE], 1, function(x) max(which(!is.na(x))))
			put2 <- which(sel)
			for(k in 1L:length(put)){
				En[put2[k], put[k]] <- En[put2[k], put[k]] + En[put2[k], j+1L]
				En[put2[k], j+1L] <- On[put2[k], j+1L] <- NA
		L <- En < mincell
		L[is.na(L)] <- FALSE
			drop <- c()
			for(j in 1L:(nrow(On)-1L)){
				if(any(L[j,])) {
					On[j+1L, L[j,]] <- On[j+1L, L[j,]] + On[j, L[j,]]
					En[j+1L, L[j,]] <- En[j+1L, L[j,]] + En[j, L[j,]]
					drop <- c(drop, j)
			for(j in nrow(On):2L){
				if(any(L[j,])) {
					On[j-1L, L[j,]] <- On[j-1L, L[j,]] + On[j, L[j,]]
					En[j-1L, L[j,]] <- En[j-1L, L[j,]] + En[j, L[j,]]
					drop <- c(drop, j)
			if(nrow(On) > 4L){
				for(j in 2L:(nrow(On)-1L)){
						On[j+1L, L[j,]] <- On[j+1L, L[j,]] + On[j, L[j,]]
						En[j+1L, L[j,]] <- En[j+1L, L[j,]] + En[j, L[j,]]
						drop <- c(drop, j)
				En <- En[-drop, ]
				On <- On[-drop, ]
			L <- En < mincell
			L[is.na(L)] <- FALSE
        return(list(O=On, E=En))

SitemFit1Internal <- function(out) {
	observed <- out$orig.observed
	expected <- out$orig.expected

    mask <- apply(observed, 1, sum) != 0
    observed = observed[mask,,drop=FALSE]
    expected = expected[mask,,drop=FALSE]
	if (!length(observed)) {
		out$statistic <- NA
		out$pval <- NA

	method <- out$method
    if (method == "pearson") {
	if (out$alt) {
		kc <- collapseCells(observed, expected)
	} else {
		kc <- .Call('_rpf_collapse', observed, expected, 1.0)
        out$observed <- observed <- kc$O
        out$expected <- expected <- kc$E
        mask <- !is.na(expected) & expected!=0
        out$statistic <- sum((observed[mask] - expected[mask])^2 / expected[mask])
	    out$df <- nrow(observed) * (ncol(observed) - 1)
        out$df <- out$df - out$free - sum(is.na(expected));
	out$df[out$df < 1] <- 1
        out$pval <- pchisq(out$statistic, out$df, lower.tail=FALSE, log.p=log)
    } else if (method == "rms") {
      pval <- crosstabTest(observed, expected)
        out$observed <- observed
        out$expected <- expected
        if (log) {
            out$pval <- log(pval)
        } else {
            out$pval <- pval
    } else {
        stop(paste("Method", method, "not recognized"))

##' Compute the S fit statistic for 1 item
##' Implements the Kang & Chen (2007) polytomous extension to
##' S statistic of Orlando & Thissen (2000). Rows with
##' missing data are ignored, but see the \code{omit} option.
##' This statistic is good at finding a small number of misfitting
##' items among a large number of well fitting items. However, be
##' aware that misfitting items can cause other items to misfit.
##' Observed tables cannot be computed when data is
##' missing. Therefore, you can optionally omit items with the
##' greatest number of responses missing relative to the item of
##' interest.
##' Pearson is slightly more powerful than RMS in most cases I
##' examined.
##' Setting \code{alt} to \code{TRUE} causes the tables to match
##' published articles. However, the default setting of \code{FALSE}
##' probably provides slightly more power when there are less than 10
##' items.
##' The name of the test, "S", probably stands for sum-score.
##' @template detail-group
##' @template arg-grp
##' @param item the item of interest
##' @param free the number of free parameters involved in estimating the item (to adjust the df)
##' @template arg-dots
##' @param method whether to use a pearson or rms test
##' @param log whether to return p-values in log units
##' @param qwidth  \lifecycle{deprecated}
##' @param qpoints \lifecycle{deprecated}
##' @param alt whether to include the item of interest in the denominator
##' @param omit number of items to omit or a character vector with the names of the items to omit when calculating the observed and expected sum-score tables
##' @param .twotier whether to enable the two-tier optimization
##' @family diagnostic
##' @references Kang, T. and Chen, T. T. (2007). An investigation of
##' the performance of the generalized S-Chisq item-fit index for
##' polytomous IRT models. ACT Research Report Series.
##' Orlando, M. and Thissen, D. (2000). Likelihood-Based
##' Item-Fit Indices for Dichotomous Item Response Theory Models.
##' \emph{Applied Psychological Measurement, 24}(1), 50-64.
SitemFit1 <- function(grp, item, free=0, ..., method="pearson", log=TRUE, qwidth=6, qpoints=49L,
		      alt=FALSE, omit=0L, .twotier=TRUE) {
	if (length(list(...)) > 0) {
		stop(paste("Remaining parameters must be passed by name", deparse(list(...))))
  if (!missing(qwidth) || !missing(qpoints)) complainAboutQuadSpec()

    spec <- grp$spec
  c.spec <- lapply(spec, function(m) {
    if (length(m@spec)==0) { stop("Item model",m,"is not implemented") }
    else { m@spec }

    param <- grp$param
    itemIndex <- which(item == colnames(param))

	mask <- rep(TRUE, ncol(param))
	if (!alt) mask[itemIndex] <- FALSE
	omitted <- NULL
	if (is.null(omit)) {
		# OK
	} else if (is.numeric(omit)) {
		omitted <- bestToOmit(grp, omit, item)
	} else if (is.character(omit)) {
		omitted <- omit
	} else {
		stop(paste("Not clear how to interpret omit =", omit))
	mask[match(omitted, colnames(grp$param))] <- FALSE
	iobss <- itemOutcomeBySumScore(grp, mask, itemIndex)
	observed <-iobss$table

  max.param <- max(vapply(spec, rpf.numParam, 0))
  if (nrow(param) < max.param) {
    stop(paste("param matrix must have", max.param ,"rows"))

    Eproportion <- ot2000md(grp, itemIndex, alt, mask, .twotier)
    if (nrow(Eproportion) != nrow(observed)) {
	    stop(paste("Expecting", nrow(observed), "rows in expected matrix"))
    Escale <- matrix(apply(observed, 1, sum), nrow=nrow(Eproportion), ncol=ncol(Eproportion))
    expected <- Eproportion * Escale
	names(dimnames(observed)) <- c("sumScore", "outcome")
	dimnames(expected) <- dimnames(observed)
    out <- list(orig.observed=observed, orig.expected = expected,
		log=log, method=method, n=iobss$n, free=free, alt=alt, omitted=omitted)

	out <- SitemFit1Internal(out)

ot2000md <- function(grp, item, alt=FALSE, mask, .twotier) {
	.Call('_rpf_ot2000', grp, item, alt, mask, .twotier)

##' Compute the S fit statistic for a set of items
##' Runs \code{\link{SitemFit1}} for every item and accumulates
##' the results.
##' @template detail-group
##' @template arg-grp
##' @template arg-dots
##' @param method whether to use a pearson or rms test
##' @param log whether to return p-values in log units
##' @param qwidth \lifecycle{deprecated}
##' @param qpoints \lifecycle{deprecated}
##' @param alt whether to include the item of interest in the denominator
##' @param omit number of items to omit (a single number) or a list of the length the number of items
##' @param .twotier whether to enable the two-tier optimization
##' @param .parallel whether to take advantage of multiple CPUs (default TRUE)
##' @return
##' a list of output from \code{\link{SitemFit1}}
##' @family diagnostic
##' @examples
##' grp <- list(spec=list())
##' grp$spec[1:20] <- list(rpf.grm())
##' grp$param <- sapply(grp$spec, rpf.rparam)
##' colnames(grp$param) <- paste("i", 1:20, sep="")
##' grp$mean <- 0
##' grp$cov <- diag(1)
##' grp$free <- grp$param != 0
##' grp$data <- rpf.sample(500, grp=grp)
##' SitemFit(grp)
SitemFit <- function(grp, ..., method="pearson", log=TRUE, qwidth=6, qpoints=49L,
		     alt=FALSE, omit=0L, .twotier=TRUE, .parallel=TRUE) {
	if (length(list(...)) > 0) {
		stop(paste("Remaining parameters must be passed by name", deparse(list(...))))

  if (!missing(qwidth) || !missing(qpoints)) complainAboutQuadSpec()

    spec <- grp$spec
    param <- grp$param
    if (ncol(param) != length(spec)) stop("Dim mismatch between param and spec")
    if (is.null(colnames(param))) stop("grp$param must have column names")

	.la <- ifelse(.parallel, mclapply, lapply)
	got <- .la(1:length(spec), function(interest) {
		free <- 0
		if (!is.null(grp$free)) free <- sum(grp$free[,interest])
		itemname <- colnames(param)[interest]
		omit1 <- omit
		if (is.list(omit)) {
			omit1 <- omit[[interest]]
		ot.out <- SitemFit1(grp, itemname, free, method=method, log=log,
				    alt=alt, omit=omit1, .twotier=.twotier)
	lapply(got, function(d1) {
		if (inherits(d1, "try-error")) stop(d1)
	names(got) <- colnames(param)
	class(got) <- "summary.SitemFit"

"+.summary.SitemFit" <- function(e1, e2) {
	e2name <- deparse(substitute(e2))
	if (!inherits(e2, "summary.SitemFit")) {
		stop("Don't know how to add ", e2name, " to a SitemFit",
		     call. = FALSE)
	if (length(e1) != length(e2)) {
		stop("Cannot combine two groups with a different number of items")
	if (any(names(e1) != names(e2))) {
		stop("Cannot combine two groups with a different items")
	if (!all(mapply(function(i1,i2){ isTRUE(all.equal(i1$omitted, i2$omitted)) }, e1, e2))) {
		stop("Cannot combine two groups with different omitted items")

	got <- mapply(function(i1, i2){
		ii <- list(orig.observed = i1$orig.observed + i2$orig.observed,
			   orig.expected = i1$orig.expected + i2$orig.expected,
			   log = i1$log,
			   method = i1$method,
			   n = i1$n + i2$n,
			   free = max(i1$free, i2$free),
			   alt = i1$alt)
	}, e1, e2, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)

	class(got) <- "summary.SitemFit"

print.summary.SitemFit <- function(x,...) {
	cat("Orlando & Thissen (2000) sum-score based item fit test\n")
	cat("  Magnitudes larger than abs(log(.01))=4.6 are significant at the p=.01 level\n\n")
	width <- max(sapply(names(x), nchar))
	fmt <- paste("%", width, "s : n = %4d, ", sep="")
	for (ix in 1:length(x)) {
		report1 <- x[[ix]]
		msg <- sprintf(fmt, names(x)[ix], report1$n)
		stat <- round(report1$statistic, 2)
		if (report1$method == "pearson") {
			msg <- paste(msg, sprintf("S-X2(%3d) = %6.2f, ", report1$df, stat), sep="")
		} else if (report1$method == "rms") {
			msg <- paste(msg, "MS=", stat, ", ", sep="")
		} else {
		if (report1$log) {
			msg <- paste(msg, "log(p) = ", round(report1$pval, 2), sep="")
		} else {
			msg <- paste(msg, "p = ", round(report1$pval, 4), sep="")
		msg <- paste(msg, "\n", sep="")

##' Compute the ordinal gamma association statistic
##' @param mat a cross tabulation matrix
##' @references
##' Agresti, A. (1990). Categorical data analysis. New York: Wiley.
##' @examples
##' # Example data from Agresti (1990, p. 21)
##' jobsat <- matrix(c(20,22,13,7,24,38,28,18,80,104,81,54,82,125,113,92), nrow=4, ncol=4)
##' ordinal.gamma(jobsat)
ordinal.gamma <- function(mat) .Call(`_rpf_gamma_cor`, mat)

# root mean squared statistic (sqrt omitted)
ms <- function(observed, expected, draws) {
  draws * sum((observed - expected)^2)

P.cdf.fn <- function(x, g.var, t) {
  got <- sapply(t, function (t1) {
    n <- length(g.var)
    num <- exp(1-t1) * exp(1i * t1 * sqrt(n))
    den <- pi * (t1 - 1/(1-1i*sqrt(n)))
    pterm <- prod(sqrt(1 - 2*(t1-1)*g.var/x + 2i*t1*g.var*sqrt(n)/x))
    Im(num / (den * pterm))
#  print(cbind(t,got))

##' Compute the P value that the observed and expected tables come from the same distribution
##' \lifecycle{experimental}
##' This test is an alternative to Pearson's X^2
##' goodness-of-fit test.  In contrast to Pearson's X^2, no ad hoc cell
##' collapsing is needed to avoid an inflated false positive rate
##' in situations of sparse cell frequences.
##' The statistic rapidly converges to the Monte-Carlo estimate
##' as the number of draws increases.
##' @param observed observed matrix
##' @param expected expected matrix
##' @return The P value indicating whether the two tables come from
##' the same distribution. For example, a significant result (P <
##' alpha level) rejects the hypothesis that the two matrices are from
##' the same distribution.
##' @references Perkins, W., Tygert, M., & Ward, R. (2011). Computing
##' the confidence levels for a root-mean-square test of
##' goodness-of-fit. \emph{Applied Mathematics and Computations,
##' 217}(22), 9072-9084.
##' @examples
##' draws <- 17
##' observed <- matrix(c(.294, .176, .118, .411), nrow=2) * draws
##' expected <- matrix(c(.235, .235, .176, .353), nrow=2) * draws
##' ptw2011.gof.test(observed, expected)  # not signficiant

ptw2011.gof.test <- function(observed, expected) {
  orig.draws <- sum(observed)
  oeDiff <- abs(sum(expected) - orig.draws)
  if (is.na(oeDiff) || oeDiff > 1e-6) {
	  warning(paste("Total observed - total expected", oeDiff))
  if (any(c(expected)==0)) {
	  zeros <- sum(c(expected)==0)
	  warning(paste("There are", zeros, "zeros in the expected distribution.",
		     "Did you swap the observed and expected arguments"))
  observed <- observed / orig.draws
  expected <- expected / orig.draws

  X <- ms(observed, expected, orig.draws)
  if (X == 0) return(1)

  n <- length(c(observed))
  D <- diag(1/c(expected))
  P <- matrix(-1/n, n,n)
  diag(P) <- 1 - 1/n
  B <- P %*% D %*% P
  g.var <- 1 / eigen(B, only.values=TRUE)$values[-n]

  # Eqn 8 needs n variances, but matrix B (Eqn 6) only has n-1 non-zero
  # eigenvalues. Perhaps n-1 degrees of freedom?

# debugging:
#  plot(function(t) P.cdf.fn(X, g.var, t), 0, 40)

  # 310 points should be good enough for 500 bins
  # Perkins, Tygert, Ward (2011, p. 10)

# If integration tolerance is too large, non-convergence can result,
# http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/Need-help-to-understand-integrate-function-td2322093.html
  got <- try(integrate(function(t) P.cdf.fn(X, g.var, t), 0, 40, subdivisions=310L, rel.tol=1e-10), silent=TRUE)
  if (inherits(got, "try-error")) return(NA)
  p.value <- 1 - got$value
  smallest <- 6.3e-16  # approx exp(-35)
  if (p.value < smallest) p.value <- smallest

CT1997Internal1 <- function(info, method) {
	observed <- info$orig.observed
	expected <- info$orig.expected

	s <- ordinal.gamma(observed) - ordinal.gamma(expected)
	if (!is.finite(s) || is.na(s) || s==0) s <- 1
	info <- c(info, sign=sign(s), gamma=s)

	if (method == "pearson") {
		kc <- .Call('_rpf_collapse', observed, expected, 1.0)
		observed <- kc$O
		expected <- kc$E
		mask <- !is.na(expected)
		x2 <- sum((observed[mask] - expected[mask])^2 / expected[mask])
		df <- prod(dim(observed)-1) - kc$collapsed
		if (df < 1L) df <- 1L
		info <- c(info, list(statistic=x2, df=df, observed=observed, expected=expected))
	} else if (method == "lr") {
		mask <- observed > 0
		g2 <- -2 * sum(observed[mask] * log(expected[mask] / observed[mask]))
		df <- prod(dim(observed)-1)
		info <- c(info, statistic=g2, df=df)

CT1997Internal2 <- function(inames, detail) {
	cnames <- inames[-length(inames)]
	gamma <- matrix(NA, length(inames), length(cnames))
	dimnames(gamma) <- list(inames, cnames)
	raw <- matrix(NA, length(inames), length(cnames))
	dimnames(raw) <- list(inames, cnames)
	std <- matrix(NA, length(inames), length(cnames))
	dimnames(std) <- list(inames, cnames)
	pval <- matrix(NA, length(inames), length(cnames))
	dimnames(pval) <- list(inames, cnames)

	px <- 1L
	for (iter1 in 2:length(inames)) {
		for (iter2 in 1:(iter1-1)) {
			d1 <- detail[[px]]
			gamma[iter1, iter2] <- d1$gamma
			s <- d1$sign
			stat <- d1$statistic
			df <- d1$df
			raw[iter1, iter2] <- stat
			std[iter1, iter2] <- s * abs((stat - df)/sqrt(2*df))
			pval[iter1, iter2] <- s * -pchisq(stat, df, lower.tail=FALSE, log.p=TRUE)
			px <- px + 1L

	retobj <- list(pval=pval[-1,,drop=FALSE], std=std[-1,,drop=FALSE],
		       raw=raw[-1,,drop=FALSE], gamma=gamma[-1,,drop=FALSE], detail=detail)
	class(retobj) <- "summary.ChenThissen1997"

tableWithWeights <- function(colpair, weights) {
	if (length(colpair) != 2) stop("Not a pair")
	l1 <- levels(colpair[[1]])
	l2 <- levels(colpair[[2]])
	if (1) {
		result <- .Call('_rpf_fast_tableWithWeights', colpair[[1]], colpair[[2]], weights)
	} else {
		result <- matrix(0.0, length(l1), length(l2))
		if (nrow(colpair)) for (rx in 1:nrow(colpair)) {
			row <- colpair[rx,]
			ind <- sapply(row, unclass)
			w <- 1
			if (length(weights)) w <- weights[rx]
			result[ind[1], ind[2]] <- result[ind[1], ind[2]] + w
	dimnames(result) <- list(l1, l2)
	names(dimnames(result)) <- colnames(colpair)

complainAboutQuadSpec <- function()
  stop("Specify qwidth and qpoints as part of the group; For example, grp$qpoints <- 31L; grp$qwidth=4")

##' Computes local dependence indices for all pairs of items
##' Item Factor Analysis makes two assumptions: (1) that the latent
##' distribution is reasonably approximated by the multivariate Normal
##' and (2) that items are conditionally independent. This test
##' examines the second assumption. The presence of locally dependent
##' items can inflate the precision of estimates causing a test to
##' seem more accurate than it really is.
##' Statically significant entries suggest that the item pair has
##' local dependence. Since log(.01)=-4.6, an absolute magitude of 5
##' is a reasonable cut-off. Positive entries indicate that the two
##' item residuals are more correlated than expected. These items may share an
##' unaccounted for latent dimension. Consider a redesign of the items
##' or the use of testlets for scoring. Negative entries indicate that
##' the two item residuals are less correlated than expected.
##' @template detail-group
##' @template arg-grp
##' @template arg-dots
##' @param data data \lifecycle{deprecated}
##' @param inames a subset of items to examine
##' @param qwidth \lifecycle{deprecated}
##' @param qpoints \lifecycle{deprecated}
##' @param method method to use to calculate P values. The default is the
##' Pearson X^2 statistic. Use "lr" for the similar likelihood ratio statistic.
##' @param .twotier whether to enable the two-tier optimization
##' @param .parallel whether to take advantage of multiple CPUs (default TRUE)
##' @return a list with raw, pval and detail. The pval matrix is a
##' lower triangular matrix of log P values with the sign
##' determined by relative association between the observed and
##' expected tables (see \code{\link{ordinal.gamma}})
##' @aliases chen.thissen.1997
##' @references Chen, W.-H. & Thissen, D. (1997). Local dependence
##' indexes for item pairs using Item Response Theory. \emph{Journal
##' of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, 22}(3), 265-289.
##' Thissen, D., Steinberg, L., & Mooney, J. A. (1989). Trace lines for testlets: A use
##' of multiple-categorical-response models. \emph{Journal of Educational Measurement,
##' 26} (3), 247--260.
##' Wainer, H. & Kiely, G. L. (1987). Item clusters and computerized
##' adaptive testing: A case for testlets.  \emph{Journal of
##' Educational measurement, 24}(3), 185--201.
##' @family diagnostic
##' @seealso \href{https://github.com/jpritikin/ifaTools}{ifaTools}
ChenThissen1997 <- function(grp, ..., data=NULL, inames=NULL, qwidth=6, qpoints=49, method="pearson",
			    .twotier=TRUE, .parallel=TRUE) {
	if (length(list(...)) > 0) {
		stop(paste("Remaining parameters must be passed by name", deparse(list(...))))

  if (is.null(colnames(grp$param))) stop("Item parameter columns must be named")

  if (missing(data)) {
      data <- grp$data
	if (!missing(qwidth) || !missing(qpoints)) complainAboutQuadSpec()

  if (method != "pearson" && method != "lr") stop(paste("Unknown method", method))
  if (missing(inames)) {
    inames <- colnames(grp$param)
  if (length(inames) < 2) stop("At least 2 items are required")

  spec <- grp$spec
  if (length(spec) < dim(grp$param)[2]) {
      if (dim(grp$param)[2] %% length(spec) != 0) stop("Length of spec must match # of items")
      rep <- dim(grp$param)[2] %/% length(spec)
      while (rep > 1) {
          spec <- c(spec, grp$spec)
          rep <- rep - 1

	if (!is.data.frame(data)) {
		data <- as.data.frame(data)  #safe? TODO
	dataMap <- match(colnames(grp$param), colnames(data))

	items <- match(inames, colnames(grp$param))

	# If we move this whole loop into C then we can avoid
	# repeated set up of the quadrature
	pairs <- list()
	for (iter1 in 2:length(items)) {
		for (iter2 in 1:(iter1-1)) {
			pairs[[ 1+length(pairs) ]] <- c(iter1, iter2)
	.la <- ifelse(.parallel, mclapply, lapply)
	detail <- .la(pairs, function(pair) {
		iter1 <- pair[1]
		iter2 <- pair[2]
		i1 <- items[iter1]
		i2 <- items[iter2]
		obpair <- data[,dataMap[c(i1,i2)]]
		rowWeight <- c()
		if (!is.null(grp[['weightColumn']])) {
			rowWeight <- data[[ grp[['weightColumn']] ]]
		if (!is.null(grp[['freqColumn']])) {
      fc <- data[[ grp[['freqColumn']] ]]
			if (length(rowWeight) == 0) rowWeight <- fc
      else rowWeight <- rowWeight * fc
		observed <- tableWithWeights(obpair, rowWeight)
		N <- sum(observed)

		expected <- N * pairwiseExpected(grp, c(i1, i2), .twotier)
		if (any(dim(observed) != dim(expected))) {
			if (dim(observed)[1] != dim(expected)[1]) {
				bad <- i1
				margin <- 1
			} else {
				bad <- i2
				margin <- 2
			Eoutcomes <- dim(expected)[margin]
			lev <- dimnames(observed)[[margin]]
			stop(paste(colnames(grp$param)[bad], " has ", Eoutcomes,
				   " outcomes in the model but the data has ", length(lev), " (",
				   paste(lev, collapse=", "),")", sep=""))
		dimnames(expected) <- dimnames(observed)
		info <- list(orig.observed=observed, orig.expected=expected)
		info <- CT1997Internal1(info, method)

	lapply(detail, function(d1) {
		if (inherits(d1, "try-error")) stop(d1)

	names(detail) <- sapply(pairs, function(pair) {
		paste(inames[pair[1]], inames[pair[2]], sep=":")

	retobj <- CT1997Internal2(inames, detail)
	retobj$inames <- inames
	retobj$method <- method

# deprecated name
chen.thissen.1997 <- ChenThissen1997

"+.summary.ChenThissen1997" <- function(e1, e2) {
	e2name <- deparse(substitute(e2))
	if (!inherits(e2, "summary.ChenThissen1997")) {
		stop("Don't know how to add ", e2name, " to a ChenThissen1997",
		     call. = FALSE)
	if (length(e1$detail) != length(e2$detail)) {
		stop("Cannot combine two groups with a different number of items")
	if (any(names(e1$detail) != names(e2$detail))) {
		stop("Cannot combine two groups with a different items")
	method <- e1$method
	detail <- mapply(function(i1, i2) {
		ii <- list(orig.observed = i1$orig.observed + i2$orig.observed,
			   orig.expected = i1$orig.expected + i2$orig.expected)
		ii <- CT1997Internal1(ii, method)
	}, e1$detail, e2$detail, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)

	retobj <- CT1997Internal2(e1$inames, detail)
	retobj$inames <- e1$inames
	retobj$method <- method

print.summary.ChenThissen1997 <- function(x,...) {
	cat("Chen & Thissen (1997) local dependence test\n")
	cat("  Magnitudes larger than abs(log(.01))=4.6 are significant at the p=.01 level\n")
	cat("  A positive (negative) sign indicates more (less) observed correlation than expected\n\n")

##' Monte-Carlo test for cross-tabulation tables
##' \lifecycle{experimental}
##' This is for developers.
##' @param ob observed table
##' @param ex expected table
##' @param trials number of Monte-Carlo trials
crosstabTest <- function(ob, ex, trials) {
	if (missing(trials)) trials <- 10000
	.Call('_rpf_crosstabTest_cpp', ob, ex, trials)

pairwiseExpected <- function(grp, items, .twotier=FALSE) {
	.Call('_rpf_pairwiseExpected_cpp', grp, items - 1L, .twotier)

CaiHansen2012 <- function(grp, method, .twotier = FALSE) {
	.Call('_rpf_CaiHansen2012_cpp', grp, method, .twotier)

##' Multinomial fit test
##' For degrees of freedom, we use the number of observed statistics
##' (incorrect) instead of the number of possible response patterns
##' (correct) (see Bock, Giibons, & Muraki, 1998, p. 265). This is not
##' a huge problem because this test is becomes poorly calibrated when
##' the multinomial table is sparse. For more accurate p-values, you
##' can conduct a Monte-Carlo simulation study (see examples).
##' Rows with missing data are ignored.
##' The full information test is described in Bartholomew & Tzamourani
##' (1999, Section 3).
##' For CFI and TLI, you must provide an \code{independenceGrp}.
##' @template detail-group
##' @template arg-grp
##' @param independenceGrp the independence group
##' @template arg-dots
##' @param method lr (default) or pearson
##' @param log whether to report p-value in log units
##' @param .twotier whether to use the two-tier optimization (default TRUE)
##' @references Bartholomew, D. J., & Tzamourani, P. (1999). The
##' goodness-of-fit of latent trait models in attitude
##' measurement. \emph{Sociological Methods and Research, 27}(4), 525-546.
##' Bock, R. D., Gibbons, R., & Muraki, E. (1988). Full-information
##' item factor analysis. \emph{Applied Psychological Measurement, 12}(3),
##' 261-280.
##' @family diagnostic
##' @examples
##' # Create an example IFA group
##' grp <- list(spec=list())
##' grp$spec[1:10] <- rpf.grm()
##' grp$param <- sapply(grp$spec, rpf.rparam)
##' colnames(grp$param) <- paste("i", 1:10, sep="")
##' grp$mean <- 0
##' grp$cov <- diag(1)
##' grp$uniqueFree <- sum(grp$param != 0)
##' grp$data <- rpf.sample(1000, grp=grp)
##' # Monte-Carlo simulation study
##' mcReps <- 3    # increase this to 10,000 or so
##' stat <- rep(NA, mcReps)
##' for (rx in 1:mcReps) {
##'    t1 <- grp
##'    t1$data <- rpf.sample(grp=grp)
##'    stat[rx] <- multinomialFit(t1)$statistic
##' }
##' sum(multinomialFit(grp)$statistic > stat)/mcReps   # better p-value

multinomialFit <- function(grp, independenceGrp, ..., method="lr", log=TRUE, .twotier=TRUE) {
	if (length(list(...)) > 0) {
		stop(paste("Remaining parameters must be passed by name", deparse(list(...))))
	todo <- list(grp)
	if (!missing(independenceGrp)) todo <- list(grp, independenceGrp)
	todo <- lapply(todo, function(gx) {
		if (is.null(gx$weightColumn)) {
			wc <- "freq"
			gx$data <- compressDataFrame(gx$data, wc, .asNumeric=TRUE)
			gx$weightColumn <- wc
			gx$observedStats <- nrow(gx$data)
		if (is.null(gx$uniqueFree)) {
			warning("Number of free parameters not available; assuming 0")
			gx$uniqueFree <- 0
		if (is.null(gx$observedStats)) {
			warning("Number of observed statistics unknown; assuming the number of possible response patterns")
			gx$observedStats <- prod(sapply(gx$spec, function(sp) sp$outcomes))
	got <- lapply(todo, CaiHansen2012, method, .twotier)
	stat <- got[[1]]$stat
	df <- todo[[1]]$observedStats - todo[[1]]$uniqueFree
	out <- list()
	out <- c(out, list(statistic=stat, df=df))
	out$pval <- pchisq(stat, out$df, lower.tail=FALSE, log.p=log)
	out$log <- log
	out$method <- method
	out$n <- got[[1]]$n
	out$omitted <- grp$omitted
	if (length(todo) == 1) {
		fi <- computeFitStatistics(stat, df, out$n, NA, NA)
	} else {
		fi <- computeFitStatistics(stat, df, out$n,
					   got[[2]]$stat, todo[[2]]$observedStats - todo[[2]]$uniqueFree)
	for (k in names(fi)) out[[k]] <- fi[[k]]
	class(out) <- "summary.multinomialFit"

print.summary.multinomialFit <- function(x,...) {
	cat("Full information multinomial fit test\n")
	part1 <- paste("n = ", x$n, ", ", x$method, "(", x$df, ") = ", round(x$statistic, 2), sep="")
	if (x$log) {
		part2 <- paste("log(p) = ", round(x$pval,2), sep="")
	} else {
		part2 <- paste("p = ", round(x$pval,4), sep="")
	cat(paste(part1, ", ", part2, sep=""), fill=TRUE)
	if (!is.null(x$omitted)) {
		cat(paste("omitted: ", paste(x$omitted, collapse=", "), "\n", sep=""))

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