
Defines functions do3Postprocess.parafac do3Postprocess.tucker3 reorder.tucker3 reorder.parafac weights.tucker3 weights.parafac reflect.parafac reflect.tucker3 coordinates.tucker3 coordinates.parafac do3Rotate.tucker3 do3Scale.default do3Scale.parafac do3Scale.tucker3 is.orthonormal is.orthogonal clrArray ilrArray .clrV .ilrV tall2wide wideArray tallArray unfold toArray permute

Documented in coordinates.parafac coordinates.tucker3 do3Postprocess.parafac do3Postprocess.tucker3 do3Rotate.tucker3 do3Scale.default do3Scale.parafac do3Scale.tucker3 is.orthogonal is.orthonormal permute reflect.parafac reflect.tucker3 reorder.parafac reorder.tucker3 tall2wide tallArray toArray unfold weights.parafac weights.tucker3 wideArray

##  VT::16.09.2019
##  roxygen2::roxygenise("C:/users/valen/onedrive/myrepo/R/rrcov3way", load_code=roxygen2:::load_installed)

do3Scale <- function (x, ...) UseMethod("do3Scale")

#'  Varimax Rotation for Tucker3 models
#' @description Computes \emph{varimax} rotation of the core and component matrix of a Tucker3 model to simple structure.
#' @param x A Tucker 3 object
#' @param \dots Potential further arguments passed to called functions.
#' @return A list including the following components:
#' @examples
#'  ## Rotation of a Tucker3 solution
#'  data(elind)
#'  (t3 <- Tucker3(elind, 3, 2, 2))
#'  xout <- do3Rotate(t3, c(3, 3, 3), rotate=c("A", "B", "C"))
#'  xout$vvalue
#' @rdname do3Rotate
#' @export
#' @author Valentin Todorov, \email{valentin.todorov@@chello.at}
do3Rotate <- function (x, ...) UseMethod("do3Rotate")

do3Postprocess <- function (x, ...) UseMethod("do3Postprocess")
reflect <- function (x, ...) UseMethod("reflect")
reorder <- function (x, ...) UseMethod("reorder")
coordinates <- function (x, ...) UseMethod("coordinates")

permute <- function(X, n, m, p) {
    matrix(as.vector(t(as.matrix(X))), m, n*p)

toArray <- function(x, n, m, r, mode=c("A", "B", "C")) {
    xa2arr<-function(x, n, m, p)
        x <- as.matrix(x)
        X <- array(0, c(n, m, p))
        for(k in 1:p)
            for(j in 1:m)
                X[, j, k] <- x[, (k - 1) * m + j]

    mode <- match.arg(mode)
    ret <- if(mode == "A") xa2arr(x, n=n, m=m, p=r)
           else if(mode == "B") xa2arr(permute(permute(x, m, r, n), r, n, m), n, m, r)
           else xa2arr(permute(x, r, n, m), n, m, r)

unfold <- function(x, mode=c("A", "B", "C")) {
    mode <- match.arg(mode)
    if(length(dm <- dim(x)) < 3)
        stop("\n'X' is not a multyway array!")
    n <- dm[1]
    m <- dm[2]
    p <- dm[3]

        A = {
            mat <- matrix(NA, nrow = n, ncol = m * p)
            for(k in 1:p)
                mat[, ((k - 1) * m + 1):(k * m)] <- x[, , k]
        B = {
            mat <- matrix(NA, nrow = m, ncol = p * n)
            for(i in 1:n)
                mat[, ((i - 1) * p + 1):(i * p)] <- x[i, , ]
        C = {
            mat <- matrix(NA, nrow = p, ncol = n * m)
            for(j in 1:m)
                mat[, ((j - 1) * n + 1):(j * n)] <- t(x[, j, ])

##  Represent a 3-dimensional array as a tall matrix
tallArray <- function(X)
    apply(X, 2, rbind)

##  Represent a 3-dimensional array as a wide matrix (unfold in mode A)
wideArray <- function(X)

##  Turn a tall IKxJ matrix into an wide IxJK matrix
tall2wide <- function(Xtall, I, J, K)
    Xwide <- NULL
    for (i in 1:K)
        Xwide <- cbind(Xwide, Xtall[((i-1)*I + 1):(i*I) ,])

## ILR transformation (see package 'chemometrics')
.ilrV <- function(x)
    dn <- dimnames(x)
    x.ilr <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(x), ncol = ncol(x) - 1)
    if(!is.null(dn) && is.list(dn))
        rownames(x.ilr) <- dn[[1]]
    colnames(x.ilr) <- paste0("Z", 1:(ncol(x) - 1))
    for (i in seq_len(ncol(x.ilr)))
        x.ilr[, i] <- sqrt((i)/(i + 1)) * log(((apply(as.matrix(x[,1:i]), 1, prod))^(1/i))/(x[, i + 1]))

    if (is.data.frame(x))
        x.ilr <- data.frame(x.ilr)

.clrV <- function(x)
    res <- if(dim(x)[2] == 1) x
            	gm <- apply(x, 1, .gm)
            	res <- log(x/gm, exp(1))

## Geometric mean
.gm <- function (x)
    if (!is.numeric(x))
        stop("x has to be a vector of class numeric")
    if(any(na.omit(x == 0))) 0 else exp(mean(log(unclass(x)[is.finite(x) & x > 0])))

ilrArray <- function(x) {
    di <- dim(x)
    I <- di[1]
    J <- di[2]
    K <- di[3]

    dn <- dimnames(x)
    Xtall <- tallArray(x)
    Xilr <- .ilrV(Xtall)
    Xwideilr <- tall2wide(Xilr, I, J, K)

    ret <- toArray(Xwideilr, I, J-1, K)
    dimnames(ret)[[1]] <- dn[[1]]
    dimnames(ret)[[2]] <- paste0("Coord-", 1:(J-1))
    dimnames(ret)[[3]] <- dn[[3]]

clrArray <- function(x) {
    di <- dim(x)
    I <- di[1]
    J <- di[2]
    K <- di[3]

    dn <- dimnames(x)
    Xtall <- tallArray(x)
    Xclr <- .clrV(Xtall)
    Xwideclr <- tall2wide(Xclr, I, J, K)

    ret <- toArray(Xwideclr, I, J, K)
    dimnames(ret) <- dn

## Check if the matrix a is with orthonormal columns:
## - a matrix has orthonormal columns if its Gram matrix is the identity
#   i.e. A'A == I
is.orthogonal <- function(a)
    ata <- t(a) %*% a
    diag(ata) <- 1
    ret <- all.equal(ata, diag(ncol(a)), check.attributes=FALSE)
    is.logical(ret) && ret

is.orthonormal <- function(a)
    ret <- all.equal(t(a) %*% a, diag(ncol(a)), check.attributes=FALSE)
    is.logical(ret) && ret

do3Scale.tucker3 <- function(x, renorm.mode=c("A", "B", "C"), ...)
    renorm.mode <- match.arg(renorm.mode)
    P <- ncol(x$A)
    Q <- ncol(x$B)
    R <- ncol(x$C)

    if(renorm.mode == "A")
        ss <- diag(sqrt(rowSums(x$GA^2)), P)
        dimnames(ss) <- list(colnames(x$A), colnames(x$A))
    	x$A <- x$A %*% ss
    	x$GA <- solve(ss) %*% x$GA
    } else if(renorm.mode == "B")
    	x$GA <- permute(x$GA, P, Q, R)
        ss <- diag(sqrt(rowSums(x$GA^2)), Q)
        dimnames(ss) <- list(colnames(x$B), colnames(x$B))
    	x$B <- x$B %*% ss
    	x$GA <- solve(ss) %*% x$GA
    	x$GA <- permute(x$GA, Q, R, P)
    	x$GA <- permute(x$GA, R, P, Q)
    } else
    	x$GA <- permute(x$GA, P, Q, R)
    	x$GA <- permute(x$GA, Q, R, P)
        ss <- diag(sqrt(rowSums(x$GA^2)), R)
        dimnames(ss) <- list(colnames(x$C), colnames(x$C))
    	x$C <- x$C %*% ss
    	x$GA <- solve(ss) %*% x$GA
    	x$GA <- permute(x$GA, R, P, Q)

do3Scale.parafac <- function(x, renorm.mode=c("A", "B", "C"), ...)
    renorm.mode <- match.arg(renorm.mode)
    R <- ncol(x$A)

    ssa <- diag(1/sqrt(colSums(x$A^2)), R)
    ssb <- diag(1/sqrt(colSums(x$B^2)), R)
    ssc <- diag(1/sqrt(colSums(x$C^2)), R)
    dimnames(ssa) <- list(colnames(x$A), colnames(x$A))
    dimnames(ssb) <- list(colnames(x$B), colnames(x$B))
    dimnames(ssc) <- list(colnames(x$C), colnames(x$C))
    if(renorm.mode == "A")
    	x$B <- x$B %*% ssb
    	x$C <- x$C %*% ssc
    	x$A <- x$A %*% solve(ssb) %*% solve(ssc)

    } else if(renorm.mode == "B")
    	x$A <- x$A %*% ssa
    	x$C <- x$C %*% ssc
    	x$B <- x$B %*% solve(ssa) %*% solve(ssc)

    } else
    	x$A <- x$A %*% ssa
    	x$B <- x$B %*% ssb
    	x$C <- x$C %*% solve(ssa) %*% solve(ssb)


do3Scale.default <- function(x, center=FALSE, scale=FALSE, center.mode=c("A", "B", "C", "AB", "AC", "BC", "ABC"), scale.mode=c("B", "A", "C"), only.data=TRUE, ...)
    ss <- function(x) sqrt(sum(x^2))

    center.mode <- match.arg(center.mode)
    cmode <- vector("character", length=3)
    for(i in 1:nchar(center.mode))
        cmode[i] <- substr(center.mode, i, i)
    scale.mode <- match.arg(scale.mode)
    di <- dim(x)
    dn <- dimnames(x)

    stopifnot(length(di) == 3L)
    xcenter <- NULL
    xscale <- NULL

    if(!is.logical(center) || center == TRUE)
        for(i in seq_len(length(cmode)))
            cmi <- cmode[i]
            if(nchar(cmi) > 0)
                ## print(paste("Centering mode ", cmi))
                x <- unfold(x, cmi)
                if(is.logical(center) && center == TRUE)
                    center <- mean

                x1 <- robustbase::doScale(x, center=center, scale=NULL)
                xcenter <- x1$center
                x <- toArray(x1$x, di[1], di[2], di[3], mode=cmi)
                dimnames(x) <- dn

    if(!is.null(scale) && (!is.logical(scale) || scale == TRUE))
        x <- t(unfold(x, scale.mode))
        if(is.logical(scale) && scale == TRUE)
            scale <- ss

        x1 <- robustbase::doScale(x, center=NULL, scale=scale)
        xscale <- x1$scale
        x <- toArray(t(x1$x), di[1], di[2], di[3], mode=scale.mode)
        dimnames(x) <- dn

    ret <- if(only.data) x else list(x=x, center=xcenter, center.mode=center.mode, scale=xscale, scale.mode=scale.mode)

#' @param weights A numeric vector with length 3: relative weights (greater or
#'  equal 0) for the simplicity of the component matrices \code{A}, \code{B}
#'  and \code{C} respectively.
#' @param rotate Within which mode to rotate the Tucker3 solution:
#'  \code{rotate="A"} means to rotate the component matrix \code{A} of mode A;
#'  \code{rotate=c("A", "B")} means to rotate the component matrices \code{A}
#'  and \code{B} of modes A and B respectively. Default is to rotate all modes,
#'  i.e. \code{rotate=c("A", "B", "C")}.
#' @rdname do3Rotate
#' @export
do3Rotate.tucker3 <- function(x, weights=c(0, 0, 0), rotate=c("A", "B", "C"), ...)
    rot1 <- rot2 <- rot3 <- 0
    rot1 <- ifelse("A" %in% rotate, 1, rot1)
    rot2 <- ifelse("B" %in% rotate, 1, rot2)
    rot3 <- ifelse("C" %in% rotate, 1, rot3)

    rot <- ThreeWay::varimcoco(x$A, x$B, x$C, x$G, weights[1], weights[2], weights[3], rot1, rot2, rot3, nanal=1)
    dn1 <- dimnames(x$A)
    dn2 <- dimnames(x$B)
    dn3 <- dimnames(x$C)
    dn <- dimnames(x$GA)
    x$A <- rot$AS
    dimnames(x$A) <- dn1
    x$B <- rot$BT
    dimnames(x$B) <- dn2
    x$C <- rot$CU
    dimnames(x$C) <- dn3
    x$GA <- rot$K
    dimnames(x$GA) <- dn

    vvalue <- rep(0, 4)
    names(vvalue) <- c("GA", "A", "B", "C")
    vvalue[1] <- rot$f1
    vvalue[2] <- rot$f2a
    vvalue[3] <- rot$f2b
    vvalue[4] <- rot$f2c

    ans <- list(x=x, S=rot$S, T=rot$T, U=rot$U, vvalue=vvalue, f=rot$f)
    class(ans) <- "rotation"


coordinates.parafac <- function(x, mode=c("A", "B", "C"), type=c("normalized", "unit", "principal"), ...)
    mode <- match.arg(mode)
    type <- match.arg(type)
    a <- switch(mode,
    ncomp <- ncol(x$A)
    nelem <- nrow(a)

    eq <- all.equal(sum(colSums(a^2)), ncomp)
    if(!is.logical(eq) || !eq)
        stop("Solution is not normalized for mode ", mode)

        "normalized"=       # normalized coordinates - what is returned by renormalize()
        "unit"=             # Unit mean-square coordinates
        "principal"=        # Principal coordinates (loadings)
            pc <- a %*% diag(sqrt(weights(x) * nelem))
            colnames(pc) <- colnames(a)                 # diag() loses the names

coordinates.tucker3 <- function(x, mode=c("A", "B", "C"), type=c("normalized", "unit", "principal"), ...)
    mode <- match.arg(mode)
    type <- match.arg(type)
    a <- switch(mode,
    ncomp <- ncol(a)
    nelem <- nrow(a)

        "normalized"=       # normalized coordinates - what is returned by renormalize()
        "unit"=             # Unit mean-square coordinates
        "principal"=        # Principal coordinates (loadings)
            pc <- a %*% diag(sqrt(weights(x) * nelem))
            colnames(pc) <- colnames(a)                 # diag() loses the names

reflect.tucker3 <- function(x, mode=c("A", "B", "C"), rsign=1, ...)
    mode <- match.arg(mode)
    P <- ncol(x$A)
    Q <- ncol(x$B)
    R <- ncol(x$C)
    ncomp <- if(mode=="A") P else if(mode=="B") Q else R
    xnames <- if(mode=="A") dimnames(x$A) else if(mode=="B") dimnames(x$B) else dimnames(x$C)
    GAnames <- dimnames(x$GA)

    stopifnot(length(rsign) == 1 | length(rsign) == ncomp)

    if(length(rsign) == 1)
        rsign <- rep(rsign, ncomp)
    rsign <- sign(rsign)
    rdiag <- diag(rsign, nrow=ncomp)

    if(mode == "A")
        x$A <- x$A %*% rdiag
        x$GA <- rdiag %*% x$GA
        dimnames(x$A) <- xnames
        dimnames(x$GA) <- GAnames
    } else if(mode=="B")
        x$B <- x$B %*% rdiag
            x$Bclr <- x$Bclr %*% rdiag
        x$GA <- permute(x$GA, P, Q, R)
        x$GA <- rdiag %*% x$GA
        x$GA <- permute(x$GA, Q, R, P)
        x$GA <- permute(x$GA, R, P, Q)
        dimnames(x$B) <- xnames
        dimnames(x$GA) <- GAnames
        x$C <- x$C %*% rdiag
        x$GA <- permute(x$GA, P, Q, R)
        x$GA <- permute(x$GA, Q, R, P)
        x$GA <- rdiag %*% x$GA
        x$GA <- permute(x$GA, R, P, Q)
        dimnames(x$C) <- xnames
        dimnames(x$GA) <- GAnames


reflect.parafac <- function(x, mode=c("A", "B", "C"), rsign=1, ...)
    mode <- match.arg(mode)
    ncomp <- x$ncomp
    anames <- dimnames(x$A)
    bnames <- dimnames(x$B)
    cnames <- dimnames(x$C)

    stopifnot(length(rsign) == 1 | length(rsign) == ncomp)

    if(length(rsign) == 1)
        rsign <- rep(rsign, ncomp)
    rsign <- sign(rsign)
    rdiag <- diag(rsign, nrow=ncomp)

    if(mode == "A")
        x$A <- x$A %*% rdiag
        x$B <- x$B %*% rdiag
        dimnames(x$A) <- anames
        dimnames(x$B) <- bnames
    } else if(mode=="B")
        x$B <- x$B %*% rdiag
        x$C <- x$C %*% rdiag
        dimnames(x$B) <- bnames
        dimnames(x$C) <- cnames
        x$C <- x$C %*% rdiag
        x$A <- x$A %*% rdiag
        dimnames(x$C) <- cnames
        dimnames(x$A) <- anames


##  Calculate the explained variance (standardized weights)
##  by component for a PARAFAC model.
##  Note that the stdandard weights can be extracted only if at least one of the
##  modes has orthogonal components (i.e. the model was
##  estimated with orthogonality constraint).
weights.parafac <- function(object, ...)
    if(!is.orthogonal(object$A) && !is.orthogonal(object$B) && !is.orthogonal(object$C))
        warning(paste0("It is not possible to obtain a partitioning of the ",
                       "total variability by components since none of the ",
                       "modes has orthogonal components!"))


##  Calculate the explained variance (standardized weights)
##  by component for a TUCKER 3 model.
weights.tucker3 <- function(object, mode=c("A", "B", "C"), ...)
    mode <- match.arg(mode)
    P <- ncol(object$A)
    Q <- ncol(object$B)
    R <- ncol(object$C)

        ret <- diag(object$GA %*% t(object$GA))/object$ss
    else if(mode=="B")
        Y <- permute(object$GA, P, Q, R)
        ret <- diag(Y %*% t(Y))/object$ss
    } else      # mode C
        Y <- permute(object$GA, P, Q, R)
        Y <- permute(Y, Q, R, P)
        ret <- diag(Y %*% t(Y))/object$ss

## Reorder the components of a PARAFAC model
reorder.parafac <- function(x, order=TRUE, ...)
    ncomp <- x$ncomp
        ## Order the components in decreasing order of the
        ##  explained variance (standardized weights). Note that the
        ##  standardized weights can be extracted only if at least one of the
        ##  modes has orthonormal components (i.e. the model was
        ##  estimated with orthogonality constraint).
            order <- order(weights(x), decreasing=TRUE)
    } else
        order <- as.integer(order)

    if(length(unique(order)) != ncomp | max(order) > ncomp | min(order) < 1)
        stop("Incorrect new order specified. Must have length equal to ", ncomp, " and contain unique integers in the range 1 to ", ncomp, ".")

    x$A <- x$A[, order]
    x$B <- x$B[, order]
    x$C <- x$C[, order]
    x$GA <- x$GA[order]

## Reorder the components of a Tucker 3 model
reorder.tucker3 <- function(x, mode=c("A", "B", "C"), order=TRUE, ...)
    mode <- match.arg(mode)
    P <- ncol(x$A)
    Q <- ncol(x$B)
    R <- ncol(x$C)
    ncomp <- if(mode=="A") P else if(mode=="B") Q else R

        ## Order the components in decreasing order of the
        ##  explained variance (standardized weights).
            order <- order(weights(x, mode=mode), decreasing=TRUE)
    } else
        order <- as.integer(order)

    order <- as.integer(order)
    if(length(unique(order)) != ncomp | max(order) > ncomp | min(order) < 1)
        stop("Incorrect new order specified. Must have length equal to ", ncomp, " and contain unique integers in the range 1 to ", ncomp, ".")

    dn <- dimnames(x$GA)
    if(mode == "A")
        x$A <- x$A[, order]
        ga <- toArray(x$GA, P, Q, R)
        ga <- ga[order,,]
        x$GA <- unfold(ga)
        rownames(x$GA) <- colnames(x$A)
        colnames(x$GA) <- dn[[2]]
    } else if(mode=="B")
        x$B <- x$B[, order]
        ga <- toArray(x$GA, P, Q, R)
        ga <- ga[,order,]
        x$GA <- unfold(ga)
        rownames(x$GA) <- dn[[1]]
        x$C <- x$C[, order]
        ga <- toArray(x$GA, P, Q, R)
        ga <- ga[,,order]
        x$GA <- unfold(ga)
        rownames(x$GA) <- dn[[1]]


do3Postprocess.tucker3 <- function(x, reflectA, reflectB, reflectC, reorderA, reorderB, reorderC, ...)
        x <- reflect(x, mode="A", rsign=reflectA)
        x <- reflect(x, mode="B", rsign=reflectB)
        x <- reflect(x, mode="C", rsign=reflectC)

        x <- reorder(x, mode="A", order=reorderA)
        x <- reorder(x, mode="B", order=reorderB)
        x <- reorder(x, mode="C", order=reorderC)

do3Postprocess.parafac <- function(x, reflectA, reflectB, reflectC, reorder, ...)
        x <- reflect(x, mode="A", rsign=reflectA)
        x <- reflect(x, mode="B", rsign=reflectB)
        x <- reflect(x, mode="C", rsign=reflectC)

        x <- reorder(x, reorder)

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