
context("Accessing and subsetting tables")

test_that("cell_values function works as desired", {
  l <- basic_table() %>%
      split_cols_by("ARM") %>%
      split_cols_by("SEX") %>%
      split_rows_by("RACE") %>%
      summarize_row_groups() %>%
      split_rows_by("STRATA1") %>%
      analyze("AGE", afun = function(x, .N_col, .N_row) rcell(c(.N_row, .N_col), format = "(xx.x, xx.x)"))

  ourdat <- DM
  ourdat$SEX <- droplevels(ourdat$SEX)
  ourdat$RACE <- droplevels(ourdat$RACE)
  tbl <- build_table(l, ourdat)

  armsextab <- table(ourdat$SEX, ourdat$ARM)

  armaval <- "A: Drug X"
  cvres1 <- cell_values(tbl, c("RACE", "ASIAN"), c("ARM", "A: Drug X", "SEX", "M"))
  contcount <- nrow(subset(ourdat, RACE == "ASIAN" & ARM == armaval & SEX == "M"))
  asianstrata <- table(subset(ourdat, RACE == "ASIAN")$STRATA1)
                   list(list("A: Drug X.M" = c(contcount,
                                               contcount / armsextab["M", armaval])),
                        list("A: Drug X.M" = c(unname(asianstrata["A"]),
                                               armsextab["M", armaval])),
                        list("A: Drug X.M" = c(unname(asianstrata["B"]),
                                               armsextab["M", armaval])),
                        list("A: Drug X.M" = c(unname(asianstrata["C"]),
                                               armsextab["M", armaval]))))

  cvres2 <- cell_values(tbl, c("RACE", "ASIAN", "STRATA1"),
                        c("ARM", "A: Drug X", "SEX", "M"))
  expect_identical(unname(cvres1[2:4]), unname(cvres2))
  cvres3 <- cell_values(tbl, c("RACE", "ASIAN", "STRATA1", "B"),
                        c("ARM", "A: Drug X", "SEX", "M"))
  expect_identical(cvres3, cvres1[[3]])
  ## any arm, male columns from the ASIAN content (i.e. summary) row
  cvres4 <- cell_values(tbl, c("RACE", "ASIAN", "@content"))
  expect_identical(cvres4[2], cvres1[[1]])

  cvres5 <- cell_values(tbl, c("RACE", "ASIAN", "@content"),
                        c("ARM", "*", "SEX", "M"))
  expect_identical(cvres5, cvres4[seq(2, 6, by = 2)])
  ## all columns
  cvres6 <- cell_values(tbl,  c("RACE", "ASIAN", "STRATA1", "B"))

  ## all columns for the Combination arm
  cvres7 <-  cell_values(tbl,  c("RACE", "ASIAN", "STRATA1", "B"),
                         c("ARM", "C: Combination"))


  cvres8 <- cell_values(tbl,  c("RACE", "ASIAN", "STRATA1", "B", "AGE"),
                        c("ARM", "C: Combination", "SEX", "M"))
  vares8 <- value_at(tbl,  c("RACE", "ASIAN", "STRATA1", "B", "AGE"),
                     c("ARM", "C: Combination", "SEX", "M"))
  expect_identical(cvres8[[1]], vares8)
  expect_error(value_at(tbl,  c("RACE", "ASIAN", "STRATA1", "B"),
                        c("ARM", "C: Combination", "SEX", "M")))
  expect_error(value_at(tbl,  c("RACE", "ASIAN", "STRATA1", "B", "AGE"),
                        c("ARM", "C: Combination", "SEX")))
  expect_error(value_at(tbl,  c("RACE", "ASIAN", "STRATA1", "B", "AGE"),
                        c("ARM", "C: Combination")))

  allrows <- collect_leaves(tbl, TRUE, TRUE)
  crow <- allrows[[1]]
  lrow <- allrows[[2]]
  expect_error(cell_values(crow, rowpath = "@content"),
               "cell_values on TableRow objects must have NULL rowpath")
               "cell_values on LabelRow is not meaningful")

test_colpaths <- function(tt) {

    cdf <- make_col_df(tt, visible_only = TRUE)
    cdf2 <- make_col_df(tt, visible_only = FALSE)
    res3 <- lapply(cdf$path, function(pth) rtables:::subset_cols(tt, pth))
    res4 <- lapply(cdf2$path, function(pth) rtables:::subset_cols(tt, pth))
    expect_identical(res3, res4[!is.na(cdf2$abs_pos)])
    expect_identical(res3, lapply(seq_len(ncol(tt)),
                                  function(j) tt[, j]))

test_rowpaths <- function(tt, visonly = TRUE) {

    cdf <- make_row_df(tt, visible_only = visonly)
    res3 <- lapply(cdf$path, function(pth) cell_values(tt, pth)) # nolint

test_that("make_row_df, make_col_df give paths which all work", {

     lyt <- basic_table() %>%
        split_cols_by("ARM") %>%
        split_cols_by("SEX", ref_group = "F") %>%
        analyze("AGE", mean, show_labels = "hidden") %>%
        analyze("AGE", refcompmean, show_labels = "hidden",
                table_names = "AGE2a") %>%
        split_rows_by("RACE", nested = FALSE, split_fun = drop_split_levels) %>%
        analyze("AGE", mean, show_labels = "hidden") %>%
        analyze("AGE", refcompmean, show_labels = "hidden", table_names = "AGE2b")

    tab <- build_table(lyt, rawdat)
    rdf1a <- make_row_df(tab)
    rdf1b <- make_row_df(tab, visible_only = FALSE)
    expect_true(all.equal(rdf1a, rdf1b[!is.na(rdf1b$abs_rownumber), ],
                          check.attributes = FALSE), ## rownames ugh
                     "visible portions of row df not identical between
visible_only and not")

    allcvs <- cell_values(tab)
    allcvs_un <- unname(allcvs)
    pathres <- lapply(rdf1b$path, function(pth) unname(cell_values(tab, pth)))
                          allcvs_un[1:2], ## XXX this probably shouldn't be here
                          allcvs_un[3:6], ## RACE
                          allcvs_un[3:4], ## WHITE Tabletree
                          allcvs_un[3:4], ## WHITE LabelRow
                          unname(allcvs_un[[3]]), ## white age ElemtaryTable
                          unname(allcvs_un[[3]]), ## white age DataRow
                          unname(allcvs_un[[4]]), ## white compare ElemtaryTable
                          unname(allcvs_un[[4]]), ## white compare DataRow
                          allcvs_un[5:6], ## BLACK TableTree
                          allcvs_un[5:6], ## BLACK LabelRow
                          unname(allcvs_un[[5]]), ## black ageElemtaryTable
                          unname(allcvs_un[[5]]), ## black age DataRow
                          unname(allcvs_un[[6]]), ## black compare ElemtaryTable
                          unname(allcvs_un[[6]]))) ## black compare DataRow


    combodf <- tribble(
                           ~valname, ~label, ~levelcombo, ~exargs,
                           "A_", "Arm 1", c("A: Drug X"), list(),
                           "B_C", "Arms B & C", c("B: Placebo", "C: Combination"), list())

    l2 <- basic_table(show_colcounts = TRUE) %>%
            split_fun = add_combo_levels(combodf, keep_levels = c("A_", "B_C"))) %>%
        analyze(c("AGE", "AGE"), afun = list(mean, range),
                show_labels = "hidden", table_names = c("AGE mean", "AGE range"))

    tab2 <- build_table(l2, DM)
    cdf2 <- make_col_df(tab2)
   ## res5 <- lapply(cdf2$path, function(pth) subset)cols

test_that("Duplicate colvars path correctly", {

    l <- basic_table() %>%
        split_cols_by_multivar(c("AGE", "BMRKR1", "AGE"), varlabels = c("Age", "Biomarker 1", "Second Age")) %>%

    tbl <- build_table(l, DM)

    matform <- matrix_form(tbl)
    expect_identical(matrix(c("", "Age", "Biomarker 1", "Second Age",
                              "mean", mean(DM$AGE), mean(DM$BMRKR1), mean(DM$AGE)),
                            nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE),

    res <- cell_values(tbl, colpath = c("multivars", "AGE._[[2]]_."))
    expect_identical(list("AGE._[[2]]_." = mean(DM$AGE, na.rm = TRUE)),

test_that("top_left, title, footers retention behaviors are correct across all scenarios", {
    # topleft
    tlval <- "hi"

    # title
    ti <- "ti"
    sti <- "sti"

    # footers
    mf <- "mf"
    pf <- "pf"
    rf <- "rf"

    lyt <- basic_table(title = ti, subtitles = sti,
                       main_footer = mf, prov_footer = pf) %>%
        split_cols_by("ARM") %>%
        append_topleft(tlval) %>%
        split_rows_by("SEX") %>%
        analyze("AGE", mean)
    tbl <- build_table(lyt, DM)
    fnotes_at_path(tbl, rowpath = c("SEX", "F", "AGE", "mean")) <- rf
    fnotes_at_path(tbl, rowpath = c("SEX", "M", "AGE", "mean")) <- rf

    # topleft
    expect_identical(top_left(tbl), tlval)
    expect_identical(top_left(tbl[, 1]), tlval) ## default column-only subsetting is TRUE
    expect_identical(top_left(tbl[, 1, keep_topleft = FALSE]), character())
    expect_identical(top_left(tbl[, 1, keep_topleft = TRUE]), tlval)
    expect_identical(top_left(tbl[1, ]), character()) ## default with any row subsetting is FALSE
    expect_identical(top_left(tbl[1, , keep_topleft = FALSE]), character())
    expect_identical(top_left(tbl[1, , keep_topleft = TRUE]), tlval)
    expect_identical(top_left(tbl[1:2, 1:2]), character())
    expect_identical(top_left(tbl[1:2, 1:2, keep_topleft = FALSE]), character())
    expect_identical(top_left(tbl[1:2, 1:2, keep_topleft = TRUE]), tlval)

    # drop = TRUE works
    expect_identical(suppressWarnings(tbl[1, 1, drop = TRUE]), NULL)
    expect_warning(tbl[1, 1, drop = TRUE])
    expect_equal(tbl[2, 1, drop = TRUE], 33.71, tolerance = 0.01)

    # referential footnotes
    expect_identical(mf_rfnotes(matrix_form(tbl[2, 1])),
                     c("F.AGE.mean" = paste0("{1} - ", rf)))
    expect_identical(mf_rfnotes(matrix_form(tbl[4, 1])),
                     c("M.AGE.mean" = paste0("{1} - ", rf)))
    expect_identical(mf_rfnotes(matrix_form(tbl[4, 1, reindex_refs = FALSE])),
                     c("M.AGE.mean" = paste0("{2} - ", rf)))
    expect_identical(mf_rfnotes(matrix_form(tbl[1, 1])), character())

    # titles and footers
    expect_identical(main_title(tbl[1, 1]), "")
    expect_identical(main_title(tbl[1, 1, keep_titles = FALSE]), "")
    expect_identical(main_footer(tbl[1, 1, keep_titles = FALSE]), character())
    expect_identical(main_title(tbl[1, 1, keep_titles = TRUE]), ti)
    expect_identical(subtitles(tbl[1, 1, keep_titles = TRUE]), sti)
    expect_identical(main_footer(tbl[1, 1, keep_footers = TRUE]), mf)
    expect_identical(prov_footer(tbl[1, 1, keep_footers = TRUE]), pf)

    # Further testing drop = TRUE
    tbl1 <- basic_table() %>%
        split_cols_by("ARM") %>%
        split_rows_by("SEX") %>%
        analyze("AGE", function(x) list("m (sd)" = c(mean(x), sd(x)))) %>%
    tbl2 <- basic_table() %>%
        split_cols_by("ARM") %>%
        split_rows_by("SEX", child_labels = "hidden") %>%
        analyze("AGE", mean) %>%
    # row with only numbers -> warning
    expect_warning(tbl[4, , drop = TRUE])
    # warnings for label row
    expect_warning(tbl[, 1, drop = TRUE])
    expect_warning(tbl[3, , drop = TRUE])
    # warnings for more than one values
    expect_warning(tbl1[4, , drop = TRUE])
    expect_warning(tbl1[2, 1:2, drop = TRUE])

test_that("setters work ok", {
       tlval <- "hi"
       lyt <- basic_table() %>%
           split_cols_by("ARM") %>%
           split_rows_by("SEX") %>%
           summarize_row_groups() %>%
           analyze("AGE", mean)
       tbl <- build_table(lyt, DM)

       tbl2 <- tbl

       tbl2[1, 1] <- CellValue(c(1, .1))
       matform2 <- matrix_form(tbl2)
       expect_identical("1 (10.0%)", matform2$strings[2, 2])

       tbl3 <- tbl
       tbl3[3, 1:2] <- list(CellValue(c(1, 1)), CellValue(c(1, 1)))
       matform3 <- matrix_form(tbl3)
       expect_identical(rep("1 (100.0%)", 2), matform3$strings[4, 2:3])

       tbl2 <- tbl
       tt_at_path(tbl2, c("SEX", "UNDIFFERENTIATED")) <- NULL
       expect_equal(nrow(tbl2), 6)

       tbl3 <- tbl
       tt_at_path(tbl3, c("SEX", "UNDIFFERENTIATED", "AGE", "mean")) <- NULL
       expect_equal(nrow(tbl3), 7)

       lyt4 <- basic_table() %>%
           split_cols_by("ARM") %>%
           split_rows_by("SEX") %>%
           analyze("AGE", mean)
       tbl4 <- build_table(lyt4, DM)

       tbl4[5:6, ] <- list(rrow("new label"), rrow("new mean", 5, 7, 8))
       mform4 <- matrix_form(tbl4)
       expect_identical(mform4$strings[6, , drop = TRUE],
                        c("new label", "", "", ""))
                        list(5, 7, 8))


test_that("cell_values and value_at work on row objects", {

    tbl <- basic_table() %>%
        split_cols_by("ARM") %>%
        split_cols_by("STRATA2") %>%
        analyze("AEDECOD") %>%
        build_table(ex_adae, ex_adsl)

    first_row <- collect_leaves(tbl)[[1]]

    va <- value_at(first_row, colpath = c("ARM", "A: Drug X", "STRATA2", "S2"))

    cv <- cell_values(first_row, colpath = c("ARM", "C: Combination"))

    expect_identical(va, 33L)

                     setNames(list(32L, 56L),
                              c("C: Combination.S1",
                                "C: Combination.S2")))

test_that("label_at_path works", {
    lyt <- make_big_lyt()

    tab <- build_table(lyt, rawdat)
    orig_labs <- row.names(tab)

    tab4 <- tab

    label_at_path(tab4, c("root", "RACE", "WHITE", "FACTOR2", "B", "AGE")) <- NA_character_

    expect_identical(row.names(tab4), orig_labs[-9])

    tab5 <- tab

    newlab5 <- "race var label"
    label_at_path(tab5, c("root", "RACE")) <-  newlab5
    expect_identical(row.names(tab5), c(newlab5, orig_labs))

    rps <- row_paths(tab)

    labs <- vapply(rps, function(pth) label_at_path(tab, pth), "",
                   USE.NAMES = FALSE)
    expect_identical(labs, orig_labs)

    newthangalangs <- paste(orig_labs, "redux")

    tab7 <- tab
    for(i in seq_along(orig_labs))
        label_at_path(tab7, rps[[i]]) <- newthangalangs[i]


test_that("insert_row_at_path works", {
 lyt <- basic_table() %>%
     split_rows_by("COUNTRY", split_fun = keep_split_levels(c("CHN", "USA"))) %>%
     summarize_row_groups() %>%

 tab <- build_table(lyt, DM)
 orig_rns <- row.names(tab)
 tab2 <- insert_row_at_path(tab, c("COUNTRY", "CHN", "AGE", "Mean"),
                           rrow("new row", 555))
                    "new row",

 tab3 <- insert_row_at_path(tab2, c("COUNTRY", "CHN", "AGE", "Mean"),
                           rrow("new row redux", 888),
                           after = TRUE)
                    "new row",
                    "new row redux",

 myrow <- rrow("whaaat", 578)
 rps <- row_paths(tab)
 msg <- "path must resolve fully to a non-content data row."
 expect_error(insert_row_at_path(tab, c("root", "COUNTRY"), myrow), msg)
 expect_error(insert_row_at_path(tab, c("root", "COUNTRY", "CHN"), myrow), msg)
 expect_error(insert_row_at_path(tab, c("root", "COUNTRY", "CHN", "AGE"), myrow), msg)
 expect_error(insert_row_at_path(tab, rps[[1]], myrow), msg)

 lyt4 <- basic_table() %>%
     split_rows_by("COUNTRY", split_fun = keep_split_levels(c("CHN", "USA"))) %>%

 tab4 <- build_table(lyt4, DM)

 expect_identical(label_at_path(tab4, c("COUNTRY", "CHN")),

 label_at_path(tab4, c("COUNTRY", "CHN")) <- "China"

                  c("China", "Mean", "USA", "Mean"))

 label_at_path(tab4, c("COUNTRY", "CHN", "AGE", "Mean")) <- "Age Mean"
                  c("China", "Age Mean", "USA", "Mean"))

test_that("bracket methods all work", {

    tbl <- tt_to_export()

    nrtot <- nrow(tbl)

    tbl_a_white <- tbl[1:19, ]
    expect_identical(tbl[rep(c(TRUE, FALSE), c(19, nrtot - 19)), ],
    expect_identical(tt_at_path(tbl_a_white, c("STRATA1", "A", "RACE", "WHITE")),
                     tt_at_path(tbl, c("STRATA1", "A", "RACE", "WHITE")))

    tbl_sub1 <- tbl[1:25, c(1, 4, 6)]

                     tbl[rep(c(TRUE, FALSE), c(25, nrtot - 25)),
                         c(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE)])

    expect_identical(tbl[, c(1, 4, 6)],
                     tbl[, c(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE)])


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rtables documentation built on Aug. 30, 2023, 5:07 p.m.