
Defines functions md.plot plot.fs.interaction plot.mrf.smooth polys.plot poly2 plot.sos.smooth lolaxy repole plot.mgcv.smooth plot.random.effect plot.scam

Documented in plot.scam

## (c) Natalya Pya (2012-2024). Provided under GPL 2.
## based on (c) Simon N Wood plot.gam(mgcv)
## routines to produce plots for each smooth term of scam....

plot.scam <- function(x,residuals=FALSE,rug=TRUE,se=TRUE,pages=0,select=NULL,scale=-1,n=100,n2=40,

# Create an appropriate plot for each smooth term of a scam.....
# x is a scam object
# rug determines whether a rug plot should be added to each plot
# se determines whether twice standard error bars are to be added
# pages is the number of pages over which to split output - 0 implies that 
# graphic settings should not be changed for plotting
# scale -1 for same y scale for each plot
#        0 for different y scales for each plot
# n - number of x axis points to use for plotting each term
# n2 is the square root of the number of grid points to use for contouring
# 2-d terms.

{ ######################################
  ## Local function for producing labels

  sub.edf <- function(lab,edf) {
    ## local function to substitute edf into brackets of label
    ## labels are e.g. smooth[[1]]$label
    pos <- regexpr(":",lab)[1]
    if (pos<0) { ## there is no by variable stuff
      pos <- nchar(lab) - 1
      lab <- paste(substr(lab,start=1,stop=pos),",",round(edf,digits=2),")",sep="")
    } else {
      lab1 <- substr(lab,start=1,stop=pos-2)
      lab2 <- substr(lab,start=pos-1,stop=nchar(lab))
      lab <- paste(lab1,",",round(edf,digits=2),lab2,sep="")
  } ## end of sub.edf

  ## start of main function

  if (unconditional) {
    if (is.null(x$Vc)) warning("Smoothness uncertainty corrected covariance not available") else 
    x$Vp <- x$Vc ## cov matrix reset to full Bayesian

  if (length(residuals)>1) # residuals supplied 
  { if (length(residuals)==length(x$residuals)) 
    w.resid <- residuals else
    warning("residuals argument to plot.scam is wrong length: ignored")
    partial.resids <- TRUE
  } else partial.resids <- residuals # use working residuals or none

  m <- length(x$smooth) ## number of smooth terms

  if (length(scheme)==1) scheme <- rep(scheme,m)
  if (length(scheme)!=m) { 
    warn <- paste("scheme should be a single number, or a vector with",m,"elements")
    scheme <- rep(scheme[1],m)

  ## array giving order of each parametric term...
  order <- if (is.list(x$pterms))  unlist(lapply(x$pterms,attr,"order")) else attr(x$pterms,"order")

  if (all.terms) # plot parametric terms as well
  n.para <- sum(order==1) # plotable parametric terms   
  else n.para <- 0 
  if (se) ## sort out CI widths for 1 and 2D
  { if (is.numeric(se)) se2.mult <- se1.mult <- se else { se1.mult <- 2;se2.mult <- 1} 
    if (se1.mult<0) se1.mult<-0;if (se2.mult < 0) se2.mult <- 0
  } else se1.mult <- se2.mult <-1
  if (se && x$Vp[1,1] < 0) ## check that variances are actually available
  { se <- FALSE
    warning("No variance estimates available")

  if (partial.resids) { ## getting information needed for partial residuals...
    if (is.null(w.resid)) { ## produce working resids if info available
      if (is.null(x$residuals)||is.null(x$weights)) partial.resids <- FALSE else {
        wr <- sqrt(x$weights)
        w.resid <- x$residuals*wr/mean(wr) # weighted working residuals
    if (partial.resids) fv.terms <- predict(x,type="terms") ## get individual smooth effects

  pd <- list(); ## plot data list
  i <- 1 # needs a value if no smooths, but parametric terms ...

  ## First the loop to get the data for the plots...

  if (m>0) for (i in 1:m) { ## work through smooth terms
    first <- x$smooth[[i]]$first.para
    last <- x$smooth[[i]]$last.para
    edf <- sum(x$edf[first:last]) ## Effective DoF for this term
    term.lab <- sub.edf(x$smooth[[i]]$label,edf)
    #P <- plot(x$smooth[[i]],P=NULL,data=x$model,n=n,n2=n2,xlab=xlab,ylab=ylab,too.far=too.far,label=term.lab,
    #          se1.mult=se1.mult,se2.mult=se2.mult,xlim=xlim,ylim=ylim,main=main,scheme=scheme[i],...)
    attr(x$smooth[[i]],"coefficients") <- x$coefficients[first:last]   ## relevent coefficients
    P <- plot(x$smooth[[i]],P=NULL,data=x$model,partial.resids=partial.resids,rug=rug,se=se,scale=scale,n=n,n2=n2,

    if (is.null(P)) pd[[i]] <- list(plot.me=FALSE) 
    else if (is.null(P$fit)) {
      p <- x$coefficients[first:last]   ## relevent coefficients 
      offset <- attr(P$X,"offset")      ## any term specific offset
      ## get fitted values ....
      ## dealing with univariate shape-constrained smooths ...
      const.dif <- 0  
      if (inherits(x$smooth[[i]], c("mpi.smooth","mpd.smooth", "cv.smooth", "cx.smooth", "mdcv.smooth",
                      "mdcx.smooth","micv.smooth","micx.smooth", "po.smooth", "mifo.smooth", "miso.smooth","mpdBy.smooth", "cxBy.smooth","mpiBy.smooth","cvBy.smooth","mdcxBy.smooth","mdcvBy.smooth","micxBy.smooth","micvBy.smooth", "lmpi.smooth")))
                        q <- ncol(P$X) ## length(p)
                       ## beta.c <- if (!x$not.exp) c(0,exp(p)) else c(0,notExp(p)) 
                        p.ident <- x$p.ident[first:last]
                        iv <- (1:length(p))[p.ident] # define an index vector for the coeff-s to be exponentiated
                        p[iv] <- if (!x$not.exp) exp(p[iv]) else notExp(p[iv],x$control$b.notexp,x$control$threshold.notexp)   
                        if (inherits(x$smooth[[i]], c("miso.smooth","mifo.smooth"))) {
                              # beta.c <- c(rep(0,length(x$smooth[[i]]$n.zero)),p)
                                beta.c <- rep(0,length(p)+length(x$smooth[[i]]$n.zero))
                                beta.c[-x$smooth[[i]]$n.zero] <- p
                           } else if (inherits(x$smooth[[i]], c("mpdBy.smooth","cxBy.smooth","mpiBy.smooth","cvBy.smooth", "mdcxBy.smooth","mdcvBy.smooth","micxBy.smooth","micvBy.smooth", "lmpi.smooth"))) {
                                 beta.c <- p
                           } else beta.c <- c(0,p)

                        fit.c <- P$X%*%beta.c # fitted values for the SCOP-splines identifiability constraints
                        if (inherits(x$smooth[[i]], c("po.smooth","mifo.smooth", "miso.smooth"))) 
                               p <- beta.c ## c(0,p)
                          else if (inherits(x$smooth[[i]], c("mpdBy.smooth", "cxBy.smooth", "mpiBy.smooth", "cvBy.smooth", "mdcxBy.smooth", "mdcvBy.smooth", "micxBy.smooth", "micvBy.smooth", "lmpi.smooth"))) ## no changes in p here
                               p <- p
                          else ## for ("mpi.smooth","mpd.smooth", "cv.smooth", "cx.smooth", "mdcv.smooth",       "mdcx.smooth","micv.smooth","micx.smooth",))) centering constraint applied within smooth construction, so no need for the code below to apply a vertical shift to achieve the centered smooth..
                               p <- c(0,p)
                       ##   else { ## get a constant, a difference between two fits obtained by using 'zeroed
                       ##        ## intercept' constraint of the SCOP-spline  and the centering constraint;
                       ##         ## centered-fit= SCOP-fit + const...
                       ##         ## this vertical shift to be applied to achieve the centered smooth term)
                       ##         const.dif <- -sum(fit.c)/n 
                       ##         onet <- matrix(rep(1,n),1,n)
                       ##         A <- onet%*%P$X 
                       ##         qrX <- qr(P$X)
                       ##         R <- qr.R(qrX) 
                       ##         qrA <- qr(t(A))
                       ##         R <- R[-1,]
                       ##         RZa <- t(qr.qty(qrA,t(R)))[,2:q] 
                       ##         RZa.inv <- solve(RZa)
                       ##         RZaR <- RZa.inv%*%R
                       ##         beta.a <- RZaR%*%beta.c ## re-parametrized coeffs to meet centering
                       ##                                 ## identif. constraint
                       ##         p <- c(0,beta.a)
                       ##         p <- qr.qy(qrA,p)
                       ##        }
        ## dealing with bivariate shape-constrained smooths...
        if (inherits(x$smooth[[i]], c("tedmi.smooth","tedmd.smooth", "tesmi1.smooth",
                      "tismi.smooth", "tismd.smooth",  
                      "tesmd2.smooth","temicx.smooth", "temicv.smooth","tedecx.smooth","tedecv.smooth","tescx.smooth",
                   { p.ident <- x$p.ident[first:last]
                     iv <- (1:length(p))[p.ident] # define an index vector for the coeff-s to be exponentiated
                     p[iv] <- if (!x$not.exp) exp(p[iv]) else notExp(p[iv],x$control$b.notexp,x$control$threshold.notexp)
                     beta <-  x$smooth[[i]]$Zc%*%p ## if(!is.null(x$smooth[[i]]$Zc)) x$smooth[[i]]$Zc%*%p else p
                   #  beta <-  if (inherits(x$smooth[[i]], c("tismi.smooth", "tismd.smooth"))) p                               else  x$smooth[[i]]$Zc%*%p
                     fit.c <- P$X%*%beta # fitted values for the SCOP-spline identifiability constraints
                     ## get a constant, a difference between two fits obtained by using 'zeroed intercept' constraint
                     ## of the SCOP-spline  and the centering constraint; centered.fit= SCOP.fit + const...
                     const.dif <- -sum(fit.c)/length(fit.c)
                     onet <- matrix(rep(1,nrow(P$X)),1,nrow(P$X))
                     A <- onet%*%P$X
                     qrX <- qr(P$X)
                     R <- qr.R(qrX)
                     qrA <- qr(t(A))
                     q <- ncol(P$X)
                  ##   if (inherits(x$smooth[[i]], c("tismi.smooth", "tismd.smooth")))
                  ##   { ## no re-parametrization for beta coeffs for smooth interaction...
                  ##      beta.a <- beta
                  ##   }  else
                     if (inherits(x$smooth[[i]], c("tedmi.smooth","tedmd.smooth","tedmdc.smooth", "temicx.smooth", "temicv.smooth",     
                         "tedecx.smooth", "tedecv.smooth","tecvcv.smooth","tecxcx.smooth","tecxcv.smooth")))
                     { # get `beta.a' for bivariate smooths s.t. double monotonicity...
                         R <- R[-1,]
                         RZa <- t(qr.qty(qrA,t(R)))[,2:q] 
                         RZa.inv <- solve(RZa)
                         RZaR <- RZa.inv%*%R
                         beta.a <- RZaR%*%beta ## re-parametrized coeffs to meet centering identif. constraint
                     else # get `beta.a' for bivariate smooths s.t. single monotonicity...
                     { RZa <- t(qr.qty(qrA,t(R)))[,2:q]
                       RZatRZa.inv <- solve(t(RZa)%*%RZa) 
                       Q <- qr.Q(qrX)
                       B1 <- RZatRZa.inv%*%t(RZa)
                       RZaR <- B1%*%R
                       beta.a <- RZaR%*%beta + B1%*%(const.dif*colSums(Q))
                   ##  p <-  if (inherits(x$smooth[[i]], c("tismi.smooth", "tismd.smooth"))) beta.a
                    ##       else qr.qy(qrA,c(0,beta.a))
                     p <- c(0,beta.a)
                     p <- qr.qy(qrA,p)                     
      ## end shape-constrained supplement
      ## added code to centralize the fit if no 'by' variable...
      ft <- P$X%*%p ## centered fit
      if (is.null(offset)) P$fit <- ft ## centered fit
              else P$fit <- ft + offset 
     ## if (x$smooth[[i]]$by=="NA"){
     ##       if (is.null(offset)) P$fit <- ft ## get the fit with the centering identifiability constraint
     ##           else P$fit <- ft + offset 
     ## } else{ if (is.null(offset)) P$fit <- ft-const.dif ## 'zeroed intercept' SCOP.fit
     ##             else P$fit <- ft + offset - const.dif
     ##       } 
      ## 'minus'- const.dif is applied to get back to the scop fit with the original 'zeroed intercept'constraint:
      ## SCOP.fit = centered.fit - const(const.dif)
      if (!is.null(P$exclude)) P$fit[P$exclude] <- NA
      if (se && P$se) { ## get standard errors for fit ...
        if (inherits(x$smooth[[i]], c("mpi.smooth","mpd.smooth", "cv.smooth", "cx.smooth", "mdcv.smooth",
                 "mdcx.smooth", "micv.smooth", "micx.smooth","po.smooth","mifo.smooth","miso.smooth",
                 "mpdBy.smooth", "cxBy.smooth", "mpiBy.smooth", "cvBy.smooth", "mdcxBy.smooth", "mdcvBy.smooth", "micxBy.smooth", "micvBy.smooth", "lmpi.smooth")))
         { ## univariate scop smooths...
                  if (inherits(x$smooth[[i]], c("miso.smooth","mifo.smooth"))) {
                     Vp <- x$Vp.t[first:last, first:last] 
                     ind <- x$smooth[[i]]$n.zero
                     ## adding rows and columns of 0's...
                     Vp.c <- matrix(0,nrow(Vp)+length(ind),ncol(Vp)+length(ind))
                     Vp.c[-ind,-ind] <- Vp  
                   } else if (inherits(x$smooth[[i]], c("mpdBy.smooth",  "cxBy.smooth","mpiBy.smooth","cvBy.smooth", "mdcxBy.smooth", "mdcvBy.smooth", "micxBy.smooth", "micvBy.smooth", "lmpi.smooth"))) {
                      Vp.c <- x$Vp.t[first:last, first:last]                 
                   } else {
                     Vp.c <- x$Vp.t[c(1,first:last),c(1,first:last)] 
                    # Vp.c <- Vp
                     Vp.c[,1] <- rep(0,nrow(Vp.c))
                     Vp.c[1,] <- rep(0,ncol(Vp.c)) 

                   ## since for univariate dicreasing/increasing, convex/concave, mixed constraints, 'centering' contraint is now applied after imposing the scop constraints within each smooth constructor, there is no need for centering the smooth after the fit
                ##   if (inherits(x$smooth[[i]], c("po.smooth","mifo.smooth","miso.smooth","mpdBy.smooth", "cxBy.smooth", "mpiBy.smooth", "cvBy.smooth", "mdcxBy.smooth","mdcvBy.smooth","micxBy.smooth","micvBy.smooth", "lmpi.smooth"))) {
                ##      se.fit <- sqrt(rowSums((P$X%*%Vp.c)*P$X))                       
                ##    } else {
                ##       XZa <- t(qr.qty(qrA,t(P$X)))[,2:q]
                ##       Ga <- XZa%*%RZaR                                         
                ##       se.fit <- sqrt(rowSums((Ga%*%Vp.c)*Ga))    
                ##    }  
                     se.fit <- sqrt(rowSums((P$X%*%Vp.c)*P$X))                    
           } else if (inherits(x$smooth[[i]], c("tedmi.smooth", "tedmd.smooth",
                  "tesmi1.smooth","tesmi2.smooth",  "tismi.smooth", "tismd.smooth",
                  "tesmd1.smooth", "tesmd2.smooth","temicx.smooth", "temicv.smooth", "tedecx.smooth",
            { ## bivariate scop smooths...
                      XZa <- t(qr.qty(qrA,t(P$X)))[,2:ncol(P$X)]
                      Ga <- XZa%*%RZaR%*%x$smooth[[i]]$Zc ## if(!is.null(x$smooth[[i]]$Zc)) XZa%*%RZaR%*%x$smooth[[i]]$Zc else XZa%*%RZaR
                     # Vp <- x$Vp.t[first:last,first:last] 
                     # se.fit <- rowSums((Ga%*%Vp)*Ga)^.5
                      se.fit <- sqrt(pmax(0,rowSums((Ga%*%x$Vp.t[first:last,first:last,drop=FALSE] )*Ga)))
        ## } else if (inherits(x$smooth[[i]], c("mipoc.smooth"))) { ## shape constrained with a point constraint...
           #           se.fit <- sqrt(pmax(0,rowSums((P$X%*%x$Vp.t[first:last,first:last,drop=FALSE])*P$X))) 
        } else { ## unconstrained smooths...  
           ## test whether mean variability to be added to variability (only for centred terms)
           if (seWithMean && attr(x$smooth[[i]],"nCons")>0) {
             if (length(x$cmX) < ncol(x$Vp)) x$cmX <- c(x$cmX,rep(0,ncol(x$Vp)-length(x$cmX)))
             X1 <- matrix(x$cmX,nrow(P$X),ncol(x$Vp),byrow=TRUE)
             meanL1 <- x$smooth[[i]]$meanL1
             if (!is.null(meanL1)) X1 <- X1 / meanL1
             X1[,first:last] <- P$X
             se.fit <- sqrt(pmax(0,rowSums((X1%*%x$Vp)*X1)))
            } else se.fit <- ## se in centred (or anyway unconstained) space only
            if (!is.null(P$exclude)) P$se.fit[P$exclude] <- NA
      } ## standard errors for fit completed

      if (partial.resids) { 
             P$p.resid <- fv.terms[,length(order)+i] + w.resid 
             if (inherits(x$smooth[[i]], c("mpd.smooth", "cv.smooth", "cx.smooth", "mdcv.smooth",
                                           "mdcx.smooth", "micv.smooth", "micx.smooth"))) ## "mpi.smooth",
                  P$p.resid <- P$p.resid + const.dif ## to shift the resid/fitted smooth, to get a centering smooth, as
                                                 ## centered.fit= SCOP.fit + const(const.dif)           
      if (se && P$se) P$se <- se.fit*P$se.mult  # Note multiplier
      P$X <- NULL
      P$plot.me <- TRUE
      pd[[i]] <- P;rm(P) 
    } else { ## P$fit created directly (from if (is.null(P$fit)))
      if (partial.resids) { P$p.resid <- fv.terms[,length(order)+i] + w.resid }
      P$plot.me <- TRUE
      pd[[i]] <- P;rm(P)
  } ## end of data setup loop through smooths

  ## sort out number of pages and plots per page 

  n.plots <- n.para
  if (m>0) for (i in 1:m) n.plots <- n.plots + as.numeric(pd[[i]]$plot.me) 

  if (n.plots==0) stop("No terms to plot - nothing for plot.scam() to do.")

  if (pages>n.plots) pages<-n.plots
  if (pages<0) pages<-0
  if (pages!=0)    # figure out how to display things
  { ppp<-n.plots%/%pages
    if (n.plots%%pages!=0) 
    { ppp<-ppp+1
      while (ppp*(pages-1)>=n.plots) pages<-pages-1

    # now figure out number of rows and columns
    c <- r <- trunc(sqrt(ppp))
    if (c<1) r <- c <- 1
    if (c*r < ppp) c <- c + 1
    if (c*r < ppp) r <- r + 1  
  } else
  { ppp<-1;oldpar<-par()}
  if ((pages==0&&prod(par("mfcol"))<n.plots&&dev.interactive())||
       pages>1&&dev.interactive()) ask <- TRUE else ask <- FALSE 
  if (!is.null(select)) {
    ask <- FALSE
  if (ask) {
    oask <- devAskNewPage(TRUE)

  ## get a common scale, if required...

  if (scale==-1&&is.null(ylim)) {
    k <- 0
    if (m>0) for (i in 1:m) if (pd[[i]]$plot.me&&pd[[i]]$scale) { ## loop through plot data 
      if (se&&length(pd[[i]]$se)>1) { ## require CIs on plots
        if (k==0) { 
          ylim <- c(min(ll,na.rm=TRUE),max(ul,na.rm=TRUE));k <- 1
        } else {
          if (min(ll,na.rm=TRUE)<ylim[1]) ylim[1] <- min(ll,na.rm=TRUE)
	  if (max(ul,na.rm=TRUE)>ylim[2]) ylim[2] <- max(ul,na.rm=TRUE)
      } else { ## no standard errors
        if (k==0) {
          ylim <- range(pd[[i]]$fit,na.rm=TRUE);k <- 1
        } else {
          if (min(pd[[i]]$fit,na.rm=TRUE)<ylim[1]) ylim[1] <- min(pd[[i]]$fit,na.rm=TRUE)
          if (max(pd[[i]]$fit,na.rm=TRUE)>ylim[2]) ylim[2] <- max(pd[[i]]$fit,na.rm=TRUE)
      if (partial.resids) { 
        ul <- max(pd[[i]]$p.resid,na.rm=TRUE)
        if (ul > ylim[2]) ylim[2] <- ul
        ll <-  min(pd[[i]]$p.resid,na.rm=TRUE)
        if (ll < ylim[1]) ylim[1] <- ll
      } ## partial resids done
    } ## loop end 
  } ## end of common scale computation
  ## now plot smooths, by calling plot methods with plot data...

  if (m>0) for (i in 1:m) if (pd[[i]]$plot.me&&(is.null(select)||i==select)) {

  } ## end of smooth plotting loop
  ## Finally deal with any parametric term plotting...

  if (n.para>0) # plot parameteric terms
  { class(x) <- c("scam", "gam","glm","lm") # needed to get termplot to call model.frame.glm 
    if (is.null(select)) {
      attr(x,"para.only") <- TRUE
    } else { # figure out which plot is required
      if (select > m) { 
        ## can't figure out how to get this to work with more than first linear predictor
        ## as termplots relies on matching terms to names in original data... 
        select <- select - m # i.e. which parametric term
        term.labels <- attr(x$pterms,"term.labels")
        term.labels <- term.labels[order==1]
        if (select <= length(term.labels)) {
          # if (interactive() && m &&i%%ppp==0) 
  if (pages>0) par(oldpar)
} ## end plot.scam

## below is copied from plots.r of the package mgcv (c) Simon Wood 2000-2017...
## the routines are plot method functions for smooths of the mgcv, which are needed 
## if the scam model includes those ...

plot.random.effect <- function(x,P=NULL,data=NULL,label="",se1.mult=1,se2.mult=2,
                     shift=0,trans=I,by.resids=FALSE,scheme=0,...) {
## plot method for a "random.effect" smooth class
  if (is.null(P)) { ## get plotting information...
    if (!x$plot.me) return(NULL) else { ## shouldn't or can't plot 
      raw <- data[x$term][[1]]
      p <- x$last.para - x$first.para + 1
      X <- diag(p)   # prediction matrix for this term
      if (is.null(xlab)) xlabel<- "Gaussian quantiles" else xlabel <- xlab
      if (is.null(ylab)) ylabel <- "effects" else ylabel <- ylab
      if (!is.null(main)) label <- main

    } ## end of basic plot data production 
  } else { ## produce plot
  } ## end of plot production
} ## end of plot.random.effect

plot.mgcv.smooth <- function(x,P=NULL,data=NULL,label="",se1.mult=1,se2.mult=2,
                     shift=0,trans=I,by.resids=FALSE,scheme=0,...) {
## default plot method for smooth objects `x' inheriting from "mgcv.smooth"
## `x' is a smooth object, usually part of a `gam' fit. It has an attribute
##     'coefficients' containg the coefs for the smooth, but usually these
##     are not needed.
## `P' is a list of plot data. 
##     If `P' is NULL then the routine should compute some of this plot data
##     and return without plotting...  
##     * X the matrix mapping the smooth's coefficients to the values at
##         which the smooth must be computed for plotting.
##     * The values against which to plot.
##     * `exclude' indicates rows of X%*%p to set to NA for plotting -- NULL for none.
##     * se TRUE if plotting of the term can use standard error information.
##     * scale TRUE if the term should be considered by plot.gam if a common
##             y scale is required.
##     * any raw data information.
##     * axis labels and plot titles 
##     As an alternative, P may contain a 'fit' field directly, in which case the 
##     very little processing is done outside the routine, except for partial residual
##     computations.
##     Alternatively return P as NULL if x should not be plotted.
##     If P is not NULL it will contain 
##     * fit - the values for plotting 
##     * se.fit - standard errors of fit (can be NULL)
##     * the values against which to plot
##     * any raw data information
##     * any partial.residuals 
## `data' is a data frame containing the raw data for the smooth, usually the 
##        model.frame of the fitted gam. Can be NULL if P is not NULL.
## `label' is the term label, usually something like e.g. `s(x,12.34)'.

  sp.contour <- function(x,y,z,zse,xlab="",ylab="",zlab="",titleOnly=FALSE,
  ## function for contouring 2-d smooths with 1 s.e. limits
  { gap<-median(zse,na.rm=TRUE)  
    zr<-max(trans(z+zse+shift),na.rm=TRUE)-min(trans(z-zse+shift),na.rm=TRUE) # plotting range  
    while (n>1 && zr/n<2.5*gap) n<-n-1    
    zlev<-pretty(zrange,n)  ## ignore codetools on this one  
    args <- as.list(substitute(list(...)))[-1]
    args$x <- substitute(x);args$y <- substitute(y)

    cs<-(yr/10)/strheight(zlab);if (cs>1) cs<-1 # text scaling based on height  
    if (tl*cs>3*xr/10) cs<-(3*xr/10)/tl  
    args <- as.list(substitute(list(...)))[-1]
    n.args <- names(args)
    zz <- trans(z+shift) ## ignore codetools for this
    if (!"levels"%in%n.args) args$levels<-substitute(zlev)
    if (!"lwd"%in%n.args) args$lwd<-2
    if (!"labcex"%in%n.args) args$labcex<-cs*.65
    if (!"axes"%in%n.args) args$axes <- FALSE
    if (!"add"%in%n.args) args$add <- TRUE
    if (is.null(args$cex.main)) cm <- 1 else cm <- args$cex.main
    if (titleOnly)  title(zlab,cex.main=cm) else 
    { xpos<-xrange[1]+3*xr/10  
      xl<-c(xpos,xpos+xr/10); yl<-c(ypos,ypos)   
    if  (is.null(args$cex.axis)) cma <- 1 else cma <- args$cex.axis
    if  (is.null(args$cex.lab)) cma <- 1 else cma <- args$cex.lab  
    if (!"lwd"%in%n.args) args$lwd<-1
    if (!"lty"%in%n.args) args$lty<-2
    if (!"col"%in%n.args) args$col<-2
    if (!"labcex"%in%n.args) args$labcex<-cs*.5
    zz <- trans(z+zse+shift)


    if (!titleOnly) {

    if (!"lty"%in%n.args) args$lty<-3
    if (!"col"%in%n.args) args$col<-3
    zz <- trans(z - zse+shift)
    if (!titleOnly) {
  }  ## end of sp.contour

  if (is.null(P)) { ## get plotting information...
    if (!x$plot.me||x$dim>2) return(NULL) ## shouldn't or can't plot
    if (x$dim==1) { ## get basic plotting data for 1D terms 
      raw <- data[x$term][[1]]
      if (is.null(xlim)) xx <- seq(min(raw),max(raw),length=n) else # generate x sequence for prediction
      xx <- seq(xlim[1],xlim[2],length=n)
      if (x$by!="NA")         # deal with any by variables
      { by<-rep(1,n);dat<-data.frame(x=xx,by=by)
      } else { 
        dat<-data.frame(x=xx);names(dat) <- x$term
      } ## prediction data.frame finished
      X <- PredictMat(x,dat)   # prediction matrix for this term
      if (is.null(xlab)) xlabel<- x$term else xlabel <- xlab
      if (is.null(ylab)) ylabel <- label else ylabel <- ylab
      if (is.null(xlim)) xlim <- range(xx)
    } else { ## basic plot data for 2D terms
      xterm <- x$term[1]
      if (is.null(xlab)) xlabel <- xterm else xlabel <- xlab
      yterm <- x$term[2]
      if (is.null(ylab)) ylabel <- yterm else ylabel <- ylab
      raw <- data.frame(x=as.numeric(data[xterm][[1]]),
      n2 <- max(10,n2)
      if (is.null(xlim)) xm <- seq(min(raw$x),max(raw$x),length=n2) else 
        xm <- seq(xlim[1],xlim[2],length=n2)
      if (is.null(ylim)) ym <- seq(min(raw$y),max(raw$y),length=n2) else
        ym <- seq(ylim[1],ylim[2],length=n2)
      xx <- rep(xm,n2)
      yy <- rep(ym,rep(n2,n2))
      if (too.far>0)
      exclude <- exclude.too.far(xx,yy,raw$x,raw$y,dist=too.far) else
      exclude <- rep(FALSE,n2*n2)
      if (x$by!="NA")         # deal with any by variables
      { by <- rep(1,n2^2);dat <- data.frame(x=xx,y=yy,by=by)
        names(dat) <- c(xterm,yterm,x$by)
      } else { 
      }  ## prediction data.frame complete
      X <- PredictMat(x,dat)   ## prediction matrix for this term
      if (is.null(main)) { 
        main <- label
      if (is.null(ylim)) ylim <- range(ym) 
      if (is.null(xlim)) xlim <- range(xm) 
    } ## end of 2D basic plot data production 
  } else { ## produce plot
    if (se) { ## produce CI's
      if (x$dim==1) { 
        if (scheme == 1) shade <- TRUE
        ul <- P$fit + P$se ## upper CL
        ll <- P$fit - P$se ## lower CL
        if (scale==0&&is.null(ylim)) { ## get scale 
          if (partial.resids) { 
            max.r <- max(P$p.resid,na.rm=TRUE)
            if ( max.r> ylimit[2]) ylimit[2] <- max.r
            min.r <-  min(P$p.resid,na.rm=TRUE)
            if (min.r < ylimit[1]) ylimit[1] <- min.r
        if (!is.null(ylim)) ylimit <- ylim
        ## plot the smooth... 
        if (shade) { 
                    trans(c(ul,ll[n:1],ul[1])+shift),col = shade.col,border = NA)
        } else { ## ordinary plot 
          if (is.null(list(...)[["lty"]])) { 
          } else { 
        } ## ... smooth plotted
        if (partial.resids&&(by.resids||x$by=="NA")) { ## add any partial residuals
          if (length(P$raw)==length(P$p.resid)) {
            if (is.null(list(...)[["pch"]]))
            points(P$raw,trans(P$p.resid+shift),pch=".",...) else
          } else {
            warning("Partial residuals do not have a natural x-axis location for linear functional terms")
        } ## partial residuals finished 
        if (rug) { 
          if (jit) rug(jitter(as.numeric(P$raw)),...)
          else rug(as.numeric(P$raw),...)
	} ## rug plot done

      } else if (x$dim==2) { 
        P$fit[P$exclude] <- NA
        if (pers) scheme <- 1
        if (scheme == 1) { ## perspective plot 
        } else if (scheme==2) {
          if (rug) {  
            if (is.null(list(...)[["pch"]])) points(P$raw$x,P$raw$y,pch=".",...) else
        } else { ## contour plot with error contours
          if (rug) { 
            if (is.null(list(...)[["pch"]]))
            points(P$raw$x,P$raw$y,pch=".",...) else
        } ## counter plot done 
      } else { 
         warning("no automatic plotting for smooths of more than two variables")
    } else { ## no CI's
      if (x$dim==1) { 
        if (scale==0&&is.null(ylim)) { 
          if (partial.resids) ylimit <- range(P$p.resid,na.rm=TRUE) else ylimit <-range(P$fit)
        if (!is.null(ylim)) ylimit <- ylim
        if (rug) { 
          if (jit) rug(jitter(as.numeric(P$raw)),...)
          else rug(as.numeric(P$raw),...) 
        if (partial.resids&&(by.resids||x$by=="NA")) { 
          if (is.null(list(...)[["pch"]]))
          points(P$raw,trans(P$p.resid+shift),pch=".",...) else
      } else if (x$dim==2) { 
        P$fit[P$exclude] <- NA
        if (!is.null(main)) P$title <- main
        if (pers) scheme <- 1
        if (scheme==1) { 
        } else if (scheme==2) {
          if (rug) {  
            if (is.null(list(...)[["pch"]])) points(P$raw$x,P$raw$y,pch=".",...) else
        } else { 
          if (rug) {  
            if (is.null(list(...)[["pch"]])) points(P$raw$x,P$raw$y,pch=".",...) else
      } else { 
        warning("no automatic plotting for smooths of more than one variable")
    } ## end of no CI code
  } ## end of plot production

repole <- function(lo,la,lop,lap) {
## painfully plodding function to get new lo, la relative to pole at
## lap,lop...
  ## x,y,z location of pole...
  yp <- sin(lap)
  xp <- cos(lap)*sin(lop)
  zp <- cos(lap)*cos(lop)
  ## x,y,z location of meridian point for pole - i.e. point lat pi/2
  ## from pole on pole's lon.

  ym <- sin(lap-pi/2)
  xm <- cos(lap-pi/2)*sin(lop)
  zm <- cos(lap-pi/2)*cos(lop)

  ## x,y,z locations of points in la, lo

  y <- sin(la)
  x <- cos(la)*sin(lo)
  z <- cos(la)*cos(lo)

  ## get angle between points and new equatorial plane (i.e. plane orthogonal to pole)
  d <- sqrt((x-xp)^2+(y-yp)^2+(z-zp)^2) ## distance from points to to pole 
  phi <- pi/2-2*asin(d/2)

  ## location of images of la,lo on (new) equatorial plane
  ## sin(phi) gives distance to plane, -(xp, yp, zp) is 
  ## direction... 
  x <- x - xp*sin(phi)
  y <- y - yp*sin(phi)
  z <- z - zp*sin(phi)

  ## get distances to meridian point
  d <- sqrt((x-xm)^2+(y-ym)^2+(z-zm)^2)
  ## angles to meridian plane (i.e. plane containing origin, meridian point and pole)...
  theta <- (1+cos(phi)^2-d^2)/(2*cos(phi))
  theta[theta < -1] <- -1; theta[theta > 1] <- 1
  theta <- acos(theta)
  ## now decide which side of meridian plane...

  ## get points at extremes of hemispheres on either side
  ## of meridian plane.... 
  y1 <- 0
  x1 <- sin(lop+pi/2)
  z1 <- cos(lop+pi/2)

  y0 <- 0
  x0 <- sin(lop-pi/2)
  z0 <- cos(lop-pi/2)

  d1 <- sqrt((x-x1)^2+(y-y1)^2+(z-z1)^2)
  d0 <- sqrt((x-x0)^2+(y-y0)^2+(z-z0)^2)

  ii <- d0 < d1 ## index -ve lon hemisphere 
  theta[ii] <- -theta[ii]
} ## end of repole

lolaxy <- function(lo,la,theta,phi) {
## takes locations lo,la, relative to a pole at lo=theta, la=phi. 
## theta, phi are expressed relative to plotting co-ordinate system 
## with pole at top. Convert to x,y in plotting co-ordinates.
## all in radians!
  er <- repole(-lo,la,-pi,phi)
  er$lo <- er$lo - theta
  y <- sin(er$la)
  x <- cos(er$la)*sin(er$lo)
  z <- cos(er$la)*cos(er$lo)
  ind <- z<0
} ## end of lolaxy

plot.sos.smooth <- function(x,P=NULL,data=NULL,label="",se1.mult=2,se2.mult=1,
                     contour.col=4,...) {
## plot method function for sos.smooth terms
  if (scheme>1) return(plot.mgcv.smooth(x,P=P,data=data,label=label,se1.mult=se1.mult,se2.mult=se2.mult,
  ## convert location of pole in plotting grid to radians
  phi <- phi*pi/180
  theta <- theta*pi/180
  ## re-map to sensible values...
  theta <- theta%%(2*pi)
  if (theta>pi) theta <- theta - 2*pi
  phi <- phi%%(2*pi)
  if (phi > pi) phi <- phi - 2*pi
  if (phi > pi/2) phi <- pi - phi
  if (phi < -pi/2 ) phi <- -(phi+pi)  

  if (is.null(P)) { ## get plotting information...
    if (!x$plot.me) return(NULL) ## shouldn't or can't plot
    ## get basic plot data 
    raw <- data[x$term]
    if (rug) { ## need to project data onto plotting grid...
      raw <- lolaxy(lo=raw[[2]]*pi/180,la=raw[[1]]*pi/180,theta,phi)

    m <- round(n2*1.5)
    ym <- xm <- seq(-1,1,length=m)
    gr <- expand.grid(x=xm,y=ym)
    r <- z <- gr$x^2+gr$y^2
    z[z>1] <- NA
    z <- sqrt(1-z)

    ## generate la, lo in plotting grid co-ordinates...
    ind <- !is.na(z) 
    r <- r[ind]
    la <- asin(gr$y[ind])
    lo <- cos(la)
    lo <- asin(gr$x[ind]/lo)

    um <- repole(lo,la,theta,phi)
    dat <- data.frame(la=um$la*180/pi,lo=um$lo*180/pi)
    names(dat) <- x$term
    if (x$by!="NA") dat[[x$by]] <- la*0+1    

    X <- PredictMat(x,dat)   # prediction matrix for this term

    ## fix lo for smooth contouring
    lo <- dat[[2]]
    ii <- lo <= -177
    lo[ii] <- lo[ii] <- 360 + lo[ii]
    ii <- lo < -165 & lo > -177 
    ii <- ii | (abs(dat[[1]])>80) 
    lo[ii] <- NA

  } else { ## do plot
    op <- par(pty="s",mar=c(0,0,0,0))
    m <- length(P$xm); zz <- rep(NA,m*m)
    if (scheme == 0) {
      col <- 1# "lightgrey 
      zz[P$ind] <- trans(P$fit+shift)
      if (rug) { 
        if (is.null(list(...)[["pch"]])) points(P$raw$x,P$raw$y,pch=".",...) else
      zz[P$ind] <- P$la
      zz[P$ind] <- P$lo
      zz[P$ind] <- P$fit
    } else if (scheme == 1) {
      col <- 1 
      zz[P$ind] <- trans(P$fit+shift)
      if (rug) { 
        if (is.null(list(...)[["pch"]])) points(P$raw$x,P$raw$y,pch=".",...) else
      zz[P$ind] <- P$la
      zz[P$ind] <- P$lo
      theta <- seq(-pi/2,pi/2,length=200)
      x <- sin(theta);y <- cos(theta)
      x <- c(x,x[200:1]);y <- c(y,-y[200:1])
} ## end plot.sos.smooth

poly2 <- function(x,col) {
## let x be a 2 col matrix defining some polygons. 
## Different closed loop sections are separated by
## NA rows. This routine assumes that loops nested within 
## other loops are holes (further nesting gives and island 
## in hole, etc). Holes are left unfilled.
## The first polygon should not be a hole.
  ind <- (1:nrow(x))[is.na(rowSums(x))] ## where are the splits?
  if (length(ind)==0|| ind[1]==nrow(x)) polygon(x,col=col,border="black") else {
    base <- x[1,]
    xf <- x
    xf[ind,1] <- base[1]
    xf[ind,2] <- base[2]
    if (!is.na(col)) polygon(xf,col=col,border=NA,fillOddEven=TRUE)
} ## poly2

polys.plot <- function(pc,z=NULL,scheme="heat",lab="",...) { 
## pc is a list of polygons defining area boundaries
## pc[[i]] is the 2 col matrix of vertex co-ords for polygons defining 
## boundary of area i
## z gives the value associated with the area
  ## first find the axes ranges...

  for (i in 1:length(pc)) {
    yr <- range(pc[[i]][,2],na.rm=TRUE)
    xr <- range(pc[[i]][,1],na.rm=TRUE)

    if (i==1) {
      ylim <- yr
      xlim <- xr
    } else {
      if (yr[1]<ylim[1]) ylim[1] <- yr[1]
      if (yr[2]>ylim[2]) ylim[2] <- yr[2]
      if (xr[1]<xlim[1]) xlim[1] <- xr[1]
      if (xr[2]>xlim[2]) xlim[2] <- xr[2]
  } ## end of axes range loop

  mar <- par("mar");
  oldpar <- par(mar=c(2,mar[2],2,1)) 

  if (is.null(z)) { ## no z value, no shading, no scale, just outlines...
     for (i in 1:length(pc)) { 
  } else {
    nz <- names(z)
    npc <- names(pc)
    if (!is.null(nz)&&!is.null(npc)) { ## may have to re-order z into pc order.
      if (all.equal(sort(nz),sort(npc))!=TRUE) stop("names of z and pc must match")
      z <- z[npc]

    xmin <- xlim[1]
    xlim[1] <- xlim[1] - .1 * (xlim[2]-xlim[1]) ## allow space for scale

    n.col <- 100
    if (scheme=="heat") scheme <- heat.colors(n.col+1) else 
    scheme <- gray(0:n.col/n.col)
    zlim <- range(pretty(z))

    ## Now want a grey or color scale up the lhs of plot
    ## first scale the y range into the z range for plotting 

    for (i in 1:length(pc)) pc[[i]][,2] <- zlim[1] + 
    ylim <- zlim
    for (i in 1:length(pc)) {
      coli <- round((z[i] - zlim[1])/(zlim[2]-zlim[1])*n.col)+1    
    ## now plot the scale bar...

    xmin <- min(c(axTicks(1),xlim[1]))
    dx <- (xlim[2]-xlim[1])*.05
    x0 <- xmin-2*dx
    x1 <- xmin+dx

    dy <- (ylim[2]-ylim[1])/n.col 
    poly <- matrix(c(x0,x0,x1,x1,ylim[1],ylim[1]+dy,ylim[1]+dy,ylim[1]),4,2)
    for (i in 1:n.col) {
      poly[,2] <- poly[,2] + dy
    poly <- matrix(c(x0,x0,x1,x1,ylim[1],ylim[2],ylim[2],ylim[1]),4,2)
} ## polys.plot

plot.mrf.smooth <- function(x,P=NULL,data=NULL,label="",se1.mult=2,se2.mult=1,
                     shift=0,trans=I,by.resids=FALSE,scheme=0,...) {
## plot method function for mrf.smooth terms, depends heavily on polys.plot, above
  if (is.null(P)) { ## get plotting information...
    if (!x$plot.me||is.null(x$xt$polys)) return(NULL) ## shouldn't or can't plot
    ## get basic plot data 
    raw <- data[x$term][[1]]
    dat <- data.frame(x=factor(names(x$xt$polys),levels=levels(x$knots)))
    names(dat) <- x$term
    x$by <- "NA"
    X <- PredictMat(x,dat)   # prediction matrix for this term
    if (is.null(xlab)) xlabel<- "" else xlabel <- xlab
    if (is.null(ylab)) ylabel <- "" else ylabel <- ylab
    } else { ## do plot
      if (scheme==0) scheme <- "heat" else scheme <- "grey"

} ## end plot.mrf.smooth

plot.fs.interaction <- function(x,P=NULL,data=NULL,label="",se1.mult=2,se2.mult=1,
                     shift=0,trans=I,by.resids=FALSE,scheme=0,...) {
## plot method for simple smooth factor interactions...
  if (is.null(P)) { ## get plotting info
    if (x$dim!=1) return(NULL) ## no method for base smooth dim > 1
    raw <- data[x$base$term][[1]]
    xx <- seq(min(raw),max(raw),length=n) # generate x sequence for prediction
    nf <- length(x$flev)
    fac <- rep(x$flev,rep(n,nf))
    dat <- data.frame(fac,xx,stringsAsFactors=TRUE)
    names(dat) <- c(x$fterm,x$base$term)  
    if (x$by!="NA") {        # deal with any by variables
      dat[[x$by]] <- rep(1,n)
    X <- PredictMat(x,dat)
    if (is.null(xlab)) xlabel <- x$base$term else xlabel <- xlab
    if (is.null(ylab)) ylabel <- label else ylabel <- ylab
  } else { ## produce the plot
    ind <- 1:P$n
    if(is.null(ylim)) ylim <- trans(range(P$fit)+shift) 
    if (P$nf>1) for (i in 2:P$nf) {
      ind <- ind + P$n
      if (scheme==0) lines(P$x,trans(P$fit[ind]+shift),lty=i,col=i) else 
} ## end plot.fs.interaction

md.plot <- function(f,nr,nc,m,vname,lo,hi,hcolors,scheme,main,...) {
## multi-dimensional term plotter, called from plot.mgcv.smooth for
## 3 and 4 dimensional terms. 
## *f is the plot data. See `basic plot data for 3 or 4 d terms'
##   in plot.mgcv.smooth for details of the packing conventions
##   (f = X %*% coefs).
## *nr and nc the number of rows and columns of plot panels
## *m each panel is m by m
## *vname contains the variable names
## *lo and hi are the arrays of axis limits
## *hcolors is the color palette for the image plot.
## *scheme indicates b/w or color
## *main is a title.
  concol <- if (scheme==1) "white" else "black" 
  nv <- length(vname) 
  ## insert NA breaks to separate the panels within a plot...
  f1 <- matrix(NA,nr*m+nr-1,nc*m)
  ii <- rep(1:m,nr) + rep(0:(nr-1)*(m+1),each=m)
  f1[ii,] <- f
  f <- matrix(NA,nr*m+nr-1,nc*m+nc-1)
  ii <- rep(1:m,nc) + rep(0:(nc-1)*(m+1),each=m)
  f[,ii] <- f1
  xx <- seq(0,1,length=ncol(f))
  yy <- seq(0,1,length=nrow(f))
  dl <- list(...)
  c1 <- if (is.null(dl[["cex"]])) 1 else dl[["cex"]] 
  c2 <- if (is.null(dl[["cex.axis"]])) .6 else dl[["cex.axis"]]
  c3 <- if (is.null(dl[["cex.lab"]])) .9 else dl[["cex.lab"]]
  if (nv==4) { 
    x3 <- seq(lo[3],hi[3],length=nr)
    x4 <- seq(lo[4],hi[4],length=nc)
    mtext(vname[4],1,1.7,cex=c1*c3) ## x label
    mtext(vname[3],2,1.7,cex=c1*c3) ## y label
    lab <- format(x4,digits=2)
    for (i in 1:nc) mtext(lab[i],1,at=at[i],line=.5,cex=c1*c3)
    lab <- format(x4,digits=2)
    for (i in 1:nr) mtext(lab[i],2,at=at[i],line=.5,cex=c1*c3)
    ## now the 2d panel axes...
    xr <- axisTicks(c(lo[2],hi[2]),log=FALSE,nint=4)
    x0 <- ((nc-1)*(m+1)+1)/(nc*m+nc-1)
    xt <- (xr-lo[2])/(hi[2]-lo[2])*(1-x0)+x0
    xr <- axisTicks(c(lo[1],hi[1]),log=FALSE,nint=4)
    x0 <- ((nr-1)*(m+1)+1)/(nr*m+nr-1)
    xt <- (xr-lo[1])/(hi[1]-lo[1])*(1-x0)+x0
    at <- (2*nc-3)/(2*nc) 
    at <- (2*nr-3)/(2*nr) 
  } else {
    x3 <- seq(lo[3],hi[3],length=nr*nc)
    ## get pretty ticks
    xr <- axisTicks(c(lo[2],hi[2]),log=FALSE,nint=4)
    x0 <- (m-1)/(nc*m+nc-1)
    xt <- (xr-lo[2])/(hi[2]-lo[2])*x0
    xr <- axisTicks(c(lo[1],hi[1]),log=FALSE,nint=4)
    x0 <- (m-1)/(nr*m+nr-1)
    xt <- (xr-lo[1])/(hi[1]-lo[1])*x0
    lab <- c("",format(x3[-1],digits=2))
    for (i in 2:nc) mtext(lab[i],1,at=at[i],line=.5,cex=c1*c3)
    mtext(parse(text=paste(vname[3],"%->% \" \"")),1,at=mean(at[2:nc]),line=2,cex=c1*c3)
    ii <- ((nr-1)*nr+1):(nc*nr)
    for (i in 1:nc) mtext(lab[ii[i]],3,at=at[i],line=.5,cex=c1*c3)
    mtext(parse(text=paste(vname[3],"%->% \" \"")),3,at=mean(at),line=2,cex=c1*c3)
} ## md.plot

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