
Defines functions outcomeGet matRegularize aggregateUnits trendRemove detectConstant ci2df mat2list local.geom.2step regularize.check.lb regularize.check denomCheck regularize.w local.geom u.sigma.est df.EST predict sqrtm epskappaGet simultaneousPredGet scpi.out insampleUncertaintyGet DUflexGet e.des.prep u.des.prep V.prep b.est.multi b.est shrinkage.EST w.constr.OBJ ECOS_get_h ECOS_get_G ECOS_get_b ECOS_get_A ECOS_get_c ECOS_get_dims ECOS_get_n_slacks blockdiagRidge blockdiag

blockdiag <- function(I, Jtot, J, KMI, ns, slack = FALSE) {
  mat <- matrix(0, nrow = I, ncol = Jtot + KMI + ns)
  j.lb <- 1
  j.ub <- J[[1]]

  if (slack == TRUE) {
    j.lb <- j.lb + Jtot + KMI
    j.ub <- j.ub + Jtot + KMI

  for (i in seq_len(I)) {
    if (i > 1) {
      j.lb <- j.ub + 1
      j.ub <- j.lb + J[[i]] - 1

    mat[i, j.lb:j.ub] <- 1


blockdiagRidge <- function(Jtot, J, KMI, I) {

  mat <- matrix(0, Jtot + 2 * I, Jtot + KMI + I + 1)

  i.lb <- 1 + 2
  i.ub <- J[[1]] + 2
  j.lb <- 1
  j.ub <- J[[1]]

  for (i in seq_len(I)) {
    if (i > 1) {
      j.lb <- j.ub + 1
      j.ub <- j.lb + J[[i]] - 1
      i.lb <- i.ub + 1 + 2
      i.ub <- i.lb + J[[i]] - 1

    mat[(i.lb - 2):(i.lb - 1), Jtot + KMI + i] <- c(-1, 1)
    mat[i.lb:i.ub, j.lb:j.ub] <- -diag(2, i.ub - i.lb + 1, j.ub - j.lb + 1)


ECOS_get_n_slacks <- function(w.constr, Jtot, I) {

  n_slacks <- 1

  # in lasso we add one slack per component of w to handle the abs value
  if (w.constr[["p"]] == "L1" && w.constr[["dir"]] == "<=") { # lasso
    n_slacks <- Jtot + n_slacks

  # in ridge we have two hyperbolic constraints (norm and loss function)
  if (w.constr[["p"]] == "L2" && w.constr[["dir"]] == "<=") { # ridge
    n_slacks <- I + n_slacks

  # L1-L2 combines ridge and simplex slack variables
  if (w.constr[["p"]] == "L1-L2") { # L1-L2
    n_slacks <- I + n_slacks


ECOS_get_dims <- function(Jtot, J, KMI, w.constr, I, red) {

  if (w.constr[["p"]] == "L1" && w.constr[["dir"]] == "==") { # simplex
    dims <- list("l" = Jtot + 1, "q" = list(Jtot + KMI + 2 - red), "e" = 0)

  } else if (w.constr[["p"]] == "L1" && w.constr[["dir"]] == "<=") { # lasso
    dims <- list("l" = 1 + 2 * Jtot + I, "q" = list(Jtot + KMI + 2 - red), "e" = 0)

  } else if (w.constr[["p"]] == "L2" && w.constr[["dir"]] == "<=") { # ridge
    dims <- list("l" = 1 + I, "q" = append(lapply(J, function(i) i + 2), Jtot + KMI + 2 - red), "e" = 0)

  } else if (w.constr[["p"]] == "L1-L2") { # L1-L2
    dims <- list("l" = 1 + I + Jtot, "q" = append(lapply(J, function(i) i + 2), Jtot + KMI + 2 - red), "e" = 0)

  } else if (w.constr[["p"]] == "no norm") { # ols
    dims <- list("l" = 1, "q" = list(Jtot + KMI + 2 - red), "e" = 0)



ECOS_get_c <- function(xt, ns) {
  C <- c(xt, rep(0, ns))

ECOS_get_A <- function(J, Jtot, KMI, I, w.constr, ns) {

  if ((w.constr[["p"]] == "L1" && w.constr[["dir"]] == "==") || w.constr[["p"]] == "L1-L2") { # simplex, L1-L2

    A <- blockdiag(I, Jtot, J, KMI, ns)

  } else  { # ols, lasso, ridge

    A <- matrix(NA, 0, 0)


  return(methods::as(A, "sparseMatrix"))

ECOS_get_b <- function(Q1, Q2, w.constr) {

  if ((w.constr[["p"]] == "L1" && w.constr[["dir"]] == "==") || w.constr[["p"]] == "L1-L2") { # simplex, L1-L2
    b <- Q1

  } else { # ols, lasso, ridge
    b <- NULL


ECOS_get_G <- function(Jtot, KMI, J, I, a, Q, w.constr, ns, red, scale) {

  if (w.constr[["p"]] == "L1" && w.constr[["dir"]] == "==") { # simplex

    G <- rbind(c(a, scale),                                                              # linear part of QF
               cbind(-diag(1,Jtot), matrix(0, Jtot, KMI), matrix(0, Jtot, ns)),          # lower bounds on w
               c(rep(0, Jtot+KMI), -1),                                                  # SOC definition (||sqrt(Q)beta|| <= t)
               c(rep(0, Jtot+KMI), 1),
               cbind(-2*Q, rep(0, Jtot+KMI-red)))

  } else if (w.constr[["p"]] == "L1" && w.constr[["dir"]] == "<=") { # lasso, x = (beta, z, t)

    G <- rbind(c(a, rep(0, ns - 1), scale),                                              # linear part of QF
               cbind(diag(1, Jtot), matrix(0, Jtot, KMI), diag(1, Jtot), rep(0, Jtot)),  # z \geq -w
               cbind(-diag(1, Jtot), matrix(0, Jtot, KMI), diag(1, Jtot), rep(0, Jtot)), # z \geq w
               -blockdiag(I, Jtot, J, KMI, ns, TRUE),                                    # norm-inequality constraint
               c(rep(0, Jtot+KMI+Jtot), -1),                                             # SOC definition (||sqrt(Q)beta|| <= t)
               c(rep(0, Jtot+KMI+Jtot), 1),
               cbind(-2 * Q, matrix(0, Jtot + KMI - red, Jtot + 1)))

  } else if (w.constr[["p"]] == "L2" && w.constr[["dir"]] == "<=") { # ridge, x = (beta, s, t)

    G <- rbind(c(a, rep(0, I), scale),                                                   # linear part of QF
               cbind(matrix(0, I, Jtot + KMI), diag(1, I, I), rep(0, I)),                # s \leq Q1^2
               blockdiagRidge(Jtot, J, KMI, I),                                          # SOC definition (||w|| <= s)
               c(rep(0, Jtot + KMI), rep(0, I), -1),                                     # SOC definition (||sqrt(Q)beta|| <= t)
               c(rep(0, Jtot + KMI), rep(0, I), 1),
               cbind(-2 * Q, matrix(0, Jtot + KMI - red, I + 1)))

  } else if (w.constr[["p"]] == "L1-L2") { # L1-L2, x = (beta, s, t)

    G <- rbind(c(a, rep(0, ns-1), scale),                                                # linear part of QF
               cbind(-diag(1,Jtot), matrix(0, Jtot, KMI), matrix(0, Jtot, ns)),          # lower bounds on w
               cbind(matrix(0, I, Jtot+KMI), diag(1, I, I), rep(0, I)),                  # s \leq Q2^2
               blockdiagRidge(Jtot, J, KMI, I),                                          # SOC definition (||w||_2 <= s)
               c(rep(0, Jtot+KMI), rep(0, I), -1),                                       # SOC definition (||sqrt(Q)beta||_2 <= t)
               c(rep(0, Jtot+KMI), rep(0, I), 1),
               cbind(-2*Q, matrix(0, Jtot + KMI - red, I + 1)))

  } else if (w.constr[["p"]] == "no norm") { # ols

    G <- rbind(c(a, scale),                                                              # linear part of QF
               c(rep(0, Jtot+KMI), -1),                                                  # SOC definition (||sqrt(Q)beta|| <= t)
               c(rep(0, Jtot+KMI), 1),
               cbind(-2 * Q, rep(0, Jtot + KMI - red)))


  return(methods::as(G, "sparseMatrix"))

ECOS_get_h <- function(d, lb, J, Jtot, KMI, I, w.constr, Q1, Q2, red) {

  if (w.constr[["p"]] == "L1" && w.constr[["dir"]] == "==") { # simplex

    h <- c(-d,                         # linear part of QF
           -lb,                        # lower bounds of w
           1, 1, rep(0,Jtot+KMI-red))  # SOC definition

  } else if (w.constr[["p"]] == "L1" && w.constr[["dir"]] == "<=") { # lasso

    h <- c(-d,                         # linear part of QF 
           rep(0, 2*Jtot),             # abs(w) <= z
           Q1,                         # norm-inequality constraints
           1, 1, rep(0,Jtot+KMI-red))  # SOC definition

  } else if (w.constr[["p"]] == "L2" && w.constr[["dir"]] == "<=") { # ridge

    aux <- unlist(lapply(1:I, function(x) c(1,1,rep(0,J[[x]]))))

    h <- c(-d,                         # linear part of QF
           Q1^2,                       # s <= Q1^2
           aux,                        # SOC definition (||w|| <= s)
           1, 1, rep(0,Jtot+KMI-red))  # SOC definition (||sqrt(Q)beta|| <= t)

  } else if (w.constr[["p"]] == "L1-L2") { # L1-L2

    aux <- unlist(lapply(1:I, function(x) c(1, 1, rep(0, J[[x]]))))

    h <- c(-d,                         # linear part of QF
           -lb,                        # lower bounds of w
           Q2^2,                       # s <= Q2^2
           aux,                        # SOC definition (||w||_2 <= s)
           1, 1, rep(0,Jtot+KMI-red))  # SOC definition (||sqrt(Q)beta|| <= t)

  } else if (w.constr[["p"]] == "no norm") { # ols

    h <- c(-d,                         # linear part of QF
           1, 1, rep(0,Jtot+KMI-red))  # SOC definition



# Auxiliary function that creates the constraints to be passed to the optimization problem
w.constr.OBJ <- function(w.constr, A, Z, V, J, KM, M) {
  # Default method to estimate weights as in Abadie et al. (2010)
  if (is.null(w.constr)) {
    w.constr <- list(lb   = 0,
                     p    = "L1",
                     dir  = "==",
                     Q    = 1,
                     name = "simplex")

  } else if (w.constr[["name"]] == "simplex") {

    if (!"Q" %in% names(w.constr)) {
      Q <- 1
    } else {
      Q <- w.constr[["Q"]]

    w.constr <- list(lb   = 0,
                     p    = "L1",
                     dir  = "==",
                     Q    = Q,
                     name = 'simplex')

  } else if (w.constr[["name"]] == "ols") {
    w.constr <- list(lb   = -Inf,
                     dir  = "NULL",
                     p    = "no norm",
                     name = 'ols')

  } else if (w.constr[["name"]] == "lasso") {

    if (!"Q" %in% names(w.constr)) {
      w.constr[["Q"]] <- shrinkage.EST("lasso", A, as.matrix(Z), V, J, KM)$Q

    w.constr <- list(lb   = -Inf,
                     p    = "L1",
                     dir  = "<=",
                     Q    = w.constr[["Q"]],
                     name = 'lasso')

  } else if (w.constr[["name"]] == "ridge") {
    if (!("Q" %in% names(w.constr))) {

      feature.id <- unlist(purrr::map(stringr::str_split(rownames(Z), "\\."), 2))

      Qfeat <- c()
      for (feat in unique(feature.id)) {
        Af <- A[feature.id == feat, , drop=FALSE]
        Zf <- Z[feature.id == feat, , drop=FALSE]
        Vf <- V[feature.id == feat, feature.id == feat, drop=FALSE]
        if (nrow(Af) >= 5) {
          QQ <- tryCatch({
                            aux <- shrinkage.EST("ridge", Af, as.matrix(Zf), Vf, J, KM)
                            Q <- aux$Q
                          }, warning=function(warn) {},
                             error=function(err) {}, finally={})
          Qfeat <- c(Qfeat, QQ)
      if (is.null(Qfeat)) Qfeat <- shrinkage.EST("ridge", A, as.matrix(Z), V, J, KM)$Q
      w.constr[["Q"]]      <- max(min(Qfeat, na.rm = TRUE), .5)
      w.constr[["lambda"]] <- aux$lambda

    w.constr <- list(lb     = -Inf,
                     p      = "L2",
                     dir    = "<=",
                     Q      = w.constr[["Q"]],
                     name   = "ridge",
                     lambda = w.constr[["lambda"]])

  } else if (w.constr[["name"]] == "L1-L2") {

    if (!("Q2" %in% names(w.constr))) {

      feature.id <- unlist(purrr::map(stringr::str_split(rownames(Z), "\\."), 2))
      Qfeat <- c()
      for (feat in unique(feature.id)) {
        Af <- A[feature.id == feat, , drop = FALSE]
        Zf <- Z[feature.id == feat, , drop = FALSE]
        Vf <- V[feature.id == feat, feature.id == feat, drop = FALSE]

        if (nrow(Af) >= 5) {
          QQ <- tryCatch({
            aux <- shrinkage.EST("ridge", Af, as.matrix(Zf), Vf, J, KM)
            Q2 <- aux$Q
          }, warning=function(warn) {},
          error=function(err) {}, finally={})
          Qfeat <- c(Qfeat, QQ)

      if (is.null(Qfeat)) Qfeat <- shrinkage.EST("ridge", A, as.matrix(Z), V, J, KM)$Q
      w.constr[["Q2"]]      <-  max(min(Qfeat, na.rm = TRUE), .5)
      w.constr[["lambda"]] <- aux$lambda

    w.constr <- list(lb     = 0,
                     p      = "L1-L2",
                     dir    = "==/<=",
                     Q      = 1,
                     Q2     = w.constr[["Q2"]],
                     name   = "L1-L2",
                     lambda = w.constr[["lambda"]])

  } else {

    # if constraint is entirely user specified just check everything is fine
    if (!(all(c('p', 'dir', 'Q', 'lb') %in% names(w.constr)))) {
      stop("If 'name' is not specified, w.constr should be a list whose elements 
            must be named 'p','dir','Q','lb'.")

    if (!(w.constr[["p"]] %in% c("no norm", "L1", "L2", "L1-L2"))) {
      stop("Specify either p = 'no norm' (no constraint on the norm of weights),
          p = 'L1' (L1-norm), p = 'L2' (L2-norm)")
    } else if (w.constr[["p"]] == "no norm") {
      w.constr[["dir"]] <- "NULL"

    if (!(w.constr[["dir"]] %in% c("<=", "==", "==/<=", "NULL"))) {
      stop("Specify either dir = '<=' (inequality constraint on the norm of the weights)
            or dir = '==' (equality constraint on the norm of the weights) or dir = 'NULL'
            in case you don't want to specify a constraint on the norm of the weights.")

    if (!(w.constr[["lb"]] == 0 || w.constr[["lb"]] == -Inf)) {
      stop("Specify either lb = 0 or lb = -Inf.")

    w.constr[["lb"]]   <- w.constr[["lb"]]
    w.constr[["name"]] <- "user provided"

shrinkage.EST <- function(method, A, Z, V, J, KM) {

  lambd <- NULL
  if (method == "lasso") Q <- 1

  if (method == "ridge") {
    wls     <- lm(A ~ Z - 1, weights = diag(V))
    sig.wls <- sigma(wls)
    lambd   <- sig.wls^2 * (J + KM) / sum(wls$coef^2, na.rm = TRUE)           # rule of thumb for lambda (Hoerl et al, 1975)
    Q       <- sqrt(sum(wls$coef^2, na.rm = TRUE)) / (1 + lambd)              # convert lambda into Q

    # reduce dimensionality of the problem if more params than obs
    if (is.nan(Q) || (nrow(Z) <= ncol(Z) + 10)) {
      lasso.cols <- b.est(A = A, Z = Z, J = J, KM = KM, V = V, CVXR.solver = "OSQP",
                          w.constr = list(name = "lasso", dir = "<=", lb = 0, p = "L1", Q = 1))
      active.cols <- abs(lasso.cols) > 1e-8
      if (sum(active.cols) >= (max(nrow(A) - 10, 2)) ) {
        active.cols <-  rank(-abs(lasso.cols)) <= max(nrow(A) - 10, 2)
      Z.sel <- Z[, active.cols, drop = FALSE]
      wls     <- lm(A ~ Z.sel - 1, weights = diag(V))
      sig.wls <- sigma(wls)
      lambd   <- sig.wls^2 * (ncol(Z.sel) + KM) / sum(wls$coef^2, na.rm = TRUE)     # rule of thumb for lambda (Hoerl et al, 1975)
      Q       <- sqrt(sum(wls$coef^2, na.rm = TRUE)) / (1 + lambd)                  # convert lambda into Q

  return(list(Q = Q, lambda = lambd))

# Auxiliary function that solves the (un)constrained problem to estimate b
# depending on the desired method
b.est <- function(A, Z, J, KM, w.constr, V, CVXR.solver = "ECOS") {

  dire <- w.constr[["dir"]]
  lb   <- w.constr[["lb"]]
  p    <- w.constr[["p"]]
  QQ   <- w.constr[["Q"]]

  if (p == "L1-L2") {
    Q2 <- w.constr[["Q2"]]
  } else {
    Q2 <- NULL

  x <- CVXR::Variable(J + KM)
  objective <- CVXR::Minimize(CVXR::quad_form(A - Z %*% x, V))

  if (p == "no norm") { # least squares
    constraints <- list()

  } else if (p == "L1") {
    if (dire == "==") { # simplex
      constraints <- list(CVXR::sum_entries(x[1:J]) == QQ, x[1:J] >= lb)
    } else if (dire == "<=") { # lasso
      #constraints <- list(CVXR::norm1(x[1:J]) <= QQ, x[1:J] >= lb)
      constraints <- list(CVXR::norm1(x[1:J]) <= QQ)

  } else if (p == "L2") { # ridge
    if (dire == "==") {
      constraints <- list(CVXR::sum_squares(x[1:J]) == CVXR::power(QQ, 2))
    } else if (dire == "<=") {
      constraints <- list(CVXR::sum_squares(x[1:J]) <= CVXR::power(QQ, 2))

  } else if (p == "L1-L2") {
    constraints <- list(CVXR::sum_entries(x[1:J]) == QQ,
                        CVXR::power(CVXR::cvxr_norm(x[1:J], 2), 2) <= CVXR::power(Q2, 2),
                        x[1:J] >= lb)

  # num_iter required in large lasso/L1-L2/ridge problems is often >10k, which is the default in OSQP/ECOS
  prob        <- CVXR::Problem(objective, constraints)
  sol         <- CVXR::solve(prob, solver = CVXR.solver, num_iter = 100000L, verbose = FALSE)

  b <- sol$getValue(x)
  alert <- !(sol$status %in% c("optimal", "optimal_inaccurate"))

  if (alert == TRUE) {
    stop(paste0("Estimation algorithm not converged! The algorithm returned the value:",
                sol$status, ". To check to what errors it corresponds go to 
               'https://cvxr.rbind.io/cvxr_examples/cvxr_gentle-intro/'. Typically, this occurs
                because the problem is badly-scaled. If so, scaling the data fixes the issue. Another
                fix could be changing the algorithm via the option 'solver'. Check your available options
                using CVXR::installed_solvers() and consult 
         call. = FALSE)

  b <- b[, 1, drop = TRUE]
  names(b) <- colnames(Z)


# Auxiliary function that solves the (un)constrained problem to estimate b
# depending on the desired method - Multiple treated units case
b.est.multi <- function(A, Z, J, KMI, I, w.constr, V, CVXR.solver="ECOS") {

  # The constraint is symmetric in the shape across treated units (J, KM, Q might change)
  dire  <- w.constr[[1]]$dir
  lb    <- w.constr[[1]]$lb
  p     <- w.constr[[1]]$p
  QQ    <- unlist(lapply(w.constr, function(x) x$Q))

  if (p == "L1-L2") {
    Q2 <- unlist(lapply(w.constr, function(x) x$Q2))

  Jtot <- sum(unlist(J))

  x <- CVXR::Variable(Jtot + KMI)

  objective   <- CVXR::Minimize(CVXR::quad_form(A - Z %*% x, V))

  if (lb != -Inf) {
    constraints <- list(x[1:Jtot] >= lb)
  } else {
    constraints <- list()

  j.lb <- 1
  for (i in seq_len(I)) {
    j.ub <- j.lb + J[[i]] - 1

    if (p == "L1") {
      if (dire == "==") { # simplex
        constraints <- append(constraints, list(CVXR::sum_entries(x[j.lb:j.ub]) == QQ[i]))
      } else if (dire == "<=") { # lasso
        constraints <- append(constraints, list(CVXR::norm1(x[j.lb:j.ub]) <= QQ[i]))

    } else if (p == "L2") { # ridge
        constraints <- append(constraints, list(CVXR::sum_squares(x[j.lb:j.ub]) <= QQ[i]^2))

    } else if (p == "L1-L2") {
      constraints <- append(constraints, list(CVXR::sum_entries(x[j.lb:j.ub]) == QQ[i],
                          CVXR::power(CVXR::cvxr_norm(x[j.lb:j.ub], 2), 2) <= CVXR::power(Q2[i], 2)))

    j.lb <- j.ub + 1

  prob        <- CVXR::Problem(objective, constraints)
  sol         <- CVXR::solve(prob, solver=CVXR.solver, num_iter=100000L, verbose=FALSE)

  b <- sol$getValue(x)
  alert <- !(sol$status %in% c("optimal", "optimal_inaccurate"))
  if (alert == TRUE) {
    stop(paste0("Estimation algorithm not converged! The algorithm returned the value:",
                sol$status, ". To check to what errors it corresponds go to 
               'https://cvxr.rbind.io/cvxr_examples/cvxr_gentle-intro/'. Typically, this occurs
                because the problem is badly-scaled. If so, scaling the data fixes the issue. Another
                fix could be changing the algorithm via the option 'solver'. Check your available options
                using CVXR::installed_solvers() and consult 
         call. = FALSE)

  rownames(b)  <- colnames(Z)


V.prep <- function(type, B, T0.features, I) {
  if (type == "separate") { # Default (separate fit)
    V <- diag(dim(B)[1])

  } else if (type == "pooled") {

    dim.V <- unlist(lapply(T0.features, function(x) sum(unlist(x))))
    max.dim <- max(dim.V)
    ones <- matrix(1, nrow = I, ncol = 1)
    eye <- diag(1, nrow = max.dim, ncol = max.dim)
    V <- kronecker(ones %*% t(ones), eye) # structure if T0*M was balanced across treated unit

    sel <- matrix(TRUE, nrow = nrow(V), ncol = ncol(V))
    for (i in seq_len(I)) { # trim V according to length of pre-treatment period
      if (dim.V[i] < max.dim) {
        shift <- (i - 1) * max.dim
        sel[(shift + dim.V[i] + 1) : (shift + max.dim), ] <- FALSE
        sel[, (shift + dim.V[i] + 1) : (shift + max.dim)] <- FALSE
    row.trim <- rowSums(sel) != 0
    col.trim <- colSums(sel) != 0

    V <- V[row.trim, col.trim] / I^2

  rownames(V) <- rownames(B)
  colnames(V) <- rownames(B)


u.des.prep <- function(B, C, u.order, u.lags, coig.data, T0.tot, constant,
                       index, index.w, features, feature.id, u.design, res, verbose) {

  ## Construct the polynomial terms in B
  if (u.order == 0) {                # Simple mean

    u.des.0 <- as.matrix(rep(1, T0.tot))

  } else if (u.order > 0) {         # Include covariates (u.order = 1 just covariates)

    if (coig.data == TRUE) {        # Take first differences of B and active covariates

      B.diff   <- NULL

      # Create first differences feature-by-feature of the matrix B (not of C!!)
      for (feature in features) {
        BB       <- B[feature.id == feature, ]
        B.diff   <- rbind(B.diff, BB - dplyr::lag(BB))
      u.des.0 <- cbind(B.diff, C)[, index, drop = FALSE]    # combine with C

    } else if (coig.data == FALSE) {

      u.des.0 <- cbind(B, C)[, index, drop = FALSE]  # take active covariates


    # Augment H with powers and interactions of B (not of C!!!)
    if (u.order > 1) {
      name.tr <- lapply(strsplit(rownames(u.des.0), "\\."), "[[", 1)[[1]]
      act.B <- sum(index.w)
      u.des.poly <- poly(u.des.0[, (1:act.B), drop = FALSE], degree = u.order, raw = TRUE, simple = TRUE)
      colnames(u.des.poly) <- paste(name.tr, colnames(u.des.poly), sep = ".")
      u.des.0 <- cbind(u.des.poly,
                       u.des.0[, -(1:act.B), drop = FALSE])


    # Include the constant if a global constant is not present
    # In case a constant is already specified lm.fit and qfit will automatically remove
    # the collinear covariates!!
    if (constant == FALSE) {
      u.des.0 <- cbind(u.des.0, rep(1, nrow(u.des.0)))
      name.tr <- lapply(strsplit(rownames(u.des.0), "\\."), "[[", 1)[[1]]
      colnames(u.des.0) <- c(colnames(u.des.0[, -ncol(u.des.0), drop = FALSE]),
                             paste0(name.tr, ".0.constant"))

  ## Construct lags of B
  if (u.lags > 0) {

    B.lag <- NULL
    if (coig.data == TRUE) {
      # Take first differences of B
      B.diff   <- NULL

      # Create first differences feature-by-feature of the matrix B (not of C!!)
      for (feature in features) {
        BB       <- B[feature.id == feature, ]
        B.diff   <- rbind(B.diff, BB - dplyr::lag(BB))

    for (ll in seq_len(u.lags)) {
      B.l <- NULL
      for (feature in features) {
        if (coig.data == FALSE) {
          B.l <- rbind(B.l, dplyr::lag(B[feature.id == feature, , drop = FALSE], n = ll))
        } else {
          B.l <- rbind(B.l, dplyr::lag(B.diff[feature.id == feature, , drop = FALSE], n = ll))
      B.lag <- cbind(B.lag, B.l)
    name.tr <- lapply(strsplit(rownames(u.des.0), "\\."), "[[", 1)[[1]]
    colnames(B.lag) <- rep(paste0(name.tr, ".lag"), ncol(B.lag))
    u.des.0 <- cbind(u.des.0, B.lag[, index.w, drop = FALSE])

  # If user provided check compatibility of the matrix and overwrite what has been created
  if (is.null(u.design) == FALSE) {
    if (is.matrix(u.design) == FALSE) {
      stop("The object u.design should be a matrix!!")

    if (nrow(u.design) != nrow(res)) {
      stop(paste("The matrix u.design has", nrow(u.design), "rows when", nrow(res),
                 "where expected!"))
    u.des.0 <- u.design

  return(list(u.des.0 = u.des.0))

e.des.prep <- function(B, C, P, e.order, e.lags, res, sc.pred, Y.donors, out.feat, features,
                       J, index, index.w, coig.data, T0, T1, constant, e.design, P.diff.pre,
                       effect, I, class.type) {

  aux <- trendRemove(P)
  C <- trendRemove(C)$mat
  index <- index[aux$sel]
  P <- aux$mat

  if (!is.null(P.diff.pre)) P.diff.pre <- trendRemove(as.matrix(P.diff.pre))$mat

  if (out.feat == FALSE) {
    # If the outcome variable is not among the features we need to create a
    # proper vector of residuals. Further, we force the predictors to be
    # the outcome variable of the donors
    if (class.type == "scpi_data") { # just one treated unit
      e.res <- sc.pred$data$Y.pre - sc.pred$est.results$Y.pre.fit
    } else { # need to extract data from the specific treated unit
      tr.unit <- stringr::str_split(rownames(res[1,,drop=FALSE]), "\\.")[[1]][[1]]
      sel <- sapply(stringr::str_split(rownames(sc.pred$data$Y.pre), "\\."), "[[", 1) == tr.unit
      e.res <- sc.pred$data$Y.pre[sel, 1, drop=FALSE] - sc.pred$est.results$Y.pre.fit[sel, 1, drop=FALSE]

    if (coig.data == TRUE) {
      e.des.0 <- apply(Y.donors, 2, function(x) x - dplyr::lag(x))[, index.w, drop=FALSE]

      if (effect == "time") {
        P.first <- (P[1, ]*I - Y.donors[T0[1], ])/I
      } else {
        P.first <- P[1, ] - Y.donors[T0[1], ]
      P.diff  <- rbind(P.first, apply(P, 2, diff))[, index, drop = FALSE]
      e.des.1 <- P.diff

    } else {
      e.des.0  <- Y.donors[, index.w, drop=FALSE]
      e.des.1  <- P[, index, drop = FALSE]
  } else if (out.feat == TRUE) {    # outcome variable is among features
    e.res <- res[1:T0[1], , drop = FALSE]

    ## Construct the polynomial terms in B (e.des.0) and P (e.des.1)
    if (e.order == 0) {

      e.des.0 <- as.matrix(rep(1, T0[1]))
      if (effect == "time") {
        e.des.1 <- as.matrix(rep(1/I, T1))
      } else {
        e.des.1 <- as.matrix(rep(1, T1))

    } else if (e.order > 0) {
      feature.id <- unlist(purrr::map(stringr::str_split(rownames(B), "\\."), 2))

      if (coig.data == TRUE) {

        ## Take first differences of B
        B.diff   <- NULL

        # Create first differences of the first feature (outcome) of the matrix B (not of C!!)
        BB       <- B[feature.id == features[1], ]
        B.diff   <- rbind(B.diff, BB - dplyr::lag(BB))

        e.des.0 <- cbind(B.diff, C[feature.id == features[1], ])[, index, drop = FALSE]

        ## Take first differences of P
        # Remove last observation of first feature from first period of P
        if (effect == "time") {
          P.first <- c((P[1, (1:J), drop = FALSE]*I - B[feature.id == features[1], , drop = FALSE][T0[1], ]),
                       P[1, -(1:J), drop = FALSE]*I)/I

        } else {
          P.first <- c((P[1, (1:J), drop = FALSE] - B[feature.id == features[1], , drop = FALSE][T0[1], ]),
                       P[1, -(1:J), drop = FALSE])

        # Take differences of other periods
        if (nrow(P) > 2) {
          Pdiff    <- apply(P[, (1:J), drop = FALSE], 2, diff)
          P.diff   <- rbind(P.first, cbind(Pdiff, P[-1, -(1:J), drop = FALSE]))[, index, drop = FALSE]
        } else if (nrow(P) == 2) {
          Pdiff    <- t(as.matrix(apply(P[, (1:J), drop = FALSE], 2, diff)))
          P.diff   <- rbind(P.first, cbind(Pdiff, P[-1, -(1:J), drop = FALSE]))[, index, drop = FALSE]
        } else {
          P.diff <- matrix(P.first, 1, length(P.first))[, index, drop = FALSE]
        e.des.1  <- P.diff

      } else {
        e.des.0 <- cbind(B, C)[feature.id == features[1], index, drop = FALSE]
        e.des.1 <- P[, index, drop = FALSE]

      # Augment H with powers and interactions of B (not of C!!!)
      if (e.order > 1) {
        act.B <- sum(index.w)
        e.des.0 <- cbind(poly(e.des.0[,(1:act.B), drop = FALSE], degree = e.order, raw = TRUE, simple = TRUE),
                         e.des.0[, -(1:act.B), drop = FALSE])
        e.des.1 <- cbind(poly(e.des.1[,(1:act.B), drop = FALSE], degree = e.order, raw = TRUE, simple = TRUE),
                         e.des.1[, -(1:act.B), drop = FALSE])

      # Include the constant if a global constant is not present
      # In case a constant is already specified lm.fit will automatically remove
      # the collinear covariates!!
      if (constant == FALSE) {
        e.des.0 <- cbind(e.des.0, rep(1, nrow(e.des.0)))
        if (effect == "time") {
          e.des.1 <- cbind(e.des.1, rep(1/I, nrow(e.des.1)))
        } else {
          e.des.1 <- cbind(e.des.1, rep(1, nrow(e.des.1)))

    nolag <- FALSE
    if (is.null(P.diff.pre) == FALSE) {
      e.des.1 <- P.diff.pre[, index, drop = FALSE]
      nolag <- TRUE

    if (e.lags > 0 && nolag == FALSE) {
      # Construct lags of B and P
      B.lag <- NULL
      P.lag <- NULL

      # Take first differences of B and P
      B.diff   <- NULL
      feature.id <- unlist(purrr::map(stringr::str_split(rownames(B), "\\."), 2))

      # Create first differences of the first feature (outcome) of the matrix B (not of C!!)
      BB       <- B[feature.id == features[1], , drop = FALSE]
      B.diff   <- rbind(B.diff, BB - dplyr::lag(BB))

      ## Create first differences of P
      # Attach some pre-treatment value in order to avoid having missing values
      if (coig.data == FALSE) {
        PP <- rbind(B[feature.id == features[1], , drop = FALSE][((T0[1] - e.lags + 1):T0[1]), , drop = FALSE],
                    P[, (1:J), drop = FALSE])
      } else {
        PP <- rbind(B[feature.id == features[1], , drop = FALSE][((T0[1] - e.lags):T0[1]), , drop = FALSE],
                    P[, (1:J), drop = FALSE])
      PP.diff <- PP - dplyr::lag(PP)

      for (ll in seq_len(e.lags)) {
        if (coig.data == FALSE) {
          P.l <- dplyr::lag(PP, n = ll)[, index.w, drop = FALSE][((e.lags+1):nrow(PP)), , drop = FALSE]
        } else {
          P.l <- dplyr::lag(PP.diff, n = ll)[, index.w, drop = FALSE][((e.lags+2):nrow(PP)), , drop = FALSE]

        if (coig.data == FALSE) {
          B.l <- dplyr::lag(B[feature.id == features[1], , drop = FALSE], n = ll)[, index.w, drop = FALSE]
        } else {
          B.l <- dplyr::lag(B.diff[, , drop = FALSE], n = ll)[, index.w, drop = FALSE]

        B.lag <- cbind(B.lag, B.l)
        P.lag <- cbind(P.lag, P.l)
      e.des.0 <- cbind(e.des.0, B.lag)
      e.des.1 <- cbind(e.des.1, P.lag)

  if (is.null(e.design) == FALSE) {
    if (is.matrix(e.design) == FALSE) {
      stop("The object e.design should be a matrix!!")

    if (nrow(e.design) != nrow(e.res)) {
      stop(paste("The matrix e.design has", nrow(e.design), "rows when", nrow(e.res),
                 "where expected!"))
    e.des.0 <- e.design

  return(list(e.res = e.res, e.des.0 = e.des.0, e.des.1 = e.des.1))

DUflexGet <- function(u.des.0.na, C, f.id.na, M) {
  sel <- colnames(u.des.0.na) %in% colnames(C)
  D.b <- u.des.0.na[, !sel, drop = FALSE]
  D.c <- u.des.0.na[, sel, drop = FALSE]
  f.df <- data.frame(f.id.na)
  f.D <- fastDummies::dummy_cols(f.df, select_columns = "f.id", remove_selected_columns = TRUE)
  D.b.int <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(D.b), ncol = 0)
  for (m in seq_len(ncol(f.D))) {
    D.b.int <- cbind(D.b.int, D.b*f.D[,m])

  D <- cbind(D.b.int, D.c)


insampleUncertaintyGet <- function(Z.na, V.na, P.na, beta, Sigma.root, J, KMI, I,
                                   w.constr.inf, Q.star, Q2.star, lb, TT, sims, cores, verbose, 
                                   w.lb.est, w.ub.est) {

  Q <- t(Z.na) %*% V.na %*% Z.na / TT
  colnames(Q) <- colnames(Z.na)

  jj <- nrow(P.na)

  # optimizing options

  Jtot <- sum(unlist(J))

  iters <- round(sims / 10)
  perc  <- 0

  # simulate
  ns <- ECOS_get_n_slacks(w.constr.inf, Jtot, I)
  decomp <- matRegularize(Q)
  Qreg <- decomp$Qreg
  scale <- decomp$scale
  dimred <- nrow(Q) - nrow(Qreg)

  data <- list()
  data[["dims"]] <- ECOS_get_dims(Jtot, J, KMI, w.constr.inf, I, dimred)
  data[["A"]] <- ECOS_get_A(J, Jtot, KMI, I, w.constr.inf, ns)
  data[["b"]] <- ECOS_get_b(Q.star, Q2.star, w.constr.inf)

  if (cores == 1) {

    vsig <- matrix(NA, nrow = sims, ncol = 2 * jj)

    for (sim in seq_len(sims)) {
      rem <- sim %% iters
      if ((rem == 0) && verbose) {
        perc <- perc + 10
        cat(paste(sim, "/", sims, " iterations completed (", perc, "%)", " \r", sep = ""))

      zeta    <- rnorm(length(beta))
      G <- Sigma.root %*% zeta

      a <- -2 * G - 2 * Q %*% beta
      d <- 2 * sum(G * beta) + sum(beta * (Q %*% beta))
      if (methods::is(Q, "dgeMatrix") == TRUE) a <- as.matrix(a)
      data[["G"]] <- ECOS_get_G(Jtot, KMI, J, I, a, Qreg, w.constr.inf, ns, dimred, scale)
      data[["h"]] <- ECOS_get_h(d, lb, J, Jtot, KMI, I, w.constr.inf, Q.star, Q2.star, dimred)

      for (hor in seq_len(jj)) {
        xt <- P.na[hor, ]
        # minimization
        if (w.lb.est == TRUE) {
          data[["c"]] <- ECOS_get_c(-xt, ns)

          solver_output <- ECOSolveR::ECOS_csolve(c = data[["c"]],
                                                  G = data[["G"]],
                                                  h = data[["h"]],
                                                  dims = data[["dims"]],
                                                  A = data[["A"]],
                                                  b = data[["b"]])

          if (!(solver_output$infostring %in% c("Optimal solution found", "Close to optimal solution found"))) {
            lb.f <- NA
          } else {
            xx <- solver_output$x[1:(Jtot + KMI)]
            lb.f <- -sum(xt * (xx - beta))
        } else {
          lb.f <- NA

        # maximization
        if (w.ub.est == TRUE) {
          data[["c"]] <- ECOS_get_c(xt, ns)

          solver_output <- ECOSolveR::ECOS_csolve(c = data[["c"]],
                                                  G = data[["G"]],
                                                  h = data[["h"]],
                                                  dims = data[["dims"]],
                                                  A = data[["A"]],
                                                  b = data[["b"]])

          if (!(solver_output$infostring %in% c("Optimal solution found", "Close to optimal solution found"))) {
            ub.f <- NA
          } else {
            xx <- solver_output$x[1:(Jtot+KMI)]
            ub.f <- -sum(xt*(xx - beta))
        } else {
          ub.f <- NA

        vsig[sim, hor] <- lb.f
        vsig[sim, hor + nrow(P.na)] <- ub.f

  } else if (cores >= 1) {

    progress <- function(n) {
      rem <- n %% iters
      if ((rem == 0) && verbose) {
        perc <- n/sims * 100
        cat(paste(n, "/", sims, " iterations completed (", perc, "%)", " \r", sep = ""))
    opts <- list(progress=progress)

    cl <- parallel::makeCluster(cores)

    vsig <- foreach::foreach(i = 1 : sims,
                             .packages = c('ECOSolveR', 'Matrix', 'methods'),
                             .export   = c('ECOS_get_G', 'ECOS_get_h', 'ECOS_get_h', 'ECOS_get_c',
                                           'blockdiag', 'blockdiagRidge', 'sqrtm'),
                             .combine  = rbind,
                             .options.snow = opts) %dopar% {

                               ub.sim <- lb.sim <- c()

                               zeta    <- rnorm(length(beta))
                               G       <- Sigma.root %*% zeta
                               a <- -2 * G - 2 * Q %*% beta
                               d <- 2 * sum(G * beta) + sum(beta * (Q %*% beta))
                               if (methods::is(Q, "dgeMatrix") == TRUE) a <- as.matrix(a)
                               data[["G"]] <- ECOS_get_G(Jtot, KMI, J, I, a, Qreg, w.constr.inf, ns, dimred, scale)
                               data[["h"]] <- ECOS_get_h(d, lb, J, Jtot, KMI, I, w.constr.inf, Q.star, Q2.star, dimred)

                               for (hor in seq_len(jj)) {
                                 xt <- P.na[hor, ]

                                 # minimization
                                 if (w.lb.est == TRUE) {
                                   data[["c"]] <- ECOS_get_c(-xt, ns)

                                   solver_output <- ECOSolveR::ECOS_csolve(c = data[["c"]],
                                                                           G = data[["G"]],
                                                                           h = data[["h"]],
                                                                           dims = data[["dims"]],
                                                                           A = data[["A"]],
                                                                           b = data[["b"]])

                                   if (!(solver_output$infostring %in% c("Optimal solution found", "Close to optimal solution found"))) {
                                     lb.f <- NA
                                   } else {
                                     xx <- solver_output$x[1:(Jtot + KMI)]
                                     lb.f <- -sum(xt * (xx - beta))
                                 } else {
                                   lb.f <- NA

                                 # maximization
                                 if (w.ub.est == TRUE) {
                                   data[["c"]] <- ECOS_get_c(xt, ns)

                                   solver_output <- ECOSolveR::ECOS_csolve(c = data[["c"]],
                                                                           G = data[["G"]],
                                                                           h = data[["h"]],
                                                                           dims = data[["dims"]],
                                                                           A = data[["A"]],
                                                                           b = data[["b"]])

                                   if (!(solver_output$infostring %in% c("Optimal solution found", "Close to optimal solution found"))) {
                                     ub.f <- NA
                                   } else {
                                     xx <- solver_output$x[1:(Jtot+KMI)]
                                     ub.f <- -sum(xt * (xx - beta))
                                 } else {
                                   ub.f <- NA

                                 lb.sim      <- append(lb.sim, lb.f)
                                 ub.sim      <- append(ub.sim, ub.f)


                               c(lb.sim, ub.sim)



# Prediction interval, for e
scpi.out <- function(res, x, eval, e.method, alpha, e.lb.est, e.ub.est, verbose, effect, out.feat) {

  neval <- nrow(eval)
  e.1 <- e.2 <- lb <- ub <- NA

  if (e.lb.est == TRUE || e.ub.est == TRUE) {
    if (e.method == "gaussian") {
      x.more   <- rbind(eval, x)
      fit      <- predict(y = res, x = x, eval = x.more, type = "lm")
      e.mean   <- fit[1:neval]
      res.fit  <- fit[-(1:neval)]

      if (effect == "time") {
        labels <- unlist(purrr::map(stringr::str_split(rownames(fit)[1:neval], "\\."), 2))
        e.mean <- aggregateUnits(xx = e.mean, labels = labels)

      var.pred <- predict(y = log((res - res.fit)^2), x = x, eval = x.more, type = "lm")
      if (effect == "time") {
        var.pred <- aggregateUnits(xx = var.pred[1:neval], labels = labels)
      } else {
        var.pred <- var.pred[1:neval]
      e.sig2   <- exp(var.pred)

      q.pred <- predict(y = res - res.fit, x = x, eval = x.more, type = "qreg", tau = c(0.25, 0.75))
      if (effect == "time") {
        q3.pred <- aggregateUnits(xx = q.pred[1:neval, 2], labels = labels)
        q1.pred <- aggregateUnits(xx = q.pred[1:neval, 1], labels = labels)
      } else {
        q3.pred <- q.pred[1:neval, 2]
        q1.pred <- q.pred[1:neval, 1]
      IQ.pred <- q3.pred - q1.pred
      IQ.pred <- abs(IQ.pred)
      e.sig <- apply(cbind(sqrt(e.sig2), IQ.pred/1.34), 1, min)
      eps <- sqrt(-log(alpha)*2)*e.sig

      lb <- e.mean - eps
      ub <- e.mean + eps

      # save mean and variance of u, only for sensitivity analysis
      e.1 <- e.mean
      e.2 <- e.sig^2

    } else if (e.method == "ls") {
      x.more  <- rbind(eval, x)
      fit     <- predict(y=res, x=x, eval=x.more, type="lm")
      e.mean  <- fit[1:neval]
      res.fit <- fit[-(1:neval)]

      if (effect == "time") {
        labels <- unlist(purrr::map(stringr::str_split(rownames(fit)[1:neval], "\\."), 2))
        e.mean <- aggregateUnits(xx=e.mean, labels=labels)

      var.pred <- predict(y=log((res-res.fit)^2), x=x, eval=x.more, type="lm")
      res.var <- var.pred[-(1:neval)]
      if (effect == "time") {
        var.pred <- aggregateUnits(xx=var.pred[1:neval], labels=labels)
      } else {
        var.pred <- var.pred[1:neval]
      e.sig    <- sqrt(exp(var.pred))
      res.st   <- (res-res.fit)/sqrt(exp(res.var))

      q.pred <- predict(y=res-res.fit, x=x, eval=x.more, type="qreg", tau = c(0.25,0.75))
      if (effect == "time") {
        q3.pred <- aggregateUnits(xx=q.pred[1:neval,2], labels=labels)
        q1.pred <- aggregateUnits(xx=q.pred[1:neval,1], labels=labels)
      } else {
        q3.pred <- q.pred[1:neval,2]
        q1.pred <- q.pred[1:neval,1]
      IQ.pred <- q3.pred - q1.pred
      IQ.pred <- abs(IQ.pred)
      e.sig <- apply(cbind(e.sig, IQ.pred/1.34), 1, min)

      lb <- e.mean + e.sig * quantile(res.st, alpha)
      ub <- e.mean + e.sig * quantile(res.st, 1-alpha)

      # save mean and variance of u, only for sensitivity analysis
      e.1 <- e.mean
      e.2 <- e.sig^2

    } else if (e.method == "qreg") {
      e.pred  <- predict(y=res, x=x, eval=eval, type="qreg", tau=c(alpha, 1-alpha), verbose = verbose)

      if (effect == "time") {
        labels <- unlist(purrr::map(stringr::str_split(rownames(e.pred)[1:neval], "\\."), 2))
        e.pred.lb <- aggregateUnits(e.pred[,1], labels)
        e.pred.ub <- aggregateUnits(e.pred[,2], labels)
      } else {
        e.pred.lb <- e.pred[,1]
        e.pred.ub <- e.pred[,2]

      lb <- e.pred.lb
      ub <- e.pred.ub


  # if model is heavily misspecified just give up on out-of-sample uncertainty
  if (out.feat[[1]] == FALSE) {
    if (any(lb > 0)) lb <- rep(min(lb), length(lb))
    if (any(ub < 0)) ub <- rep(max(ub), length(ub))
  return(list(lb = lb, ub = ub, e.1 = e.1, e.2 = e.2))

simultaneousPredGet <- function(vsig, T1, T1.tot, I, u.alpha, e.alpha, e.res.na, e.des.0.na, e.des.1,
                                w.lb.est, w.ub.est, w.bounds, w.name, effect, out.feat) {

  vsigUB <- vsig[, (T1.tot + 1):(2 * T1.tot), drop = FALSE]
  vsigLB <- vsig[, 1:T1.tot, drop = FALSE]
  pi.e   <- scpi.out(res = e.res.na, x = e.des.0.na, eval = e.des.1, 
                     e.method = "gaussian", alpha = e.alpha/2, e.lb.est = TRUE,
                     e.ub.est =  TRUE, effect = effect, out.feat = out.feat)

  w.lb.joint <- w.ub.joint <- c()
  j.min <- 1
  for (i in seq_len(I)) {
    j.max <- T1[[i]] + j.min - 1

    lb.joint <- quantile(apply(vsigLB[, j.min:j.max, drop = FALSE], 1, min, na.rm = TRUE), probs = u.alpha/2)
    ub.joint <- quantile(apply(vsigUB[, j.min:j.max, drop = FALSE], 1, max, na.rm = TRUE), probs = (1-u.alpha/2))

    w.lb.joint <- c(w.lb.joint, rep(lb.joint, T1[[i]]))
    w.ub.joint <- c(w.ub.joint, rep(ub.joint, T1[[i]]))
    j.min <- j.max + 1

  eps <- 1
  if (length(pi.e$e.1) > 1) {
    eps <- c()
    for (i in seq_len(I)) {
      eps <- c(eps, rep(sqrt(log(T1[[i]] + 1)), T1[[i]]))

  e.lb.joint <- pi.e$lb * eps
  e.ub.joint <- pi.e$ub * eps
  if (w.lb.est == FALSE) w.lb.joint <- w.bounds[, 1]
  if (w.ub.est == FALSE) w.ub.joint <- w.bounds[, 2]
  MU <- e.ub.joint + w.ub.joint 
  ML <- e.lb.joint + w.lb.joint
  return(list(MU=MU, ML=ML))

epskappaGet <- function(P, rho.vec, beta, I, effect, joint = FALSE) {
  beta.list <- mat2list(beta)
  if (effect == "time") {
    rho.vec <- mean(rho.vec)
    I <- 1
    P.list <- list(P)
    beta.list <- list(beta)
  } else {
    P.list <- mat2list(P)
  epskappa <- c()
  for (i in seq_len(I)) {
    epskappai <- apply(P.list[[i]], 1, 
                       function(x) rho.vec[[i]]^2*sum(abs(x))/(2*sqrt(sum(beta.list[[i]]^2))))  
    epskappa <- c(epskappa, epskappai)
  if (joint == TRUE) epskappa <- max(epskappa)

# square root matrix
sqrtm <- function(A) {
  decomp <- svd(A)
  decomp$d[decomp$d < 0] <- 0
  rootA  <- decomp$u %*% diag(sqrt(decomp$d)) %*% t(decomp$u)

# conditional prediction
predict <- function(y, x, eval, type="lm", tau=NULL, verbose = FALSE) {
  if (type == "lm") {
    betahat <- .lm.fit(x, y)$coeff
    pred <- eval %*% betahat
  } else if (type == "qreg") {

        betahat <- Qtools::rrq(y~x-1, tau=tau)$coefficients
      warning = function(war) {
        message("Warning produced when estimating moments of the out-of-sample residuals with quantile regressions.")
        war$call <- NULL
        if (verbose) warning(war)
    betahat <- suppressWarnings(Qtools::rrq(y~x-1, tau=tau)$coefficients)
    pred <- eval %*% betahat

## Auxiliary function that estimates degrees of freedom

df.EST <- function(w.constr, w, B, J, KM){
  if ((w.constr[["name"]] == "ols") || (w.constr[["p"]] == "no norm")) {
    df <- J 
  } else if ((w.constr[["name"]] == "lasso") || ((w.constr[["p"]] == "L1") && (w.constr[["dir"]] == "<="))) {
    df <- sum(abs(w) >= 1e-6) 
  } else if ((w.constr[["name"]] == "simplex") || ((w.constr[["p"]] == "L1") && (w.constr[["dir"]] == "=="))) {
    df <- sum(abs(w) >= 1e-6) - 1
  } else if ((w.constr[["name"]] == "ridge") || (w.constr[["name"]] == "L1-L2") || (w.constr[["p"]] == "L2")) {
    d <- svd(B)$d
    d[d < 0] <- 0
    df <- sum(d^2/(d^2+w.constr[["lambda"]]))

  # add degrees of freedom coming from C block
  df <- df + KM


u.sigma.est <- function(u.mean, u.sigma, res, Z, V, index, TT, df) {

  if (u.sigma == "HC0") { # White (1980)
    vc <- 1

  else if (u.sigma == "HC1") { # MacKinnon and White (1985)
    vc <- TT / (TT - df)

  else if (u.sigma == "HC2") { # MacKinnon and White (1985)
    PP <- Z %*% Matrix::solve(t(Z) %*% V %*% Z) %*% t(Z) %*% V
    vc <- 1 / (1 - diag(PP))

  else if (u.sigma == "HC3") { # Davidson and MacKinnon (1993)
    PP <- Z %*% Matrix::solve(t(Z) %*% V %*% Z) %*% t(Z) %*% V
    vc <- 1 / (1 - diag(PP))^2

  else if (u.sigma == "HC4") { # Cribari-Neto (2004)
    PP <- Z %*% Matrix::solve(t(Z) %*% V %*% Z) %*% t(Z) %*% V
    CN <- as.matrix((TT) * diag(PP)/df)
    dd <- apply(CN, 1, function(x) min(4, x))
    vc <- as.matrix(NA, length(res), 1)
    for (ii in seq_len(length(res))) {
      vc[ii] <- 1 / (1 - diag(PP)[ii])^dd[ii]

  Omega  <- diag(c((res - u.mean)^2)*vc)
  Sigma  <- t(Z) %*% V %*% Omega %*% V %*% Z / (TT^2)

  return(list(Omega = Omega, Sigma = Sigma))

local.geom <- function(w.constr, rho, rho.max, res, B, C, coig.data, T0.tot, J, w, verbose) {

  Q   <- w.constr[["Q"]]
  Q2.star <- NULL

  # if rho is not given by the user we use our own routine to compute it
  if (is.character(rho)) {
    rho <- regularize.w(rho, rho.max, res, B, C, coig.data, T0.tot)
    # here we check that our rho is not too low to prevent overfitting later on
    rho <- regularize.check.lb(w, rho, rho.max, res, B, C, coig.data, T0.tot, verbose)

  if ((w.constr[["name"]] == "simplex") || ((w.constr[["p"]] == "L1") && (w.constr[["dir"]] == "=="))) {
    index.w <- abs(w) > rho
    index.w <- regularize.check(w, index.w, rho, verbose, res)
    w.star  <- w
    w.star[!index.w] <- 0

    Q.star  <- sum(w.star)

  } else if ((w.constr[["name"]] == "lasso") || ((w.constr[["p"]] == "L1") && (w.constr[["dir"]] == "<="))) {

    if ((sum(abs(w)) >= Q - rho * sqrt(J)) && (sum(abs(w)) <= Q)) {
      Q.star <- sum(abs(w))
    } else {
      Q.star <- Q
    index.w <- abs(w) > rho
    index.w <- regularize.check(w, index.w, rho, verbose, res)

    w.star  <- w
    w.star[!index.w] <- 0

  } else if ((w.constr[["name"]] == "ridge") || (w.constr[["p"]] == "L2")) {

    if (sqrt((sum(w^2)) >= Q - rho) && (sqrt(sum(w^2)) <= Q)) {
      Q.star <- sqrt(sum(w^2))
    } else {
      Q.star <- Q

    index.w <- rep(TRUE, length(w))
    w.star  <- w

  } else if (w.constr[["name"]] == "L1-L2") {

    index.w <- abs(w) > rho
    index.w <- regularize.check(w, index.w, rho, verbose, res)
    w.star  <- w
    w.star[!index.w] <- 0

    Q.star  <- sum(w.star)

    if (sqrt((sum(w^2)) >= Q - rho) && (sqrt(sum(w^2)) <= Q)) {
      Q2.star <- sqrt(sum(w^2))
    } else {
      Q2.star <- w.constr[["Q2"]]
    w.constr[["Q2"]] <- Q2.star

  } else {
    Q.star  <- Q
    w.star  <- w
    index.w <- rep(TRUE, length(w))

  w.constr[["Q"]] <- Q.star

  return(list(w.constr = w.constr, w.star = w.star, index.w = index.w, rho = rho, Q.star = Q.star, Q2.star = Q2.star)) 

regularize.w <- function(rho, rho.max, res, B, C, coig.data, T0.tot) {

  if (rho == "type-1") {
    sigma.u  <- sqrt(mean((res - mean(res))^2))
    sigma.bj <- min(apply(B, 2, sd))
    CC       <- sigma.u / sigma.bj

  } else if (rho == "type-2") {
    sigma.u   <- sqrt(mean((res - mean(res))^2))
    sigma.bj2 <- min(apply(B, 2, var))
    sigma.bj  <- max(apply(B, 2, sd))
    CC        <- sigma.bj * sigma.u / sigma.bj2

  } else if (rho == "type-3") {
    sigma.bj2 <- min(apply(B, 2, var))
    sigma.bju <- max(apply(B, 2, function(bj) cov(bj, res)))
    CC        <- sigma.bju / sigma.bj2

  if (coig.data == TRUE) { # cointegration
    c <- 1
  } else {        # iid or ar
    c <- 0.5

  rho <- (CC * (log(T0.tot))^c) / (sqrt(T0.tot))

  if (is.null(rho.max) == FALSE)  rho <- min(rho, rho.max)


denomCheck <- function(den) {
  if (den == 0) {
    stop("One of your donors has no variation in the pre-treatment period!")

regularize.check <- function(w, index.w, rho, verbose, res) {
  if (sum(index.w) == 0) {
    index.w <- rank(-w) <= 1
    if (verbose){
      tr.id <- strsplit(rownames(res)[1], "\\.")[[1]][1]
      warning(paste0("The regularization paramater rho was too high (", round(rho, digits = 3), ") for the treated unit ",
                     "with id = ", tr.id, ". We set it so that at least one component in w is non-zero."),
              immediate. = TRUE, call. = FALSE)

regularize.check.lb <- function(w, rho, rho.max, res, B, C, coig.data, T0.tot, verbose) {
  if (rho < 0.001) {
    rho.old <- rho
    rho <- max(regularize.w("type-1", 0.2, res, B, C, coig.data, T0.tot),
               regularize.w("type-2", 0.2, res, B, C, coig.data, T0.tot),
               regularize.w("type-3", 0.2, res, B, C, coig.data, T0.tot))

    if (rho < 0.05) rho <- rho.max # strong evidence in favor of collinearity, thus heavy shrinkage

    if (verbose) {
      tr.id <- strsplit(rownames(res)[1], "\\.")[[1]][1]
      warning(paste0("The regularization parameter rho was too low (", round(rho.old, digits = 5), ") for the treated unit ",
                     "with id = ", tr.id, ". We increased it to ", round(rho, digits = 3), " to favor shrinkage ",
                     "and avoid overfitting issues when computing out-of-sample uncertainty! Please check that there is ",
                     "no collinearity among the donors you used for this treated unit. To do so run a linear regression of the ",
                     "features (matrix A) onto B and C."),
              immediate. = TRUE, call. = FALSE)

local.geom.2step <- function(w, r, rho.vec, rho.max, w.constr, Q, I) {
  w.list <- mat2list(as.matrix(w))

  ## Constraint on the norm of the weights
  if (w.constr[[1]]$p == "no norm") { # Unconstrained problem
    rhoj.vec <- rho.vec # auxiliary list never used in this case

  } else if (w.constr[[1]]$p == "L1") {
    rhoj.vec <- rho.vec
    w.norm <- unlist(lapply(w.list, function(x) sum(abs(x))))

  } else if (w.constr[[1]]$p %in% c("L2", "L1-L2")) {
    rhoj.vec <- c()
    for (i in seq_len(I)) {
      rhoj.vec[i] <- min(2 * sum(abs(w.list[[i]])) * rho.vec[i], rho.max)
    w.norm <- unlist(lapply(w.list, function(x) sum(x^2)))

  # Check if constraint is equality or inequality
  if (w.constr[[1]]$dir %in% c("<=", "==/<=")) {
    active <- 1 * ((w.norm - Q) > -rhoj.vec)
    Q <- active * (w.norm - Q) + Q

  ## Constraint on lower bound of the weights
  lb <- c()
  for (i in seq_len(I)) {
    if (w.constr[[i]]$lb == 0) {
      active <- 1 * (w.list[[i]] < rhoj.vec[[i]])
      lb <- c(lb, rep(0, length(w.list[[i]])) + active * w.list[[i]])
    } else {
      lb <- c(lb, rep(-Inf, length(w.list[[i]])))

  return(list(Q = Q, lb = lb))

# executionTime <- function(T0, J, I, T1, sims, cores, name){
#   Ttot <- sum(T0)
#   tincr <- Ttot/1000
#   coefsJ <- c(-0.54755616,0.09985644)
#   time <- sum(c(1,J)*coefsJ)    # Time for J donors, T0 = 1000, sims = 10
#   time <- ceiling(time)*sims/10  # rescale for simulations
#   time <- time/cores            # rescale by number of cores
#   time <- time*tincr            # rescale for number of obs
#   time <- time*T1               # rescale by post intervention periods
#   time <- time*I                # rescale by number of treated units
#   time <- time/60               # Convert in minutes
#   time <- ceiling(time)         # Take smallest larger integer
#   time <- time*2
#   if (name == "lasso") {
#     time <- time*8
#   }
#   if (time < 60) {
#     if (time < 1) {
#       toprint <- "Maximum expected execution time: less than a minute.\n"
#     } else if (time == 1) {
#       toprint <- paste0("Maximum expected execution time: ",time," minute.\n")
#     } else {
#       toprint <- paste0("Maximum expected execution time: ",time," minutes.\n")
#     }
#   } else {
#     hours <- floor(time/60)
#     if (hours == 1) {
#       toprint <- paste0("Maximum expected execution time: more than ",hours," hour.\n")
#     } else {
#       toprint <- paste0("Maximum expected execution time: more than ",hours," hours.\n")
#     }
#   }
#   cat(toprint)
#   cat("\n")
# }

mat2list <- function(mat, cols = TRUE){
  # select rows
  names <- strsplit(rownames(mat), "\\.")
  rnames <- unlist(lapply(names, "[[", 1))
  tr.units <- unique(rnames)

  # select columns
  matlist <- list()
  if (cols == TRUE) {
    if (ncol(mat) > 1) {
      names <- strsplit(colnames(mat), "\\.")
      cnames <- unlist(lapply(names, "[[", 1))
      for (tr in tr.units) {
        matlist[[tr]] <- mat[rnames == tr, cnames == tr, drop=FALSE]
    } else if (ncol(mat) == 1) {
      for (tr in tr.units) {
        matlist[[tr]] <- mat[rnames == tr, 1, drop=FALSE]
    } else {
      for (tr in tr.units) {
        matlist[[tr]] <- mat[rnames == tr, 0, drop=FALSE]
  } else if (cols == FALSE) {
    for (tr in tr.units) {
      matlist[[tr]] <- mat[rnames == tr, , drop=FALSE]

ci2df <- function(CI, type) {
  names <- strsplit(rownames(CI), "\\.")
  df <- data.frame(ID = unlist(lapply(names, "[[", 1)),
                   Time = unlist(lapply(names, "[[", 2)),
                   lb = CI[,1], ub = CI[,2])
  names(df) <- c("ID","Time", paste0("lb.",type), paste0("ub.",type))

detectConstant <- function(x, scale.x = 1) {
  x <- x*scale.x
  n <- nrow(na.omit(x))
  col.keep <- apply(x, 2, function(j) sum(j == 1, na.rm = TRUE)) != n # remove double constant
  col.keep2 <- colSums(x, na.rm = TRUE) != 0 # remove constant other features
  x <- cbind(x[, (col.keep & col.keep2), drop = FALSE], 1)
  x <- x/scale.x

trendRemove <- function(mat) {
  sel <- c()
  for (l in stringr::str_split(colnames(mat), "\\.")) {
    if (length(l) < 3) {
      sel <- c(sel, TRUE)
    } else {
      if (l[[3]] == "trend") {
        sel <- c(sel, FALSE)
      } else {
        sel <- c(sel, TRUE)

  return(list(mat=mat[,sel,drop=FALSE], sel=sel))

aggregateUnits <- function(xx, labels) {
  xx.df <- data.frame(xx = xx, id = labels)
  x.mean <- aggregate(xx.df[,"xx"], by=list(unit=xx.df$id), FUN=mean, na.rm=TRUE)
  x.mean <- x.mean[order(as.numeric(x.mean$unit)),]$x

# regularizer for symmetric positive definite matrices
matRegularize <- function(P, cond = NA) {
  eig <- eigen(P, only.values = FALSE)
  w <- eig$values
  V <- eig$vectors
    cond <- 1e6 * .Machine$double.eps   # All real numbers are stored as double precision in R
  scale <- max(abs(w))
  if(scale < cond) {
    return(list(scale = 0, M1 = V[,FALSE], M2 = V[,FALSE]))
  w_scaled <- w / scale
  maskp <- w_scaled > cond
  maskn <- w_scaled < -cond
  if(any(maskp) && any(maskn)) {
    warning("Forming a non-convex expression QuadForm(x, indefinite)")
  if(sum(maskp) <= 1) {
    M1 <- as.matrix(V[,maskp] * sqrt(w_scaled[maskp]))
  } else {
    M1 <- V[,maskp] %*% diag(sqrt(w_scaled[maskp]))
  if(sum(maskn) <= 1){
    M2 <- as.matrix(V[,maskn]) * sqrt(-w_scaled[maskn])
  } else {
    M2 <- V[,maskn] %*% diag(sqrt(-w_scaled[maskn]))
  if(!is.null(dim(M1)) && prod(dim(M1)) > 0) {
    Qreg <- t(M1)
  } else if (!is.null(dim(M2)) && prod(dim(M2)) > 0) {
    scale <- -scale
    Qreg <- t(M2)
  return(list(scale = scale, Qreg = Qreg))

outcomeGet <- function(Y.pre.fit, Y.post.fit, Y.df, units.est, treated.units,
                       plot.type, anticipation, period.post, sparse.matrices) {

  # shortcut to avoid "no visible binding for global variable 'X' when checking the package
  Treatment <- ID <- Time <- Tdate <- Type <- tstd <- NULL

  if (sparse.matrices == TRUE) {
    Y.pre.fit <- as.matrix(Y.pre.fit)
    Y.post.fit <- as.matrix(Y.post.fit)
  # avoids problems when units have numeric ID
  if (plot.type == "time") { 
    rownames(Y.post.fit) <- paste0("agg.", rownames(Y.post.fit)) 
  synth.mat <- rbind(Y.pre.fit, Y.post.fit)
  names(Y.df) <- c(names(Y.df)[1:3], "Actual")
  res.df <- subset(Y.df, ID %in% units.est)
  if (plot.type == "unit") {
    Y.actual.pre <- subset(res.df, Treatment == 0)
    Y.actual.post <- subset(res.df, Treatment == 1)
    Y.actual.post.agg <- aggregate(Actual ~ ID, data = Y.actual.post, mean)
    Y.actual.post.agg$Treatment <- 1
    names <- strsplit(rownames(Y.post.fit), "\\.")
    Y.actual.post.agg$Time <- as.numeric(unlist(lapply(names, "[[", 2)))
    Y.actual <- rbind(Y.actual.pre, Y.actual.post.agg)
  } else {
    Y.actual <- res.df # dataframe
  treated.periods <- subset(Y.actual, Treatment == 1, select = c(Time, ID)) # post treatment period for each treated unit
  treated.reception <- aggregate(Time ~ ID, data = treated.periods, min)
  names(treated.reception) <- c("ID", "Tdate")
  treated.reception$Tdate <- as.numeric(treated.reception$Tdate) - anticipation - 1 / 2
  treated.reception <- subset(treated.reception, ID %in% units.est)
  if (plot.type == "time") {

    if (methods::is(res.df[["Time"]], "Date")) { # flag that will be used later to handle synth labels
      timeVarIsDate <- TRUE
    } else {
      timeVarIsDate <- FALSE

    res.df["Time"] <- as.numeric(res.df[["Time"]]) # handles as.Date() format which is now useless due to std time
    res.df <- merge(res.df, treated.reception, by = "ID")
    Y.actual.pre <- subset(res.df, Time < Tdate)
    Y.actual.post <- subset(res.df, Time > Tdate)
    Y.actual.pre$Tdate <- Y.actual.pre$Tdate + 1/2
    Y.actual.post$Tdate <- Y.actual.post$Tdate + 1/2
    Y.actual.pre$tstd <- Y.actual.pre$Time - Y.actual.pre$Tdate
    Y.actual.post$tstd <- Y.actual.post$Time - Y.actual.post$Tdate

    names <- strsplit(rownames(synth.mat), "\\.")
    unit <- unlist(lapply(names, "[[", 1))
    no.agg <- unit %in% treated.units

    if (timeVarIsDate == TRUE) { # first convert from string to date and then numeric
      time <- as.numeric(as.Date(unlist(lapply(names[1:sum(no.agg)], "[[", 2))))
    } else {
      time <- unlist(lapply(names[1:sum(no.agg)], "[[", 2))
    synth.pre <- data.frame(ID = unit[no.agg == TRUE],
                            Synthetic = synth.mat[no.agg == TRUE, 1],
                            Time = time)

    Y.pre <- merge(Y.actual.pre, synth.pre, by=c("ID", "Time"))
    max.pre <- max(aggregate(tstd ~ ID, data = Y.pre, min)$tstd)
    min.post <- min(unlist(lapply(period.post, length))) - 1
    Y.pre.agg <- aggregate(x = Y.pre[c("Actual", "Synthetic")],
                           by = Y.pre[c("tstd")],
                           FUN = mean, na.rm = TRUE)
    names(Y.pre.agg) <- c("Time", "Actual", "Synthetic")
    Y.pre.agg <- subset(Y.pre.agg, Time >= max.pre)
    Y.post.agg <- aggregate(x = Y.actual.post[c("Actual")],
                            by = Y.actual.post[c("tstd")],
                            FUN = mean, na.rm = TRUE)
    Y.post.agg <- subset(Y.post.agg, tstd <= min.post)
    Y.post.agg <- data.frame(ID = unit[no.agg == FALSE],
                             Actual = Y.post.agg$Actual,
                             Synthetic = synth.mat[no.agg == FALSE, 1],
                             Time = c(0:(sum(no.agg==FALSE)-1))) 
    Y.pre.agg$Treatment <- 0
    Y.post.agg$Treatment <- 1
    Y.pre.agg$ID <- "aggregate"
    Y.post.agg$ID <- "aggregate"

    Y.actual <- rbind(Y.pre.agg, Y.post.agg)
    Y.actual$Tdate <- 0
    plot.type <- "unit-time"
    I <- 1
    treated.reception <- data.frame(ID="aggregate", Tdate = 1/2)
    toplot <- Y.actual
    toplot$Time <- toplot$Time + 1
  } else {
    # Merge synthetic
    names <- strsplit(rownames(synth.mat), "\\.")
    unit <- unlist(lapply(names, "[[", 1))
    period <- unlist(lapply(names, "[[", 2))
    synth <- data.frame(ID = unit, Time = period, Synthetic = synth.mat)
    toplot <- merge(Y.actual, synth, by = c("ID", "Time"), all = FALSE) # keep only treated units
  return(list(toplot=toplot, treated.reception=treated.reception, plot.type=plot.type)) 

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