
Defines functions summary.pram print.pram pramWORK inputs_pram pram

Documented in pram print.pram summary.pram

#' Post Randomization
#' To be used on categorical data stored as factors. The algorithm randomly
#' changes the values of variables in selected records (usually the risky ones)
#' according to an invariant probability transition matrix or a custom-defined
#' transition matrix.
#' @md
#' @name pram
#' @docType methods
#' @param obj Input data. Allowed input data are objects of class
#' `data.frame`, `factor` or [sdcMicroObj-class].
#' @param variables Names of variables in `obj` on which post-randomization
#' should be applied. If `obj` is a factor, this argument is ignored. Please note that
#' pram can only be applied to factor-variables.
#' @param strata_variables names of variables for stratification (will be set
#' automatically for an object of class [sdcMicroObj-class]. One can also specify
#' an integer vector or factor that specifies that desired groups. This vector must match the dimension
#' of the input data set, however. For a possible use case, have a look at the examples.
#' @param pd minimum diagonal entries for the generated transition matrix P.
#' Either a vector of length 1 (which is recycled) or a vector of the same length as
#' the number of variables that should be postrandomized. It is also possible to set `pd`
#' to a numeric matrix. This matrix will be used directly as the transition matrix. The matrix must
#' be constructed as follows:
#' - the matrix must be a square matrix
#' - the rownames and colnames of the matrix must match the levels (in the same order) of the factor-variable that should be
#' postrandomized.
#' - the rowSums and colSums of the matrix need to equal 1
#' It is also possible to combine the different ways. For details have a look at the examples.
#' @param alpha amount of perturbation for the invariant Pram method. This is a numeric vector
#' of length 1 (that will be recycled if necessary) or a vector of the same length as the number
#' of variables. If one specified as transition matrix directly, `alpha` is ignored.
#' @return a modified [sdcMicroObj-class] object or a new object containing
#' original and post-randomized variables (with suffix "_pram").
#' @author Alexander Kowarik, Matthias Templ, Bernhard Meindl
#' @references \url{https://www.gnu.org/software/glpk/}
#' Kowarik, A. and Templ, M. and Meindl, B. and Fonteneau, F. and Prantner, B.:
#' *Testing of IHSN Cpp Code and Inclusion of New Methods into sdcMicro*,
#' in: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, J. Domingo-Ferrer, I. Tinnirello
#' (editors.); Springer, Berlin, 2012, ISBN: 978-3-642-33626-3, pp. 63-77.
#' \doi{10.1007/978-3-642-33627-0_6}
#' Templ, M. and Kowarik, A. and Meindl, B.: *Statistical Disclosure Control for
#' Micro-Data Using the R Package sdcMicro.* in: Journal of Statistical Software, **67** (4), 1--36, 2015. \doi{10.18637/jss.v067.i04}
#' Templ, M.: *Statistical Disclosure Control for Microdata: Methods and Applications in R.*
#' in: Springer International Publishing, 287 pages, 2017. ISBN 978-3-319-50272-4.
#' \doi{10.1007/978-3-319-50272-4}
#' @keywords manip
#' @export
#' @note Deprecated method 'pram_strata' is no longer available
#' in sdcMicro > 4.5.0
#' @examples
#' data(testdata)
#' \donttest{
#' ## donttest is necessary because of 
#' ## Examples with CPU time > 2.5 times elapsed time
#' ## caused by using C++ code and/or data.table
#' ## using a factor variable as input
#' res <- pram(as.factor(testdata$roof))
#' print(res)
#' summary(res)
#' ## using a data.frame as input
#' ## pram can only be applied to factors
#' ## -- > we have to recode to factors beforehand
#' testdata$roof <- factor(testdata$roof)
#' testdata$walls <- factor(testdata$walls)
#' testdata$water <- factor(testdata$water)
#' ## pram() is applied within subgroups defined by
#' ## variables "urbrur" and "sex"
#' res <- pram(
#'   obj = testdata,
#'   variables = "roof",
#'  strata_variables = c("urbrur", "sex"))
#' print(res)
#' summary(res)
#' ## default parameters (pd = 0.8 and alpha = 0.5) for the generation
#' ## of the invariant transition matrix will be used for all variables
#' res1 <- pram(
#'   obj = testdata,
#'   variables = c("roof", "walls", "water"))
#' print(res1)
#' ## specific parameter settings for each variable
#' res2 <- pram(
#'    obj = testdata,
#'    variables = c("roof", "walls", "water"),
#'    pd = c(0.95, 0.8, 0.9),
#'    alpha = 0.5)
#' print(res2)
#' ## detailed information on pram-parameters (such as the transition matrix 'Rs')
#' ## is stored in the output, eg. for variable 'roof'
#' #attr(res2, "pram_params")$roof
#' ## we can also specify a custom transition-matrix directly
#' mat <- diag(length(levels(testdata$roof)))
#' rownames(mat) <- colnames(mat) <- levels(testdata$roof)
#' res3 <- pram(
#'    obj = testdata,
#'    variables = "roof",
#'   pd = mat)
#' print(res3) # of course, nothing has changed!
#' ## it is possible use a transition matrix for a variable and use the 'traditional' way
#' ## of specifying a number for the minimal diagonal entries of the transision matrix
#' ## for other variables. In this case we must supply `pd` as list.
#' res4 <- pram(
#'   obj = testdata,
#'   variables = c("roof", "walls"),
#'   pd = list(mat, 0.5),
#'   alpha = c(NA, 0.5))
#' print(res4)
#' summary(res4)
#' attr(res4, "pram_params")
#' ## application to objects of class sdcMicro with default parameters
#' data(testdata2)
#' testdata2$urbrur <- factor(testdata2$urbrur)
#' sdc <- createSdcObj(
#'   dat = testdata2,
#'   keyVars = c("roof", "walls", "water", "electcon", "relat", "sex"),
#'   numVars = c("expend", "income", "savings"),
#'   w = "sampling_weight")
#' sdc <- pram(
#'   obj = sdc,
#'   variables = "urbrur")
#' print(sdc, type = "pram")
#' ## this is equal to the previous application. If argument 'variables' is NULL,
#' ## all variables from slot 'pramVars' will be used if possible.
#' sdc <- createSdcObj(
#'    dat = testdata2,
#'   keyVars = c("roof", "walls", "water", "electcon", "relat", "sex"),
#'   numVars = c("expend", "income", "savings"),
#'   w = "sampling_weight",
#'   pramVars = "urbrur")
#' sdc <- pram(sdc)
#' print(sdc, type="pram")
#' ## we can specify transition matrices for sdcMicroObj-objects too
#' #testdata2$roof <- factor(testdata2$roof)
#' sdc <- createSdcObj(
#'   dat = testdata2,
#'   keyVars = c("roof", "walls", "water", "electcon", "relat", "sex"),
#'   numVars = c("expend", "income", "savings"),
#'   w = "sampling_weight")
#' mat <- diag(length(levels(testdata2$roof)))
#' rownames(mat) <- colnames(mat) <- levels(testdata2$roof)
#' mat[1,] <- c(0.9, 0, 0, 0.05, 0.05)
#' sdc <- pram(
#'    obj = sdc,
#'    variables = "roof",
#'    pd = mat)
#' print(sdc, type = "pram")
#' ## we can also have a look at the transitions
#' get.sdcMicroObj(sdc, "pram")$transitions
#' }
pram <- function(obj, variables=NULL, strata_variables=NULL, pd=0.8, alpha=0.5) {
  pramX(obj=obj, variables=variables, strata_variables=strata_variables, pd=pd, alpha=alpha)

setGeneric("pramX", function(obj, variables=NULL, strata_variables=NULL, pd=0.8, alpha=0.5) {

setMethod(f="pramX", signature=c("sdcMicroObj"),
          definition=function(obj, variables=NULL, strata_variables=NULL, pd=0.8, alpha=0.5) {
            obj <- nextSdcObj(obj)
            pramVars <- get.sdcMicroObj(obj, type="pramVars")
            if (length(pramVars) == 0 && is.null(variables)) {
              stop("Error: slot pramVars is NULL and argument 'variables' was not specified!\nDefine one of them to use pram on these variables\n")
            if (is.null(variables)) {
              pramVars <- colnames(obj@origData)[get.sdcMicroObj(obj, type="pramVars")]
            } else {
              pramVars <- variables

            pp <- get.sdcMicroObj(obj, type="pram")
            if (!is.null(pp)) {
              if ( any(pramVars%in%pp$summary$variable)) {
                stop("pram() was already applied on at least one variable!\n")

            ### Get data from manipPramVars
            manipPramVars <- get.sdcMicroObj(obj, type="manipPramVars")
            strataVars <- get.sdcMicroObj(obj, type="strataVar")
            manipKeyVars <- get.sdcMicroObj(obj, type="manipKeyVars")
            kVar <- pramVars[pramVars %in% colnames(manipKeyVars)]
            pVar <- pramVars[pramVars %in% colnames(manipPramVars)]
            rVar <- pramVars[!pramVars %in% c(kVar, pVar)]

            if (length(kVar) > 0) {
              warnMsg <- "If pram is applied on key variables, the k-anonymity and risk assessment are not useful anymore.\n"
              obj <- addWarning(obj, warnMsg=warnMsg, method="pram", variable=kVar[1])
              manipData <- manipKeyVars[, kVar, drop=FALSE]
            if (length(pVar) > 0) {
              if (exists("manipData")) {
                manipData <- cbind(manipData, manipPramVars[, pVar, drop=FALSE])
              } else {
                manipData <- manipPramVars[, pVar, drop=FALSE]
            if (length(rVar) > 0) {
              if (exists("manipData")) {
                manipData <- cbind(manipData, obj@origData[, rVar, drop=FALSE])
              } else {
                manipData <- obj@origData[, rVar, drop=FALSE]
            if (!exists("manipData")) {
              manipData <- obj@origData[, pramVars, drop=FALSE]

            if (!is.null(strata_variables)) {
              # case 1: character vector
              if (is.character(strata_variables)) {
                sData <- get.sdcMicroObj(obj, type="origData")[, strata_variables, drop=FALSE]
              if (class(strata_variables) %in% c("integer","numeric","factor")) {
                sData <- data.table(strat=strata_variables)
                if (nrow(sData) != nrow(manipData)) {
                  stop("Dimension of 'strata_variables' does not match with dimension of dataset!\n")
              manipData <- cbind(manipData, sData)
              strataVars <- c((length(pramVars)+1):length(manipData))
            } else if (length(strataVars) > 0) {
              sData <- get.sdcMicroObj(obj, type="origData")[, strataVars, drop=FALSE]
              manipData <- cbind(manipData, sData)
              strataVars <- c((length(pramVars)+1):length(manipData))

            levList <- lapply(manipData[,pramVars,drop=FALSE], levels)
            params <- inputs_pram(pd=pd, alpha=alpha, levList=levList)
            res_pram <- pramWORK(data=manipData, variables=pramVars,
                                 strata_variables=strataVars, params=params)

            if ( is.null(pp)) {
              pram_inp <- list()
              pram_inp$params <- attr(res_pram, "pram_params")
              pram_inp$transitions <- attr(res_pram, "transitions")
              pram_inp$comparison <- attr(res_pram, "compdat")
              pram_inp$summary <- attr(res_pram,"summary")
            } else {
              pram_inp <- pp
              pram_inp$params <- c(pram_inp$params, attr(res_pram, "pram_params"))
              pram_inp$transitions <- c(pram_inp$transitions, attr(res_pram, "transitions"))
              pram_inp$comparison <- c(pram_inp$comparison, attr(res_pram, "compdat"))
              pram_inp$summary <- rbind(pram_inp$summary, attr(res_pram,"summary"))
            obj <- set.sdcMicroObj(obj, type="pram", input=list(pram_inp))

            manipData[, pramVars] <- res_pram[, paste0(pramVars, "_pram"), drop=FALSE]

            if (length(pVar) > 0) {
              manipPramVars[, pVar] <- manipData[, pVar]
            if (length(rVar) > 0) {
              if (is.null(manipPramVars)) {
                manipPramVars <- manipData[, rVar, drop=FALSE]
              } else {
                manipPramVars <- cbind(manipPramVars, manipData[, rVar, drop=FALSE])
            obj <- set.sdcMicroObj(obj, type="manipPramVars", input=list(manipPramVars))

            if (length(kVar) > 0) {
              manipKeyVars[, kVar] <- manipData[, kVar]
              obj <- set.sdcMicroObj(obj, type="manipKeyVars", input=list(manipKeyVars))
            pram <- get.sdcMicroObj(obj, type="pram")
            if (is.null(pram)) {
              pram <- list()
            obj <- set.sdcMicroObj(obj, type="pram", input=list(pram))
            pramVarInd <- unique(c(obj@pramVars, standardizeInput(obj, pramVars)))
            obj <- set.sdcMicroObj(obj, type="pramVars", input=list(pramVarInd))
            obj <- calcRisks(obj)
setMethod(f="pramX", signature=c(obj="data.table"),
          definition=function(obj, variables=NULL, strata_variables=NULL, pd=0.8, alpha=0.5) {
            levList <- lapply(obj[,variables,drop=FALSE,with=FALSE], levels)
            params <- inputs_pram(pd=pd, alpha=alpha, levList=levList)
            res <- pramWORK(data=obj, variables=variables, strata_variables=strata_variables, params=params)
            class(res) <- "pram"

setMethod(f="pramX", signature=c(obj="data.frame"),
          definition=function(obj, variables=NULL, strata_variables=NULL, pd=0.8, alpha=0.5) {
            levList <- lapply(obj[,variables,drop=FALSE], levels)
            params <- inputs_pram(pd=pd, alpha=alpha, levList=levList)
            res <- pramWORK(data=obj, variables=variables, strata_variables=strata_variables, params=params)
            class(res) <- "pram"

setMethod(f="pramX", signature=c(obj="factor"),
          definition=function(obj, variables=NULL, strata_variables=NULL, pd=0.8, alpha=0.5) {
            if (!is.null(strata_variables)) {
              xx <- data.frame(x=obj, strata=strata_variables, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
            } else {
              xx <- data.frame(x=obj, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
            levList <- list(levels(obj))
            params <- inputs_pram(pd=pd, alpha=alpha, levList=levList)
            res <- pramWORK(data=xx, variables="x", strata_variables=strata_variables, params=params)
            class(res) <- "pram"

# handling of NA and NULL Values for weight-vector with strata x <-
# .Call('Pram',as.matrix(dat),-999,2,1,-1) only frequency x <-
# .Call('Pram',as.matrix(dat),-999,0,0,-1)

# levList: if Rs was specified as a list-element of 'pd' we need the
# levels to check if the matrix is valid!
inputs_pram <- function(pd, alpha, levList) {
  checkMat <- function(inpMat, levs) {
    if ( is.null(rownames(inpMat))) {
      stop("at least one matrix does not have row-names\n")
    if (nrow(inpMat)!=ncol(inpMat)) {
      stop("at least one matrix is not a square matrix!\n")
    if (!identical(rownames(inpMat),colnames(inpMat))) {
      stop("rownames and colnames of at least one input matrix do not match!\n")
    if (!identical(rownames(inpMat),levs)) {
      stop("rownames do not match factor-levels for at least one transition matrix!\n")

  if (any(sapply(levList, is.null))) {
    stop("at least one variable is not coded as a factor.\n")

  if ( is.matrix(pd) & length(levList)==1) {
    checkMat(pd, levList[[1]])
    return(list(pd=list(pd), alpha=NA))

  nrPramVars <- length(levList)
  if (is.vector(alpha)) {
    if ( !is.numeric(alpha)) {
      stop("'alpha' needs to be a numeric vector!\n")
    if (length(alpha)==1) {
      alpha <- as.list(rep(alpha, nrPramVars))
    } else {
      if ( length(alpha)!=nrPramVars) {
        stop("length of 'alpha' does not match with length of variables!\n")
      alpha <- as.list(alpha)
  } else {
    stop("'alpha' needs to be a vector!\n")

  # at least one element should be a transition-matrix
  # we check if levels match
  if (is.list(pd)) {
    if (length(pd) != nrPramVars) {
      stop("length of 'pd' does not match with length of variables!\n")
    for (i in seq_along(pd)) {
      if (!is.numeric(pd[[i]])) {
        stop("all elements of 'pd' must be either numeric vectors or matrices!\n")
      if (is.matrix(pd[[i]])) {
        checkMat(inpMat=pd[[i]], levs=levList[[i]])
  } else if (is.vector(pd)) {
    if ( !is.numeric(pd)) {
      stop("'pd' needs to be a numeric vector!\n")
    if ( length(pd)==1 ) {
      pd <- as.list(rep(pd, nrPramVars))
    } else {
      if ( length(pd)!=nrPramVars) {
        stop("length of 'pd' does not match with length of variables!\n")
      pd <- as.list(pd)
  params <- list(pd=pd, alpha=alpha)

pramWORK <- function(data, variables=NULL, strata_variables=NULL, params) {
  # calculate invariant transition matrix or check input-matrix
  calcTransitionMatrix <- function(xvec, pd, alpha=NULL) {
    levs <- levels(xvec)
    L <- length(levs)
    if (is.matrix(pd)) {
      # checks
      if (nrow(pd) != L | ncol(pd) != L) {
        stop("dimensions of transition-matrix do not match!\n")
      if (any(abs(rowSums(pd)-1) > .Machine$double.eps)) {
        stop("rowSums of transition-matrix do not always equal 1!\n")
      if (!identical(rownames(pd), levs)) {
        stop("rownames of 'pd' must equal levels of factor that should be pramed!")
      if (!identical(colnames(pd), levs)) {
        stop("colnames of 'pd' must equal levels of factor that should be pramed!")

    P <- matrix(, ncol=L, nrow=L)
    pds <- stats::runif(L, min=pd, max=1)
    tri <- (1 - pds)/(L - 1)
    for (i in seq(L)) {
      P[i, ] <- tri[i]
    diag(P) <- pds
    p <- table(xvec)/sum(as.numeric(na.omit(xvec)))
    Qest <- P
    for (k in seq(L)) {
      s <- sum(p * P[, k])
      for (j in seq(L)) {
        Qest[k, j] <- P[j, k] * p[j]/s
    R <- P %*% Qest
    EI <- diag(L)
    Rs <- alpha * R + (1 - alpha) * EI
    rownames(Rs) <- colnames(Rs) <- levs

  # pram on a simple vector
  # x: input vector
  # Rs: transition matrix
  do.pram <- function(x, Rs) {
    # special case: na-only input
    if (all(is.na(x))) {
      return(list(x = x, xpramed = x))
    xpramed <- x
    levs <- levels(xpramed)

    # perform sampling
    for (i in 1:length(levs)) {
      ii <- which(x == levs[i])
      if (length(ii) > 0) {
        xpramed[ii] <- sample(levs, length(ii), prob = Rs[i,], replace = TRUE)
    xpramed <- factor(xpramed, levels = levs)
    return(list(x = x, xpramed = xpramed))

  idvarpram <- tmpfactor_for_pram <- NULL

  if (is.null(variables)) {
    stop("Please define valid variables to pram!\n")

  data <- as.data.table(data)
  # all variables must be factors (new in sdcMicro >= 4.7.0)
  if (!all(sapply(data, class)[variables]=="factor")) {
    stop("all variables that should be pramed must be factors!\n")

  # calculate stratification variable in any case;
  # even if it is only a 'pseudo' one
  if (length(strata_variables) > 0) {
    f <- as.factor(data[,apply(.SD,1,paste0,collapse="_"),.SDcols=strata_variables])
  } else {
    f <- factor(rep(1, nrow(data)))
  out <- list()
  out$pramdat <- NA
  out$params <- list()
  pd <- params$pd
  alpha <- params$alpha
  transitions <- list()
  comparedata <- list()
  for (i in 1:length(variables)) {
    v <- variables[i]
    pV <- data[[v]]
    levs <- levels(pV)

    s <- split(data[, c(variables, "idvarpram"), with=FALSE], f)
    cmd <- paste0("data[,",v,"_pram:=factor(NA, levels=levs)]")
    ll <- levels(data$tmpfactor_for_pram)

    # calculate or check and use transition-matrix
    Rs <- calcTransitionMatrix(xvec=data[[v]], pd=pd[[i]], alpha=alpha[[i]])
    for (si in ll) {
      ii <- which(data$tmpfactor_for_pram==si & !is.na(data[[v]]))
      res <- do.pram(x=data[ii][[v]], Rs=Rs)$xpramed
      cmd <- paste0("data[ii,",v,"_pram:=res]")

    # transitions
    dat_o <- data[[v]]
    dat_p <- data[[paste0(v,"_pram")]]
    rr <- apply(rbind(dat_o, dat_p), 2, paste, collapse=" --> ")
    result <- data.table(table(rr))
    rownames(result) <- 1:nrow(result)
    colnames(result) <- c("transition", "Frequency")
    out$params[[length(out$params)+1]] <- list(Rs=Rs, pd=pd[[i]], alpha=alpha[[i]])
    transitions[[length(transitions)+1]] <- result

    # frequency-comparison
    to <- table(dat_o, useNA="always")
    tp <- table(dat_p, useNA="always")
    compdat <- matrix(NA, nrow=2, ncol=+1+length(to))
    compdat[1,-1] <- to
    compdat[2,-1] <- tp
    compdat[,1] <- c("Original Frequencies","Frequencies after Perturbation")
    compdat <- as.data.table(compdat)
    cn <- c(v, names(to))
    cn[length(cn)] <- "NA"
    setnames(compdat, cn)
    comparedata[[length(comparedata)+1]] <- compdat
  data <- as.data.frame(data)

  x <- data
  x <- apply(x, 2, as.character)
  x[is.na(x)] <- "."  # NA comparisons -> cast to character (better solution?)
  pramVars <- colnames(x)[grep("_pram", colnames(x))]
  var <- unlist(lapply(pramVars, function(x) substring(x, 1, nchar(x, type="width") - 5)))
  df <- data.frame(variable=var, nrChanges=NA, percChanges=NA, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  for (i in 1:length(pramVars)) {
    s <- sum(as.character(x[, var[i]]) != as.character(x[, pramVars[i]]))
    p <- round(s/nrow(x) * 100, 2)
    df[i, "nrChanges"] <- s
    df[i, "percChanges"] <- p
  x <- data
  attr(x, "summary") <- df
  names(out$params) <- names(transitions) <- names(comparedata) <- variables
  attr(x, "pram_params") <- out$params
  attr(x, "transitions") <- transitions
  attr(x, "compdat") <- comparedata

#' Print method for objects from class pram
#' Print method for objects from class pram
#' @param x an object of class \code{\link{pram}}
#' @param \dots Additional arguments passed through.
#' @return absolute and relative frequencies of changed observations in each modified variable
#' @author Bernhard Meindl, Matthias Templ
#' @seealso \code{\link{pram}}
#' @keywords print
#' @method print pram
#' @author Matthias Templ and Bernhard Meindl
#' @export
print.pram <- function(x, ...) {
  params <- attr(x, "pram_params")
  df <- attr(x, "summary")
  message("Number of changed observations: \n")
  message("- - - - - - - - - - - \n")
  for (i in 1:nrow(df)) {
    message(df$variable[i], " != ", paste0(df$variable[i],"_pram"), " : ", df$nrChanges[i], " (", df$percChanges[i], "%)", "\n", sep="")

#' Summary method for objects from class pram
#' Summary method for objects from class \sQuote{pram} to provide information
#' about transitions.
#' Shows various information about the transitions.
#' @param object object from class \sQuote{pram}
#' @param \dots Additional arguments passed through.
#' @return The summary of object from class \sQuote{pram}.
#' @author Matthias Templ and Bernhard Meindl
#' @seealso \code{\link{pram}}
#' @references Templ, M.  \emph{Statistical Disclosure Control for Microdata
#' Using the R-Package sdcMicro}, Transactions on Data Privacy, vol. 1, number
#' 2, pp. 67-85, 2008.  \url{http://www.tdp.cat/issues/abs.a004a08.php}
#' @keywords print
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(free1)
#' x <- as.factor(free1[,"MARSTAT"])
#' x2 <- pram(x)
#' x2
#' summary(x2)
summary.pram <- function(object, ...) {
  params <- attr(object, "pram_params")
  df <- attr(object, "summary")
  transitions <- attr(object, "transitions")
  compdats <- attr(object, "compdat")
  for (i in 1:nrow(df)) {
    message("Variable: ", df$variable[i])
    message("\n ----------------------")
    message("\nFrequencies in original and perturbed data:\n")

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