
Defines functions plsmEdit plsmEdit.plsm addPath addPath.plsm removePath removePath.plsm addMVs addMVs.plsm removeMVs removeMVs.plsm invertLVs invertLVs.plsm addLV addLV.plsm removeLVs removeLVs.plsm exogenous endogenous formative reflective indicators predecessors successors connected acyclic

Documented in acyclic addLV addLV.plsm addMVs addMVs.plsm addPath addPath.plsm connected endogenous exogenous formative indicators invertLVs invertLVs.plsm plsmEdit plsmEdit.plsm predecessors reflective removeLVs removeLVs.plsm removeMVs removeMVs.plsm removePath removePath.plsm successors

# Method to update a PLS path model of class 'plsm'
# Note: .Rd-files -> pls utils
plsmEdit <- function(model, ...){
  UseMethod("plsmEdit", model)

plsmEdit.plsm <- function(model, data, ...)
  sm <- model$strucmod
  cat("Edit the structural model!")
  sm <- edit(sm, title="Edit the structural model!")
  cat(" Done.\n")
  cat("Edit the measurement model!")
  mm <- edit(model$measuremod, title="Edit the measurement model!")
  cat(" Done.\n")
  model <- plsm(data, strucmod=sm, measuremod=mm, order=model$order)

addPath <- function(model, ...){
  UseMethod("addPath", model)

addPath.plsm <- function(model, from=character(), to=character(), ...){
  if(!all(c(from,to) %in% model$latent)){
    stop("LVs without indicators.")
  sm <- model$strucmod
  sm <- rbind(sm, cbind(from, to))
  dummy <- as.data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow=1, ncol=length(model$manifest)))
  attr(dummy, "names") <- model$manifest
  mm <- model$measuremod
  model <- plsm(data=dummy, strucmod=sm, measuremod=mm, order=model$order)

removePath <- function(model, ...){
  UseMethod("removePath", model)

removePath.plsm <- function(model, from=character(), to=character(), ...){
  sm <- model$strucmod
  ind <- which(sm[,1] %in% from & sm[,2] %in% to)
  if(length(ind)==0) stop("Path not in model.")
  else sm <- sm[-ind,]
  dummy <- as.data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow=1, ncol=length(model$manifest)))
  attr(dummy, "names") <- model$manifest
  mm <- model$measuremod
  model <- plsm(data=dummy, strucmod=sm, measuremod=mm, order=model$order)

addMVs <- function(model, ...){
  UseMethod("addMVs", model)

addMVs.plsm <- function(model, data, LV=character(), MVs=character(), ...){
  if(length(LV)!=1) stop("Indicators can only be added to one LV at a time.")
  if(!(LV %in% model$latent)){
  stop(paste("You can not add indicators to non existent LV '", LV, "'!\n",
               "  Try to use the method 'addLV'.", sep=""))
  mm <- model$measuremod
  # mode A (reflective)
  if(LV %in% mm[, 1]) mm <- rbind(mm, cbind(LV, MVs))
  # mode B (formative)
  else mm <- rbind(mm, cbind(MVs, LV))
  model <- plsm(data, strucmod=model$strucmod, measuremod=mm, order=model$order)

removeMVs <- function(model, ...){
  UseMethod("removeMVs", model)

removeMVs.plsm <- function(model, MVs=character(), ...){
  tmp <- sapply(model$blocks, setdiff, MVs)
  ind <- which(sapply(tmp, length) == 0)
  if(length(ind) > 0){
    stop(paste("Removed complete block of MVs for the LVs: ",
               paste(names(ind), collapse=", ", sep=""),
               ".", sep=""))
  ind <- which(!(model$manifest %in% MVs))
  if(length(ind) == length(model$manifest)){
    stop("MVs to not found in the model. ")
  if(length(ind) >= 0 & length(ind) < length(model$manifest)){
    message(paste("Not all MVs to remove found in the model.\n",
                  "  Removing only: ",
                  paste(model$manifest[-ind], collapse=", "), ".", sep=""))
  ind <- which(MVs %in% model$latent)
  if(length(ind) > 0){
    message(paste("Ignored to remove LVs: ",
                  paste(MVs[ind], collapse=", "), ".\n",
                  "To remove LVs use method 'removeLVs'", sep=""))
    MVs <- MVs[-ind]
  mm <- model$measuremod
  ind1 <- which(mm[,1] %in% MVs)
  ind2 <- which(mm[,2] %in% MVs)
  ind <- unique(c(ind1, ind2))
  mm <- mm[-ind,]
  dummy <- as.data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow=1, ncol=length(model$manifest)))
  attr(dummy, "names") <- model$manifest
  model <- plsm(data=dummy, strucmod=model$strucmod, measuremod=mm, order=model$order)

invertLVs <- function(model, ...){
  UseMethod("invertLVs", model)

invertLVs.plsm <- function(model, LVs=character(), ...){
  blocks <- model$blocks
  for(i in LVs){
    if(attr(blocks[[i]], "mode")=="A"){
        attr(blocks[[i]], "mode") <- "B"
    else attr(blocks[[i]], "mode") <- "A"
  model$blocks <- blocks

addLV <- function(model, ...){
  UseMethod("addLV", model)

addLV.plsm <- function(model, data,  LV=character(), mode=c("A", "B"), MVs=character(),
                  pred=character(), succ=character(), ...){
  #if(missing(data)) stop("Argument 'data' must be specified.")
  if(length(LV) != 1) stop("LV must be a character vector of length 1.")
  if(length(MVs) == 0) stop("A LV must have at least one MV.")
  if(length(pred) == 0 & length(succ)== 0) stop("A LV must have at least one predecessor or successor.")
  ind <- which(!c(pred, succ) %in% model$latent)
  if(length(ind) == length(c(pred, succ))){
      stop("None of the predecessor or successor LVs are found in the model.")
  if(length(ind) > 0 & length(ind) < length(c(pred, succ))){
      warning(paste("Some predecessor or successor LVs are not found in the model.\n",
                    "  Not found: ", paste(c(pred, succ)[ind], collapse=", "), ".", sep=""))
  mode <- match.arg(mode)
  mm <- model$measuremod
  if(mode=="A") mm <- rbind(mm, cbind(LV, MVs))
  if(mode=="B") mm <- rbind(mm, cbind(MVs, LV))
  sm <- model$strucmod
  if(length(pred) > 0) sm <- rbind(sm, cbind(pred, LV))
  if(length(succ) > 0) sm <- rbind(sm, cbind(LV, succ))
  model <- plsm(data, strucmod=sm, measuremod=mm, order=model$order)

removeLVs <- function(model, ...){
  UseMethod("removeLVs", model)

removeLVs.plsm <- function(model, which, ...){
  sm <- model$strucmod
  ind1 <- which(sm[,1] %in% which)
  ind2 <- which(sm[,2] %in% which)
  ind <- unique(c(ind1, ind2))
  # remove LVs in structural model
  smv1 <- unique(sm[1:(2*nrow(sm))])
  sm <- sm[-ind,]
  smv2 <- unique(sm[1:(2*nrow(sm))])
  lost <- setdiff(smv1, c(smv2,which))
  if(length(lost) > 0){
    warning(paste("Lost variables: ",
                  paste(lost, collapse=", "),
                  ".\n", sep=""))
    which <- c(which, lost)

  mm <- model$measuremod
  ind1 <- which(mm[,1] %in% which)
  ind2 <- which(mm[,2] %in% which)
  ind <- unique(c(ind1, ind2))
  # remove LVs in measurement model
  mm <- mm[-ind, ]
  dummy <- as.data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow=1, ncol=length(model$manifest)))
  attr(dummy, "names") <- model$manifest
  model <- plsm(data=dummy, strucmod=sm, measuremod=mm, order=model$order)

### without S3methods:
# for object of class: plsm
exogenous <- function(model){
    if(!inherits(model, "plsm")) stop("Model must be of class 'plsm'!")
    ret <- names(which(colSums(model$D)==0))

endogenous <- function(model){
    if(!inherits(model, "plsm")) stop("Model must be of class 'plsm'!")
    ret <- names(which(colSums(model$D)!=0))

formative <- function(model){
    if(!inherits(model, "plsm")) stop("Model must be of class 'plsm'!")
    ret <- names(which(lapply(model$blocks, function(x){attr(x, "mode")})=="B"))

reflective <- function(model){
    if(!inherits(model, "plsm")) stop("Model must be of class 'plsm'!")
    ret <- names(which(lapply(model$blocks, function(x){attr(x, "mode")})=="A"))

indicators <- function(model, LV){
    if(!inherits(model, "plsm")) stop("Model must be of class 'plsm'!")
    if(!LV %in% model$latent) stop("The LV must be contained in the model!")
    ret <- model$blocks[[LV]]

# used in 'pathWeighting'
predecessors <- function(model){
    if(!inherits(model, "plsm")) stop("Model must inherit from class 'plsm'!")
    D <- model$D
    foo <- function(x) names(which(x==1))
    pred <- apply(D, 2, foo)

successors <- function(model){
    if(!inherits(model, "plsm")) stop("Model must inherit from class 'plsm'!")
    D <- model$D
    foo <- function(x) names(which(x==1))
    succ <- apply(D, 1, foo)

connected <- function(model){
    pred <- predecessors(model)
    succ <- successors(model)
    for(i in model$latent){
    if(length(pred[[i]])==0 & length(succ[[i]])==0){
      message(paste("Broken chain at ", i, ".", sep=""))
    else {return(TRUE)}

acyclic <- function(model){
    else {return(TRUE)}

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