# Arguments:
# rotation: 1 = normal (endo manifests under), 2 3 and 4 flip counterclockwise.
# 2 = endo manifests righy
# 3 = endo man up
# 4 = endo man left
# allVars: TRUE includes variables that are not in model (e.g. with between-within group models)
# Layout modes:
# "tree"
# "circle"
# "spring"
# igraph function
# "tree2" and "circle2" for layout.reingold.tilford
# Boker
# manifests: vector of manifest labels ordered
# latents: vector of latents ordered
# fixedStyle: if coercible to numeric lty is assigned this value, else a color for color representation. If this argument is not a number or color representation the edge is not displayed differently.
semPaths <- function(object,what="paths",whatLabels,style,layout="tree",intercepts=TRUE,residuals=TRUE,thresholds=TRUE,
intStyle="multi",rotation=1,curve, curvature = 1, nCharNodes=3,nCharEdges=3,sizeMan = 5,sizeLat = 8,
sizeInt = 2, sizeMan2 ,sizeLat2 ,sizeInt2, shapeMan, shapeLat, shapeInt = "triangle", ask,mar,title,title.color="black",
title.adj = 0.1, title.line = -1, title.cex = 0.8,
include,combineGroups=FALSE,manifests,latents,groups,color, residScale,gui=FALSE,allVars=FALSE,edge.color,
reorder=TRUE,structural=FALSE,ThreshAtSide=FALSE,thresholdColor,thresholdSize = 0.5, fixedStyle=2,freeStyle=1,
panelGroups=FALSE,layoutSplit = FALSE, measurementLayout = "tree", subScale, subScale2, subRes = 4,
subLinks, modelOpts = list(mplusStd="std"), curveAdjacent = "<->", edge.label.cex = 0.6, cardinal = "none",
equalizeManifests = FALSE, covAtResiduals = TRUE, bifactor, optimPoints = 1:8 * (pi/4),
# c("exo cov","load dest","endo man cov")
# Check if input is combination of models:
call <- paste(deparse(substitute(object)), collapse = "")
if (grepl("\\+",call))
args <- unlist(strsplit(call,split="\\+"))
obs <- lapply(args,function(x)semPlotModel(eval(parse(text=x))))
object <- obs[[1]]
for (i in 2:length(obs)) object <- object + obs[[i]]
if (!"semPlotModel"%in%class(object)) object <-,c(list(object),modelOpts))
# if (gui) return(,as.list([-1]))
### edgeConnectPoints dummy:
# Set defaults size and shape:
if (missing(sizeMan2)) sizeMan2 <- sizeMan
if (missing(sizeLat2)) sizeLat2 <- sizeLat
if (missing(sizeInt2)) sizeInt2 <- sizeInt
if (missing(shapeMan))
if (sizeMan == sizeMan2) shapeMan <- "square" else shapeMan <- "rectangle"
if (missing(shapeLat))
if (sizeLat == sizeLat2) shapeLat <- "circle" else shapeLat <- "ellipse"
# Check:
if (missing(intAtSide)) intAtSide <- !residuals
if (!rotation%in%1:4)
stop("Rotation must be 1, 2 3 or 4.")
if (any(object@Pars$edge=="int"))
object@Vars$name[object@Vars$name=="1"] <- "_1"
object@Pars$lhs[object@Pars$lhs=="1"] <- "_1"
object@Pars$rhs[object@Pars$rhs=="1"] <- "_1"
# Check if layout is not character of length 1. If so, set layout <- "spring" as dummy:
if (!is.character(layout) || length(layout) > 1)
layoutFun <- layout
layout <- "spring"
} else layoutFun <- NULL
if (!missing(bifactor) & !layout %in% c("tree2","tree3","circle2","circle3"))
warning("'bifactor' argument only supported in layouts 'tree2', 'tree3', 'circle2' and 'circle3'")
if (missing(curve))
if (layout %in% c("tree","tree2","tree3"))
curve <- 1
} else {
curve <- 0
curveDefault <- curve
# if (missing(curvePivot))
# {
# curvePivot <- grepl("tree",layout)
# }
if (missing(whatLabels))
edge.labels <- TRUE
} else
edge.labels <- FALSE
if (missing(as.expression))
if ("lisrel" %in% unlist(sapply(object@Original,class)))
as.expression <- "edges"
} else as.expression <- ""
# Set and check style:
if (missing(style))
if ("lisrel" %in% unlist(sapply(object@Original,class)))
style <- "lisrel"
} else style <- "OpenMx"
if (grepl("ram",style, style <- "OpenMx"
if (!grepl("mx|lisrel",style, stop("Only OpenMx (ram) or LISREL style is currently supported.")
# if (grepl("mx",style, & !missing(residScale)) warning("'residScale' ingored in OpenMx style")
if (missing(residScale)) residScale <- sizeMan
# Set exoVar default:
if (missing(exoVar)) exoVar <- !grepl("lis",style,
# residScale <- residScale * 1.75
# Remove means if means==FALSE
if (intercepts==FALSE)
object@Pars <- object@Pars[object@Pars$edge!="int",]
# Set true exogenous:
object@Vars$trueExo <- !object@Vars$name %in% object@Pars$rhs[object@Pars$edge %in% c("->","~>")]
# Remove true exo variances:
if (!exoVar)
object@Pars <- object@Pars[!((object@Pars$lhs %in% object@Vars$name[object@Vars$trueExo] | object@Pars$rhs %in% object@Vars$name[object@Vars$trueExo]) & object@Pars$edge == "<->" & (object@Pars$rhs == object@Pars$lhs)), ]
if (!exoCov)
object@Pars <- object@Pars[!((object@Pars$lhs %in% object@Vars$name[object@Vars$trueExo] | object@Pars$rhs %in% object@Vars$name[object@Vars$trueExo]) & object@Pars$edge == "<->" & (object@Pars$rhs != object@Pars$lhs)), ]
# Remove residuals if residuals=FALSE
if (residuals==FALSE)
object@Pars <- object@Pars[!(object@Pars$edge=="<->"&object@Pars$lhs==object@Pars$rhs),]
# Combine groups if combineGroups=TRUE:
if (combineGroups)
object@Pars$group <- ""
# Within - Between framework:
if (is.null(object@Pars$BetweenWithin))
object@Pars$BetweenWithin <- ''
if (nrow(object@Thresholds) > 0)
object@Thresholds$BetweenWithin <- ''
if ((length(unique(object@Pars$BetweenWithin)) > 1 && !all(unique(object@Pars$BetweenWithin) %in% c('Within','Between'))) | length(unique(object@Pars$BetweenWithin)) > 2) stop("BetweenWithin must be labeled 'Between' and 'Within' only")
if (length(unique(object@Pars$BetweenWithin)) == 2)
object@Pars$group <- paste(object@Pars$group,'-',object@Pars$BetweenWithin)
object@Pars$group <- gsub('\\s+\\-\\s+(?=Within$)','',object@Pars$group,perl=TRUE)
object@Pars$group <- gsub('\\s+\\-\\s+(?=Between$)','',object@Pars$group,perl=TRUE)
if (nrow(object@Thresholds) > 0)
object@Thresholds$group <- paste(object@Thresholds$group,'-',object@Thresholds$BetweenWithin)
object@Thresholds$group <- gsub('\\s+\\-\\s+(?=Within$)','',object@Thresholds$BetweenWithin,perl=TRUE)
object@Thresholds$group <- gsub('\\s+\\-\\s+(?=Between$)','',object@Thresholds$BetweenWithin,perl=TRUE)
# Set title:
if (missing(title))
# Check titles:
title <- length(unique(object@Pars$group))>1
# If structural, remove all manifest from Pars:
if (structural)
object@Pars <- object@Pars[!(object@Pars$lhs %in% object@Vars$name[object@Vars$manifest] | object@Pars$rhs %in% object@Vars$name[object@Vars$manifest]),]
object@Vars <- object@Vars[!object@Vars$manifest,]
object@Thresholds <- data.frame()
# Add rows for bidirectional edges:
if (any(object@Pars$edge=="<->" & object@Pars$lhs != object@Pars$rhs))
bidirs <- object@Pars[object@Pars$edge=="<->" & object@Pars$lhs != object@Pars$rhs,]
bidirs[c("lhs","rhs")] <- bidirs[c("rhs","lhs")]
bidirs$par <- -1
object@Pars <- rbind(object@Pars,bidirs)
object@Pars <- object@Pars[!duplicated(object@Pars),]
# Extract names:
manNames <- object@Vars$name[object@Vars$manifest]
if (!missing(manifests))
if (!(all(manNames%in%manifests) & length(manifests) == length(manNames)))
stop(paste("Argument 'manifests' should be a vector containing reordered elements of the vector",dput(manNames)))
manNames <- manifests
latNames <- object@Vars$name[!object@Vars$manifest]
if (!missing(latents))
if (!(all(latNames%in%latents) & length(latents) == length(latNames)))
stop(paste("Argument 'latents' should be a vector containing reordered elements of the vector",dput(latNames)))
latNames <- latents
Labels <- c(manNames,latNames)
nM <- length(manNames)
nL <- length(latNames)
nN <- length(Labels)
object@Vars <- object@Vars[match(Labels,object@Vars$name),]
# Define groups and colors setup:
DefaultColor <- FALSE
if (!missing(groups))
if (is.character(groups))
if (any(grepl("man",groups, & any(grepl("lat",groups,
groups <- as.list(c(manNames,latNames))
} else if (any(grepl("man",groups, & !any(grepl("lat",groups,
groups <- as.list(manNames)
} else if (!any(grepl("man",groups, & any(grepl("lat",groups,
groups <- as.list(latNames)
} else stop("Character specification of 'groups' must contain 'man','lat' or both")
if (is.factor(groups) | is.character(groups)) groups <- tapply(1:length(groups),groups,identity)
if (!is.list(groups)) stop("'groups' argument is not a factor or list")
if (missing(color))
if (pastel)
if (length(groups) == 1) color <- "white" else
color <- rainbow_hcl(length(groups), start = rainbowStart * 360, end = (360 * rainbowStart + 360*(length(groups)-1)/length(groups)))
} else {
if (length(groups) == 1) color <- "white" else
color <- rainbow(length(groups), start = rainbowStart, end = (rainbowStart + (max(1,length(groups)-1))/length(groups)) %% 1)
} else {
if (missing(color))
color <- "background"
# # Define exogenous variables (only if any is NA):
# if (any($exogenous)))
# {
# if (any(!$exogenous)))
# {
# exoOrig <- object@Vars$exogenous
# repExo <- TRUE
# } else repExo <- FALSE
# object@Vars$exogenous <- FALSE
# for (i in which(!object@Vars$manifest))
# {
# if (!any(object@Pars$edge[object@Pars$rhs==object@Vars$name[i]] %in% c("~>","->") & object@Pars$lhs[object@Pars$rhs==object@Vars$name[i]]%in%latNames))
# {
# object@Vars$exogenous[i] <- TRUE
# }
# }
# for (i in which(object@Vars$manifest))
# {
# if (all(object@Pars$lhs[object@Pars$rhs==object@Vars$name[i] & object@Pars$lhs%in%latNames]%in%object@Vars$name[object@Vars$exogenous]) &
# all(object@Pars$rhs[object@Pars$lhs==object@Vars$name[i] & object@Pars$rhs%in%latNames]%in%object@Vars$name[object@Vars$exogenous]) &
# !any(object@Pars$rhs==object@Vars$name[i] & object@Pars$edge=="~>"))
# {
# object@Vars$exogenous[i] <- TRUE
# }
# }
# # If all exo, treat all as endo:
# if (all(object@Vars$exogenous) | layout%in%c("circle","circle2","circle3"))
# {
# object@Vars$exogenous <- FALSE
# }
# # If al endo, treat formative manifest as exo (MIMIC mode), unless all manifest are formative.
# if (!any(object@Vars$exogenous))
# {
# if (any(object@Vars$manifest & (object@Vars$name%in%object@Pars$rhs[object@Pars$edge %in% c("~>","--","->")])))
# object@Vars$exogenous[object@Vars$manifest & !(object@Vars$name%in%object@Pars$rhs[object@Pars$edge %in% c("~>","--","->")])] <- TRUE
# }
# if (repExo)
# {
# object@Vars$exogenous[!] <- exoOrig[!]
# }
# }
object <- defExo(object, layout)
Groups <- unique(object@Pars$group)
qgraphRes <- list()
if (missing(ask))
if (length(Groups)>1) ask <- TRUE else ask <- FALSE
askOrig <- par("ask")
if (missing(include)) include <- 1:length(Groups)
if (panelGroups)
# Reassign labels (temporary solution for excluding vars in multi group)
AllLabs <- Labels
AllMan <- manNames
AllLat <- latNames
### If no sub, set sub to 0 (root sub)
if (is.null(object@Pars$sub))
if (!layoutSplit)
object@Pars$sub <- 0
} else {
object@Pars$sub <- 1
### Detect manifest children of each latent:
for (i in seq_along(latNames))
# Connected manifests:
object@Pars$sub[object@Pars$lhs == latNames[i] & object@Pars$rhs%in%manNames & object@Pars$edge%in%c('->','~>')] <- i+1
# Intercepts and variances connected to these manifests:
object@Pars$sub[object@Pars$rhs%in%object@Pars$rhs[object@Pars$rhs%in%manNames & object@Pars$sub==(i+1)] & object@Pars$edge == "int"] <- i+1
object@Pars$sub[object@Pars$rhs%in%object@Pars$rhs[object@Pars$rhs%in%manNames & object@Pars$sub==(i+1)] & object@Pars$lhs%in%object@Pars$rhs[object@Pars$rhs%in%manNames & object@Pars$sub==(i+1)] & object@Pars$edge == "<->"] <- i+1
# Remove manifests already in a submodel from model 1:
ManInSub <- manNames[ manNames %in% object@Pars$lhs[object@Pars$sub > 1] | manNames %in% object@Pars$rhs[object@Pars$sub > 1]]
object@Pars$sub[ (object@Pars$lhs %in% ManInSub | object@Pars$rhs %in% ManInSub) & object@Pars$sub == 1] <- 0
if (missing( subLinks))
subLinks <- latNames
if (missing(subScale))
subScale <- 0.1 + 0.3 * (1 / max(1,max(object@Pars$sub)))
if (missing(subScale2))
subScale2 <- subScale * 1.5
layoutMain <- layout
rotationMain <- rotation
for (gr in Groups[(1:length(Groups))%in%include])
grSub <- object@Pars$sub[object@Pars$group==gr]
if (length(unique(grSub)) == 1) grSub[] <- 0
# List to store results (layout and curve of submodel 1 - n, 1 being root)
subModList <- list()
# Start sub loop (one loop per sub and once for whole graph, if number of subs is 1 ignore)
# -1 is rerun for main graph:
for (Sub in (max(grSub):0)[max(grSub):0%in%c(grSub,0)])
if (Sub > 0)
GroupPars <- object@Pars[object@Pars$group==gr & object@Pars$sub==Sub,]
GroupVars <- object@Vars
GroupThresh <- object@Thresholds[object@Thresholds$group==gr & object@Pars$sub==Sub,]
} else
GroupPars <- object@Pars[object@Pars$group==gr,]
GroupVars <- object@Vars
GroupThresh <- object@Thresholds[object@Thresholds$group==gr,]
if (Sub > 1)
GroupVars$exogenous <- FALSE
rotation <- 1
layout <- measurementLayout
} else {
rotation <- rotationMain
layout <- layoutMain
# Restore Labels, manNames and latNames:
Labels <- AllLabs
manNames <- AllMan
latNames <- AllLat
nM <- length(AllMan)
nL <- length(AllLat)
### Reorder nodes in order of factors
if (reorder)
ConOrd <- function(nodes)
E <- GroupPars[c("lhs","rhs")]
subE <- rbind(as.matrix(E[E[,1]%in%nodes,1:2]),as.matrix(E[E[,2]%in%nodes,2:1]))
subE <- subE[subE[,2]%in%GroupVars$name[!GroupVars$manifest],,drop=FALSE]
ranks <- rank(match(subE[,2],GroupVars$name))
# ranks <- match(subE[,2],object@Vars$name)
avgCon <- sapply(nodes,function(x)mean(ranks[subE[,1]==x]))
# Endo:
EnM <- which(GroupVars$manifest & !GroupVars$exogenous)
if (length(EnM) > 0)
GroupVars[EnM,] <- GroupVars[EnM,][ConOrd(GroupVars$name[EnM]),]
ExM <- which(GroupVars$manifest & GroupVars$exogenous)
# Exo:
if (length(ExM) > 0)
GroupVars[ExM,] <- GroupVars[ExM,][ConOrd(GroupVars$name[ExM]),]
manNames <- GroupVars$name[GroupVars$manifest]
Labels <- c(manNames,latNames)
Ni <- sum(GroupPars$edge=="int")
# Add intercept:
if (any(object@Pars$edge=="int"))
Labels[Labels=="1"] <- "_1"
if (intStyle == "single")
Labels <- c(Labels,"1")
} else if (intStyle == "multi")
Labels <- c(Labels,rep("1",Ni))
nN <- length(Labels)
# Extract edgelist:
Edgelist <- GroupPars[c("lhs","rhs")]
Edgelist$lhs <- match(Edgelist$lhs,Labels)
Edgelist$lhs[GroupPars$edge=="int"] <- (nM+nL+1):nN
Edgelist$rhs <- match(Edgelist$rhs,Labels)
# Coerce to numeric matrix:
Edgelist$lhs <- as.numeric(Edgelist$lhs)
Edgelist$rhs <- as.numeric(Edgelist$rhs)
Edgelist <- as.matrix(Edgelist)
if (!allVars)
NodesInGroup <- sort(unique(c(Edgelist[,1],Edgelist[,2])))
incl <- 1:nN %in% NodesInGroup
Edgelist[,1] <- match(Edgelist[,1],NodesInGroup)
Edgelist[,2] <- match(Edgelist[,2],NodesInGroup)
} else incl <- 1:nN
Labels <- Labels[incl]
nN <- length(Labels)
nM <- sum(manNames%in%Labels)
nL <- sum(latNames%in%Labels)
GroupVars <- GroupVars[GroupVars$name%in%Labels,]
manInts <- Edgelist[GroupPars$edge=="int" & GroupPars$rhs%in%manNames,,drop=FALSE]
latInts <- Edgelist[GroupPars$edge=="int" & GroupPars$rhs%in%latNames,,drop=FALSE]
manIntsEndo <- manInts[!GroupVars$exogenous[manInts[,2]],,drop=FALSE]
manIntsExo <- manInts[GroupVars$exogenous[manInts[,2]],,drop=FALSE]
latIntsEndo <- latInts[!GroupVars$exogenous[latInts[,2]],,drop=FALSE]
latIntsExo <- latInts[GroupVars$exogenous[latInts[,2]],,drop=FALSE]
endoMan <- which(Labels%in%manNames&Labels%in%GroupVars$name[!GroupVars$exogenous])
exoMan <- which(Labels%in%manNames&Labels%in%GroupVars$name[GroupVars$exogenous])
endoLat <- which(Labels%in%latNames&Labels%in%GroupVars$name[!GroupVars$exogenous])
exoLat <- which(Labels%in%latNames&Labels%in%GroupVars$name[GroupVars$exogenous])
# Bidirectional:
Bidir <- GroupPars$edge == "<->"
if (!grepl("mx",style,
Bidir[GroupPars$lhs==GroupPars$rhs] <- FALSE
# Shape:
Shape <- c(rep(shapeMan,nM),rep(shapeLat,nL))
if (any(GroupPars$edge=="int")) Shape <- c(Shape,rep(shapeInt,Ni))
Curve <- curve
# Layout:
if (layout=="tree" | layout=="circle" | layout=="circular")
# if (all(!object@Vars$exogenous))
# {
if (intStyle=="single")
# Curves:
Curve <- ifelse(GroupPars$lhs != GroupPars$rhs & ((GroupPars$lhs%in%manNames & GroupPars$rhs%in%manNames) | (GroupPars$lhs%in%latNames & GroupPars$rhs%in%latNames)),curve,NA)
Curve <- ifelse(GroupPars$lhs%in%manNames,Curve,-1*Curve)
Curve <- ifelse(GroupPars$edge=="int" & GroupPars$rhs%in%latNames,curve,-1*Curve)
# Empty layout:
Layout <- matrix(,length(Labels),2)
# Add vertical levels:
Layout[,2] <- ifelse(Labels%in%manNames,1,2)
# Add vertical levels:
Layout[Labels%in%manNames,1] <- seq(-1,1,length=nM)
if (any(GroupPars$edge=="int"))
sq <- seq(-1,1,length=nL+1)
cent <- floor(median(1:(nL+1)))
Layout[!Labels%in%manNames,1] <- sq[c(which(1:(nL+1) < cent),which(1:(nL+1) > cent),cent)]
} else
Layout[Labels%in%latNames,1] <- seq(-1,1,length=nL)
} else if (intStyle=="multi")
# Empty layout:
Layout <- matrix(,length(Labels),2)
# Add vertical levels:
Layout[endoMan,2] <- 1
Layout[endoLat,2] <- 2
Layout[exoLat,2] <- 3
Layout[exoMan,2] <- 4
Layout[latIntsEndo[,1],2] <- 2
Layout[latIntsExo[,1],2] <- 3
if (intAtSide)
Layout[manIntsExo[,1],2] <- 4
Layout[manIntsEndo[,1],2] <- 1
} else {
Layout[manIntsExo[,1],2] <- 5
Layout[manIntsEndo[,1],2] <- 0
# Add horizontal levels:
if (nrow(manIntsEndo)>0)
Layout <- mixInts(endoMan,manIntsEndo,Layout,intAtSide=intAtSide)
} else
if (length(endoMan)==1) Layout[endoMan,1] <- 0 else Layout[endoMan,1] <- seq(-1,1,length=length(endoMan))
if (nrow(manIntsExo)>0)
Layout <- mixInts(exoMan,manIntsExo,Layout,intAtSide=intAtSide)
} else
if (length(exoMan)==1) Layout[exoMan,1] <- 0 else Layout[exoMan,1] <- seq(-1,1,length=length(exoMan))
if (nrow(latIntsEndo)>0)
Layout <- mixInts(endoLat,latIntsEndo,Layout,trim=TRUE)
} else
Layout[endoLat,1] <- seq(-1,1,length=length(endoLat)+2)[-c(1,length(endoLat)+2)]
if (nrow(latIntsExo)>0)
Layout <- mixInts(exoLat,latIntsExo,Layout,trim=TRUE)
} else
Layout[exoLat,1] <- seq(-1,1,length=length(exoLat)+2)[-c(1,length(exoLat)+2)]
if (equalizeManifests)
# Max of number of nodes in lvls 1 and 4:
EndoHorRange <- max(sapply(c(0,1,4,5), function(x) sum(Layout[,2] == x)))
for (lvl in c(0,1,4,5)) Layout[Layout[,2]==lvl,1] <- sum(Layout[,2]==lvl) * Layout[Layout[,2]==lvl,1] / EndoHorRange
} else stop("MeanStyle not supported")
# Optimize layout if reorder = TRUE
} else if (layout %in% c("tree2","circle2"))
# reingold-tilford layout
# Layout <- layout.reingold.tilford
# Set roots, in order of precedence:
# exo man intercepts (incomming edges on exo man reversed)
# Any exo man with outward edges (incomming edges on exo man reversed)
# All exo man
# Exo latent intercept
# Exo latentes
# Endo latent intercept
# Endo latents
# Manifest intercepts
# Endo man with most outgoing edges
# Endo man with least incoming edges
# For all roots, base graph on graph with:
# Double headed arrows removed
# Arrow on other intercepts reversed
# if (any(GroupPars$lhs %in% GroupVars$name[exoMan] & GroupPars$edge %in% c("->","~>")))
# {
# roots <- sort(unique(Edgelist[,1][which(GroupPars$lhs %in% GroupVars$name[exoMan] & GroupPars$edge %in% c("->","~>"))]))
# if (any(roots %in% manIntsExo[,2]))
# {
# roots <- manIntsExo[match(roots,manIntsExo[,2]),1]
# }
# } else
# If bifactor is assigned and exists, bifactor becomes root and all edges not connected to bifactor are reversed:
if (!missing(bifactor) && any(bifactor %in% Labels))
roots <- which(Labels %in% bifactor)
} else {
if (nrow(manIntsExo) > 0)
roots <- manIntsExo[,1]
} else if (length(exoMan) > 0)
roots <- exoMan
} else if (nrow(latIntsExo) > 0)
roots <- latIntsExo[,1]
} else if (length(exoLat) > 0)
roots <- exoLat
} else if (nrow(latIntsEndo) > 0)
roots <- latIntsEndo[,1]
} else if (length(endoLat) > 0)
roots <- endoLat
} else if (nrow(rbind(manIntsExo,manIntsEndo)) > 0)
roots <- rbind(manIntsExo,manIntsEndo)[,1]
} else if (any(GroupPars$edge %in% c("->","~>")))
roots <- Mode(Edgelist[,1][GroupPars$edge %in% c("->","~>")])
} else {
roots <- Mode(c(Edgelist[,1],Edgelist[,2]))
Layout <- rtLayout(roots,GroupPars,Edgelist,layout,exoMan)
# Fix top level to use entire range:
# Layout[Layout[,2]==max(Layout[,2]),1] <- seq(min(Layout[,1]),max(Layout[,1]),length.out=sum(Layout[,2]==max(Layout[,2])))
# Center all horizontal levels:
# if (centerLevels) if (length(roots)>1) Layout[,1] <- ave(Layout[,1],Layout[,2],FUN = function(x) scale(x,TRUE,FALSE))
if (centerLevels) Layout[,1] <- ave(Layout[,1],Layout[,2],FUN = function(x) scale(x,TRUE,FALSE))
} else if (layout%in%c("tree3","circle3"))
# Igraph:
# Select only directed edges:
Edgelist2 <- Edgelist[GroupPars$edge%in%c("->","~>"),]
# Flip edges connected to manifest indicators of exogenous latents:
Edgelist2[Edgelist2[,2]%in%which(GroupVars$manifest&GroupVars$exogenous),] <- Edgelist2[Edgelist2[,2]%in%which(GroupVars$manifest&GroupVars$exogenous),2:1]
# Flip all edges that are not connected to the bifactor:
if (!missing(bifactor) && any(bifactor %in% Labels))
Edgelist2[!Labels[Edgelist2[,1]] %in% bifactor & !Labels[Edgelist2[,2]] %in% bifactor,1:2] <- Edgelist2[!Labels[Edgelist2[,1]] %in% bifactor & !Labels[Edgelist2[,2]] %in% bifactor,2:1]
iG <- graph.edgelist(Edgelist2)
sp <- shortest.paths(iG,mode="out")
sp[!is.finite(sp)] <- 0
maxPaths <- apply(sp,1,max)
# Mix in intercepts:
if (any(GroupPars$edge=="int"))
maxPathsInts <- maxPaths[Edgelist[GroupPars$edge=="int",2]]
if (!intAtSide)
maxPathsInts[maxPathsInts==min(maxPaths)] <- min(maxPaths) - 1
maxPathsInts[maxPathsInts==max(maxPaths)] <- max(maxPaths) + 1
maxPaths <- c(maxPaths,maxPathsInts)
if (springLevels)
Cons <- cbind(NA,maxPaths)
Layout <- qgraph.layout.fruchtermanreingold(Edgelist,vcount=length(maxPaths),constraints=Cons*sqrt(length(maxPaths)))
} else {
Layout <- cbind(NA,maxPaths)
Layout[,1] <- ave(Layout[,2],Layout[,2],FUN=function(x)seq(-1,1,length=length(x)+2)[-c(1,length(x)+2)])
# Mix intercepts:
if (any(GroupPars$edge=="int"))
intMap <- rbind(manInts,latInts)
for (i in sort(unique(Layout[,2])))
if (any(which(Layout[,2]==i)%in%intMap[,1]))
conInts <- which(Layout[,2]==i)
conInts <- conInts[conInts%in%intMap[,1]]
Layout <- mixInts(intMap[intMap[,1]%in%conInts,2],intMap,Layout,trim=TRUE,intAtSide=intAtSide)
} else Layout <- layout
# loopRotation:
if (layout%in%c("tree","tree2","tree3"))
loopRotation <- rep(0,nN)
loopRotation[endoMan] <- pi
loopRotation[exoMan] <- 0
loopRotation[endoLat] <- 0
noCons <- sapply(endoLat,function(x)nrow(Edgelist[(Edgelist[,1]==x|Edgelist[,2]==x) & (Edgelist[,1]%in%endoMan|Edgelist[,2]%in%endoMan),,drop=FALSE])==0)
if (length(noCons)==0) noCons <- logical(0)
loopRotation[endoLat][noCons] <- pi
if (length(endoLat) > 1 & !(length(exoLat)==0&length(exoMan)==0))
if (length(exoLat) > 0 | any(endoLat %in% latIntsEndo[,2]))
loopRotation[endoLat[which.min(Layout[endoLat,1])]] <- ifelse(noCons[which.min(Layout[endoLat,1])],5/4*pi,7/4*pi)
loopRotation[endoLat[which.max(Layout[endoLat,1])]] <- ifelse(noCons[which.min(Layout[endoLat,1])],3/4*pi,1/4*pi)
} else {
loopRotation[endoLat[which.min(Layout[endoLat,1])]] <- 6/4 * pi
loopRotation[endoLat[which.max(Layout[endoLat,1])]] <- 2/4 * pi
} else if (length(endoLat) == 1 && endoLat %in% latIntsEndo[,2])
loopRotation[endoLat] <- 6/4 * pi
loopRotation[exoLat] <- pi
noCons <- sapply(exoLat,function(x)nrow(Edgelist[(Edgelist[,1]==x|Edgelist[,2]==x) & (Edgelist[,1]%in%exoMan|Edgelist[,2]%in%exoMan),,drop=FALSE])==0)
if (length(noCons)==0) noCons <- logical(0)
loopRotation[exoLat][noCons] <- 0
if (length(exoLat) > 1 & length(exoMan)>0)
if (length(endoLat) > 0 | any(exoLat %in% latIntsExo[,2]))
loopRotation[exoLat[which.min(Layout[exoLat,1])]] <- ifelse(noCons[which.min(Layout[exoLat,1])],7/4*pi,5/4*pi)
loopRotation[exoLat[which.max(Layout[exoLat,1])]] <- ifelse(noCons[which.min(Layout[exoLat,1])],1/4*pi,3/4*pi)
} else {
loopRotation[exoLat[which.min(Layout[exoLat,1])]] <- 6/4*pi
loopRotation[exoLat[which.max(Layout[exoLat,1])]] <- 2/4*pi
} else if (length(exoLat) == 1 && exoLat %in% latIntsExo[,2])
loopRotation[exoLat] <- 6/4 * pi
if (any(GroupVars$exogenous) & optimizeLatRes)
### For latents that have loops, find a nice angle:
for (i in which(Labels%in%latNames & Labels%in%GroupPars$lhs[GroupPars$lhs==GroupPars$rhs]))
# Layout subset of all connected:
subEdgelist <- Edgelist[(Edgelist[,1]==i|Edgelist[,2]==i)&(Edgelist[,1]!=Edgelist[,2]),,drop=FALSE]
conNodes <- c(subEdgelist[subEdgelist[,1]==i,2],subEdgelist[subEdgelist[,2]==i,1])
# Test for empty:
if (nrow(subEdgelist)==0) conNodes <- sort(unique(c(Edgelist[,1:2])))
subLayout <- Layout[conNodes,,drop=FALSE]
# Add degree of edges passing node:
lower <- which(Layout[,2] < Layout[i,2])
higher <- which( Layout[,2] > Layout[i,2])
passNode <- which((Edgelist[,1] %in% lower & Edgelist[,2] %in% higher) | (Edgelist[,2] %in% lower & Edgelist[,1] %in% higher))
if (length(passNode) > 0)
passLayout <-,lapply(passNode, function(ii)c(mean(Layout[Edgelist[ii,],1]), mean(Layout[Edgelist[ii,],2]))))
subLayout <- rbind(subLayout, passLayout)
Degrees <- apply(subLayout,1,function(x)atan2(x[1]-Layout[i,1],x[2]-Layout[i,2]))
loopRotation[i] <- optimPoints[which.max(sapply(optimPoints,loopOptim,Degrees=Degrees))]
# Completely forgot point of this whole thing here:
# if (!grepl("lisrel",style, | !any((Edgelist[,1]==i|Edgelist[,2]==i)&(Edgelist[,1]!=Edgelist[,2])&GroupPars$edge=="<->"))
# {
# # loopRotation[i] <- optimize(loopOptim,c(0,2*pi),Degrees=Degrees,maximum=TRUE)$maximum
# loopRotation[i] <- optimPoints[which.max(sapply(optimPoints,loopOptim,c(0,2*pi),Degrees=Degrees))]
# } else {
# # Layout subset of all connected:
# subEdgelist <- Edgelist[(Edgelist[,1]==i|Edgelist[,2]==i)&(Edgelist[,1]!=Edgelist[,2])&GroupPars$edge=="<->",]
# conNodes <- c(subEdgelist[subEdgelist[,1]==i,2],subEdgelist[subEdgelist[,2]==i,1])
# # Test for empty:
# if (nrow(subEdgelist)==0) conNodes <- sort(unique(c(Edgelist[,1:2])))
# subLayout <- Layout[conNodes,]
# goodDegrees <- apply(subLayout,1,function(x)atan2(x[1]-Layout[i,1],x[2]-Layout[i,2]))
# loopRotation[i] <- optimize(loopOptim,c(min(goodDegrees-pi/4),max(goodDegrees+pi/4)),Degrees=Degrees,maximum=TRUE)$maximum
# }
# } else if (layout=="tree3"|layout=="circle3")
# {
# loopRotation <- rep(NA,nN)
# loopRotation[endoMan] <- pi
# loopRotation[exoMan] <- 0
} else loopRotation <- rep(NA, length(Labels))
if (layout=="tree")
Layout[Layout[,2]>0&Layout[,2]<5,2] <- as.numeric(as.factor(Layout[Layout[,2]>0&Layout[,2]<5,2]))
Layout[Layout[,2]==0,2] <- (1*!residuals) * 0.25
Layout[Layout[,2]==5,2] <- max(Layout[Layout[,2]<5,2]) + (1 - (1*!residuals)*0.25)
# Level layout:
if (!missing(levels)&layout%in%c("tree","tree2","tree3","circle","circle2","circle3"))
if (length(levels)<length(unique(Layout[,2]))) stop(paste("'levels' argument must have at least",length(unique(Layout[,2])),"elements"))
Layout[,2] <- levels[as.numeric(as.factor(Layout[,2]))]
ECP <- matrix(NA,nrow(Edgelist),2)
# Set curves, edgeConnectPoints and rotate:
if (layout %in% c("tree","tree2","tree3"))
inBetween <- function(x)
if (Layout[x[1],2]!=Layout[x[2],2]) return(0) else return(sum(Layout[Layout[,2]==Layout[x[1],2],1] > min(Layout[x,1]) & Layout[Layout[,2]==Layout[x[1],2],1] < max(Layout[x,1])))
# Curves:
inBet <- apply(Edgelist,1,inBetween)
inBet[inBet>0] <- as.numeric(as.factor(inBet[inBet>0]))
# if (!grepl("lisrel",style, | all(!GroupVars$exogenous) | !residuals)
# {
if (isTRUE(curveAdjacent))
percurveAdjacent <- rep(TRUE,nrow(Edgelist))
} else {
percurveAdjacent <- rep(FALSE,nrow(Edgelist))
curveAdjacent <- gsub("<->","cov",curveAdjacent)
curveAdjacent <- gsub("(->)|(~>)","reg",curveAdjacent)
if (is.character(curveAdjacent))
percurveAdjacent[(any(grepl("reg",curveAdjacent,$edge%in%c("->","~>",|(any(grepl("cov",curveAdjacent))&GroupPars$edge%in%c("<->"))] <- TRUE
# Original curve:
Curve <- ifelse(Layout[Edgelist[,1],2]==Layout[Edgelist[,2],2]&Edgelist[,1]!=Edgelist[,2]&GroupPars$edge!="int",ifelse(inBet<(1-percurveAdjacent),0,curve+curvature*(inBet)/max(1,max(inBet))*curve),NA)
# Curve <- ifelse(Layout[Edgelist[,1],2]==Layout[Edgelist[,2],2]&Edgelist[,1]!=Edgelist[,2]&GroupPars$edge!="int",ifelse(inBet<(1-percurveAdjacent),0,curve),NA)
# } else {
# Curve <- ifelse(Layout[Edgelist[,1],2]==Layout[Edgelist[,2],2]&Edgelist[,1]!=Edgelist[,2]&GroupPars$edge!="int" & Labels[Edgelist[,1]]%in%manNames & Labels[Edgelist[,2]]%in%manNames,ifelse(inBet<1,0,curve+inBet/max(inBet)*curve),NA)
# }
### If origin node is "right" of destination node, flip curve:
Curve[Layout[Edgelist[,1],1] > Layout[Edgelist[,2],1]] <- -1 * Curve[Layout[Edgelist[,1],1] > Layout[Edgelist[,2],1]]
## If endo man, flip again:
Curve <- ifelse(Edgelist[,1]%in%endoMan | Edgelist[,2]%in%endoMan, -1 * Curve, Curve)
### Cardinal options:
# Fuzzy matching:
# exo/endo
# man/lat
# cov/reg/load
# start/end
if (any(grepl("all",cardinal)) || isTRUE(cardinal)) cardinal <- "exo endo man lat cov reg load source dest"
### Edge connect points:
if (length(cardinal) > 0 && !identical(cardinal,FALSE) && !all(grepl("none",cardinal)))
if (packageDescription("qgraph")$Version == "1.2.3") warning("'cardinal' argument requires qgraph version 1.2.4")
ECP <- matrix(NA,nrow(Edgelist),2)
lvlDiff <- Layout[Edgelist[,1],2] - Layout[Edgelist[,2],2]
ECP[lvlDiff>0,1] <- pi
ECP[lvlDiff>0,2] <- 0
ECP[lvlDiff<0,1] <- 0
ECP[lvlDiff<0,2] <- pi
ECP[lvlDiff==0,1] <- ifelse(Curve!=0, ifelse((loopRotation[Edgelist[,1]]+0.5*pi)%%2*pi <= pi, pi, 0), NA)[lvlDiff==0]
ECP[lvlDiff==0,2] <- ifelse(Curve!=0, ifelse((loopRotation[Edgelist[,1]]+0.5*pi)%%2*pi <= pi, pi, 0), NA)[lvlDiff==0]
ECP <- (ECP - 0.5 * (rotation-1) * pi ) %% (2*pi)
# All nonspecified to NA:
allSelect <- matrix(FALSE,nrow(ECP),2)
for (cardGroup in cardinal)
select <- matrix(grepl("(exo)|(endo)|(man)|(lat)|(cov)|(reg)|(load)|(src)|(source)|(dest)",cardGroup),nrow(ECP),2)
if (grepl("(endo)|(exo)",cardGroup))
# First node first / endo:
select <- select & ((grepl("endo",cardGroup, & !GroupVars$trueExo[Edgelist[,1]]) |
(grepl("exo",cardGroup, & GroupVars$trueExo[Edgelist[,1]] )
if (grepl("(lat)|(man)",cardGroup))
# Any node man / latent
select <- select & ((grepl("lat",cardGroup, & (!GroupVars$manifest[Edgelist[,1]] | !GroupVars$manifest[Edgelist[,2]])) |
(grepl("man",cardGroup, & (GroupVars$manifest[Edgelist[,1]] | GroupVars$manifest[Edgelist[,2]]) )
if (grepl("(cov)|(reg)|(load)",cardGroup))
# Edge is cov/reg/loading:
select <- select & ((grepl("cov",cardGroup, & (GroupPars$edge=="<->")) |
(grepl("reg",cardGroup, & (GroupPars$edge%in%c("->","~>") & !(!GroupVars$manifest[Edgelist[,1]] & GroupVars$manifest[Edgelist[,2]]))) |
(grepl("load",cardGroup, & (GroupPars$edge%in%c("->","~>") & (!GroupVars$manifest[Edgelist[,1]] & GroupVars$manifest[Edgelist[,2]])) )
if (grepl("(src)|(source)|(dest)",cardGroup))
# Start/end:
select[,1] <- select[,1] & grepl("(src)|(source)",cardGroup,
select[,2] <- select[,2] & grepl("dest",cardGroup,
allSelect[select] <- TRUE
ECP[!allSelect] <- NA
### Flip ECP, loopRotation and curve for any non bifactor variables, if specified:
if (!missing(bifactor) && any(bifactor %in% Labels) && layout %in% c("tree2", "tree3", "circle2", "circle3"))
loopRotation[!Labels %in% bifactor] <- loopRotation[!Labels %in% bifactor] + pi
ECP[!GroupPars$lhs%in%bifactor,1] <- ECP[!GroupPars$lhs%in%bifactor,1] + pi
ECP[!GroupPars$lhs%in%bifactor,2] <- ECP[!GroupPars$lhs%in%bifactor,2] + pi
Curve[!GroupPars$lhs%in%bifactor & !GroupPars$lhs%in%bifactor] <- -1 * Curve[!GroupPars$lhs%in%bifactor & !GroupPars$lhs%in%bifactor]
### Rotate loopRotation:
loopRotation <- loopRotation - 0.5 * (rotation-1) *pi
# for (i in unique(Layout[,2]))
# {
# Layout[Layout[,2]==i,1] <- (as.numeric(as.factor(Layout[Layout[,2]==i,1])) - 1) / (sum(Layout[,2]==i) - 1)
# }
if (rotation==2)
Layout <- Layout[,2:1]
Layout[,1] <- -1 * Layout[,1]
if (rotation==3)
Layout[,1] <- -1 * Layout[,1]
Layout[,2] <- -1 * Layout[,2]
if (rotation==4)
Layout <- Layout[,2:1]
Layout[,2] <- -1 * Layout[,2]
Layout[,2] <- Layout[,2]-max(Layout[,2]) + 0.5
if (layout%in%c("circle","circle2","circle3"))
if (rotation%in%c(2,4)) stop("Circle layout only supported if rotation is 1 or 3")
underMean <- Layout[,2] < mean(Layout[,2])
Layout[,2] <- -1*Layout[,2] + max(Layout[,2]) + 0.5
Ltemp <- Layout
unVert <- sort(unique(Layout[,2]))
for (i in unVert)
l <- sum(Layout[,2]==i)
sq <- seq(0,2*pi,length=l+1)[-(l+1)] + pi/l
c <- 1
for (j in order(Layout[Layout[,2]==i,1]))
Ltemp[which(Layout[,2]==i)[j],] <- c(RotMat(sq[c])%*%c(0,i))
c <- c + 1
Layout <- Ltemp
# loopRotation:
loopRotation <- apply(Layout,1,function(x)atan2(x[1],x[2]))
loopRotation <- ifelse(underMean,loopRotation,(loopRotation+pi)%%(2*pi))
if (layout == "spring") loopRotation <- rep(NA, length(Labels))
if (layoutSplit & length(unique(grSub)) > 1 & Sub > 0)
if (is.character(Layout))
Layout <- qgraph(Edgelist, layout = Layout, DoNotPlot = TRUE, edgelist=TRUE)$layout
## Store in submodel list (could well be moved earlier but whatever)
subModList[[Sub]] <- list(
Layout = Layout,
loopRotation = loopRotation,
Curve = Curve,
Labels = Labels,
if (layoutSplit & length(unique(grSub)) > 1 & length(subModList) > 1)
### Rescale subScale to height in width relative to diameter of device in inches ###
din <- par("din")
diamet <- sqrt(sum(din^2))
subDim <- diamet * c(subScale, subScale2)
if (is.character(Layout))
Layout <- qgraph(Edgelist, layout = Layout, DoNotPlot = TRUE)$layout
# Rescale main layout:
Layout <- LayoutScaler(Layout, din[1]/2, din[2]/2)
subModList[[1]]$Layout <- LayoutScaler(subModList[[1]]$Layout)
# Angle from center:
centAngles <- atan2(subModList[[1]]$Layout[,1],subModList[[1]]$Layout[,2]) + pi
subModList[[1]]$Layout <- LayoutScaler(subModList[[1]]$Layout, din[1]/2, din[2]/2)
centAngles[subModList[[1]]$Layout[,1]==0&subModList[[1]]$Layout[,2]==0] <- mean(centAngles[!(subModList[[1]]$Layout[,1]==0&subModList[[1]]$Layout[,2]==0)]) + pi
if (layout %in% c('tree','tree2','tree3'))
err <- 1.1
} else
err <- 1.1
srot <- ifelse(rotation%in%c(1,3),1/err,err)
centAngles <- atan2(srot*sin(centAngles),cos(centAngles))
if (subRes != 0)
centAngles <- round_any(centAngles%%(2*pi), (2*pi)/subRes)
# Rescale and rotate sub layouts and enter in main layout:
for (g in rev(seq_along(subModList)))
if (g > 1 && !is.null(subModList[[g]]))
link <- c(which(subModList[[1]]$Labels == subLinks[g-1]), which(subModList[[g]]$Labels == subLinks[g-1]) )
# Scale:
# subDim2 <- abs(c(RotMat(centAngles[link[1]]) %*% subDim))
# subDim2 <- subDim2 / abs(c(RotMat(centAngles[link[1]]) %*% rev(din)))
# subModList[[g]]$Layout <- LayoutScaler(subModList[[g]]$Layout, c(-1,1) * subDim[1]/2, c(-1,1) * subDim[2]/2)
# Map to inch coordinates:
subModList[[g]]$Layout <- LayoutScaler(subModList[[g]]$Layout, subDim[1]/2, subDim[2]/2)
# Center to link:
subModList[[g]]$Layout[,1] <- subModList[[g]]$Layout[,1] - subModList[[g]]$Layout[link[2],1]
subModList[[g]]$Layout[,2] <- subModList[[g]]$Layout[,2] - subModList[[g]]$Layout[link[2],2]
# Rotate:
subModList[[g]]$Layout <- t(RotMat(centAngles[link[1]]) %*% t(subModList[[g]]$Layout))
# Map back to usr coordinates:
# subModList[[g]]$Layout[,1] <- subModList[[g]]$Layout[,1] / (din[1]/2)
# subModList[[g]]$Layout[,2] <- subModList[[g]]$Layout[,2] / (din[2]/2)
# Center to Layout:
subModList[[g]]$Layout[,1] <- subModList[[g]]$Layout[,1] + subModList[[1]]$Layout[link[1],1]
subModList[[g]]$Layout[,2] <- subModList[[g]]$Layout[,2] + subModList[[1]]$Layout[link[1],2]
# Enter in general model:
subLabnums <- match(subModList[[g]]$Labels[subModList[[g]]$Labels!='1'],Labels)
subLabnums <- c(subLabnums,manInts[match(match(GroupPars$rhs[GroupPars$sub==g & GroupPars$edge == "int" & GroupPars$rhs %in% manNames],Labels),manInts[,2]),1])
subLabnums <- c(subLabnums,latInts[match(match(GroupPars$rhs[GroupPars$sub==g & GroupPars$edge == "int" & GroupPars$rhs %in% latNames],Labels),latInts[,2]),1])
Layout[subLabnums,] <- subModList[[g]]$Layout
Curve[GroupPars$sub == g] <- subModList[[g]]$Curve
if (g == 1)
loopRotation[subLabnums] <- subModList[[g]]$loopRotation
ECP[object@Pars$sub == g & object@Pars$group == gr,] <- subModList[[g]]$ECP
for (g2 in length(subModList):2)
if (!is.null(subModList[[g2]]))
loopRotation[Labels==latNames[g2-1]] <- centAngles[g2-1]
# ECP[object@Pars$sub == g,] <- centAngles[g2-1]
} else
loopRotation[subLabnums] <- (subModList[[g]]$loopRotation + centAngles[link[1]]) %% ( 2*pi)
ECP[object@Pars$sub == g & object@Pars$group == gr,] <- (subModList[[g]]$ECP + centAngles[link[1]]) %% ( 2*pi)
# ECP <- (subModList[[g]]$ECP + centAngles[link[1]]) %% ( 2*pi)
# Edge labels:
if (edge.labels)
eLabels <- GroupPars$label
} else eLabels <- rep("",nrow(Edgelist))
# vsize:
vSize <- numeric(nN)
vSize[Labels%in%manNames] <- sizeMan
vSize[Labels%in%latNames] <- sizeLat
vSize[Labels=="1"] <- sizeInt
vSize2 <- numeric(nN)
vSize2[Labels%in%manNames] <- sizeMan2
vSize2[Labels%in%latNames] <- sizeLat2
vSize2[Labels=="1"] <- sizeInt2
eColor <- rep(NA,nrow(Edgelist))
# tColor <- rep(rgb(0.5,0.5,0.5),nrow(GroupThresh))
if (missing(thresholdColor))
tColor <- rep("border", nN)
} else {
tColor <- rep(thresholdColor, nN)
### WHAT TO PLOT? ###
if (grepl("path|diagram|mod",what,
} else if (grepl("stand|std",what,
Edgelist <- cbind(Edgelist,GroupPars$std)
if (edge.labels) eLabels <- GroupPars$std
} else if (grepl("est|par",what,
Edgelist <- cbind(Edgelist,GroupPars$est)
if (edge.labels) eLabels <- GroupPars$est
} else if (grepl("eq|cons",what,
# eColor <- rep(rgb(0.5,0.5,0.5),nrow(Edgelist))
unPar <- unique(object@Pars$par[object@Pars$par>0 & duplicated(object@Pars$par)])
if (pastel)
cols <- rainbow_hcl(max(c(object@Pars$par,GroupThresh$par)), c = 35, l = 85)
} else {
cols <- rainbow(max(c(object@Pars$par,GroupThresh$par)))
for (i in unPar)
eColor[GroupPars$par==i] <- cols[i]
if (nrow(GroupThresh) > 0)
warning("Equality constraints of Thresholds currently not supported")
# for (i in 1:nrow(GroupThresh))
# {
# if (GroupThresh$par[i]>0 & sum(GroupThresh$par[i] == object@Thresholds$par) > 1 )
# {
# tColor[i] <- cols[GroupThresh$par[i]]
# }
# }
} else if (!grepl("col",what, stop("Could not detect use of 'what' argument")
# Set default if list:
if (is.list(color))
colList <- color
color <- rep("",nN)
if (!is.null(colList$man))
color[Labels%in%manNames] <- colList$man
if (!is.null(colList$lat))
color[Labels%in%latNames] <- colList$lat
if (!is.null(colList$int))
color[Labels=="1"] <- colList$int
if (!missing(groups))
NodeGroups <- groups
Ng <- length(NodeGroups)
if (length(color)==1)
Vcolors <- rep(color,nN)
} else if (length(color)==nM)
Vcolors <- c(color,rep("",nN-nM))
} else if (length(color)==nN)
Vcolors <- color
} else if (length(color)!=Ng)
stop("'color' vector not of appropriate length")
if (missing(manifests) & any(sapply(NodeGroups,mode)!="character")) warning("Groups specified numerically and 'manifests' not supplied. Results might be unexpected.")
if (length(color)==Ng)
Vcolors <- rep("",nN)
for (g in 1:Ng)
if (mode(NodeGroups[[g]])=="character")
### hier grepl!
NodeGroups[[g]] <- matchVar(NodeGroups[[g]], GroupVars, manIntsExo, manIntsEndo, latIntsExo, latIntsEndo)
# NodeGroups[[g]] <- match(NodeGroups[[g]],Labels)
Vcolors[NodeGroups[[g]]] <- color[g]
# Vcolors[Vcolors=="" & Labels%in%manNames] <- "white"
} else
NodeGroups <- NULL
if (length(color)==1)
Vcolors <- rep(color,nN)
} else if (length(color)==nM)
Vcolors <- c(color,rep(NA,nN-nM))
} else if (length(color)==nN)
Vcolors <- color
} else stop("'color' vector not of appropriate length")
# If missing color, obtain weighted mix of connected colors:
if (any(Vcolors==""))
if (inheritColor)
VcolorsBU <- Vcolors
W <- 1
# for (i in 1:(nM+nL))
for (i in 1:nN)
if (Vcolors[i]=="")
cons <- c(Edgelist[Edgelist[,1]==i,2],Edgelist[Edgelist[,2]==i,1])
if (ncol(Edgelist) == 3)
W <- abs(c(Edgelist[Edgelist[,1]==i,3],Edgelist[Edgelist[,2]==i,3]))
W <- W[VcolorsBU[cons]!=""]
cons <- cons[VcolorsBU[cons]!=""]
if (length(cons)>0)
Vcolors[i] <- mixColfun(VcolorsBU[cons],W)
} else Vcolors[i] <- NA
Vcolors[Vcolors==""] <- NA
if (grepl("col",what,
# eColor <- character(nrow(Edgelist))
for (i in 1:nrow(Edgelist))
cols <- Vcolors[Edgelist[i,]]
if (!all(cols=="background")) eColor[i] <- mixColfun(cols[cols!="background"])
if (!missing(whatLabels))
if (grepl("path|diagram|model|name|label",whatLabels,
eLabels <- GroupPars$label
} else if (grepl("stand|std",whatLabels,
eLabels <- GroupPars$std
} else if (grepl("est|par",whatLabels,
eLabels <- GroupPars$est
} else if (grepl("eq|cons",whatLabels,
eLabels <- GroupPars$par
} else if (grepl("no|omit|hide|invisible",whatLabels,
eLabels <- rep("",nrow(Edgelist))
} else stop("Could not detect use of 'whatLabels' argument")
# Abbreviate:
if (!"edges"%in%as.expression)
if (is.numeric(eLabels))
eLabels <- ifelse(,"",formatC(eLabels, format=ifelse(all(eLabels%%1==0),'d','f'), digits=nDigits))
} else
if (nCharEdges>0) eLabels <- abbreviate(eLabels,nCharEdges)
if (!"nodes"%in%as.expression)
if (is.numeric(Labels))
Labels <- ifelse(,"",formatC(Labels, format=ifelse(all(Labels%%1==0),'d','f'), digits=nDigits))
} else
if (nCharNodes>0 ) Labels <- abbreviate(Labels,nCharNodes)
if (grepl("lisrel",style, & residuals & covAtResiduals)
isResid <- GroupPars$edge == "<->" & GroupPars$lhs != GroupPars$rhs & (GroupPars$lhs %in% GroupPars$lhs[GroupPars$edge == "<->" & GroupPars$lhs == GroupPars$rhs] & GroupPars$rhs %in% GroupPars$rhs[GroupPars$edge == "<->" & GroupPars$lhs == GroupPars$rhs])
} else isResid <- rep(FALSE,nrow(Edgelist))
# nResid <- length(whichResid)
# Edgelist[whichResid,1] <- (nN+1):(nN+nResid)
# rots <- loopRotation[Edgelist[whichResid,2]]
# Lresid <- matrix(,nResid,2)
# hLength <- diff(range(Layout[,1]))
# vLength <- diff(range(Layout[,2]))
# for (i in 1:nResid)
# {
# Lresid[i,1] <- Layout[Edgelist[whichResid[i],2],1] + sin(rots[i]) * residScale * 0.25 * hLength/vLength
# Lresid[i,2] <- Layout[Edgelist[whichResid[i],2],2] + cos(rots[i]) * residScale * 0.25
# }
# # Add nodes:
# Layout <- rbind(Layout,Lresid)
# Labels <- c(Labels,rep("",nResid))
# Shape <- c(Shape,rep("circle",nResid))
# loopRotation <- NULL
# vSize <- c(vSize,rep(0,nResid))
# Vcolors <- c(Vcolors,rep(rgb(0,0,0,0),nResid))
# }
if (grepl("mx",style, LoopAsResid <- FALSE else LoopAsResid <- TRUE
if (!allVars)
NodeGroups2 <- NodeGroups
if (!is.null(NodeGroups2))
newNodes <- match(1:length(AllLabs),(1:length(AllLabs))[incl])
for (g in 1:length(NodeGroups2))
NodeGroups2[[g]] <- newNodes[NodeGroups2[[g]]]
NodeGroups2[[g]] <- NodeGroups2[[g]][![[g]])]
### Compute margins ###
if (missing(mar))
if (!layoutSplit)
Mar <- c(5,5,5,5)
# Add 3 to top and bottom for residuals if lisrel style is used:
if (grepl("lisrel",style, Mar[c(1,3)] <- Mar[c(1,3)] + 3
# # Add 4 to bottom if there are endo man residual correlations:
# if (any(Edgelist[,1]%in%endoMan & Edgelist[,2]%in%endoMan & Edgelist[,1]!=Edgelist[,2]))
# {
# Mar[1] <- Mar[1] + 4
# }
# # Add 4 to top if there are endo man residual correlations:
# if (any(Edgelist[,1]%in%exoMan & Edgelist[,2]%in%exoMan & Edgelist[,1]!=Edgelist[,2]))
# {
# Mar[3] <- Mar[3] + 4
# }
# Add 3 to top if top consist of latent residuals:
# if (length(exoMan)==0)
# {
# Mar[3] <- Mar[3] + 3
# }
# Rotate:
Mar <- Mar[(0:3 + (rotation-1)) %% 4 + 1]
# Add 2 to top for title:
if (title) Mar[3] <- Mar[3] + 2
} else
Mar <- c(3,3,3,3)
} else Mar <- mar
# Overwrite edge colors if appropriate:
if (!missing(edge.color))
eColor <- edge.color
if (thresholds & missing(thresholdColor))
tColor <- rep(edge.color,length(tColor))
# Fixed and free edges:
if (length(freeStyle) > 2 | length(fixedStyle) > 2) warning("'freeStyle' and 'fixedStyle' are assumed to be vectors of at most length 2. Unexpected results will probably occur.")
# lty:
lty <- rep(1,nrow(GroupPars))
# fixedStyle
if (any(is.numeric(fixedStyle) | grepl("^\\d+$",fixedStyle))) lty <- ifelse(GroupPars$fixed,as.numeric(fixedStyle[is.numeric(fixedStyle) | grepl("^\\d+$",fixedStyle)]),lty)
if (any(isColor(fixedStyle) & !(is.numeric(fixedStyle) | grepl("^\\d+$",fixedStyle)))) eColor[GroupPars$fixed] <- fixedStyle[isColor(fixedStyle) & !(is.numeric(fixedStyle) | grepl("^\\d+$",fixedStyle))]
# freeStyle:
if (any(is.numeric(freeStyle) | grepl("\\d+",freeStyle))) lty <- ifelse(GroupPars$fixed,lty,as.numeric(freeStyle[is.numeric(freeStyle) | grepl("\\d+",freeStyle)]))
if (any(isColor(freeStyle) & !(is.numeric(freeStyle) | grepl("\\d+",freeStyle)))) eColor[!GroupPars$fixed] <- freeStyle[isColor(freeStyle) & !(is.numeric(freeStyle) | grepl("\\d+",freeStyle))]
# Directed settings:
Directed <- GroupPars$edge!="--"
# Convert labels to expressions:
if ("edges"%in%as.expression)
eLabels <- lapply(eLabels,function(x)if (x=="") x else as.expression(parse(text=x)))
} # Convert labels to expressions:
if ("nodes"%in%as.expression)
Labels <- lapply(Labels,function(x)if (x=="") x else as.expression(parse(text=x)))
# Restore layout function:
if (!is.null(layoutFun)) Layout <- layoutFun
# Overwrite node and edge labels:
if (!missing(nodeLabels))
nLab <- nodeLabels[object@Vars$name %in% GroupVars$name]
} else nLab <- Labels
# Overwrite node and edge labels:
if (!missing(edgeLabels))
eLab <- edgeLabels[object@Pars$group==gr]
} else eLab <- eLabels
CircleEdgeEnd <- rep(FALSE, nrow(Edgelist))
if (any(c('Between','Within')%in%GroupPars$BetweenWithin))
if (all(GroupPars$BetweenWithin == 'Within'))
BetweenPars <- object@Pars[object@Pars$group == gsub("Within$","Between",gr),]
# BetweenInts <- BetweenPars$rhs[BetweenPars$edge == 'int']
BetweenVars <- unique(c(BetweenPars$lhs,BetweenPars$rhs))
CircleEdgeEnd[GroupPars$rhs %in% BetweenVars & GroupPars$edge %in% c('->','~>')] <- TRUE
} else if (all(GroupPars$BetweenWithin == 'Between'))
WithinPars <- object@Pars[object@Pars$group == gsub("Between$","Within",gr),]
WithinVars <- unique(c(WithinPars$lhs,WithinPars$rhs))
Shape[Labels %in% WithinVars ] <- shapeLat
} else stop("BetweenWithin not only 'Between' or 'Within'.")
### Threshold setup ###
bars <- list()
length(bars) <- nN
barSide <- rep(1, nN)
if (thresholds)
if (missing(thresholdColor) & missing(edge.color))
tColor <- rep("border", nN)
if (nrow(GroupThresh) > 0)
for (node in unique(match(GroupThresh$lhs,GroupVars$name)))
# node <- which(Labels==GroupThresh$lhs[i])
# Compute side:
IntSide <- 1
if (layout=="tree")
if (rotation%in%c(1,3))
barSide[node] <- ifelse(Layout[node,2]>mean(Layout[,2]),3,1)
} else {
barSide[node] <- ifelse(Layout[node,1]>mean(Layout[,1]),4,2)
} else {
barSide[node] <- sum((atan2(scale(Layout[,1])[node],scale(Layout[,2])[node])+pi)%%(2*pi) > c(0,pi/2,pi,1.5*pi))
bars[[node]] <- pnorm(GroupThresh$est[GroupThresh$lhs == GroupVars$name[node]])
# curveScale:
curveScale <- ! layout %in% c('tree','tree2','tree3')
# curveScale <- TRUE
### RUN QGRAPH ###
qgraphRes[[which(Groups==gr)]] <- qgraph::qgraph(Edgelist,
vsize = vSize,
vsize2 = vSize2,
residScale = residScale,
residEdge = isResid,
edgelist = TRUE,
curveDefault = curveDefault,
knots = GroupPars$knot,
# curvePivot = curvePivot,
aspect = layoutSplit,
CircleEdgeEnd = CircleEdgeEnd,
curveScale = curveScale,
bars = bars,
barSide = barSide,
barColor = tColor,
barLength = thresholdSize,
barsAtSide = ThreshAtSide,
edge.label.cex = edge.label.cex,
edgeConnectPoints = ECP,
# if (thresholds)
# {
# # Overwrite color to white if bg is dark (temporary solution)
# if (missing(thresholdColor) & missing(edge.color))
# {
# if (mean(col2rgb(qgraphRes[[which(Groups==gr)]]$plotOptions$background)/255) <= 0.5) tColor <- rep("white",length(tColor))
# }
# if (nrow(GroupThresh) > 0)
# {
# for (i in 1:nrow(GroupThresh))
# {
# node <- which(Labels==GroupThresh$lhs[i])
# # Compute side:
# IntSide <- 1
# if (layout=="tree")
# {
# if (rotation%in%c(1,3))
# {
# IntSide <- ifelse(Layout[node,2]>mean(Layout[,2]),3,1)
# } else {
# IntSide <- ifelse(Layout[node,1]>mean(Layout[,1]),4,2)
# }
# } else {
# IntSide <- sum((atan2(qgraphRes[[which(Groups==gr)]]$layout[node,1],qgraphRes[[which(Groups==gr)]]$layout[node,2])+pi)%%(2*pi) > c(0,pi/2,pi,1.5*pi))
# }
# IntInNode(qgraphRes[[which(Groups==gr)]]$layout[node,,drop=FALSE],vSize[node],Shape[node],pnorm(GroupThresh$est[i]),width=0.5,triangles=FALSE,col=tColor[i],IntSide,!ThreshAtSide)
# }
# }
# }
if (title)
# if (length(Groups)==1) title("Path Diagram",line=3) else title(paste0("Path Diagram for group '",gr,"'"),line=3)
title(gr, col.main=title.color, adj = title.adj, outer = TRUE, cex.main = title.cex, line = title.line)
if (length(qgraphRes)==1) qgraphRes <- qgraphRes[[1]]
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