### Terrence D. Jorgensen
### Last updated: 10 January 2021
### new auxiliary function does NOT create a lavaanStar-class instance
##' Implement Saturated Correlates with FIML
##' Automatically add auxiliary variables to a lavaan model when using full
##' information maximum likelihood (FIML) to handle missing data
##' These functions are wrappers around the corresponding lavaan functions.
##' You can use them the same way you use \code{\link[lavaan]{lavaan}}, but you
##' \emph{must} pass your full \code{data.frame} to the \code{data} argument.
##' Because the saturated-correlates approaches (Enders, 2008) treates exogenous
##' variables as random, \code{fixed.x} must be set to \code{FALSE}. Because FIML
##' requires continuous data (although nonnormality corrections can still be
##' requested), no variables in the model nor auxiliary variables specified in
##' \code{aux} can be declared as \code{ordered}.
##' @aliases auxiliary lavaan.auxiliary cfa.auxiliary sem.auxiliary growth.auxiliary
##' @importFrom lavaan lavInspect parTable
##' @importFrom stats cov quantile
##' @param model The analysis model can be specified with 1 of 2 objects:
##' \enumerate{
##' \item lavaan \code{\link[lavaan]{model.syntax}} specifying a hypothesized
##' model \emph{without} mention of auxiliary variables in \code{aux}
##' \item a parameter table, as returned by \code{\link[lavaan]{parTable}},
##' specifying the target model \emph{without} auxiliary variables.
##' This option requires these columns (and silently ignores all others):
##' \code{c("lhs","op","rhs","user","group","free","label","plabel","start")}
##' }
##' @param data \code{data.frame} that includes auxiliary variables as well as
##' any observed variables in the \code{model}
##' @param aux \code{character}. Names of auxiliary variables to add to \code{model}
##' @param fun \code{character}. Name of a specific lavaan function used to fit
##' \code{model} to \code{data} (i.e., \code{"lavaan"}, \code{"cfa"},
##' \code{"sem"}, or \code{"growth"}). Only required for \code{auxiliary}.
##' @param ... additional arguments to pass to \code{\link[lavaan]{lavaan}}.
##' @author
##' Terrence D. Jorgensen (University of Amsterdam; \email{})
##' @references Enders, C. K. (2008). A note on the use of missing auxiliary
##' variables in full information maximum likelihood-based structural equation
##' models. \emph{Structural Equation Modeling, 15}(3), 434--448.
##' \doi{10.1080/10705510802154307}
##' @return a fitted \code{\linkS4class{lavaan}} object. Additional
##' information is stored as a \code{list} in the \code{@@external} slot:
##' \itemize{
##' \item \code{baseline.model}. a fitted \code{\linkS4class{lavaan}}
##' object. Results of fitting an appropriate independence model for
##' the calculation of incremental fit indices (e.g., CFI, TLI) in
##' which the auxiliary variables remain saturated, so only the target
##' variables are constrained to be orthogonal. See Examples for how
##' to send this baseline model to \code{\link[lavaan]{fitMeasures}}.
##' \item \code{aux}. The character vector of auxiliary variable names.
##' \item \code{baseline.syntax}. A character vector generated within the
##' \code{auxiliary} function, specifying the \code{baseline.model}
##' syntax.
##' }
##' @examples
##' dat1 <- lavaan::HolzingerSwineford1939
##' set.seed(12345)
##' dat1$z <- rnorm(nrow(dat1))
##' dat1$x5 <- ifelse(dat1$z < quantile(dat1$z, .3), NA, dat1$x5)
##' dat1$x9 <- ifelse(dat1$z > quantile(dat1$z, .8), NA, dat1$x9)
##' targetModel <- "
##' visual =~ x1 + x2 + x3
##' textual =~ x4 + x5 + x6
##' speed =~ x7 + x8 + x9
##' "
##' ## works just like cfa(), but with an extra "aux" argument
##' fitaux1 <- cfa.auxiliary(targetModel, data = dat1, aux = "z",
##' missing = "fiml", estimator = "mlr")
##' ## with multiple auxiliary variables and multiple groups
##' fitaux2 <- cfa.auxiliary(targetModel, data = dat1, aux = c("z","ageyr","grade"),
##' group = "school", group.equal = "loadings")
##' ## calculate correct incremental fit indices (e.g., CFI, TLI)
##' fitMeasures(fitaux2, fit.measures = c("cfi","tli"))
##' ## NOTE: lavaan will use the internally stored baseline model, which
##' ## is the independence model plus saturated auxiliary parameters
##' lavInspect(fitaux2@external$baseline.model, "free")
##' @export
auxiliary <- function(model, data, aux, fun, ...) {
lavArgs <- list(...)
lavArgs$data <- data
lavArgs$fixed.x <- FALSE
lavArgs$missing <- "fiml"
lavArgs$meanstructure <- TRUE
lavArgs$ordered <- NULL
if (missing(aux))
stop("Please provide a character vector with names of auxiliary variables")
if (missing(data))
stop("Please provide a data.frame that includes modeled and auxiliary variables")
if (!all(sapply(data[aux], is.numeric)))
stop("missing = 'FIML' is unavailable for categorical data")
PTcols <- c("lhs","op","rhs","user","block","group","free","label","plabel","start")
## check parameter table, or create one from syntax
if (is.list(model)) {
if (any(model$exo == 1))
stop("All exogenous variables (covariates) must be treated as endogenous",
" by the 'auxiliary' function. Please set 'fixed.x = FALSE'")
if (!is.null(lavArgs$group.equal))
warning("The 'group.equal' argument is ignored when 'model' is a parameter table.")
if (is.null(model$start)) {
startArgs <- lavArgs
startArgs$model <- model
startArgs$ <- FALSE
model$start <- parTable(, startArgs))$start
missingCols <- setdiff(PTcols, names(model))
if (length(missingCols)) stop("If the 'model' argument is a parameter table",
" it must also include these columns: \n",
paste(missingCols, collapse = ", "))
PT <-, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)[PTcols]
} else if (is.character(model)) {
ptArgs <- lavArgs
ptArgs$model <- model
ptArgs$ <- FALSE
PT <- parTable(, ptArgs))[PTcols]
} else stop("The 'model' argument must be a character vector of",
" lavaan syntax or a parameter table")
## separately store rows with constraints or user-defined parameters
conRows <- PT$op %in% c("==","<",">",":=")
if (any(conRows)) {
CON <- PT[ conRows, ]
PT <- PT[ !conRows, ]
} else CON <- data.frame(NULL)
## variable names
varnames <- lavaan::lavNames(PT, type = "ov")
if (length(intersect(varnames, aux))) stop('modeled variable declared as auxiliary')
## specify a saturated model for auxiliaries
covstruc <- outer(aux, aux, function(x, y) paste(x, "~~", y))
satMod <- c(covstruc[lower.tri(covstruc, diag = TRUE)], paste(aux, "~ 1"), # among auxiliaries
outer(aux, varnames, function(x, y) paste(x, "~~", y))) # between aux and targets
satPT <- lavaan::lavaanify(satMod, ngroups = max(PT$group))[c("lhs","op","rhs",
## after omitting duplicates, check number of added parameters, add columns
mergedPT <- lavaan::lav_partable_merge(PT, satPT, remove.duplicated = TRUE, warn = FALSE)
nAuxPar <- nrow(mergedPT) - nrow(PT)
newRows <- 1L:nAuxPar + nrow(PT)
##FIXME: mergedPT$user[newRows] <- 2L (list as constraints to omit printing?) or new code (9L)?
mergedPT$free[newRows] <- 1L:nAuxPar + max(PT$free)
mergedPT$plabel[newRows] <- paste0(".p", 1L:nAuxPar + nrow(PT), ".")
## calculate sample moments as starting values (recycle over groups)
# if (is.null(lavArgs$group)) {
# auxCov <- cov(data[aux], use = "pairwise.complete.obs")
# auxM <- colMeans(data[aux], na.rm = TRUE)
# auxTarget <- cov(data[c(aux, varnames)],
# use = "pairwise.complete.obs")[aux, varnames]
# ## match order of parameters in syntax above
# mergedPT$start[newRows] <- c(auxCov[lower.tri(auxCov, diag = TRUE)],
# auxM, as.numeric(auxTarget))
# } else {
# auxCovs <- list()
# auxMs <- list()
# auxTargets <- list()
# startVals <- numeric(0)
# for (g in unique(data[ , lavArgs$group])) {
# auxCovs[[g]] <- cov(data[data[ , lavArgs$group] == g, aux],
# use = "pairwise.complete.obs")
# auxMs[[g]] <- colMeans(data[data[ , lavArgs$group] == g, aux], na.rm = TRUE)
# auxTargets[[g]] <- cov(data[data[ , lavArgs$group] == g, c(aux, varnames)],
# use = "pairwise.complete.obs")[aux, varnames]
# startVals <- c(startVals, auxCovs[[g]][lower.tri(auxCovs[[g]], diag = TRUE)],
# auxMs[[g]], as.numeric(auxTargets[[g]]))
# }
# ## match order of parameters in syntax above
# mergedPT$start[newRows] <- startVals
# }
lavArgs$model <- lavaan::lav_partable_complete(rbind(mergedPT, CON))
result <-, lavArgs)
## specify, fit, and attach an appropriate independence model
baseArgs <- list()
baseArgs$model <- lavaan::lav_partable_complete(satPT)
baseArgs$data <- data
baseArgs$group <- lavArgs$group
baseArgs$group.label <- lavArgs$group.label
baseArgs$missing <- "fiml"
baseArgs$cluster <- lavArgs$cluster
baseArgs$sample.cov.rescale <- lavArgs$sample.cov.rescale
baseArgs$estimator <- lavArgs$estimator
baseArgs$information <- lavArgs$information
baseArgs$se <- lavArgs$se
baseArgs$test <- lavArgs$test
baseArgs$bootstrap <- lavArgs$bootstrap
baseArgs$control <- lavArgs$control
baseArgs$optim.method <- lavArgs$optim.method
result@external$baseline.model <-, baseArgs)
result@external$aux <- aux
result@external$baseline.syntax <- satMod
##' @rdname auxiliary
##' @aliases lavaan.auxiliary
##' @export
lavaan.auxiliary <- function(model, data, aux, ...) {
auxiliary(model = model, data = data, aux = aux, fun = "lavaan", ...)
##' @rdname auxiliary
##' @aliases cfa.auxiliary
##' @export
cfa.auxiliary <- function(model, data, aux, ...) {
auxiliary(model = model, data = data, aux = aux, fun = "cfa", ...)
##' @rdname auxiliary
##' @aliases sem.auxiliary
##' @export
sem.auxiliary <- function(model, data, aux, ...) {
auxiliary(model = model, data = data, aux = aux, fun = "sem", ...)
##' @rdname auxiliary
##' @aliases growth.auxiliary
##' @export
growth.auxiliary <- function(model, data, aux, ...) {
auxiliary(model = model, data = data, aux = aux, fun = "growth", ...)
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