
Defines functions fit_model

Documented in fit_model

#' Estimate Parameters of (Mixture) Hidden Markov Models and Their Restricted
#' Variants
#' Function \code{fit_model} estimates the parameters of mixture hidden
#' Markov models and its restricted variants using maximimum likelihood.
#' Initial values for estimation are taken from the corresponding components
#' of the model with preservation of original zero probabilities.
#' @export
#' @param model An object of class \code{hmm} or \code{mhmm}.
#' @param em_step Logical. Whether or not to use the EM algorithm at the start
#'   of the parameter estimation. The default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @param global_step Logical. Whether or not to use global optimization via
#'   \code{\link{nloptr}} (possibly after the EM step). The default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param local_step Logical. Whether or not to use local optimization via
#'   \code{\link{nloptr}} (possibly after the EM and/or global steps). The default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param control_em Optional list of control parameters for the EM algorithm.
#'   Possible arguments are \describe{
#'   \item{maxeval}{The maximum number of iterations, the default is 1000.
#'   Note that iteration counter starts with -1 so with \code{maxeval=1} you get already two iterations.
#'   This is for backward compatibility reasons.}
#'   \item{print_level}{The level of printing. Possible values are 0
#'   (prints nothing), 1 (prints information at the start and the end of the algorithm),
#'   2 (prints at every iteration),
#'   and for mixture models 3 (print also during optimization of coefficients).}
#'   \item{reltol}{Relative tolerance for convergence defined as
#'   \eqn{(logLik_new - logLik_old)/(abs(logLik_old) + 0.1)}.
#'   The default is 1e-10.}
#'   \item{restart}{A list containing options for possible EM restarts with the
#'     following components:
#'   \describe{
#'   \item{times}{Number of restarts of the EM algorithm using random initial values. The default is 0, i.e. no restarts. }
#'   \item{transition}{Logical. Should the original transition probabilities be varied? The default is \code{TRUE}. }
#'   \item{emission}{Logical. Should the original emission probabilities be varied? The default is \code{TRUE}. }
#'   \item{sd}{Standard deviation for \code{rnorm} used in randomization. The default is 0.25.}
#'   \item{maxeval}{Maximum number of iterations, the default is \code{control_em$maxeval}}
#'   \item{print_level}{Level of printing in restarted EM steps. The default is \code{control_em$print_level}. }
#'   \item{reltol}{Relative tolerance for convergence at restarted EM steps. The default is \code{control_em$reltol}.
#'   If the relative change of the final model of the restart phase is larger than the tolerance
#'   for the original EM phase, the final model is re-estimated with the original \code{reltol}
#'   and \code{maxeval} at the end of the EM step.}
#'   \item{n_optimum}{Save the log-likelihood values of the \code{n_optimum} best
#'   models (from all estimated models including the the first EM run.).
#'   The default is \code{min(times + 1, 25)}.}
#'   \item{use_original}{If \code{TRUE}. Use the initial values of the input model as starting
#'   points for the permutations. Otherwise permute the results of the first EM run.}
#'   }
#'   }
#'   }
#' @param control_global Optional list of additional arguments for
#'   \code{\link{nloptr}} argument \code{opts}. The default values are
#'   \describe{
#'    \item{algorithm}{\code{"NLOPT_GD_MLSL_LDS"}}
#'    \item{local_opts}{\code{list(algorithm = "NLOPT_LD_LBFGS", ftol_rel = 1e-6, xtol_rel = 1e-4)}}
#'    \item{maxeval}{\code{10000} (maximum number of iterations in global optimization algorithm.)}
#'    \item{maxtime}{\code{60} (maximum time for global optimization. Set to 0 for unlimited time.)}
#' }
#' @param lb,ub Lower and upper bounds for parameters in Softmax parameterization.
#' The default interval is \eqn{[pmin(-25, 2*initialvalues), pmax(25, 2*initialvalues)]},
#' except for gamma coefficients,
#' where the scale of covariates is taken into account.
#' Note that it might still be a good idea to scale covariates around unit scale.
#' Bounds are used only in the global optimization step.
#' @param control_local Optional list of additional arguments for
#'   \code{\link{nloptr}} argument \code{opts}. The default values are
#'   \describe{
#'    \item{algorithm}{\code{"NLOPT_LD_LBFGS"}}
#'    \item{ftol_rel}{\code{1e-10}}
#'    \item{xtol_rel}{\code{1e-8}}
#'    \item{maxeval}{\code{10000} (maximum number of iterations)}
#'   }
#' @param threads Number of threads to use in parallel computing. The default is 1.
#' @param log_space Make computations using log-space instead of scaling for greater
#' numerical stability at a cost of decreased computational performance. The default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param constraints Integer vector defining equality constraints for emission distributions.
#' Not supported for EM algorithm. See details.
#' @param fixed_inits Can be used to fix some of the probabilities to their initial values.
#' Should have same structure as \code{model$initial_probs}, where each element
#' is either TRUE (fixed) or FALSE (to be estimated). Note that zero probabilities are always fixed to 0.
#' Not supported for EM algorithm. See details.
#' @param fixed_emissions  Can be used to fix some of the probabilities to their initial values.
#' Should have same structure as \code{model$emission_probs}, where each element
#' is either TRUE (fixed) or FALSE (to be estimated). Note that zero probabilities are always fixed to 0.
#' Not supported for EM algorithm. See details.
#' @param fixed_transitions  Can be used to fix some of the probabilities to their initial values.
#' Should have same structure as \code{model$transition_probs}, where each element
#' is either TRUE (fixed) or FALSE (to be estimated). Note that zero probabilities are always fixed to 0.
#' Not supported for EM algorithm. See details.
#' @param ... Additional arguments to \code{nloptr}.
#' @return \describe{
#'   \item{logLik}{Log-likelihood of the estimated model. }
#'   \item{em_results}{Results after the EM step: log-likelihood (\code{logLik}), number of iterations
#'   (\code{iterations}), relative change in log-likelihoods between the last two iterations (\code{change}), and
#'   the log-likelihoods of the \code{n_optimum} best models after the EM step (\code{best_opt_restart}). }
#'   \item{global_results}{Results after the global step. }
#'   \item{local_results}{Results after the local step. }
#'   \item{call}{The matched function call. }
#'   }
#' @seealso \code{\link{build_hmm}},  \code{\link{build_mhmm}},
#' \code{\link{build_mm}},  \code{\link{build_mmm}}, and  \code{\link{build_lcm}}
#'   for constructing different types of models; \code{\link{summary.mhmm}}
#'   for a summary of a MHMM; \code{\link{separate_mhmm}} for reorganizing a MHMM into
#'   a list of separate hidden Markov models; \code{\link{plot.hmm}} and \code{\link{plot.mhmm}}
#'   for plotting model objects; and \code{\link{ssplot}} and \code{\link{mssplot}} for plotting
#'   stacked sequence plots of \code{hmm} and \code{mhmm} objects.
#' @details The fitting function provides three estimation steps: 1) EM algorithm,
#'   2) global optimization, and 3) local optimization. The user can call for one method
#'   or any combination of these steps, but should note that they are preformed in the
#'   above-mentioned order. The results from a former step are used as starting values
#'   in a latter, except for some of global optimization algorithms (such as MLSL and StoGO)
#'   which only use initial values for setting up the boundaries for the optimization.
#'   It is possible to rerun the EM algorithm automatically using random starting
#'   values based on the first run of EM. Number of restarts is defined by
#'   the \code{restart} argument in \code{control_em}. As the EM algorithm is
#'   relatively fast, this method might be preferred option compared to the proper
#'   global optimization strategy of step 2.
#'   The default global optimization method (triggered via \code{global_step = TRUE}) is
#'   the multilevel single-linkage method (MLSL) with the LDS modification (\code{NLOPT_GD_MLSL_LDS} as
#'   \code{algorithm} in \code{control_global}), with L-BFGS as the local optimizer.
#'   The MLSL method draws random starting points and performs a local optimization
#'   from each. The LDS modification uses low-discrepancy sequences instead of
#'   pseudo-random numbers as starting points and should improve the convergence rate.
#'   In order to reduce the computation time spent on non-global optima, the
#'   convergence tolerance of the local optimizer is set relatively large. At step 3,
#'   a local optimization (L-BFGS by default) is run with a lower tolerance to find the
#'   optimum with high precision.
#'   There are some theoretical guarantees that the MLSL method used as the default
#'   optimizer in step 2 shoud find all local optima in a finite number of local
#'   optimizations. Of course, it might not always succeed in a reasonable time.
#'   The EM algorithm can help in finding good boundaries for the search, especially
#'   with good starting values, but in some cases it can mislead. A good strategy is to
#'   try a couple of different fitting options with different combinations of the methods:
#'   e.g. all steps, only global and local steps, and a few evaluations of EM followed by
#'   global and local optimization.
#'   By default, the estimation time is limited to 60 seconds in global optimization step, so it is
#'   advisable to change the default settings for the proper global optimization.
#'   Any algorithm available in the \code{nloptr} function can be used for the global and
#'   local steps.
#'   Equality constraints for emission distributions can be defined using the argument
#'   \code{constraints}. This should be a vector with length equal to the number of states,
#'   with numbers starting from 1 and increasing for each unique row of the emission probability matrix.
#'   For example in case of five states with emissions of first and third states being equal,
#'   \code{constraints = c(1, 2, 1, 3, 4)}. Similarly, some of the model parameters can be fixed to their
#'   initial values by using arguments \code{fixed_inits}, \code{fixed_emissions},
#'   and \code{fixed_transitions}, where the structure of the arguments should be
#'   same as the corresponding model components, so that TRUE value means that
#'   the parameter should be fixed and FALSE otherwise (it is still treated as fixed if it
#'   is zero though). For both types of constrains, only numerical optimisation
#'   (local or global) is available, and currently the gradients are computed numerically
#'   (if needed) in these cases.
#'   In a case where the is no transitions from one state to anywhere (even to
#'   itself), the state is defined as absorbing in a way that probability of
#'   staying in this state is fixed to 1. See also `build_mm` function.
#' @references Helske S. and Helske J. (2019). Mixture Hidden Markov Models for Sequence Data: The seqHMM Package in R,
#' Journal of Statistical Software, 88(3), 1-32. doi:10.18637/jss.v088.i03
#' @examples
#' # Hidden Markov model for mvad data
#' data("mvad", package = "TraMineR")
#' mvad_alphabet <-
#'   c("employment", "FE", "HE", "joblessness", "school", "training")
#' mvad_labels <- c(
#'   "employment", "further education", "higher education",
#'   "joblessness", "school", "training"
#' )
#' mvad_scodes <- c("EM", "FE", "HE", "JL", "SC", "TR")
#' mvad_seq <- seqdef(mvad, 17:86,
#'   alphabet = mvad_alphabet,
#'   states = mvad_scodes, labels = mvad_labels, xtstep = 6
#' )
#' attr(mvad_seq, "cpal") <- colorpalette[[6]]
#' # Starting values for the emission matrix
#' emiss <- matrix(
#'   c(
#'     0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.75, 0.05, # SC
#'     0.05, 0.75, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, # FE
#'     0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.4, 0.05, 0.4, # JL, TR
#'     0.05, 0.05, 0.75, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, # HE
#'     0.75, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05
#'   ), # EM
#'   nrow = 5, ncol = 6, byrow = TRUE
#' )
#' # Starting values for the transition matrix
#' trans <- matrix(0.025, 5, 5)
#' diag(trans) <- 0.9
#' # Starting values for initial state probabilities
#' initial_probs <- c(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2)
#' # Building a hidden Markov model
#' init_hmm_mvad <- build_hmm(
#'   observations = mvad_seq,
#'   transition_probs = trans, emission_probs = emiss,
#'   initial_probs = initial_probs
#' )
#' \dontrun{
#' set.seed(21)
#' fit_hmm_mvad <- fit_model(init_hmm_mvad, control_em = list(restart = list(times = 50)))
#' hmm_mvad <- fit_hmm_mvad$model
#' }
#' # save time, load the previously estimated model
#' data("hmm_mvad")
#' # Markov model
#' # Note: build_mm estimates model parameters from observations,
#' # no need for estimating with fit_model unless there are missing observations
#' mm_mvad <- build_mm(observations = mvad_seq)
#' # Comparing likelihoods, MM fits better
#' logLik(hmm_mvad)
#' logLik(mm_mvad)
#' \dontrun{
#' require("igraph") # for layout_in_circle
#' plot(mm_mvad,
#'   layout = layout_in_circle, legend.prop = 0.3,
#'   edge.curved = 0.3, edge.label = NA,
#'   vertex.label.pos = c(0, 0, pi, pi, pi, 0)
#' )
#' ##############################################################
#' #' # Three-state three-channel hidden Markov model
#' # See ?hmm_biofam for five-state version
#' data("biofam3c")
#' # Building sequence objects
#' marr_seq <- seqdef(biofam3c$married,
#'   start = 15,
#'   alphabet = c("single", "married", "divorced")
#' )
#' child_seq <- seqdef(biofam3c$children,
#'   start = 15,
#'   alphabet = c("childless", "children")
#' )
#' left_seq <- seqdef(biofam3c$left,
#'   start = 15,
#'   alphabet = c("with parents", "left home")
#' )
#' # Define colors
#' attr(marr_seq, "cpal") <- c("violetred2", "darkgoldenrod2", "darkmagenta")
#' attr(child_seq, "cpal") <- c("darkseagreen1", "coral3")
#' attr(left_seq, "cpal") <- c("lightblue", "red3")
#' # Starting values for emission matrices
#' emiss_marr <- matrix(NA, nrow = 3, ncol = 3)
#' emiss_marr[1, ] <- seqstatf(marr_seq[, 1:5])[, 2] + 1
#' emiss_marr[2, ] <- seqstatf(marr_seq[, 6:10])[, 2] + 1
#' emiss_marr[3, ] <- seqstatf(marr_seq[, 11:16])[, 2] + 1
#' emiss_marr <- emiss_marr / rowSums(emiss_marr)
#' emiss_child <- matrix(NA, nrow = 3, ncol = 2)
#' emiss_child[1, ] <- seqstatf(child_seq[, 1:5])[, 2] + 1
#' emiss_child[2, ] <- seqstatf(child_seq[, 6:10])[, 2] + 1
#' emiss_child[3, ] <- seqstatf(child_seq[, 11:16])[, 2] + 1
#' emiss_child <- emiss_child / rowSums(emiss_child)
#' emiss_left <- matrix(NA, nrow = 3, ncol = 2)
#' emiss_left[1, ] <- seqstatf(left_seq[, 1:5])[, 2] + 1
#' emiss_left[2, ] <- seqstatf(left_seq[, 6:10])[, 2] + 1
#' emiss_left[3, ] <- seqstatf(left_seq[, 11:16])[, 2] + 1
#' emiss_left <- emiss_left / rowSums(emiss_left)
#' # Starting values for transition matrix
#' trans <- matrix(c(
#'   0.9, 0.07, 0.03,
#'   0, 0.9, 0.1,
#'   0, 0, 1
#' ), nrow = 3, ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE)
#' # Starting values for initial state probabilities
#' inits <- c(0.9, 0.09, 0.01)
#' # Building hidden Markov model with initial parameter values
#' init_hmm_bf <- build_hmm(
#'   observations = list(marr_seq, child_seq, left_seq),
#'   transition_probs = trans,
#'   emission_probs = list(emiss_marr, emiss_child, emiss_left),
#'   initial_probs = inits
#' )
#' # Fitting the model with different optimization schemes
#' # Only EM with default values
#' hmm_1 <- fit_model(init_hmm_bf)
#' hmm_1$logLik # -24179.1
#' # Only L-BFGS
#' hmm_2 <- fit_model(init_hmm_bf, em_step = FALSE, local_step = TRUE)
#' hmm_2$logLik # -22267.75
#' # Global optimization via MLSL_LDS with L-BFGS as local optimizer and final polisher
#' # This can be slow, use parallel computing by adjusting threads argument
#' # (here threads = 1 for portability issues)
#' hmm_3 <- fit_model(
#'   init_hmm_bf,
#'   em_step = FALSE, global_step = TRUE, local_step = TRUE,
#'   control_global = list(maxeval = 5000, maxtime = 0), threads = 1
#' )
#' hmm_3$logLik # -21675.42
#' # EM with restarts, much faster than MLSL
#' set.seed(123)
#' hmm_4 <- fit_model(init_hmm_bf, control_em = list(restart = list(times = 5)))
#' hmm_4$logLik # -21675.4
#' # Global optimization via StoGO with L-BFGS as final polisher
#' # This can be slow, use parallel computing by adjusting threads argument
#' # (here threads = 1 for portability issues)
#' set.seed(123)
#' hmm_5 <- fit_model(
#'   init_hmm_bf,
#'   em_step = FALSE, global_step = TRUE, local_step = TRUE,
#'   lb = -50, ub = 50, control_global = list(
#'     algorithm = "NLOPT_GD_STOGO",
#'     maxeval = 2500, maxtime = 0
#'   ), threads = 1
#' )
#' hmm_5$logLik # -21675.4
#' ##############################################################
#' # Mixture HMM
#' data("biofam3c")
#' ## Building sequence objects
#' marr_seq <- seqdef(biofam3c$married,
#'   start = 15,
#'   alphabet = c("single", "married", "divorced")
#' )
#' child_seq <- seqdef(biofam3c$children,
#'   start = 15,
#'   alphabet = c("childless", "children")
#' )
#' left_seq <- seqdef(biofam3c$left,
#'   start = 15,
#'   alphabet = c("with parents", "left home")
#' )
#' ## Choosing colors
#' attr(marr_seq, "cpal") <- c("#AB82FF", "#E6AB02", "#E7298A")
#' attr(child_seq, "cpal") <- c("#66C2A5", "#FC8D62")
#' attr(left_seq, "cpal") <- c("#A6CEE3", "#E31A1C")
#' ## Starting values for emission probabilities
#' # Cluster 1
#' B1_marr <- matrix(
#'   c(
#'     0.8, 0.1, 0.1, # High probability for single
#'     0.8, 0.1, 0.1,
#'     0.3, 0.6, 0.1, # High probability for married
#'     0.3, 0.3, 0.4
#'   ), # High probability for divorced
#'   nrow = 4, ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE
#' )
#' B1_child <- matrix(
#'   c(
#'     0.9, 0.1, # High probability for childless
#'     0.9, 0.1,
#'     0.9, 0.1,
#'     0.9, 0.1
#'   ),
#'   nrow = 4, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE
#' )
#' B1_left <- matrix(
#'   c(
#'     0.9, 0.1, # High probability for living with parents
#'     0.1, 0.9, # High probability for having left home
#'     0.1, 0.9,
#'     0.1, 0.9
#'   ),
#'   nrow = 4, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE
#' )
#' # Cluster 2
#' B2_marr <- matrix(
#'   c(
#'     0.8, 0.1, 0.1, # High probability for single
#'     0.8, 0.1, 0.1,
#'     0.1, 0.8, 0.1, # High probability for married
#'     0.7, 0.2, 0.1
#'   ),
#'   nrow = 4, ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE
#' )
#' B2_child <- matrix(
#'   c(
#'     0.9, 0.1, # High probability for childless
#'     0.9, 0.1,
#'     0.9, 0.1,
#'     0.1, 0.9
#'   ),
#'   nrow = 4, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE
#' )
#' B2_left <- matrix(
#'   c(
#'     0.9, 0.1, # High probability for living with parents
#'     0.1, 0.9,
#'     0.1, 0.9,
#'     0.1, 0.9
#'   ),
#'   nrow = 4, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE
#' )
#' # Cluster 3
#' B3_marr <- matrix(
#'   c(
#'     0.8, 0.1, 0.1, # High probability for single
#'     0.8, 0.1, 0.1,
#'     0.8, 0.1, 0.1,
#'     0.1, 0.8, 0.1, # High probability for married
#'     0.3, 0.4, 0.3,
#'     0.1, 0.1, 0.8
#'   ), # High probability for divorced
#'   nrow = 6, ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE
#' )
#' B3_child <- matrix(
#'   c(
#'     0.9, 0.1, # High probability for childless
#'     0.9, 0.1,
#'     0.5, 0.5,
#'     0.5, 0.5,
#'     0.5, 0.5,
#'     0.1, 0.9
#'   ),
#'   nrow = 6, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE
#' )
#' B3_left <- matrix(
#'   c(
#'     0.9, 0.1, # High probability for living with parents
#'     0.1, 0.9,
#'     0.5, 0.5,
#'     0.5, 0.5,
#'     0.1, 0.9,
#'     0.1, 0.9
#'   ),
#'   nrow = 6, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE
#' )
#' # Starting values for transition matrices
#' A1 <- matrix(
#'   c(
#'     0.80, 0.16, 0.03, 0.01,
#'     0, 0.90, 0.07, 0.03,
#'     0, 0, 0.90, 0.10,
#'     0, 0, 0, 1
#'   ),
#'   nrow = 4, ncol = 4, byrow = TRUE
#' )
#' A2 <- matrix(
#'   c(
#'     0.80, 0.10, 0.05, 0.03, 0.01, 0.01,
#'     0, 0.70, 0.10, 0.10, 0.05, 0.05,
#'     0, 0, 0.85, 0.01, 0.10, 0.04,
#'     0, 0, 0, 0.90, 0.05, 0.05,
#'     0, 0, 0, 0, 0.90, 0.10,
#'     0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1
#'   ),
#'   nrow = 6, ncol = 6, byrow = TRUE
#' )
#' # Starting values for initial state probabilities
#' initial_probs1 <- c(0.9, 0.07, 0.02, 0.01)
#' initial_probs2 <- c(0.9, 0.04, 0.03, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01)
#' # Birth cohort
#' biofam3c$covariates$cohort <- cut(biofam3c$covariates$birthyr, c(1908, 1935, 1945, 1957))
#' biofam3c$covariates$cohort <- factor(
#'   biofam3c$covariates$cohort,
#'   labels = c("1909-1935", "1936-1945", "1946-1957")
#' )
#' # Build mixture HMM
#' init_mhmm_bf <- build_mhmm(
#'   observations = list(marr_seq, child_seq, left_seq),
#'   initial_probs = list(initial_probs1, initial_probs1, initial_probs2),
#'   transition_probs = list(A1, A1, A2),
#'   emission_probs = list(
#'     list(B1_marr, B1_child, B1_left),
#'     list(B2_marr, B2_child, B2_left),
#'     list(B3_marr, B3_child, B3_left)
#'   ),
#'   formula = ~ sex + cohort, data = biofam3c$covariates,
#'   channel_names = c("Marriage", "Parenthood", "Residence")
#' )
#' # Fitting the model with different settings
#' # Only EM with default values
#' mhmm_1 <- fit_model(init_mhmm_bf)
#' mhmm_1$logLik # -12713.08
#' # Only L-BFGS
#' mhmm_2 <- fit_model(init_mhmm_bf, em_step = FALSE, local_step = TRUE)
#' mhmm_2$logLik # -12966.51
#' # Use EM with multiple restarts
#' set.seed(123)
#' mhmm_3 <- fit_model(init_mhmm_bf, control_em = list(restart = list(times = 5, transition = FALSE)))
#' mhmm_3$logLik # -12713.08
#' }
#' # Left-to-right HMM with equality constraint:
#' set.seed(1)
#' # Transition matrix
#' # Either stay or move to next state
#' A <- diag(c(0.9, 0.95, 0.95, 1))
#' A[1, 2] <- 0.1
#' A[2, 3] <- 0.05
#' A[3, 4] <- 0.05
#' # Emission matrix, rows 1 and 3 equal
#' B <- rbind(
#'   c(0.4, 0.2, 0.3, 0.1),
#'   c(0.1, 0.5, 0.1, 0.3),
#'   c(0.4, 0.2, 0.3, 0.1),
#'   c(0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.4)
#' )
#' # Start from first state
#' init <- c(1, 0, 0, 0)
#' # Simulate sequences
#' sim <- simulate_hmm(
#'   n_sequences = 100,
#'   sequence_length = 20, init, A, B
#' )
#' # initial model, use true values as inits for faster estimation here
#' model <- build_hmm(sim$observations, init = init, trans = A, emiss = B)
#' # estimate the model subject to constraints:
#' # First and third row of emission matrix are equal (see details)
#' fit <- fit_model(model,
#'   constraints = c(1, 2, 1, 3),
#'   em_step = FALSE, local_step = TRUE
#' )
#' fit$model
#' ## Fix some emissions:
#' fixB <- matrix(FALSE, 4, 4)
#' fixB[2, 1] <- fixB[1, 3] <- TRUE # these are fixed to their initial values
#' fit <- fit_model(model,
#'   fixed_emissions = fixB,
#'   em_step = FALSE, local_step = TRUE
#' )
#' fit$model$emission_probs
fit_model <- function(
    model, em_step = TRUE, global_step = FALSE, local_step = FALSE,
    control_em = list(), control_global = list(), control_local = list(), lb, ub, threads = 1,
    log_space = FALSE, constraints = NULL, fixed_inits = NULL,
    fixed_emissions = NULL, fixed_transitions = NULL, ...) {
  # check that the initial model is ok
  if (!is.finite(logLik(model))) {
    stop("Initial log-likelihood of the input model is nonfinite. Please adjust the initial values.")

  if (!inherits(model, c("hmm", "mhmm"))) {
    stop("Argument model must be an object of class 'hmm' or 'mhmm.")

  if (!em_step && !global_step && !local_step) {
    stop("No method chosen for estimation. Choose at least one from em_step, global_step, and local_step.")
  if (threads < 1) {
    stop("Argument threads must be a positive integer.")
  if (!is.null(constraints) && em_step) {
    stop("EM algorithm does not support constraints. Use local and/or global steps only.")
  fixed <- !is.null(fixed_inits) | !is.null(fixed_emissions) | !is.null(fixed_transitions)
  if (fixed && em_step) {
    stop("EM algorithm does not support fixed probabilities (except zeros). Use local and/or global steps only.")

  mhmm <- inherits(model, c("mhmm"))

  if (mhmm) {
    df <- attr(model, "df")
    nobs <- attr(model, "nobs")
    original_model <- model
    model <- combine_models(model)

  if (model$n_channels == 1) {
    model$observations <- list(model$observations)
    model$emission_probs <- list(model$emission_probs)

  obsArray <- array(0, c(
    model$n_sequences, model$length_of_sequences,
  for (i in 1:model$n_channels) {
    obsArray[, , i] <- sapply(model$observations[[i]], as.integer) - 1L
    obsArray[, , i][obsArray[, , i] > model$n_symbols[i]] <- model$n_symbols[i]
    if (sum(obsArray[, , i] < model$n_symbols[i]) == 0) {
      stop("One channel contains only missing values, model is degenerate.")
  obsArray <- aperm(obsArray)

  emissionArray <- array(1, c(model$n_states, max(model$n_symbols) + 1, model$n_channels))
  for (i in 1:model$n_channels) {
    emissionArray[, 1:model$n_symbols[i], i] <- model$emission_probs[[i]]

  if (em_step) {
    em.con <- list(print_level = 0, maxeval = 1000, reltol = 1e-10, restart = NULL)
    nmsC <- names(em.con)
    em.con[(namc <- names(control_em))] <- control_em
    if (length(noNms <- namc[!namc %in% nmsC])) {
      warning("Unknown names in control_em: ", paste(noNms, collapse = ", "))

    if (!log_space) {
      if (mhmm) {
        resEM <- EMx(
          model$transition_probs, emissionArray, model$initial_probs, obsArray,
          model$n_symbols, model$coefficients, model$X, model$n_states_in_clusters,
          em.con$maxeval, em.con$reltol, em.con$print_level, threads
      } else {
        resEM <- EM(
          model$transition_probs, emissionArray, model$initial_probs, obsArray,
          model$n_symbols, em.con$maxeval, em.con$reltol, em.con$print_level, threads
    } else {
      if (mhmm) {
        resEM <- log_EMx(
          model$transition_probs, emissionArray, model$initial_probs, obsArray,
          model$n_symbols, model$coefficients, model$X, model$n_states_in_clusters,
          em.con$maxeval, em.con$reltol, em.con$print_level, threads
      } else {
        resEM <- log_EM(
          model$transition_probs, emissionArray, model$initial_probs, obsArray,
          model$n_symbols, em.con$maxeval, em.con$reltol, em.con$print_level, threads

    if (resEM$error != 0) {
      err_msg <- switch(resEM$error,
        "Scaling factors contain non-finite values.",
        "Backward probabilities contain non-finite values.",
        "Initial values of coefficients of covariates gives non-finite cluster probabilities.",
        "Estimation of gamma coefficients failed due to singular Hessian.",
        "Estimation of gamma coefficients failed due to non-finite cluster probabilities.",
        "Non-finite log-likelihood"
      if (!global_step && !local_step &&
        (is.null(control_em$restart$times) || control_em$restart$times == 0)) {
        stop(paste("EM algorithm failed:", err_msg))
      } else {
        warning(paste("EM algorithm failed:", err_msg))
      resEM$logLik <- -Inf

    if (!is.null(em.con$restart)) {
      restart.con <- list(
        times = 0, print_level = em.con$print_level,
        maxeval = em.con$maxeval, reltol = em.con$reltol,
        transition = TRUE, emission = TRUE, coef = FALSE, sd = 0.25,
        n_optimum = min(control_em$restart$times + 1, 25), use_original = TRUE
      nmsC <- names(restart.con)
      restart.con[(namc <- names(control_em$restart))] <- control_em$restart
      if (length(noNms <- namc[!namc %in% nmsC])) {
        warning("Unknown names in control_em$restart: ", paste(noNms, collapse = ", "))
      restart.con$n_optimum <- min(restart.con$n_optimum, restart.con$times + 1)

    if (!is.null(em.con$restart) && restart.con$times > 0 &&
      (restart.con$transition | restart.con$emission)) {
      opt_restart <- numeric(restart.con$times + 1)
      opt_restart[1] <- resEM$logLik

      if (restart.con$use_original) {
        random_emiss <- emissionArray
        random_trans <- model$transition_probs
        random_coef <- model$coefficients
      } else {
        random_emiss <- resEM$emission
        random_trans <- resEM$transition
        random_coef <- resEM$coef
      if (restart.con$transition) {
        nz_trans <- (random_trans > 0 & random_trans < 1)
        np_trans <- sum(nz_trans)
        base_trans <- random_trans[nz_trans]
      if (restart.con$emission) {
        nz_emiss <- (random_emiss > 0 & random_emiss < 1)
        np_emiss <- sum(nz_emiss)
        base_emiss <- random_emiss[nz_emiss]

      if (restart.con$coef) {
        base_coef <- random_coef
        coef_scale <- max(abs(base_coef))
        n_coef <- length(base_coef)

      for (i in 1:restart.con$times) {
        if (restart.con$transition) {
          random_trans[nz_trans] <- abs(base_trans + rnorm(np_trans, sd = restart.con$sd))
          random_trans[(random_trans < 1e-4) & (model$transition_probs > 0)] <- 1e-4
          random_trans <- random_trans / rowSums(random_trans)
        if (restart.con$emission) {
          random_emiss[nz_emiss] <- abs(base_emiss + rnorm(np_emiss, sd = restart.con$sd))
          random_emiss[(random_emiss < 1e-4) & (emissionArray > 0)] <- 1e-4
          for (j in 1:model$n_channels) {
            random_emiss[, 1:model$n_symbols[j], j] <-
              random_emiss[, 1:model$n_symbols[j], j] / rowSums(random_emiss[, 1:model$n_symbols[j], j])
        if (restart.con$coef) {
          random_coef[] <- rnorm(n_coef, base_coef, sd = coef_scale)

        if (!log_space) {
          if (mhmm) {
            resEMi <- EMx(
              random_trans, random_emiss, model$initial_probs, obsArray,
              model$n_symbols, random_coef, model$X, model$n_states_in_clusters, restart.con$maxeval,
              restart.con$reltol, restart.con$print_level, threads
          } else {
            resEMi <- EM(
              random_trans, random_emiss, model$initial_probs, obsArray,
              model$n_symbols, restart.con$maxeval, restart.con$reltol, restart.con$print_level, threads
        } else {
          if (mhmm) {
            resEMi <- log_EMx(
              random_trans, random_emiss, model$initial_probs, obsArray,
              model$n_symbols, random_coef, model$X, model$n_states_in_clusters, restart.con$maxeval,
              restart.con$reltol, restart.con$print_level, threads
          } else {
            resEMi <- log_EM(
              random_trans, random_emiss, model$initial_probs, obsArray,
              model$n_symbols, restart.con$maxeval, restart.con$reltol, restart.con$print_level, threads

        if (resEMi$error != 0) {
          opt_restart[i + 1] <- -Inf
          err_msg <- switch(resEMi$error,
            "Scaling factors contain non-finite values.",
            "Backward probabilities contain non-finite values.",
            "Initial values of coefficients of covariates gives non-finite cluster probabilities.",
            "Estimation of gamma coefficients failed due to singular Hessian.",
            "Estimation of gamma coefficients failed due to non-finite cluster probabilities.",
            "Non-finite log-likelihood"
          warning(paste("EM algorithm failed:", err_msg))
        } else {
          opt_restart[i + 1] <- resEMi$logLik
          if (is.finite(resEMi$logLik) && resEMi$logLik > resEM$logLik) {
            resEM <- resEMi

      opts <- sort(opt_restart, decreasing = TRUE)[1:restart.con$n_optimum]

      if (em.con$reltol < resEM$change) {
        if (!log_space) {
          if (mhmm) {
            resEM <- EMx(
              resEM$transitionMatrix, resEM$emissionArray, resEM$initialProbs, obsArray,
              model$n_symbols, resEM$coef, model$X, model$n_states_in_clusters, em.con$maxeval,
              em.con$reltol, em.con$print_level, threads
          } else {
            resEM <- EM(
              resEM$transitionMatrix, resEM$emissionArray, resEM$initialProbs, obsArray,
              model$n_symbols, em.con$maxeval, em.con$reltol, em.con$print_level, threads
        } else {
          if (mhmm) {
            resEM <- log_EMx(
              resEM$transitionMatrix, resEM$emissionArray, resEM$initialProbs, obsArray,
              model$n_symbols, resEM$coef, model$X, model$n_states_in_clusters, em.con$maxeval,
              em.con$reltol, em.con$print_level, threads
          } else {
            resEM <- log_EM(
              resEM$transitionMatrix, resEM$emissionArray, resEM$initialProbs, obsArray,
              model$n_symbols, em.con$maxeval, em.con$reltol, em.con$print_level, threads
    } else {
      opts <- resEM$logLik

    if (resEM$error == 0) {
      if (resEM$change < -em.con$reltol) {
        warning("EM algorithm stopped due to decreasing log-likelihood. ")

      emissionArray <- resEM$emissionArray
      for (i in 1:model$n_channels) {
        model$emission_probs[[i]][] <- emissionArray[, 1:model$n_symbols[i], i]

      if (mhmm && (global_step || local_step)) {
        k <- 0
        for (m in 1:model$n_clusters) {
          original_model$initial_probs[[m]][] <-
            resEM$initialProbs[(k + 1):(k + model$n_states_in_clusters[m])]
          k <- sum(model$n_states_in_clusters[1:m])
      } else {
        model$initial_probs[] <- resEM$initialProbs

      resEM$best_opt_restart <- opts
      model$transition_probs[] <- resEM$transitionMatrix
      model$coefficients[] <- resEM$coefficients
      ll <- resEM$logLik
    } else {
      resEM <- NULL
      ll <- -Inf
  } else {
    resEM <- NULL

  if (global_step || local_step) {
    # if (is.null(fixed_transitions)) {
    #   x <- which(model$transition_probs > 0, arr.ind = TRUE)
    # } else {
    #   if (mhmm) {
    #     fixed_transitions <- as.matrix(.bdiag(fixed_transitions))
    #   }
    #   x <- which(model$transition_probs > 0 & !fixed_transitions, arr.ind = TRUE)
    # }
    # transNZ <- x[order(x[,1]),]
    # # Largest transition probabilities (for each row)
    # maxTM <- cbind(1:model$n_states, max.col(model$transition_probs, ties.method = "first"))
    # maxTMvalue <- apply(model$transition_probs,1,max)
    # paramTM <- rbind(transNZ,maxTM)
    # paramTM <- paramTM[!(duplicated(paramTM) | duplicated(paramTM, fromLast = TRUE)), , drop = FALSE]
    # npTM <- nrow(paramTM)
    # if (is.null(fixed_transitions)) {
    #   transNZ <- model$transition_probs > 0
    # } else {
    #   transNZ <- model$transition_probs > 0 & !fixed_transitions
    # }
    # #transNZ <- model$transition_probs > 0
    # transNZ[maxTM] <- 0
    # npTM <- nrow(paramTM)
    # browser()
    if (is.null(fixed_transitions)) {
      transNZ <- model$transition_probs > 0
    } else {
      if (mhmm) {
        fixed_transitions <- as.matrix(.bdiag(fixed_transitions))
      mode(fixed_transitions) <- "logical"
      transNZ <- model$transition_probs > 0 & !fixed_transitions
    # single value per row => nothing to estimate
    transNZ[rowSums(transNZ) == 1, ] <- 0
    # Largest transition probabilities (for each row)

    maxTM <- cbind(1:model$n_states, apply(model$transition_probs, 1, which.max))
    maxTMvalue <- model$transition_probs[maxTM]
    transNZ[maxTM] <- 0
    paramTM <- which(transNZ == 1, arr.ind = TRUE)
    paramTM <- paramTM[order(paramTM[, 1]), ]
    npTM <- nrow(paramTM)

    n_states <- model$n_states

    original_emiss <- model$emission_probs
    original_trans <- model$transition_probs
    if (!is.null(constraints)) {
      if (!identical(length(constraints), model$n_states)) {
        stop("Length of 'constraints' vector is not equal to the number of states. ")

      uniqs <- !duplicated(constraints)
      model$emission_probs <- lapply(model$emission_probs, function(x) {
        x[uniqs, ]

      n_states <- sum(uniqs)

    if (is.null(fixed_emissions)) {
      emissNZ <- lapply(model$emission_probs, function(i) {
        i > 0
    } else {
      if (mhmm) {
        if (model$n_channels > 1) {
          fixed_emissions <- lapply(1:model$n_channels, function(i) {
            do.call("rbind", sapply(fixed_emissions, "[", i))
        } else {
          fixed_emissions <- list(do.call("rbind", fixed_emissions))
      } else {
        if (model$n_channels == 1) {
          fixed_emissions <- list(fixed_emissions)
      for (i in 1:model$n_channels) mode(fixed_emissions[[i]]) <- "logical"
      if (!is.null(constraints)) {
        for (i in 1:model$n_channels) fixed_emissions[[i]] <- fixed_emissions[[i]][uniqs, ]
      emissNZ <- lapply(1:model$n_channels, function(i) {
        model$emission_probs[[i]] > 0 & !fixed_emissions[[i]]
    maxEM <- lapply(1:model$n_channels, function(i) {
      cbind(1:n_states, apply(model$emission_probs[[i]], 1, which.max))
    maxEMvalue <- lapply(1:model$n_channels, function(i) {
      apply(model$emission_probs[[i]], 1, max)
    emissNZ <- array(0, c(n_states, max(model$n_symbols), model$n_channels))
    npEM <- numeric(model$n_channels)
    paramEM <- vector("list", model$n_channels)
    if (is.null(fixed_emissions)) {
      for (i in 1:model$n_channels) {
        emissNZ[, 1:model$n_symbols[i], i] <- model$emission_probs[[i]] > 0
        emissNZ[, 1:model$n_symbols[i], i][maxEM[[i]]] <- 0
        paramEM[[i]] <- which(emissNZ[, 1:model$n_symbols[i], i] == 1, arr.ind = TRUE)
        paramEM[[i]] <- paramEM[[i]][order(paramEM[[i]][, 1]), ]
        npEM[i] <- nrow(paramEM[[i]])
    } else {
      for (i in 1:model$n_channels) {
        emissNZ[, 1:model$n_symbols[i], i] <- model$emission_probs[[i]] > 0 & !fixed_emissions[[i]]
        emissNZ[, 1:model$n_symbols[i], i][maxEM[[i]]] <- 0
        paramEM[[i]] <- which(emissNZ[, 1:model$n_symbols[i], i] == 1, arr.ind = TRUE)
        paramEM[[i]] <- paramEM[[i]][order(paramEM[[i]][, 1]), ]
        npEM[i] <- nrow(paramEM[[i]])

    if (mhmm) {
      maxIP <- maxIPvalue <- npIP <- numeric(original_model$n_clusters)
      paramIP <- initNZ <- vector("list", original_model$n_clusters)
      for (m in 1:original_model$n_clusters) {
        # Index of largest initial probability
        maxIP[m] <- which.max(original_model$initial_probs[[m]])
        # Value of largest initial probability
        maxIPvalue[m] <- original_model$initial_probs[[m]][maxIP[m]]
        # Rest of non-zero probs
        if (is.null(fixed_inits)) {
          initNZ[[m]] <- original_model$initial_probs[[m]] > 0
        } else {
          initNZ[[m]] <- original_model$initial_probs[[m]] > 0 & !fixed_inits[[m]]
        initNZ[[m]][maxIP[m]] <- 0
        paramIP[[m]] <- which(initNZ[[m]] == 1)
        npIP[m] <- length(paramIP[[m]])
      initNZ <- unlist(initNZ)
      npIPAll <- sum(unlist(npIP))

      npCoef <- length(model$coefficients[, -1])
      model$coefficients[, 1] <- 0

      initialvalues <- c(
        if ((npTM + sum(npEM) + npIPAll) > 0) {
            if (npTM > 0) model$transition_probs[paramTM],
            if (sum(npEM) > 0) {
                function(x) model$emission_probs[[x]][paramEM[[x]]]
            if (npIPAll > 0) {
              unlist(sapply(1:original_model$n_clusters, function(m) {
                if (npIP[m] > 0) original_model$initial_probs[[m]][paramIP[[m]]]
        model$coefficients[, -1]
    } else {
      maxIP <- which.max(model$initial_probs)
      maxIPvalue <- model$initial_probs[maxIP]
      if (is.null(fixed_inits)) {
        initNZ <- model$initial_probs > 0
      } else {
        initNZ <- model$initial_probs > 0 & !fixed_inits
      initNZ[maxIP] <- 0
      paramIP <- which(initNZ == 1)

      npIP <- length(paramIP)

      initialvalues <- c(if ((npTM + sum(npEM) + npIP) > 0) {
          if (npTM > 0) model$transition_probs[paramTM],
          if (sum(npEM) > 0) {
              function(x) model$emission_probs[[x]][paramEM[[x]]]
          if (npIP > 0) model$initial_probs[paramIP]

    scalerows <- function(x, fixed) {
      x[!fixed] <- x[!fixed] * (1 - sum(x[fixed])) / sum(x[!fixed])

    objectivef_mhmm <- function(pars, model, estimate = TRUE) {
      if (any(!is.finite(exp(pars))) && estimate) {
        if (need_grad) {
          return(list(objective = Inf, gradient = rep(-Inf, length(pars))))
        } else {
      if (npTM > 0) {
        model$transition_probs[maxTM] <- maxTMvalue
        model$transition_probs[paramTM] <- exp(pars[1:npTM])
        zeros <- which(rowSums(model$transition_probs) == 0)
        diag(model$transition_probs)[zeros] <- 1
        if (is.null(fixed_transitions)) {
          model$transition_probs[] <-
            model$transition_probs / rowSums(model$transition_probs)
        } else {
          for (i in 1:nrow(model$transition_probs)) {
            cols <- fixed_transitions[i, ]
            if (any(cols)) {
              model$transition_probs[i, ] <- scalerows(model$transition_probs[i, ], cols)
            } else {
              model$transition_probs[i, ] <-
                model$transition_probs[i, ] / sum(model$transition_probs[i, ])
      if (sum(npEM) > 0) {
        if (is.null(constraints)) {
          for (i in 1:model$n_channels) {
            emissionArray[, 1:model$n_symbols[i], i][maxEM[[i]]] <- maxEMvalue[[i]]
            emissionArray[, 1:model$n_symbols[i], i][paramEM[[i]]] <-
              exp(pars[(npTM + 1 + c(0, cumsum(npEM))[i]):(npTM + cumsum(npEM)[i])])

            if (is.null(fixed_emissions)) {
              emissionArray[, 1:model$n_symbols[i], i] <-
                emissionArray[, 1:model$n_symbols[i], i] / rowSums(emissionArray[, 1:model$n_symbols[i], i, drop = FALSE])
            } else {
              for (j in 1:nrow(model$transition_probs)) {
                cols <- fixed_emissions[[i]][j, ]
                if (any(cols)) {
                  emissionArray[j, 1:model$n_symbols[i], i] <- scalerows(emissionArray[j, 1:model$n_symbols[i], i], cols)
                } else {
                  emissionArray[j, 1:model$n_symbols[i], i] <-
                    emissionArray[j, 1:model$n_symbols[i], i] / sum(emissionArray[j, 1:model$n_symbols[i], i, drop = FALSE])

            emissionArray[, 1:model$n_symbols[i], i] <-
              emissionArray[, 1:model$n_symbols[i], i] / rowSums(emissionArray[, 1:model$n_symbols[i], i])
        } else {
          emArray <- emissionArray[uniqs, , , drop = FALSE]
          for (i in 1:model$n_channels) {
            emArray[, 1:model$n_symbols[i], i][maxEM[[i]]] <- maxEMvalue[[i]]
            emArray[, 1:model$n_symbols[i], i][paramEM[[i]]] <-
              exp(pars[(npTM + 1 + c(0, cumsum(npEM))[i]):(npTM + cumsum(npEM)[i])])

            if (is.null(fixed_emissions)) {
              emArray[, 1:model$n_symbols[i], i] <-
                emArray[, 1:model$n_symbols[i], i] / rowSums(emArray[, 1:model$n_symbols[i], i, drop = FALSE])
            } else {
              for (j in 1:nrow(model$transition_probs)) {
                cols <- fixed_emissions[[i]][j, ]
                if (any(cols)) {
                  emArray[j, 1:model$n_symbols[i], i] <- scalerows(emArray[j, 1:model$n_symbols[i], i], cols)
                } else {
                  emArray[j, 1:model$n_symbols[i], i] <-
                    emArray[j, 1:model$n_symbols[i], i] / sum(emArray[j, 1:model$n_symbols[i], i, drop = FALSE])
          for (i in 1:n_states) {
            emissionArray[constraints == i, , ] <- rep(emArray[i, , ], each = sum(constraints == i))
      for (m in 1:original_model$n_clusters) {
        if (npIP[m] > 0) {
          original_model$initial_probs[[m]][maxIP[[m]]] <- maxIPvalue[[m]]
          original_model$initial_probs[[m]][paramIP[[m]]] <- exp(pars[npTM + sum(npEM) + c(0, cumsum(npIP))[m] +

          if (is.null(fixed_inits)) {
            original_model$initial_probs[[m]][] <- original_model$initial_probs[[m]] / sum(original_model$initial_probs[[m]])
          } else {
            original_model$initial_probs[[m]][] <- scalerows(original_model$initial_probs[[m]], fixed_inits[[m]])
      model$initial_probs <- unlist(original_model$initial_probs)
      model$coefficients[, -1] <- pars[npTM + sum(npEM) + npIPAll + 1:npCoef]

      if (estimate) {
        if (!log_space) {
          if (need_grad) {
              model$transition_probs, emissionArray, model$initial_probs, obsArray,
              transNZ, emissNZ, initNZ, model$n_symbols,
              model$coefficients, model$X, model$n_states_in_clusters, threads
          } else {
              model$transition_probs, emissionArray, model$initial_probs, obsArray,
              model$coefficients, model$X, model$n_states_in_clusters, threads
        } else {
          if (need_grad) {
              model$transition_probs, emissionArray, model$initial_probs, obsArray,
              transNZ, emissNZ, initNZ, model$n_symbols,
              model$coefficients, model$X, model$n_states_in_clusters, threads
          } else {
              model$transition_probs, emissionArray, model$initial_probs, obsArray,
              model$coefficients, model$X, model$n_states_in_clusters, threads
      } else {
        if (sum(npEM) > 0) {
          for (i in 1:model$n_channels) {
            model$emission_probs[[i]][] <- emissionArray[, 1:model$n_symbols[i], i]

    objectivef_hmm <- function(pars, model, estimate = TRUE) {
      if (any(!is.finite(exp(pars))) && estimate) {
        if (need_grad) {
          return(list(objective = Inf, gradient = rep(-Inf, length(pars))))
        } else {

      if (npTM > 0) {
        model$transition_probs[] <- original_trans
        model$transition_probs[paramTM] <- exp(pars[1:npTM])
        zeros <- which(rowSums(model$transition_probs) == 0)
        diag(model$transition_probs)[zeros] <- 1
        if (is.null(fixed_transitions)) {
          model$transition_probs[] <-
            model$transition_probs / rowSums(model$transition_probs)
        } else {
          for (i in 1:nrow(model$transition_probs)) {
            cols <- fixed_transitions[i, ]
            if (any(cols)) {
              model$transition_probs[i, ] <- scalerows(model$transition_probs[i, ], cols)
            } else {
              model$transition_probs[i, ] <-
                model$transition_probs[i, ] / sum(model$transition_probs[i, ])

      if (sum(npEM) > 0) {
        if (is.null(constraints)) {
          for (i in 1:model$n_channels) {
            emissionArray[, 1:model$n_symbols[i], i][maxEM[[i]]] <- maxEMvalue[[i]]
            emissionArray[, 1:model$n_symbols[i], i][paramEM[[i]]] <-
              exp(pars[(npTM + 1 + c(0, cumsum(npEM))[i]):(npTM + cumsum(npEM)[i])])

            if (is.null(fixed_emissions)) {
              emissionArray[, 1:model$n_symbols[i], i] <-
                emissionArray[, 1:model$n_symbols[i], i] / rowSums(emissionArray[, 1:model$n_symbols[i], i, drop = FALSE])
            } else {
              for (j in 1:nrow(model$transition_probs)) {
                cols <- fixed_emissions[[i]][j, ]
                if (any(cols)) {
                  emissionArray[j, 1:model$n_symbols[i], i] <- scalerows(emissionArray[j, 1:model$n_symbols[i], i], cols)
                } else {
                  emissionArray[j, 1:model$n_symbols[i], i] <-
                    emissionArray[j, 1:model$n_symbols[i], i] / sum(emissionArray[j, 1:model$n_symbols[i], i, drop = FALSE])
        } else {
          emArray <- emissionArray[uniqs, , , drop = FALSE]
          for (i in 1:model$n_channels) {
            emArray[, 1:model$n_symbols[i], i][maxEM[[i]]] <- maxEMvalue[[i]]
            emArray[, 1:model$n_symbols[i], i][paramEM[[i]]] <-
              exp(pars[(npTM + 1 + c(0, cumsum(npEM))[i]):(npTM + cumsum(npEM)[i])])

            if (is.null(fixed_emissions)) {
              emArray[, 1:model$n_symbols[i], i] <-
                emArray[, 1:model$n_symbols[i], i] / rowSums(emArray[, 1:model$n_symbols[i], i, drop = FALSE])
            } else {
              for (j in 1:nrow(model$transition_probs)) {
                cols <- fixed_emissions[[i]][j, ]
                if (any(cols)) {
                  emArray[j, 1:model$n_symbols[i], i] <- scalerows(emArray[j, 1:model$n_symbols[i], i], cols)
                } else {
                  emArray[j, 1:model$n_symbols[i], i] <-
                    emArray[j, 1:model$n_symbols[i], i] / sum(emArray[j, 1:model$n_symbols[i], i, drop = FALSE])
          for (i in 1:n_states) {
            emissionArray[constraints == i, , ] <- rep(emArray[i, , ], each = sum(constraints == i))
      if (npIP > 0) {
        model$initial_probs[maxIP] <- maxIPvalue
        model$initial_probs[paramIP] <- exp(pars[(npTM + sum(npEM) + 1):(npTM + sum(npEM) + npIP)])
        if (is.null(fixed_inits)) {
          model$initial_probs[] <- model$initial_probs / sum(model$initial_probs)
        } else {
          model$initial_probs[] <- scalerows(model$initial_probs, fixed_inits)

      if (estimate) {
        if (!log_space) {
          if (need_grad) {
              model$transition_probs, emissionArray, model$initial_probs, obsArray,
              transNZ, emissNZ, initNZ, model$n_symbols, threads
          } else {
              model$transition_probs, emissionArray,
              model$initial_probs, obsArray, threads
        } else {
          if (need_grad) {
              model$transition_probs, emissionArray, model$initial_probs, obsArray,
              transNZ, emissNZ, initNZ, model$n_symbols, threads
          } else {
              model$transition_probs, emissionArray,
              model$initial_probs, obsArray, threads
      } else {
        if (sum(npEM) > 0) {
          if (!is.null(constraints)) {
            model$emission_probs <- original_emiss
          for (i in 1:model$n_channels) {
            model$emission_probs[[i]][] <- emissionArray[, 1:model$n_symbols[i], i]

    if (global_step) {
      if (missing(lb)) {
        if (mhmm) {
          lb <- c(
            rep(-25, length(initialvalues) - npCoef),
            rep(-150 / apply(abs(model$X), 2, max), model$n_clusters - 1)
        } else {
          lb <- -25
      lb <- pmin(lb, 2 * initialvalues)
      if (missing(ub)) {
        if (mhmm) {
          ub <- c(
            rep(25, length(initialvalues) - npCoef),
            rep(150 / apply(abs(model$X), 2, max), model$n_clusters - 1)
        } else {
          ub <- 25
      ub <- pmin(pmax(ub, 2 * initialvalues), 500)

      if (is.null(control_global$maxeval)) {
        control_global$maxeval <- 10000
      if (is.null(control_global$maxtime)) {
        control_global$maxtime <- 60
      if (is.null(control_global$algorithm)) {
        control_global$algorithm <- "NLOPT_GD_MLSL_LDS"
        if (is.null(control_global$local_opts)) {
          control_global$local_opts <- list(
            algorithm = "NLOPT_LD_LBFGS",
            ftol_rel = 1e-6, xtol_rel = 1e-4
      need_grad <- grepl("NLOPT_GD_", control_global$algorithm)
      if (!is.null(constraints) && need_grad) {
        need_grad <- FALSE # don't use analytical gradients
        if (mhmm) {
          gr <- function(x, model, estimate) {
            nl.grad(x, objectivef_mhmm,
              model = model, estimate = estimate
          globalres <- nloptr(
            x0 = initialvalues, eval_f = objectivef_mhmm, lb = lb, ub = ub,
            eval_grad_f = gr,
            opts = control_global, model = model, estimate = TRUE, ...
          model <- objectivef_mhmm(globalres$solution, model, FALSE)
        } else {
          gr <- function(x, model, estimate) {
            nl.grad(x, objectivef_hmm,
              model = model, estimate = estimate
          globalres <- nloptr(
            x0 = initialvalues, eval_f = objectivef_hmm, lb = lb, ub = ub,
            eval_grad_f = gr,
            opts = control_global, model = model, estimate = TRUE, ...
          model <- objectivef_hmm(globalres$solution, model, FALSE)
      } else {
        if (mhmm) {
          globalres <- nloptr(
            x0 = initialvalues, eval_f = objectivef_mhmm, lb = lb, ub = ub,
            opts = control_global, model = model, estimate = TRUE, ...
          model <- objectivef_mhmm(globalres$solution, model, FALSE)
        } else {
          globalres <- nloptr(
            x0 = initialvalues, eval_f = objectivef_hmm, lb = lb, ub = ub,
            opts = control_global, model = model, estimate = TRUE, ...
          model <- objectivef_hmm(globalres$solution, model, FALSE)

      if (globalres$status < 0) {
        warning(paste("Global optimization terminated:", globalres$message))
      initialvalues <- globalres$solution
      ll <- -globalres$objective
    } else {
      globalres <- NULL

    if (local_step) {
      if (is.null(control_local$maxeval)) {
        control_local$maxeval <- 10000
      if (is.null(control_local$algorithm)) {
        control_local$algorithm <- "NLOPT_LD_LBFGS"
      if (is.null(control_local$xtol_rel)) {
        control_local$xtol_rel <- 1e-8
      if (is.null(control_local$ftol_rel)) {
        control_local$ftol_rel <- 1e-10

      need_grad <- grepl("NLOPT_LD_", control_local$algorithm)
      if ((!is.null(constraints) | fixed) && need_grad) {
        need_grad <- FALSE # don't use analytical gradients (do not take account constraints)
        if (mhmm) {
          gr <- function(x, model, estimate) {
            nl.grad(x, objectivef_mhmm,
              model = model, estimate = estimate
          localres <- nloptr(
            x0 = initialvalues, eval_f = objectivef_mhmm,
            eval_grad_f = gr,
            opts = control_local, model = model, estimate = TRUE, ...
          model <- objectivef_mhmm(localres$solution, model, FALSE)
        } else {
          gr <- function(x, model, estimate) {
            nl.grad(x, objectivef_hmm,
              model = model, estimate = estimate
          localres <- nloptr(
            x0 = initialvalues, eval_f = objectivef_hmm,
            eval_grad_f = gr,
            opts = control_local, model = model, estimate = TRUE, ...
          model <- objectivef_hmm(localres$solution, model, FALSE)
      } else {
        if (mhmm) {
          localres <- nloptr(
            x0 = initialvalues, eval_f = objectivef_mhmm,
            opts = control_local, model = model, estimate = TRUE, ...
          model <- objectivef_mhmm(localres$solution, model, FALSE)
        } else {
          localres <- nloptr(
            x0 = initialvalues, eval_f = objectivef_hmm,
            opts = control_local, model = model, estimate = TRUE, ...
          model <- objectivef_hmm(localres$solution, model, FALSE)
      if (localres$status < 0) {
        warning(paste("Local optimization terminated:", localres$message))
      ll <- -localres$objective
    } else {
      localres <- NULL

    if (mhmm) {
      rownames(model$coefficients) <- colnames(model$X)
      colnames(model$coefficients) <- model$cluster_names
  } else {
    globalres <- localres <- NULL

  if (model$n_channels == 1) {
    model$observations <- model$observations[[1]]
    model$emission_probs <- model$emission_probs[[1]]

  if (mhmm) {
    model <- spread_models(model)
    attr(model, "df") <- df
    attr(model, "nobs") <- nobs
    attr(model, "type") <- attr(original_model, "type")

    for (i in 1:model$n_clusters) {
      dimnames(model$transition_probs[[i]]) <- dimnames(original_model$transition_probs[[i]])
      for (j in 1:model$n_channels) {
        dimnames(model$emission_probs[[i]][[j]]) <- dimnames(original_model$emission_probs[[i]][[j]])

  suppressWarnings(try(model <- trim_model(model, verbose = FALSE), silent = TRUE))
    model = model,
    logLik = ll, em_results = resEM[c("logLik", "iterations", "change", "best_opt_restart")],
    global_results = globalres, local_results = localres, call = match.call()

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