
Defines functions prepScores2 prepGenotype impute_to_mean create_model check_dropped_subjects is.family check_inputs calculate_maf calculate_cov fill_values create_seqMeta

Documented in prepScores2

#' @title Prepare scores for region based (meta) analysis
#' @description This function is a replacement for prepScores, prepScoresX and
#'   prepCox. It computes and organizes the neccesary output to efficiently
#'   meta-analyze SKAT and other tests. Note that the tests are *not* computed
#'   by these functions. The output must be passed to one of 
#'   \code{\link[seqMeta]{skatMeta}}, \code{\link[seqMeta]{burdenMeta}}, or 
#'   \code{\link[seqMeta]{singlesnpMeta}}.
#'   Unlike the SKAT package which operates on one gene at a time, these 
#'   functions are intended to operate on many genes, e.g. a whole exome, to 
#'   facilitate meta analysis of whole genomes or exomes.
#' @param family either 'gaussian', for continuous data, 'binomial' for 0/1 
#'   outcomes or 'cox' for survival models.  Family data not currently supported
#'   for binomial or survival outcomes. Male also not supported for survival
#'   outcomes. See Details.
#' @inheritParams prepScores
#' @details This function is a drop in replacement for prepScores, prepScoresX, 
#'   and prepCox. If family is 'cox' then the call is equivalent to prepCox and 
#'   an error will occur if either male or kins is provided.  When family is
#'   'gaussian' or 'binomial' and male is not provided then the call is
#'   equivalent to prepScores.  Whereas if male is provided then the call is
#'   equivalent to prepScoresX.
#'   This function computes the neccesary information to meta analyze SKAT 
#'   analyses: the individual SNP scores, their MAF, and a covariance matrix for
#'   each unit of aggregation. Note that the SKAT test is *not* calculated by 
#'   this function. The output must be passed to one of 
#'   \code{\link[seqMeta]{skatMeta}}, \code{\link[seqMeta]{burdenMeta}}, or 
#'   \code{\link[seqMeta]{singlesnpMeta}}.
#'   A crucial component of SKAT and other region-based tests is a common unit 
#'   of aggregation accross studies. This is given in the SNP information file 
#'   (argument \code{SNPInfo}), which pairs SNPs to a unit of aggregation 
#'   (typically a gene). The additional arguments \code{snpNames} and 
#'   \code{aggregateBy} specify the columns of the SNP information file which 
#'   contain these pairings. Note that the column names of the genotype matrix 
#'   \code{Z} must match the names given in the \code{snpNames} field.
#'   Using \code{prepScores2}, users are strongly recommended to use all SNPs, 
#'   even if they are monomorphic in your study. This is for two reasons; 
#'   firstly, monomorphic SNPs provide information about MAF across all studies;
#'   without providing the information we are unable to tell if a missing SNP 
#'   data was monomorphic in a study, or simply failed to genotype adequately in
#'   that study. Second, even if some SNPs will be filtered out of a particular 
#'   meta-analysis (e.g., because they are intronic or common) constructing 
#'   seqMeta objects describing all SNPs will reduce the workload for subsequent
#'   follow-up analyses.
#'   Note: to view results for a single study, one can pass a single seqMeta 
#'   object to a function for meta-analysis.
#' @return an object of class 'seqMeta'. This is a list, not meant for human 
#'   consumption, but to be fed to \code{skatMeta()} or another function. The 
#'   names of the list correspond to gene names. Each element in the list 
#'   contains
#'   \item{scores}{The scores (y-yhat)^t g} 
#'   \item{cov}{The variance of the scores. When no covariates are used, this is
#'   the LD matrix.}
#'   \item{n}{The number of subjects} 
#'   \item{maf}{The alternate allele frequency}
#'   \item{sey}{The residual standard error.}
#' @note For survival models, the signed likelihood ratio statistic is used 
#'   instead of the score, as the score test is anti-conservative for 
#'   proportional hazards regression. The code for this routine is based on the 
#'   \code{coxph.fit} function from the \code{survival} package.
#'   Please see the package vignette for more details.
#' @author Brian Davis, Arie Voorman, Jennifer Brody
#' @references Wu, M.C., Lee, S., Cai, T., Li, Y., Boehnke, M., and Lin, X.
#'   (2011) Rare Variant Association Testing for Sequencing Data Using the
#'   Sequence Kernel Association Test (SKAT). American Journal of Human
#'   Genetics.
#'   Chen H, Meigs JB, Dupuis J. Sequence Kernel Association Test for
#'   Quantitative Traits in Family Samples. Genetic Epidemiology. (To appear)
#'   Lin, DY and Zeng, D. On the relative efficiency of using summary statistics
#'   versus individual-level data in meta-analysis. Biometrika. 2010.
#' @seealso 
#' \code{\link[seqMeta]{prepScores}} 
#' \code{\link[seqMeta]{prepScoresX}}
#' \code{\link[seqMeta]{prepCox}}
#' \code{\link[seqMeta]{skatMeta}} 
#' \code{\link[seqMeta]{burdenMeta}}
#' \code{\link[seqMeta]{singlesnpMeta}} 
#' \code{\link[seqMeta]{skatOMeta}} 
#' @examples
#' ###load example data for two studies:
#' ### see ?seqMetaExample
#' data(seqMetaExample)
#' ####run on each cohort:
#' cohort1 <- prepScores2(Z=Z1, y~sex+bmi, SNPInfo = SNPInfo, data = pheno1)
#' cohort2 <- prepScores2(Z=Z2, y~sex+bmi, SNPInfo = SNPInfo, kins = kins, data = pheno2)
#' #### combine results:
#' ##skat
#' out <- skatMeta(cohort1, cohort2, SNPInfo = SNPInfo)
#' head(out)
#' ##T1 test
#' out.t1 <- burdenMeta(cohort1,cohort2, SNPInfo = SNPInfo, mafRange = c(0,0.01))
#' head(out.t1)
#' ##single snp tests:
#' out.ss <- singlesnpMeta(cohort1,cohort2, SNPInfo = SNPInfo)
#' head(out.ss)
#' \dontrun{
#' ########################
#' ####binary data
#' cohort1 <- prepScores2(Z=Z1, formula = ybin~1, family = "binomial", 
#'                        SNPInfo = SNPInfo, data = pheno1)
#' out <- skatMeta(cohort1, SNPInfo = SNPInfo)
#' head(out)
#' ####################
#' ####survival data
#' cohort1 <- prepScores2(Z=Z1, formula = Surv(time,status)~strata(sex)+bmi, 
#'                        family = "cox", SNPInfo = SNPInfo, data = pheno1)
#' out <- skatMeta(cohort1, SNPInfo = SNPInfo)
#' head(out)
#' }
#' @export
prepScores2 <- function(Z, formula, family="gaussian", SNPInfo=NULL, snpNames="Name", aggregateBy="gene", kins=NULL, sparse=TRUE, data=parent.frame(), male=NULL, verbose=FALSE) {
    warning("No SNP Info file provided: loading the Illumina HumanExome BeadChip. See ?SNPInfo for more details")
    load(paste(find.package("skatMeta"), "data", "SNPInfo.rda",sep = "/"))
    aggregateBy = "SKATgene"
  } else {
    SNPInfo <- prepSNPInfo(SNPInfo, snpNames, aggregateBy)
  check_inputs(Z, SNPInfo, data, snpNames, family, kins, male)
  if (!is.null(male)) {
    cl <- match.call()
    male <- eval(cl$male, data)
    male <- as.logical(male)
  m <- create_model(formula, family, kins=kins, sparse=sparse, data=data) 
  maf <- calculate_maf(Z, male)
  monos <- monomorphic_snps(Z)
  Z <- impute_to_mean(Z, male)  

  re <- calculate_cov(Z, m, SNPInfo, snpNames, aggregateBy, monos, kins, verbose)
  if (m$family == "cox") {
    zlrt <- rep.int(0, ncol(Z))
    names(zlrt) <- colnames(Z)
    dat <- cbind(0, m$X)
    for(j in 1:ncol(Z)) {
      dat[ , 1] <- Z[ , j]
      model<- coxlr.fit(dat, m$y, m$strata, NULL, init=c(0,m$coef), coxph.control(iter.max=100), NULL,"efron", m$rn)
      zlrt[j] <- sign(stats::coef(model)[1])*sqrt(2*diff(model$loglik))
    zlrt[is.na(zlrt)] <- 0
    zlrt[monos] <- 0
    create_seqMeta(re, zlrt, maf, m, SNPInfo, snpNames, aggregateBy) 
  } else {
    scores <- colSums(m$res*Z) 
    scores[monos] <- 0   
    create_seqMeta(re, scores, maf, m, SNPInfo, snpNames, aggregateBy)     

# prepGenotype
prepGenotype <- function(Z) {

  if (!is.matrix(Z)) {
    Z <- as.matrix(Z)
  if (!is.numeric(Z)) {
    stop("Genotypes must be numeric! Alleles should be coded 0/1/2")

  if(min(Z, na.rm=TRUE) < 0 | max(Z, na.rm=TRUE) > 2) {
    warning("Genotype possibly not dosage matrix! Alleles should be coded 0/1/2")
  if(anyNA(Z)) {
    warning("Some missing genotypes - will be imputed to average dose")

# impute to mean
impute_to_mean <- function(Z, male=NULL) {
  if (!is.matrix(Z)) {
    Z <- as.matrix(Z)
  if (anyNA(Z)) {
    if (is.null(male)) {
      MZ <- colMeans(Z, na.rm=TRUE)    
    } else {
      MZ <- (colSums(Z[male, ],na.rm=TRUE) + 2*colSums(Z[!male, ],na.rm=TRUE))/
        (colSums(!is.na(Z[male, ])) + 2*colSums(!is.na(Z[!male,])))
    allNA <- which(is.nan(MZ))
    if (length(allNA) > 0L) {
      Z[ , allNA] <- 0
      MZ[allNA] <- 0 

    ISNAZ <- is.na(Z) 
    idx <- which(ISNAZ)
    if (length(idx) > 0L) {
      Z[idx] <- MZ[((idx-1)%/%nrow(Z))+1]      

# prepPhenotype
create_model <- function(formula, family="gaussian", kins=NULL, sparse=TRUE, data=parent.frame()) {
  if (!is.character(family)) {
    stop("family must be a character string.  Only family type 'gaussian', 'binomial', and 'cox' are currently supported.")
  } else {
    if (family == "gaussian" || family == "binomial" || family == "cox") {
    } else {
      stop("Unknown family type.  Only 'gaussian', 'binomial', and 'cox' are currently supported.")
    if (fam != "gaussian") {
      stop("Family data is currently only supported for continuous outcomes.")
      kins[kins < 2^{-5}] <- 0
      kins <- Matrix::forceSymmetric(kins)
    data$id <- if(is.null(colnames(kins))){
    } else {
    nullmodel <- coxme::lmekin(formula=update(formula, '~.+ (1|id)'), data=data, varlist = 2*kins,method="REML")  
    nullmodel$theta <- c(nullmodel$vcoef$id, nullmodel$sigma^2)   
    SIGMA <- nullmodel$theta[1] * 2 * kins + nullmodel$theta[2] * Diagonal(nrow(kins))   
    s2 <- sum(nullmodel$theta)
    #rotate data:
    nullmodel$family$var <- function(x){1}
    sef <- sqrt(nullmodel$family$var(nullmodel$fitted))
    X1 <- sef*stats::model.matrix(stats::lm(formula,data=data)) 
    res <- as.vector(nullmodel$res)* s2 / nullmodel$theta[2]  
    Om_i <- solve(SIGMA/s2)
    # optimize calculations
    tX1_Om_i <- crossprod(X1, Om_i)
    AX1 <- with(svd(tX1_Om_i%*%X1),  v[,d > 0,drop=FALSE]%*%( (1/d[d>0])*t(v[, d > 0,drop=FALSE])))%*%tX1_Om_i
    check_dropped_subjects(res, formula)
    list(res=res, family=fam, n=nrow(X1), sey=sqrt(s2), sef=sef, X1=X1, AX1=AX1, Om_i=Om_i)
  } else if (fam == "binomial" || fam == "gaussian") {
    nullmodel <- stats::glm(formula=formula, family=fam, data=data)
    res <- stats::residuals(nullmodel, type = "response")  
    check_dropped_subjects(res, formula) 
    sef <- sqrt(nullmodel$family$var(nullmodel$fitted))
    X1 <- sef*stats::model.matrix(nullmodel) 
    AX1 <- with(svd(X1),  v[,d > 0,drop=FALSE]%*%( (1/d[d>0])*t(u[, d > 0,drop=FALSE])))     
    sey <- if (fam == "gaussian") {
      sqrt(stats::var(res)*(nrow(X1) - 1)/(nrow(X1) - ncol(X1)) )
    } else if (fam == "binomial") {
    } else {
      stop("Only family type 'binomial' and 'gaussian' are currently supported.")
    list(res=res, family=fam, n=nrow(X1), sey=sey, sef=sef, X1=X1, AX1=AX1)
  } else if (fam == "cox") {
    nullmodel <- coxph(formula=formula, data=data)
    strata <- eval(parse(text=rownames(attr(nullmodel$terms, "factors"))[attr(nullmodel$terms, "specials")$strata]), envir=data) # necessary for stratified analysis - 2014-10-07 - HC
    X <- stats::model.matrix(nullmodel, data)
    rn <- row.names(stats::model.frame(nullmodel,data=data))
    nullcoef <- stats::coef(nullmodel)
    list(X=X, family=fam, n=nrow(X), sey=1, y=nullmodel$y, strata=strata, rn=rn, coef=nullcoef)
  } else {
    stop("Unknown family type.  Only 'gaussian', 'binomial', and 'cox' are currently supported.")

check_dropped_subjects <- function(res, formula) {
  if (!is.null(stats::na.action(res))) { 
    stop(paste0("Some observations in '", 
                "' are missing...\n Complete data in the null model is required. Please remove, and subset genotypes accordingly"))

is.family <- function(x) {"family" %in% class(x)}

# check_format_skat  (Z, SNPInfo, data, snpNames, family, kins, male)
check_inputs <- function(Z, SNPInfo, data, snpNames, family, kins, male){

  if (!is.character(family)) {
    stop("family must be a character string.  Only family type 'gaussian', 'binomial', and 'cox' are currently supported.")
  } else {
    if (family == "gaussian" || family == "binomial" || family == "cox") {
      if (family == "cox" || family == "binomial") {
        if (!is.null(kins)) {
          stop("Kinship matrix for related individuals only supported for family='gaussian'")
      if (family == "cox" && !is.null(male)) {
        stop("'male' unsupported with family='cox'.  See prepScoresX")
    } else {
      stop("Unknown family type.  Only 'gaussian', 'binomial', and 'cox' are currently supported.")
  if(nrow(data) != nrow(Z)) {
    stop("Number of genotypes is not equal to number of phenotypes!")
  if(!is.null(kins)) {
    if(nrow(kins) != nrow(Z)) {
      stop("Number of genotype subjects is not equal to the number in the kinship matrix!")

  if (!is.null(male)) {
    if (anyNA(male)) {
      stop("Missing data not allowed in 'male'")
    if(!all(male %in% c(0,1))) {
      stop("`male' must be coded as 0/1 or T/F")
    if(length(male) != nrow(Z)) {
      stop("`male' not the same length as nrows genotype")
  snps <- intersect(colnames(Z), SNPInfo[, snpNames])
  nsnps <- length(snps)
  if(nsnps == 0L) {
    stop("Column names of Z must correspond to 'snpNames' field in SNPInfo file!")
  if(nsnps < ncol(Z)) {
    warning(paste(ncol(Z) - nsnps, "snps are not in SNPInfo file!"))

calculate_maf <- function(Z, male=NULL) {
  if (is.null(male)) {
    maf <- colMeans(Z, na.rm=TRUE)/2.0
  } else {
    male <- as.logical(male)
    maf <- (colSums(Z[male, ],na.rm=TRUE)/2 + colSums(Z[!male, ],na.rm=TRUE))/
      (colSums(!is.na(Z[male, ])) + 2*colSums(!is.na(Z[!male,])))    
  #differentiate all missing from monomorphic
  maf[is.nan(maf)] <- -1

# the two tapply statements could easily be combined but then you would have a logical
# check for each gene as to which calculation to use.  
calculate_cov <- function(Z, m, SNPInfo, snpNames, aggregateBy, monos, kins, verbose = FALSE) {
  env <- environment()
  ngenes <- length(unique(SNPInfo[,aggregateBy]))
  if ( isTRUE(identical(verbose, TRUE)) ) {
    cat("\n Calculating covariance... Progress:\n")
    pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = ngenes, style = 3)
    pb.i <- 0
  if (m$family == "cox") {
    X <- m$X
    re <- tapply(SNPInfo[, snpNames], SNPInfo[, aggregateBy],function(snp.names){
      inds <- intersect(snp.names,colnames(Z))
      if(length(inds) > 0L){
        mcov <- matrix(0,length(snp.names),length(snp.names), dimnames=list(snp.names, snp.names))
        Z0 <- Z[, inds, drop=FALSE]
        zvar <- apply(Z0, 2, stats::var)
        mod1 <- coxlr.fit(cbind(Z0[,zvar != 0 ],X), m$y, m$strata, NULL,
                          init=c(rep(0, ncol(Z0[,zvar !=0, drop=FALSE])), m$coef),
                          coxph.control(iter.max=0), NULL, "efron", m$rn)
        if ( isTRUE(identical(verbose, TRUE)) ) {
          assign("pb.i", get("pb.i",env)+1,env)
          if(get("pb.i", env)%%ceiling(ngenes/100) == 0) {
            utils::setTxtProgressBar(get("pb",env), get("pb.i",env))
        mcov[inds[zvar != 0], inds[zvar != 0]] <- if(ncol(X) == 0) mod1$var_i
          else mod1$var_i[1:sum(zvar !=0),1:sum(zvar !=0),drop=FALSE] - 
          mod1$var_i[1:sum(zvar !=0),(1+sum(zvar !=0)):(ncol(X)+sum(zvar !=0)),drop=FALSE] %*% crossprod(ginv_s(
          mod1$var_i[(1+sum(zvar !=0)):(ncol(X)+sum(zvar !=0)),(1+sum(zvar !=0)):(ncol(X)+sum(zvar !=0)),drop=FALSE]), 
          mod1$var_i[(1+sum(zvar !=0)):(ncol(X)+sum(zvar !=0)),1:sum(zvar !=0),drop=FALSE])
      } else {
        Matrix(0, nrow=length(snp.names), ncol=length(snp.names), dimnames=list(snp.names, snp.names), sparse=TRUE)
    },simplify = FALSE)
    if ( isTRUE(identical(verbose, TRUE)) ) { close(pb) }
  } else {
    ##get matrices for projection
    X1 <- m$X1
    AX1 <- m$AX1
    ##get covariance matrices:
    re <- tapply(SNPInfo[, snpNames], SNPInfo[, aggregateBy],function(snp.names){
      inds <- intersect(snp.names, colnames(Z))
      if(length(inds) > 0L) {
        mcov <- matrix(0,length(snp.names),length(snp.names), dimnames=list(snp.names, snp.names))
        Z0 <- m$sef*Z[, inds, drop=FALSE]
          tZ0_Omi <- crossprod(Z0, m$Om_i)
          mcov[inds, inds] <- as.matrix(tZ0_Omi%*%Z0 - (tZ0_Omi%*%X1)%*%(AX1%*%Z0))
        } else {
          mcov[inds, inds] <- crossprod(Z0) - crossprod(Z0,X1)%*%(AX1%*%Z0)
        if ( isTRUE(identical(verbose, TRUE)) ) {
          assign("pb.i", get("pb.i",env)+1,env)
          if(get("pb.i", env)%%ceiling(ngenes/100) == 0) {
            utils::setTxtProgressBar(get("pb",env), get("pb.i",env))
        mono_snps <- intersect(inds, monos)
        mcov[mono_snps , ] <- 0
        mcov[ , mono_snps] <- 0
      } else{
        Matrix(0, nrow=length(snp.names), ncol=length(snp.names), dimnames=list(snp.names, snp.names), sparse=TRUE)
    },simplify = FALSE)
    if ( isTRUE(identical(verbose, TRUE)) ) { close(pb) }

fill_values <- function(x, r) { 
  cmn <- intersect(names(x), names(r)) 
  idx <- which(names(x) %in% names(r[cmn]))
  x[idx]<- r[names(x)[idx]]

create_seqMeta <- function(re, scores, maf , m, SNPInfo, snpNames, aggregateBy) {
  maf_si <- rep_len(-1, nrow(SNPInfo))
  names(maf_si) <- SNPInfo[ , snpNames]  
  maf_si <- fill_values(maf_si, maf)
  maf_split   <-   split(maf_si, SNPInfo[ , aggregateBy])

  scores_si <- rep_len(0, nrow(SNPInfo))
  names(scores_si) <- SNPInfo[ , snpNames]  
  scores_si <- fill_values(scores_si, scores)
  scores_split   <-   split(scores_si, SNPInfo[ , aggregateBy])
  if(m$family == "cox") {
    for(k in 1:length(re)){
      scores_split[[k]] <- scores_split[[k]]*sqrt(diag(re[[k]]))
  for(k in 1:length(re)){
    re[[k]] <- list("scores"=scores_split[[k]], "cov"=re[[k]], "n"=m$n, "maf"=maf_split[[k]], "sey"=m$sey ) 
  attr(re,"family") <-  m$family
  class(re) <- "seqMeta"

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seqMeta documentation built on May 2, 2019, 10:59 a.m.