
Defines functions plotLogitMiss parseSyntaxLogitMiss logitMiss attrition permn generateIndices plannedMissing makeMCAR makeMAR imposeMissing impose

Documented in impose imposeMissing plotLogitMiss

# imposeMissing: Function to impost planned, MAR and MCAR missing on a data set

impose <- function(miss, data.mat, pmMCAR = NULL, pmMAR = NULL) {
    if (!is.null(pmMCAR))
        miss@pmMCAR <- pmMCAR
    if (!is.null(pmMAR))
        miss@pmMAR <- pmMAR
    if (is(data.mat, "list")) {
        if (!("data" %in% names(data.mat)))
            stop("The list does not contain any dataset.")
        data.mat$data <- as.data.frame(imposeMissing(data.mat$data, cov = miss@cov,
            pmMCAR = miss@pmMCAR, pmMAR = miss@pmMAR, logit = miss@logit, nforms = miss@nforms, itemGroups = miss@itemGroups,
            twoMethod = miss@twoMethod, prAttr = miss@prAttr, timePoints = miss@timePoints,
            logical = miss@logical, ignoreCols = miss@ignoreCols, threshold = miss@threshold))
    } else {
        if (is.matrix(data.mat))
            data.mat <- as.data.frame(data.mat)
        data.mat <- as.data.frame(imposeMissing(data.mat, cov = miss@cov, pmMCAR = miss@pmMCAR,
            pmMAR = miss@pmMAR, logit = miss@logit, nforms = miss@nforms, itemGroups = miss@itemGroups,
            twoMethod = miss@twoMethod, prAttr = miss@prAttr, timePoints = miss@timePoints,
            logical = miss@logical, ignoreCols = miss@ignoreCols, threshold = miss@threshold))
## setMethod('run', signature = 'SimMissing', definition = function(object,
## data, pmMCAR = NULL, pmMAR = NULL) {

## })

## The wrapper function for the various functions to impose missing values.
## Currently, the function will delete x percent of eligible values for MAR and
## MCAR, if you mark colums to be ignored.
imposeMissing <- function(data.mat, cov = 0, pmMCAR = 0, pmMAR = 0, nforms = 0, itemGroups = list(),
    twoMethod = 0, prAttr = 0, timePoints = 1, ignoreCols = 0, threshold = 0, logit = "", logical = NULL) {
    if (is.character(ignoreCols))
        ignoreCols <- match(ignoreCols, colnames(data.mat), nomatch = 0L)
    if (is.character(cov))
        cov <- match(cov, colnames(data.mat), nomatch = 0L)

	log.all <- matrix(FALSE, nrow(data.mat), ncol(data.mat))
    if (nforms != 0 | !isTRUE(all.equal(twoMethod, 0))) {
        # TRUE values are values to delete
        log.matpl <- plannedMissing(dim(data.mat), cov, nforms = nforms, twoMethod = twoMethod,
            itemGroups = itemGroups, timePoints = timePoints, ignoreCols = ignoreCols)
        log.all <- log.all | log.matpl
    # Impose MAR and MCAR

    if (pmMCAR != 0) {
        log.mat1 <- makeMCAR(dim(data.mat), pmMCAR, cov, ignoreCols)
		log.all <- log.all | log.mat1

    if (pmMAR != 0) {
        log.mat2 <- makeMAR(data.mat, pmMAR, cov, ignoreCols, threshold)
		log.all <- log.all | log.mat2

	if (!is.null(logit) & (nchar(logit) > 0)) {
		log.mat2.1 <- logitMiss(data.mat, logit)
		log.all <- log.all | log.mat2.1

    if (any(prAttr > 0)) {
        log.mat3 <- attrition(data.mat, prob = prAttr, timePoints, cov, threshold,
		log.all <- log.all | log.mat3

    if (!is.null(logical) && !is.null(dim(logical)) && !all(dim(logical) == 1)) {
        if (!(class(logical) %in% c("matrix", "data.frame")))
            stop("The logical argument must be matrix or data frame.")
        usecol <- setdiff(seq_len(ncol(data.mat)), ignoreCols)
        log.all2 <- log.all[, usecol]
        if ((dim(log.all2)[1] != dim(logical)[1]) | (dim(log.all2)[2] != dim(logical)[2]))
            stop("The dimension in the logical argument is not equal to the dimension in the data")
        log.all2 <- log.all2 | logical
        log.all[, usecol] <- log.all2

	data.mat[log.all] <- NA



# Function to make MAR missing based on 1 covariate using the threshold method.

# ToDo: Extend to multiple covariates
makeMAR <- function(data, pm = NULL, cov = NULL, ignoreCols = NULL, threshold = NULL) {

    nrow <- dim(data)[1]
    ncol <- dim(data)[2]
    colList <- seq_len(ncol)
    ## because Sunthud couldn't decide between zeros and NULL
    if (all(cov == 0)) cov <- NULL
    if (all(ignoreCols == 0)) ignoreCols <- NULL
    excl <- c(cov, ignoreCols)
    misCols <- setdiff(colList, excl)

    # Calculate the probability of missing above the threshold,starting with the
    # mean of the covariate. If this probability is greater than or equal to 1,
    # lower the threshold by choosing thresholds at increasingly lower quantiles of
    # the data.
    if (is.null(threshold)) {
        threshold <- mean(data[, cov])

    pr.missing <- 1
    qlist <- c(seq(0.5, 0, -0.1))
    i <- 0
    while (pr.missing >= 1 && (i < length(qlist))) {
        if (i != 0) {
            threshold <- quantile(cov, qlist[i])
        percent.eligible <- (sum(data[, cov] > threshold) * length(misCols))/length(as.matrix(data[,misCols]))
        pr.missing <- pm/percent.eligible
        i <- i + 1

    # mismat <- matrix(FALSE,ncol=length(colList),nrow=nrow)

    # rows.eligible <- data[,cov] > threshold

    # mismat[,misCols] <- rows.eligible

    # misrand <- runif(length(mismat)) < pr.missing

    # mismat <- matrix(mapply(`&&`,misrand,as.vector(mismat)),nrow=nrow)

    rows.eligible <- data[, cov] > threshold
    total.elig <- rep(rows.eligible, 1, each = ncol)
    misrand <- runif(length(total.elig)) < pr.missing
    mismat <- matrix(mapply(`&&`, misrand, total.elig), nrow = nrow, byrow = TRUE)

    if (length(excl)) mismat[, excl] <- FALSE


# Function to make some MCAR missing

# Input: Data matrix dimensions, desired percent missing, columns of covariates
# to not have missingness on

# Output: Logical matrix of values to be deleted
makeMCAR <- function(dims, pm = 0, cov = 0, ignoreCols = 0) {
    nrow <- dims[1]
    ncol <- dims[2]
    colList <- seq_len(ncol)

    ## because Sunthud couldn't decide between zeros and NULL
    if (all(cov == 0)) cov <- NULL
    if (all(ignoreCols == 0)) ignoreCols <- NULL
    excl <- c(cov, ignoreCols)
    misCols <- setdiff(colList, excl)

    R.mis <- matrix(runif(nrow * ncol) <= pm, nrow = nrow)
    if (length(excl)) R.mis[, excl] <- FALSE


# Function to poke holes in the data for planned missing designs.

# Input: Data Set

# Output: Boolean matrix of values to delete
# Right now, function defaults to NULL missingness. If number of forms is
# specified, items are divided equally and grouped sequentially. (i.e. columns
# 1-5 are shared, 6-10 are A, 11-15 are B, and 16-20 are C)


# Warnings for illegal groupings

# Check to see if item groupings are valid?
plannedMissing <- function(dims = c(0, 0), nforms = NULL, itemGroups = NULL, twoMethod = NULL,
    cov = NULL, timePoints = 1, ignoreCols = NULL) {

    if (!is.null(itemGroups) && is.list(itemGroups) && length(itemGroups) == 0)
        itemGroups <- NULL
    if (is.vector(twoMethod) && length(twoMethod) == 1 && twoMethod == 0)
        twoMethod <- NULL
    if (is.vector(nforms) && length(nforms) == 1 && nforms == 0)
        nforms <- NULL

    nitems <- dims[2]
    nobs <- dims[1]
    itemList <- seq_len(nitems)

    ## because Sunthud couldn't decide between zeros and NULL
    if (all(cov == 0)) cov <- NULL
    if (all(ignoreCols == 0)) ignoreCols <- NULL
    excl <- c(cov, ignoreCols)
    itemList <- setdiff(itemList, excl)

    itemsPerTP <- length(itemList)/timePoints

    if ((itemsPerTP - round(itemsPerTP)) != 0)
        stop("Items are not divisible by timepoints. Check the number of items and timepoints.")

    log.mat <- matrix(FALSE, ncol = itemsPerTP, nrow = nobs)

    if (!is.null(nforms) && nforms != 0) {
        if ((nforms + 1) > dims[2])
            stop("The number of forms cannot exceed the number of variables.")

        if (!is.null(itemGroups) && (nforms + 1 != length(itemGroups))) {
            nforms <- length(itemGroups) - 1
            print("Number of forms has been set to the number of groups specified")

        if (((!is.null(itemGroups)) && (class(itemGroups) != "list"))) {
            stop("itemGroups not a list")

        # groups items into sets of column indices (in the 3 form case, shared/a/b/c)

        if (is.null(itemGroups)) {
            itemGroups <- generateIndices(nforms + 1, 1:itemsPerTP)

        # groups observations into sets of row indices. Each set receives a different
        # form - that is, each observation group has one subset of variables marked for
        # deletion. At each time point, each group of observations systematically
        # receives a different form. To do this, we calculate all possible combinations
        # for a given number of forms (for a 3 form design, this is 6) and then repeat
        # this matrix of permuations to cover all timepoints.

        obsGroups <- generateIndices(nforms, 1:nobs)
        formPerms <- matrix(unlist(permn(length(obsGroups))), ncol = nforms, byrow = TRUE)

        if (timePoints > dim(formPerms)[1]) {
            dimMult <- ceiling((timePoints - dim(formPerms)[1])/timePoints) + 1
            formPerms <- matrix(rep(formPerms, dimMult), ncol = nforms)

        for (j in 1:timePoints) {
            if (j == 1) {
                temp.mat <- matrix(FALSE, ncol = itemsPerTP, nrow = nobs)

                for (i in 1:nforms) {
                  temp.mat[obsGroups[[formPerms[j, i]]], itemGroups[[i + 1]]] <- TRUE
                log.mat <- temp.mat
            } else {
                temp.mat <- matrix(FALSE, ncol = itemsPerTP, nrow = nobs)
                obsGroups <- sample(obsGroups)
                for (i in 1:nforms) {
                  temp.mat[obsGroups[[i]], itemGroups[[i + 1]]] <- TRUE
                log.mat <- cbind(log.mat, temp.mat)


        # Create the full missing matrix

        # 1) Repeat the logical matrix for each time point

        # 2) Create a logical matrix of FALSE for each covariate

        # 3) Add the columns of ignored variables to the end of the matrix, and convert
        # to data frame

        # 4) Rename the colums of the data frame

        # 5) Sort the column names

	# 6) Convert back to matrix

	excl <- setdiff(excl, 0)
	if (length(excl) != 0) {
		exclMat <- matrix(rep(FALSE, nobs * length(excl)), ncol = length(excl))
		log.df <- as.data.frame(cbind(log.mat, exclMat))
		colnames(log.df) <- (c(itemList, excl))

		# The column names need to be coerced to integers for the sort to work
		# correctly, and then coerced back to strings for the data frame subsetting to
		# work correctly.
		log.df <- log.df[, paste(sort(as.integer(colnames(log.df))), sep = "")]

		log.mat <- as.matrix(log.df)
		colnames(log.mat) <- NULL

    if (!is.null(twoMethod)) {
		log.mat <- matrix(FALSE, dims[1], dims[2])
        col <- unlist(twoMethod[1])
        percent <- unlist(twoMethod[2])
        toDelete <- 1:((percent) * nobs)
        log.mat[toDelete, col] <- TRUE

# Default generation method for item groupings and observation groupings.
# Generates sequential groups of lists of column indices based on the desired
# number of groups, and a range of the group column indices. You can also
# exclude specific column indeces.

# EX: generate.indices(3,1:12)

generateIndices <- function(ngroups, groupRange, excl = NULL) {

    a <- groupRange

    ## because Sunthud couldn't decide whether to pass zeros or NULL
    if (any(excl == 0)) excl <- excl[excl != 0]

    if (length(excl)) {
        anot <- a[-excl]
    } else {
        anot <- a

    ipg <- length(anot)/ngroups

    for (i in 1:ngroups) {
        if (i == 1) {
            index.list <- list(anot[1:ipg])
        } else {
            indices.used <- length(unlist(index.list))
            index.list[[i]] <- anot[(indices.used + 1):(ipg * i)]


permn <- function(x, fun = NULL, ...) {
    # Taken from package combinat. Put here for easy loading.
    if (is.numeric(x) && length(x) == 1 && x > 0 && trunc(x) == x)
        x <- seq(x)
    n <- length(x)
    nofun <- is.null(fun)
    out <- vector("list", gamma(n + 1))
    p <- ip <- seqn <- 1:n
    d <- rep(-1, n)
    d[1] <- 0
    m <- n + 1
    p <- c(m, p, m)
    i <- 1
    use <- -c(1, n + 2)
    while (m != 1) {
        out[[i]] <- if (nofun)
            x[p[use]] else fun(x[p[use]], ...)
        i <- i + 1
        m <- n
        chk <- (p[ip + d + 1] > seqn)
        m <- max(seqn[!chk])
        if (m < n)
            d[(m + 1):n] <- -d[(m + 1):n]
        index1 <- ip[m] + 1
        index2 <- p[index1] <- p[index1 + d[m]]
        p[index1 + d[m]] <- m
        tmp <- ip[index2]
        ip[index2] <- ip[m]
        ip[m] <- tmp

# Implementing attrition using probability of attrition per TP as the
# parameter, and optionally, a covariate.  The probability argument can be a
# vector, allowing you to specify different probabilities for different time
# points.  If there is only one value, this will be the probability of
# attrition at each time time point.  If the length does not equal the number
# of time points, the pattern will repeat to cover the remaining time points.

attrition <- function(data, prob = NULL, timePoints = 1, cov = NULL, threshold = NULL,
    ignoreCols = NULL) {
    dims <- dim(data)
    nrow <- dims[1]

    ## because Sunthud couldn't decide between zeros and NULL
    if (all(cov == 0)) cov <- NULL
    if (all(ignoreCols == 0)) ignoreCols <- NULL

    colGroups <- generateIndices(timePoints, seq_len(dims[2]), excl = c(cov, ignoreCols))

    log.mat <- matrix(FALSE, nrow = dims[1], ncol = dims[2])

    if (length(prob) == 1L) prob <- rep(prob, timePoints)
    if (length(prob) != timePoints) {
      warning('The specified number of timepoints (', timePoints,
              ') does not coincide with the specified number of probabilities ',
              'of attrition (', length(prob), '), so only the first ',
              'probability was used (', prob[1], ').')
      prob <- rep(prob[1], timePoints)

    if (is.null(cov)) {
        excl <- NULL
        for (i in seq_len(timePoints)) {
            if (is.null(excl)) {
                attr <- runif(nrow) <= prob[i]
                log.mat[attr, ] <- TRUE
                excl <- 1
            } else {
                # Grab the first column at the ith timepoint
                slice <- log.mat[, colGroups[[i]][1]]

                # Each value that isn't true has a prob likelihood of being marked true
                misrand <- runif(nrow) <= prob[i]
                attr <- mapply(`||`, slice, misrand)
                # For each row in attr marked true, mark true for all columns excluding
                # previous timepoints.
                log.mat[attr, unlist(colGroups[-excl])] <- TRUE
                excl <- c(excl, i)

    } else {
        if (is.null(threshold)) {
            threshold <- mean(data[, cov])
        rows.eligible <- data[, cov] > threshold

        excl <- NULL
        for (i in seq_len(timePoints)) {
            if (is.null(excl)) {
                # attr <- sapply(rows.eligible,function(x) { if(x && runif(dims[1]) <= prob[i])
                # {x <- TRUE} else {x <- FALSE} })
                misrand <- runif(length(rows.eligible)) <= prob[i]
                attr <- mapply(`&&`, rows.eligible, misrand)
                log.mat[attr, unlist(colGroups)] <- TRUE
                excl <- 1
            } else {
                # Grab the first column at the ith timepoint
                prevRmv <- log.mat[, colGroups[[i]][1]]

                # Each value that isn't true has a prob likelihood of being marked true

                # attr <- mapply(function(x,y) { if(x == FALSE && y == TRUE){runif(1) <=
                # prob[i]} else {FALSE}},slice,rows.eligible)
                misrand <- runif(length(prevRmv)) <= prob[i]
                eligible <- mapply("&&", rows.eligible, misrand)
                attr <- mapply("||", eligible, prevRmv)

                # For each row in attr marked true, mark true for all columns excluding
                # previous timepoints.
                log.mat[attr, unlist(colGroups[-excl])] <- TRUE
                excl <- c(excl, i)

# Implementing logistic regression model for missing at random

logitMiss <- function(data, script) {
	model <- parseSyntaxLogitMiss(script)
	logmat <- matrix(FALSE, nrow(data), ncol(data))
	parsedModel <- lapply(model, strsplit, "~")
	dv <- sapply(parsedModel, function(x) x[[1]][1])
	if(length(dv) != length(unique(dv))) warnings("Some variables' missingnesses are defined more than once. The last expression will be used only")
	iv <- sapply(parsedModel, function(x) x[[1]][2])
	ivsep <- strsplit(iv, "\\+")

	for(i in 1:length(ivsep)) {
		temp <- strsplit(ivsep[[i]], "\\*")
		ivj <- matrix(1, nrow(data), length(temp))
		for(j in 1:length(temp)) {
			if(length(temp[[j]]) > 1) {
				ivj[,j] <- data[,temp[[j]][2]]
		indexp <- which(sapply(temp, function(x) length(grep("p", x[1])) > 0))
		if(length(indexp) > 1) {
			stop(paste("In the following line:\n", model[i], "\nhas the probability specification more than once"))
		} else if (length(indexp) == 1) {
			expectediv <- 0
			if(length(temp) > 1) {
				meaniv <- colMeans(ivj[,-indexp, drop=FALSE], na.rm=TRUE)
				expectediv <- sum(as.numeric(sapply(temp, function(x) x[1])[-indexp]) * meaniv)
			expectedprob <- temp[[indexp]][1]
			expectedprob <- gsub("p\\(", "", expectedprob)
			expectedprob <- gsub("\\)", "", expectedprob)
			expectedprob <- 1 - as.numeric(expectedprob)

			# NOTE

			# 1/(1 + exp(-(intcept + expectslope))) = p

			# (1 - p)/p = exp(-(intcept + expectslope))

			# intcept = -log((1 - p)/p) - expectslope

			temp[[indexp]][1] <- -log(expectedprob/(1 - expectedprob)) - expectediv
		if(all(sapply(temp, length) != 1)) {
			temp <- c(list(0), temp)
		coef <- matrix(rep(as.numeric(sapply(temp, function(x) x[1])), nrow(data)), nrow=nrow(data), byrow=TRUE)
		pred <- apply(coef * ivj, 1, sum)
		predprob <- 1/(1 + exp(-pred))
		logmat[,which(dv[i]== colnames(data))] <- runif(length(predprob)) < predprob

parseSyntaxLogitMiss <- function(script) {
# Most of the beginning of this codes are from lavaanify function in lavaan

    # break up in lines
    model <- unlist( strsplit(script, "\n") )

    # remove comments starting with '#' or '!'
    model <- gsub("#.*","", model); model <- gsub("!.*","", model)

    # replace semicolons by newlines and split in lines again
    model <- gsub(";","\n", model); model <- unlist( strsplit(model, "\n") )

    # strip all white space
    model <- gsub("[[:space:]]+", "", model)

    # keep non-empty lines only
    idx <- which(nzchar(model))
    model <- model[idx]

    # check for multi-line formulas: they contain no "~" or "=" character
    # but before we do that, we remove all modifiers
    # to avoid confusion with for example equal("f1=~x1") statements
    model.simple <- gsub("\\(.*\\)\\*", "MODIFIER*", model)

    start.idx <- grep("[~=<>:]", model.simple)
    end.idx <- c( start.idx[-1]-1, length(model) )
    model.orig    <- model
    model <- character( length(start.idx) )
    for(i in 1:length(start.idx)) {
        model[i] <- paste(model.orig[start.idx[i]:end.idx[i]], collapse="")

    # ok, in all remaining lines, we should have a '~' operator
    # OR one of '=', '<' '>' outside the ""
    model.simple <- gsub("\\\".[^\\\"]*\\\"", "LABEL", model)
    idx.wrong <- which(!grepl("~", model.simple))
    if(length(idx.wrong) > 0) {
        cat("Missing ~ operator in formula(s):\n")
        stop("Syntax error in missing model syntax")

plotLogitMiss <- function(script, ylim = c(0, 1), x1lim = c(-3, 3),
                          x2lim = c(-3, 3), otherx = 0, useContour = TRUE) {
	warnT <- as.numeric(options("warn"))
    options(warn = -1)
	model <- parseSyntaxLogitMiss(script)

	parsedModel <- lapply(model, strsplit, "~")
	dv <- sapply(parsedModel, function(x) x[[1]][1])
	if(length(dv) != length(unique(dv))) warnings("Some variables' missingnesses are defined more than once. The last expression will be used only")
	iv <- sapply(parsedModel, function(x) x[[1]][2])
	ivsep <- strsplit(iv, "\\+")

    if (length(ivsep) == 2) {
        obj <- par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
    } else if (length(ivsep) == 3) {
        obj <- par(mfrow = c(1, 3))
    } else if (length(ivsep) > 3) {
        obj <- par(mfrow = c(2, ceiling(length(ivsep)/2)))
    } else if (length(ivsep) == 1) {
        # Intentionally leaving as blank
    } else {
        stop("Some errors occur")

	for(i in 1:length(ivsep)) {
		temp <- strsplit(ivsep[[i]], "\\*")

		iv1 <- seq(x1lim[1], x1lim[2], length.out=100)
		iv2 <- seq(x2lim[1], x2lim[2], length.out=100)

		indexp <- which(sapply(temp, function(x) length(grep("p", x[1])) > 0))
		if(length(indexp) > 1) {
			stop(paste("In the following line:\n", model[i], "\nhas the probability specification more than once"))
		} else if (length(indexp) == 1) {
			expectediv <- 0
			if(length(temp) > 1) {
				meaniv <- rep(otherx, length(temp) - 1)
				meaniv[1] <- mean(iv1)
				if(length(meaniv) > 1) meaniv[2] <- mean(iv2)
				expectediv <- sum(as.numeric(sapply(temp, function(x) x[1])[-indexp]) * meaniv)

			expectedprob <- temp[[indexp]][1]
			expectedprob <- gsub("p\\(", "", expectedprob)
			expectedprob <- gsub("\\)", "", expectedprob)
			expectedprob <- 1 - as.numeric(expectedprob)

			# NOTE

			# 1/(1 + exp(-(intcept + expectslope))) = p

			# (1 - p)/p = exp(-(intcept + expectslope))

			# intcept = -log((1 - p)/p) - expectslope

			temp[[indexp]][1] <- -log(expectedprob/(1 - expectedprob)) - expectediv
		if(all(sapply(temp, length) != 1)) {
			temp <- c(list(0), temp)

		coef <- as.numeric(sapply(temp, function(x) x[1]))
		ivname <- sapply(temp, "[", 2)[sapply(temp, length) != 1]
		title <- paste("Missing Proportion of", dv[i])
        if (length(temp) == 1) {
            predVal <- 1/(1 + exp(-coef))
			barplot(c("Missing" = predVal, "Not Missing" = 1-predVal), ylab = "Missing Proportion", main = title, ylim=ylim)
        } else if (length(temp) == 2) {
			pred <- coef[1] + (coef[2] * iv1)
			predVal <- 1/(1 + exp(-pred))
            plot(iv1, predVal, type = "n", xlab = ivname[1], ylab = "Missing Proportion",
                main = title, ylim = ylim)
            lines(iv1, predVal)
        } else if (length(temp) > 2) {
            FUN <- function(x, y) {
                logi <- coef[1] + coef[2] * x + coef[3] * y
				if(length(coef) > 3) logi <- logi + sum(coef[4:length(coef)] * otherx)
                pp <- 1/(1 + exp(-logi))
            zpred <- outer(iv1, iv2, FUN)
            if (useContour) {
                contour(iv1, iv2, zpred, xlab = ivname[1], ylab = ivname[2],
                  main = title)
            } else {
                persp(iv1, iv2, zpred, zlim = ylim, theta = 30, phi = 30,
                  expand = 0.5, col = "lightblue", ltheta = 120, shade = 0.75, ticktype = "detailed",
                  xlab = ivname[1], ylab = ivname[2], main = title,
                  zlab = "Missing Proportion")
		} else {
            stop("Something is wrong!")
	if (length(ivsep) > 1)
    options(warn = warnT)

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