
Defines functions .noharm.residuals .noharm.correlations .noharm.loadings .noharm.itemlevel .noharm.rmsr .noharm.tanaka

## File Name: R2noharm-utility.R
## File Version: 1.14

# utility functions for R2noharm

# Read Tanaka Index
.noharm.tanaka <- function( noharmout1 ){
    i1 <- grep( "Tanaka", noharmout1 )
    tanaka <- as.numeric( strsplit( paste(noharmout1[i1]), split="=" )[[1]][2] )

# Root mean square of residuals
.noharm.rmsr <- function( noharmout1 ){
    i1 <- grep( "Root mean square of residuals", noharmout1 )
    RMSR <- as.numeric( strsplit( paste(noharmout1[i1]), split="=" )[[1]][2] )

# UNIQUE VARIANCES, thresholds, 1-dimensional parametrizations    #
.noharm.itemlevel <- function( noharmout1, itemlevel.type, I=I,dat=dat){
        i1 <- grep( itemlevel.type, noharmout1 )
        VV <- floor(I/9)+1 * ( I/9 !=floor( I/9) )
        uniquevar <- noharmout1[ seq( i1+5, i1 + 5 + 4*(VV-1), 4 ) ]
        #*** addition ARb 2014-01-29
            uniquevar <- uniquevar[ substring( uniquevar, 1, 1 )==" " ]
        uniquevar <- paste( uniquevar, collapse="  " )
        uniquevar <- strsplit( uniquevar, split=" " )[[1]]
        uniquevar <- as.numeric( paste( uniquevar[ uniquevar !="" ] ) )
        uniquevar <- uniquevar[1:I]
        names(uniquevar) <- colnames(dat)
        return( uniquevar )

# Function for extracting factor loadings
.noharm.loadings <- function( noharmout1, type1, type2, dimensions=dimensions, I=I, dat=dat){
    i1 <- grep( type1, noharmout1 )[1]
    i2 <- grep( type2, noharmout1 )[1]
    rows <- seq( i1+2, i2-4  )
    if ( ( dimensions==1 ) & ( type1=="Factor Loadings" ) ){
        rows <- seq(i1+2, i2-6 )
    r1 <- intersect( which( noharmout1=="" ), rows )
    VV <- length(r1)/2
    r2 <- stats::aggregate( r1, list(rep( 1:VV, each=2 )), mean )
    colnames(r2) <- c("index", "index.row" )
    index.m <- data.frame( r2, "begin"=r2[,2] + 2,
                    "end"=c( r2[,2][-1] - 2, i2-4 ) )
        if ( dimensions==1 & type1=="Factor Loadings"){
                index.m$end <- i2 - 6
    loading.matrix <- matrix(0,I,dimensions)
    rownames(loading.matrix) <- colnames(dat)
    colnames(loading.matrix) <- paste( "F", 1:dimensions, sep="")
    for (vv in 1:VV){
        ind.vv.col <- noharmout1[ index.m$index.row[vv] ]
        ind.vv.col <- strsplit( ind.vv.col, split=" " )[[1]]
        ind.vv.col <- as.numeric( ind.vv.col[ ind.vv.col !="" ] )
        ind.vv <- seq( index.m$begin[vv], index.m$end[vv] )
        loading.vv <- noharmout1[ ind.vv ]
        loading.vv <- sapply( loading.vv, FUN=function(ll){
                            ll1 <- strsplit( paste(ll), split=" " )[[1]]
                            as.numeric( ll1[ ll1 !=ll1[1] ] )
                                                } )
        loading.vv <- as.matrix( loading.vv )
        ind.vv.row <- as.vector( loading.vv[1,] )
        loading.vv <-  loading.vv[-1,]
        loading.matrix[ ind.vv.row, ind.vv.col ] <- t(loading.vv)
        return( loading.matrix )

# Function for extracting Factor Correlations
.noharm.correlations <- function( noharmout1,
                        type1="Factor Correlations",
                        type2="Residual Matrix",
                                    dimensions=dimensions, dat=dat ){
    i1 <- grep( type1, noharmout1 )[1]
    i2 <- grep( type2, noharmout1 )[1]
    rows <- seq( i1+2, i2-4 )
    r1 <- intersect( which( noharmout1=="" ), rows )
    VV <- length(r1)/2
    r2 <- stats::aggregate( r1, list(rep( 1:VV, each=2 )), mean )
    colnames(r2) <- c("index", "index.row" )
    index.m <- data.frame( r2, "begin"=r2[,2] + 2,
                    "end"=c( r2[,2][-1] - 2, i2-4 ) )
    correlation.matrix <- matrix(NA,dimensions,dimensions)
    rownames(correlation.matrix) <- colnames(correlation.matrix) <- paste( "F", 1:dimensions, sep="")
    for (vv in 1:VV){
        ind.vv.col <- noharmout1[ index.m$index.row[vv] ]
        ind.vv.col <- strsplit( ind.vv.col, split=" " )[[1]]
        ind.vv.col <- as.numeric( ind.vv.col[ ind.vv.col !="" ] )
        ind.vv <- seq( index.m$begin[vv], index.m$end[vv] )
        correlation.vv <- noharmout1[ ind.vv ]
        correlation.vv <- sapply( correlation.vv, FUN=function(ll){
                            ll1 <- strsplit( paste(ll), split=" " )[[1]]
                            as.vector( as.numeric( ll1[ ll1 !="" ] ))
                                                } )
        if ( is.list( correlation.vv ) ){
            ind.vv.row <- as.vector(unlist( lapply( correlation.vv, FUN=function(ll){ ll[1] } ) ))
            correlation.vv <-  lapply( correlation.vv, FUN=function(ll){ ll[-1] } )
            } else {
            correlation.vv <- as.vector( correlation.vv )
            ind.vv.row <- correlation.vv[1]
            correlation.vv <- as.list( correlation.vv[-1] )
        RVV <- length(correlation.vv)
        for (rvv in 1:RVV){
            correlation.vv.rvv <- correlation.vv[[rvv]]
            i1.rvv <- ind.vv.row[rvv]
            i2.rvv <- ind.vv.col[ seq( 1, length(correlation.vv.rvv)) ]
            correlation.matrix[ i2.rvv, i1.rvv ] <- correlation.matrix[ i1.rvv, i2.rvv ] <- correlation.vv.rvv

# Extracting Residual Matrix                                               #
.noharm.residuals <- function(noharmout1, I=I, dat=dat ){
    i1 <- grep( "Residual Matrix", noharmout1 )
    i2 <- grep( "Sum of squares of residuals", noharmout1 )
    rows <- seq( i1+2, i2-4 )
    r1 <- intersect( which( noharmout1=="" ), rows )
    VV <- length(r1)/2
    r2 <- stats::aggregate( r1, list(rep( 1:VV, each=2 )), mean )
    colnames(r2) <- c("index", "index.row" )
    index.m <- data.frame( r2, "begin"=r2[,2] + 2,
#                    "end"=c( r2[,2][-1] - 2, i2-4 ) )
                    "end"=c( r2[,2][-1] - 2, i2-3 ) )
    resid.matrix <- matrix(0,I,I)
    rownames(resid.matrix) <- colnames(resid.matrix) <- colnames(dat)
    for (vv in 1:VV){
        ind.vv.col <- noharmout1[ index.m$index.row[vv] ]
        ind.vv.col <- strsplit( ind.vv.col, split=" " )[[1]]
        ind.vv.col <- as.numeric( ind.vv.col[ ind.vv.col !="" ] )
        ind.vv <- seq( index.m$begin[vv], index.m$end[vv] )
        resid.vv <- noharmout1[ ind.vv ]
        resid.vv <- sapply( resid.vv, FUN=function(ll){
                            ll1 <- strsplit( paste(ll), split=" " )[[1]]
                            as.numeric( ll1[ ll1 !="" ] )
                                                } )
    if (is.list( resid.vv)){
            gh1 <- lapply( resid.vv, FUN=function(ll){ length(ll) } )
            ind1 <- which (gh1==0)
            if ( length(ind1) > 0 ){
                for (ii in ind1 ){    resid.vv[[ii]] <- NULL }
            ind.vv.row <- as.vector(unlist( lapply( resid.vv, FUN=function(ll){ ll[1] } ) ))
            resid.vv <-  lapply( resid.vv, FUN=function(ll){ ll[-1] } )
                        } else {
                        resid.vv <- as.vector(resid.vv)
                        ind.vv.row <- resid.vv[1]
                        resid.vv <- as.list( resid.vv[-1] )
        RVV <- length(resid.vv)
        for (rvv in 1:RVV){
            resid.vv.rvv <- resid.vv[[rvv]]
            i1.rvv <- ind.vv.row[rvv]
            i2.rvv <- ind.vv.col[ seq( 1, length(resid.vv.rvv)) ]
            resid.matrix[ i2.rvv, i1.rvv ] <- resid.matrix[ i1.rvv, i2.rvv ] <- resid.vv.rvv
        return( resid.matrix )

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