
Defines functions btm

Documented in btm

## File Name: btm.R
## File Version: 1.537

#--- Bradley-Terry model in sirt
btm <- function( data, judge=NULL, ignore.ties=FALSE, fix.eta=NULL, fix.delta=NULL,
            fix.theta=NULL, maxiter=100, conv=.0001, eps=.3, wgt.ties=.5)
    s1 <- Sys.time()
    CALL <- match.call()
    admiss <- c(0,1,.5)
    est.delta <- TRUE
    est.eta <- TRUE
    delta <- -1
    eta <- 0
    center.theta <- TRUE
    if ( ! is.null( fix.eta ) ){
        eta <- fix.eta
        est.eta <- FALSE

    if ( ignore.ties ){
        admiss <- admiss[1:2]
        delta <- -99
        est.delta <- FALSE
    data <- data[ ! is.na( data[,3] ), ]
    data <- data[ data[,3] %in% admiss, ]
    dat0 <- dat <- data

    # teams
    teams <- unique( sort( c( paste(dat[,1] ), paste(dat[,2] ) ) ) )
    teams1 <- as.numeric(paste(teams))

    if ( sum( is.na(teams1))==0 ){
        teams <- sort(teams1)

    dat0[,1] <- match( paste( dat0[,1] ), teams )
    dat0[,2] <- match( paste( dat0[,2] ), teams )
    dfr <- data.frame( res1=1*( dat0[,3]==1 ), res0=1*( dat0[,3]==0 ),
                    resD=1*( dat0[,3]==1/2 ) )

    # calculate scores for each team
    TP <- length(teams)
    r1 <- rowsum( dfr, dat0[,1] )
    ind1 <- as.numeric(rownames(r1))
    r2 <- rowsum( dfr, dat0[,2] )
    ind2 <- as.numeric(rownames(r2))
    r2 <- r2[, c(2,1,3) ]
    r0 <- as.data.frame( matrix( 0, nrow=TP, ncol=3 ))
    r0[ ind1, ] <- r0[ ind1,] + r1
    r0[ ind2, ] <- r0[ ind2,] + r2
    r3 <- r0
    colnames(r3) <- colnames(dfr)
    score <- r3[,1]*1 + r3[,3]*wgt.ties
    maxscore <- rowSums(r3)
    score_delta <- sum(r1[,3])
    score_eta <- sum(r1[,1]+r1[,3]*wgt.ties)

    # epsilon adjustment
    raw <- score
    score <- eps + ( maxscore-2*eps)*score / maxscore
    propscore <- score / maxscore
    # initial ability for each team
    theta <- stats::qlogis( ( propscore + .1 ) / 1.2 )
    if (center.theta){
        theta <- theta - mean(theta)
    # eliminate individuals with extreme scores
    elim_persons <- FALSE
    if ( sum( propscore %in% c(0,1) ) > 0 ){
        elim_persons <- TRUE
        elim_persons_index <- which( propscore %in% c(0,1) )
        theta_elim <- theta[ elim_persons_index ]
        # define matrix with sets probabilities to zero for
        # comparisons which are excluded
        indicator_elim <- dat0
        indicator_elim[,3] <- 0
        indicator_elim[ indicator_elim[,1] %in% elim_persons_index, 3 ] <- 1
        indicator_elim[ indicator_elim[,2] %in% elim_persons_index, 3 ] <- 1

    some.fixed.theta <- FALSE
    if ( ! is.null( fix.theta) ){
        fix.theta.index <- match( names(fix.theta), teams )
        if ( sum( is.na( fix.theta.index ) ) > 0 ){
            stop( paste0( 'Cannot find all individuals with fixed values\n',
                    '  in \'fixed.theta\'\n') )
        some.fixed.theta <- TRUE
        center.theta <- FALSE

    # number of dyads
    ND <- nrow(dat0)
    max.change <- 1E5
    iter <- 0
    incrfac <- .98
    maxincr <- 1
    se.delta <- NA
    se.eta <- NA
    c0 <- Sys.time()

    while( ( iter < maxiter ) & ( max.change > conv) ) {

        theta0 <- theta
        delta0 <- delta
        eta0 <- eta

        M1 <- matrix(0, nrow=ND, ncol=3)
        M1[,1] <- theta[ dat0[,1] ] + eta
        M1[,2] <- theta[ dat0[,2] ]
        M1[,3] <- delta + ( theta[ dat0[,1] ] + theta[ dat0[,2] ] + eta ) * wgt.ties

        M1 <- exp(M1)
        M1 <- M1 / rowSums(M1)

        if ( elim_persons ){
            M1[ indicator_elim[,3]==1, ] <- 0

        maxincr <- maxincr * incrfac

        #--- pre-calculations
        M13w <- M1[,3]*wgt.ties
        M11_M13_w <- M1[,1] + M13w
        wm1 <- wgt.ties - M1[,1] - M1[,3]*wgt.ties
        wm2 <- wgt.ties - M1[,2] - M1[,3]*wgt.ties

        #**** derivatives with respect to delta
        if ( est.delta ){
            d1 <- score_delta - sum( M1[,3] )
            d2 <- sum( M1[,3] * ( 1 - M1[,3] ) )
            incr <- d1 / d2
            incr <- btm_trim_increment(incr=incr, maxincr=maxincr )
            delta <- delta + incr
            se.delta <- sqrt( 1 / d2 )

        #*** derivatives with respect to eta
        if ( est.eta ){
            d1 <- score_eta - sum( M11_M13_w)
            d2 <- sum( M1[,1] * ( 1 - M11_M13_w ) +    M13w*wm1)
            incr <-  d1 / d2
            incr <- btm_trim_increment(incr=incr, maxincr=maxincr )
            eta <- eta + incr
            se.eta <- sqrt( 1 / d2 )

        #*** derivatives with respect to theta
        # first derivative
        fac1 <-  M1[,1] + M13w
        deriv_theta_i1 <- fac1
        fac2 <-  M1[,2] + M13w
        deriv_theta_i2 <- fac2
        # d1a <- ( rowsum( deriv_theta_i1, dat0[,1] )[,1] +
        #             rowsum( deriv_theta_i2, dat0[,2] )[,1] )
        h1 <- rowsum( deriv_theta_i1, dat0[,1] )
        h2 <- rowsum( deriv_theta_i2, dat0[,2] )
        d1a <- rep(0,TP)
        d1a[ ind1 ] <- d1a[ ind1 ] + h1
        d1a[ ind2 ] <- d1a[ ind2 ] + h2
        d1 <- score -  d1a
        # second derivative
        d2a <- M1[,1]*(1 - fac1) + M13w*wm1
        d2b <- M1[,2]*(1 - fac2) + M13w*wm2
        h1 <- rowsum( d2a, dat0[,1] )
        h2 <- rowsum( d2b, dat0[,2] )
        d2 <- rep(1E-20,TP)
        d2[ ind1 ] <- d2[ ind1 ] + h1
        d2[ ind2 ] <- d2[ ind2 ] + h2
        incr <- d1/d2
        incr <- btm_trim_increment(incr=incr, maxincr=maxincr )
        theta <- theta + incr

        theta2 <- theta
        se.theta <- sqrt( 1 / d2 )
        if ( elim_persons ){
            theta[ elim_persons_index ] <- theta_elim
            se.theta[ elim_persons_index ] <- NA
            theta2[ abs(theta) %in% Inf ] <- NA

        if (center.theta){
            theta <- theta - mean(theta2, na.rm=TRUE)

        if (some.fixed.theta){
            theta[ fix.theta.index ] <- fix.theta
            se.theta[ fix.theta.index ] <- NA

        # assess convergence
        iter <- iter + 1
        theta_ch <- abs( theta - theta0 )

        if (elim_persons){
            theta_ch <- ifelse( theta_ch==Inf, NA, theta_ch )

        theta.change <- max( theta_ch, na.rm=TRUE)
        delta.change <- max( abs( delta - delta0 ))
        eta.change <- max( abs( eta - eta0 ))
        max.change <- max( c(theta.change,delta.change, eta.change) )

        cat( paste0('**** Iteration ', iter,
                        ' | Maximum parameter change=', round(max.change, 7), '\n') )

    }  #---- end algorithm
    time_alg <- Sys.time() - c0

    # arrange output
    pars <- data.frame('parlabel'=c('Ties', 'Home'), 'par'=c('delta', 'eta') )
    pars$est <- c( delta, eta )
    pars$se <- c( se.delta, se.eta )

    # estimated individual effect
    effects <- data.frame( individual=teams, id=seq( 1, length(teams) ) )
    effects$Ntot <- rowSums(r3)
    effects$N1 <- r3[,1]
    effects$ND <- r3[,3]
    effects$N0 <- r3[,2]
    effects$raw <- raw
    effects$score <- score
    effects$propscore <- propscore
    effects$theta <- theta
    effects$se.theta <- se.theta
    # effects <- effects[ order( effects$theta, decreasing=TRUE), ]
    rownames(effects) <- NULL

    # summary of effects parameters
    theta2 <- theta
    theta2[ abs(theta) %in% Inf ] <- NA
    summary.effects <- data.frame( M=mean(theta2,na.rm=TRUE),
                    median=stats::median(theta), SD=stats::sd(theta2,na.rm=TRUE),
                    min=min(theta), max=max(theta) )

    # probabilities
    probs <- M1
    colnames(probs) <- c('p1', 'p0', 'pD')

    # log-likelihood
    NObs <- nrow(dat0)
    dat0$result <- dat0[,3]
    ll <- rep(0,NObs)
    ll <- ll+log(probs[,1])*(dat0$result==1)
    ll <- ll+log(probs[,2])*(dat0$result==0)
    ll <- ll+log(probs[,3])*(dat0$result==.5)
    ll <- sum(ll)

    # fit statistics
    res0 <- btm_fit_statistics( probs=probs, dat0=dat0, ind1=ind1, ind2=ind2,
                TP=TP, judge=judge, wgt.ties=wgt.ties )
    effects$outfit <- res0$outfit
    effects$infit <- res0$infit
    multiple_judges <- res0$multiple_judges
    fit_judges <- res0$fit_judges
    residuals <- res0$residuals

    # MLE reliability
    v2 <- mean(effects$se.theta^2)
    v0 <- stats::var(effects$theta)
    mle.rel <- 1 - v2 / v0
    sep.rel <- sqrt( v0 / v2 )
    #--- output list
    effects <- effects[ order(effects$propscore, decreasing=TRUE), ]
    res <- list( effects=effects, pars=pars, summary.effects=summary.effects,
                mle.rel=mle.rel, sepG=sep.rel, probs=probs, data=dat0,
                multiple_judges=multiple_judges, fit_judges=fit_judges,
                residuals=residuals, eps=eps, ignore.ties=ignore.ties,
                wgt.ties=wgt.ties, time_alg=time_alg, ll=ll, dat=dat)
    res$CALL <- CALL
    res$iter <- iter
    ic <- list( n=length(teams), D=nrow(dat0) )
    res$ic <- ic
    s2 <- Sys.time()
    res$s1 <- s1
    res$s2 <- s2
    class(res) <- 'btm'

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