
Defines functions fgGrey twoPartName twoPartNameChar leftRight.sisalTable bottomTop.sisalTable widthDetails.sisalTable heightDetails.sisalTable xDetails.sisalTable yDetails.sisalTable makeContent.sisalTable validDetails.sisalTable editDetails.sisalTable tableMeasures minConvertXY sisalTable

Documented in sisalTable

### File R/sisalTable.R
### This file is part of the sisal package for R.
### Copyright (C) 2015, 2020 Aalto University
### This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
### it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
### the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
### (at your option) any later version.
### This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
### but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
### GNU General Public License for more details.
### A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at
### http://www.r-project.org/Licenses/

## Returns a grey value (as an R color string) that has largest
## minimum distance (best contrast) to bgLumas (numeric where 0 is
## black and 1 is white).
fgGrey <- function(bgLumas) {
    distWhite <- min(1 - bgLumas)
    distBlack <- min(bgLumas)
    meanLuma <- mean(bgLumas)
    distMean <- min(abs(meanLuma - bgLumas))
    switch(which.max(c(distBlack, distWhite, distMean)),
           "black", "white", rgb(meanLuma, meanLuma, meanLuma))

## A "standard" way of creating two-part names for viewports / grobs
twoPartName <- function(part1, part2) {
    paste(format(part1, scientific = FALSE, trim = TRUE, justify = "none"),
          format(part2, scientific = FALSE, trim = TRUE, justify = "none"),
## when both part1 and part2 are already character vectors
twoPartNameChar <- function(part1, part2) {
    paste(part1, part2, sep=".")

### Drawing time auxiliary functions for sisalTable
leftRight.sisalTable <- function(x) {
    X <- convertUnit(x[["x"]], unitTo = "inches", axisFrom = "x",
                     typeFrom = "location", valueOnly = TRUE)
    hjust <- x[["internals"]][["hjust"]]
    width <- convertUnit(x[["width"]], unitTo = "inches", axisFrom = "x",
                         typeFrom = "dimension", valueOnly = TRUE)
    left <- X - width * hjust
    right <- left + width
    c(left, right)
bottomTop.sisalTable <- function(x) {
    Y <- convertUnit(x[["y"]], unitTo = "inches", axisFrom = "y",
                     typeFrom = "location", valueOnly = TRUE)
    vjust <- x[["internals"]][["vjust"]]
    height <- convertUnit(x[["height"]], unitTo = "inches", axisFrom = "y",
                          typeFrom = "dimension", valueOnly = TRUE)
    bottom <- Y - height * vjust
    top <- bottom + height
    c(bottom, top)

### S3 methods for sisalTable

## According to "frame" vignette, widthDetails and heightDetails
## should use absolute.size() which returns "null" units if the grob
## does not have an absolute size. I tried absolute.size(x$width),
## absolute.size(x$height), but that only gave an obscure error message:
## Error in UseMethod("absolute.units") :
##   no applicable method for 'absolute.units' applied to an object of class "unit"
## > traceback()
## 19: FUN(X[[1L]], ...)
## 18: lapply(unit, absolute.units)
## 17: absolute.units.unit.list(unit$arg1)
## 16: absolute.units(unit$arg1)
## 15: unit.arithmetic("sum", absolute.units(unit$arg1))
## 14: absolute.units.unit.arithmetic(unit)
## 13: absolute.units(unit)
## 12: absolute.size(x$width)
## 11: widthDetails.sisalTable(x)
## 10: widthDetails(x)
## The error message does not make sense. The (partial) traceback
## isn't too helpful either. So, let's use convertUnit(unitTo =
## "inches") instead.
## * Advantage: gives the size of the grob, even if the size is not
##   absolute (fixed). Seems reasonable to me.
## * Downside: does not work as discussed in the vignette. The
##   vignette may be outdated, though. For example, contrary to what
##   is stated in the vignette, neither widthDetails.rect() nor
##   heightDetails.rect() uses absolute.size(), which gets very little
##   use anywhere. Makes me wonder if there is a problem in
##   absolute.size(), or if I have overlooked something.
## This was checked on R trunk SVN revision 61876.
widthDetails.sisalTable <- function(x, ...) {
    convertUnit(x[["width"]], unitTo = "inches", axisFrom = "x",
                typeFrom = "dimension")
heightDetails.sisalTable <- function(x, ...) {
    convertUnit(x[["height"]], unitTo = "inches", axisFrom = "y",
                typeFrom = "dimension")
## xDetails and yDetails methods of sisalTable are vectorized
## w.r.t. theta, but it may not be possible to take advantage of this
## through grid
xDetails.sisalTable <- function(x, theta, ...) {
    leftRight <- leftRight.sisalTable(x)
    bottomTop <- bottomTop.sisalTable(x)
    width <- leftRight[2] - leftRight[1]
    height <- bottomTop[2] - bottomTop[1]
    X <- (leftRight[1] + leftRight[2]) / 2
    Y <- (bottomTop[1] + bottomTop[2]) / 2
    rGrob <- rectGrob(x = X, y = Y, width = width, height = height,
                      default.units = "inches")
    do.call("unit.c", lapply(theta, function (x) xDetails(rGrob, x)))
yDetails.sisalTable <- function(x, theta, ...) {
    leftRight <- leftRight.sisalTable(x)
    bottomTop <- bottomTop.sisalTable(x)
    width <- leftRight[2] - leftRight[1]
    height <- bottomTop[2] - bottomTop[1]
    X <- (leftRight[1] + leftRight[2]) / 2
    Y <- (bottomTop[1] + bottomTop[2]) / 2
    rGrob <- rectGrob(x = X, y = Y, width = width, height = height,
                      default.units = "inches")
    do.call("unit.c", lapply(theta, function (x) yDetails(rGrob, x)))
makeContent.sisalTable <- function(x, ...) {
    x2 <- x
    ## Edit content labels
    internals <- x[["internals"]]
    cellSide <- convertWidth(internals[["cellSide"]],
                             unitTo = "inches", valueOnly = TRUE)
    nRows <- internals[["nRows"]]
    nCols <- internals[["nCols"]]
    nResize <- internals[["nResizeLabels"]]
    if (nResize > 0) {
        labelFS <- cellSide / internals[["labelDim"]]
        labelsNotNA <- internals[["labelsNotNA"]]
        nLabels <- length(labelsNotNA)
        textNames <- internals[["textNames"]]
        labelPars <- internals[["labelPars"]]
        for (i in seq_along(labelPars)) {
            labelPars[[i]][["fontsize"]] <- labelFS
        labelMeasurements <-
            dynTextGrob(internals[["labels"]], adjustJust = TRUE,
                        gp = labelPars, resize = FALSE,
                        takeMeasurements = TRUE)
        labelJust <- numeric(nLabels)
        justTmp <- labelMeasurements[["vjust"]]
        labelJust[labelsNotNA] <- justTmp[1:nResize]
        linearRowCol <- 0
        for (Col in seq_len(nCols)) {
            ## Actual contents of the table
            for (Row in seq_len(nRows)) {
                labelsMod <- linearRowCol %% nLabels + 1
                if (labelsNotNA[labelsMod]) {
                    thisName <- textNames[linearRowCol + 1]
                    labelPar <- gparToList(getGrob(x, thisName)[["gp"]])
                    labelPar[["fontsize"]] <- labelFS
                    x2 <- editGrob(x2, thisName,
                                   gp = do.call("gpar", labelPar),
                                   vjust = labelJust[labelsMod])
                linearRowCol <- linearRowCol + 1
    if (internals[["resizeAxes"]]) {
        ## Edit x axis labels
        axesFS <- NULL
        xAxisSide <- internals[["xAxisSide"]]
        if (!is.null(xAxisSide)) {
            xAxisSide <- convertHeight(xAxisSide,
                                       unitTo = "inches", valueOnly = TRUE)
            axesFS <- min(cellSide / internals[["xAxisWidth"]],
                          xAxisSide / internals[["xAxisHeight"]])
            xAxisNotNA <- internals[["xAxisNotNA"]]
            axesPar <- internals[["axesPar"]]
            axesPar[["fontsize"]] <- axesFS
            axesPar <- do.call("gpar", axesPar)
            xNames <- internals[["xNames"]]
            xMeasurements <-
                dynTextGrob(internals[["xAxisLabels"]], resize = FALSE,
                            gp = axesPar, rotJust = TRUE,
                            rot = internals[["xAxisRot"]],
                            takeMeasurements = TRUE,
                            just = internals[["xAxisJust"]], adjustJust = TRUE)
            hjust <- numeric(nCols)
            vjust <- numeric(nCols)
            hjust[xAxisNotNA] <- xMeasurements[["hjust"]]
            vjust[xAxisNotNA] <- xMeasurements[["vjust"]]
            xShift <- numeric(nCols)
            yShift <- numeric(nCols)
            xShift[xAxisNotNA] <- xMeasurements[["xShift"]]
            yShift[xAxisNotNA] <- xMeasurements[["yShift"]]
            nXAxis <- length(xAxisNotNA)
            for (Col in seq_len(nCols)[xAxisNotNA]) {
                xMod <- (Col - 1) %% nXAxis + 1
                thisName <- xNames[Col]
                thisGrob <- getGrob(x, thisName)
                x2 <- editGrob(x2, thisName, gp = axesPar,
                               x=thisGrob[["x"]] + unit(xShift[xMod],"inches"),
                               y=thisGrob[["y"]] + unit(yShift[xMod],"inches"),
                               hjust = hjust[xMod], vjust = vjust[xMod])
        ## Edit y axis labels
        yAxisSide <- internals[["yAxisSide"]]
        if (!is.null(yAxisSide)) {
            if (is.null(axesFS)) {
                yAxisSide <- convertWidth(yAxisSide,
                                          unitTo = "inches", valueOnly = TRUE)
                axesFS <- min(cellSide / internals[["yAxisHeight"]],
                              yAxisSide / internals[["yAxisWidth"]])
                axesPar <- internals[["axesPar"]]
                axesPar[["fontsize"]] <- axesFS
                axesPar <- do.call("gpar", axesPar)
            yAxisNotNA <- internals[["yAxisNotNA"]]
            yNames <- internals[["yNames"]]
            yMeasurements <-
                dynTextGrob(internals[["yAxisLabels"]], resize = FALSE,
                            gp = axesPar, rotJust = TRUE,
                            rot = internals[["yAxisRot"]],
                            takeMeasurements = TRUE,
                            just = internals[["yAxisJust"]], adjustJust = TRUE)
            hjust <- numeric(nRows)
            vjust <- numeric(nRows)
            hjust[yAxisNotNA] <- yMeasurements[["hjust"]]
            vjust[yAxisNotNA] <- yMeasurements[["vjust"]]
            xShift <- numeric(nRows)
            yShift <- numeric(nRows)
            xShift[yAxisNotNA] <- yMeasurements[["xShift"]]
            yShift[yAxisNotNA] <- yMeasurements[["yShift"]]
            nYAxis <- length(yAxisNotNA)
            for (Row in seq_len(nRows)[yAxisNotNA]) {
                yMod <- (Row - 1) %% nYAxis + 1
                thisName <- yNames[Row]
                thisGrob <- getGrob(x, thisName)
                x2 <- editGrob(x2, thisName, gp = axesPar,
                               x=thisGrob[["x"]] + unit(xShift[yMod],"inches"),
                               y=thisGrob[["y"]] + unit(yShift[yMod],"inches"),
                               hjust = hjust[yMod], vjust = vjust[yMod])
    ## Final edited grobTree
validDetails.sisalTable <- function(x, ...) {
    if (!inherits(x, "gTree")) {
        stop("a sisalTable object must be a gTree")
    slotNames <- names(x)
    requiredNames <- c("width", "height", "vpLayout", "x", "y", "just",
                       "clip", "internals", "name", "gp", "vp")

    ## Testing that all slots are present
    if (!all(requiredNames %in% slotNames)) {
        stop("slots missing")

    ## Testing 'x', 'y', 'width', 'height', 'clip', 'just'
    X <- x[["x"]]
    Y <- x[["y"]]
    width <- x[["width"]]
    height <- x[["height"]]
    if (!inherits(X, "unit") || !inherits(Y, "unit") ||
        !inherits(width, "unit") || !inherits(height, "unit")) {
        stop("'x', 'y', 'width' and 'height' must be grid units")
    if (length(X) != 1 || length(Y) != 1 ||
        length(width) != 1 || length(height) != 1) {
        stop("'x', 'y', 'width' and 'height' must have one element each")
    clip <- x[["clip"]]
    if (!(length(clip) == 1 &&
          ((is.character(clip) && clip %in% c("on", "inherit", "off")) ||
           (is.logical(clip) && is.finite(clip))))) {
        stop("'clip' must be TRUE, FALSE, \"on\", \"inherit\" or \"off\"")
    just <- x[["just"]]
    if (!(((is.numeric(just) && all(is.finite(just))) ||
           is.character(just)) && length(just) > 0 && length(just) < 3)) {
        stop("'just' must be a finite numeric or character vector of length 1 or 2")

    ## Testing internal variables
    internals <- x[["internals"]]
    if (!is.list(internals)) {
        stop(gettextf("'%s' must be a list", 'x[["internals"]]',
                      domain = "R-sisal"), domain = NA)
    varNames <-
        c("hjust", "vjust", "nResizeLabels", "resizeAxes", "labelDim",
          "xAxisWidth", "xAxisHeight", "yAxisWidth", "yAxisHeight", "cellSide",
          "xAxisSide", "yAxisSide", "nRows", "nCols", "labelsNotNA",
          "xAxisNotNA", "yAxisNotNA", "labels", "labelPars", "axesPar",
          "xAxisLabels", "yAxisLabels", "xAxisRot", "yAxisRot", "xAxisJust",
          "yAxisJust", "textNames", "xNames", "yNames", "childVps")
    if (!all(varNames %in% names(internals))) {
        stop(gettextf("'%s' must have the required variables",
                      'x[["internals"]]', domain = "R-sisal"), domain = NA)
    hjust <- internals[["hjust"]]
    vjust <- internals[["vjust"]]
    nResize <- internals[["nResizeLabels"]]
    resizeAxes <- internals[["resizeAxes"]]
    labelDim <- internals[["labelDim"]]
    xAxisWidth <- internals[["xAxisWidth"]]
    xAxisHeight <- internals[["xAxisHeight"]]
    yAxisWidth <- internals[["yAxisWidth"]]
    yAxisHeight <- internals[["yAxisHeight"]]
    cellSide <- internals[["cellSide"]]
    xAxisSide <- internals[["xAxisSide"]]
    yAxisSide <- internals[["yAxisSide"]]
    nRows <- internals[["nRows"]]
    nCols <- internals[["nCols"]]
    labelsNotNA <- internals[["labelsNotNA"]]
    labels <- internals[["labels"]]
    labelPars <- internals[["labelPars"]]
    xAxisNotNA <- internals[["xAxisNotNA"]]
    yAxisNotNA <- internals[["yAxisNotNA"]]
    xAxisLabels <- internals[["xAxisLabels"]]
    yAxisLabels <- internals[["yAxisLabels"]]
    xAxisRot <- internals[["xAxisRot"]]
    yAxisRot <- internals[["yAxisRot"]]
    xAxisJust <- internals[["xAxisJust"]]
    yAxisJust <- internals[["yAxisJust"]]
    textNames <- internals[["textNames"]]
    xNames <- internals[["xNames"]]
    yNames <- internals[["yNames"]]
    stopifnot(is.numeric(hjust), is.numeric(vjust), is.numeric(nResize),
              is.logical(resizeAxes), is.numeric(labelDim),
              is.numeric(xAxisWidth), is.numeric(xAxisHeight),
              is.numeric(yAxisWidth), is.numeric(yAxisHeight),
              inherits(cellSide, "unit"), is.numeric(nRows), is.numeric(nCols),
              is.list(internals[["axesPar"]]), is.numeric(xAxisRot),
              inherits(internals[["childVps"]], "vpList"))
    stopifnot(length(hjust) == 1, length(vjust) == 1, length(nResize) == 1,
              length(resizeAxes) == 1, length(labelDim) == 1,
              length(xAxisWidth) == 1, length(xAxisHeight) == 1,
              length(yAxisWidth) == 1, length(yAxisHeight) == 1,
              length(cellSide) == 1, length(nRows) == 1, length(nCols) == 1,
              length(xAxisRot) == 1, length(yAxisRot) == 1)
    stopifnot(is.finite(hjust), is.finite(vjust),
              is.finite(nResize) && nResize >= 0, is.finite(resizeAxes),
              is.finite(labelDim) && labelDim >= 0,
              is.finite(nRows) && nRows > 0, is.finite(nCols) && nCols > 0,
              is.finite(xAxisRot), is.finite(yAxisRot))
    stopifnot(!resizeAxes || is.null(xAxisSide) ||
              (is.finite(xAxisWidth) && xAxisWidth >= 0 &&
               is.finite(xAxisHeight) && xAxisHeight >= 0 &&
               inherits(xAxisSide, "unit") && length(xAxisSide) == 1 &&
               is.logical(xAxisNotNA) && length(xAxisNotNA) >= 1 &&
               all(is.finite(xAxisNotNA)) && is.vector(xAxisLabels) &&
               length(xAxisLabels) >= 1 && is.character(xNames) &&
               length(xNames) == nCols))
    stopifnot(!resizeAxes || is.null(yAxisSide) ||
              (is.finite(yAxisWidth) && yAxisWidth >= 0 &&
               is.finite(yAxisHeight) && yAxisHeight >= 0 &&
               inherits(yAxisSide, "unit") && length(yAxisSide) == 1 &&
               is.logical(yAxisNotNA) && length(yAxisNotNA) >= 1 &&
               all(is.finite(yAxisNotNA)) && is.vector(yAxisLabels) &&
               length(yAxisLabels) >= 1 && is.character(yNames) &&
               length(yNames) == nRows))
    stopifnot(length(xAxisJust) > 0,
              is.character(xAxisJust) ||
              (is.numeric(xAxisJust) && all(is.finite(xAxisJust))))
    stopifnot(length(yAxisJust) > 0,
              is.character(yAxisJust) ||
              (is.numeric(yAxisJust) && all(is.finite(yAxisJust))))
    if (nResize > 0) {
        stopifnot(is.logical(labelsNotNA), is.finite(labelsNotNA),
                  is.character(textNames), length(textNames) == nRows * nCols,
                  is.list(labelPars), length(labelPars) >= 2,
                  vapply(labelPars, is.list, logical(1)),
                  is.vector(labels), length(labels) >= 2)
editDetails.sisalTable <- function(x, specs) {
    x2 <- NextMethod("editDetails", x)
    slotNames <- names(specs)
    if ("internals" %in% slotNames) {
        stop("'internals' must not be edited")
    if (any(c("width", "height", "x", "y",
              "just", "clip", "vpLayout") %in% slotNames)) {
        internals <- x2[["internals"]]
        parentVp <- viewport(x = x2[["x"]], y = x2[["y"]],
                             width = x2[["width"]], height = x2[["height"]],
                             just = x2[["just"]], clip = x2[["clip"]],
                             layout = x2[["vpLayout"]], name = "Parent")
        x2 <- editGrob(x2, childrenvp = vpTree(parent = parentVp,
                               children = internals[["childVps"]]))
        if ("just" %in% slotNames) {
            x2[["internals"]][c("hjust", "vjust")] <- justHV(x2[["just"]])

### Main functions

## Computes sizes of different graphical elements.  Returns those and
## suggested relative space allocations for the various parts of a
## table (based on computed sizes and target ratios specified as
## arguments).  All the gp* arguments should be (lists of) ordinary
## lists containing settings accepted by gpar().
tableMeasures <- function(xAxisLabels, yAxisLabels, labels, targetAxesRatio,
                          gpAxes = list(), gpLabels,
                          main, xlab, ylab, gpMain, gpLab, nRows, nCols,
                          targetMainRatio = 0.15, targetLabRatio = 0.15,
                          scaleLabels = FALSE, xlabExpand = 1, ylabExpand = 1,
                          mainExpand = 1, xAxisRot = 0, yAxisRot = 0,
                          xAxisJust, yAxisJust) {
    nX <- length(xAxisLabels)
    if (nX > 0) {
        tmp <- dynTextGrob(xAxisLabels, gp = do.call("gpar", gpAxes),
                           rot = xAxisRot, rotJust = TRUE,
                           just = xAxisJust, takeMeasurements = TRUE,
                           adjustJust = TRUE)
        xAxisWidth <- tmp[["sizingWidth"]]
        xAxisHeight <- tmp[["sizingHeight"]]
        xAxisNZ <- tmp[["nzDim"]]
    } else {
        xAxisWidth <- NA_real_
        xAxisHeight <- NA_real_
        xAxisNZ <- FALSE
    nY <- length(yAxisLabels)
    if (nY > 0) {
        tmp <- dynTextGrob(yAxisLabels, gp = do.call("gpar", gpAxes),
                           rot = yAxisRot, rotJust = TRUE,
                           just = yAxisJust, takeMeasurements = TRUE,
                           adjustJust = TRUE)
        yAxisWidth <- tmp[["sizingWidth"]]
        yAxisHeight <- tmp[["sizingHeight"]]
        yAxisNZ <- tmp[["nzDim"]]
    } else {
        yAxisWidth <- NA_real_
        yAxisHeight <- NA_real_
        yAxisNZ <- FALSE
    labelCex <- 0
    nLabels <- length(labels)
    for (i in seq_along(gpLabels)) {
        cexTemp <- gpLabels[[i]][["cex"]]
        if (is.null(cexTemp)) {
            labelCex <- max(1, labelCex)
        } else {
            labelCex <- max(cexTemp, labelCex)
    mfs <- dynTextGrob(c(labels, "x"), adjustJust = TRUE,
                       gp = c(gpLabels, list(list())), takeMeasurements = TRUE)
    labelDim <- max(unlist(mfs[c("sizingWidth", "sizingHeight")]))
    tmpSeq <- seq_len(nLabels)
    labelNZ <- mfs[["nzDim"]][tmpSeq]
    if (length(main) > 0) {
        tmp <- dynTextGrob(main, gp = gpMain, takeMeasurements = TRUE)
        maxMainWidth <- tmp[["sizingWidth"]]
        maxMainHeight <- tmp[["sizingHeight"]]
        mainNZ <- tmp[["nzDim"]]
    } else {
        maxMainWidth <- NA_real_
        maxMainHeight <- NA_real_
        mainNZ <- FALSE
    if (length(xlab) > 0) {
        tmp <- dynTextGrob(xlab, gp = gpLab, takeMeasurements = TRUE)
        maxXlabWidth <- tmp[["sizingWidth"]]
        maxXlabHeight <- tmp[["sizingHeight"]]
        xlabNZ <- tmp[["nzDim"]]
    } else {
        maxXlabWidth <- NA_real_
        maxXlabHeight <- NA_real_
        xlabNZ <- FALSE
    if (length(ylab) > 0) {
        tmp <- dynTextGrob(ylab, gp = gpLab, rot = 90, takeMeasurements = TRUE)
        maxYlabWidth <- tmp[["sizingWidth"]]
        maxYlabHeight <- tmp[["sizingHeight"]]
        ylabNZ <- tmp[["nzDim"]]
    } else {
        maxYlabWidth <- NA_real_
        maxYlabHeight <- NA_real_
        ylabNZ <- FALSE
    targetAxesRatio2 <- targetAxesRatio * labelCex
    if (is.na(xAxisHeight)) {
        xAxisRatio <- Inf
    } else if (targetAxesRatio2 * xAxisWidth < labelDim) {
        xAxisRatio <- xAxisHeight * targetAxesRatio2 / labelDim
    } else {
        xAxisRatio <- xAxisHeight / xAxisWidth
    if (is.na(yAxisWidth)) {
        yAxisRatio <- Inf
    } else if (targetAxesRatio2 * yAxisHeight < labelDim) {
        yAxisRatio <- yAxisWidth * targetAxesRatio2 / labelDim
    } else {
        yAxisRatio <- yAxisWidth / yAxisHeight
    xFs <- min(1 / xAxisWidth, xAxisRatio / xAxisHeight)
    yFs <- min(1 / yAxisHeight, yAxisRatio / yAxisWidth)
    xAxisRatio <- min(xAxisRatio, xAxisRatio * yFs / xFs, na.rm = TRUE)
    yAxisRatio <- min(yAxisRatio, yAxisRatio * xFs / yFs, na.rm = TRUE)
    if (!is.na(xFs) || !is.na(yFs)) {
        xyFs <- min(xFs, yFs, na.rm = TRUE)
        if (scaleLabels && !is.na(labelDim) &&
            xyFs < targetAxesRatio2 / labelDim) {
            fontScaleIn <- xyFs / (targetAxesRatio2 / labelDim)
            labelDim <- labelDim / fontScaleIn
    } else {
        xyFs <- NA_real_

    axesCex <- gpAxes[["cex"]]
    if (is.null(axesCex)) {
        axesCex <- 1
    mainRatio <- min(min(1, mainExpand) * nCols * maxMainHeight / maxMainWidth,
                     mainExpand * max(targetMainRatio * nRows,
                                      maxMainHeight * labelCex / labelDim,
                                      maxMainHeight * axesCex * xyFs,
                                      na.rm = TRUE), na.rm = TRUE)
    xlabRatio <- min(min(1, xlabExpand) * nCols * maxXlabHeight / maxXlabWidth,
                     xlabExpand * max(targetLabRatio * min(nRows, nCols),
                                      maxXlabHeight * labelCex / labelDim,
                                      maxXlabHeight * axesCex * xyFs,
                                      na.rm = TRUE), na.rm = TRUE)
    ylabRatio <- min(min(1, ylabExpand) * nRows * maxYlabWidth / maxYlabHeight,
                     ylabExpand * max(targetLabRatio * min(nRows, nCols),
                                      maxYlabWidth * labelCex / labelDim,
                                      maxYlabWidth * axesCex * xyFs,
                                      na.rm = TRUE), na.rm = TRUE)
    ylabScale <- min(nRows / maxYlabHeight, ylabRatio / maxYlabWidth) /
    xlabScale <- min(nCols / maxXlabWidth, xlabRatio / maxXlabHeight) /
    if (!is.na(ylabScale) && !is.na(xlabScale)) {
        if (ylabScale > xlabScale) {
            ylabRatio <- xlabScale / ylabScale * ylabRatio
        } else {
            xlabRatio <- ylabScale / xlabScale * xlabRatio

    ## * *Ratio: Ratio of space reserved (along a dimension) for
    ## various graphical objects to length of the sides of each
    ## (square) cell in the table

    ## * *Dim, *Width, *Height: Maximum normalized size (Dim: max of
    ## width and height) of a graphical object. Normalized means size
    ## of the graphical object in points divided by the specified font
    ## size.
    list(xAxisRatio = xAxisRatio,        # x axis labels (one for each column)
         yAxisRatio = yAxisRatio,        # y axis labels (one for each row)
         labelDim = labelDim,            # labels in the table
         labelNZ = labelNZ,
         xAxisWidth = xAxisWidth,        # x axis labels
         xAxisHeight = xAxisHeight,      # x axis labels
         xAxisNZ = xAxisNZ,
         yAxisWidth = yAxisWidth,        # y axis labels
         yAxisHeight = yAxisHeight,      # y axis labels
         yAxisNZ = yAxisNZ,
         mainRatio = mainRatio,          # main title
         mainWidth = maxMainWidth,       # main title
         mainHeight = maxMainHeight,     # main title
         mainNZ = mainNZ,
         xlabRatio = xlabRatio,          # x label (one across all cols)
         ylabRatio = ylabRatio,          # y label (one across all rows)
         xlabWidth = maxXlabWidth,       # x label
         xlabHeight = maxXlabHeight,     # x label
         ylabWidth = maxYlabWidth,       # y label
         ylabHeight = maxYlabHeight,     # y label
         xlabNZ = xlabNZ,
         ylabNZ = ylabNZ)

## Convert unit() object x to inches (value only) in the current
## context.  Uses both axisFrom = "x" and axisFrom = "y" and takes the
## minimum.
minConvertXY <- function(x) {
    min(convertUnit(x, unitTo = "inches",
                    axisFrom = "x", typeFrom = "dimension",
                    valueOnly = TRUE),
        convertUnit(x, unitTo = "inches",
                    axisFrom = "y", typeFrom = "dimension",
                    valueOnly = TRUE))

sisalTable <- function(labels = matrix(seq_len(12), 3, 4),
                       nRows = NROW(labels), nCols = NCOL(labels),
                       bg = sample(colors(), nRows * nCols, replace=TRUE),
                       stripeCol = NULL,
                       fg = NULL, naFill = "white", naStripes = "grey50",
                       main = NULL, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL,
                       xAxisLabels = NULL, yAxisLabels = NULL,
                       draw = TRUE, outerRect = TRUE, innerLines = TRUE,
                       nStripes = 7, stripeRot = 45, stripeWidth = 0.2,
                       stripeScale = 0.95, resizeText = TRUE,
                       resizeTable = TRUE, resizeMain = resizeText,
                       resizeLab = resizeText, resizeAxes = resizeText,
                       resizeLabels = resizeTable && resizeText,
                       x = unit(0.5, "npc"), y = unit(0.5, "npc"),
                       width = unit(0.97, "npc"), height = unit(0.97, "npc"),
                       default.units = "npc", just = "center",
                       clip = "inherit", xAxisRot = 0, yAxisRot = 0,
                       xAxisJust = c(0.5, 1), xAxisX = 0.5, xAxisY = 1,
                       yAxisJust = c(1, 0.5), yAxisX = 1, yAxisY = 0.5,
                       mainMargin = if(resizeMain) 0.15 else unit(8, "points"),
                       xlabMargin = if (resizeLab) 0.1 else unit(5, "points"),
                       ylabMargin = if (resizeLab) 0.1 else unit(5, "points"),
                       axesMargin = if (resizeAxes) 0.1 else unit(5, "points"),
                       axesSize = 0.8, forceAxesSize = FALSE, mainSize = 1,
                       xlabSize = 1, ylabSize = 1,
                       mainPar = gpar(fontface="bold", fontsize=14),
                       labPar = gpar(fontface="plain", fontsize=14),
                       labelPars = gpar(fontsize = 20, cex = 0.6),
                       axesPar = gpar(fontsize = 10),
                       rectPar = gpar(), linePar = gpar(),
                       name = NULL, gp = NULL, vp = NULL) {

    ## Argument checking
    stopifnot(is.numeric(xAxisX), length(xAxisX) == 1,
              is.finite(xAxisX), is.numeric(xAxisY), length(xAxisY) == 1,
              is.finite(xAxisY), is.numeric(yAxisX), length(yAxisX) == 1,
              is.finite(yAxisX), is.numeric(yAxisY), length(yAxisY) == 1,
    stopifnot(identical(resizeMain, TRUE) || identical(resizeMain, FALSE),
              identical(resizeLab, TRUE) || identical(resizeLab, FALSE),
              identical(resizeLabels, TRUE) || identical(resizeLabels, FALSE),
              identical(resizeAxes, TRUE) || identical(resizeAxes, FALSE),
              identical(resizeTable, TRUE) || identical(resizeTable, FALSE),
              identical(draw, TRUE) || identical(draw, FALSE),
              identical(outerRect, TRUE) || identical(outerRect, FALSE),
              identical(innerLines, TRUE) || identical(innerLines, FALSE),
              identical(forceAxesSize, TRUE) ||
              identical(forceAxesSize, FALSE))
    stopifnot(length(just) > 0,
              is.character(just) || (is.numeric(just) && all(is.finite(just))))
    stopifnot(length(xAxisJust) > 0,
              is.character(xAxisJust) ||
              (is.numeric(xAxisJust) && all(is.finite(xAxisJust))))
    stopifnot(length(yAxisJust) > 0,
              is.character(yAxisJust) ||
              (is.numeric(yAxisJust) && all(is.finite(yAxisJust))))
    stopifnot(length(just) > 0,
              is.character(just) || (is.numeric(just) && all(is.finite(just))))
    stopifnot(is.null(name) ||
              (is.character(name) && length(name) == 1 && !is.na(name)))
    stopifnot(inherits(mainPar, "gpar"), inherits(labPar, "gpar"),
              inherits(labelPars, "gpar") ||
              (is.list(labelPars) &&
               all(vapply(labelPars, inherits, TRUE, what = "gpar"))),
              inherits(axesPar, "gpar"), inherits(rectPar, "gpar"),
              inherits(linePar, "gpar"))
    stopifnot(is.numeric(axesSize), length(axesSize) == 1, is.finite(axesSize),
              axesSize > 0, is.numeric(mainSize), length(mainSize) == 1,
              is.finite(mainSize), mainSize > 0, is.numeric(xlabSize),
              length(xlabSize) == 1, is.finite(xlabSize), xlabSize > 0,
              is.numeric(ylabSize), length(ylabSize) == 1, is.finite(ylabSize),
              ylabSize > 0)
    stopifnot(is.numeric(nRows), length(nRows) == 1,
              is.finite(nRows), nRows > 0, round(nRows) == nRows,
              is.numeric(nCols), length(nCols) == 1, is.finite(nCols),
              nCols > 0, round(nCols) == nCols)
    stopifnot(is.numeric(xAxisRot), length(xAxisRot) == 1, is.finite(xAxisRot),
              is.numeric(yAxisRot), length(yAxisRot) == 1, is.finite(yAxisRot))
    stopifnot(is.numeric(stripeRot), length(stripeRot) == 1,
              is.finite(stripeRot), is.numeric(nStripes),
              length(nStripes) == 1,
              is.finite(nStripes), nStripes >= 1, round(nStripes) == nStripes,
              is.numeric(stripeWidth), length(stripeWidth) == 1,
              is.finite(stripeWidth), stripeWidth > 0, stripeWidth < 1,
              is.numeric(stripeScale), length(stripeScale) == 1,
              is.finite(stripeScale), stripeScale >= 0, stripeScale <= 1)

    allNA <- function (x) {
        all(suppressWarnings(is.na(x))) || identical(x, "")
    linearizeDf <- function(x) {
                       function(x) {
                           if (is.factor(x)) {
                           } else {

    ## resizeLabels doesn't count in anyResize
    anyResize <- any(resizeTable, resizeMain, resizeLab, resizeAxes)
    if (!draw && dev.cur() == 1) {
        ## Open dummy device => avoid opening a window when using
        ## convertUnit(). As far as I can see, the unit conversions
        ## used here are independent of device parameters and thus
        ## should not be confused by the dummy device.
        tFile <- tempfile()
        pdf(file = tFile) # pdf device is always available
        tDev <- dev.cur()
        on.exit(unlink(tFile), add = TRUE)

    nCells <- nRows * nCols
    if (is.data.frame(bg)) {
        bg2 <- linearizeDf(bg)
    } else {
        bg2 <- bg
    if (length(bg2) == 0) {
        bg2 <- rep.int(NA_character_, nCells)
    } else {
        bg2 <- rep_len(bg2, nCells)
    if (is.data.frame(stripeCol)) {
        stripeCol2 <- linearizeDf(stripeCol)
    } else {
        stripeCol2 <- stripeCol
    if (length(stripeCol2) == 0) {
        stripeCol2 <- rep.int(NA_character_, nCells)
    } else {
        stripeCol2 <- rep_len(stripeCol2, nCells)

    ## Conversion coefficients from RGB to brightness / luminance / luma...
    ## Sources referenced on 2015-10-09.
    ## http://stackoverflow.com/q/596216
    ## https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luma_%28video%29
    LUMA.CONVERSION <- c(0.2126, 0.7152, 0.0722) # R, G, B

    ## Get RGB values of bg colors (checks that bg colors are valid)
    bgNA <- is.na(bg2)
    bgRGB <- t(col2rgb(bg2[!bgNA]))
    stripeNA <- is.na(stripeCol2)
    bgLuma <- numeric(nCells)
    bgAndStripes <- which(!bgNA & !stripeNA)
    onlyBg <- !bgNA & stripeNA
    foo <- stripeNA[!bgNA]
    bgRGBBoth <- bgRGB[!foo, , drop=FALSE]
    bgRGBOnly <- bgRGB[foo, , drop=FALSE]
    stripeRGB <- t(col2rgb(stripeCol2[bgAndStripes]))
    luma1 <- drop(stripeRGB %*% LUMA.CONVERSION) / 255
    dist1 <- abs(luma1 - 0.5)
    luma2 <- drop(bgRGBBoth %*% LUMA.CONVERSION) / 255
    dist2 <- abs(luma2 - 0.5)
    dist1Larger <- dist1 > dist2
    dist2Larger <- !dist1Larger
    bgLuma[bgAndStripes[dist1Larger]] <- luma1[dist1Larger]
    bgLuma[bgAndStripes[dist2Larger]] <- luma2[dist2Larger]
    bgLuma[onlyBg] <- drop(bgRGBOnly %*% LUMA.CONVERSION / 255)
    bgLuma[bgNA] <-  drop(c(stripeWidth, 1 - stripeWidth) %*%
                          (t(col2rgb(c(naStripes, naFill))) %*%
                           LUMA.CONVERSION)) / 255
    if (is.data.frame(fg)) {
        fg2 <- linearizeDf(fg)
    } else {
        fg2 <- fg
    if (length(fg2) == 0) {
        fg2 <- rep.int("black", nCells)
        fg2[bgLuma < 0.5] <- "white"
    } else if (length(fg2) > nCells) {
        fg2 <- fg2[seq_len(nCells)]
    nFg <- length(fg2)
    if (is.data.frame(labels)) {
        labels2 <- linearizeDf(labels)
    } else {
        labels2 <- labels
    if (length(labels2) == 0) {
        labelsNA <- TRUE
        nLabels <- 1
        labels2 <- character(0)
    } else if (length(labels2) > nCells) {
        labels2 <- labels2[seq_len(nCells)]
    ## labels2,xAxisLabels2, yAxisLabels2 will be indexed with `[[`
    if (is.expression(labels2)) {
        labelTmp <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(labels2))
        for (i in seq_along(labelTmp)) {
            labelTmp[[i]] <- labels2[i]
        labels2 <- labelTmp
    } else if (!is.vector(labels2)) {
        labels2 <- as.list(labels2)
    if (length(labels2) > 0) {
        labelsNA <- vapply(labels2, allNA, TRUE, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
        nLabels <- length(labels2)
    if (length(xAxisLabels) == 0) {
        xAxisNA <- TRUE
        nXAxis <- 1
        have.xAxisLabels <- FALSE
        xAxisLabels2 <- character(0)
    } else if (length(xAxisLabels) > nCols) {
        xAxisLabels2 <- xAxisLabels[seq_len(nCols)]
    } else {
        xAxisLabels2 <- xAxisLabels
    if (is.expression(xAxisLabels2)) {
        labelTmp <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(xAxisLabels2))
        for (i in seq_along(labelTmp)) {
            labelTmp[[i]] <- xAxisLabels2[i]
        xAxisLabels2 <- labelTmp
    } else if (!is.vector(xAxisLabels2)) {
        xAxisLabels2 <- as.list(xAxisLabels2)
    if (length(xAxisLabels2) > 0) {
        xAxisNA <- vapply(xAxisLabels2, allNA, TRUE, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
        nXAxis <- length(xAxisLabels2)
        have.xAxisLabels <- !all(xAxisNA)
    if (length(yAxisLabels) == 0) {
        yAxisNA <- TRUE
        nYAxis <- 1
        have.yAxisLabels <- FALSE
        yAxisLabels2 <- character(0)
    } else if (length(yAxisLabels) > nRows) {
        yAxisLabels2 <- yAxisLabels[seq_len(nRows)]
    } else {
        yAxisLabels2 <- yAxisLabels
    if (is.expression(yAxisLabels2)) {
        labelTmp <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(yAxisLabels2))
        for (i in seq_along(labelTmp)) {
            labelTmp[[i]] <- yAxisLabels2[i]
        yAxisLabels2 <- labelTmp
    } else if (!is.vector(yAxisLabels2)) {
        yAxisLabels2 <- as.list(yAxisLabels2)
    if (length(yAxisLabels2) > 0) {
        yAxisNA <- vapply(yAxisLabels2, allNA, TRUE, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
        nYAxis <- length(yAxisLabels2)
        have.yAxisLabels <- !all(yAxisNA)
    if (inherits(labelPars, "gpar")) {
        labelPars2 <- list(gparToList(labelPars))
        nLabelPars <- 1
    } else if (length(labelPars) == 0) {
        labelPars2 <- list(list())
        nLabelPars <- 1
    } else if (length(labelPars) > nCells) {
        labelPars2 <- lapply(labelPars[seq_len(nCells)], "gparToList")
        nLabelPars <- nCells
    } else {
        labelPars2 <- lapply(labelPars, "gparToList")
        nLabelPars <- length(labelPars)
    parToLabelRatio <- nLabelPars / nLabels
    if (nLabelPars > nLabels && round(parToLabelRatio) == parToLabelRatio) {
        labels2 <- rep(labels2, length.out = nLabelPars)
        labelsNA <- rep_len(labelsNA, nLabelPars)
        nLabels <- nLabelPars
    } else if (nLabelPars != nLabels) {
        labels2 <- rep(labels2, length.out = nCells)
        labelsNA <- rep_len(labelsNA, nCells)
        labelPars2 <- rep_len(labelPars2, nCells)
        nLabels <- nCells
    fsPar <- unname(unlist(get.gpar("fontsize")))
    maxLabelFS <- fsPar
    for (i in seq_along(labelPars2)) {
        thisSize <- labelPars2[[i]][["fontsize"]]
        if (is.null(thisSize)) {
            labelPars2[[i]][["fontsize"]] <- fsPar
        } else {
            maxLabelFS <- max(maxLabelFS, thisSize)
    axesParList <- gparToList(axesPar)
    if (!resizeAxes) {
        thisSize <- axesParList[["fontsize"]]
        if (is.null(thisSize)) {
            axesParList[["fontsize"]] <- fsPar
        axesPar2 <- do.call("gpar", axesParList)
    mainParList <- gparToList(mainPar)
    if (!resizeMain) {
        thisSize <- mainParList[["fontsize"]]
        if (is.null(thisSize)) {
            mainParList[["fontsize"]] <- fsPar
        mainPar2 <- do.call("gpar", mainParList)
    labParList <- gparToList(labPar)
    if (!resizeLab) {
        thisSize <- labParList[["fontsize"]]
        if (is.null(thisSize)) {
            labParList[["fontsize"]] <- fsPar
        labPar2 <- do.call("gpar", labParList)
    have.main <- length(main) > 0 && !all(vapply(main, allNA, TRUE,
                                                 USE.NAMES = FALSE))
    if (have.main) {
        if (is.expression(main)) {
            main2 <- list(main[1])
        } else {
            main2 <- as.list(main)[1]
    have.xlab <- length(xlab) > 0 && !all(vapply(xlab, allNA, TRUE,
                                                 USE.NAMES = FALSE))
    if (have.xlab) {
        if (is.expression(xlab)) {
            xlab2 <- list(xlab[1])
        } else {
            xlab2 <- as.list(xlab)[1]
    have.ylab <- length(ylab) > 0 && !all(vapply(ylab, allNA, TRUE,
                                                 USE.NAMES = FALSE))
    if (have.ylab) {
        if (is.expression(ylab)) {
            ylab2 <- list(ylab[1])
        } else {
            ylab2 <- as.list(ylab)[1]

    ## Argument checking
    if (have.xAxisLabels || have.yAxisLabels) {
        if (inherits(axesMargin, "unit")) {
            if (resizeAxes) {
                stop(gettextf("when '%s' is TRUE, '%s' must be a non-negative number",
                              "resizeAxes", "axesMargin", domain = "R-sisal"),
                     domain = NA)
        } else if (!(is.numeric(axesMargin) && length(axesMargin) == 1 &&
                     is.finite(axesMargin) && axesMargin >= 0)) {
            stop(gettextf("if '%s' is not a unit, it must be a non-negative number",
                          "axesMargin", domain = "R-sisal"),
                 domain = NA)
    if (have.xlab) {
        if (inherits(xlabMargin, "unit")) {
            if (resizeLab) {
                stop(gettextf("when '%s' is TRUE, '%s' must be a non-negative number",
                              "resizeLab", "xlabMargin", domain = "R-sisal"),
                     domain = NA)
        } else if (!is.numeric(xlabMargin) || length(xlabMargin) != 1 ||
                   !is.finite(xlabMargin) || xlabMargin < 0) {
            stop(gettextf("if '%s' is not a unit, it must be a non-negative number",
                          "xlabMargin", domain = "R-sisal"),
                 domain = NA)
    if (have.ylab) {
        if (inherits(ylabMargin, "unit")) {
            if (resizeLab) {
                stop(gettextf("when '%s' is TRUE, '%s' must be a non-negative number",
                              "resizeLab", "ylabMargin", domain = "R-sisal"),
                     domain = NA)
        } else if (!is.numeric(ylabMargin) || length(ylabMargin) != 1 ||
                   !is.finite(ylabMargin) || ylabMargin < 0) {
            stop(gettextf("if '%s' is not a unit, it must be a non-negative number",
                          "ylabMargin", domain = "R-sisal"),
                 domain = NA)
    if (have.main) {
        if (inherits(mainMargin, "unit")) {
            if (resizeMain) {
                stop(gettextf("when '%s' is TRUE, '%s' must be a non-negative number",
                              "resizeMain", "mainMargin", domain = "R-sisal"),
                     domain = NA)
        } else if (!is.numeric(mainMargin) || length(mainMargin) != 1 ||
                   !is.finite(mainMargin) || mainMargin < 0) {
            stop(gettextf("if '%s' is not a unit, it must be a non-negative number",
                          "mainMargin", domain = "R-sisal"),
                 domain = NA)

    ## Compute the actual sizes of different text elements and the
    ## relative sizes of different elements in the plot, taking into
    ## account some font size parameters etc.
    xy <- tableMeasures(xAxisLabels2[!xAxisNA], yAxisLabels2[!yAxisNA],
                        labels2[!labelsNA], targetAxesRatio = axesSize,
                        gpAxes = axesParList, gpLabels = labelPars2[!labelsNA],
                        main = if (have.main) main2,
                        xlab = if (have.xlab) xlab2,
                        ylab = if (have.ylab) ylab2,
                        gpMain = mainParList, gpLab = labParList,
                        nRows = nRows, nCols = nCols,
                        xlabExpand = xlabSize, ylabExpand = ylabSize,
                        mainExpand = mainSize, scaleLabels = forceAxesSize,
                        xAxisRot = xAxisRot, yAxisRot = yAxisRot,
                        xAxisJust = xAxisJust, yAxisJust = yAxisJust)
    labelJust <- rep.int(0.5, nLabels)
    labelsNA[!labelsNA] <- !xy[["labelNZ"]]
    labelsNotNA <- !labelsNA
    have.labels <- any(labelsNotNA)
    xAxisNA[!xAxisNA] <- !xy[["xAxisNZ"]]
    have.xAxisLabels <- !all(xAxisNA)
    yAxisNA[!yAxisNA] <- !xy[["yAxisNZ"]]
    have.yAxisLabels <- !all(yAxisNA)
    have.main <- xy[["mainNZ"]]
    have.xlab <- xy[["xlabNZ"]]
    have.ylab <- xy[["ylabNZ"]]
    internalLabels <- c(labels2[labelsNotNA], "x")
    internalLabelPars <- c(labelPars2[labelsNotNA],
                           list(list(fontsize = maxLabelFS)))
    if (have.labels && (!resizeLabels || !resizeTable)) {
        justTmp <- dynTextGrob(internalLabels, adjustJust = TRUE,
                               gp = internalLabelPars, resize = FALSE,
                               takeMeasurements = TRUE)[["vjust"]]
        labelJust[labelsNotNA] <- justTmp[1:(length(justTmp) - 1)]

    ## Size of xlab, ylab margin (fixed size)
    resizeXlabMargin <- TRUE
    resizeYlabMargin <- TRUE
    if (!resizeLab) {
        if (have.xlab) {
            mfs <- dynTextGrob(xlab2, gp = labPar2,
                               resize = FALSE, takeMeasurements = TRUE)
            xlabWidthInches <- mfs[["sizingWidth"]]
            xlabHeightInches <- mfs[["sizingHeight"]]
            xlabHeight <- unit(xlabHeightInches, "inches")
        if (have.ylab) {
            mfs <- dynTextGrob(ylab2, rot = 90, gp = labPar2,
                               resize = FALSE, takeMeasurements = TRUE)
            ylabWidthInches <- mfs[["sizingWidth"]]
            ylabHeightInches <- mfs[["sizingHeight"]]
            ylabWidth <- unit(ylabWidthInches, "inches")
        if (inherits(xlabMargin, "unit")) {
            resizeXlabMargin <- FALSE
            xlabMarInches <-
                convertUnit(xlabMargin, unitTo = "inches",
                            axisFrom = "x", typeFrom = "dimension",
                            valueOnly = TRUE)
            xlabMar <- unit(xlabMarInches, "inches")
        if (inherits(ylabMargin, "unit")) {
            resizeYlabMargin <- FALSE
            ylabMarInches <-
                convertUnit(ylabMargin, unitTo = "inches",
                            axisFrom = "y", typeFrom = "dimension",
                            valueOnly = TRUE)
            ylabMar <- unit(ylabMarInches, "inches")

    ## Size of x and y axes and their margin (fixed size)
    resizeAxesMargin <- TRUE
    xAxisNotNA <- !xAxisNA
    yAxisNotNA <- !yAxisNA
    if (!resizeAxes) {
        maxXAxisHeightInches <- 0
        xAxisLabelLeft <- numeric(nCols)
        xAxisLabelRight <- numeric(nCols)
        xAxisHJust <- numeric(nCols)
        xAxisVJust <- numeric(nCols)
        xAxisXShift <- numeric(nCols)
        xAxisYShift <- numeric(nCols)
        if (have.xAxisLabels) {
            xMeasurements <-
                dynTextGrob(xAxisLabels[xAxisNotNA], adjustJust = TRUE,
                            gp = axesPar2, resize = FALSE, rotJust = TRUE,
                            rot = xAxisRot, just = xAxisJust,
                            takeMeasurements = TRUE)
            maxXAxisHeightInches <- xMeasurements[["sizingHeight"]]
            xAxisLabelLeft[xAxisNotNA] <- xMeasurements[["left"]]
            xAxisLabelRight[xAxisNotNA] <- xMeasurements[["right"]]
            xAxisHJust[xAxisNotNA] <- xMeasurements[["hjust"]]
            xAxisVJust[xAxisNotNA] <- xMeasurements[["vjust"]]
            xAxisXShift[xAxisNotNA] <- xMeasurements[["xShift"]]
            xAxisYShift[xAxisNotNA] <- xMeasurements[["yShift"]]
            xAxisX2 <- xAxisX + xAxisXShift
            xAxisY2 <- xAxisY + xAxisYShift
        maxYAxisWidthInches <- 0
        yAxisLabelBottom <- numeric(nRows)
        yAxisLabelTop <- numeric(nRows)
        yAxisHJust <- numeric(nRows)
        yAxisVJust <- numeric(nRows)
        yAxisXShift <- numeric(nRows)
        yAxisYShift <- numeric(nRows)
        if (have.yAxisLabels) {
            yMeasurements <-
                dynTextGrob(yAxisLabels[yAxisNotNA], adjustJust = TRUE,
                            gp = axesPar2, resize = FALSE, rotJust = TRUE,
                            rot = yAxisRot, just = yAxisJust,
                            takeMeasurements = TRUE)
            maxYAxisWidthInches <- yMeasurements[["sizingWidth"]]
            yAxisLabelBottom[yAxisNotNA] <- yMeasurements[["bottom"]]
            yAxisLabelTop[yAxisNotNA] <- yMeasurements[["top"]]
            yAxisHJust[yAxisNotNA] <- yMeasurements[["hjust"]]
            yAxisVJust[yAxisNotNA] <- yMeasurements[["vjust"]]
            yAxisXShift[yAxisNotNA] <- yMeasurements[["xShift"]]
            yAxisYShift[yAxisNotNA] <- yMeasurements[["yShift"]]
            yAxisX2 <- yAxisX + yAxisXShift
            yAxisY2 <- yAxisY + yAxisYShift
        if (have.xAxisLabels) {
            xAxisSide <- unit(maxXAxisHeightInches, "inches")
        if (have.yAxisLabels) {
            yAxisSide <- unit(maxYAxisWidthInches, "inches")
        if (inherits(axesMargin, "unit")) {
            resizeAxesMargin <- FALSE
            xyMarginSideInches <- minConvertXY(axesMargin)
            xyMarginSide <- unit(xyMarginSideInches, "inches")

    ## Size of main title and its margin (fixed size)
    resizeMainMargin <- TRUE
    if (have.main && !resizeMain) {
        mfs <- dynTextGrob(main2, gp = mainPar2,
                           resize = FALSE, takeMeasurements = TRUE)
        mainWidthInches <- mfs[["sizingWidth"]]
        mainHeightInches <- mfs[["sizingHeight"]]
        mainHeight <- unit(mainHeightInches, "inches")
        if (inherits(mainMargin, "unit")) {
            resizeMainMargin <- FALSE
            mainMarginInches <- minConvertXY(mainMargin)
            mainMargin2 <- unit(mainMarginInches, "inches")

    ## Layout, number of rows and columns
    layRows <- 1 + 2 * have.main + nRows + 2 * have.xAxisLabels +
        2 * have.xlab
    layCols <- 1 + 2 * have.ylab + 2 * have.yAxisLabels + nCols

    ## Sums of width and height of fixed-size ("rigid") objects
    rigidWidthInches <- 0
    rigidHeightInches <- 0
    ## Width and height of the table when resizeTable is FALSE (adds
    ## to rigidWidthInches and rigidHeightInches)
    if (!resizeTable) {
        labelsCex <- FALSE
        if (have.labels) {
            whichLabels <- which(labelsNotNA)
            nNotNA <- length(whichLabels)
            gpS <- labelPars2[whichLabels]
            theCex <- numeric(nNotNA)
            for (i in seq_len(nNotNA)) {
                thisCex <- gpS[[i]][["cex"]]
                if (is.numeric(thisCex) && length(thisCex) == 1) {
                    theCex[i] <- thisCex
                gpS[[i]][["cex"]] <- NULL
            mfs <- dynTextGrob(labels2[whichLabels], takeMeasurements = TRUE,
                               gp = gpS, resize = FALSE, adjustJust = FALSE,
                               vjust = labelJust[whichLabels])
            cellSideInches <- max(unlist(mfs[c("sizingWidth", "sizingHeight")]))
            if (!anyResize) {
                labelHalfWidths <- numeric(length(labelsNA))
                labelTops <- numeric(length(labelsNA))
                labelBottoms <- numeric(length(labelsNA))
                bigCex <- logical(length(labelsNA))
                labelHalfWidths[whichLabels] <- mfs[["right"]]
                labelTops[whichLabels] <- mfs[["top"]]
                labelBottoms[whichLabels] <- mfs[["bottom"]]
                idx <- which(theCex > 1)
                labelsCex <- length(idx) > 0
                if (labelsCex) {
                    bigCex[idx] <- TRUE
                    theCex <- theCex[idx]
                    labelHalfWidths[idx] <- theCex * labelHalfWidths[idx]
                    labelTops[idx] <- theCex * labelTops[idx]
                    labelBottoms[idx] <- theCex * labelBottoms[idx]
        } else {
            tmpGrob <- textGrob("x", gp = gpar(fontsize = maxLabelFS))
            cellSideInches <-
                                 unitTo = "inches", valueOnly = TRUE),
                                  unitTo = "inches", valueOnly = TRUE))

        cellSide <- unit(cellSideInches, "inches")
        xCell <- nCols * cellSideInches
        yCell <- nRows * cellSideInches
        rigidWidthInches <- rigidWidthInches + xCell
        rigidHeightInches <- rigidHeightInches + yCell
        if (!resizeAxes && resizeAxesMargin) {
            resizeAxesMargin <- FALSE
            xyMarginSideInches <- axesMargin * cellSideInches
            xyMarginSide <- unit(xyMarginSideInches, "inches")
        if (have.main && !resizeMain && resizeMainMargin) {
            resizeMainMargin <- FALSE
            mainMarginInches <- mainMargin * cellSideInches
            mainMargin2 <- unit(mainMarginInches, "inches")
        if (!resizeLab && resizeXlabMargin) {
            resizeXlabMargin <- FALSE
            xlabMarInches <- xlabMargin * cellSideInches
            xlabMar <- unit(xlabMarInches, "inches")
        if (!resizeLab && resizeYlabMargin) {
            resizeYlabMargin <- FALSE
            ylabMarInches <- ylabMargin * cellSideInches
            ylabMar <- unit(ylabMarInches, "inches")
    if (have.ylab && !resizeLab) {
        rigidWidthInches <- rigidWidthInches + ylabWidthInches
        if (!resizeYlabMargin) {
            rigidWidthInches <- rigidWidthInches + ylabMarInches
    if (have.yAxisLabels && !resizeAxes) {
        rigidWidthInches <- rigidWidthInches + maxYAxisWidthInches
        if (!resizeAxesMargin) {
            rigidWidthInches <- rigidWidthInches + xyMarginSideInches
    if (have.main && !resizeMain) {
        rigidHeightInches <- rigidHeightInches + mainHeightInches
        if (!resizeMainMargin) {
            rigidHeightInches <- rigidHeightInches + mainMarginInches
    if (have.xAxisLabels && !resizeAxes) {
        rigidHeightInches <- rigidHeightInches + maxXAxisHeightInches
        if (!resizeAxesMargin) {
            rigidHeightInches <- rigidHeightInches + xyMarginSideInches
    if (have.xlab && !resizeLab) {
        rigidHeightInches <- rigidHeightInches + xlabHeightInches
        if (!resizeXlabMargin) {
            rigidHeightInches <- rigidHeightInches + xlabMarInches

    ## Sizes of dummGrob and objects depending on it can be constant or dynamic
    if (inherits(width, "unit") && inherits(height, "unit")) {
        hSize <- width
        vSize <- height
    } else {
        hSize <- unit(width, default.units)
        vSize <- unit(height, default.units)
    ## This is never drawn
    dummGrob <- rectGrob(width = max(unit(0, "inches"),
                             hSize - unit(rigidWidthInches, "inches")),
                         height = max(unit(0, "inches"),
                             vSize - unit(rigidHeightInches, "inches")))

    ## hUnits and vUnits are the total horizontal and vertical size of
    ## table cells whose size depends on the size of dummGrob, where 1
    ## unit is the size of a square cell in the nRows * nCols contents
    ## section (if resizeTable is TRUE)
    if (resizeTable) {
        hUnits <- nCols
    } else {
        hUnits <- 0
    if (have.yAxisLabels) {
        if (resizeAxes) {
            hUnits <- hUnits + xy[["yAxisRatio"]]
        if (resizeAxesMargin) {
            hUnits <- hUnits + axesMargin
    if (have.ylab) {
        if (resizeLab) {
            hUnits <- hUnits + xy[["ylabRatio"]]
        if (resizeYlabMargin) {
            hUnits <- hUnits + ylabMargin
    if (resizeTable) {
        vUnits <- nRows
    } else {
        vUnits <- 0
    if (have.xAxisLabels) {
        if (resizeAxes) {
            vUnits <- vUnits + xy[["xAxisRatio"]]
        if (resizeAxesMargin) {
            vUnits <- vUnits + axesMargin
    if (have.xlab) {
        if (resizeLab) {
            vUnits <- vUnits + xy[["xlabRatio"]]
        if (resizeXlabMargin) {
            vUnits <- vUnits + xlabMargin
    if (have.main) {
        if (resizeMain) {
            vUnits <- vUnits + xy[["mainRatio"]]
        if (resizeMainMargin) {
            vUnits <- vUnits + mainMargin

    ## Width and / or height of graphical objects as units
    if (resizeTable) {
        cellSide <- min(unit(1 / hUnits, "grobwidth", data = dummGrob),
                        unit(1 / vUnits, "grobheight", data = dummGrob))
    xAxisWidth <- xy[["xAxisWidth"]]
    xAxisHeight <- xy[["xAxisHeight"]]
    yAxisWidth <- xy[["yAxisWidth"]]
    yAxisHeight <- xy[["yAxisHeight"]]
    if (resizeAxes) {
        xyMarginSide <- axesMargin * cellSide
        if (have.xAxisLabels) {
            xAxisSide <-
                min(xAxisHeight / xAxisWidth * cellSide,
                    unit(xy[["xAxisRatio"]] / hUnits, "grobwidth",
                         data = dummGrob),
                    unit(xy[["xAxisRatio"]] / vUnits, "grobheight",
                         data = dummGrob))
        if (have.yAxisLabels) {
            yAxisSide <-
                min(yAxisWidth / yAxisHeight * cellSide,
                    unit(xy[["yAxisRatio"]] / hUnits, "grobwidth",
                         data = dummGrob),
                    unit(xy[["yAxisRatio"]] / vUnits, "grobheight",
                         data = dummGrob))
    layHeights <- vector(mode = "list", length = layRows)
    layHeights[[1]] <- unit(0, "inches")
    rowCount <- 1
    if (have.main) {
        if (resizeMain) {
            mainMargin2 <- mainMargin * cellSide
            mainHeight <- min(xy[["mainHeight"]] / xy[["mainWidth"]] *
                              nCols * cellSide,
                              unit(xy[["mainRatio"]] / hUnits, "grobwidth",
                                   data = dummGrob),
                              unit(xy[["mainRatio"]] / vUnits, "grobheight",
                                   data = dummGrob))
        layHeights[rowCount + 1:2] <- list(mainHeight, mainMargin2)
        rowCount <- rowCount + 2
    layHeights[rowCount + seq_len(nRows)] <- rep(list(cellSide), nRows)
    rowCount <- rowCount + nRows
    if (have.xAxisLabels) {
        layHeights[rowCount + 1:2] <- list(xyMarginSide, xAxisSide)
        rowCount <- rowCount + 2
    } else {
        xAxisSide <- NULL
    if (resizeLab) {
        if (have.xlab) {
            xlabMar <- xlabMargin * cellSide
            xlabHeight <- min(xy[["xlabHeight"]] / xy[["xlabWidth"]] *
                              nCols * cellSide,
                              unit(xy[["xlabRatio"]] / hUnits, "grobwidth",
                                   data = dummGrob),
                              unit(xy[["xlabRatio"]] / vUnits, "grobheight",
                                   data = dummGrob))
        if (have.ylab) {
            ylabMar <- ylabMargin * cellSide
            ylabWidth <- min(xy[["ylabWidth"]] / xy[["ylabHeight"]] *
                             nRows * cellSide,
                             unit(xy[["ylabRatio"]] / hUnits, "grobwidth",
                                  data = dummGrob),
                             unit(xy[["ylabRatio"]] / vUnits, "grobheight",
                                  data = dummGrob))
    if (have.xlab) {
        layHeights[rowCount + 1:2] <- list(xlabMar, xlabHeight)
    layHeights <- do.call("unit.c", layHeights)
    layWidths <- vector(mode = "list", length = layCols)
    layWidths[[1]] <- unit(0, "inches")
    colCount <- 1
    if (have.ylab) {
        layWidths[colCount + 1:2] <- list(ylabWidth, ylabMar)
        colCount <- colCount + 2
    if (have.yAxisLabels) {
        layWidths[colCount + 1:2] <- list(yAxisSide, xyMarginSide)
        colCount <- colCount + 2
    } else {
        yAxisSide <- NULL
    layWidths[colCount + seq_len(nCols)] <- rep(list(cellSide), nCols)
    layWidths <- do.call("unit.c", layWidths)

    ## Lists for grobs and viewports, with some excess length.
    ## The drawing order will be innerGrobs before outerGrobs.
    outerGrobs <- vector(mode = "list",
                         length = layRows * layCols - nRows * nCols)
    innerGrobs <- vector(mode = "list",
                         length = nRows * nCols + outerRect +
                         innerLines * ((nRows-1) * nCols + (nCols-1) * nRows))
    vps <- vector(mode = "list", length = layRows * layCols + outerRect)
    ## Counts how many grobs and viewports have been added to the lists
    vpCounter <- 0
    outerCount <- 0
    innerCount <- 0

### Create grobs and viewports, add to the lists
    if (any(bgNA) || any(!stripeNA[!bgNA])) {
        stripeWidth2 <- stripeWidth / nStripes
        stripeSep <- 1 / nStripes
        stripeY <- seq(from=stripeSep / 2, by = stripeSep, length.out=nStripes)
        stripeGrobNA <-
            grobTree(rectGrob(gp = gpar(fill=naFill, col=naFill),
                              name = "stripeBg"),
                     stripePolygon(y = stripeY, rot = stripeRot,
                                   width = stripeWidth2,
                                   xyScale = stripeScale,
                                   default.units = "npc",
                                   name = "stripes"),
                     gp = gpar(col = naStripes, fill = naStripes))
    xAxisGrobs <- vector(mode = "list", length = nXAxis)
    yAxisGrobs <- vector(mode = "list", length = nYAxis)
    if (resizeAxes) {
        for (i in which(xAxisNotNA)) {
            xAxisGrobs[[i]] <-
                textGrob(xAxisLabels2[[i]], gp = axesPar,
                         rot = xAxisRot, x = xAxisX, y = xAxisY)
        for (i in which(yAxisNotNA)) {
            yAxisGrobs[[i]] <-
                textGrob(yAxisLabels2[[i]], gp = axesPar,
                         rot = yAxisRot, x = yAxisX, y = yAxisY)
    } else {
        for (i in which(xAxisNotNA)) {
            xAxisGrobs[[i]] <-
                textGrob(xAxisLabels2[[i]], gp = axesPar2,
                         rot = xAxisRot, x = xAxisX2[i], y = xAxisY2[i],
                         hjust = xAxisHJust[i], vjust = xAxisVJust[i])
        for (i in which(yAxisNotNA)) {
            yAxisGrobs[[i]] <-
                textGrob(yAxisLabels2[[i]], gp = axesPar2,
                         rot = yAxisRot, x = yAxisX2[i], y = yAxisY2[i],
                         hjust = yAxisHJust[i], vjust = yAxisVJust[i])

    ## Row by row...
    cellNames <- twoPartName(rep.int(seq_len(nRows), nCols),
                             rep(seq_len(nCols), each = nRows))
    bgNames <- twoPartNameChar("bg", cellNames)
    textNames <- twoPartNameChar("text", cellNames)
    treeNames <- twoPartNameChar("tree", cellNames)
    yNames <- twoPartName(seq_len(nRows), "yaxis")
    for (Row in seq_len(nRows)) {
        Row2 <- 1 + Row + 2 * have.main
        ## Y axis label
        yAxisMod <- (Row - 1) %% nYAxis + 1
        if (yAxisNotNA[yAxisMod]) {
            vpCounter <- vpCounter + 1
            outerCount <- outerCount + 1
            Col2 <- 2 + 2 * have.ylab
            thisName <- yNames[Row]
            vps[[vpCounter]] <-
                viewport(layout.pos.row = Row2, layout.pos.col = Col2,
                         name = thisName)
            outerGrobs[[outerCount]] <-
                editGrob(yAxisGrobs[[yAxisMod]], name = thisName,
                         vp = vpPath("Parent", thisName))
        Col2 <- 2 + 2 * have.yAxisLabels + 2 * have.ylab
        ## Actual contents of the table
        for (Col in seq_len(nCols)) {
            linearRowCol <- Row - 1 + (Col - 1) * nRows
            vpCounter <- vpCounter + 1
            innerCount <- innerCount + 1
            thisName <- cellNames[linearRowCol + 1]
            vps[[vpCounter]] <-
                viewport(layout.pos.row = Row2, layout.pos.col = Col2,
                         name = thisName)
            vpP <- vpPath("Parent", thisName)
            labelsMod <- linearRowCol %% nLabels + 1
            labelPar <- labelPars2[[labelsMod]]
            labelPar[["col"]] <- fg2[[linearRowCol %% nFg + 1]]
            bgMod <- linearRowCol + 1
            if (bgNA[bgMod]) {
                bgGrob <- editGrob(stripeGrobNA, vp = vpP,
                                   name = bgNames[linearRowCol + 1])
            } else if (stripeNA[bgMod]) {
                thisBg <- bg2[[bgMod]]
                bgGrob <- rectGrob(gp = gpar(fill = thisBg, col = thisBg),
                                   vp = vpP,
                                   name = bgNames[linearRowCol + 1])
            } else {
                thisBg1 <- bg2[[bgMod]]
                thisBg2 <- stripeCol2[[bgMod]]
                bgGrob <- editGrob(stripeGrobNA, vp = vpP,
                                   name = bgNames[linearRowCol + 1],
                                   gp = gpar(col = thisBg2, fill = thisBg2))
                bgGrob <- editGrob(bgGrob, gPath = "stripeBg",
                                   gp = gpar(col = thisBg1, fill = thisBg1))
            if (resizeLabels) {
                labelPar["fontsize"] <- NULL
            if (labelsNA[labelsMod]) {
                fgGrob <- NULL
            } else {
                fgGrob <- textGrob(labels2[[labelsMod]],
                                   gp = do.call("gpar", labelPar), vp = vpP,
                                   name = textNames[linearRowCol + 1],
                                   vjust = labelJust[labelsMod])
            innerGrobs[[innerCount]] <-
                grobTree(bgGrob, fgGrob, name = treeNames[linearRowCol + 1])
            Col2 <- Col2 + 1
    ## X axis labels
    Row2 <- nRows + 3 + 2 * have.main
    Col2 <- 1 + 2 * have.yAxisLabels + 2 * have.ylab
    xNames <- twoPartName("xaxis", seq_len(nCols))
    for (Col in seq_len(nCols)[xAxisNotNA]) {
        vpCounter <- vpCounter + 1
        outerCount <- outerCount + 1
        thisName <- xNames[Col]
        vps[[vpCounter]] <- viewport(layout.pos.row = Row2, name = thisName,
                                     layout.pos.col = Col2 + Col)
        outerGrobs[[outerCount]] <-
            editGrob(xAxisGrobs[[(Col - 1) %% nXAxis + 1]], name = thisName,
                     vp = vpPath("Parent", thisName))
    ## X label
    if (have.xlab) {
        vpCounter <- vpCounter + 1
        outerCount <- outerCount + 1
        xlabRow <- nRows + 2 * have.xAxisLabels + 3 + 2 * have.main
        firstCol <- 2 + 2 * have.yAxisLabels + 2 * have.ylab
        lastCol <- firstCol + nCols - 1
        xlabCol <- c(firstCol, lastCol)
        vps[[vpCounter]] <-
            viewport(layout.pos.row = xlabRow, layout.pos.col = xlabCol,
                     name = "xlab")
        if (resizeLab) {
            outerGrobs[[outerCount]] <-
                dynTextGrob(xlab2[[1]], gp = labPar,
                            sizingWidth = xy[["xlabWidth"]],
                            sizingHeight = xy[["xlabHeight"]],
                            name = "xlab", vp = vpPath("Parent", "xlab"),)
        } else {
            outerGrobs[[outerCount]] <-
                textGrob(xlab2[[1]], gp = labPar2, name = "xlab",
                         vp = vpPath("Parent", "xlab"))
    ## Y label
    if (have.ylab) {
        vpCounter <- vpCounter + 1
        outerCount <- outerCount + 1
        ylabCol <- 2
        firstRow <- 2 + 2 * have.main
        lastRow <- firstRow + nRows - 1
        ylabRow <- c(firstRow, lastRow)
        vps[[vpCounter]] <-
            viewport(layout.pos.row = ylabRow, layout.pos.col = ylabCol,
                     name = "ylab")
        if (resizeLab) {
            outerGrobs[[outerCount]] <-
                dynTextGrob(ylab2[[1]], gp = labPar, rot = 90, name = "ylab",
                            vp = vpPath("Parent", "ylab"),
                            sizingWidth = xy[["ylabWidth"]],
                            sizingHeight = xy[["ylabHeight"]])
        } else {
            outerGrobs[[outerCount]] <-
                textGrob(ylab2[[1]], gp = labPar2, rot = 90, name = "ylab",
                         vp = vpPath("Parent", "ylab"))
    ## Main title
    if (have.main) {
        vpCounter <- vpCounter + 1
        outerCount <- outerCount + 1
        firstCol <- 2 + 2 * have.yAxisLabels + 2 * have.ylab
        lastCol <- firstCol + nCols - 1
        mainCol <- c(firstCol, lastCol)
        mainRow <- 2
        vps[[vpCounter]] <-
            viewport(layout.pos.row = mainRow, layout.pos.col = mainCol,
                     name = "main")
        if (resizeMain) {
            outerGrobs[[outerCount]] <-
                            gp = mainPar, vp = vpPath("Parent", "main"),
                            sizingWidth = xy[["mainWidth"]],
                            sizingHeight = xy[["mainHeight"]],
                            name = "main")
        } else {
            outerGrobs[[outerCount]] <- textGrob(main2[[1]], gp = mainPar2,
                                                 vp = vpPath("Parent", "main"),
                                                 name = "main")

    ## Line segments between table cells: Maximize contrast to
    ## neighboring cells (black, white and different shades of gray
    ## available)
    if (innerLines) {
        linePar2 <- gparToList(linePar)
        colorMissing <- !("col" %in% names(linePar2))
        if (colorMissing) {
            linePar2[["col"]] <- "black"
            colorIdx <- which(names(linePar2) == "col")[1]
        ## Horizontal
        hLineNames <- twoPartNameChar("hLine", cellNames)
        for (Row in seq_len(nRows - 1)) {
            for (Col in seq_len(nCols)) {
                linearRowCol <- c(Row, Row + 1) - 1 + (Col - 1) * nRows + 1
                innerCount <- innerCount + 1
                vpName <- cellNames[linearRowCol[1]]
                if (colorMissing) {
                    linePar2[[colorIdx]] <- fgGrey(bgLuma[linearRowCol])
                innerGrobs[[innerCount]] <-
                    segmentsGrob(x0 = 0, y0 = 0, x1 = 1, y1 = 0,
                                 gp = do.call("gpar", linePar2),
                                 name = hLineNames[linearRowCol[1]],
                                 vp = vpPath("Parent", vpName))
        ## Vertical
        vLineNames <- twoPartNameChar("vLine", cellNames)
        for (Col in seq_len(nCols - 1)) {
            for (Row in seq_len(nRows)) {
                linearRowCol <- Row - 1 + (c(Col, Col + 1) - 1) * nRows + 1
                innerCount <- innerCount + 1
                vpName <- cellNames[linearRowCol[1]]
                if (colorMissing) {
                    linePar2[[colorIdx]] <- fgGrey(bgLuma[linearRowCol])
                innerGrobs[[innerCount]] <-
                    segmentsGrob(x0 = 1, y0 = 0, x1 = 1, y1 = 1,
                                 gp = do.call("gpar", linePar2),
                                 name = vLineNames[linearRowCol[1]],
                                 vp = vpPath("Parent", vpName))

    ## Frame around table
    if (outerRect) {
        rectPar2 <- gparToList(rectPar)
        rectPar2[["fill"]] <- 0 # transparent
        vpCounter <- vpCounter + 1
        innerCount <- innerCount + 1
        Row <- seq(from = 2 + 2 * have.main, by = 1, length.out = nRows)
        Col <- seq(from = 2 + 2 * have.yAxisLabels + 2 * have.ylab,
                   by = 1, length.out = nCols)
        vps[[vpCounter]] <- viewport(layout.pos.row = Row,
                                     layout.pos.col = Col, name = "outerRect")
        innerGrobs[[innerCount]] <- rectGrob(gp = do.call("gpar", rectPar2),
                                             name = "outerRect",
                                             vp = vpPath("Parent", "outerRect"))

    ## Compute numeric 'hjust' and 'vjust'
    tmpJust <- justHV(just)
    hjust <- tmpJust[[1]]
    vjust <- tmpJust[[2]]
    ## Convert 'x' and 'y' to unit objects
    if (inherits(x, "unit")) {
        X <- x
    } else {
        X <- unit(x, default.units)
    if (inherits(y, "unit")) {
        Y <- y
    } else {
        Y <- unit(y, default.units)

    ## Create parent viewport
    if (anyResize) {
        vpWidth <- sum(layWidths)
        vpHeight <- sum(layHeights)
    } else {
        ## In this branch, everything has fixed size. Therefore it is
        ## possible to check if the text elements will overflow the
        ## layout and by how much. The margin is then widened to cover
        ## all the oversized elements..
        leftHang <- 0
        rightHang <- 0
        if ((have.main && mainWidthInches > xCell) ||
            (have.xlab && xlabWidthInches > xCell) ||
            have.xAxisLabels) {
            xLeft <- 0
            if (have.ylab) {
                xLeft <- xLeft + ylabWidthInches + ylabMarInches
            if (have.yAxisLabels) {
                xLeft <- xLeft + maxYAxisWidthInches + xyMarginSideInches
            xCenter <- xLeft + xCell / 2
            if (have.main) {
                leftHang <- max(leftHang, mainWidthInches / 2 - xCenter)
                rightHang <-
                        xCenter + mainWidthInches / 2 - rigidWidthInches)
            if (have.xlab) {
                leftHang <- max(leftHang, xlabWidthInches / 2 - xCenter)
                rightHang <-
                        xCenter + xlabWidthInches / 2 - rigidWidthInches)
            if (have.xAxisLabels) {
                colSeq <- cellSideInches *
                    (xAxisX2 + seq(from = 0, by = 1, length.out = nCols))
                xAxisLabelLeftMaxHang <-
                    xLeft - min(colSeq + xAxisLabelLeft)
                xAxisLabelRightMaxHang <-
                    max(colSeq + xAxisLabelRight) - xCell
                leftHang <- max(leftHang, xAxisLabelLeftMaxHang)
                rightHang <- max(rightHang, xAxisLabelRightMaxHang)
        bottomHang <- 0
        topHang <- 0
        if ((have.ylab && ylabHeightInches > yCell) || have.yAxisLabels) {
            yBottom <- 0
            if (have.xlab) {
                yBottom <- yBottom + xlabHeightInches + xlabMarInches
            if (have.xAxisLabels) {
                yBottom <- yBottom + maxXAxisHeightInches + xyMarginSideInches
            yCenter <- yBottom + yCell / 2
            if (have.ylab) {
                bottomHang <- max(bottomHang, ylabHeightInches / 2 - yCenter)
                topHang <-
                        yCenter + ylabHeightInches / 2 - rigidHeightInches)
            if (have.yAxisLabels) {
                rowSeq <- cellSideInches *
                    (yAxisY2 +
                     seq(from = nRows - 1, by = -1, length.out = nRows))
                yAxisLabelBottomMaxHang <-
                    yBottom - min(rowSeq + yAxisLabelBottom)
                yAxisLabelTopMaxHang <-
                    max(rowSeq + yAxisLabelTop) - yCell
                bottomHang <- max(bottomHang, yAxisLabelBottomMaxHang)
                topHang <- max(topHang, yAxisLabelTopMaxHang)
            if (labelsCex) {
                bigHalfWidths <- labelHalfWidths[bigCex]
                bigTops <- labelTops[bigCex]
                bigBottoms <- labelBottoms[bigCex]
                bigCex2 <- rep(0, length(bigCex))
                nBigCex <- sum(bigCex)
                bigCex2[bigCex] <- 1:nBigCex
                bigCexLong <- rep_len(bigCex, nRows * nCols)
                bigCex2Long <- rep_len(bigCex2, nRows * nCols)[bigCexLong]
                rowNums <- rep(nRows:1, nCols)[bigCexLong]
                colNums <- rep(1:nCols, each = nRows)[bigCexLong]
                for (i in seq_len(nBigCex)) {
                    matches <- which(bigCex2Long == i)
                    rowMatches <- rowNums[matches]
                    colMatches <- colNums[matches]
                    halfWidth <- bigHalfWidths[i]
                    rowSeq <- (rowMatches - 0.5) * cellSideInches
                    colSeq <- (colMatches - 0.5) * cellSideInches
                    labelLeftMaxHang <- max(-colSeq) + halfWidth - xLeft
                    labelRightMaxHang <- max(colSeq) + halfWidth - xCell
                    labelBottomMaxHang <- yBottom - min(rowSeq) - bigBottoms[i]
                    labelTopMaxHang <- max(rowSeq) + bigTops[i] - yCell
                    leftHang <- max(leftHang, labelLeftMaxHang)
                    rightHang <- max(rightHang, labelRightMaxHang)
                    bottomHang <- max(bottomHang, labelBottomMaxHang)
                    topHang <- max(topHang, labelTopMaxHang)
        vpWidth <- unit(rigidWidthInches + leftHang + rightHang, "inches")
        vpHeight <- unit(rigidHeightInches + bottomHang + topHang, "inches")
        if (leftHang > 0) {
            layWidths <- unit.c(unit(leftHang, "inches"), layWidths[-1])
        if (rightHang > 0) {
            layCols <- layCols + 1
            layWidths <- unit.c(layWidths, unit(rightHang, "inches"))
        if (topHang > 0) {
            layHeights <- unit.c(unit(topHang, "inches"), layHeights[-1])
        if (bottomHang > 0) {
            layRows <- layRows + 1
            layHeights <- unit.c(layHeights, unit(bottomHang, "inches"))
    the.layout <- grid.layout(layRows, layCols,
                              widths = layWidths, heights = layHeights)
    parentVp <- viewport(x = X, y = Y, width = vpWidth, height = vpHeight,
                         just = just, clip = clip,
                         layout = the.layout, name = "Parent")
    ## A gList (the grobs) and a vpTree (the viewports) go to a gTree
    grobs <- do.call("gList", c(innerGrobs[seq_len(innerCount)],
    childVps <- do.call("vpList", vps[seq_len(vpCounter)])
    viewports <- vpTree(parent = parentVp, children = childVps)
    if (resizeLabels && resizeTable && have.labels) {
        nResizeLabels <- sum(labelsNotNA)
    } else {
        nResizeLabels <- 0
    myPlot <-
        gTree(children = grobs, childrenvp = viewports,
              width = vpWidth, height = vpHeight, vpLayout = the.layout,
              x = X, y = Y, just = just, clip = clip,
              internals = list(hjust = hjust, vjust = vjust,
                  resizeAxes = resizeAxes, labelDim = xy[["labelDim"]],
                  xAxisWidth = xAxisWidth, xAxisHeight = xAxisHeight,
                  yAxisWidth = yAxisWidth, yAxisHeight = yAxisHeight,
                  cellSide = cellSide, xAxisSide = xAxisSide,
                  yAxisSide = yAxisSide, nRows = nRows, nCols = nCols,
                  labelsNotNA = labelsNotNA, xAxisNotNA = xAxisNotNA,
                  yAxisNotNA = yAxisNotNA, labels = internalLabels,
                  labelPars = internalLabelPars, axesPar = axesParList,
                  xAxisLabels = xAxisLabels2[xAxisNotNA],
                  yAxisLabels = yAxisLabels2[yAxisNotNA],
                  xAxisRot = xAxisRot, yAxisRot = yAxisRot,
                  xAxisJust = xAxisJust, yAxisJust = yAxisJust,
                  textNames = textNames, xNames = xNames, yNames = yNames,
                  nResizeLabels = nResizeLabels, childVps = childVps),
              cl = "sisalTable", name = name, gp = gp, vp = vp)
    if (draw) {
    ## An object of class c("sisalTable", "gTree", ...) is returned

Try the sisal package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

sisal documentation built on Feb. 16, 2020, 1:07 a.m.