
Defines functions fetchOSD .tabulateGeomorphRecords

Documented in fetchOSD

# 2018-10-11: updated to new API, URL subject to change
# fetch basic OSD, SC, and SoilWeb summaries from new API

## tabulate the number of records within each geomorphic table
## there could be some cases where there are no records, resulting in FALSE
# x: object returned by fetchOSD
.tabulateGeomorphRecords <- function(x) {

  vars <- c('series', 'n')

  ## TODO: [] style indexing will break when a table is empty (FALSE)
  ## temporary short-circuit
  ## consider returning empty tables in fetchOSD()
      isFALSE(x$hillpos)      |
      isFALSE(x$geomcomp)     |
      isFALSE(x$terrace)      |
      isFALSE(x$flats)        |
      isFALSE(x$shape_across) |
  ) {

  m1 <- merge(x$hillpos[, vars], x$geomcomp[, vars], by = 'series', all.x = TRUE, all.y = TRUE, sort = FALSE)
  names(m1)[2:3] <- c('hillpos.records', 'geomcomp.records')

  m2 <- merge(m1, x$terrace[, vars], by = 'series', all.x = TRUE, all.y = TRUE, sort = FALSE)
  names(m2)[4] <- 'terrace.records'

  m3 <- merge(m2, x$flats[, vars], by = 'series', all.x = TRUE, all.y = TRUE, sort = FALSE)
  names(m3)[5] <- 'flats.records'

  m4 <- lapply(m3, function(i) {
    ifelse(is.na(i), 0, i)

  m5 <- as.data.frame(m4, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)


## TODO: consider adding an argument for "growing" very thin bottom R|Cr|Cd horizons
# https://github.com/ncss-tech/aqp/issues/173

#' @title Get Official Series Descriptions and summaries from SoilWeb API
#' @description This function fetches a variety of data associated with named soil series, extracted from the USDA-NRCS Official Series Description text files and detailed soil survey (SSURGO). These data are updated quarterly and made available via SoilWeb. Set `extended = TRUE` and see the `soilweb.metadata` list element for information on when the source data were last updated. 
#' @param soils a character vector of named soil series; case-insensitive
#' @param colorState color state for horizon soil color visualization: "moist" or "dry"
#' @param extended if `TRUE` additional soil series summary data are returned, see details
#' @note Requests to the SoilWeb API are split into batches of 100 series names from `soils` via [makeChunks()].
#' @details {
#' \itemize{
#'   \item{\href{https://ncss-tech.github.io/AQP/soilDB/soil-series-query-functions.html}{overview of all soil series query functions}}
#'   \item{\href{https://ncss-tech.github.io/AQP/soilDB/competing-series.html}{competing soil series}}
#'   \item{\href{https://ncss-tech.github.io/AQP/soilDB/siblings.html}{siblings}}
#' }
#' The standard set of "site" and "horizon" data are returned as a `SoilProfileCollection` object (`extended = FALSE`). The "extended" suite of summary data can be requested by setting `extended = TRUE`. The resulting object will be a `list` with the following elements:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{SPC}{`SoilProfileCollection` containing standards "site" and "horizon" data}
#'   \item{competing}{competing soil series from the SC database snapshot}
#'   \item{geog_assoc_soils}{geographically associated soils, extracted from named section in the OSD}
#'   \item{geomcomp}{empirical probabilities for geomorphic component, derived from the current SSURGO snapshot}
#'   \item{hillpos}{empirical probabilities for hillslope position, derived from the current SSURGO snapshot}
#'   \item{mtnpos}{empirical probabilities for mountain slope position, derived from the current SSURGO snapshot}
#'   \item{terrace}{empirical probabilities for river terrace position, derived from the current SSURGO snapshot}
#'   \item{flats}{empirical probabilities for flat landscapes, derived from the current SSURGO snapshot}
#'   \item{shape_across}{empirical probabilities for surface shape (across-slope) from the current SSURGO snapshot}
#'   \item{shape_down}{empirical probabilities for surface shape (down-slope) from the current SSURGO snapshot}
#'   \item{pmkind}{empirical probabilities for parent material kind, derived from the current SSURGO snapshot}
#'   \item{pmorigin}{empirical probabilities for parent material origin, derived from the current SSURGO snapshot}
#'   \item{mlra}{empirical MLRA membership values, derived from the current SSURGO snapshot}
#'   \item{ecoclassid}{area cross-tabulation of ecoclassid by soil series name, derived from the current SSURGO snapshot, major components only}
#'   \item{climate}{experimental climate summaries from PRISM stack (CONUS only)}
#'   \item{NCCPI}{select quantiles of NCCPI and Irrigated NCCPI, derived from the current SSURGO snapshot}
#'   \item{metadata}{metadata associated with SoilWeb cached summaries}
#' }
#' When using `extended = TRUE`, there are a couple of scenarios in which series morphology contained in `SPC` do not fully match records in the associated series summary tables (e.g. `competing`).
#' \describe{
#'   \item{1. A query for soil series that exist entirely outside of CONUS (e.g. PALAU).}{ - Climate summaries are empty \code{data.frames} because these summaries are currently generated from PRISM. We are working on a solution that uses DAYMET.}
#'   \item{2. A query for data within CONUS, but OSD morphology missing due to parsing error (e.g. formatting, typos).}{ - Extended summaries are present but morphology missing from `SPC`. A warning is issued.}
#' }
#' These last two cases are problematic for analysis that makes use of morphology and extended data, such as outlined in this tutorial on [competing soil series](https://ncss-tech.github.io/AQP/soilDB/competing-series.html).
#' @return a `SoilProfileCollection` object containing basic soil morphology and taxonomic information.
#' @references USDA-NRCS OSD search tools: \url{https://soilseries.sc.egov.usda.gov/}
#' @author D.E. Beaudette, A.G. Brown
#' @seealso [OSDquery()], [siblings()]
#' @export
#' @examplesIf curl::has_internet()
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#'   library(aqp)
#'   # soils of interest
#'   s.list <- c('musick', 'cecil', 'drummer', 'amador', 'pentz',
#'               'reiff', 'san joaquin', 'montpellier', 'grangeville', 'pollasky', 'ramona')
#'   # fetch and convert data into an SPC
#'   s.moist <- fetchOSD(s.list, colorState='moist')
#'   s.dry <- fetchOSD(s.list, colorState='dry')
#'   # plot profiles
#'   # moist soil colors
#'   par(mar=c(0,0,0,0), mfrow=c(2,1))
#'   plot(s.moist, name='hzname',
#'        cex.names=0.85, axis.line.offset=-4)
#'   plot(s.dry, name='hzname',
#'        cex.names=0.85, axis.line.offset=-4)
#'   # extended mode: return a list with SPC + summary tables
#'   x <- fetchOSD(s.list, extended = TRUE, colorState = 'dry')
#'   par(mar=c(0,0,1,1))
#'   plot(x$SPC)
#'   str(x, 1)
#' }
#' @keywords manip
#' @importFrom aqp hzDistinctnessCodeToOffset
fetchOSD <- function(soils, colorState = 'moist', extended = FALSE) {

  .SoilWebOSD <- function(i, e) {
    # compose base URL
    if (e) {
      x <- 'https://casoilresource.lawr.ucdavis.edu/api/soil-series.php?q=all&s='
    } else {
      x <- 'https://casoilresource.lawr.ucdavis.edu/api/soil-series.php?q=site_hz&s='
    # format series list and append to URL
    final.url <- paste(x, URLencode(paste(i, collapse = ',')), sep = '')
    # using HTTP GET is convenient but comes with limits on the number of chars in the URL
    if (nchar(final.url) > 2048) {
      stop('URL too long', call. = FALSE)
    # attempt query to API, result is JSON
    res <- .soilDB_curl_get_JSON(final.url, gzip = FALSE, quiet = TRUE)
    # errors are trapped above, returning NULL
    if (is.null(res)) {
  # enforce uniqueness withing series name list
  soils <- unique(tolower(soils))
  # sanity check
  if (!requireNamespace('jsonlite', quietly = TRUE))
    stop('please install the `jsonlite` package', call. = FALSE)

  ## get data by chunk (https://github.com/ncss-tech/soilDB/issues/239)
  # this creates some additional overhead + copying
  # should generalize beyond limits of GET requests
  # create chunks based on heuristic:
  # 100 soil series names will always be < 2048 characters
  chunks <- makeChunks(soils, size = 100)
  # feedback
  .uniqeChunks <- length(unique(chunks))
  if(.uniqeChunks > 1) {
    message(sprintf('%s requests for %s total soil series', .uniqeChunks, length(chunks)))
  # iterate over chunks
  # result is a nested list of lists
  sl <- split(soils, chunks)
  r <- lapply(sl, FUN = .SoilWebOSD, e = extended)
  # unravel nested lists, site + horizon data
  # extended data are done later
  res <- list()
  res$site <- do.call('rbind', lapply(r, '[[', 'site'))
  res$hz <- do.call('rbind', lapply(r, '[[', 'hz'))
  # launder row names
  res <- lapply(res, function(i) {
    row.names(i) <- NULL
  # extract site+hz data
  # these will be FALSE if query returns NULL
  s <- res$site
  h <- res$hz

	# report missing data
  # no data condition: s == FALSE | h == FALSE
  # otherwise both will be a data.frame
  if ((is.logical(s) && length(s) == 1) ||
      (is.logical(h) & length(h) == 1)) {
    message('query returned no data')

	# reformatting and color conversion
	if (colorState == 'moist') {
	  h$soil_color <- with(h, munsell2rgb(matrix_wet_color_hue, matrix_wet_color_value, matrix_wet_color_chroma))

	  h <- with(h, data.frame(
	    id = series,
	    top, bottom,
	    hue = matrix_wet_color_hue,
	    value = matrix_wet_color_value,
	    chroma = matrix_wet_color_chroma,
	    dry_hue = matrix_dry_color_hue,
	    dry_value = matrix_dry_color_value,
	    dry_chroma = matrix_dry_color_chroma,
	    texture_class = texture_class,
	    cf_class = cf_class,
	    pH = ph,
	    pH_class = ph_class,
	    distinctness = distinctness,
	    topography = topography,
	    dry_color_estimated = as.logical(dry_color_estimated),
	    moist_color_estimated = as.logical(moist_color_estimated),
	    narrative = narrative,
	    stringsAsFactors = FALSE

	if (colorState == 'dry') {
	  h$soil_color <- with(h, munsell2rgb(matrix_dry_color_hue, matrix_dry_color_value, matrix_dry_color_chroma))

	  h <- with(h, data.frame(
	    id = series,
	    top, bottom,
	    hue = matrix_dry_color_hue,
	    value = matrix_dry_color_value,
	    chroma = matrix_dry_color_chroma,
	    moist_hue = matrix_wet_color_hue,
	    moist_value = matrix_wet_color_value,
	    moist_chroma = matrix_wet_color_chroma,
	    texture_class = texture_class,
	    cf_class = cf_class,
	    pH = ph,
	    pH_class = ph_class,
	    distinctness = distinctness,
	    topography = topography,
	    dry_color_estimated = as.logical(dry_color_estimated),
	    moist_color_estimated = as.logical(moist_color_estimated),
	    narrative = narrative,
	    stringsAsFactors = FALSE

	# upgrade to SoilProfileCollection
	depths(h) <- id ~ top + bottom

	# texture clases, in order
	textures <- SoilTextureLevels(which = 'names')

	# TODO: use aqp::ReactionClassLevels()
	pH_classes <- c('ultra acid', 'extremely acid', 'very strongly acid', 'strongly acid', 'moderately acid', 'slightly acid', 'neutral', 'slightly alkaline', 'mildly alkaline', 'moderately alkaline', 'strongly alkaline', 'very strongly alkaline')

	# convert some columns into factors
	h$texture_class <- factor(h$texture_class, levels = textures, ordered = TRUE)
	h$pH_class <- factor(h$pH_class, levels = pH_classes, ordered = TRUE)

	# safely LEFT JOIN to @site
	s$id <- s$seriesname
	s$seriesname <- NULL
	site(h) <- s

	## safely set SPC metadata
	metadata(h)$origin <- 'OSD via Soilweb / fetchOSD'
	metadata(h)$created <- Sys.time()
	# set optional hz designation and texture slots
	hzdesgnname(h) <- "hzname"
	hztexclname(h) <- "texture_class"

	# encode horizon distinctness
	h$hzd <- hzDistinctnessCodeToOffset(
	  codes = c('very abrupt', 'abrubt', 'clear', 'gradual', 'diffuse')

	# mode: standard (SPC returned) or extended (list returned)
	if(extended) {
	  # unravel nested lists
	  .tables <- c('competing', 'geog_assoc_soils', 'geomcomp', 'hillpos', 'mtnpos', 'terrace', 'flats', 'shape_across', 'shape_down', 'pmkind', 'pmorigin', 'mlra', 'ecoclassid', 'climate', 'nccpi')
	  # chunk-wise missing tabular data is reported as FALSE
	  # cannot rbind(FALSE) or rbind(FALSE, data.frame) -> corruption of data
	  for(.tab in .tables) {
	    .tabdata <- lapply(r, '[[', .tab)
	    .idx <- which(sapply(.tabdata, inherits, 'data.frame'))
	    # keep only non-missing by chunk
	    if(length(.idx) > 0) {
	      res[[.tab]] <- do.call('rbind', .tabdata[.idx]) 
	    } else {
	      # result is FALSE
	      res[[.tab]] <- FALSE
	  # res$competing <- do.call('rbind', lapply(r, '[[', 'competing'))
	  # res$geog_assoc_soils <- do.call('rbind', lapply(r, '[[', 'geog_assoc_soils'))
	  # res$geomcomp <- do.call('rbind', lapply(r, '[[', 'geomcomp'))
	  # res$hillpos <- do.call('rbind', lapply(r, '[[', 'hillpos'))
	  # res$mtnpos <- do.call('rbind', lapply(r, '[[', 'mtnpos'))
	  # res$terrace <- do.call('rbind', lapply(r, '[[', 'terrace'))
	  # res$flats <- do.call('rbind', lapply(r, '[[', 'flats'))
	  # res$shape_across <- do.call('rbind', lapply(r, '[[', 'shape_across'))
	  # res$shape_down <- do.call('rbind', lapply(r, '[[', 'shape_down'))
	  # res$pmkind <- do.call('rbind', lapply(r, '[[', 'pmkind'))
	  # res$pmorigin <- do.call('rbind', lapply(r, '[[', 'pmorigin'))
	  # res$mlra <- do.call('rbind', lapply(r, '[[', 'mlra'))
	  # res$ecoclassid <- do.call('rbind', lapply(r, '[[', 'ecoclassid'))
	  # res$climate <- do.call('rbind', lapply(r, '[[', 'climate'))
	  # res$nccpi <- do.call('rbind', lapply(r, '[[', 'nccpi'))
	  # metadata are identical across chunks
	  res$metadata <- unique(do.call('rbind', lapply(r, '[[', 'metadata')))
	  # conditionally launder row names
	  res <- lapply(res, function(i) {
	    if(inherits(i, 'data.frame')) {
	      row.names(i) <- NULL
	  # profile IDs for reference, done outside of loop for efficiency
	  pIDs <- profile_id(h)
	  # iterate over extended tables
	  # finding all cases where a series is missing from SPC
	  missing.series <- unique(
	        lapply(res, function(i) {
	          if(inherits(i, 'data.frame')) {
	            setdiff(unique(i[['series']]), pIDs)

	  # generate a warning if there is a difference between profile IDs in SPC
	  if(length(missing.series) > 0) {
	    msg <- sprintf("%s missing from SPC, see ?fetchOSD for suggestions", paste(missing.series, collapse = ','))
	    warning(msg, call. = FALSE)

	  # if available, split climate summaries into annual / monthly and add helper columns
	  # FALSE if missing
	  if(inherits(res$climate, 'data.frame')) {
	    # split annual from monthly climate summaries
	    annual.data <- res$climate[grep('ppt|pet', res$climate$climate_var, invert = TRUE), ]
	    monthly.data <- res$climate[grep('ppt|pet', res$climate$climate_var), ]

	    # add helper columns to monthly data
	    monthly.data$month <- factor(as.numeric(gsub('ppt|pet', '', monthly.data$climate_var)))
	    monthly.data$variable <- gsub('[0-9]', '', monthly.data$climate_var)
	    monthly.data$variable <- factor(monthly.data$variable, levels = c('pet', 'ppt'), labels=c('Potential ET (mm)', 'Precipitation (mm)'))
	  } else {
	    # likely outside of CONUS
	    annual.data <- FALSE
	    monthly.data <- FALSE

	  ## must check for data, no data is returned as FALSE

	  # fix column names in pmkind and pmorigin tables
	  if(inherits(res$pmkind, 'data.frame')) {
	    names(res$pmkind) <- c('series', 'pmkind', 'n', 'total', 'P')

	  if(inherits(res$pmorigin, 'data.frame')) {
	    names(res$pmorigin) <- c('series', 'pmorigin', 'n', 'total', 'P')

	  # fix column names in competing series
	  if(inherits(res$competing, 'data.frame')) {
	    names(res$competing) <- c('series', 'competing', 'family')

	  # compose into a list
	  data.list <- list(
	    SPC = h,
	    competing = res$competing,
	    geog_assoc_soils = res$geog_assoc_soils,
	    geomcomp = res$geomcomp,
	    hillpos = res$hillpos,
	    mtnpos = res$mtnpos,
	    terrace = res$terrace,
	    flats = res$flats,
	    shape_across = res$shape_across,
	    shape_down = res$shape_down,
	    pmkind = res$pmkind,
	    pmorigin = res$pmorigin,
	    mlra = res$mlra,
	    ecoclassid = res$ecoclassid,
	    climate.annual = annual.data,
	    climate.monthly = monthly.data,
	    NCCPI = res$nccpi,
	    soilweb.metadata = res$metadata


	} else {
	  # extended = FALSE, return SPC


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soilDB documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:53 a.m.