
Defines functions SCAN_site_metadata SCAN_sensor_metadata .get_single_SCAN_metadata .get_SCAN_data .make_SCAN_req .formatSCAN_soil_sensor_suites fetchSCAN

Documented in fetchSCAN SCAN_sensor_metadata SCAN_site_metadata

## TODO:
## 1. get a list of stations
## 2. get a list of reports and matching headers / units
## 3. better documentation / testing
## 4. work with Deb / programmers to get compressed output
## see: http://www.wcc.nrcs.usda.gov/web_service/awdb_webservice_announcements.htm
##      http://www.wcc.nrcs.usda.gov/web_service/AWDB_Web_Service_Reference.htm
##      http://www.wcc.nrcs.usda.gov/report_generator/WebReportScripting.htm
## 5. we will need to address the potential for multiple sensor ID per type/depth
## examples in:
## https://github.com/ncss-tech/soilDB/issues/14
## 6. use API vs. scraping report output
## https://github.com/bluegreen-labs/snotelr/blob/master/R/snotel_download.r#L65
## --> this would require enumeration of sensors, etc.

### sensor codes: http://wcc.sc.egov.usda.gov/nwcc/sensors

## ideas:
##   https://github.com/gunnarleffler/getSnotel

## site images:
## https://www.wcc.nrcs.usda.gov/siteimages/462.jpg
## site notes:
## https://wcc.sc.egov.usda.gov/nwcc/sitenotes?sitenum=462

#' @title Get Daily Climate Data from USDA-NRCS SCAN (Soil Climate Analysis Network) Stations
#' @description Query soil/climate data from USDA-NRCS SCAN Stations.
#' @details Possible above and below ground sensor types include: 'SMS' (soil moisture), 'STO' (soil temperature), 'SAL' (salinity), 'TAVG' (daily average air temperature), 'TMIN' (daily minimum air temperature), 'TMAX' (daily maximum air temperature), 'PRCP' (daily precipitation), 'PREC' (daily precipitation), 'SNWD' (snow depth), 'WTEQ' (snow water equivalent),'WDIRV' (wind direction), 'WSPDV' (wind speed), 'LRADT' (solar radiation/langley total).
#' This function converts below-ground sensor depth from inches to cm. All temperature values are reported as degrees C. Precipitation, snow depth, and snow water content are reported as *inches*.
#' ## SCAN Sensors
#' All Soil Climate Analysis Network (SCAN) sensor measurements are reported hourly.
#' |Element Measured         |Sensor Type                                                                                                |Precision                   |
#' |:------------------------|:----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|:---------------------------|
#' |Air Temperature          |Shielded thermistor                                                                                        |0.1 degrees C               |
#' |Barometric Pressure      |Silicon capacitive pressure sensor                                                                         |1%                          |
#' |Precipitation            |Storage-type gage or tipping bucket                                                                        |Storage: 0.1 inches;|Tipping bucket: 0.01 inches|
#' |Relative Humidity        |Thin film capacitance-type sensor                                                                          |1%                          |
#' |Snow Depth               |Sonic sensor (not on all stations)                                                                         |0.5 inches                  |
#' |Snow Water Content       |Snow pillow device and a pressure transducer (not on all stations)                                         |0.1 inches                  |
#' |Soil Moisture            |Dielectric constant measuring device. Typical measurements are at 2", 4", 8", 20", and 40" where possible. |0.50%                       |
#' |Soil Temperature         |Encapsulated thermistor. Typical measurements are at 2", 4", 8", 20", and 40" where possible.              |0.1 degrees C               |
#' |Solar Radiation          |Pyranometer                                                                                                |0.01 watts per meter        |
#' |Wind Speed and Direction |Propellor-type anemometer                                                                                  |Speed: 0.1 miles per hour; Direction: 1 degree|
#' ## SNOTEL Sensors
#' All Snow Telemetry (SNOTEL) sensor measurements are reported daily.
#' |Element Measured         |Sensor Type                                                                                                |Precision                   |
#' |:------------------------|:----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|:---------------------------|
#' |Air Temperature          |Shielded thermistor                                                                                        |0.1 degrees C               |
#' |Barometric Pressure      |Silicon capacitive pressure sensor                                                                         |1%                          |
#' |Precipitation            |Storage-type gage or tipping bucket                                                                        |Storage: 0.1 inches; Tipping bucket: 0.01 inches|
#' |Relative Humidity        |Thin film capacitance-type sensor                                                                          |1%                          |
#' |Snow Depth               |Sonic sensor                                                                                               |0.5 inches                  |
#' |Snow Water Content       |Snow pillow device and a pressure transducer                                                               |0.1 inches                  |
#' |Soil Moisture            |Dielectric constant measuring device. Typical measurements are at 2", 4", 8", 20", and 40" where possible. |0.50%                       |
#' |Soil Temperature         |Encapsulated thermistor. Typical measurements are at 2", 4", 8", 20", and 40" where possible.              |0.1 degrees C               |
#' |Solar Radiation          |Pyranometer                                                                                                |0.01 watts per meter        |
#' |Wind Speed and Direction |Propellor-type anemometer                                                                                  |Speed: 0.1 miles per hour; Direction: 1 degree|
#' See the [fetchSCAN tutorial](http://ncss-tech.github.io/AQP/soilDB/fetchSCAN-demo.html) for additional usage and visualization examples.
#' @references See the [Soil Climate Analysis Network](https://www.nrcs.usda.gov/resources/data-and-reports/soil-climate-analysis-network) home page for more information on the SCAN program,  and links to other associated programs such as SNOTEL, at the National Weather and Climate Center. You can get information on available web services, as well as interactive maps of snow water equivalent, precipitation and streamflow.
#' @param site.code a vector of site codes. If `NULL` `SCAN_site_metadata()` returns metadata for all SCAN sites.
#' @param year a vector of years
#' @param report report name, single value only; default `'SCAN'`, other example options include individual sensor codes, e.g. `'SMS'` for Soil Moisture Storage, `'TEMP'` for temperature
#' @param timeseries either `'Daily'` or `'Hourly'`
#' @param ... additional arguments. May include `intervalType`, `format`, `sitenum`, `interval`, `year`, `month`. Presence of additional arguments bypasses default batching functionality provided in the function and submits a 'raw' request to the API form.
#' @return a `list` of `data.frame` objects, where each element name is a sensor type, plus a `metadata` table; different `report` types change the types of sensor data returned. `SCAN_sensor_metadata()` and `SCAN_site_metadata()` return a `data.frame`. `NULL` on bad request.
#' @author D.E. Beaudette, A.G. Brown
#' @keywords manip
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'     # get data
#'     x <- try(fetchSCAN(site.code=c(356, 2072), year=c(2015, 2016)))
#'     str(x)
#'     # get sensor metadata
#'     m <- SCAN_sensor_metadata(site.code=c(356, 2072))
#'     # get site metadata
#'     m <- SCAN_site_metadata(site.code=c(356, 2072))
#'     # get hourly data (396315 records)
#'     # x <- try(fetchSCAN(site.code=c(356, 2072), year=c(2015, 2016), timeseries = "Hourly"))
#' }
#' @rdname fetchSCAN
#' @export
fetchSCAN <- function(site.code = NULL, year = NULL, report = 'SCAN', timeseries = c('Daily', 'Hourly'), ...) {

  # check for required packages
  if (!requireNamespace('httr', quietly = TRUE))
    stop('please install the `httr` package', call. = FALSE)
  # sanity check on granularity
  # required to flatten possible arguments to single value
  timeseries <- match.arg(timeseries)
  ## allow for arbitrary queries using `req` argument or additional arguments via ...
  l.extra <- list(...)
  # TODO do this after expansion to iterate over site.code*year + ???
  l <- c(sitenum = site.code, year = year, report = report, timeseries = timeseries, l.extra)
  if (length(l.extra) > 0) {
    if ("req" %in% names(l)) {
      .Deprecated("`req` argument is deprecated; custom form inputs can be specified as named arguments via `...`")
      l <- l[["req"]]
    } else {
      l <- unlist(l)
    return(.get_SCAN_data(req = l))

  # init list to store results
  res <- list()

  # add metadata from cached table in soilDB
  m <- SCAN_site_metadata(site.code)
  site.code <- m$Site

  # all possible combinations of site codes and year | single report and timeseries type
  g <- expand.grid(s = site.code, y = year, r = report, dt = timeseries)

  # get a list of request lists
  req.list <- mapply(.make_SCAN_req, s = g$s, y = g$y, r = g$r, dt = g$dt, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)

  # format raw data into a list of lists:
  # sensor suite -> site number -> year
  d.list <- list()

  # save: sensor suite -> site number -> year
  sensors <- c('SMS', 'STO', 'SAL', 'TAVG', 'TMIN',
               'TMAX', 'PRCP', 'PREC', 'SNWD', 'WTEQ',
               'WDIRV', 'WSPDV', 'LRADT')

  ## TODO: consider submitting queries in parallel, possible at the inner for-loop, over sensors
  for (i in req.list) {

    # when there are no data, result is an empty data.frame
    d <- try(.get_SCAN_data(i), silent = TRUE)

    # errors occur in exceptional situations 
    # so we terminate the request loop 
    # (rather than possibly incomplete results)
    if (inherits(d, 'try-error')) {

    for (sensor.i in sensors) {

      site.i <- as.character(i$sitenum)
      year.i <- as.character(i$year)

      if (is.null(d)) {
        res <- data.frame(Site = integer(0), 
                          Date = as.Date(numeric(0), 
                                         origin = "1970-01-01"),
                          Time = character(0),
                          water_year = numeric(0), 
                          water_day = integer(0),
                          value = numeric(0), 
                          depth = numeric(0),
                          sensor.id = integer(0), 
                          row.names = NULL, 
                          stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
      } else {
        res <- .formatSCAN_soil_sensor_suites(d, code = sensor.i)

      d.list[[sensor.i]][[site.i]][[year.i]] <- res

  # iterate over sensors
  for (sensor.i in sensors) {

    # flatten individual sensors over years, by site number
    r.i <- data.table::rbindlist(lapply(d.list[[sensor.i]], data.table::rbindlist, fill = TRUE), fill = TRUE)
    rownames(r.i) <- NULL

    # res should be a list
    if (inherits(res, 'data.frame')) {
      res <- list()
    res[[sensor.i]] <- as.data.frame(r.i)

  # report object size
  if (length(res) > 0) {

    res.size <- round(object.size(res) / 1024 / 1024, 2)
    res.rows <- sum(sapply(res, nrow), na.rm = TRUE)
    message(paste(res.rows, ' records (', res.size, ' Mb transferred)', sep = ''))

  } else message('query returned no data')

  res[['metadata']] <- m

# combine soil sensor suites into stackable format
.formatSCAN_soil_sensor_suites <- function(d, code) {

  value <- NULL

  stopifnot(length(code) == 1)
  # locate named columns
  d.cols <- grep(code, names(d))

  # return NULL if no data
  if (length(d.cols) == 0) {

  ## https://github.com/ncss-tech/soilDB/issues/14
  ## there may be multiple above-ground sensors (takes the first)
  if (length(d.cols) > 1 && code %in% c('TAVG', 'TMIN', 'TMAX', 'PRCP', 'PREC',
                                      'SNWD', 'WTEQ', 'WDIRV', 'WSPDV', 'LRADT')) {
    message(paste0('multiple sensors per site [site ', d$Site[1], '] ',
                   paste0(names(d)[d.cols], collapse = ',')))
    # use only the first sensor
    d.cols <- d.cols[1]

  # coerce all values to double (avoids data.table warnings)
  mvars <- unique(names(d)[d.cols])
  d[mvars] <- lapply(d[mvars], as.double)

  # convert to long format
  d.long <- data.table::melt(
    id.vars = c('Site', 'Date', 'Time'),
    measure.vars = mvars

  # extract depths
  d.depths <- strsplit(as.character(d.long$variable), '_', fixed = TRUE)
  d.long$depth <- sapply(d.depths, function(i) as.numeric(i[2]))

  # convert depths (in to cm)
  d.long$depth <- round(d.long$depth * 2.54)

  # change 'variable' to 'sensor.id'
  names(d.long)[which(names(d.long) == 'variable')] <- 'sensor.id'

  ## there can be multiple sensors at below-ground label
  .SD <- NULL
  no.na <- NULL
  sensors.per.depth <- d.long[, list(no.na = sum(complete.cases(.SD))),
                              by = c('sensor.id', 'depth'),
                              .SDcols = c('sensor.id', 'depth', 'value')]

  most.data <- sensors.per.depth[, .SD[which.max(no.na)], by = 'depth']

  # check for multiple sensors per depth
  tab <- table(sensors.per.depth$depth) > 1
  if (any(tab)) {
    multiple.sensor.ids <- as.character(sensors.per.depth$sensor.id[which(sensors.per.depth$depth %in% names(tab))])
    message(paste0('multiple sensors per depth [site ', d$Site[1], '] ',
                   paste(multiple.sensor.ids, collapse = ', ')))

  # multiple rows / day, remove NA in sensor values
  idx <- which(!is.na(d.long$value))
  d.long <- d.long[idx, ]

  # water year/day: October 1st -- September 30th
  w <- waterDayYear(d.long$Date)

  # row-order is preserved
  d.long$water_year <- w$wy
  d.long$water_day <- w$wd

  # format and return
  res <- as.data.frame(d.long[, c('Site', 'Date', 'Time', 'water_year', 'water_day',
  'value', 'depth', 'sensor.id')])

  # Time ranges from  "00:00" to "23:00" [24 hourly readings]
  # set Time to 12:00 (middle of day) for daily data
  if (is.null(res$Time) || all(is.na(res$Time) | res$Time == "")) {
    # only when there are data
    if (nrow(res) > 0) {
      res$Time <- "12:00" 

  # TODO: what is the correct timezone for each site's data? Is it local? Or corrected to some default?
  # res$datetime <- as.POSIXct(strptime(paste(res$Date, res$Time), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"), tz = "GMT")


# format a list request for SCAN data
# s: single site code
# y: single year
# r: single report type
# dt: either 'Daily' or 'Hourly'
.make_SCAN_req <- function(s, y, r, dt = c('Daily', 'Hourly')) {
  stopifnot(tolower(dt) %in% c('daily', 'hourly'))
  req <- list(
    intervalType = ' View Historic ',
    report = r,
    timeseries = dt,
    format = 'copy',
    sitenum = s,
    interval = 'YEAR',
    year = y,
    month = 'CY'

# req is a named vector or list

.get_SCAN_data <- function(req) {

  # convert to list as needed
  if (!inherits(req, 'list')) {
    req <- as.list(req)
  # base URL to service
  uri <- 'https://wcc.sc.egov.usda.gov/nwcc/view'

  # note: the SCAN form processor checks the referring page and user-agent
  new.headers <- c("Referer" = "https://wcc.sc.egov.usda.gov/nwcc/")

  # enable follow-location
  # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/25538957/suppressing-302-error-returned-by-httr-post
  # cf <- httr::config(followlocation = 1L, verbose=1L) # debugging
  cf <- httr::config(followlocation = 1L)

  # submit request
  r <- try(httr::POST(
    body = req,
    encode = 'form',
    config = cf,
    httr::timeout(getOption("soilDB.timeout", default = 300))

  if (inherits(r, 'try-error'))

  res <- try(httr::stop_for_status(r), silent = TRUE)

  if (inherits(res, 'try-error')) {

  # extract content as text, cannot be directly read-in
  r.content <- try(httr::content(r, as = 'text'), silent = TRUE)

  if (inherits(r.content, 'try-error')) {

  # connect to the text as a standard file
  tc <- textConnection(r.content)

  # attempt to read column headers, after skipping the first two lines of data
  # note: this moves the text connection cursor forward 3 lines
  # 2018-03-06 DEB: results have an extra line up top, now need to skip 3 lines
  # 2024-05-17 AGB: results have 2 more extra lines; thanks to Daniel Schlaepfer for reporting
  h <- unlist(read.table(
      nrows = 1,
      skip = 5,
      header = FALSE,
      stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
      sep = ',',
      quote = '',
      strip.white = TRUE,
      na.strings = '-99.9',
      comment.char = ''

  # the last header is junk (NA)
  h <- as.vector(na.omit(h))

  # split column names on white space and keep the first element
  h <- sapply(strsplit(h, split = ' '),  function(i) i[[1]])

  # clean some more junk
  h <- gsub('-1', '', fixed = TRUE, h)
  h <- gsub(':-', '_', h)

  # NOTE: we have already read-in the first 3 lines above, therefore we don't need to skip lines here
  # read as CSV, skipping junk + headers, accommodating white-space and NA values encoded as -99.9
  x <- try(read.table(
    header = FALSE,
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
    sep = ',',
    quote = '',
    strip.white = TRUE,
    na.strings = '-99.9',
    comment.char = ''
  ), silent = TRUE)

  # catch errors
  if (inherits(x, 'try-error')) {

    .msg <- sprintf("* site %s [%s]: %s", req$sitenum, req$y, attr(x, 'condition')[["message"]])

    x <- as.data.frame(matrix(ncol = 12, nrow = 0))

  # the last column is always junk
  x[[names(x)[length(x)]]] <- NULL

  # apply truncated column names:
  names(x) <- h

  # clean-up connections

  # convert date to Date class
  x$Date <- as.Date(x$Date)

  # done

## helper function for getting a single table of SCAN metadata
# site.code: a single SCAN site code
.get_single_SCAN_metadata <- function(site.code) {
  # base URL to service
  uri <- 'https://wcc.sc.egov.usda.gov/nwcc/sensors'

  # note: the SCAN form processor checks the refering page and user-agent
  new.headers <-  c("Referer" = "https://wcc.sc.egov.usda.gov/nwcc/sensors")

  # enable follow-location
  # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/25538957/suppressing-302-error-returned-by-httr-post
  # cf <- httr::config(followlocation = 1L, verbose=1L) # debugging
  cf <- httr::config(followlocation = 1L)

  req <- list(
    sitenum = site.code,
    report = 'ALL',
    interval = 'DAY',
    timeseries = " View Daily Sensor Descriptions "

  # submit request
  r <- httr::POST(
    body = req,
    encode = 'form',
    config = cf,

  # parsed XML
  r.content <- httr::content(r, as = 'parsed')

  # get tables
  n.tables <- rvest::html_nodes(r.content, "table")

  # the metadata table we want is the last one
  m <- rvest::html_table(n.tables[[length(n.tables)]], header = FALSE)

  # clean-up table
  # 1st row is header
  h <- make.names(m[1, ])
  # second row is junk
  m <- m[-c(1:2), ]
  names(m) <- h

  m$site.code <- site.code

# iterate over a vector of SCAN site codes, returning basic metadata
# site.code: vector of SCAN site codes
#' @rdname fetchSCAN
#' @export
SCAN_sensor_metadata <- function(site.code) {

  # check for required packages
  if (!requireNamespace('httr', quietly = TRUE) | !requireNamespace('rvest', quietly = TRUE))
    stop('please install the `httr` and `rvest` packages', call. = FALSE)

  # iterate over site codes, returning DF + site.code

  res <- do.call('rbind', lapply(site.code, .get_single_SCAN_metadata))


## https://github.com/ncss-tech/soilDB/issues/61
# site.code: vector of SCAN site codes
#' @rdname fetchSCAN
#' @export
SCAN_site_metadata <- function(site.code = NULL) {

  # hack to please R CMD check
  SCAN_SNOTEL_metadata <- NULL

  # cached copy available in soilDB::SCAN_SNOTEL_metadata
  load(system.file("data/SCAN_SNOTEL_metadata.rda", package = "soilDB")[1])

  if (is.null(site.code)) {
    idx <- 1:nrow(SCAN_SNOTEL_metadata)
  } else {
    idx <- which(SCAN_SNOTEL_metadata$Site %in% site.code)

  # subset requested codes
  res <- SCAN_SNOTEL_metadata[idx, ]


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soilDB documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:28 p.m.