
Defines functions get_mapunit_from_GDB get_legend_from_GDB get_component_from_GDB

Documented in get_component_from_GDB get_legend_from_GDB get_mapunit_from_GDB

#' @export 
#' @rdname fetchGDB
get_component_from_GDB <- function(dsn = "gNATSGO_CONUS.gdb", WHERE = NULL, childs = FALSE, droplevels = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = NULL) {

  # check
  vars_co <- "comppct_l|comppct_r|comppct_h|compname|compkind|majcompflag|otherph|localphase|slope_l|slope_r|slope_h|slopelenusle_l|slopelenusle_r|slopelenusle_h|runoff|tfact|wei|weg|erocl|earthcovkind1|earthcovkind2|hydricon|hydricrating|drainagecl|elev_l|elev_r|elev_h|aspectccwise|aspectrep|aspectcwise|geomdesc|albedodry_l|albedodry_r|albedodry_h|airtempa_l|airtempa_r|airtempa_h|mast_l|mast_r|mast_h|map_l|map_r|map_h|reannualprecip_l|reannualprecip_r|reannualprecip_h|ffd_l|ffd_r|ffd_h|nirrcapcl|nirrcapscl|nirrcapunit|irrcapcl|irrcapscl|irrcapunit|cropprodindex|constreeshrubgrp|wndbrksuitgrp|rsprod_l|rsprod_r|rsprod_h|foragesuitgrpid|wlgrain|wlgrass|wlherbaceous|wlshrub|wlconiferous|wlhardwood|wlwetplant|wlshallowwat|wlrangeland|wlopenland|wlwoodland|wlwetland|soilslippot|frostact|initsub_l|initsub_r|initsub_h|totalsub_l|totalsub_r|totalsub_h|hydgrp|corcon|corsteel|taxclname|taxorder|taxsuborder|taxgrtgroup|taxsubgrp|taxpartsize|taxpartsizemod|taxceactcl|taxreaction|taxtempcl|taxmoistscl|taxtempregime|soiltaxedition|castorieindex|flecolcomnum|flhe|flphe|flsoilleachpot|flsoirunoffpot|fltemik2use|fltriumph2use|indraingrp|innitrateleachi|misoimgmtgrp|vasoimgtgrp|cokey|mukey"
  idx_co <- grepl(vars_co, WHERE, ignore.case = TRUE)
  if (!length(idx_co) > 0) idx_co <- FALSE

  if (!idx_co & !is.null(WHERE)) {
    stop("the WHERE argument is not targeting the component table")

  # query
  message("getting components from ", substr(WHERE, 1, 20), "...")
  qry <- paste0(
    "SELECT *

    FROM component

  if (is.null(WHERE)) qry <- gsub("WHERE ", "", qry)
  co <- sf::read_sf(dsn = dsn, query = qry, as_tibble = FALSE)
  # recode metadata domains
  co <- uncode(
    droplevels = droplevels,
    stringsAsFactors = stringsAsFactors

  # childs
  if (childs == TRUE & nrow(co) > 0) {

    message("getting child tables")

    # exec sub query
    ## pm
    if (!is.null(WHERE)) {
      idx <- seq(0, 2e8, 1000)
      co$idx <- as.character(cut(1:nrow(co), breaks = idx))
      copm <- by(co, co$idx, function(x) {
        temp <- .get_copmgrp_from_GDB(dsn = dsn, x)
      copm <- do.call("rbind", copm)
    } else {
      copm <- .get_copmgrp_from_GDB(dsn)
    ## gmd
    if (!is.null(WHERE)) {
      idx <- seq(0, 2e8, 1000)
      co$idx <- as.character(cut(1:nrow(co), breaks = idx))
       cogmd <- by(co, co$idx, function(x) {
        temp <- .get_cogeomordesc_from_GDB(dsn = dsn, x)
      cogmd <- do.call("rbind", cogmd)
    } else {
      cogmd <- .get_cogeomordesc_from_GDB(dsn)

    # prep
    # copm  <- soilDB:::.copm_prep(copm,   db = "SDA")
    # cogmd <- soilDB:::.cogmd_prep(cogmd, db = "SDA")
    copm2  <- .copm_prep2(copm, "cokey")
    cogmd2 <- .cogmd_prep2(cogmd, "cokey")

    # merge
    co$idx <- NULL
    co <- merge(co, copm2,  by = "cokey", all.x = TRUE, sort = FALSE)
    co <- merge(co, cogmd2, by = "cokey", all.x = TRUE, sort = FALSE)

  # done

#' @export 
#' @rdname fetchGDB
#' @param stats Return statistics (number of mapunit keys per legend; number of components, major components per mapunit, total and hydric component percentage)? Default: `FALSE`
get_legend_from_GDB <- function(dsn = "gNATSGO_CONUS.gdb", WHERE = NULL, droplevels = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = NULL, stats = FALSE) {
  if (!is.null(WHERE)) {
    # check
    vars_le <- "mlraoffice|areasymbol|areaname|areatypename|areaacres|ssastatus|projectscale|cordate|lkey"
    idx_le <- grepl(vars_le, WHERE, ignore.case = TRUE)

    if (! idx_le) {
      stop("the WHERE argument is not targeting the legend table")
    # query
    qry <- paste0("SELECT * FROM legend WHERE ", WHERE)
    le <- sf::read_sf(dsn = dsn, query = qry, as_tibble = FALSE)
  } else le <- sf::read_sf(dsn = dsn, layer = "legend", as_tibble = FALSE)

  if (stats == TRUE) {
    mu  <- sf::read_sf(dsn = dsn, query = paste0("SELECT lkey, mukey FROM mapunit WHERE lkey IN ('", paste0(le$lkey, collapse = "', '"), "')"), as_tibble = FALSE)
    n_mukey <- aggregate(mukey ~ lkey, data = mu, length)
    names(n_mukey)[2] <- "n_mukey"

    le <- merge(le, n_mukey, by = "lkey", all.x = TRUE, sort = FALSE)

  # recode metadata domains
  le <- uncode(le,
               droplevels = droplevels

  vars <- c("mlraoffice", "areasymbol", "areaname", "areatypename", "areaacres", "ssastatus", "projectscale", "cordate", "lkey", "n_mukey")

  if (stats == TRUE) {
    le <- le[vars]
  } else le <- le[vars[-10]]

  # done


#' @export 
#' @rdname fetchGDB
get_mapunit_from_GDB <- function(dsn = "gNATSGO_CONUS.gdb", WHERE = NULL, droplevels = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = NULL, stats = FALSE) {

  # tests
  if (!is.null(WHERE)) {
    vars_le <- "mlraoffice|areasymbol|areaname|areatypename|areaacres|ssastatus|projectscale|cordate"
    idx_le <- grepl(vars_le, WHERE, ignore.case = TRUE)
    vars_mu <- "lkey|mukey|musym|muname|mukind|mustatus|invesintens|muacres|farmlndcl"
    idx_mu <- grepl(vars_mu, WHERE, ignore.case = TRUE)
    if (idx_le & idx_mu) {
      stop("the WHERE argument can not target both the legend and mapunit table at the same time")
    if (! idx_le & ! idx_mu) {
      stop("the WHERE argument is not targeting either the legend or mapunit table")
    # query
    message("getting mapunits from WHERE ", WHERE)
    if (idx_mu) {
      qry <- paste0("SELECT * FROM mapunit WHERE ", WHERE)
      mu  <- sf::read_sf(dsn = dsn, query = qry, as_tibble = FALSE)
      qry <- paste0("SELECT * FROM legend WHERE lkey IN ('", paste0(unique(mu$lkey), collapse = "', '"), "')")
      le <- sf::read_sf(dsn = dsn, query = qry, as_tibble = FALSE)
    if (idx_le) {
      qry <- paste0("SELECT * FROM legend WHERE ", WHERE)
      le <- sf::read_sf(dsn = dsn, query = qry, as_tibble = FALSE)
      qry <- paste0("SELECT * FROM mapunit WHERE lkey IN ('", paste0(unique(le$lkey), collapse = "', '"), "')")
      mu  <- sf::read_sf(dsn = dsn, query = qry, as_tibble = FALSE)

  # query
  if (is.null(WHERE)) {
    message("getting mapunits")
    mu  <- sf::read_sf(dsn = dsn, layer = "mapunit", as_tibble = FALSE)
    qry <- paste0("SELECT * FROM legend WHERE lkey IN ('", paste0(unique(mu$lkey), collapse = "', '"), "')")
    le <- sf::read_sf(dsn = dsn, query = qry, as_tibble = FALSE)

  mu <- merge(mu, le, by = "lkey", all.x = TRUE, sort = FALSE)
  mu <- mu[order(mu$areasymbol), ]

  if (stats == TRUE) {
    if (!is.null(WHERE)) {
      idx <- c(0, rep(3000, 1000) * 1:1000)
      mu$idx <- as.character(cut(1:nrow(mu), breaks = idx))
      co <- by(mu, mu$idx, function(x) {
        qry <- paste0(
          "SELECT mukey, cokey, comppct_r, majcompflag, hydricrating
          FROM component
          WHERE mukey IN ('", paste0(x$mukey, collapse = "', '"), "')"
        message("getting components from subset ", x$idx[1])
        co <- sf::read_sf(dsn = dsn, query = qry, as_tibble = FALSE)
      co <- do.call("rbind", co)
      mu$idx <- NULL
    } else {
      qry <- "SELECT mukey, cokey, comppct_r, majcompflag, hydricrating
    FROM component"
      co <- sf::read_sf(dsn, query = qry, as_tibble = FALSE)
    if (nrow(co) > 0) {
      co2 <- data.table::as.data.table(co)
      .            = NULL
      comppct_r    = NULL
      hydricrating = NULL
      cokey        = NULL
      majcompflag  = NULL
      mukey        = NULL
      co2 <- as.data.frame(co2[, .(
        pct_component = sum(comppct_r, na.rm = TRUE),
        pct_hydric    = sum((hydricrating == "Yes") * comppct_r, na.rm = TRUE),
        n_component   = length(cokey),
        n_majcompflag = sum(majcompflag == "Yes", na.rm = TRUE)
        by = mukey
      # co2 <- {
      #   temp <- data.frame(
      #     mukey         = as.character(0),
      #     pct_component = as.integer(0),
      #     pct_hydric    = as.integer(0),
      #     n_component   = as.integer(0),
      #     n_majcompflag = as.integer(0),
      #     stringsAsFactors = FALSE
      #   )
      #   co$df <- list(temp)[rep(1, times = nrow(co))]
      #   split(co, co$mukey, drop = TRUE) ->.;
      #   lapply(., function(x) {
      #     df               = x$df[[1]]
      #     df$mukey         = x$mukey[1]
      #     df$pct_component = sum(x$comppct_r, na.rm = TRUE)
      #     df$pct_hydric    = sum((x$hydricrating == "Yes") * x$comppct_r, na.rm = TRUE)
      #     df$n_component   = length(x$cokey)
      #     df$n_majcompflag = sum(x$majcompflag == "Yes", na.rm = TRUE)
      #     return(df)
      #   }) ->.;
      #   do.call("rbind", .) ->.;
      # }
      mu <- merge(mu, co2, by = "mukey", all.x = TRUE, sort = FALSE)
      } else {
        mu = cbind(mu, pct_component = NA_integer_, pct_hydric = NA_integer_, n_component = NA_integer_, n_majcompflag = NA_integer_)

  # recode metadata domains
  mu <- uncode(
    droplevels = droplevels,
    stringsAsFactors = stringsAsFactors

  vars <- c("areasymbol", "lkey", "mukey", "musym", "muname", "mukind", "mustatus", "invesintens", "muacres", "farmlndcl", "pct_component", "pct_hydric", "n_component", "n_majcompflag")

  if (stats == TRUE) {
    mu <- mu[vars]
  } else mu <- mu[vars[1:10]]

  # done


.get_copmgrp_from_GDB <- function(dsn = dsn, co = NULL) {

  # query copmgrp table
  qry <- paste0(
    "SELECT *

     FROM copmgrp
    WHERE rvindicator = 'Yes' 
    , if (!is.null(co)) {
      paste0("AND cokey IN ", soilDB::format_SQL_in_statement(co$cokey))
  pmg <- sf::read_sf(dsn = dsn, query = qry, as_tibble = FALSE)
  # remove duplicate rvindicators
  dat <- as.data.frame.matrix(table(pmg$cokey, pmg$rvindicator))
  n_rvindicator = NULL
  dat <- subset(data.frame(cokey = row.names(dat), n_rvindicator = dat$Yes), n_rvindicator > 1)
  assign('dup.compmgrp.cokeyrvindictor', value = dat, envir = get_soilDB_env())
  message("-> QC: ", formatC(nrow(dat), format = "fg", big.mark = ","), " duplicate 'representative' rvindicators in the copmgrp table. \n\tUse `get('dup.compmgrp.cokeyrvindictor', envir=get_soilDB_env())` for offending component record IDs (cokey)")
  pmg$rvindicator <- NULL
  pmg2 <- .flatten_gmd(pmg[c("cokey", "pmgroupname")], "cokey", "copmgrp", sep = "; ")
  pmg$pmgroupname <- NULL
  pmg <- merge(pmg, pmg2, by = "cokey", all.x = TRUE, sort = FALSE)
  # query copm table
  qry <- paste(
    "SELECT *

     FROM copm"
    , if (!is.null(co)) {
      paste0("WHERE copmgrpkey IN ", soilDB::format_SQL_in_statement(pmg$copmgrpkey))
  pm <- sf::read_sf(dsn = dsn, query = qry, as_tibble = FALSE)

  pm <- merge(pmg, pm, by = "copmgrpkey", all.x = TRUE, sort = FALSE)
  pm <- data.table::as.data.table(pm)
  pm <- pm[with(pm, order(cokey, copmgrpkey, pmorder)), ]
  pm <- as.data.frame(pm)


.get_cogeomordesc_from_GDB <- function(dsn = dsn, co = NULL) {
  # geomorphic description ----
  qry <- paste0(
    "SELECT cokey, geomftname, geomfname, geomfeatid, existsonfeat, cogeomdkey

      FROM cogeomordesc

      WHERE rvindicator = 'Yes'", 
    if (!is.null(co)) {
      paste0("AND cokey IN ", format_SQL_in_statement(co$cokey))
  cogmd    <- sf::read_sf(dsn, query = qry, as_tibble = FALSE)
  cogmd_ls <- cogmd[cogmd$geomftname == "Landscape", ]
  cogmd_lf <- cogmd[cogmd$geomftname == "Landform",  ]
  cogmd_lf$geomftname <- NULL
  names(cogmd_ls)[names(cogmd_ls) == "geomfname"] <- "landscape"
  names(cogmd_lf)[names(cogmd_lf) == "geomfname"] <- "landform"

  cogmd_ls <- .flatten_gmd(cogmd_ls, "cokey", "cogeomordesc")
  # geomorphic components ----
  qry <- paste0(
    "SELECT cogeomdkey, geomposmntn, geomposhill, geompostrce, geomposflats
      FROM cosurfmorphgc ",
    if (!is.null(co)) {
      paste0("WHERE cogeomdkey IN ", format_SQL_in_statement(cogmd_lf$cogeomdkey))
  lf_3d <- sf::read_sf(dsn, query = qry, as_tibble = FALSE)
  names(lf_3d)[1:5] <- gsub("geompos", "", names(lf_3d)[1:5])
  lf_3d <- .flatten_gmd(lf_3d, key = "cogeomdkey", table = "cosurfmorphgc")
  # slope shape ----
  qry <- paste0(
    "SELECT cogeomdkey, shapeacross, shapedown 

      FROM cosurfmorphss ",

    if (!is.null(co)) {
      paste0("WHERE cogeomdkey IN ", format_SQL_in_statement(cogmd_lf$cogeomdkey))
  lf_ss <- sf::read_sf(dsn, query = qry, as_tibble = FALSE)
  lf_ss <- .format_slopeshape(lf_ss)
  lf_ss <- .flatten_gmd(lf_ss, "cogeomdkey", "cosurfmorphss")

  # hillslope position ----
  qry <- paste0(
    "SELECT cogeomdkey, hillslopeprof

      FROM cosurfmorphhpp ",
    if (!is.null(co)) {
      paste0("WHERE cogeomdkey IN ", format_SQL_in_statement(cogmd_lf$cogeomdkey))
  lf_2d <- sf::read_sf(dsn, query = qry, as_tibble = FALSE)
  lf_2d <- .flatten_gmd(lf_2d, "cogeomdkey", "cosurfmorphhpp")
  # merge results
  cogmd <- merge(cogmd_ls[c("cokey", "landscape")], cogmd_lf, by = "cokey", all = TRUE, sort = FALSE)
  cogmd <- merge(cogmd, lf_3d, by = "cogeomdkey", all.x = TRUE, sort = FALSE)
  cogmd <- merge(cogmd, lf_ss, by = "cogeomdkey", all.x = TRUE, sort = FALSE)
  cogmd <- merge(cogmd, lf_2d, by = "cogeomdkey", all.x = TRUE, sort = FALSE)
  cogmd$cogeomdkey <- NULL


.get_chorizon_from_GDB <-
  function(dsn = "gNATSGO_CONUS.gdb",
           cokey = NULL,
           droplevels = TRUE,
           stringsAsFactors = NULL,
           childs = FALSE) {
  # chorizon
  idx <- seq(0, 2e8, 3000)
  if (!is.null(cokey)) {
    idx2 <- as.character(cut(1:length(cokey), breaks = idx))
    co   <- data.frame(cokey, idx2)
    ch <- by(co, co$idx, function(x) {
      qry <- paste0(
        "SELECT *
        FROM chorizon
        WHERE cokey IN ", format_SQL_in_statement(x$cokey)
      ch  <- sf::read_sf(dsn = dsn, query = qry, as_tibble = FALSE)
    ch <- do.call("rbind", ch)

  } else ch <- sf::read_sf(dsn = dsn, query = "SELECT * FROM chorizon", as_tibble = FALSE)

  # iterate over the threshold
  if (nrow(ch) > 0 & childs == TRUE) {
    idx <- seq(0, 2e8, 3000)
    if (!is.null(cokey))
      ch$idx <- as.character(cut(1:nrow(ch), breaks = idx))
    if (is.null(cokey))
      ch$idx <- 1
    temp <- by(ch, ch$idx, function(x) {

      # chtexturegrp ----
      chtg <- .get_chtexturegrp_from_GDB(
        dsn   = dsn, 
        chkey = if (!is.null(cokey)) x$chkey else NULL
      # chtexture ----
      cht <- .get_chtexture_from_GDB(
        dsn     = dsn, 
        chtgkey = if (!is.null(cokey)) chtg$chtgkey else NULL
      # aggregate ----
      if (nrow(chtg) > 0) {
        chtg <- aggregate(texture ~ chkey + chtgkey, data = chtg, paste0, collapse = ", ")
      } else chtg <- chtg[c("chkey", "chtgkey", "texture")]
      if (nrow(cht) > 0) {
        cht  <- aggregate(texcl   ~ chtgkey,         data = cht,  paste0, collapse = ", ")
      } else cht <- cht[c("chtgkey", "texcl")]
      # chfrags ----
      chf <- .get_chfrags_from_GDB(
        dsn   = dsn, 
        chkey = if (!is.null(cokey)) x$chkey else NULL

      # merge
      ch <- merge(x, chtg, by = "chkey",   all.x = TRUE, sort = FALSE)
      ch <- merge(ch, cht, by = "chtgkey", all.x = TRUE, sort = FALSE)
      ch <- merge(ch, chf, by = "chkey",   all.x = TRUE, sort = FALSE)

    ch <- do.call("rbind", temp)
    ch$idx <- NULL
  } else {
    vars <- c('texture', 'texcl', 'fine_gravel', 'gravel', 'cobbles', 'stones', 'boulders', 'channers', 'flagstones', 'parafine_gravel', 'paragravel', 'paracobbles', 'parastones', 'paraboulders', 'parachanners', 'paraflagstones', 'unspecified', 'total_frags_pct_nopf', 'total_frags_pct')
    mis_df <- as.data.frame(matrix(ncol = 19, nrow = nrow(ch)))
    names(mis_df) <- vars
    ch <- cbind(ch, mis_df)
  vars <- c('cokey', 'chkey', 'hzname', 'hzdept_r', 'hzdepb_r', 'hzthk_r', 'texture', 'texcl', 'sandtotal_l', 'sandtotal_r', 'sandtotal_h', 'silttotal_l', 'silttotal_r', 'silttotal_h', 'claytotal_l', 'claytotal_r', 'claytotal_h', 'fine_gravel', 'gravel', 'cobbles', 'stones', 'boulders', 'channers', 'flagstones', 'parafine_gravel', 'paragravel', 'paracobbles', 'parastones', 'paraboulders', 'parachanners', 'paraflagstones', 'unspecified', 'total_frags_pct_nopf', 'total_frags_pct', 'om_l', 'om_r', 'om_h', 'dbtenthbar_l', 'dbtenthbar_r', 'dbtenthbar_h', 'dbthirdbar_l', 'dbthirdbar_r', 'dbthirdbar_h', 'dbfifteenbar_l', 'dbfifteenbar_r', 'dbfifteenbar_h', 'dbovendry_l', 'dbovendry_r', 'dbovendry_h', 'partdensity', 'ksat_l', 'ksat_r', 'ksat_h', 'awc_l', 'awc_r', 'awc_h', 'wtenthbar_l', 'wtenthbar_r', 'wtenthbar_h', 'wthirdbar_l', 'wthirdbar_r', 'wthirdbar_h', 'wfifteenbar_l', 'wfifteenbar_r', 'wfifteenbar_h', 'wsatiated_l', 'wsatiated_r', 'wsatiated_h', 'lep_l', 'lep_r', 'lep_h', 'll_l', 'll_r', 'll_h', 'pi_l', 'pi_r', 'pi_h', 'aashind_l', 'aashind_r', 'aashind_h', 'kwfact', 'kffact', 'caco3_l', 'caco3_r', 'caco3_h', 'gypsum_l', 'gypsum_r', 'gypsum_h', 'sar_l', 'sar_r', 'sar_h', 'ec_l', 'ec_r', 'ec_h', 'cec7_l', 'cec7_r', 'cec7_h', 'ecec_l', 'ecec_r', 'ecec_h', 'sumbases_l', 'sumbases_r', 'sumbases_h', 'ph1to1h2o_l', 'ph1to1h2o_r', 'ph1to1h2o_h', 'ph01mcacl2_l', 'ph01mcacl2_r', 'ph01mcacl2_h', 'freeiron_l', 'freeiron_r', 'freeiron_h', 'feoxalate_l', 'feoxalate_r', 'feoxalate_h', 'extracid_l', 'extracid_r', 'extracid_h', 'extral_l', 'extral_r', 'extral_h', 'aloxalate_l', 'aloxalate_r', 'aloxalate_h', 'pbray1_l', 'pbray1_r', 'pbray1_h', 'poxalate_l', 'poxalate_r', 'poxalate_h', 'ph2osoluble_l', 'ph2osoluble_r', 'ph2osoluble_h', 'ptotal_l', 'ptotal_r', 'ptotal_h', 'excavdifcl', 'excavdifms', 'desgndisc', 'desgnmaster', 'desgnmasterprime', 'desgnvert', 'hzdept_l', 'hzdepb_l', 'hzthk_l', 'hzdept_h', 'hzdepb_h', 'hzthk_h', 'fraggt10_l', 'fraggt10_r', 'fraggt10_h', 'frag3to10_l', 'frag3to10_r', 'frag3to10_h', 'sieveno4_l', 'sieveno4_r', 'sieveno4_h', 'sieveno10_l', 'sieveno10_r', 'sieveno10_h', 'sieveno40_l', 'sieveno40_r', 'sieveno40_h', 'sieveno200_l', 'sieveno200_r', 'sieveno200_h', 'sandvc_l', 'sandvc_r', 'sandvc_h', 'sandco_l', 'sandco_r', 'sandco_h', 'sandmed_l', 'sandmed_r', 'sandmed_h', 'sandfine_l', 'sandfine_r', 'sandfine_h', 'sandvf_l', 'sandvf_r', 'sandvf_h', 'siltco_l', 'siltco_r', 'siltco_h', 'siltfine_l', 'siltfine_r', 'siltfine_h', 'claysizedcarb_l', 'claysizedcarb_r', 'claysizedcarb_h')
  idx <- unlist(lapply(vars, function(x) which(names(ch) %in% x)))
  ch <- ch[idx]
  # # append missing columns from ch LIMIT 0
  # if (ncol(ch) < length(vars)) {
  #   mis <- vars[! vars %in% names(ch)]
  #   mis_df <- as.data.frame(matrix(ncol = length(mis), nrow = nrow(ch)))
  #   names(mis_df) <- mis
  #   idx <- 1:2
  #   mis_df[idx] <- lapply(mis_df[idx], as.character)
  #   mis_df[-idx] <- lapply(mis_df[-idx], as.numeric)
  #   ch <- cbind(ch, mis_df)
  # }
  # ch$texture <- tolower(ch$texture)
  # ch$texcl   <- tolower(ch$texcl)
  ch <- uncode(ch, droplevels = droplevels, stringsAsFactors = stringsAsFactors)


## chtexturegrp ----
.get_chtexturegrp_from_GDB <-  function(dsn, chkey = NULL) {
  if (!is.null(chkey)) {
         qry  <- paste0("SELECT * FROM chtexturegrp WHERE rvindicator = 'Yes' AND chkey IN ", format_SQL_in_statement(chkey))
  } else qry <-         "SELECT * FROM chtexturegrp WHERE rvindicator = 'Yes'"
  chtg <- sf::read_sf(dsn = dsn, query = qry, as_tibble = FALSE)

## chtexture -----
.get_chtexture_from_GDB <- function(dsn, chtgkey = NULL) {
  if (!is.null(chtgkey)) {
         qry  <- paste0("SELECT * FROM chtexture WHERE chtgkey IN ", format_SQL_in_statement(chtgkey))
  } else qry <-         "SELECT * FROM chtexture"
  cht <- sf::read_sf(dsn = dsn, query = qry, as_tibble = FALSE)

## chfrags -----
.get_chfrags_from_GDB <- function(dsn, chkey = NULL) {
  if (!is.null(chkey)) {
           qry  <- paste0("SELECT * FROM chfrags WHERE chkey IN ", format_SQL_in_statement(chkey))
    } else qry <-         "SELECT * FROM chfrags"
  chf <- sf::read_sf(dsn = dsn, query = qry, as_tibble = FALSE)
  chf <- simplifyFragmentData(chf, id.var = "chkey", vol.var = "fragvol_r", prefix = "frag")

#' Get a SoilProfileCollection from a SSURGO file geodatabase
#' Functions to load and flatten commonly used tables and from SSURGO file
#' geodatabases, and create soil profile collection objects (SPC).
#' These functions return data from SSURGO file geodatabases with the use of a
#' simple text string that formatted as an SQL WHERE clause (e.g. \code{WHERE =
#' "areasymbol = 'IN001'"}. Any columns within the target table can be
#' specified (except for fetchGDB() which currently can only target one table 
#' (e.g. legend, mapunit or component) at a time with the WHERE clause).
#' @aliases fetchGDB get_legend_from_GDB get_mapunit_from_GDB
#' get_component_from_GDB
#' @param dsn data source name (interpretation varies by driver - for some
#' drivers, dsn is a file name, but may also be a folder, or contain the name
#' and access credentials of a database); in case of GeoJSON, dsn may be the
#' character string holding the geojson data. It can also be an open database
#' connection.
#' @param WHERE text string formatted as an SQL WHERE clause (default: FALSE)
#' @param childs logical; if FALSE parent material and geomorphic child tables
#' are not flattened and appended
#' @param droplevels logical: indicating whether to drop unused levels in
#' classifying factors. This is useful when a class has large number of unused
#' classes, which can waste space in tables and figures.
#' @param stringsAsFactors deprecated
#' @return A \code{data.frame} or \code{SoilProfileCollection} object.
#' @author Stephen Roecker
#' @keywords manip
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' ## replace `dsn` with path to your own geodatabase (SSURGO OR gNATSGO)
#' ##
#' ##
#' ##  download CONUS gNATSGO from here:
#' ##    https://nrcs.app.box.com/v/soils/folder/191790828371
#' ##
#' # dsn <- "D:/geodata/soils/gNATSGO_CONUS.gdb"
#' # le <- get_legend_from_GDB(dsn = dsn, WHERE = "areasymbol LIKE '%'")
#' # mu <- get_mapunit_from_GDB(dsn = dsn, WHERE = "muname LIKE 'Miami%'")
#' # co <- get_component_from_GDB(dsn, WHERE = "compname = 'Miami'
#' #                              AND majcompflag = 'Yes'", childs = FALSE)
#' # f_in_GDB <- fetchGDB(WHERE = "areasymbol LIKE 'IN%'")
#' }
#' @export fetchGDB
fetchGDB <- function(dsn = "gNATSGO_CONUS.gdb",
                     WHERE = NULL,
                     childs = FALSE,
                     droplevels = TRUE,
                     stringsAsFactors = NULL
) {

  # checks
  vars_le <- "mlraoffice|areasymbol|areaname|areatypename|areaacres|ssastatus|projectscale|cordate|lkey"
  vars_mu <- "mukey|musym|muname|mukind|mustatus|invesintens|muacres|farmlndcl"
  vars_co <- "comppct_l|comppct_r|comppct_h|compname|compkind|majcompflag|otherph|localphase|slope_l|slope_r|slope_h|slopelenusle_l|slopelenusle_r|slopelenusle_h|runoff|tfact|wei|weg|erocl|earthcovkind1|earthcovkind2|hydricon|hydricrating|drainagecl|elev_l|elev_r|elev_h|aspectccwise|aspectrep|aspectcwise|geomdesc|albedodry_l|albedodry_r|albedodry_h|airtempa_l|airtempa_r|airtempa_h|map_l|map_r|map_h|reannualprecip_l|reannualprecip_r|reannualprecip_h|ffd_l|ffd_r|ffd_h|nirrcapcl|nirrcapscl|nirrcapunit|irrcapcl|irrcapscl|irrcapunit|cropprodindex|constreeshrubgrp|wndbrksuitgrp|rsprod_l|rsprod_r|rsprod_h|foragesuitgrpid|wlgrain|wlgrass|wlherbaceous|wlshrub|wlconiferous|wlhardwood|wlwetplant|wlshallowwat|wlrangeland|wlopenland|wlwoodland|wlwetland|soilslippot|frostact|initsub_l|initsub_r|initsub_h|totalsub_l|totalsub_r|totalsub_h|hydgrp|corcon|corsteel|taxclname|taxorder|taxsuborder|taxgrtgroup|taxsubgrp|taxpartsize|taxpartsizemod|taxceactcl|taxreaction|taxtempcl|taxmoistscl|taxtempregime|soiltaxedition|castorieindex|flecolcomnum|flhe|flphe|flsoilleachpot|flsoirunoffpot|fltemik2use|fltriumph2use|indraingrp|innitrateleachi|misoimgmtgrp|vasoimgtgrp|cokey"

  if (!is.null(WHERE)) {
    idx_le <- grepl(vars_le, WHERE, ignore.case = TRUE)
    idx_mu <- grepl(vars_mu, WHERE, ignore.case = TRUE)
    idx_co <- grepl(vars_co, WHERE, ignore.case = TRUE)
    if (sum(c(idx_le, idx_mu, idx_co)) > 1) {
      stop("WHERE can only target 1 table at a time")
  } else {
    idx_le <- FALSE
    idx_mu <- FALSE
    idx_co <- FALSE

  # target legend table
  if (idx_le) {
    le <- get_legend_from_GDB(dsn = dsn, WHERE = WHERE, stats = FALSE)

    qry <- paste0("lkey IN ('", paste(le$lkey, collapse = "', '"), "')")
    mu <- suppressMessages(get_mapunit_from_GDB(dsn = dsn, WHERE = qry))
    mu <- mu[order(mu$areasymbol), ]

  # target mapunit table
  if (idx_mu) {
    mu <- suppressMessages(get_mapunit_from_GDB(dsn = dsn, WHERE = WHERE))
    mu <- mu[order(mu$areasymbol), ]

  # get components
  if (idx_le | idx_mu) {

    if (idx_le) mu$idx <- mu$areasymbol
    if (idx_mu) mu$idx <- "1"

    temp <- by(mu, mu$idx, function(x) {

      if (idx_le) {
        message("getting components and horizons from areasymbol = '", unique(x$idx), "'")
      } else message("getting components and horizons from ", WHERE)

      # components
      # idx <- c(0, rep(375, 15) * 1:15)
      idx <- seq(0, 2e8, 3000)
      x$idx <- as.character(cut(1:nrow(x), breaks = idx))
      co <- by(x, x$idx, function(x2) {
        qry <- paste0("mukey IN ('", paste0(x2$mukey, collapse = "', '"), "')")
          co  <- get_component_from_GDB(
            dsn        = dsn,
            WHERE      = qry,
            childs     = childs,
            droplevels = droplevels
        error = function(err) {
          print(paste("Error occured: ", err))
      co <- do.call("rbind", co)
      co$idx <- NULL

      # horizons
        h   <- .get_chorizon_from_GDB(dsn = dsn, cokey = co$cokey)
      error = function(err) {
        print(paste("Error occured: ", err))

      return(list(co = co, h = h))

    co <- do.call("rbind", lapply(temp, function(x) x$co))
    h  <- do.call("rbind", lapply(temp, function(x) x$h))

  if (idx_co | is.null(WHERE)) {

    message("getting components and horizons from ", WHERE)

    # target component table
    co <- get_component_from_GDB(
      dsn        = dsn,
      WHERE      = WHERE,
      childs     = childs,
      droplevels = droplevels
  # horizons
  if (is.null(WHERE)) cokey <- NULL else cokey <- co$cokey
  h <- .get_chorizon_from_GDB(dsn = dsn, cokey = cokey, childs = childs)
  if (nrow(co) > 0) {
    f <- merge(co["cokey"], h, by = "cokey", all.x = TRUE, sort = FALSE)
    f <- f[order(f$cokey), ]
    depths(f) <- cokey ~ hzdept_r + hzdepb_r
    site(f) <- co
  } else {
    f <- aqp::SoilProfileCollection(site = co)
    horizons(f) <- h

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soilDB documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:53 a.m.