#' Morph dataframes
#' Internal soundgen function.
#' Morphs two dataframes of anchors, with two columns and at least two rows in
#' each.
#' @param a,b dataframes to morph
#' @param nMorphs length of morphing sequence
#' @param method morphing method. 'smooth' equalizes contour lengths and takes a
#' weighted mean. 'perAnchor' is a more sophisticated algorithm that attempts
#' to match individual anchors
#' @param lenSmooth the length of curves generated from anchors prior to
#' averaging (only applicable if method is 'smooth')
#' @param matchIdx manual override of anchor matching: if you have a better idea
#' of which anchors should morph into each other, specify
#' @param plot if TRUE, plots the morphing sequence of anchors
#' @param ... other graphical pars passed on to \code{plot}
#' @return A list of length nMorphs containing anchor dataframes for morphing
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' a = data.frame(time=c(0, .2, .9, 1), value=c(100, 110, 180, 110))
#' b = data.frame(time=c(0, .3, .5, .8, 1), value=c(300, 220, 190, 400, 350))
#' plot (a, type = 'b', ylim = c(0, 500))
#' points (b, type = 'b', col = 'blue')
#' m = soundgen:::morphDF(a, b, nMorphs = 15, method = 'smooth', plot = TRUE)
#' m = soundgen:::morphDF(a, b, nMorphs = 15, method = 'perAnchor', plot = TRUE)
#' m = soundgen:::morphDF(a = data.frame(time = c(0, 1), freq = c(700, 700)),
#' b = data.frame(time = c(0, 1), freq = c(400, 600)),
#' nMorphs = 5, method = 'perAnchor', plot = TRUE)
#' m = soundgen:::morphDF(a = data.frame(time = c(-30, 120, 350), value = c(-120, 10, -120)),
#' b = data.frame(time = c(50, 500), value = c(0, -30)),
#' nMorphs = 10, method = 'perAnchor', plot = TRUE)
#' m = soundgen:::morphDF(a = data.frame(time = c(-50, 1214), value = c(-50, -70)),
#' b = data.frame(time = c(0, 49, 256), value = c(-120, 10, -120)),
#' nMorphs = 8, method = 'perAnchor', plot = TRUE)
morphDF = function(a,
nMorphs = 5,
method = c('smooth', 'perAnchor')[2],
lenSmooth = 50,
matchIdx = NULL,
plot = F,
...) {
# example of expected input a & b: data.frame(time=c(0,1), value=c(-30,15)) NB: min 2 rows!!!
if (identical(a, b)) {
return(rep(list(a), nMorphs))
if (! a =
if (! b =
# in case one df is NA or NULL, we copy the other one
if ((any( | ncol(a) < 2) & (!any( & ncol(b) == 2)) {
a = b
a[, 2] = 0
} else if ((any( | ncol(b) < 2) & (!any( & ncol(a) == 2)) {
b = a
b[, 2] = 0
} else if ((any( | ncol(a) < 2) & (any( | ncol(b) < 2)) {
return(rep(list(NA), nMorphs))
mymax_x = max(max(a[, 1]), max(b[, 1]))
mymin_x = min(min(a[, 1]), min(b[, 1]))
mymax_y = max(max(a[, 2]), max(b[, 2]))
mymin_y = min(min(a[, 2]), min(b[, 2]))
cols = rainbow(n = nMorphs)
out = list()
if (method == 'smooth') {
## Option 1: upsample to the same number of anchors, then take a weighted mean
a_up = getSmoothContour(len = lenSmooth, anchors = a) # plot(a_up)
b_up = getSmoothContour(len = lenSmooth, anchors = b) # plot(b_up)
idx = seq(0, 1, length.out = nMorphs)
timeIdx_a = seq(a[1, 1], a[nrow(a), 1], length.out = lenSmooth)
timeIdx_b = seq(b[1, 1], b[nrow(b), 1], length.out = lenSmooth)
out[[1]] = data.frame(time = timeIdx_a, value = a_up)
if (plot)
col = cols[1],
xlim = c(mymin_x, mymax_x),
ylim = c(mymin_y, mymax_y),
for (d in 2:length(idx)) {
hybrid = a_up * (1 - idx[d]) + b_up * idx[d]
hybrid_time = timeIdx_a * (1 - idx[d]) + timeIdx_b * idx[d]
out[[d]] = data.frame(time = hybrid_time, value = hybrid)
if (plot)
points(out[[d]], main = idx[d], col = cols[d])
} else if (method == 'perAnchor') {
## Option 2: alternatively, overimpose both curves without upsampling
# anchors and find the best match for each anchor
mycopy_a = a
mycopy_b = b
swap = FALSE
if (nrow(a) < nrow(b)) {
a = mycopy_b
b = mycopy_a
swap = TRUE # we swap a and b to have the longer dataframe first
a_norm = a
b_norm = b
a_norm[, 1] = a_norm[, 1] - mymin_x
a_norm[, 1] = a_norm[, 1] / (mymax_x - mymin_x)
a_norm[, 2] = a_norm[, 2] - mymin_y
a_norm[, 2] = a_norm[, 2] / (mymax_y - mymin_y)
b_norm[, 1] = b_norm[, 1] - mymin_x
b_norm[, 1] = b_norm[, 1] / (mymax_x - mymin_x)
b_norm[, 2] = b_norm[, 2] - mymin_y
b_norm[, 2] = b_norm[, 2] / (mymax_y - mymin_y)
a_norm$match = NA
if (nrow(a_norm) > 2) {
# we only look for closest anchors if there are more than two,
# otherwise just morph endpoints into endpoints
for (i in 2:(nrow(a_norm) - 1)) {
# again, excluding endpoints
mymatch = apply(matrix(1:nrow(b_norm)), 1, function(x) {
dist(as.matrix(rbind(b_norm[x, 1:2], a_norm[i, 1:2])))
}) # the matching anchor is the closest one
# (after normalizing both x and y axes)
if (nrow(b_norm) > 2) {
# if both sounds have >2 anchors, always match middle anchors
# to middle anchors, not endpoints
mymatch = mymatch[2:(length(mymatch) - 1)]
a_norm$match[i] = which.min(mymatch) + 1
} else {
# if one sound has >2 anchors and the other 2 anchors
a_norm$match[i] = which.min(mymatch)
# the first and last anchors of sound A always morph into the first and
# last anchors of sound B
a_norm$match[1] = 1
a_norm$match[nrow(a_norm)] = nrow(b_norm)
# make sure every b anchor is represented
un = unique(a_norm$match)
not_matched = which(!rownames(b) %in% un)
if (!sum(not_matched) == 0) {
for (i in not_matched) {
j = which.min(apply(matrix(1:nrow(a_norm)), 1, function(x) {
dist(as.matrix(rbind(a_norm[x, 1:2], b_norm[i, 1:2])))
})) # the closest anchor
a_norm$match[j] = not_matched
# arrange in a non-decreasing order
for (i in 1:nrow(a_norm)) {
if (a_norm$match[i] < max(a_norm$match[1:i])) {
a_norm$match[i] = max(a_norm$match[1:i])
a$match = a_norm$match # row number of the matching anchor in /b/
# morph
idx = seq(0, 1, length.out = nMorphs)
out[[1]] = a[, 1:2]
for (d in 1:length(idx)) {
hybrid = a
for (i in 1:nrow(hybrid)) {
# NB: w/o rounding unique() below fails to find duplicates. For more on
# weird arithmetic, see
hybrid[i, 1] = round(hybrid[i, 1] +
idx[d] * (b[hybrid$match[i], 1] - hybrid[i, 1]), 4)
hybrid[i, 2] = round(hybrid[i, 2] +
idx[d] * (b[hybrid$match[i], 2] - hybrid[i, 2]), 4)
# remove duplicate rows
hybrid = unique(hybrid[, 1:2]) # hybrid[!duplicated(hybrid[, 1:2]), ]
if (swap) {
out[[nMorphs - d + 1]] = hybrid[, 1:2]
} else {
out[[d]] = hybrid[, 1:2]
if (plot) {
if (d == 1) {
plot(a[, 1:2], col = cols[1], xlim = c(mymin_x, mymax_x),
ylim = c(mymin_y, mymax_y), type = 'b', ...)
} else {
points(hybrid[, 1:2], main = idx[d], col = cols[d], type = 'b')
return (out)
#' Morph formants
#' Internal soundgen function.
#' @param f1,f2 dataframes specifying one formant of the two target sounds
#' (different numbers of rows are ok)
#' @param nMorphs length of morphing sequence
#' @keywords internal
morphFormants = function(f1, f2, nMorphs = 5) {
if (is.list(f1)) f1 =
if (is.list(f2)) f2 =
# for compatibility with morphDF(), make sure we have at least two anchors
if (nrow(f1) == 1) {
f1 = rbind(f1, f1)
f1$time[2] = 1
if (nrow(f2) == 1) {
f2 = rbind(f2, f2)
f2$time[2] = 1
h = morphDF(f1[, c(1, 2)], f2[, c(1, 2)], nMorphs = nMorphs)
h_amp = morphDF(f1[, c(1, 3)], f2[, c(1, 3)], nMorphs = nMorphs)
h_width = morphDF(f1[, c(1, 4)], f2[, c(1, 4)], nMorphs = nMorphs)
for (i in 1:length(h)) {
h[[i]]$amp = h_amp[[i]]$amp
h[[i]]$width = h_width[[i]]$width
return (h)
#' Morph lists
#' Internal soundgen function.
#' @param l1,l2 lists of formants (various lengths are ok)
#' @param nMorphs length of morphing sequence
#' @return A list of length nMorphs.
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' l1 = list(f1 = data.frame(time = c(0, .5, 1),
#' freq = c(700, 900, 1200),
#' amp = c(30), width = c(80)),
#' f2 = data.frame(time = c(0),
#' freq = c(900),
#' amp = c(30),
#' width = c(120)),
#' f3 = data.frame(time = c(0),
#' freq = c(1500),
#' amp = c(20),
#' width = c(150)))
#' l2 = list(f1 = data.frame(time = c(0),
#' freq = c(400),
#' amp = c(40),
#' width = c(120)),
#' f2 = data.frame(time = c(0, 1),
#' freq = c(1500, 2000),
#' amp = c(30),
#' width = c(150)))
#' ml = soundgen:::morphList(l1, l2, 4)
morphList = function(l1, l2, nMorphs = 5) {
# make sure both exactFormants lists contain equal numbers of formants
while (length(l1) > length(l2)) {
l2[[length(l2) + 1]] = l1[[length(l2) + 1]]
names(l2)[length(l2)] = names(l1)[length(l1)]
l2[[length(l2)]]$amp = 0 # add a silent formant
while (length(l2) > length(l1)) {
l1[[length(l1) + 1]] = l2[[length(l1) + 1]]
names(l1)[length(l1)] = names(l2)[length(l1)]
l1[[length(l1)]]$amp = 0 # add a silent formant
nFormants = length(l1)
# morph one formant at a time
out = rep(list(l1), nMorphs)
for (f in 1:nFormants) {
temp = morphFormants(f1 = l1[[f]], f2 = l2[[f]], nMorphs)
# a convoluted way of saving the output of morphFormants()
# in appropriate slots in the output list
for (i in 1:nMorphs) {
out[[i]] [[f]] = temp[[i]]
return (out)
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