
Defines functions ml_load ml_save.ml_model ml_save.default ml_save

Documented in ml_load ml_save ml_save.ml_model

#' Spark ML -- Model Persistence
#' Save/load Spark ML objects
#' @param x A ML object, which could be a \code{ml_pipeline_stage} or a \code{ml_model}
#' @param path The path where the object is to be serialized/deserialized.
#' @param overwrite Whether to overwrite the existing path, defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param sc A Spark connection.
#' @template roxlate-ml-dots
#' @return \code{ml_save()} serializes a Spark object into a format that can be read back into \code{sparklyr} or by the Scala or PySpark APIs. When called on \code{ml_model} objects, i.e. those that were created via the \code{tbl_spark - formula} signature, the associated pipeline model is serialized. In other words, the saved model contains both the data processing (\code{RFormulaModel}) stage and the machine learning stage.
#' \code{ml_load()} reads a saved Spark object into \code{sparklyr}. It calls the correct Scala \code{load} method based on parsing the saved metadata. Note that a \code{PipelineModel} object saved from a sparklyr \code{ml_model} via \code{ml_save()} will be read back in as an \code{ml_pipeline_model}, rather than the \code{ml_model} object.
#' @name ml-persistence

#' @rdname ml-persistence
#' @export
ml_save <- function(x, path, overwrite = FALSE, ...) {

#' @export
ml_save.default <- function(x, path, overwrite = FALSE, ...) {
  path <- cast_string(path) %>%
  overwrite <- cast_scalar_logical(overwrite)

  ml_writer <- spark_jobj(x) %>%

  if (overwrite) {
    ml_writer %>%
      invoke("overwrite") %>%
      invoke("save", path)
  } else {
    ml_writer %>%
      invoke("save", path)

  message("Model successfully saved.")

#' @rdname ml-persistence
#' @param type Whether to save the pipeline model or the pipeline.
#' @export
ml_save.ml_model <- function(x, path, overwrite = FALSE,
                             type = c("pipeline_model", "pipeline"), ...) {
  version <- x %>%
    spark_jobj() %>%
    spark_connection() %>%

  # https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-11891
  if (version < "2.0.0") {
    stop("Saving of 'ml_model' is supported in Spark 2.0.0+")

  path <- cast_string(path) %>%
  overwrite <- cast_scalar_logical(overwrite)
  type <- match.arg(type)

  ml_writer <- (
    if (identical(type, "pipeline_model")) x$pipeline_model else x$pipeline
  ) %>%
    spark_jobj() %>%

  if (overwrite) {
    ml_writer %>%
      invoke("overwrite") %>%
      invoke("save", path)
  } else {
    ml_writer %>%
      invoke("save", path)

  message("Model successfully saved.")

#' @rdname ml-persistence
#' @export
ml_load <- function(sc, path) {
  is_local <- spark_context(sc) %>%

  if (is_local) {
    path <- cast_string(path) %>%

  metadata_table_name <- random_string("ml_load_metadata")
  class <- spark_read_json(
    sc, metadata_table_name,
    paste0(path, "/metadata/part-00000")
  ) %>%

  # Drop temp view
  if (spark_version(sc) > "2.0.0") {
    spark_session(sc) %>%
      invoke("catalog") %>%
      invoke("dropTempView", metadata_table_name)

  invoke_static(sc, class, "load", path) %>%

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sparklyr documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:58 a.m.