Defines functions create_WX summary.WXimpact print.summary.WXimpact print.WXimpact impactsWX impacts.SlX predict.SlX print.summary.SlX summary.SlX print.SlX lmSLX

Documented in create_WX impacts.SlX lmSLX predict.SlX print.SlX print.summary.SlX print.summary.WXimpact print.WXimpact summary.SlX summary.WXimpact

lmSLX <- function(formula, data = list(), listw, na.action, weights=NULL, Durbin=TRUE, zero.policy=NULL, return_impacts=TRUE) {
        if (is.null(zero.policy))
            zero.policy <- get("zeroPolicy", envir = .spatialregOptions)
        if (!inherits(formula, "formula")) formula <- as.formula(formula)
#	mt <- terms(formula, data = data)
#	mf <- lm(formula, data, na.action=na.action, weights=weights,
#            method="model.frame")
        mf <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
        m <- match(c("formula", "data", "weights", "na.action"), names(mf), 0)
        mf <- mf[c(1, m)]
        mf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
        mf[[1]] <- as.name("model.frame")
        mf <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
        mt <- attr(mf, "terms")
        if (attr(mt, "intercept") == 1 && !any(attr(mt, "factors") == 1)) {
            stop("intercept-only model, Durbin invalid")
	na.act <- attr(mf, "na.action")
	if (!inherits(listw, "listw")) stop("No neighbourhood list")
	if (listw$style == "M") warning("missing spatial weights style")
	if (!is.null(na.act)) {
	    subset <- !(1:length(listw$neighbours) %in% na.act)
	    listw <- subset(listw, subset, zero.policy=zero.policy)

        d_name <- deparse(substitute(data))
	listw_name <- deparse(substitute(listw))

	y <- model.response(mf, "numeric")
        y_name <- as.character(mt)[2]
	if (any(is.na(y))) stop("NAs in dependent variable")
	x <- model.matrix(mt, mf)
	if (any(is.na(x))) stop("NAs in independent variable")
        n <- nrow(x)
        if (n != length(listw$neighbours))
            stop("listw and data of different lengths")
        nclt <- colnames(x)

        weights <- as.vector(model.extract(mf, "weights"))
        if (!is.null(weights) && !is.numeric(weights)) 
            stop("'weights' must be a numeric vector")
        if (is.null(weights)) weights <- rep(as.numeric(1), n)
        if (any(is.na(weights))) stop("NAs in weights")
        if (any(weights < 0)) stop("negative weights")
        dvars <- c(NCOL(x), 0L)
        prefix <- "lag"
        if (isTRUE(Durbin)) {
            WX <- create_WX(x, listw, zero.policy=zero.policy,
        } else if (is.formula(Durbin)) {
            data1 <- data
            if (!is.null(na.act) && (inherits(na.act, "omit") ||
                inherits(na.act, "exclude"))) {
                data1 <- data1[-c(na.act),]
            dmf <- lm(Durbin, data1, na.action=na.fail, 
#	    dmf <- lm(Durbin, data, na.action=na.action, 
#	         method="model.frame")
            fx <- try(model.matrix(Durbin, dmf), silent=TRUE)
            if (inherits(fx, "try-error")) 
                 stop("Durbin variable mis-match")
            WX <- create_WX(fx, listw, zero.policy=zero.policy,
            inds <- match(substring(colnames(WX), 5,
	        nchar(colnames(WX))), colnames(x))
            if (anyNA(inds)) {
              wna <- which(is.na(inds)) #TR: continue if Durbin has intercept, but formula has not
              if (length(wna) == 1 && grepl("Intercept", colnames(WX)[wna])
                 && attr(terms(formula), "intercept") == 0
                 && attr(terms(Durbin), "intercept") == 1) {
                inds <- inds[-wna]
              } else{
                stop("WX variables not in X: ",
                     paste(substring(colnames(WX), 5,
                     nchar(colnames(WX)))[is.na(inds)], collapse=" "))
            icept <- grep("(Intercept)", colnames(x))
            iicept <- length(icept) > 0L
            if (iicept) {
                xn <- colnames(x)[-1]
            } else {
                xn <- colnames(x)
            wxn <- substring(colnames(WX), nchar(prefix)+2,
            zero_fill <- length(xn) + (which(!(xn %in% wxn)))
        } else stop("Durbin argument neither TRUE nor formula")
        dvars <- c(NCOL(x), NCOL(WX))
        if (is.formula(Durbin)) {
            attr(dvars, "f") <- Durbin
            attr(dvars, "inds") <- inds
            attr(dvars, "zero_fill") <- zero_fill
	x <- cbind(x, WX)
#        WX <- create_WX(x, listw, zero.policy=zero.policy, prefix="lag")
#        x <- cbind(x, WX)
# 180128 Mark L. Burkey summary.lm error for SlX object
        colnames(x) <- make.names(colnames(x))
        if (attr(mt, "intercept") == 1L) {
            lm.model <- lm(formula(paste("y ~ ", paste(colnames(x)[-1], collapse="+"))), data=as.data.frame(x), weights=weights)
        } else {
            lm.model <- lm(formula(paste("y ~ 0 + ", paste(colnames(x), collapse="+"))), data=as.data.frame(x), weights=weights)
        sum_lm_model <- summary.lm(lm.model, correlation = FALSE)
        if (any(sum_lm_model$aliased)) warning("aliased variables found")
        mixedImps <- NULL
        if (return_impacts) {
	  K <- ifelse(isTRUE(grep("Intercept",
            names(coefficients(lm.model))[1]) == 1L), 2, 1)
          if (isTRUE(Durbin)) {
            m <- length(coefficients(lm.model))
            m.1 <- m > 1
            if (m.1 && K == 2) { #TR: without intercept and m.1 use m/2
              m2 <- (m-1)/2
            } else {
              m2 <- m/2
            cm <- matrix(0, ncol=m, nrow=m2)
            if (K == 2) {
                if (m.1) {
                    rownames(cm) <- nclt[2:(m2+1)]
                } else {
                    rownames(cm) <- nclt[1:m2]
                LI <- ifelse(listw$style != "W", 1, 0) #TR: lagged intercept
                for (i in 1:m2) cm[i, c(i+1, i+(m2+1 + LI)) ] <- 1 #TR: Add to index
# drop bug fix 2016-09-21 Philipp Hunziker
                dirImps <- sum_lm_model$coefficients[2:(m2+1), 1:2, drop=FALSE]
                rownames(dirImps) <- rownames(cm)
                indirImps <- sum_lm_model$coefficients[((m2 + 2):m + LI), 1:2, drop=FALSE] #TR: Add to index
                rownames(indirImps) <- rownames(cm)
            } else {
                rownames(cm) <- nclt[1:m2] # FIXME
                for (i in 1:m2) cm[i, c(i, i+m2)] <- 1
                dirImps <- sum_lm_model$coefficients[1:m2, 1:2, drop=FALSE]
                rownames(dirImps) <- rownames(cm)
                indirImps <- sum_lm_model$coefficients[(m2+1):m, 1:2, drop=FALSE]
                rownames(indirImps) <- rownames(cm)
            suppressWarnings(lc <- summary(multcomp::glht(lm.model, linfct=cm)))
            totImps <- cbind("Estimate"=lc$test$coefficients, "Std. Error"=lc$test$sigma)
        } else if (is.formula(Durbin)) {
            LI <- ifelse(listw$style != "W" 
                         && attr(terms(Durbin), "intercept") == 1, 1, 0) #TR: lagged intercept if not W and in Durbin formula
            m <- sum(dvars)
            KIL <- max((LI - (K - 1)), 0) #TR: KIL = 1 if intercept in lag but not in main formula
            m2 <- dvars[2] - KIL #TR: no linear combination for intercept if LI but not K
            cm <- matrix(0, ncol=m, nrow=m2)
            for (i in 1:m2) {
                cm[i, c(inds[i], i+dvars[1] + KIL)] <- 1 #TR: Add to index, only if intercept != lag.intercept
            if (LI == 1 && K == 1) { #TR: Drop intercept name if in wx but not x
              rownames(cm) <- wxn[!grepl("Intercept", wxn)]
            } else {
              rownames(cm) <- wxn
            dirImps <- sum_lm_model$coefficients[K:dvars[1], 1:2, #TR: start at 1 if no intercept
            rownames(dirImps) <- xn
            indirImps <- sum_lm_model$coefficients[(dvars[1] + 1 + KIL):m, 1:2,  #TR: Add to index
            if (!is.null(zero_fill)) {
              if (length(zero_fill) > 0L) {
               lres <- vector(mode="list", length=2L)
               for (j in 1:2) {
                 jindirImps <- rep(as.numeric(NA), (dvars[1] + (1 - K))) #TR: only -1 if has intercept
                   for (i in seq(along=inds)) {
                     jindirImps[(inds[i] + (1 - K))] <- indirImps[i, j] #TR: only -1 if has intercept
                     lres[[j]] <- jindirImps
                   indirImps <- do.call("cbind", lres)
               rownames(indirImps) <- xn
               suppressWarnings(lc <- summary(multcomp::glht(lm.model, linfct=cm)))
               totImps <- cbind("Estimate"=lc$test$coefficients,
                     "Std. Error"=lc$test$sigma)
                 if (!is.null(zero_fill)) {
                   if (length(zero_fill) > 0L) {
                     lres <- vector(mode="list", length=2L)
                     for (j in 1:2) {
                       jtotImps <- dirImps[, j] 
                       for (i in seq(along=inds)) {
                         jtotImps[(inds[i] + (1 - K))] <- totImps[i, j] #TR: only -1 if has intercept
                       lres[[j]] <- jtotImps
                     totImps <- do.call("cbind", lres)
                rownames(totImps) <- xn
          } else stop("undefined Durbin state")
          mixedImps <- list(dirImps=dirImps, indirImps=indirImps,
        attr(lm.model, "mixedImps") <- mixedImps
        attr(lm.model, "dvars") <- dvars
        if (is.formula(Durbin)) attr(lm.model, "Durbin") <- deparse(Durbin)
        if (is.null(weights)) attr(lm.model, "weights") <- weights
        tms <- as.character(lm.model$terms)
        attr(lm.model, "SLX_call") <- paste(y_name, " ", tms[1], " ", tms[3],
            ", data = ", d_name, ", listw = ", listw_name, sep="")
        class(lm.model) <- c("SlX", class(lm.model))

print.SlX <- function(x, digits = max(3L, getOption("digits") - 3L), ...) {
    x$ocall <- x$call
    if (!is.null(attr(x, "SLX_call"))) 
        x$call <- str2lang(paste("lm(", attr(x, "SLX_call"), ")", sep=""))
    class(x) <- "lm"
    invisible(print(x, digits=digits, ...))

summary.SlX <- function(object, correlation = FALSE, symbolic.cor = FALSE, ...) {
    class(object) <- "lm"
    sum_obj <- summary(object, correlation=correlation, symbolic.cor=symbolic.cor, ...)
    class(sum_obj) <- "summary.SlX"

print.summary.SlX <- function(x, digits = max(3L, getOption("digits") - 3L), symbolic.cor = x$symbolic.cor, signif.stars = getOption("show.signif.stars"), ...) {
    x$ocall <- x$call
    if (!is.null(attr(x, "SLX_call")))
        x$call <- str2lang(paste("lm(", attr(x, "SLX_call"), ")", sep=""))
    class(x) <- "lm"
    invisible(print(x, digits=digits, symbolic.cor=symbolic.cor, signif.stars=signif.stars, ...))

predict.SlX <- function(object, newdata, listw, zero.policy=NULL, ...) {
    if (is.null(zero.policy))
        zero.policy <- get("zeroPolicy", envir = .spatialregOptions)
    if (missing(newdata)) {
    if (!inherits(listw, "listw")) stop("No neighbourhood list")
    if (is(newdata, "Spatial")) newdata <- as(newdata, "data.frame")
    if (!inherits(newdata, "data.frame"))
        stop("newdata must be a Spatial*DataFrame or a data.frame")
    vars <- rownames(attr(object, "mixedImps")$dirImps)
    f <- formula(paste("~", paste(vars, collapse=" + ")))
    mf <- lm(f, newdata, method="model.frame")
    if (dim(mf)[1] != nrow(newdata))
      stop("missing values in newdata")
    mt <- attr(mf, "terms")
    x <- model.matrix(mt, mf)
    if (!is.null(attr(object, "Durbin")) && is.formula(formula(attr(object, "Durbin")))) {
        ff <- update(f, formula(paste(attr(object, "Durbin"), collapse=" ")))
        mf <- lm(ff, newdata, method="model.frame")
        if (dim(mf)[1] != nrow(newdata))
          stop("missing values in newdata")
        mt <- attr(mf, "terms")
        xd <- model.matrix(mt, mf)
    } else {
        ff <- f
        xd <- x
    if (any(is.na(xd))) stop("NAs in independent variable")
    n <- nrow(x)
    if (any(! row.names(newdata) %in% attr(listw, "region.id")))
        stop("mismatch between newdata and spatial weights. newdata should have region.id as row.names")
    if (n == length(listw$neighbours)) { # in-sample
        xx <- xd
    } else { # out-of-sample
        if (length(listw$neighbours) == (n + nrow(object$model))) {
            xo <- xd
            mf <- lm(ff, object$model, method="model.frame")
            mt <- attr(mf, "terms")
            xs <- model.matrix(mt, mf)
            ids <- attr(listw, "region.id")
            xso <- rbind(xs, xo)
            xx <- xso[match(ids, row.names(xso)),]
            if (any(!(row.names(xx) == ids))) stop("row name mismatch")
        } else {
            stop("listw and model and new data of different lengths")

# https://github.com/r-spatial/spatialreg/issues/37
    WX <- create_WX(xx, listw, zero.policy=zero.policy, prefix="lag")
    if (n < length(listw$neighbours)) {
        WX <- WX[match(rownames(xo), rownames(WX)),]
    x <- cbind(x, WX)
    res <- as.vector(x %*% coef(object))
    names(res) <- row.names(newdata)

impacts.SlX <- function(obj, ...) {
    stopifnot(!is.null(attr(obj, "mixedImps")))
    n <- nrow(obj$model)
    k <- obj$qr$rank
    impactsWX(attr(obj, "mixedImps"), n, k, type="SlX", method="glht")

impactsWX <- function(obj, n, k, type="SlX", method="glht") {
    imps <- lapply(obj, function(x) x[, 1])
    names(imps) <- c("direct", "indirect", "total")
    attr(imps, "bnames") <- rownames(obj[[1]])
    ses <- lapply(obj, function(x) x[, 2])
    names(ses) <- c("direct", "indirect", "total")
    attr(ses, "bnames") <- rownames(obj[[1]])
    res <- list(impacts=imps, se=ses)
    attr(res, "n") <- n
    attr(res, "k") <- k
    attr(res, "type") <- type
    attr(res, "method") <- method
    attr(res, "bnames") <- rownames(obj[[1]])
    class(res) <- "WXimpact"

print.WXimpact <- function(x, ...) {
    mat <- lagImpactMat(x$impacts)
    cat("Impact measures (", attr(x, "type"), ", ",
        attr(x, "method"), "):\n", sep="")
    print(mat, ...)

print.summary.WXimpact <- function(x, ...) {
    mat <- x$mat
    cat("Impact measures (", attr(x, "type"), ", ",
        attr(x, "method"), "):\n", sep="")
    print(mat, ...)
    mat <- x$semat
    cat("Standard errors:\n", sep="")
    print(mat, ...)
    mat <- x$zmat
    rownames(mat) <- attr(x, "bnames")
    print(mat, ...)
    xx <- apply(x$pzmat, 2, format.pval)
# 100928 Eelke Folmer
    if (length(attr(x, "bnames")) == 1L) {
        xx <- matrix(xx, ncol=3)
        colnames(xx) <- c("Direct", "Indirect", "Total")
    rownames(xx) <- attr(x, "bnames")
    print(xx, ..., quote=FALSE)

summary.WXimpact <- function(object, ...,
 adjust_k=(attr(object, "type") == "SDEM")) {
    stopifnot(length(adjust_k) == 1L)
    object$mat <- lagImpactMat(object$impacts)
    object$semat <- lagImpactMat(object$se)
    if (adjust_k) {
        object$semat <- sqrt((object$semat^2) * ((attr(object, "n") - 
            attr(object, "k"))/attr(object, "n")))
        attr(object, "method") <- paste(attr(object, "method"),
            ", n", sep="")
    } else {
        attr(object, "method") <- paste(attr(object, "method"),
            ", n-k", sep="")
    object$zmat <- object$mat/object$semat
    object$pzmat <- 2*(1-pnorm(abs(object$zmat)))
    class(object) <- c("summary.WXimpact", class(object))

create_WX <- function(x, listw, zero.policy=NULL, prefix="") {
        if (is.null(zero.policy))
            zero.policy <- get("zeroPolicy", envir = .spatialregOptions)
	if (!inherits(listw, "listw")) stop("No neighbourhood list")
	if (NROW(x) != length(listw$neighbours))
	    stop("Input data and neighbourhood list have different dimensions")
	n <- NROW(x)
	m <- NCOL(x)
	# check if there are enough regressors
	xcolnames <- colnames(x)
	K <- ifelse(xcolnames[1] == "(Intercept)", 2, 1)
        Wvars <- NULL
        wxI <- NULL
        WX <- NULL
	if (K == 2) {
        # unnormalized weight matrices
               	if (!(listw$style == "W")) {
 			intercept <- as.double(rep(1, n))
       	       		wxI <- lag.listw(listw, intercept, 
				zero.policy = zero.policy)
                        Wvars <- paste(prefix, ".(Intercept)", sep="")
	if (m > 1 || (m == 1 && K == 1)) {
                WX <- matrix(as.numeric(NA), nrow=n,
                    ncol=ifelse(m==1, 1, (m-(K-1))))
		for (k in K:m) {
                        j <- ifelse(k==1, 1, k-(K-1))
			WX[,j] <- lag.listw(listw, x[,xcolnames[k]], 
			if (any(is.na(WX[,j]))) 
			    stop("NAs in lagged independent variable")
                        Wvars <- c(Wvars, paste(prefix, ".",
                            xcolnames[k], sep=""))
        if (!is.null(wxI)) WX <- cbind(wxI, WX)
        colnames(WX) <- Wvars
        rownames(WX) <- rownames(x)

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