
Defines functions HPDinterval.LagImpact plot.LagImpact print.summary.LagImpact summary.LagImpact print.LagImpact lagImpactMat intImpacts mixedImpacts_e mixedImpactsExact lagImpactsExact processXSample processSample lagDistrImpacts lagImpacts_e lagImpacts impactSDEM impacts mom_calc mom_calc_int2 mom_calc_int trW

Documented in HPDinterval.LagImpact impacts intImpacts mom_calc mom_calc_int2 plot.LagImpact print.LagImpact print.summary.LagImpact summary.LagImpact trW

# Copyright 2009-2021 by Roger Bivand and Gianfranco Piras
trW <- function(W=NULL, m=30, p=16, type="mult", listw=NULL, momentsSymmetry=TRUE) {
  # returns traces
  timings <- list()
  .ptime_start <- proc.time()
  if (type == "mult") {
    stopifnot(inherits(W, "sparseMatrix"))
    n <- dim(W)[1]
    iW <- W
    tr <- numeric(m)
    for (i in 1:m) {
      tr[i] <- sum(diag(iW))
      iW <- W %*% iW
  } else if (type == "MC") {
    stopifnot(inherits(W, "sparseMatrix"))
    n <- dim(W)[1]
    tr <- numeric(m)
    # return sd of traces 111126
    sdtr <- numeric(m)
    x <- matrix(rnorm(n*p), nrow=n, ncol=p)
    xx <- x
    for (i in 1:m) {
      xx <- W %*% xx
      # return sd of traces 111126
      v <- apply(x * as.matrix(xx), 2, sum)
      tr[i] <- mean(v)
      sdtr[i] <- sd(v)/sqrt(p)
      #            tr[i] <- sum(apply(x * as.matrix(xx), 2,  function(y) sum(y)/p))
      # mean replaced by sum(y)/p 091012, 0.4-47
    tr[1] <- 0.0
    tr[2] <- sum(t(W) * W)
    # return sd of traces 111126
    sdtr[1:2] <- NA
    attr(tr, "sd") <- sdtr
  } else if (type == "moments") {
    if (!is.null(W) && is.null(listw)) {
      if (momentsSymmetry && !is(W, "symmetricMatrix"))
        stop("moments require symmetric W")
      listw <- mat2listw(W)
    tr <- mom_calc(listw, m)
    n <- length(listw$neighbours)
  } else stop("unknown type")
  timings[["make_traces"]] <- proc.time() - .ptime_start
  attr(tr, "timings") <- do.call("rbind", timings)[, c(1, 3)]
  attr(tr, "type") <- type
  attr(tr, "n") <- n

mom_calc_int <- function(is, m, W, eta0) {
  Omega <- rep(0.0, m)
  for (i in is) {
    eta <- eta0
    eta[i] <- 1
    for (j in seq(2, m, 2)) {
      zeta <- W %*% eta
      Omega[j-1] <- Omega[j-1] + crossprod(zeta, eta)[1,1]
      Omega[j] <- Omega[j] + crossprod(zeta, zeta)[1,1]
      eta <- zeta

mom_calc_int2 <- function(is, m, nb, weights, Card) {
  Omega <- .Call("mom_calc_int2", is, as.integer(m), nb, weights, Card, PACKAGE="spatialreg")

mom_calc <- function(lw, m) {
  stopifnot((m %% 2) == 0)
  nb <- lw$neighbours
  n <- length(nb)
  weights <- lw$weights
  Card <- card(nb)
  cores <- get.coresOption()
  if (is.null(cores)) {
    parallel <- "no"
  } else {
    parallel <- ifelse (get.mcOption(), "multicore", "snow")
  ncpus <- ifelse(is.null(cores), 1L, cores)
  cl <- NULL
  if (parallel == "snow") {
    cl <- get.ClusterOption()
    if (is.null(cl)) {
      parallel <- "no"
      warning("no cluster in ClusterOption, parallel set to no")
  if (parallel == "snow") {
    if (requireNamespace("parallel", quietly = TRUE)) {
      #        require(parallel)
      lis <- parallel::splitIndices(n, length(cl))
      lOmega <- parallel::parLapply(cl, lis, mom_calc_int2, m, nb, weights, Card)
      Omega <- apply(do.call("cbind", lOmega), 1, sum)
    } else {
      stop("parallel not available")
  } else if (parallel == "multicore") {
    if (requireNamespace("parallel", quietly = TRUE)) {
      #        require(parallel)
      lis <- parallel::splitIndices(n, ncpus)
      lOmega <- parallel::mclapply(lis, mom_calc_int2, m, nb, weights, Card,
                                   mc.set.seed=FALSE, mc.cores=ncpus)
      Omega <- apply(do.call("cbind", lOmega), 1, sum)
    } else {
      stop("parallel not available")
  } else {
    Omega <- mom_calc_int2(is=1:n, m=m, nb=nb, weights=weights, Card=Card)

impacts <- function(obj, ...)

impactSDEM <- function(obj) { 
  n <- nrow(obj$tarX)
  k <- ncol(obj$tarX)
  impactsWX(obj$emixedImps, n, k, type="SDEM", method="glht")

lagImpacts <- function(T, g, P) {
  PT <- P %*% T
  direct <- apply(apply(PT, 1, function(x) x*g), 2, sum)
  total <- c(apply(P, 1, sum) * sum(g))
  indirect <- total - direct
  names(direct) <- names(total)
  list(direct=direct, indirect=indirect, total=total)

lagImpacts_e <- function(rho, P, n, evalues) { # beta[-icept] == P
  #          ate <- gamma[3]/(1-gamma[1]) # 3 not 2
  #          ade <- (gamma[3]*sum(1/(1-gamma[1]*omgi)))/ss # 3 not 2
  # FIXME mixed
  #    for (i in 1:p) {
  #        SWr <- SW %*% (P[i,1]*diag(n) + P[i,2]*W)
  #        direct[i] <- sum(diag(SWr))/n
  #        total[i] <- sum(SWr)/n
  #    }
  direct <- (P*Re(sum(1/(1-rho*evalues))))/n
  total <- P/(1-rho)
  indirect <- total - direct
  names(direct) <- names(total)
  list(direct=direct, indirect=indirect, total=total)

lagDistrImpacts <- function(T, g, P, q=10) { 
  PT <- P %*% T
  direct <- apply(PT, 1, function(x) x * g)[1:q, ]
  if (nrow(P) == 1) {
    total <- sapply(g, function(x) apply(P, 1, sum)*x)[1:q]
  } else {
    total <- t(sapply(g, function(x) apply(P, 1, sum)*x))[1:q, ]
  indirect <- total - direct
  list(direct=direct, indirect=indirect, total=total)

processSample <- function(x, irho, drop2beta, type, iicept, icept, zero_fill,
                          dvars, T, Q, q, evalues) {
  # print("2")
  g <- x[irho]^(0:q)

  beta <- x[-drop2beta]

  if (type == "lag" || type == "sac") {
    if (iicept) {
      P <- matrix(beta[-icept], ncol=1)
    } else {
      P <- matrix(beta, ncol=1)
  } else if (type == "mixed" || type == "sacmixed") {
      if (iicept) {
        b1 <- beta[-icept]
      } else {
        b1 <- beta
      if(attr(zero_fill, "l_zero_fill") == 6)    b1_l <- c(b1[zero_fill[[1]]], b1[zero_fill[[2]]], rep(0, zero_fill[[3]]), rep(0, zero_fill[[4]]), b1[zero_fill[[5]]], b1[zero_fill[[6]]])
      if(attr(zero_fill, "l_zero_fill") == 5)    b1_l <- c(b1[zero_fill[[1]]], b1[zero_fill[[2]]], rep(0, zero_fill[[3]]), b1[zero_fill[[4]]])
      if(attr(zero_fill, "l_zero_fill") == 4)    b1_l <- c(b1[zero_fill[[1]]], rep(0, zero_fill[[2]]), b1[zero_fill[[3]]], b1[zero_fill[[4]]])
      if(attr(zero_fill, "l_zero_fill") == 3)    b1_l <- c(b1[zero_fill[[1]]], rep(0, zero_fill[[2]]), rep(0, zero_fill[[3]]), b1[zero_fill[[4]]])
#      if(attr(zero_fill, "l_zero_fill") == 2)    b1_l <- c(rep(0, zero_fill[[1]]), b1[zero_fill[[2]]])
      p <- length(b1_l)
      if (p %% 2 != 0) stop("non-matched coefficient pairs")
      P <- cbind(b1_l[1:(p/2)], b1_l[((p/2)+1):p])
      if (iicept) {
        b1 <- beta[-icept]
      } else {
        b1 <- beta
    if (!is.null(zero_fill)) {
      if (length(zero_fill) > 0L) {
        #            s_zero_fill <- sort(zero_fill, decreasing=TRUE)
        inds <- attr(dvars, "inds")
        b1_long <- rep(0, 2*(dvars[1]-1))
        b1_long[1:(dvars[1]-1L)] <- b1[1:(dvars[1]-1)]
        for (i in seq(along=inds)) {
          b1_long[(dvars[1]-1L)+(inds[i]-1L)] <- b1[(dvars[1]-1L)+i]
        b1 <- b1_long
        #            for (i in s_zero_fill) {
        #              b1 <- append(b1, values=0, after=i-1L)
        #            }
    p <- length(b1)
    if (p %% 2 != 0) stop("non-matched coefficient pairs")
    P <- cbind(b1[1:(p/2)], b1[((p/2)+1):p])
  if (is.null(evalues)) {
    res <- lagImpacts(T, g, P)
  } else {
    if (type == "lag" || type == "sac") res <- lagImpacts_e(x[irho], P, length(evalues), evalues)
    else if (type == "mixed" || type == "sacmixed") res <- mixedImpacts_e(x[irho], P, length(evalues), evalues)
  if (!is.null(Q)) {
    Qres <- lagDistrImpacts(T, g, P, q=as.integer(Q))
    attr(res, "Qres") <- Qres

processXSample <- function(x, drop2beta, type, iicept, icept, n, listw,
                           irho, zero_fill, dvars, evalues) {
  rho <- x[irho]
  #SW <- spdep::invIrW(listw, rho)
  beta <- x[-drop2beta]
    if (iicept) {
      b1 <- beta[-icept]
    } else {
      b1 <- beta
    if(attr(zero_fill, "l_zero_fill") == 6)    b1_l <- c(b1[zero_fill[[1]]], b1[zero_fill[[2]]], rep(0, zero_fill[[3]]), rep(0, zero_fill[[4]]), b1[zero_fill[[5]]], b1[zero_fill[[6]]])
    if(attr(zero_fill, "l_zero_fill") == 5)    b1_l <- c(b1[zero_fill[[1]]], b1[zero_fill[[2]]], rep(0, zero_fill[[3]]), b1[zero_fill[[4]]])
    if(attr(zero_fill, "l_zero_fill") == 4)    b1_l <- c(b1[zero_fill[[1]]], rep(0, zero_fill[[2]]), b1[zero_fill[[3]]], b1[zero_fill[[4]]])
    if(attr(zero_fill, "l_zero_fill") == 3)    b1_l <- c(b1[zero_fill[[1]]], rep(0, zero_fill[[2]]), rep(0, zero_fill[[3]]), b1[zero_fill[[4]]])
   # if(attr(zero_fill, "l_zero_fill") == 2)    b1_l <- c(rep(0, zero_fill[[1]]), b1[zero_fill[[2]]])
     p <- length(b1_l)
    if (p %% 2 != 0) stop("non-matched coefficient pairs")
    P <- cbind(b1_l[1:(p/2)], b1_l[((p/2)+1):p])
    if (type == "lag" || type == "sac") {
      if (iicept) {
        P <- matrix(beta[-icept], ncol=1)
      } else {
        P <- matrix(beta, ncol=1)
      # print(P)
      return(lagImpacts_e(rho, P, n, evalues))
    } else if (type == "mixed" || type == "sacmixed") {
      if (iicept) {
        b1 <- beta[-icept]
      } else {
        b1 <- beta
      if (!is.null(zero_fill)) {
        if (length(zero_fill) > 0L) {
          inds <- attr(dvars, "inds")
          b1_long <- rep(0, 2*(dvars[1]-1))
          b1_long[1:(dvars[1]-1L)] <- b1[1:(dvars[1]-1)]
          for (i in seq(along=inds)) {
            b1_long[(dvars[1]-1L)+(inds[i]-1L)] <- b1[(dvars[1]-1L)+i]
          b1 <- b1_long
          #            s_zero_fill <- sort(zero_fill, decreasing=TRUE)
          #            for (i in s_zero_fill) {
          #              b1 <- append(b1, values=0, after=i-1L)
          #            }
      p <- length(b1)
      if (p %% 2 != 0) stop("non-matched coefficient pairs")
      P <- cbind(b1[1:(p/2)], b1[((p/2)+1):p])
  return(mixedImpacts_e(rho, P, n, evalues))

lagImpactsExact <- function(SW, P, n) {
  direct <- sapply(P, function(x) sum(diag(x*SW))/n)
  total <- sapply(P, function(x) sum(x*SW)/n)
  indirect <- total - direct
  list(direct=direct, indirect=indirect, total=total)

mixedImpactsExact <- function(SW, P, n, listw) {
  p <- dim(P)[1]
  direct <- numeric(p)
  total <- numeric(p)
  W <- listw2mat(listw)
  for (i in 1:p) {
    SWr <- SW %*% (P[i,1]*diag(n) + P[i,2]*W)
    direct[i] <- sum(diag(SWr))/n
    total[i] <- sum(SWr)/n
  indirect <- total - direct
  list(direct=direct, indirect=indirect, total=total)

mixedImpacts_e   <- function(rho, P, n, evalues) {
  p <- dim(P)[1]
  direct <- numeric(p)
  total <- numeric(p)
  for (i in 1:p) {
    direct[i] <- (P[i,1]*Re(sum(1/(1-rho*evalues))))/n + (P[i,2]*Re(sum(evalues/(1-rho*evalues))))/n
    total[i] <- P[i,1]/(1-rho) + P[i,2]/(1-rho)
  indirect <- total - direct
  list(direct=direct, indirect=indirect, total=total)

intImpacts <- function(rho, beta, P, n, mu, Sigma, irho, drop2beta, bnames,
                       interval, type, tr, R, listw, evalues, tol, empirical, Q, icept, iicept, p,
                       mess=FALSE, samples=NULL, zero_fill=NULL, dvars=NULL) {
  if (is.null(evalues)) {
    if (is.null(listw) && is.null(tr))
      stop("either tr or listw must be given")
  } else {
    if (!is.null(listw)) {
      warning("evalues given: listw will be ignored")
      listw <-NULL
    if (!is.null(tr)) {
      warning("evalues given: listw will be ignored")
      tr <- NULL
  timings <- list()
  .ptime_start <- proc.time()
  if (is.null(listw)) {
    q <- length(tr)-1L
    g <- rho^(0:q)
    T <- matrix(c(1, tr[-(q+1)]/n), nrow=1)
    if (type == "mixed" || type == "sacmixed") {
      T <- rbind(T, tr/n)
    if (is.null(evalues)) {
      res <- lagImpacts(T, g, P)
      cmethod <- "trace"
    else {
      if (length(evalues) != n) stop("wrong eigenvalue vector length")  
      interval <- 1/range(Re(evalues))
      if (type == "lag" || type == "sac") res <- lagImpacts_e(rho, P, n, evalues)
        #stop("eigenvalue mixed impacts not available")
      # if (length(evalues) != n) stop("wrong eigenvalue vector length")
      else if (type == "mixed" || type == "sacmixed") res <- mixedImpacts_e(rho, P, n, evalues)
      cmethod <- "evalues"        }
    if (!is.null(Q)) {
      if (!is.numeric(Q) || length(Q) > 1L) stop("Invalid Q argument")
      if (Q > length(tr)) stop("Q larger than length of tr")
      Qres <- lagDistrImpacts(T, g, P, q=as.integer(Q))
      attr(res, "Qres") <- Qres
    timings[["trace_impacts"]] <- proc.time() - .ptime_start
    .ptime_start <- proc.time()
    if (!is.null(R)) {
      if (is.null(samples)) {
        samples <- mvrnorm(n=R, mu=mu, Sigma=Sigma, tol=tol,
        if (mess) samples[,irho] <- 1 - exp(samples[,irho])
      if (!is.null(interval)) {
        check <- ((samples[,irho] > interval[1]) & 
                    (samples[,irho] < interval[2]))
        if (any(!check)) samples <- samples[check,]
      timings[["impacts_samples"]] <- proc.time() - .ptime_start
      .ptime_start <- proc.time()
      # type, iicept, icept, T, Q
      sres <- apply(samples, 1, processSample, irho=irho,
                    drop2beta=drop2beta, type=type, iicept=iicept,
                    icept=icept, zero_fill=zero_fill, dvars=dvars, T=T, Q=Q, q=q,
      timings[["process_samples"]] <- proc.time() - .ptime_start
      .ptime_start <- proc.time()
      # 100928 Eelke Folmer
      if (length(bnames) == 1L) {
        direct <- as.mcmc(t(matrix(sapply(sres, function(x) x$direct),
        indirect <- as.mcmc(t(matrix(sapply(sres,
                                            function(x) x$indirect), nrow=1)))
        total <- as.mcmc(t(matrix(sapply(sres, function(x) x$total),
      } else {
        direct <- as.mcmc(t(sapply(sres, function(x) x$direct)))
        indirect <- as.mcmc(t(sapply(sres, function(x) x$indirect)))
        total <- as.mcmc(t(sapply(sres, function(x) x$total)))
      colnames(direct) <- bnames
      colnames(indirect) <- bnames
      colnames(total) <- bnames
      ssres <- list(direct=direct, indirect=indirect, total=total)
      if (!is.null(Q)) {
        Qdirect <- as.mcmc(t(sapply(sres, function(x)
          attr(x, "Qres")$direct)))
        Qindirect <- as.mcmc(t(sapply(sres, function(x) 
          attr(x, "Qres")$indirect)))
        Qtotal <- as.mcmc(t(sapply(sres, function(x) 
          attr(x, "Qres")$total)))
        Qnames <- c(sapply(bnames, function(x) 
          paste(x, 1:Q, sep="__Q")))
        if (length(Qnames) == 1L) {
          Qdirect <- t(Qdirect)
          Qindirect <- t(Qindirect)
          Qtotal <- t(Qtotal)
        colnames(Qdirect) <- Qnames
        colnames(Qindirect) <- Qnames
        colnames(Qtotal) <- Qnames
        Qmcmc <- list(direct=Qdirect, indirect=Qindirect, total=Qtotal)
        attr(ssres, "Qmcmc") <- Qmcmc
      timings[["postprocess_samples"]] <- proc.time() - .ptime_start
      res <- list(res=res, sres=ssres)
#<<<<<<< HEAD
#    if (!is.null(R)) attr(res, "samples") <- list(samples=samples, irho=irho,
#        drop2beta=drop2beta)
#    attr(res, "type") <- type
#    attr(res, "bnames") <- bnames
#    attr(res, "haveQ") <- !is.null(Q)
#    attr(res, "timings") <- do.call("rbind", timings)[, c(1,3)]
#    class(res) <- "LagImpact"
#    res
    attr(res, "method") <- cmethod
  } else {
    # added checks 140304
    stopifnot(length(listw$neighbours) == n)
     #V <- listw2mat(listw)
    V <- as(listw, "CsparseMatrix")
    evalues <- eigen(V, only.values = TRUE)$values
    # if (is.complex(e)) interval <- 1/(range(Re(e)))
    # else interval <- 1/(range(e))
    interval <- 1/range(Re(evalues))
    # SW <- invIrW(listw, rho)
    if (type == "lag" || type == "sac") res <- lagImpacts_e(rho, P, n, evalues)
    else if (type == "mixed" || type == "sacmixed") res <- mixedImpacts_e(rho, P, n, evalues)
    timings[["weights_impacts"]] <- proc.time() - .ptime_start
    .ptime_start <- proc.time()
    if (!is.null(R)) {
      samples <- mvrnorm(n=R, mu=mu, Sigma=Sigma, tol=tol,
      check <- ((samples[,irho] > interval[1]) & 
                  (samples[,irho] < interval[2]))
      if (any(!check)) samples <- samples[check,]
      timings[["impacts_samples"]] <- proc.time() - .ptime_start
      .ptime_start <- proc.time()
      # type, iicept, icept, SW, n, listw
      sres <- apply(samples, 1, processXSample,
                    drop2beta=drop2beta, type=type, iicept=iicept,
                    icept=icept, n=n, listw=listw, irho=irho, zero_fill=zero_fill,
                    dvars=dvars, evalues = evalues)
      # else sres <- apply(samples, 1, processXSample,
      #                    drop2beta=drop2beta, type=type, iicept=iicept,
      #                    icept=icept, n=n, listw=listw, irho=irho, zero_fill=zero_fill,
      #                    dvars=dvars)
      timings[["process_samples"]] <- proc.time() - .ptime_start
      .ptime_start <- proc.time()
      if (length(bnames) == 1L) {
        direct <- as.mcmc(t(matrix(sapply(sres, function(x) x$direct),
        indirect <- as.mcmc(t(matrix(sapply(sres,
                                            function(x) x$indirect), nrow=1)))
        total <- as.mcmc(t(matrix(sapply(sres, function(x) x$total),
      } else {
        direct <- as.mcmc(t(sapply(sres, function(x) x$direct)))
        indirect <- as.mcmc(t(sapply(sres, function(x) x$indirect)))
        total <- as.mcmc(t(sapply(sres, function(x) x$total)))
      colnames(direct) <- bnames
      colnames(indirect) <- bnames
      colnames(total) <- bnames
      timings[["postprocess_samples"]] <- proc.time() - .ptime_start
      res <- list(res=res, sres=list(direct=direct,
                                     indirect=indirect, total=total))
    attr(res, "method") <- "exact"
  if (!is.null(R)) attr(res, "samples") <- list(samples=samples, irho=irho,
  attr(res, "type") <- type
  attr(res, "bnames") <- bnames
  attr(res, "haveQ") <- !is.null(Q)
  attr(res, "timings") <- do.call("rbind", timings)[, c(1,3)]
  class(res) <- "LagImpact"
#>>>>>>> impacts_sphet

lagImpactMat <- function(x, reportQ=NULL) {
  if (is.null(x$res)) {
    direct <- x$direct
    indirect <- x$indirect
    total <- x$total
  } else {
    direct <- x$res$direct
    indirect <- x$res$indirect
    total <- x$res$total
  mat <- cbind(direct, indirect, total)
  colnames(mat) <- c("Direct", "Indirect", "Total")
  rownames(mat) <- attr(x, "bnames")
  if (!is.null(reportQ) && reportQ) {
    if (is.null(x$res)) {
      Qobj <- attr(x, "Qres")
    } else {
      Qobj <- attr(x$res, "Qres")
    if (is.null(Qobj)) warning("No impact components to report")
    else {
      # 100928 Eelke Folmer
      if (length(attr(x, "bnames")) == 1L) {
        Qobj$direct <- matrix(Qobj$direct, ncol=1)
        Qobj$indirect <- matrix(Qobj$indirect, ncol=1)
        Qobj$total <- matrix(Qobj$total, ncol=1)
      colnames(Qobj$direct) <- attr(x, "bnames")
      colnames(Qobj$indirect) <- attr(x, "bnames")
      colnames(Qobj$total) <- attr(x, "bnames")
      rownames(Qobj$direct) <- paste("Q", 1:nrow(Qobj$direct), sep="")
      rownames(Qobj$indirect) <- paste("Q", 1:nrow(Qobj$indirect), sep="")
      rownames(Qobj$total) <- paste("Q", 1:nrow(Qobj$total), sep="")
      attr(mat, "Qobj") <- Qobj

#<<<<<<< HEAD
print.LagImpact <- function(x, ..., reportQ=NULL) {
#    mat <- lagImpactMat(x, reportQ=reportQ)
#    Qobj <- attr(mat, "Qobj")
#    cat("Impact measures (", attr(x, "type"), ", ", attr(x, "method"), "):\n", sep="")
#    attr(mat, "Qobj") <- NULL
#    print(mat)
#    if (!is.null(reportQ) && reportQ) {
#        if (is.null(Qobj)) warning("No impact components to report")
#        else {
#            cat("=================================\nImpact components\n")
#            print(Qobj)
#        }
#print.lagImpact <- function(x, ..., reportQ=NULL) {
  mat <- lagImpactMat(x, reportQ=reportQ)
  Qobj <- attr(mat, "Qobj")
  cat("Impact measures (", attr(x, "type"), ", ", attr(x, "method"), "):\n", sep="")
  attr(mat, "Qobj") <- NULL
  if (!is.null(reportQ) && reportQ) {
    if (is.null(Qobj)) warning("No impact components to report")
    else {
      cat("=================================\nImpact components\n")
#>>>>>>> impacts_sphet

#<<<<<<< HEAD
summary.LagImpact <- function(object, ..., zstats=FALSE, short=FALSE, reportQ=NULL) {
#    if (is.null(object$sres)) stop("summary method unavailable")
# pass coda arguments 101006
#    direct_sum <- summary(object$sres$direct, ...)
#    indirect_sum <- summary(object$sres$indirect, ...)
#    total_sum <- summary(object$sres$total, ...)
# 101109 Eelke Folmer
#summary.lagImpact <- function(object, ..., zstats=FALSE, short=FALSE, reportQ=NULL) {
  if (is.null(object$sres)) stop("summary method unavailable")
  # pass coda arguments 101006
  direct_sum <- summary(object$sres$direct, ...)
  indirect_sum <- summary(object$sres$indirect, ...)
  total_sum <- summary(object$sres$total, ...)
  # 101109 Eelke Folmer
  if (length(attr(object, "bnames")) == 1L) {
    scnames <- names(direct_sum$statistics)
    qcnames <- names(direct_sum$quantiles)
    direct_sum$statistics <- matrix(direct_sum$statistics, nrow=1)
    rownames(direct_sum$statistics) <- attr(object, "bnames")[1]
    colnames(direct_sum$statistics) <- scnames
    direct_sum$quantiles <- matrix(direct_sum$quantiles, nrow=1)
    rownames(direct_sum$quantiles) <- attr(object, "bnames")[1]
    colnames(direct_sum$quantiles) <- qcnames
    indirect_sum$statistics <- matrix(indirect_sum$statistics, nrow=1)
    rownames(indirect_sum$statistics) <- attr(object, "bnames")[1]
    colnames(indirect_sum$statistics) <- scnames
    indirect_sum$quantiles <- matrix(indirect_sum$quantiles, nrow=1)
    rownames(indirect_sum$quantiles) <- attr(object, "bnames")[1]
    colnames(indirect_sum$quantiles) <- qcnames
    total_sum$statistics <- matrix(total_sum$statistics, nrow=1)
    rownames(total_sum$statistics) <- attr(object, "bnames")[1]
    colnames(total_sum$statistics) <- scnames
    total_sum$quantiles <- matrix(total_sum$quantiles, nrow=1)
    rownames(total_sum$quantiles) <- attr(object, "bnames")[1]
    colnames(total_sum$quantiles) <- qcnames
  Qmcmc <- NULL
  if (!is.null(attr(object$sres, "Qmcmc")) && !is.null(reportQ) && reportQ) {
    Qdirect_sum <- summary(attr(object$sres, "Qmcmc")$direct, ...)
    Qindirect_sum <- summary(attr(object$sres, "Qmcmc")$indirect, ...)
    Qtotal_sum <- summary(attr(object$sres, "Qmcmc")$total, ...)
    Qmcmc <- list(Qdirect_sum=Qdirect_sum, Qindirect_sum=Qindirect_sum,
  lres <- list(direct_sum=direct_sum, indirect_sum=indirect_sum,
  res <- c(object, lres, Qmcmc)
  if (zstats) {
    # 100928 Eelke Folmer
#>>>>>>> impacts_sphet
    if (length(attr(object, "bnames")) == 1L) {
      semat <- sapply(lres, function(x) x$statistics[2])
      semat <- matrix(semat, ncol=3)
      colnames(semat) <- c("Direct", "Indirect", "Total")
      zmat <- sapply(lres, function(x) x$statistics[1]/x$statistics[2])
      zmat <- matrix(zmat, ncol=3)
      colnames(zmat) <- c("Direct", "Indirect", "Total")
    } else {
      semat <- sapply(lres, function(x) x$statistics[,2])
      colnames(semat) <- c("Direct", "Indirect", "Total")
      zmat <- sapply(lres, function(x) x$statistics[,1]/x$statistics[,2])
      colnames(zmat) <- c("Direct", "Indirect", "Total")
    pzmat <- 2*(1-pnorm(abs(zmat)))
    res <- c(res, list(semat=semat, zmat=zmat, pzmat=pzmat))
    if (!is.null(Qmcmc) && !is.null(reportQ) && reportQ) {
      Qzmats <- lapply(Qmcmc, function(x) {
        Qm <- matrix(x$statistics[,1]/x$statistics[,2],
                     ncol=length(attr(object, "bnames")))
        colnames(Qm) <- attr(object, "bnames")
        rownames(Qm) <- paste("Q", 1:nrow(Qm), sep="")
      names(Qzmats) <- c("Direct", "Indirect", "Total")
      Qpzmats <- lapply(Qzmats, function(x) {
        xo <- 2*(1-pnorm(abs(x)))
        rownames(xo) <- paste("Q", 1:nrow(xo), sep="")
      res <- c(res, list(Qzmats=Qzmats, Qpzmats=Qpzmats))
  attr(res, "useHESS") <- attr(object, "useHESS")
  attr(res, "bnames") <- attr(object, "bnames")
  attr(res, "method") <- attr(object, "method")
  attr(res, "insert") <- attr(object, "insert")
  attr(res, "type") <- attr(object, "type")
  attr(res, "short") <- short
  attr(res, "reportQ") <- reportQ
  tp <- NULL
  if ("sarlm" %in% attr(object, "iClass")) {
    tp <- ifelse(attr(object,
                      "useHESS"), ifelse(attr(object, "insert"),
                                         "mixed Hessian approximation", "numerical Hessian approximation"),
  } else if ("lagmess" %in% attr(object, "iClass")) {
    tp <- "numerical Hessian approximation"
  } else if ("stsls" %in% attr(object, "iClass")) {
    tp <- "asymptotic IV"
    if (!is.null(attr(object, "robust")) && attr(object, "robust")) {
      HC <- attr(object, "HC")
      if (is.null(HC)) HC <- "HC0"
      tp <- paste(HC, "IV")
#<<<<<<< HEAD
#    if ("MCMC_sar_g" %in% attr(object, "iClass")) tp <- "MCMC samples"
#    attr(res, "tp") <- tp
#    class(res) <- "summary.LagImpact"
#    res
#print.summary.LagImpact <- function(x, ...) {
#    reportQ <- attr(x, "reportQ")
#    mat <- lagImpactMat(x, reportQ)
#    Qobj <- attr(mat, "Qobj")
#    attr(mat, "Qobj") <- NULL
#    cat("Impact measures (", attr(x, "type"), ", ", attr(x, "method"),
#        "):\n", sep="")
#    print(mat)
#    if (!is.null(reportQ) && reportQ) {
#        if (is.null(Qobj)) warning("No impact components to report")
#        else {
#            cat("=================================\nImpact components\n")
#            print(Qobj)
#        }
  if ("sphet" %in% attr(object, "iClass")) {
    tp <- "IV"
    if ("gstsls" %in% attr(object, "iClass"))
      tp <- "GSTSLS"
  if ("MCMC_sar_g" %in% attr(object, "iClass")) tp <- "MCMC samples"
  attr(res, "tp") <- tp
  class(res) <- "summary.LagImpact"

print.summary.LagImpact <- function(x, ...) {
  reportQ <- attr(x, "reportQ")
  mat <- lagImpactMat(x, reportQ)
  Qobj <- attr(mat, "Qobj")
  attr(mat, "Qobj") <- NULL
  cat("Impact measures (", attr(x, "type"), ", ", attr(x, "method"),
      "):\n", sep="")
  if (!is.null(reportQ) && reportQ) {
    if (is.null(Qobj)) warning("No impact components to report")
    else {
      cat("=================================\nImpact components\n")
#>>>>>>> impacts_sphet
  if (!is.null(attr(x, "tp")) && attr(x, "tp") == "MCMC samples") {
    cat("MCMC sample impact results:\n")
  } else {
    cat("Simulation results (", attr(x, "tp"), " variance matrix):\n",
  if (!attr(x, "short")) {
    if (!is.null(reportQ) && reportQ && !is.null(x$Qdirect_sum)) {
      cat("Direct impact components:\n")
      cat("Indirect impact components:\n")
      cat("Total impact components:\n")
  if (!is.null(x$zmat)) {
    cat("Simulated standard errors\n")
    mat <- x$semat
    rownames(mat) <- attr(x, "bnames")
    cat("\nSimulated z-values:\n")
    mat <- x$zmat
    rownames(mat) <- attr(x, "bnames")
    cat("\nSimulated p-values:\n")
    xx <- apply(x$pzmat, 2, format.pval)
    # 100928 Eelke Folmer
    if (length(attr(x, "bnames")) == 1L) {
      xx <- matrix(xx, ncol=3)
      colnames(xx) <- c("Direct", "Indirect", "Total")
    rownames(xx) <- attr(x, "bnames")
    print(xx, quote=FALSE)
    if (!is.null(x$Qzmats)) {
      cat("Simulated impact components z-values:\n")
      cat("\nSimulated impact components p-values:\n")
      xx <- lapply(x$Qpzmats, function(y) {
        xo <- apply(y, 2, format.pval)
        rownames(xo) <- paste("Q", 1:nrow(xo), sep="")
      print(xx, quote=FALSE)

plot.LagImpact <- function(x, ..., choice="direct", trace=FALSE,
    density=TRUE) {
    if (is.null(x$sres)) stop("plot method unavailable")
    plot(x$sres[[choice]], trace=trace, density=density, sub=choice)

HPDinterval.LagImpact <- function(obj, prob = 0.95, ..., choice="direct") {
    if (is.null(obj$sres)) stop("HPDinterval method unavailable")
    res <- HPDinterval(obj$sres[[choice]], prob=prob)

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spatialreg documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 6:12 p.m.