
Defines functions conform.ratfv bind.ratfv ratfv findcbind print.fvfun as.function.fv prefixfv stieltjes max.fv min.fv with.fv formula.fv rename.fv rebadgeLabels rebadge.as.dotfun rebadge.as.crossfun rebadge.fv tweak.fv.entry cbind.fv bind.fv fvexprmap makefvlabel flatfname fvlabels fvnames vanilla.fv as.fv.matrix as.fv.data.frame as.fv.fv as.fv as.data.frame.fv fv

Documented in as.data.frame.fv as.function.fv as.fv as.fv.data.frame as.fv.fv as.fv.matrix bind.fv bind.ratfv cbind.fv conform.ratfv findcbind flatfname formula.fv fv fvexprmap fvlabels fvnames makefvlabel max.fv min.fv prefixfv print.fvfun ratfv rebadge.as.crossfun rebadge.as.dotfun rebadge.fv rebadgeLabels rename.fv stieltjes tweak.fv.entry vanilla.fv with.fv

##    fv.R
##    class "fv" of function value objects
##    $Revision: 1.175 $   $Date: 2022/05/17 07:42:06 $
##    An "fv" object represents one or more related functions
##    of the same argument, such as different estimates of the K function.
##    It is a data.frame with additional attributes
##         argu       column name of the function argument (typically "r")
##         valu       column name of the recommended function
##         ylab       generic label for y axis e.g. K(r)
##         fmla       default plot formula
##         alim       recommended range of function argument
##         labl       recommended xlab/ylab for each column
##         desc       longer description for each column 
##         unitname   name of unit of length for 'r'
##         shade      (optional) column names of upper & lower limits
##                    of shading - typically a confidence interval
##    Objects of this class are returned by Kest(), etc
## creator

fv <- function(x, argu="r", ylab=NULL, valu, fmla=NULL,
               alim=NULL, labl=names(x), desc=NULL, unitname=NULL,
               fname=NULL, yexp=ylab) {
  ## check arguments
    stopifnot(is.character(ylab) || is.language(ylab))
  if(!missing(yexp)) {
    if(is.null(yexp)) yexp <- ylab
    else stopifnot(is.language(yexp))
  if(!(argu %in% names(x)))
    stop(paste(sQuote("argu"), "must be the name of a column of x"))

  if(!(valu %in% names(x)))
    stop(paste(sQuote("valu"), "must be the name of a column of x"))

    fmla <- paste(valu, "~", argu)
  else if(inherits(fmla, "formula")) {
    ## convert formula to string
    fmla <- flat.deparse(fmla)
  } else if(!is.character(fmla))
    stop(paste(sQuote("fmla"), "should be a formula or a string"))

  if(missing(alim)) {
    ## Note: if alim is given as NULL, it is not changed.
    argue <- x[[argu]]
    alim <- range(argue[is.finite(argue)])
  } else if(!is.null(alim)) {
    if(!is.numeric(alim) || length(alim) != 2)
      stop(paste(sQuote("alim"), "should be a vector of length 2"))
    stop(paste(sQuote("labl"), "should be a vector of strings"))
  stopifnot(length(labl) == ncol(x))
    desc <- character(ncol(x))
  else {
    stopifnot(length(desc) == ncol(x))
    nbg <- is.na(desc)
    if(any(nbg)) desc[nbg] <- ""
    stopifnot(is.character(fname) && length(fname) %in% 1:2)
  ## pack attributes
  attr(x, "argu") <- argu
  attr(x, "valu") <- valu
  attr(x, "ylab") <- ylab
  attr(x, "yexp") <- yexp
  attr(x, "fmla") <- fmla
  attr(x, "alim") <- alim
  attr(x, "labl") <- labl
  attr(x, "desc") <- desc
  attr(x, "units") <- as.unitname(unitname)
  attr(x, "fname") <- fname
  attr(x, "dotnames") <- NULL
  attr(x, "shade") <- NULL
  class(x) <- c("fv", class(x))

.Spatstat.FvAttrib <- c(

## putSpatstatVariable("FvAttrib", .Spatstat.FvAttrib)

as.data.frame.fv <- function(x, ...) {
  fva <- .Spatstat.FvAttrib
  attributes(x)[fva] <- NULL
  class(x) <- "data.frame"

#' is.fv() is now defined in spatstat.geom/R/is.R


as.fv <- function(x) { UseMethod("as.fv") }

as.fv.fv <- function(x) x

as.fv.data.frame <- function(x) {
  if(ncol(x) < 2) stop("Need at least 2 columns")
  return(fv(x, names(x)[1L], , names(x)[2L]))

as.fv.matrix <- function(x)  {
  y <- as.data.frame(x)
  if(any(bad <- is.na(names(y))))
    names(y)[bad] <- paste0("V", which(bad))

## other methods for as.fv are described in the files for the relevant classes.

vanilla.fv <- function(x) {
  ## remove everything except basic fv characteristics
  retain <- c("names", "row.names", .Spatstat.FvAttrib)
  attributes(x) <- attributes(x)[retain]
  class(x) <- c("fv", "data.frame")

print.fv <- local({
  maxwords <- function(z, m) { max(0, which(cumsum(nchar(z) + 1) <= m+1)) }
  usewords <- function(z, n) paste(z[1:n], collapse=" ")

  print.fv <- function(x, ..., tight=FALSE) {
    verifyclass(x, "fv")
    terselevel <- spatstat.options("terse")
    showlabels <- waxlyrical('space', terselevel)
    showextras <- waxlyrical('extras', terselevel)
    nama <- names(x)
    a <- attributes(x)
    if(!is.null(ylab <- a$ylab)) {
        ylab <- flat.deparse(ylab)
    if(!inherits(x, "envelope")) {
      splat("Function value object",
            paren(paste("class", sQuote("fv"))))
      if(!is.null(ylab)) {
        xlab <- fvlabels(x, expand=TRUE)[[a$argu]]
        splat("for the function", xlab, "->", ylab)
    ## Descriptions ..
    desc <- a$desc
    ## .. may require insertion of ylab
    if(!is.null(ylab) && any(grepl("%s", desc)))
      desc <- sprintf(desc, ylab)
    ## Labels ..
    labl <- fvlabels(x, expand=TRUE)
    ## Avoid overrunning text margin
    maxlinewidth <- options('width')[[1L]]
    key.width <- max(nchar(nama))
    labl.width <- if(showlabels) max(nchar(labl), nchar("Math.label")) else 0
    desc.width <- max(nchar(desc), nchar("Description"))
    fullwidth <- key.width + labl.width + desc.width + 2
    if(fullwidth > maxlinewidth && tight) {
      ## try shortening the descriptions so that it all fits on one line
      spaceleft <- maxlinewidth - (key.width + labl.width + 2)
      desc <- truncline(desc, spaceleft)
      desc.width <- max(nchar(desc), nchar("Description"))    
      fullwidth <- key.width + labl.width + desc.width + 2
    spaceleft <- maxlinewidth - (key.width + 1)
    if(desc.width > spaceleft) {
      ## Descriptions need to be truncated to max line width
      desc <- truncline(desc, spaceleft)
      desc.width <- max(nchar(desc), nchar("Description"))    
      fullwidth <- key.width + labl.width + desc.width + 2
    if(showextras) {
      fullwidth <- pmin(maxlinewidth, fullwidth)
      fullline <- paste0(rep(".", fullwidth), collapse="")
      cat(fullline, fill=TRUE)
    df <- data.frame(Math.label=labl,
    if(!showlabels) df <- df[,-1L,drop=FALSE]
    print(df, right=FALSE)
    if(showextras) {
      cat(fullline, fill=TRUE)
      splat("Default plot formula: ",
      splat("where", dQuote("."), "stands for",
            commasep(sQuote(fvnames(x, ".")), ", "))
        splat("Columns", commasep(sQuote(a$shade)), 
              "will be plotted as shading (by default)")
      alim <- a$alim
      splat("Recommended range of argument",
            paste0(a$argu, ":"),
            if(!is.null(alim)) prange(signif(alim, 5)) else "not specified")
      rang <- signif(range(with(x, .x)), 5)
      splat("Available range", "of argument",
            paste0(a$argu, ":"), prange(rang))
      ledge <- summary(unitname(x))$legend


## manipulating the names in fv objects

.Spatstat.FvAbbrev <- c(

## putSpatstatVariable("FvAbbrev", .Spatstat.FvAbbrev)

fvnames <- function(X, a=".") {
  verifyclass(X, "fv")
    stop("argument a must be a character string")
  if(length(a) != 1) return(lapply(a, function(b, Z) fvnames(Z, b), Z=X))
  namesX <- names(X)
  if(a %in% namesX) return(a)
  vnames <- setdiff(namesX, attr(X, "argu"))
  answer <- switch(a,
                   ".y" = attr(X, "valu"),
                   ".x" = attr(X, "argu"),
                   ".s" = attr(X, "shade"),
                   ".a" = vnames,
                   "*"  = rev(vnames),
                   "."  = attr(X, "dotnames") %orifnull% rev(vnames),
                     stop(paste("Unrecognised abbreviation", sQuote(a)),

"fvnames<-" <- function(X, a=".", value) {
  verifyclass(X, "fv")
  if(!is.character(a) || length(a) > 1)
    stop(paste("argument", sQuote("a"), "must be a character string"))
  ## special cases
  if(a == "." && length(value) == 0) {
    ## clear the dotnames
    attr(X, "dotnames") <- NULL
  if(a == ".a" || a == "*") {
    warning("Nothing changed; use names(X) <- value to change names",
  ## validate the names
           if(!is.character(value) || length(value) != 1)
             stop("value should be a single string")
           if(!is.character(value) || length(value) != 2)
             stop("value should be a vector of 2 character strings")
             stop("value should be a character vector")
         stop(paste("Unrecognised abbreviation", dQuote(a)))
  ## check the names match existing column names
  tags <- names(X)
  if(any(nbg <- !(value %in% tags))) 
    stop(paste(ngettext(sum(nbg), "The string", "The strings"),
                        "does not match the name of any column of X", 
                        "do not match the names of any columns of X")))
  ## reassign names
           attr(X, "argu") <- value
           attr(X, "valu") <- value
           attr(X, "shade") <- value
           attr(X, "dotnames") <- value

"names<-.fv" <- function(x, value) {
  nama <- colnames(x)
  indx <- which(nama == fvnames(x, ".x"))
  indy <- which(nama == fvnames(x, ".y"))
  inds <- which(nama %in% fvnames(x, ".s"))
  ind. <- which(nama %in% fvnames(x, "."))
  ## rename columns of data frame
  x <- NextMethod("names<-")
  ## adjust other tags
  fvnames(x, ".x") <- value[indx]
  fvnames(x, ".y") <- value[indy]
  fvnames(x, ".")  <- value[ind.]
    fvnames(x, ".s") <- value[inds]
  namemap <- setNames(lapply(value, as.name), nama)
  formula(x) <- flat.deparse(eval(substitute(substitute(fom, um),

fvlabels <- function(x, expand=FALSE) {
  lab <- attr(x, "labl")
  if(expand && !is.null(fname <- attr(x, "fname"))) {
    ## expand plot labels using function name
    nwanted <- substringcount("%s", lab)
    ngiven <- length(fname)
    if(any(0 < nwanted & nwanted < ngiven))
      warning("Internal error: fvlabels truncated the function name", call.=FALSE)
    nlacking <- max(nwanted) - ngiven
    if(nlacking > 0) {
      ## pad with blanks
      fname <- c(fname, rep("", nlacking))
    fnamelist <- as.list(fname)
    for(i in which(nwanted > 0)) 
      lab[i] <- do.call(sprintf, append(list(lab[i]), fnamelist[1:nwanted[i]]))
  ## remove empty space
  lab <- gsub(" ", "", lab)
  names(lab) <- names(x)

"fvlabels<-" <- function(x, value) {
  stopifnot(length(value) == ncol(x))
  attr(x, "labl") <- value

flatfname <- function(x) {
  fn <- if(is.character(x)) x else attr(x, "fname")
  if(length(fn) > 1)
    fn <- paste0(fn[1L], "[", paste(fn[-1L], collapse=" "), "]")

makefvlabel <- function(op=NULL, accent=NULL, fname, sub=NULL, argname="r") {
  ## de facto standardised label
  a <- "%s"
    a <- paste0(accent, paren(a))     ## eg hat(%s)
    a <- paste0("bold", paren(op), "~", a)  ## eg bold(var)~hat(%s)
  if(is.null(sub)) {
    if(length(fname) != 1) {
      a <- paste0(a, "[%s]")
      a <- paren(a, "{")
  } else {
    if(length(fname) == 1) {
      a <- paste0(a, paren(sub, "["))
    } else {
      a <- paste0(a, paren("%s", "["), "^", paren(sub, "{"))
      a <- paren(a, "{")
  a <- paste0(a, paren(argname))

fvlabelmap <- local({
  magic <- function(x) {
    subx <- paste("substitute(", x, ", NULL)")
    out <- try(eval(parse(text=subx)), silent=TRUE)
    if(inherits(out, "try-error"))
      out <- as.name(make.names(subx))

  fvlabelmap <- function(x, dot=TRUE) {
    labl <- fvlabels(x, expand=TRUE)
    ## construct mapping from identifiers to labels
    map <- as.list(labl)
    map <- lapply(map, magic)
    names(map) <- colnames(x)
    if(dot) {
      ## also map "." and ".a" to name of target function
      if(!is.null(ye <- attr(x, "yexp")))
        map <- append(map, list("."=ye, ".a"=ye))
      ## map other fvnames to their corresponding labels
      map <- append(map, list(".x"=map[[fvnames(x, ".x")]],
                              ".y"=map[[fvnames(x, ".y")]]))
      if(length(fvnames(x, ".s"))) {
        shex <- unname(map[fvnames(x, ".s")])
        shadexpr <- substitute(c(A,B), list(A=shex[[1L]], B=shex[[2L]]))
        map <- append(map, list(".s" = shadexpr))


## map from abbreviations to expressions involving the column names,
## for use in eval(substitute(...))
fvexprmap <- function(x) {
  dotnames <- fvnames(x, ".")
  u <- if(length(dotnames) == 1) as.name(dotnames) else 
       as.call(lapply(c("cbind", dotnames), as.name))
  ux <- as.name(fvnames(x, ".x"))
  uy <- as.name(fvnames(x, ".y"))
  umap <- list(.=u, .a=u, .x=ux, .y=uy)
  if(length(shnm <- fvnames(x, ".s"))) {
    shadexpr <- substitute(cbind(A,B), list(A=as.name(shnm[1L]),
    umap <- append(umap, list(.s = shadexpr))

fvlegend <- local({

  fvlegend <- function(object, elang) {
    ## Compute mathematical legend(s) for column(s) in fv object 
    ## transformed by language expression 'elang'.
    ## The expression must already be in 'expanded' form.
    ## The result is an expression, or expression vector.
    ## The j-th entry of the vector is an expression for the
    ## j-th column of function values.
    ee <- distributecbind(as.expression(elang))
    map <- fvlabelmap(object, dot = TRUE)
    eout <- as.expression(lapply(ee, invokemap, map=map))

  invokemap <- function(ei, map) {
    eval(substitute(substitute(e, mp), list(e = ei, mp = map)))

bind.fv <- function(x, y, labl=NULL, desc=NULL, preferred=NULL, clip=FALSE) {
  verifyclass(x, "fv")
  ax <- attributes(x)
  if(is.fv(y)) {
    ## y is already an fv object
    ay <- attributes(y)
    if(!identical(ax$fname, ay$fname)) {
      ## x and y represent different functions
      ## expand the labels separately 
      fvlabels(x) <- fvlabels(x, expand=TRUE)
      fvlabels(y) <- fvlabels(y, expand=TRUE)
      ax <- attributes(x)
      ay <- attributes(y)
    ## check compatibility of 'r' values
    xr <- ax$argu
    yr <- ay$argu
    rx <- x[[xr]]
    ry <- y[[yr]]
    if(length(rx) != length(ry)) {
        stop("fv objects x and y have incompatible domains")
      # restrict both objects to a common domain
      ra <- intersect.ranges(range(rx), range(ry))
      x <- x[inside.range(rx, ra), ]
      y <- y[inside.range(ry, ra), ]
      rx <- x[[xr]]
      ry <- y[[yr]]
    if(length(rx) != length(ry) || max(abs(rx-ry)) > .Machine$double.eps)
      stop("fv objects x and y have incompatible values of r")
    ## reduce y to data frame and strip off 'r' values
    ystrip <- as.data.frame(y)
    yrpos <- which(colnames(ystrip) == yr)
    ystrip <- ystrip[, -yrpos, drop=FALSE]
    ## determine descriptors
    if(is.null(labl)) labl <- attr(y, "labl")[-yrpos]
    if(is.null(desc)) desc <- attr(y, "desc")[-yrpos]
    y <- ystrip
  } else {
    ## y is a matrix or data frame
    y <- as.data.frame(y)
  ## check for duplicated column names
  allnames <- c(colnames(x), colnames(y))
  if(any(dup <- duplicated(allnames))) {
    nbg <- unique(allnames[dup])
    nn <- length(nbg)
    warning(paste("The column",
                  ngettext(nn, "name", "names"),
                  ngettext(nn, "was", "were"),
                  "duplicated. Unique names were generated"))
    allnames <- make.names(allnames, unique=TRUE, allow_ = FALSE)
    colnames(y) <- allnames[ncol(x) + seq_len(ncol(y))]
    labl <- paste("%s[", colnames(y), "](r)", sep="")
  else if(length(labl) != ncol(y))
    stop(paste("length of", sQuote("labl"),
               "does not match number of columns of y"))
    desc <- character(ncol(y))
  else if(length(desc) != ncol(y))
    stop(paste("length of", sQuote("desc"),
               "does not match number of columns of y"))
    preferred <- ax$valu

  xy <- cbind(as.data.frame(x), y)
  z <- fv(xy, ax$argu, ax$ylab, preferred, ax$fmla, ax$alim,
          c(ax$labl, labl),
          c(ax$desc, desc),

cbind.fv <- function(...) {
  a <- list(...)
  n <- length(a)
  if(n == 0)
  if(n == 1) {
    ## single argument - extract it
    a <- a[[1L]]
    ## could be an fv object 
    n <- length(a)
  z <- a[[1L]]
    stop("First argument should be an object of class fv")
  if(n > 1)
    for(i in 2:n) 
      z <- bind.fv(z, a[[i]])

collapse.anylist <-
collapse.fv <- local({

  collapse.fv <- function(object, ..., same=NULL, different=NULL) {
    if(is.fv(object)) {
      x <- list(object, ...)
    } else if(inherits(object, "anylist")) {
      x <- append(object, list(...))
    } else if(is.list(object) && all(sapply(object, is.fv))) {
      x <- append(object, list(...))
    } else stop("Format not understood")
    if(!all(sapply(x, is.fv)))
      stop("arguments should be objects of class fv")
    same <- as.character(same)
    different <- as.character(different)
    if(anyDuplicated(c(same, different)))
      stop(paste("The arguments", sQuote("same"), "and", sQuote("different"),
                 "should not have entries in common"))
    ## handle function argument
    xname <- unique(sapply(x, fvnames, a=".x"))
    if(length(xname) > 1)
      stop(paste("Objects have different names for the function argument:",
    xalias <- c(xname, ".x")
    same <- setdiff(same, xalias)
    different <- setdiff(different, xalias)
    ## validate
    either <- c(same, different)
    if(length(either) == 0)
      stop(paste("At least one column of function values must be selected",
                 "using the arguments", sQuote("same"), "and/or",
    mussung <- lapply(x, missingnames, expected=either)
    nbg <- Reduce(intersect, mussung)
    if((nbad <- length(nbg)) > 0)
      stop(paste(ngettext(nbad, "The column", "The columns"),
                 ngettext(nbad, "is", "are"),
                 "not present in any of the function objects"))
    ## .............. same ....................................
    ## extract the common values
    nsame <- length(same)
    if(nsame == 0) {
      ## Initialise using first object
      y <- x[[1L]]
      xname <- fvnames(y, ".x")
      yname <- fvnames(y, ".y")
      ## The column of 'preferred values' .y cannot be deleted.
      ## retain .y for now and delete it later.
      z <- y[, c(xname, yname)]
    } else {
      ## Find first object that contains same[1L]
      same1 <- same[1L]
      j <- min(which(sapply(x, isRecognised, expected=same1)))
      y <- x[[j]]
      xname <- fvnames(y, ".x")
      yname <- fvnames(y, ".y")
      ## possibly expand abbreviation 
      same[1L] <- same1 <- fvnames(y, same1)
      if(yname != same1)
        yname <- fvnames(y, ".y") <- same1
      z <- y[, c(xname, yname)]
      if(nsame > 1) {
        ## Find objects that contain same[2], ..., 
        for(k in 2:nsame) {
          samek <- same[k]
          j <- min(which(sapply(x, isRecognised, expected=samek)))
          xj <- x[[j]]
          same[k] <- samek <- fvnames(xj, samek)
          ## identify relevant column in object xj
          wanted <- (names(xj) == samek)
          if(any(wanted)) {
            y <- as.data.frame(xj)[, wanted, drop=FALSE]
            desc <- attr(xj, "desc")[wanted]
            labl <- attr(xj, "labl")[wanted]
            ## glue onto fv object
            z <- bind.fv(z, y, labl=labl, desc=desc)
    dotnames <- same
    ## .............. different  .............................
    ## create names for different versions
    versionnames <- good.names(names(x), "f", seq_along(x))
    shortnames <- abbreviate(versionnames, minlength=12)
    ## now merge the different values
    if(length(different)) {
      for(i in seq_along(x)) {
        ## extract values for i-th object
        xi <- x[[i]]
        diffi <- availablenames(xi, different) # which columns are available
        diffi <- unlist(fvnames(xi, diffi)) # expand abbreviations if used
        ## identify current position of columns
        wanted <- (names(xi) %in% diffi)
        if(any(wanted)) {
          y <- as.data.frame(xi)[, wanted, drop=FALSE]
          desc <- attr(xi, "desc")[wanted]
          labl <- attr(xi, "labl")[wanted]
          ## relabel
          prefix <- shortnames[i]
          preamble <- versionnames[i]
          names(y) <- if(ncol(y) == 1) prefix else paste(prefix,names(y),sep="")
          dotnames <- c(dotnames, names(y))
          ## glue onto fv object
          z <- bind.fv(z, y,
                       labl=paste(prefix, labl, sep="~"),
                       desc=paste(preamble, desc))
    if(length(same) == 0) {
      ## remove the second column which was retained earlier
      fvnames(z, ".y") <- names(z)[3L]
      z <- z[, -2L]
    fvnames(z, ".") <- dotnames

  isRecognised <- function(z, expected) {
    known <- c(names(z), .Spatstat.FvAbbrev)
    !is.na(match(expected, known))
  missingnames <- function(z, expected) {
    expected[!isRecognised(z, expected)]

  availablenames <- function(z, expected){
    expected[isRecognised(z, expected)]


## rename one of the columns of an fv object
tweak.fv.entry <- function(x, current.tag, new.labl=NULL, new.desc=NULL, new.tag=NULL) {
  hit <- (names(x) == current.tag)
  ## update descriptions of column
  i <- min(which(hit))
  if(!is.null(new.labl)) attr(x, "labl")[i] <- new.labl
  if(!is.null(new.desc)) attr(x, "desc")[i] <- new.desc
  ## adjust column tag
  if(!is.null(new.tag)) {
    names(x)[i] <- new.tag
    ## update dotnames
    dn <- fvnames(x, ".")
    if(current.tag %in% dn ) {
      dn[dn == current.tag] <- new.tag
      fvnames(x, ".") <- dn
    ## if the tweaked column is the preferred value, adjust accordingly
    if(attr(x, "valu") == current.tag)
      attr(x, "valu") <- new.tag
    ## if the tweaked column is the function argument, adjust accordingly
    if(attr(x, "argu") == current.tag)
      attr(x, "valu") <- new.tag

## change some or all of the auxiliary text in an fv object
rebadge.fv <- function(x, new.ylab, new.fname,
                       tags, new.desc, new.labl,
                       new.yexp=new.ylab, new.dotnames,
                       new.preferred, new.formula, new.tags) {
    attr(x, "ylab") <- new.ylab
  if(!missing(new.yexp) || !missing(new.ylab))
    attr(x, "yexp") <- new.yexp
    attr(x, "fname") <- new.fname
  if(!missing(new.desc) || !missing(new.labl) || !missing(new.tags)) {
    ## replace (some or all entries of) the following
    desc <- attr(x, "desc")
    labl <- attr(x, "labl")
    nama <- names(x)
    ## specified subset to be replaced
    if(missing(tags) || is.null(tags))
      tags <- nama
    ## match up
    m <- match(tags, nama)
    ok <- !is.na(m)
    mok <- m[ok]
    ## replace
    if(!missing(new.desc)) {
      desc[mok] <- new.desc[ok]
      attr(x, "desc") <- desc
    if(!missing(new.labl)) {
      labl[mok] <- new.labl[ok]
      attr(x, "labl") <- labl
    if(!missing(new.tags)) {
      ## rename columns (using "fvnames<-" to adjust special entries)
      names(x)[mok] <- new.tags[ok]
    fvnames(x, ".") <- new.dotnames
  if(!missing(new.preferred)) {
    stopifnot(new.preferred %in% names(x))
    attr(x, "valu") <- new.preferred
    formula(x) <- new.formula

## common invocations to label a function like Kdot or Kcross
rebadge.as.crossfun <- function(x, main, sub=NULL, i, j) {
  i <- make.parseable(i)
  j <- make.parseable(j)
  if(is.null(sub)) {
    ## single function name like "K"
    ylab <- substitute(main[i, j](r),
                       list(main=main, i=i, j=j))
    fname <- c(main, paste0("list", paren(paste(i, j, sep=","))))
    yexp <- substitute(main[list(i, j)](r),
                       list(main=main, i=i, j=j))
  } else {
    ## subscripted function name like "K[inhom]"
    ylab <- substitute(main[sub, i, j](r),
                       list(main=main, sub=sub, i=i, j=j))
    fname <- c(main, paste0("list", paren(paste(sub, i, j, sep=","))))
    yexp <- substitute(main[list(sub, i, j)](r),
                       list(main=main, sub=sub, i=i, j=j))
  labl <- rebadgeLabels(x, fname)
  y <- rebadge.fv(x,
                  new.ylab=ylab, new.fname=fname, new.yexp=yexp, new.labl=labl)

rebadge.as.dotfun <- function(x, main, sub=NULL, i) {
  i <- make.parseable(i)
  if(is.null(sub)) {
    ## single function name like "K"
    ylab <- substitute(main[i ~ dot](r),
                       list(main=main, i=i))
    fname <- c(main, paste0(i, "~symbol(\"\\267\")"))
    yexp <- substitute(main[i ~ symbol("\267")](r),
                       list(main=main, i=i))
  } else {
    ## subscripted function name like "K[inhom]"
    ylab <- substitute(main[sub, i ~ dot](r),
                       list(main=main, sub=sub, i=i))
    fname <- c(main, paste0("list",
                            paren(paste0(sub, ",",
                                         i, "~symbol(\"\\267\")"))))
    yexp <- substitute(main[list(sub, i ~ symbol("\267"))](r),
                       list(main=main, sub=sub, i=i))
  labl <- rebadgeLabels(x, fname)
  y <- rebadge.fv(x, new.ylab=ylab, new.fname=fname, new.yexp=yexp,

rebadgeLabels <- function(x, new.fname) {
  fname <- attr(x, "fname")
  labl <- attr(x, "labl")
  if(length(fname) == 1L && length(new.fname) == 2L) {
    ## Existing function name is unsubscripted like "K"
    ## New function name is subscripted like "K[inhom]"
    ## Modify label format strings to accommodate subscripted name
    new.labl <- gsub("%s[", "{%s[%s]^{", labl, fixed = TRUE)
    new.labl <- gsub("hat(%s)[", "{hat(%s)[%s]^{", new.labl, fixed = TRUE)
    argu <- attr(x, "argu")
    new.labl <- gsub(paste0("](",argu,")"),
                     paste0("}}(", argu, ")"), new.labl, fixed = TRUE)
  } else labl

## even simpler wrapper for rebadge.fv
rename.fv <- function(x, fname, ylab, yexp=ylab) {
  stopifnot(is.character(fname) && (length(fname) %in% 1:2))
  argu <- fvnames(x, ".x")
  if(missing(ylab) || is.null(ylab))
    ylab <- switch(length(fname),
                   substitute(fn(argu), list(fn=as.name(fname),
                   substitute(fn[fsub](argu), list(fn=as.name(fname[1]),
  if(missing(yexp) || is.null(yexp))
    yexp <- ylab
  y <- rebadge.fv(x, new.fname=fname, new.ylab=ylab, new.yexp=yexp)

## subset extraction operator
"[.fv" <-
  function(x, i, j, ..., drop=FALSE)
  igiven <- !missing(i)
  jgiven <- !missing(j)
  y <- as.data.frame(x)
  if(igiven && jgiven)
    z <- y[i, j, drop=drop]
  else if(igiven)
    z <- y[i, , drop=drop]
  else if(jgiven)
    z <- y[ , j, drop=drop]
  else z <- y

  ## return only the selected values as a data frame or vector.
  if(drop) return(z)

    selected <- seq_len(ncol(x))
  else {
    nameindices <- seq_along(names(x))
    names(nameindices) <- names(x)
    selected <- as.vector(nameindices[j])

  # validate choice of selected/dropped columns
  nama <- names(z)
  argu <- attr(x, "argu")
  if(!(argu %in% nama))
    stop(paste("The function argument", sQuote(argu), "must not be removed"))
  valu <- attr(x, "valu")
  if(!(valu %in% nama))
    stop(paste("The default column of function values",
               sQuote(valu), "must not be removed"))

  # if the plot formula involves explicit mention of dropped columns,
  # replace it by a generic formula
  fmla <- as.formula(attr(x, "fmla"))
  if(!all(variablesinformula(fmla) %in% nama)) 
    fmla <- as.formula(. ~ .x, env=environment(fmla))
  ## If range of argument was implicitly changed, adjust "alim"
  alim <- attr(x, "alim")
  rang <- range(z[[argu]])
  alim <- intersect.ranges(alim, rang, fatal=FALSE)

  result <- fv(z, argu=attr(x, "argu"),
               ylab=attr(x, "ylab"),
               valu=attr(x, "valu"),
               labl=attr(x, "labl")[selected],
               desc=attr(x, "desc")[selected],
               unitname=attr(x, "units"),
               yexp=attr(x, "yexp"))
  ## carry over preferred names, if possible
  dotn <- fvnames(x, ".")
  fvnames(result, ".") <- dotn[dotn %in% colnames(result)]
  shad <- fvnames(x, ".s")
  if(length(shad) && all(shad %in% colnames(result)))
    fvnames(result, ".s") <- shad

## Subset and column replacement methods
## to guard against deletion of columns

"[<-.fv" <- function(x, i, j, value) {
  if(!missing(j)) {
    ## check for alterations to structure of object
    if((is.character(j) && !all(j %in% colnames(x))) ||
       (is.numeric(j) && any(j > ncol(x))))
      stop("Use bind.fv to add new columns to an object of class fv")
    if(is.null(value) && missing(i)) {
      ## column(s) will be removed
      co <- seq_len(ncol(x))
      names(co) <- colnames(x)
      keepcol <- setdiff(co, co[j])
      return(x[ , keepcol, drop=FALSE])

"$<-.fv" <- function(x, name, value) {
  j <- which(colnames(x) == name)
  if(is.null(value)) {
    ## column will be removed
    if(length(j) != 0)
      return(x[, -j, drop=FALSE])
  if(length(j) == 0) {
    ## new column
    df <- data.frame(1:nrow(x), value)[,-1L,drop=FALSE]
    colnames(df) <- name
    y <- bind.fv(x, df, desc=paste("Additional variable", sQuote(name)))

## method for 'formula'

formula.fv <- function(x, ...) {
  attr(x, "fmla")

# new generic

"formula<-" <- function(x, ..., value) {

"formula<-.fv" <- function(x, ..., value) {
    value <- paste(fvnames(x, ".y"), "~", fvnames(x, ".x"))
  else if(inherits(value, "formula")) {
    ## convert formula to string
    value <- flat.deparse(value)
  } else if(!is.character(value))
    stop("Assignment value should be a formula or a string")
  attr(x, "fmla") <- value

##   method for with()

with.fv <- function(data, expr, ..., fun=NULL, enclos=NULL) {
  if(any(names(list(...)) == "drop"))
    stop("Outdated argument 'drop' used in with.fv")
  cl <- short.deparse(sys.call())
  verifyclass(data, "fv")
    enclos <- parent.frame()
   ## convert syntactic expression to 'expression' object
#  e <- as.expression(substitute(expr))
  ## convert syntactic expression to call
  elang <- substitute(expr)
  ## map "." etc to names of columns of data
  datanames <- names(data)
  xname <- fvnames(data, ".x")
  yname <- fvnames(data, ".y")
  ux <- as.name(xname)
  uy <- as.name(yname)
  dnames <- intersect(datanames, fvnames(data, "."))
  ud <- as.call(lapply(c("cbind", dnames), as.name))
  anames <- intersect(datanames, fvnames(data, ".a"))
  ua <- as.call(lapply(c("cbind", anames), as.name))
  if(length(snames <- fvnames(data, ".s"))) {
    snames <- intersect(datanames, snames)
    us <- as.call(lapply(c("cbind", snames), as.name))
  } else us <- NULL
  expandelang <- eval(substitute(substitute(ee,
                                      list(.=ud, .x=ux, .y=uy, .s=us, .a=ua)),
  dont.complain.about(ua, ud, us, ux, uy)
  evars <- all.vars(expandelang)
  used.dotnames <- evars[evars %in% dnames]
  ## evaluate expression
  datadf <- as.data.frame(data)
  results <- eval(expandelang, as.list(datadf), enclos=enclos)
  ## --------------------
  ## commanded to return numerical values only?
  if(!is.null(fun) && !fun)

  if(!is.matrix(results) && !is.data.frame(results)) {
    ## result is a vector
    if(is.null(fun)) fun <- FALSE
    if(!fun || length(results) != nrow(datadf))
    results <- matrix(results, ncol=1)
  } else {
    ## result is a matrix or data frame
    if(is.null(fun)) fun <- TRUE
    if(!fun || nrow(results) != nrow(datadf))
  ## result is a matrix or data frame of the right dimensions
  ## make a new fv object
  ## ensure columns of results have names
    colnames(results) <- paste("col", seq_len(ncol(results)), sep="")
  resultnames <- colnames(results)
  ## get values of function argument
  xvalues <- datadf[[xname]]
  ## tack onto result matrix
  results <- cbind(xvalues, results)
  colnames(results) <- c(xname, resultnames)
  results <- data.frame(results)
  ## check for alteration of column names
  oldnames <- resultnames
  resultnames <- colnames(results)[-1L]
  if(any(resultnames != oldnames))
    warning("some column names were illegal and have been changed")
  ## determine mapping (if any) from columns of output to columns of input
  namemap <- match(colnames(results), names(datadf))
  okmap <- !is.na(namemap)
  ## Build up fv object
  ## decide which of the columns should be the preferred value
  newyname <- if(yname %in% resultnames) yname else resultnames[1L]
  ## construct default plot formula
  fmla <- flat.deparse(as.formula(paste(". ~", xname)))
  dotnames <- resultnames
  ## construct description strings
  desc <- character(ncol(results))
  desc[okmap] <- attr(data, "desc")[namemap[okmap]]
  desc[!okmap] <- paste("Computed value", resultnames[!okmap])
  ## function name (fname) and mathematical expression for function (yexp)
  oldyexp <- attr(data, "yexp")
  oldfname <- attr(data, "fname")
  if(is.null(oldyexp)) {
    fname <- cl
    yexp <- substitute(f(xname), list(f=as.name(fname), xname=as.name(xname)))
  } else {
    ## map 'cbind(....)' to "." for name of function only
    cb <- paste("cbind(",
                paste(used.dotnames, collapse=","),
                ")", sep="")
    compresselang <- gsub(cb, ".", flat.deparse(expandelang), fixed=TRUE)
    compresselang <- as.formula(paste(compresselang, "~1"))[[2L]]
    ## construct mapping using original function name
    labmap <- fvlabelmap(data, dot=TRUE)
    labmap[["."]] <- oldyexp
    yexp <- eval(substitute(substitute(ee, ff), 
                            list(ee=compresselang, ff=labmap)))
    labmap2 <- labmap
    labmap2[["."]] <- as.name(oldfname)
    fname <- eval(substitute(substitute(ee, ff), 
    fname <- paren(flat.deparse(fname))
  ## construct mathematical labels
  mathlabl <- as.character(fvlegend(data, expandelang))
  mathlabl <- gsub("[[:space:]]+", " ", mathlabl)
  labl <- colnames(results)
  mathmap <- match(labl, used.dotnames)
  okmath <- !is.na(mathmap)
  labl[okmath] <- mathlabl[mathmap[okmath]]
  ## form fv object and return
  out <- fv(results, argu=xname, valu=newyname, labl=labl,
            desc=desc, alim=attr(data, "alim"), fmla=fmla,
            unitname=unitname(data), fname=fname, yexp=yexp, ylab=yexp)
  fvnames(out, ".") <- dotnames

## method for 'range'

range.fv <- local({

  getValues <- function(x) {
    xdat <- as.matrix(as.data.frame(x))
    yall <- fvnames(x, ".")
    vals <- xdat[, yall]
  range.fv <- function(..., na.rm=TRUE, finite=na.rm) {
    aarg <- list(...)
    isfun <- sapply(aarg, is.fv)
      aarg[isfun] <- lapply(aarg[isfun], getValues)
    z <- do.call(range, append(aarg, list(na.rm=na.rm, finite=finite)))


min.fv <- function(..., na.rm=TRUE, finite=na.rm) {
  range(..., na.rm=TRUE, finite=na.rm)[1L]

max.fv <- function(..., na.rm=TRUE, finite=na.rm) {
  range(..., na.rm=TRUE, finite=na.rm)[2L]

## stieltjes integration for fv objects

stieltjes <- function(f, M, ...) {
  ## stieltjes integral of f(x) dM(x)
  if(is.stepfun(M)) {
    envM <- environment(M)
    #' jump locations
    x <- get("x", envir=envM)
    #' values of integrand
    fx <- f(x, ...)
    #' jump amounts
    xx <- c(-Inf, (x[-1L] + x[-length(x)])/2, Inf)
    dM <- diff(M(xx))
    #' integrate f(x) dM(x)
    f.dM <- fx * dM
    result <- sum(f.dM[is.finite(f.dM)])
  } else if(is.fv(M)) {
    ## integration variable
    argu <- attr(M, "argu")
    x <- M[[argu]]
    ## values of integrand
    fx <- f(x, ...)
    ## estimates of measure
    valuenames <- names(M) [names(M) != argu]
    Mother <- as.data.frame(M)[, valuenames]
    Mother <- as.matrix(Mother, nrow=nrow(M))
    ## increments of measure
    dM <- apply(Mother, 2, diff)
    dM <- rbind(dM, 0)
    ## integrate f(x) dM(x)
    f.dM <- fx * dM
    f.dM[!is.finite(f.dM)] <- 0
    results <- colSums(f.dM)
    results <- as.list(results)
    names(results) <- valuenames
  } else stop("M must be an object of class fv or stepfun")

prefixfv <- function(x, tagprefix="", descprefix="", lablprefix=tagprefix,
                     whichtags=fvnames(x, "*")) {
  ## attach a prefix to fv information 
  att <- attributes(x)
  relevant <- names(x) %in% whichtags
  oldtags <- names(x)[relevant]
  newtags <- paste(tagprefix, oldtags, sep="")
  newlabl <- paste(lablprefix, att$labl[relevant], sep="")
  newdesc <- paste(descprefix, att$desc[relevant])
  y <- rebadge.fv(x, tags=oldtags,

reconcile.fv <- local({

  reconcile.fv <- function(...) {
    ## reconcile several fv objects by finding the columns they share in common
    z <- list(...)
    if(!all(unlist(lapply(z, is.fv)))) {
      if(length(z) == 1 &&
         is.list(z[[1L]]) &&
         all(unlist(lapply(z[[1L]], is.fv))))
        z <- z[[1L]]
        stop("all arguments should be fv objects")
    n <- length(z)
    if(n <= 1) return(z)
    ## find columns that are common to all estimates
    keepcolumns <- names(z[[1L]])
    keepvalues <- fvnames(z[[1L]], "*")
    for(i in 2:n) {
      keepcolumns <- intersect(keepcolumns, names(z[[i]]))
      keepvalues <- intersect(keepvalues, fvnames(z[[i]], "*"))
    if(length(keepvalues) == 0)
      stop("cannot reconcile fv objects: they have no columns in common")
    ## determine name of the 'preferred' column
    prefs <- unlist(lapply(z, fvnames, a=".y"))
    prefskeep <- prefs[prefs %in% keepvalues]
    if(length(prefskeep) > 0) {
      ## pick the most popular
      chosen <- unique(prefskeep)[which.max(table(prefskeep))]
    } else {
      ## drat - pick a value arbitrarily
      chosen <- keepvalues[1L]
    z <- lapply(z, rebadge.fv, new.preferred=chosen)
    z <- lapply(z, "[.fv", j=keepcolumns)
    ## also clip to the same r values
    rmax <- min(sapply(z, maxrval))
    z <- lapply(z, cliprmax, rmax=rmax)

  maxrval <- function(x) { max(with(x, .x)) }
  cliprmax <- function(x, rmax) { x[ with(x, .x) <= rmax, ] }

as.function.fv <- function(x, ..., value=".y", extrapolate=FALSE) {
  value.orig <- value
  ## extract function argument
  xx <- with(x, .x)
  ## extract all function values 
  yy <- as.data.frame(x)[, fvnames(x, "*"), drop=FALSE]
  ## determine which value(s) to supply
    stop("value should be a string or vector specifying columns of x")
  if(!all(value %in% colnames(yy))) {
    expandvalue <- try(fvnames(x, value))
    if(!inherits(expandvalue, "try-error")) {
      value <- expandvalue
    } else stop("Unable to determine columns of x")
  yy <- yy[,value, drop=FALSE]
  argname <- fvnames(x, ".x")
  ## determine extrapolation rule (1=NA, 2=most extreme value)
  stopifnot(length(extrapolate) %in% 1:2)
  endrule <- 1 + extrapolate
  ## make function(s)
  if(length(value) == 1 && !identical(value.orig, "*")) {
    ## make a single 'approxfun' and return it
    f <- approxfun(xx, yy[,,drop=TRUE], rule=endrule)
    ## magic
    names(formals(f))[1L] <- argname
    body(f)[[4L]] <- as.name(argname)
  } else {
    ## make a list of 'approxfuns' with different function values
    funs <- lapply(yy, approxfun, x = xx, rule = endrule)
    ## return a function which selects the appropriate 'approxfun' and executes
    f <- function(xxxx, what=value) {
      what <- match.arg(what)
    ## recast function definition
    ## ('any sufficiently advanced technology is
    ##   indistinguishable from magic' -- Arthur C. Clarke)
    formals(f)[[2L]] <- value
    names(formals(f))[1L] <- argname
    ##    body(f)[[3L]][[2L]] <- as.name(argname)
    body(f) <- eval(substitute(substitute(z,
  class(f) <- c("fvfun", class(f))
  attr(f, "fname") <- attr(x, "fname")
  attr(f, "yexp") <- attr(x, "yexp")

print.fvfun <- function(x, ...) {
  y <- args(x)
  yexp <- as.expression(attr(x, "yexp"))
  body(y) <- as.name(paste("Returns interpolated value of", yexp))
  print(y, ...)

findcbind <- function(root, depth=0, maxdepth=1000) {
  ## recursive search through a parse tree to find calls to 'cbind'
  if(depth > maxdepth) stop("Reached maximum depth")
  if(length(root) == 1) return(NULL)
  if(identical(as.name(root[[1L]]), as.name("cbind"))) return(list(numeric(0)))
  out <- NULL
  for(i in 2:length(root)) {
    di <- findcbind(root[[i]], depth+1, maxdepth)
      out <- append(out, lapply(di, append, values=i, after=FALSE))

.MathOpNames <- c("+", "-", "*", "/",
                  "^", "%%", "%/%",
                  "&", "|", "!",
                  "==", "!=", "<", "<=", ">=", ">")

distributecbind <- local({

  distributecbind <- function(x) {
    ## x is an expression involving a call to 'cbind'
    ## return a vector of expressions, each obtained by replacing 'cbind(...)'
    ## by one of its arguments in turn.
    stopifnot(typeof(x) == "expression")
    xlang <- x[[1L]]
    locations <- findcbind(xlang)
    if(length(locations) == 0)
    ## cbind might occur more than once
    ## check that the number of arguments is the same each time
    narg <- unique(sapply(locations, nargs.in.expr, e=xlang))
    if(length(narg) > 1) 
    out <- NULL
    if(narg > 0) {
      for(i in 1:narg) {
        ## make a version of the expression
        ## in which cbind() is replaced by its i'th argument
        fakexlang <- xlang
        for(loc in locations) {
          if(length(loc) > 0) {
            ## usual case: 'loc' is integer vector representing nested index
            cbindcall <- xlang[[loc]]
            ## extract i-th argument
            argi <- cbindcall[[i+1]]
            ## if argument is an expression, enclose it in parentheses
            if(length(argi) > 1 && paste(argi[[1L]]) %in% .MathOpNames)
              argi <- substitute((x), list(x=argi))
            ## replace cbind call by its i-th argument
            fakexlang[[loc]] <- argi
          } else {
            ## special case: 'loc' = integer(0) representing xlang itself
            cbindcall <- xlang
            ## extract i-th argument
            argi <- cbindcall[[i+1L]]
            ## replace cbind call by its i-th argument
            fakexlang <- cbindcall[[i+1L]]
        ## add to final expression
        out <- c(out, as.expression(fakexlang))

  nargs.in.expr <- function(loc, e) {
    n <- if(length(loc) > 0) length(e[[loc]]) else length(e)
    return(n - 1L)


## Form a new 'fv' object as a ratio

ratfv <- function(df, numer, denom, ..., ratio=TRUE) {
  ## Determine y
  if(!missing(df) && !is.null(df)) {
    y <- fv(df, ...)
    num <- NULL
  } else {
    ## Compute numer/denom
    ## Numerator must be a data frame
    num <- fv(numer, ...)    
    ## Denominator may be a data frame or a constant
    y <- eval.fv(num/denom)
    ## relabel
    y <- fv(as.data.frame(y), ...)
  if(is.null(num)) {
    ## Compute num = y * denom
    ## Denominator may be a data frame or a constant
    num <- eval.fv(y * denom)
    ## ditch labels
    num <- fv(as.data.frame(num), ...)
  ## make denominator an fv object
  if(is.data.frame(denom)) {
    den <- fv(denom, ...)
  } else if(is.numeric(denom)) {
    ## numeric scalar or vector
    nd <- length(denom)
    if(nd != 1 && nd != (ny <- nrow(y)))
      stop(paste("Length of 'denom'", paren(paste0("=", nd)),
                 "is not equal to length of numerator", paren(paste0("=", ny))))
    ## replicate it in all the data columns
    dendf <- as.data.frame(num)
    valuecols <- (names(num) != fvnames(num, ".x"))
    dendf[, valuecols] <- denom
    den <- fv(dendf, ...)
  } else stop("'denom' should be a data frame, a numeric constant, or a numeric vector")
  ## tweak the descriptions
  ok <- (names(y) != fvnames(y, ".x"))
  attr(num, "desc")[ok] <- paste("numerator of",   attr(num, "desc")[ok])
  attr(den, "desc")[ok] <- paste("denominator of", attr(den, "desc")[ok])
  ## form ratio object
  y <- rat(y, num, den, check=FALSE)

## Tack new column(s) onto a ratio fv object

bind.ratfv <- function(x, numerator=NULL, denominator=NULL, 
                       labl = NULL, desc = NULL, preferred = NULL,
		       quotient=NULL) {
  if(ratio && !inherits(x, "rat"))
    stop("ratio=TRUE is set, but x has no ratio information", call.=FALSE)
  if(is.null(numerator) && !is.null(denominator) && !is.null(quotient))
    numerator <- quotient * denominator
  if(is.null(denominator) && inherits(numerator, "rat")) {
    ## extract numerator & denominator from ratio object
    both <- numerator
    denominator <- attr(both, "denominator")
    usenames <- fvnames(both, ".a")
    numerator   <- as.data.frame(both)[,usenames,drop=FALSE]
    denominator <- as.data.frame(denominator)[,usenames,drop=FALSE]
    ##  labels default to those of ratio object
    ma <- match(usenames, colnames(both))
    if(is.null(labl)) labl <- attr(both, "labl")[ma]
    if(is.null(desc)) desc <- attr(both, "desc")[ma]
  # calculate ratio
  #    The argument 'quotient' is rarely needed 
  #    except to avoid 0/0 or to improve accuracy
    quotient <- numerator/denominator
  # bind new column to x   
  y <- bind.fv(x, quotient,
               labl=labl, desc=desc, preferred=preferred)
  ## convert scalar denominator to data frame
  if(!is.data.frame(denominator)) {
    if(!is.numeric(denominator) || !is.vector(denominator))
      stop("Denominator should be a data frame or a numeric vector")
    nd <- length(denominator)
    if(nd != 1 && nd != nrow(x))
      stop("Denominator has wrong length")
    dvalue <- denominator
    denominator <- numerator
    denominator[] <- dvalue
  ## Now fuse with x
  num <- attr(x, "numerator")
  den <- attr(x, "denominator")
  num <- bind.fv(num, numerator,
                 labl=labl, desc=paste("numerator of", desc),
  den <- bind.fv(den, denominator,
                 labl=labl, desc=paste("denominator of", desc),
  y <- rat(y, num, den, check=FALSE)

conform.ratfv <- function(x) {
  ## harmonise display properties in components of a ratio
  stopifnot(inherits(x, "rat"), is.fv(x))
  num <- attr(x, "numerator")
  den <- attr(x, "denominator")
  formula(num) <- formula(den) <- formula(x)
  fvnames(num, ".") <- fvnames(den, ".") <- fvnames(x, ".")
  unitname(num)     <- unitname(den)     <- unitname(x)
  attr(x, "numerator") <- num
  attr(x, "denominator") <- den

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spatstat.core documentation built on May 18, 2022, 9:05 a.m.