#' linnetsurgery.R
#' Surgery on linear networks and related objects
#' $Revision: 1.35 $ $Date: 2024/06/05 08:57:15 $
insertVertices <- function(L, ...) {
if(!inherits(L, c("lpp", "linnet")))
stop("L should be a linear network (linnet) or point pattern (lpp)",
if(haspoints <- is.lpp(L)) {
X <- L
L <- as.linnet(L)
cooXnew <- cooXold <- coords(X)
segXold <- cooXold$seg
tpXold <- cooXold$tp
## validate new vertices
V <- as.lpp(..., L=L)
if(!identical(as.linnet(L, sparse=TRUE), as.linnet(V, sparse=TRUE)))
stop("New vertices must lie on exactly the same network as L")
## trivial case
if(npoints(V) == 0) {
attr(L, "id") <- integer(0)
if(!haspoints) {
} else {
X$domain <- L
## extract new vertex coordinates
co <- coords(V)
seg <- co$seg
tp <- co$tp
## determine which segments will be split
splitsegments <- sortunique(seg)
notsplit <- rep(TRUE, nsegments(L))
notsplit[splitsegments] <- FALSE
## un-split segments will be retained and listed first,
## followed by the new pieces.
## Compute new serial numbers for the un-split segments.
segmap <- cumsum(notsplit)
nunsplit <- sum(notsplit)
## existing vertices
v <- L$vertices
n <- npoints(v)
## initialise lists of new vertices and edges
nadd <- 0
vadd <- list(x=numeric(0), y=numeric(0))
fromadd <- toadd <- id <- integer(0)
## initialise mapping from output segments to input segments
comefrom <- which(notsplit)
## split segments containing new vertices
for(theseg in splitsegments) {
## find new vertices lying on segment 'theseg'
those <- (seg == theseg)
idthose <- which(those)
## order the new vertices along this segment
tt <- tp[those]
oo <- order(tt)
tt <- tt[oo]
idadd <- idthose[oo]
## make new vertices
i <- L$from[theseg]
j <- L$to[theseg]
xnew <- with(v, x[i] + tt * diff(x[c(i,j)]))
ynew <- with(v, y[i] + tt * diff(y[c(i,j)]))
vnew <- list(x=xnew, y=ynew)
nnew <- length(tt)
## replace edge i ~ j with edges i ~ k and k ~ j
kk <- n + nadd + seq_len(nnew)
fromnew <- c(i, kk)
tonew <- c(kk, j)
nnewseg <- nnew + 1L
## add new vertices and edges to running total
nadd <- nadd + nnew
vadd <- concatxy(vadd, vnew)
fromadd <- c(fromadd, fromnew)
toadd <- c(toadd, tonew)
id <- c(id, idadd)
comefrom <- c(comefrom, rep(theseg, nnewseg))
## handle data points if any
if(haspoints && any(relevant <- (segXold == theseg))) {
tx <- tpXold[relevant]
ttt <- c(0, tt, 1)
m <- findInterval(tx, ttt, rightmost.closed=TRUE, all.inside=TRUE)
t0 <- ttt[m]
t1 <- ttt[m+1L]
tpXnew <- (tx - t0)/(t1-t0)
tpXnew <- pmin(1, pmax(0, tpXnew))
n0 <- nunsplit + length(fromadd) - nnewseg
segXnew <- n0 + m
cooXnew$seg[relevant] <- segXnew
cooXnew$tp[relevant] <- tpXnew
newfrom <- c(L$from[-splitsegments], fromadd)
newto <- c(L$to[-splitsegments], toadd)
edges <- cbind(newfrom, newto)
reverse <- (newfrom > newto)
if(anyrev <- any(reverse))
edges[reverse, ] <- edges[reverse, c(2,1)]
newv <- superimpose(v, vadd, check=FALSE)
Lnew <- linnet(newv,
sparse=identical(L$sparse, TRUE),
#' save information on provenance of line segments
S <- Lnew$lines
attr(S, "comefrom") <- comefrom
if(length(comefrom) != nsegments(S))
stop(paste("Internal error: length of provenance vector =",
length(comefrom), "!=", nsegments(S), "= number of segments"),
#' copy marks
if(!is.null(marx <- marks(L$lines)))
marks(S) <- marksubset(marx, comefrom)
Lnew$lines <- S
#' save information identifying the new vertices in the new network
newid <- integer(nadd)
newid[id] <- n + 1:nadd
attr(Lnew, "id") <- newid
## adjust segment id for data points on segments that were not split
Xnotsplit <- notsplit[segXold]
cooXnew$seg[Xnotsplit] <- segmap[segXold[Xnotsplit]]
## adjust local coordinates if segment was reversed
if(anyrev) {
reversing <- reverse[cooXnew$seg]
cooXnew$tp[reversing] <- 1 - cooXnew$tp[reversing]
Xnew <- lpp(cooXnew, Lnew)
marks(Xnew) <- marks(X)
attr(Xnew, "id") <- newid
joinVertices <- function(L, from, to, marks=NULL) {
if(!inherits(L, c("lpp", "linnet")))
stop("L should be a linear network (linnet) or point pattern (lpp)",
if(haspoints <- is.lpp(L)) {
X <- L
L <- as.linnet(L)
Xdf <-
if((missing(to) || is.null(to)) && !is.null(dim(from)) && ncol(from) == 2) {
to <- from[,2]
from <- from[,1]
newfrom <- as.integer(from)
newto <- as.integer(to)
edges <- cbind(c(L$from, newfrom), c(L$to, newto))
Lnew <- linnet(vertices(L), edges=edges, sparse=L$sparse, warn=FALSE)
#' assign marks only if provided
if(!is.null(marks)) {
marxnew <- (marks(L$lines) %mapp% marks) %msub% !duplicated(edges)
marks(Lnew$lines) <- marxnew
if(!is.null(L$toler)) Lnew$toler <- L$toler
if(!haspoints) return(Lnew)
X <- lpp(Xdf, Lnew)
repairNetwork <- function(X) {
if(!inherits(X, c("linnet", "lpp")))
stop("X should be a linnet or lpp object", call.=FALSE)
L <- as.linnet(X)
V <- vertices(L)
S <- L$lines
from <- L$from
to <- L$to
## check consistency between 'from,to' and 'lines'
Sfrom <- endpoints.psp(S, "first")
Sto <- endpoints.psp(S, "second")
fromV <- nncross(Sfrom, V, what="which")
toV <- nncross(Sto, V, what="which")
problem <- NULL
if(length(from) != nsegments(S)) {
problem <- "Network data implied different numbers of edges"
} else if(any(to != toV) || any(from != fromV)) {
#' find genuinely different vertices
tol <- L$toler %orifnull% default.linnet.tolerance(S)
clash <- (from != fromV)
ss <- Sfrom[clash]
vv <- V[from[clash]]
d <- sqrt((ss$x - vv$x)^2 + (ss$y - vv$y)^2)
bad <- (max(d) > tol)
if(!bad) {
clash <- (to != toV)
ss <- Sto[clash]
vv <- V[to[clash]]
d <- sqrt((ss$x - vv$x)^2 + (ss$y - vv$y)^2)
bad <- (max(d) > tol)
problem <- "Edge indices did not agree with segment endpoints"
if(!is.null(problem)) {
if(is.marked(S)) {
solution <- "edge indices were recomputed from line geometry"
from <- L$from <- fromV
to <- L$to <- toV
} else {
solution <- "lines were rebuilt from edge indices"
xx <- V$x
yy <- V$y
L$lines <- psp(xx[from], yy[from], xx[to], yy[to], window=Window(V),
warning(paste0(problem, "; ", solution), call.=FALSE)
reverse <- (from > to)
if(any(reverse)) {
newfrom <- ifelse(reverse, to, from)
newto <- ifelse(reverse, from, to)
from <- L$from <- newfrom
to <- L$to <- newto
L$lines$ends[reverse,] <- L$lines$ends[reverse, c(3,4,1,2)]
if(is.lpp(X)) { X$domain <- L } else { X <- L }
edgepairs <- cbind(from, to)
retainedges <- !duplicated( & (from != to)
keepall <- all(retainedges)
if(is.lpp(X) && (!keepall || any(reverse))) {
#' adjust segment coordinates
cooX <- coords(X) # hyperframe, may include marks
oldseg <- as.integer(unlist(cooX$seg))
oldtp <- as.numeric(unlist(cooX$tp))
if(keepall) {
newseg <- oldseg
} else {
segmap <- uniquemap(
newseg <- segmap[oldseg]
newtp <- ifelse(reverse[oldseg], 1 - oldtp, oldtp)
cooX$seg <- newseg
cooX$tp <- newtp
coords(X) <- cooX
Y <- thinNetwork(X, retainedges=retainedges)
thinNetwork <- function(X, retainvertices=NULL, retainedges=NULL) {
## thin a network by retaining only the specified edges and/or vertices
if(!inherits(X, c("linnet", "lpp", "linim")))
stop("X should be a linnet or lpp or linim object", call.=FALSE)
gotvert <- !is.null(retainvertices)
gotedge <- !is.null(retainedges)
if(!gotedge && !gotvert)
#' .................. extract data ...................
L <- as.linnet(X)
from <- L$from
to <- L$to
V <- L$vertices
sparse <- identical(L$sparse, TRUE)
edgemarks <- marks(L$lines) # vertex marks are handled automatically
#' ..................................................
#' determine which edges/vertices are to be retained
edgesFALSE <- logical(nsegments(L))
verticesFALSE <- logical(npoints(V))
if(!gotedge) {
retainedges <- edgesFALSE
} else if(!is.logical(retainedges)) {
z <- edgesFALSE
z[retainedges] <- TRUE
retainedges <- z
if(!gotvert) {
retainvertices <- verticesFALSE
} else if(!is.logical(retainvertices)) {
z <- verticesFALSE
z[retainvertices] <- TRUE
retainvertices <- z
if(gotvert && !gotedge) {
## retain all edges between retained vertices
retainedges <- retainvertices[from] & retainvertices[to]
} else if(gotedge) {
## retain vertices required for the retained edges
retainvertices[from[retainedges]] <- TRUE
retainvertices[to[retainedges]] <- TRUE
#' ................ make sub-network .................
## assign new serial numbers to vertices, and recode
Vsub <- V[retainvertices]
newserial <- cumsum(retainvertices)
newfrom <- newserial[from[retainedges]]
newto <- newserial[to[retainedges]]
## remove duplicate segments
reverse <- (newfrom > newto)
edgepairs <- cbind(ifelse(reverse, newto, newfrom),
ifelse(reverse, newfrom, newto))
nontrivial <- (newfrom != newto) & !duplicated(edgepairs)
edgepairs <- edgepairs[nontrivial,,drop=FALSE]
reverse <- reverse[nontrivial]
## construct relevant subset of network
Lsub <- linnet(Vsub, edges=edgepairs, sparse=sparse, warn=FALSE)
## reattach marks to edges
marks(Lsub$lines) <- marksubset(edgemarks, retainedges)
## tack on information about subset
attr(Lsub, "retainvertices") <- retainvertices
attr(Lsub, "retainedges") <- retainedges
#' ............... handle data on the network .............
if(inherits(X, "linnet")) {
} else if(inherits(X, "linim")) {
#' extract pixel data
Xim <-
XimLsub <- Xim[Lsub, drop=FALSE]
#' extract data frame of sample points and image values on subset
df <- attr(X, "df")
segid <- as.integer(df$mapXY)
dfsub <- df[retainedges[segid], , drop=FALSE]
#' assign new serial numbers to retained segments
segmap <- cumsum(retainedges)
oldseg <- segid[retainedges[segid]]
newseg <- segmap[oldseg]
dfsub$mapXY <- newseg
## adjust tp coordinate if segment endpoints were reversed
if(any(revseg <- reverse[newseg])) {
tp <- as.numeric(unlist(dfsub$tp))
dfsub$tp[revseg] <- 1 - tp[revseg]
## make new linim object
Y <- linim(Lsub, XimLsub, df=dfsub)
} else {
## X is an lpp object
## Find data points that lie on accepted segments
dat <- X$data # hyperframe, may include marks
ok <- retainedges[unlist(dat$seg)]
dsub <- dat[ok, , drop=FALSE]
## compute new serial numbers for retained segments
segmap <- cumsum(retainedges)
oldseg <- as.integer(unlist(dsub$seg))
dsub$seg <- newseg <- segmap[oldseg]
## adjust tp coordinate if segment endpoints were reversed
if(any(revseg <- reverse[newseg])) {
tp <- as.numeric(unlist(dsub$tp))
dsub$tp[revseg] <- 1 - tp[revseg]
## make new lpp object
Y <- ppx(data=dsub, domain=Lsub, coord.type=as.character(X$ctype))
class(Y) <- c("lpp", class(Y))
## tack on information about subset
attr(Y, "retainpoints") <- ok
validate.lpp.coords <- function(X, fatal=TRUE, context="") {
## check for mangled internal data
proj <- project2segment(as.ppp(X), as.psp(as.linnet(X)))
seg.claimed <- coords(X)$seg
seg.mapped <- proj$mapXY
if(any(seg.claimed != seg.mapped)) {
whinge <- paste("Incorrect segment id", context)
if(fatal) stop(whinge, call.=FALSE) else warning(whinge, call.=FALSE)
tp.claimed <- coords(X)$tp
tp.mapped <- proj$tp
v <- max(abs(tp.claimed - tp.mapped))
if(v > 0.01) {
whinge <- paste("Incorrect 'tp' coordinate",
paren(paste("max discrepancy", v)),
if(fatal) stop(whinge, call.=FALSE) else warning(whinge, call.=FALSE)
addVertices <- function(L, X, join=NULL, joinmarks=NULL) {
if(!inherits(L, c("lpp", "linnet")))
stop("L should be a linear network (linnet) or point pattern (lpp)",
X <- as.ppp(X)
if(haspoints <- is.lpp(L)) {
Y <- L
L <- as.linnet(L)
sparse <- L$sparse || is.null(L$dpath)
V <- vertices(L)
nV <- npoints(V)
from <- L$from
to <- L$to
## new vertices
nX <- npoints(X)
Vplus <- superimpose(V, X, check=FALSE)
nplus <- npoints(Vplus)
iold <- seq_len(nV)
inew <- nV + seq_len(nX)
## make new network
Lplus <- L
Lplus$vertices <- Vplus
Lplus$window <- Window(Vplus)
Lplus$sparse <- sparse
## 'lines', 'from', 'to', 'toler' are unchanged
mplus <- sparseMatrix(i=c(from, to), j=c(to,from), x=TRUE,
dims=c(nplus, nplus))
if(!sparse) mplus <- as.matrix(mplus)
Lplus$m <- mplus
if(!sparse) {
dold <- L$dpath
dnew <- matrix(Inf, nplus, nplus)
diag(dnew) <- 0
dnew[iold, iold] <- dold
Lplus$dpath <- dnew
if(haspoints) {
Y$domain <- Lplus # sufficient; point coordinates are still valid
out <- if(haspoints) Y else Lplus
## optionally join new vertices to existing network
if(!is.null(join)) {
if(is.numeric(join)) {
check.nvector(join, nX, things="points of X", vname="join")
out <- joinVertices(out, inew, join, marks=joinmarks)
} else if(is.character(join)) {
join <- match.arg(join, c("vertices", "nearest"))
join <- nncross(X, V, what="which")
out <- joinVertices(out, inew, join, marks=joinmarks)
nearest ={
#' find nearest points on L
p <- project2segment(X, as.psp(Lplus))
locX <- data.frame(seg=p$mapXY, tp=p$tp)
#' make them vertices
out <- insertVertices(out, locX)
#' join X to these new vertices
joinid <- attr(out, "id")
out <- joinVertices(out, inew, joinid, marks=joinmarks)
} else if(is.lpp(join)) {
stopifnot(npoints(join) == npoints(X))
out <- insertVertices(out, join)
joinid <- attr(out, "id")
out <- joinVertices(out, inew, joinid, marks=joinmarks)
} else stop("Format of 'join' is not understood", call.=FALSE)
attr(out, "id") <- inew
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