
Defines functions rthinEngine rthin thinjump rcell rstrat rPoissonClusterEngine rPoissonCluster rSSI rMaternInhibition rMaternII rMaternI rpoispp rpoint runifpoispp runifpoint runifdisc

Documented in rcell rMaternI rMaternII rMaternInhibition rpoint rpoispp rPoissonCluster rPoissonClusterEngine rSSI rstrat rthin rthinEngine runifdisc runifpoint runifpoispp thinjump

##    random.R
##    Functions for generating random point patterns
##    $Revision: 4.119 $   $Date: 2024/06/08 23:48:41 $
##    runifpoint()      n i.i.d. uniform random points ("binomial process")
##    runifdisc()       special case of disc (faster)
##    runifpoispp()     uniform Poisson point process
##    rpoispp()         general Poisson point process (thinning method)
##    rpoint()          n independent random points (rejection/pixel list)
##    rMaternI()        Mat'ern model I 
##    rMaternII()       Mat'ern model II
##    rMaternInhibition Generalisation

##    rSSI()            Simple Sequential Inhibition process
##    rPoissonCluster() generic Poisson cluster process
##    rGaussPoisson()   Gauss-Poisson process
##    rthin()           independent random thinning
##    rcell()           Baddeley-Silverman cell process
##    Examples:
##          u01 <- owin(0:1,0:1)
##          plot(runifpoispp(100, u01))
##          X <- rpoispp(function(x,y) {100 * (1-x/2)}, 100, u01)
##          X <- rpoispp(function(x,y) {ifelse(x < 0.5, 100, 20)}, 100)
##          plot(X)
##          plot(rMaternI(100, 0.02))
##          plot(rMaternII(100, 0.05))

runifdisc <- function(n, radius=1, centre=c(0,0), ..., nsim=1, drop=TRUE)
  ## i.i.d. uniform points in the disc of radius r and centre (x,y)
  stopifnot(radius > 0)
  if(!missing(nsim)) {
    stopifnot(nsim >= 0)
  disque <- disc(centre=centre, radius=radius, ...)
  twopi <- 2 * pi
  rad2 <- radius^2
  result <- vector(mode="list", length=nsim)
  for(isim in seq_len(nsim)) {
    theta <- runif(n, min=0, max=twopi)
    s <- sqrt(runif(n, min=0, max=rad2))
    result[[isim]] <- ppp(centre[1] + s * cos(theta),
                          centre[2] + s * sin(theta),
                          window=disque, check=FALSE)
  result <- simulationresult(result, nsim, drop)

runifpoint <- function(n, win=owin(c(0,1),c(0,1)),
                       giveup=1000, warn=TRUE, ...,
                       nsim=1, drop=TRUE, ex=NULL)
  if(!missing(nsim)) {
    stopifnot(nsim >= 0)
  if(missing(n) && missing(win) && !is.null(ex)) {
    n <- npoints(ex)
    win <- Window(ex)
  } else if(is.tess(win)) {
    W <- Window(win)
    pieces <- tiles(win)
    ntiles <- length(pieces)
    check.nvector(n, ntiles, things="tiles", oneok=TRUE, vname="n")
    if(length(n) == 1) n <- rep(n, ntiles)
    Y <- mapply(runifpoint, n=n, win=pieces,
                MoreArgs=list(nsim=nsim, drop=FALSE, giveup=giveup, warn=warn),
    result <- vector(mode="list", length=nsim)
    for(isim in seq_len(nsim)) {
      result[[isim]] <- superimpose(solapply(Y, "[[", i=isim), W=W, check=FALSE)
    result <- simulationresult(result, nsim, drop)
  } else {
    ## usual case
    win <- as.owin(win)
    stopifnot(n >= 0)

  if(n == 0) {
    emp <- ppp(window=win)
    result <- rep(list(emp), nsim)
    result <- simulationresult(result, nsim, drop)

  if(warn) {
    nhuge <- spatstat.options("huge.npoints")
    if(n > nhuge) {
      whinge <- paste("Attempting to generate", n, "random points")
      warning(whinge, call.=FALSE)

         rectangle = {
           return(runifrect(n, win, nsim=nsim, drop=drop))
         mask = {
           dx <- win$xstep
           dy <- win$ystep
           ## extract pixel coordinates and probabilities
           rxy <- rasterxy.mask(win, drop=TRUE)
           xpix <- rxy$x
           ypix <- rxy$y
           ## make a list of nsim point patterns
           result <- vector(mode="list", length=nsim)
           for(isim in seq_len(nsim)) {
             ## select pixels with equal probability
             id <- sample(seq_along(xpix), n, replace=TRUE)
             ## extract pixel centres and randomise within pixels
             x <- xpix[id] + runif(n, min= -dx/2, max=dx/2)
             y <- ypix[id] + runif(n, min= -dy/2, max=dy/2)
             result[[isim]] <- ppp(x, y, window=win, check=FALSE)
           ## make a list of nsim point patterns
           result <- vector(mode="list", length=nsim)
           for(isim in seq_len(nsim)) {
             ## rejection method
             ## initialise empty pattern
             x <- numeric(0)
             y <- numeric(0)
             X <- ppp(x, y, window=win)
             ## rectangle in which trial points will be generated
             box <- boundingbox(win)
             ntries <- 0
             repeat {
               ntries <- ntries + 1
               ## generate trial points in batches of n
               qq <- runifrect(n, box) 
               ## retain those which are inside 'win'
               qq <- qq[win]
               ## add them to result
               X <- superimpose(X, qq, W=win, check=FALSE)
               ## if we have enough points, exit
               if(X$n > n) {
                 result[[isim]] <- X[1:n]
               } else if(X$n == n) {
                 result[[isim]] <- X
               } else if(ntries >= giveup) {
                 ## otherwise get bored eventually
                 stop(paste("Gave up after", giveup * n, "trials,",
                            X$n, "points accepted"))
         stop("Unrecognised window type")
  ## list of point patterns produced.
  result <- simulationresult(result, nsim, drop)

runifpoispp <- function(lambda, win = owin(c(0,1),c(0,1)), ...,
                        nsim=1, drop=TRUE) {
  win <- as.owin(win)
  if(!is.numeric(lambda) || length(lambda) > 1 ||
     !is.finite(lambda) || lambda < 0)
    stop("Intensity lambda must be a single finite number >= 0")
  if(!missing(nsim)) {
    stopifnot(nsim >= 0)

  if(lambda == 0) {
    ## return empty pattern
    emp <- ppp(window=win)
    result <- rep(list(emp), nsim)
    result <- simulationresult(result, nsim, drop)

  ## will generate Poisson process in enclosing rectangle and trim it
  box <- boundingbox(win)
  meanN <- lambda * area(box)
  result <- vector(mode="list", length=nsim)
  for(isim in seq_len(nsim)) {
    n <- rpois(1, meanN)
      stop(paste("Unable to generate Poisson process with a mean of",
                 meanN, "points"))
    X <- runifpoint(n, box)
    ## trim to window
    if(win$type != "rectangle")
      X <- X[win]
    result[[isim]] <- X
  result <- simulationresult(result, nsim, drop)

rpoint <- function(n, f, fmax=NULL,
                   win=unit.square(), ..., giveup=1000, warn=TRUE, verbose=FALSE,
                   nsim=1, drop=TRUE, forcewin=FALSE) {
  if(missing(f) || (is.numeric(f) && length(f) == 1))
    ## uniform distribution
    return(runifpoint(n, win, giveup=giveup, warn=warn, nsim=nsim, drop=drop))
  ## non-uniform distribution....
  if(!is.function(f) && !is.im(f))
               "must be either a function or an",
               sQuote("im"), "object"))

  if(!missing(nsim)) {
    stopifnot(nsim >= 0)
  if(is.im(f)) {
    ## ------------ PIXEL IMAGE ---------------------
    if(forcewin) {
      ## force simulation points to lie inside 'win'
      f <- f[win, drop=FALSE]
      win.out <- win
    } else {
      ## default - ignore 'win'
      win.out <- as.owin(f)
    if(n == 0) {
      ## return empty pattern(s)
      emp <- ppp(window=win.out)
      result <- rep(list(emp), nsim)
      result <- simulationresult(result, nsim, drop)
    ## need to check simulated point coordinates?
    checkinside <- forcewin
    if(checkinside && is.rectangle(win) && is.subset.owin(Frame(f), win))
      checkinside <- FALSE
    ## prepare
    w <- as.mask(if(forcewin) f else win.out)
    M <- w$m
    dx <- w$xstep
    dy <- w$ystep
    halfdx <- dx/2.0
    halfdy <- dy/2.0
    ## extract pixel coordinates and probabilities
    rxy <- rasterxy.mask(w, drop=TRUE)
    xpix <- rxy$x
    ypix <- rxy$y
    npix <- length(xpix)
    ppix <- as.vector(f$v[M]) ## not normalised - OK
    ## generate
    result <- vector(mode="list", length=nsim)
    for(isim in seq_len(nsim)) {
      ## select pixels
      id <- sample(npix, n, replace=TRUE, prob=ppix)
      ## extract pixel centres and randomise location within pixels
      x <- xpix[id] + runif(n, min= -halfdx, max=halfdx)
      y <- ypix[id] + runif(n, min= -halfdy, max=halfdy)
      if(checkinside) {
        edgy <- which(!inside.owin(x,y,win.out))
        ## reject points just outside boundary
        ntries <- 0
        while((nedgy <- length(edgy)) > 0) {
          ntries <- ntries + 1
          ide <- sample(npix, nedgy, replace=TRUE, prob=ppix)
          x[edgy] <- xe <- xpix[ide] + runif(nedgy, min= -halfdx, max=halfdx)
          y[edgy] <- ye <- ypix[ide] + runif(nedgy, min= -halfdy, max=halfdy)
          edgy <- edgy[!inside.owin(xe, ye, win.out)]
          if(ntries > giveup) break;
      result[[isim]] <- ppp(x, y, window=win.out, check=FALSE)
    result <- simulationresult(result, nsim, drop)

  ## ------------ FUNCTION  ---------------------  
  ## Establish parameters for rejection method

  verifyclass(win, "owin")

  if(n == 0) {
    ## return empty pattern(s)
    emp <- ppp(window=win)
    result <- rep(list(emp), nsim)
    result <- simulationresult(result, nsim, drop)
  if(is.null(fmax)) {
    ## compute approx maximum value of f
    imag <- as.im(f, win, ...)
    summ <- summary(imag)
    fmax <- summ$max + 0.05 * diff(summ$range)
  irregular <- (win$type != "rectangle")
  box <- boundingbox(win)

  result <- vector(mode="list", length=nsim)
  for(isim in seq_len(nsim)) {

    ## initialise empty pattern
    X <- ppp(numeric(0), numeric(0), window=win)
    pbar <- 1
    nremaining <- n
    totngen <- 0
    ## generate uniform random points in batches
    ## and apply the rejection method.
    ## Collect any points that are retained in X

    ntries <- 0
      ntries <- ntries + 1
      ## proposal points
      ngen <- nremaining/pbar + 10
      totngen <- totngen + ngen
      prop <- runifrect(ngen, box)
        prop <- prop[win]
      if(prop$n > 0) {
        fvalues <- f(prop$x, prop$y, ...)
        paccept <- fvalues/fmax
        u <- runif(prop$n)
        ## accepted points
        Y <- prop[u < paccept]
        if(Y$n > 0) {
          ## add to X
          X <- superimpose(X, Y, W=win, check=FALSE)
          nX <- X$n
          pbar <- nX/totngen
          nremaining <- n - nX
          if(nremaining <= 0) {
            ## we have enough!
              splat("acceptance rate = ", round(100 * pbar, 2), "%")
            result[[isim]] <- if(nX == n) X else X[1:n]
      if(ntries > giveup)
        stop(paste("Gave up after",giveup * n,"trials with",
                   X$n, "points accepted"))
  result <- simulationresult(result, nsim, drop)

rpoispp <- function(lambda, lmax=NULL, win = owin(), ...,
                    nsim=1, drop=TRUE, ex=NULL,
                    forcewin=FALSE, warnwin=TRUE) {
  ## arguments:
  ##     lambda  intensity: constant, function(x,y,...) or image
  ##     lmax     maximum possible value of lambda(x,y,...)
  ##     win     default observation window (of class 'owin')
  ##   ...       arguments passed to lambda(x, y, ...)
  ##     nsim    number of replicate simulations

  if(!missing(nsim)) {
    stopifnot(nsim >= 0)
  if(missing(lambda) && is.null(lmax) && missing(win) && !is.null(ex)) {
    lambda <- intensity(unmark(ex))
    win <- Window(ex)
  } else {
    if(!(is.numeric(lambda) || is.function(lambda) || is.im(lambda)))
                 "must be a constant, a function or an image"))
    if(is.numeric(lambda) && !(length(lambda) == 1 && lambda >= 0))
                 "must be a single, nonnegative number"))
    if(!is.null(lmax)) {
        stop("lmax should be a number")
      if(length(lmax) > 1)
        stop("lmax should be a single number")
    win.given <- !missing(win) && !is.null(win)
    if(win.given) win <- as.owin(win)
    if(is.im(lambda)) {
      if(win.given && forcewin) {
        ## user-specified 'win' overrides default
        lambda <- lambda[win, drop=FALSE]
      } else {
        ## default 
        win <- rescue.rectangle(as.owin(lambda))
        if(win.given && warnwin)
          warning(paste("Argument", sQuote("win"), "ignored in rpoispp"),
  if(is.numeric(lambda)) {
    ## uniform Poisson
    return(runifpoispp(lambda, win, nsim=nsim, drop=drop))

  ## inhomogeneous Poisson
  ## perform thinning of uniform Poisson
  ## determine upper bound
  if(is.null(lmax)) {
    imag <- as.im(lambda, win, ...)
    summ <- summary(imag)
    lmax <- summ$max + 0.05 * diff(summ$range)

  if(is.function(lambda)) {
    ## function lambda
    #'      runifpoispp checks 'lmax'
    result <- runifpoispp(lmax, win, nsim=nsim, drop=FALSE)
    #'      result is a 'ppplist' with appropriate names
    for(isim in seq_len(nsim)) {
      X <- result[[isim]]
      if(X$n > 0) {
        prob <- lambda(X$x, X$y, ...)/lmax
        u <- runif(X$n)
        retain <- is.finite(prob) & (u <= prob)
        result[[isim]] <- X[retain]
    return(simulationresult(result, nsim, drop))

  if(is.im(lambda)) {
    ## image lambda
    if(spatstat.options("fastpois")) {
      ## new code: sample pixels directly
      mu <- integral(lambda)
      dx <- lambda$xstep/2
      dy <- lambda$ystep/2
      df <- as.data.frame(lambda)
      npix <- nrow(df)
      lpix <- df$value
      result <- vector(mode="list", length=nsim)
      nn <- rpois(nsim, mu)
        stop(paste("Unable to generate Poisson process with a mean of",
                   mu, "points"))
      for(isim in seq_len(nsim)) {
        ni <- nn[isim]
        ii <- sample.int(npix, size=ni, replace=TRUE, prob=lpix)
        xx <- df$x[ii] + runif(ni, -dx, dx)
        yy <- df$y[ii] + runif(ni, -dy, dy)
        result[[isim]] <- ppp(xx, yy, window=win, check=FALSE)
      result <- simulationresult(result, nsim, drop)
    } else {
      ## old code: thinning
      result <- runifpoispp(lmax, win, nsim=nsim, drop=FALSE)
      for(isim in seq_len(nsim)) {
        X <- result[[isim]]
        if(X$n > 0) {
          prob <- lambda[X, drop=FALSE]/lmax
          u <- runif(X$n)
          retain <- is.finite(prob) & (u <= prob)
          result[[isim]] <- X[retain]
      return(simulationresult(result, nsim, drop))
  stop(paste(sQuote("lambda"), "must be a constant, a function or an image"))
rMaternI <- function(kappa, r, win = owin(c(0,1),c(0,1)), stationary=TRUE,
                     ..., nsim=1, drop=TRUE)
                    kappa=kappa, r=r, win=win, stationary=stationary,
                    ..., nsim=nsim, drop=drop)

rMaternII <- function(kappa, r, win = owin(c(0,1),c(0,1)), stationary=TRUE,
                     ..., nsim=1, drop=TRUE)
                    kappa=kappa, r=r, win=win, stationary=stationary,
                    ..., nsim=nsim, drop=drop)

rMaternInhibition <- function(type, 
                              kappa, r, win = owin(c(0,1),c(0,1)),
                              ..., nsim=1, drop=TRUE) {
  stopifnot(is.numeric(r) && length(r) == 1)
  stopifnot(type %in% c(1,2))
  if(!missing(nsim)) {
    stopifnot(nsim >= 0)
  ## Resolve window class
  if(!inherits(win, c("owin", "box3", "boxx"))) {
    givenwin <- win
    win <- try(as.owin(givenwin), silent = TRUE)
    if(inherits(win, "try-error"))
      win <- try(as.boxx(givenwin), silent = TRUE)
    if(inherits(win, "try-error"))
      stop("Could not coerce argument win to a window (owin, box3 or boxx).")
  dimen <- spatdim(win)
  if(dimen == 2) {
    bigbox <- if(stationary) grow.rectangle(win, r) else win
    result <- rpoispp(kappa, win = bigbox, nsim = nsim, drop=FALSE)
  } else if(dimen == 3) {
    bigbox <- if(stationary) grow.box3(win, r) else win
    result <- rpoispp3(kappa, domain = bigbox, nsim = nsim, drop=FALSE)
  } else {
    bigbox <- if(stationary) grow.boxx(win, r) else win
    result <- rpoisppx(kappa, domain = bigbox, nsim = nsim, drop=FALSE)
  for(isim in seq_len(nsim)) {
    Y <- result[[isim]]
    nY <- npoints(Y)
    if(type == 1) {
      ## Matern Model I
      if(nY > 1) {
        d <- nndist(Y)
        Y <- Y[d > r]
    } else {
      ## Matern Model II
      if(nY > 1) {
        ## matrix of squared pairwise distances
        d2 <- pairdist(Y, squared=TRUE)
        close <- (d2 <= r^2)
        ## random order 1:n
        age <- sample(seq_len(nY), nY, replace=FALSE)
        earlier <- outer(age, age, ">")
        conflict <- close & earlier
        ## delete <- apply(conflict, 1, any)
        delete <- matrowany(conflict)
        Y <- Y[!delete]
      Y <- Y[win]
    result[[isim]] <- Y
  if(nsim == 1 && drop) return(result[[1L]])
    result <- as.ppplist(result)

rSSI <- function(r, n=Inf, win = square(1), 
                 giveup = 1000, x.init=NULL, ...,
                 f=NULL, fmax=NULL,
                 nsim=1, drop=TRUE)
  win.given <- !missing(win) && !is.null(win)
  stopifnot(is.numeric(r) && length(r) == 1 && r >= 0)
  stopifnot(is.numeric(n) && length(n) == 1 && n >= 0)
  must.reach.n <- is.finite(n)
  if(!missing(nsim)) {
    stopifnot(nsim >= 1)
  if(!is.null(f)) {
    stopifnot(is.numeric(f) || is.im(f) || is.function(f))
    if(is.null(fmax) && !is.numeric(f))
      fmax <- if(is.im(f)) max(f) else max(as.im(f, win))
  result <- vector(mode="list", length=nsim)
  if(!win.given) win <- square(1)
  ## validate initial state
  if(is.null(x.init)) {
    ## start with empty pattern in specified window
    win <- as.owin(win)
    x.init <- ppp(numeric(0),numeric(0), window=win)
  } else {
    ## start with specified pattern
    if(!win.given) {
      win <- as.owin(x.init)
    } else {
      ## check compatibility of windows
      if(!identical(win, as.owin(x.init)))
        warning(paste("Argument", sQuote("win"),
                      "is not the same as the window of", sQuote("x.init")))
      x.init.new <- x.init[win]
      if(npoints(x.init.new) == 0)
        stop(paste("No points of x.init lie inside the specified window",
      nlost <- npoints(x.init) - npoints(x.init.new)
      if(nlost > 0) 
        warning(paste(nlost, "out of",
                      npoints(x.init), "points of the pattern x.init",
                      "lay outside the specified window",
      x.init <- x.init.new
    if(n < npoints(x.init))
      stop(paste("x.init contains", npoints(x.init), "points",
                 "but a pattern containing only n =", n, "points", 
                 "is required"))
    if(n == npoints(x.init)) {
      warning(paste("Initial state x.init already contains", n, "points;",
                    "no further points were added"))
      result <- rep(list(x.init), nsim)
      result <- simulationresult(result, nsim, drop)
  #' validate radius and 'n' 
  r2 <- r^2
  winArea <- area(win)
  discarea <- pi * r2/4
  nmelt <- floor(winArea/discarea)
  packdensity <- pi * sqrt(3)/6
  npack <- floor(packdensity * winArea/discarea)
  if(is.finite(n)) {
    if(n > nmelt) {
      warning(paste("Window is too small to fit", n, "points",
                    "at minimum separation", r,
                    paren(paste("absolute maximum number is", nmelt))))
    } else if(n > npack) {
      warning(paste("Window is probably too small to fit", n, "points",
                    "at minimum separation", r,
                    paren(paste("packing limit is", nmelt))))

  #' start simulation 		    
  pstate <- list()
  for(isim in seq_len(nsim)) {
    if(nsim > 1) pstate <- progressreport(isim, nsim, state=pstate)
    ## Simple Sequential Inhibition process
    ## fixed number of points
    xx <- coords(x.init)$x
    yy <- coords(x.init)$y
    nn <- npoints(x.init)
    ## Naive implementation, proposals are uniform
    xprop <- yprop <- numeric(0)
    nblock <- if(is.finite(n)) n else min(1024, nmelt)
    ntries <- 0
    while(ntries < giveup) {
      ntries <- ntries + 1
      if(length(xprop) == 0) {
        ## generate some more proposal points
        prop <- if(is.null(f)) runifpoint(nblock, win) else
                               rpoint(nblock, f, fmax, win)
        xprop <- coords(prop)$x
        yprop <- coords(prop)$y
      ## extract next proposal
      xnew <- xprop[1L]
      ynew <- yprop[1L]
      xprop <- xprop[-1L]
      yprop <- yprop[-1L]
      ## check hard core constraint
      dx <- xnew - xx
      dy <- ynew - yy
      if(!any(dx^2 + dy^2 <= r2)) {
        xx <- c(xx, xnew)
        yy <- c(yy, ynew)
        nn <- nn + 1L
        ntries <- 0
      if(nn >= n)
    if(must.reach.n && nn < n)
      warning(paste("Gave up after", giveup,
                    "attempts with only", nn, "points placed out of", n))
    X <- ppp(xx, yy, window=win, check=FALSE)
    result[[isim]] <- X
  result <- simulationresult(result, nsim, drop)

rPoissonCluster <-
  function(kappa, expand, rcluster, win = owin(c(0,1),c(0,1)), ...,
           nsim=1, drop=TRUE, saveparents=TRUE, kappamax=NULL)
  ## Generic Poisson cluster process
  ## Implementation for bounded cluster radius
  ## 'rcluster' is a function(x,y) that takes the coordinates
  ## (x,y) of the parent point and generates a list(x,y) of offspring
  ## "..." are arguments to be passed to 'rcluster()'

  if(!missing(nsim)) {
    stopifnot(nsim >= 0)
    if(nsim == 0) return(simulationresult(list()))

  ## Catch old argument name rmax for expand, and allow rmax to be
  ## passed to rcluster (and then be ignored)
  if(missing(expand) && !is.null(rmax <- list(...)$rmax)) {
    warning("outdated usage in rPoissonCluster: 'rmax' should be 'expand'")
    expand <- rmax

  rPoissonClusterEngine(kappa=kappa, expand=expand, rcluster=rcluster,
                        win=win, nsim=nsim, drop=drop, saveparents=saveparents,
                        kappamax=kappamax, ...)

rPoissonClusterEngine <- function(kappa, expand=rmax, rcluster, win, ..., 
                                  nsim=1, drop=TRUE, saveparents=TRUE,
                                  kappamax=lmax, lmax=NULL, rmax=NULL) {
  ## Generate parents in dilated window
  win <- as.owin(win)
  frame <- boundingbox(win)
  dilated <- owinInternalRect(frame$xrange + c(-expand, expand),
                  frame$yrange + c(-expand, expand))

  if(is.im(kappa) && !is.subset.owin(dilated, as.owin(kappa)))
    stop(paste("The window in which the image",
               "is defined\n",
               "is not large enough to contain the dilation of the window",

  parentlist <- rpoispp(kappa, lmax=kappamax, win=dilated,
                        nsim=nsim, drop=FALSE)

  resultlist <- vector(mode="list", length=nsim)
  for(isim in seq_len(nsim)) {
    parents <- parentlist[[isim]]
    result <- NULL
    ## generate clusters
    np <- parents$n
    if(np > 0) {
      xparent <- parents$x
      yparent <- parents$y
      for(i in seq_len(np)) {
        ## generate random offspring of i-th parent point
        cluster <- rcluster(xparent[i], yparent[i], ...)
        if(!inherits(cluster, "ppp"))
          cluster <- ppp(cluster$x, cluster$y, window=frame, check=FALSE)
        ## skip if cluster is empty
        if(cluster$n > 0) {
          ## trim to window
          cluster <- cluster[win]
          if(is.null(result)) {
            ## initialise offspring pattern and offspring-to-parent map
            result <- cluster
            parentid <- rep.int(1, cluster$n)
          } else {
            ## add to pattern
            result <- superimpose(result, cluster, W=win, check=FALSE)
            ## update offspring-to-parent map
            parentid <- c(parentid, rep.int(i, cluster$n))
    } else {
      ## no parents - empty pattern
      result <- ppp(numeric(0), numeric(0), window=win)
      parentid <- integer(0)

    if(saveparents) {
      attr(result, "parents") <- parents
      attr(result, "parentid") <- parentid
      attr(result, "expand") <- expand
    resultlist[[isim]] <- result

  result <- simulationresult(resultlist, nsim, drop)

rGaussPoisson <- local({
  rGaussPoisson <- function(kappa, r, p2, win=owin(c(0,1), c(0,1)),
                            ..., nsim=1, drop=TRUE) {
    ## Gauss-Poisson process
    result <- rPoissonCluster(kappa, 1.05 * r, oneortwo,
                              win, radius=r/2, p2=p2, nsim=nsim, drop=drop)

  oneortwo <- function(x0, y0, radius, p2) {
    if(runif(1) > p2) 
      ## one point
      return(list(x=x0, y=y0))
    ## two points
    theta <- runif(1, min=0, max=2*pi)


rstrat <- function(win=square(1), nx, ny=nx, k=1, nsim=1, drop=TRUE) {
  win <- as.owin(win)
  stopifnot(nx >= 1 && ny >= 1)
  stopifnot(k >= 1)
  if(!missing(nsim)) {
    stopifnot(nsim >= 0)
  result <- vector(mode="list", length=nsim)
  for(isim in seq_len(nsim)) {
    xy <- stratrand(win, nx, ny, k)
    Xbox <- ppp(xy$x, xy$y, win$xrange, win$yrange, check=FALSE)
    result[[isim]] <- Xbox[win]
  result <- simulationresult(result, nsim, drop)

rcellnumber <- local({

  rcellnumber <- function(n, N=10, mu=1) {
    if(missing(mu) || mu == 1) {
      z <- rCellUnit(n=n, N=N)
    } else {
      z <- replicate(n, rCellCumul(x=mu, N=N))
  rCellUnit <- function(n, N=10) {
    if(!missing(N)) {
      if(round(N) != N) stop("N must be an integer")
      stopifnot(N > 1)
    u <- runif(n, min=0, max=1)
    p0 <- 1/N
    pN <- 1/(N * (N-1))
    k <- ifelse(u < p0, 0, ifelse(u < (1 - pN), 1, N))
  rCellCumul <- function(x, N=10) {
    n <- ceiling(x)
    if(n <= 0) return(0)
    y <- rCellUnit(n=n, N=N)
    if(n == x) return(sum(y))
    p <- x - (n-1)
    z <- sum(y[-1]) + rbinom(1, size=y[1], prob=p)


rcell <- function(win=square(1), nx=NULL, ny=nx, ...,
                  dx=NULL, dy=dx, N=10, nsim=1, drop=TRUE) {
  if(!missing(nsim)) {
    stopifnot(nsim >= 0)
    if(nsim == 0) return(simulationresult(list()))
  win <- as.owin(win)
  xr <- win$xrange
  yr <- win$yrange
  ## determine grid coordinates 
  if(missing(ny)) ny <- NULL
  if(missing(dy)) dy <- NULL
  g <- xy.grid(xr, yr, nx, ny, dx, dy)
  nx <- g$nx
  ny <- g$ny
  x0 <- g$x0
  y0 <- g$y0
  dx <- g$dx
  dy <- g$dy
  ## generate pattern(s)
  result <- vector(mode="list", length=nsim)
  for(isim in seq_len(nsim)) {
    x <- numeric(0)
    y <- numeric(0)
    for(ix in seq_len(nx))
      for(iy in seq_len(ny)) {
        nij <- rcellnumber(1, N)
        x <- c(x, x0[ix] + runif(nij, min=0, max=dx))
        y <- c(y, y0[iy] + runif(nij, min=0, max=dy))
    Xbox <- ppp(x, y, xr, yr, check=FALSE)
    result[[isim]] <- Xbox[win]
  result <- simulationresult(result, nsim, drop)

thinjump <- function(n, p) {
  # equivalent to which(runif(n) < p) for constant p
  stopifnot(length(p) == 1)
  if(p <= 0) return(integer(0))
  if(p >= 1) return(seq_len(n))
  if(p > 0.5) {
    #' for retention prob > 0.5 we find the ones to discard instead
    discard <- thinjump(n, 1-p)
    retain <- if(length(discard)) -discard else seq_len(n)
  guessmaxlength <- ceiling(n * p + 2 * sqrt(n * p * (1-p)))
  i <- .Call(SR_thinjumpequal,
             n, p, guessmaxlength,

rthin <- function(X, P, ..., nsim=1, drop=TRUE) {
  if(!(inherits(X, c("ppp", "lpp", "pp3", "ppx", "psp")) ||
       recognise.spatstat.type(X) == "listxy"))
    stop(paste("X should be a point pattern (class ppp, lpp, pp3 or ppx)",
               "or a line segment pattern (class psp)"),
  rthinEngine(X, P, ..., nsim=nsim, drop=drop)

rthinEngine <- function(X, P, ..., nsim=1, drop=TRUE,
                        Pmax=1, na.zero=FALSE,
                        what=c("objects", "fate"),
                        fatal=TRUE, warn=TRUE) {
  stopifnot(nsim >= 0)
  ## if what = 'objects', return the thinned pattern
  ## if what = 'fate', return the logical vector (retained/deleted)
  what <- match.arg(what)
  ## recognise list(x,y) input
  if(israwxy <- (recognise.spatstat.type(X) == "listxy")) {
    xx <- X$x
    yy <- X$y
    nX <- length(xx)
  } else {
    nX <- nobjects(X)
  ## catch trivial cases
  if(nX == 0 || nsim == 0) {
           objects = {
             result <- rep(list(X), nsim)
           fate = {
             result <- rep(list(logical(nX)), nsim)
    result <- simulationresult(result, nsim, drop)

  if(!missing(Pmax)) {
    stopifnot(Pmax > 0)

  if(is.numeric(P) && length(P) == 1 && spatstat.options("fastthin")) {
    ## special fast algorithm for constant probability
    if(!missing(Pmax)) P <- P/Pmax
    if(badprobability(P, TRUE)) stop("P is not a valid probability value")
    result <- vector(mode="list", length=nsim)
           fate = {
             for(isim in seq_len(nsim)) 
               result[[isim]] <- thinjump(nX, P)
           objects = {
             for(isim in seq_len(nsim)) {
               retain <- thinjump(nX, P)
               if(israwxy) {
                 Y <- list(x=xx[retain], y=yy[retain])
               } else {
                 Y <- X[retain]
                 attr(Y, "parents") <- attr(X, "parents")
                 ## also handle offspring-to-parent map if present
                 if(!is.null(parentid <- attr(X, "parentid")))
                   attr(Y, "parentid") <- parentid[retain]
               result[[isim]] <- Y
    result <- simulationresult(result, nsim, drop)

  #' general case: compute probabilities first
  if(is.numeric(P)) {
    ## vector of retention probabilities
    pX <- P
    if(length(pX) != nX) {
      if(length(pX) == 1)
        pX <- rep.int(pX, nX)
        stop("Length of vector P does not match number of points of X")
  } else if(is.function(P)) {
    ## function - evaluate it at points of X
    if(!(is.ppp(X) || is.lpp(X) || israwxy))
      stop(paste("Don't know how to apply a function to an object of class",
    pX <- if(inherits(P, c("linfun", "funxy"))) P(X, ...) else P(X$x, X$y, ...)
    if(length(pX) != nX)
      stop("Function P returned a vector of incorrect length")
      stop("Function P returned non-numeric values")
  } else if(is.im(P)) {
    ## image - look it up
    if(!(is.ppp(X) || is.lpp(X) || israwxy))
      stop(paste("Don't know how to apply image values to an object of class",
    if(!(P$type %in% c("integer", "real")))
      stop("Values of image P should be numeric")
    pX <- P[X, drop=FALSE]
  } else stop("Unrecognised format for P")

  if(!all(is.finite(pX))) {
    if(na.zero) {
      pX[is.na(pX)] <- 0
    } else if(anyNA(pX)) {
      if(is.function(P)) stop("Function P returned some NA values")
      if(is.im(P)) stop("Some points lie outside the domain of image P")
      stop("P contains NA's")
    } else {
      if(is.function(P)) stop("Function P returned some NaN or Inf values")
      if(is.im(P)) stop("Image P contains NaN or Inf values")
      stop("P contains NaN or Inf values")

  if(fatal || warn) {
    ## check for bad values of probability
    ra <- range(pX)/Pmax
    if(ra[1] < 0) {
      gripe <- paste("some probabilities are negative",
                     paren(paste("minimum", ra[1])))
      if(fatal) stop(gripe)
      if(warn) stop(gripe)
    if(ra[2] > 1) {
      gripe <- paste("some probabilities are greater than 1",
                     paren(paste("maximum", ra[2])))
      if(fatal) stop(gripe)
      if(warn) warning(gripe)

  #' now simulate
  result <- vector(mode="list", length=nsim)
         fate = {
           for(isim in seq_len(nsim)) 
             result[[isim]] <- ((Pmax * runif(length(pX))) < pX)
         objects = {
           for(isim in seq_len(nsim)) {
             retain <- ((Pmax * runif(length(pX))) < pX)
             if(israwxy) {
               Y <- list(x=xx[retain], y=yy[retain])
             } else {
               Y <- X[retain]
               attr(Y, "parents") <- attr(X, "parents")
               ## also handle offspring-to-parent map if present
               if(!is.null(parentid <- attr(X, "parentid")))
                 attr(Y, "parentid") <- parentid[retain]
             result[[isim]] <- Y
  result <- simulationresult(result, nsim, drop)

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spatstat.random documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 6:58 p.m.