
Defines functions print.bugtable bugfixes

Documented in bugfixes print.bugtable

#'        bugtable.R
#'    $Revision: 1.10 $ $Date: 2021/09/06 05:28:59 $

bugfixes <- function(sinceversion=NULL, sincedate=NULL,
                     show=TRUE) {
  package <- as.character(package)
  is.spat <- package %in% spatstat.family(TRUE, TRUE)
  if("book" %in% list(sinceversion, sincedate)) {
    ## special usage
    sinceversion <- NULL
    sincedate    <- "2015-06-05"
  n <- length(package)
  z <- NULL
  for(i in seq_len(n)) {
    packi <- package[i]
    if("all" %in% list(sinceversion, sincedate)) {
      ## no date constraint - show all news
      a <- eval(substitute(news(grepl("^BUG", Category),
    } else if(!is.null(sincedate) && !is.spat[i]) {
      #' news items after specified date
      #' non-spatstat package
      ne <- news(package=packi)
      if(is.null(ne) || is.null(ne$Date) || anyNA(ne$Date))
        stop(paste(if(is.null(ne)) "News" else "Date",
                   "information is not available for package",
                   sQuote(packi)), call.=FALSE)
      a <- eval(substitute(news(Date >= SD & grepl("^BUG", Category),
    } else {
      #' determine a corresponding version number
      if(is.null(sinceversion) && is.null(sincedate)) {
        #' default is latest version
        dfile <- system.file("DESCRIPTION", package=packi)
        sinceversion <- read.dcf(file=dfile, fields="Version")
      } else if(!is.null(sincedate) && is.spat[i]) {
        #' read release history table
        fname <- system.file("doc", "packagesizes.txt", package=packi)
        p <- read.table(fname, header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
        #' find earliest package version on or after the given date
        imin <- with(p, min(which(as.Date(date) >= sincedate)))
        sinceversion <- p[imin, "version"]
      a <- eval(substitute(news(Version >= sv & grepl("^BUG", Category),
    #' convert format
    if(is.data.frame(a) && nrow(a) > 0) {
      #' split each entry into lines
      alines <- strsplit(a$Text, "\n")
      #' extract first line
      f <- unname(sapply(alines, "[", i=1L))
      #' extract body
      b <- unname(lapply(alines, "[", i=-1L))
      b <- unname(sapply(b, paste, collapse="\n"))
      #' extract header from first line
      h <- unname(sapply(strsplit(f, ":"), "[", i=1L))
      h <- unname(sapply(strsplit(h, ","), "[", i=1L))
      h <- unname(sapply(strsplit(h, " "), "[", i=1L))
      #' rebuild
      zi <- data.frame(Header=h,
      if(n > 1) zi$Package <- packi
      z <- if(i == 1) zi else rbind(z, zi)
  if(is.null(z)) return(NULL)
  #' sort by header
  oo <- with(z, order(Header, Firstline))
  z <- z[oo, ]
  #' wrap up
  class(z) <- c("bugtable", class(z))
  if(show) page(z, method="print")

class(bugfixes) <- "autoexec"
print.bugtable <- function(x, ...) {
  hprev <- ""
  haspack <- "Package" %in% colnames(x)
  for(i in seq_len(nrow(x))) {
    h <- x$Header[i]
    f <- x$Firstline[i]
    v <- x$Version[i]
    p <- if(haspack) x$Package[i] else NULL
    b <- x$Body[i]
    if(h != hprev) {
      # new main header
      cat("\n***", h, "***\n", fill=TRUE)
    if(haspack) cat(p, v, ":", f, fill=TRUE) else cat(v, ":", f, fill=TRUE)
    cat(b, "\n", fill=TRUE)
    hprev <- h

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spatstat documentation built on May 29, 2024, 1:15 a.m.