
Defines functions cont_cdftest

Documented in cont_cdftest

# Function: cont_cdftest (exported)
# Programmer Tom Kincaid
# Date: October 23, 2020
# Revised: December 15, 2020 to allow use of the Horvitz-Thompson and
#          Yates-Grundy variance estimators and to use a new function named
#          survey_design to create the survey design object
# Revised: January 28, 2021 to replace "warn.vec" with "warn_vec"
# Revised: February 23, 2021 to correct errors in the code for creating the
#          warnings data frame (warn_df)
# Revised: April 7, 2021 to ensure that the dframe argument does not contain
#          zero rows
# Revised: April 29, 2021 to ensure that the dframe argument only belongs to
#          class "data.frame"
# Revised: May 4, 2021 to avoid warning messages being generated during creation
#          of help files
# Revised: May 6, 2021 to ensure that sf objects do not belong to class tbl_df
# Revised: June 8, 2021 to simplify specification of the values required for
#          calculation of the finite population correction factor and to
#          eliminate use of the finite population correction factor with the
#          local mean variance estimator
# Revised: September 9, 2021 to revise the documentation for argument popsize
#' Cumulative distribution function (CDF) inference for a probability survey
#' This function organizes input and output for conducting inference regarding
#' cumulative distribution functions (CDFs) generated by a probability survey.
#' For every response variable and every subpopulation (domain) variable,
#' differences between CDFs are tested for every pair of subpopulations within
#' the domain.  Data input to the function can be either a single survey or
#' multiple surveys (two or more).  If the data contain multiple surveys, then
#' the domain variables will reference those surveys and (potentially)
#' subpopulations within those surveys.  The inferential procedures divide the
#' CDFs into a discrete set of intervals (classes) and then utilize procedures
#' that have been developed for analysis of categorical data from probability
#' surveys.  Choices for inference are the Wald, adjusted Wald, Rao-Scott first
#' order corrected (mean eigenvalue corrected), and Rao-Scott second order
#' corrected (Satterthwaite corrected) test statistics. The default test
#' statistic is the adjusted Wald statistic.  The input data argument can be
#' either a data frame or a simple features (sf) object.  If an sf object is
#' used, coordinates are extracted from the geometry column in the object,
#' arguments xcoord and ycoord are assigned values "xcoord" and "ycoord",
#' respectively, and the geometry column is dropped from the object.
#' @param dframe Data frame containing survey design variables, response
#'   variables, and subpopulation (domain) variables.
#' @param vars Vector composed of character values that identify the
#'   names of response variables in the \code{dframe} data frame.
#' @param subpops Vector composed of character values that identify the
#'   names of subpopulation (domain) variables in the \code{dframe} data frame.
#'   If a value is not provided, the value \code{"All_Sites"} is assigned to the
#'   subpops argument and a factor variable named \code{"All_Sites"} that takes
#'   the value \code{"All Sites"} is added to the \code{dframe} data frame.  The
#'   default value is \code{NULL}.
#' @param surveyID Character value providing name of the survey ID variable in
#'   the \code{dframe} data frame.  If this argument equals \code{NULL}, then
#'   the dframe data frame contains data for a single survey.  The default value
#'   is \code{NULL}.
#' @param siteID Character value providing name of the site ID variable in
#'   the \code{dframe} data frame.  For a two-stage sample, the site ID variable
#'   identifies stage two site IDs.  The default value is \code{"siteID"}.
#' @param weight Character value providing name of the survey design weight
#'   variable in the \code{dframe} data frame.  For a two-stage sample, the
#'   weight variable identifies stage two weights.  The default value is
#'   \code{"weight"}.
#' @param xcoord Character value providing name of the x-coordinate variable in
#'   the \code{dframe} data frame.  For a two-stage sample, the x-coordinate
#'   variable identifies stage two x-coordinates.  Note that x-coordinates are
#'   required for calculation of the local mean variance estimator.  The default
#'   value is \code{NULL}.
#' @param ycoord Character value providing name of the y-coordinate variable in
#'   the \code{dframe} data frame.  For a two-stage sample, the y-coordinate
#'   variable identifies stage two y-coordinates.  Note that y-coordinates are
#'   required for calculation of the local mean variance estimator.  The default
#'   value is \code{NULL}.
#' @param stratumID Character value providing name of the stratum ID variable in
#'   the \code{dframe} data frame.  The default value is \code{NULL}.
#' @param clusterID Character value providing the name of the cluster
#'   (stage one) ID variable in the \code{dframe} data frame.  Note that cluster
#'   IDs are required for a two-stage sample.  The default value is \code{NULL}.
#' @param weight1 Character value providing name of the stage one weight
#'   variable in the \code{dframe} data frame.  The default value is \code{NULL}.
#' @param xcoord1 Character value providing the name of the stage one
#'   x-coordinate variable in the \code{dframe} data frame.  Note that x
#'   coordinates are required for calculation of the local mean variance
#'   estimator.  The default value is \code{NULL}.
#' @param ycoord1 Character value providing the name of the stage one
#'   y-coordinate variable in the \code{dframe} data frame.  Note that
#'   y-coordinates are required for calculation of the local mean variance
#'   estimator.  The default value is \code{NULL}.
#' @param sizeweight Logical value that indicates whether size weights should be
#'   used during estimation, where \code{TRUE} uses size weights and
#'   \code{FALSE} does not use size weights. To employ size weights for a
#'   single-stage sample, a value must be supplied for argument weight.  To
#'   employ size weights for a two-stage sample, values must be supplied for
#'   arguments \code{weight} and \code{weight1}. The default value is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param sweight Character value providing the name of the size weight variable
#'   in the \code{dframe} data frame.  For a two-stage sample, the size weight
#'   variable identifies stage two size weights.  The default value is
#'   \code{NULL}.
#' @param sweight1 Character value providing name of the stage one size weight
#'   variable in the \code{dframe} data frame.  The default value is \code{NULL}.
#' @param sweight1 Character value providing name of the stage one size weight
#'   variable in the \code{dframe} data frame.  The default value is \code{NULL}.
#' @param fpc Object that specifies values required for calculation of the
#'   finite population correction factor used during variance estimation. The
#'   object must match the survey design in terms of stratification and whether
#'   the design is single-stage or two-stage.  For an unstratified design, the
#'   object is a vector.  The vector is composed of a single numeric value for a
#'   single-stage design.  For a two-stage unstratified design, the object is a
#'   named vector containing one more than the number of clusters in the sample,
#'   where the first item in the vector specifies the number of clusters in the
#'   population and each subsequent item specifies the number of stage two units
#'   for the cluster.  The name for the first item in the vector is arbitrary.
#'   Subsequent names in the vector identify clusters and must match the cluster
#'   IDs.  For a stratified design, the object is a named list of vectors, where
#'   names must match the strata IDs.  For each stratum, the format of the
#'   vector is identical to the format described for unstratified single-stage
#'   and two-stage designs.  Note that the finite population correction factor
#'   is not used with the local mean variance estimator.
#'   Example fpc for a single-stage unstratified survey design:
#'   \verb{fpc <- 15000}
#'   Example fpc for a single-stage stratified survey design:
#'   \verb{fpc <- list(
#'     Stratum_1 = 9000,
#'     Stratum_2 = 6000)
#'    }
#'   Example fpc for a two-stage unstratified survey design:
#'   \verb{fpc <- c(
#'     Ncluster = 150,
#'     Cluster_1 = 150,
#'     Cluster_2 = 75,
#'     Cluster_3 = 75,
#'     Cluster_4 = 125,
#'     Cluster_5 = 75)
#'   }
#'   Example fpc for a two-stage stratified survey design:
#'   \verb{fpc <- list(
#'     Stratum_1 = c(
#'       Ncluster_1 = 100,
#'       Cluster_1 = 125,
#'       Cluster_2 = 100,
#'       Cluster_3 = 100,
#'       Cluster_4 = 125,
#'       Cluster_5 = 50),
#'     Stratum_2 = c(
#'       Ncluster_2 = 50,
#'       Cluster_1 = 75,
#'       Cluster_2 = 150,
#'       Cluster_3 = 75,
#'       Cluster_4 = 75,
#'       Cluster_5 = 125))
#'   }
#' @param popsize Object that provides values for the population argument of the
#'   \code{calibrate} or \code{postStratify} functions in the survey package. If
#'   a value is provided for popsize, then either the \code{calibrate} or
#'   \code{postStratify} function is used to modify the survey design object
#'   that is required by functions in the survey package.  Whether to use the
#'   \code{calibrate} or \code{postStratify} function is dictated by the format
#'   of popsize, which is discussed below.  Post-stratification adjusts the
#'   sampling and replicate weights so that the joint distribution of a set of
#'   post-stratifying variables matches the known population joint distribution.
#'   Calibration, generalized raking, or GREG estimators generalize
#'   post-stratification and raking by calibrating a sample to the marginal
#'   totals of variables in a linear regression model. For the \code{calibrate}
#'   function, the object is a named list, where the names identify factor
#'   variables in the \code{dframe} data frame.  Each element of the list is a
#'   named vector containing the population total for each level of the
#'   associated factor variable.  For the \code{postStratify} function, the
#'   object is either a data frame, table, or xtabs object that provides the
#'   population total for all combinations of selected factor variables in the
#'   \code{dframe} data frame.  If a data frame is used for \code{popsize}, the
#'   variable containing population totals must be the last variable in the data
#'   frame.  If a table is used for \code{popsize}, the table must have named
#'   \code{dimnames} where the names identify factor variables in the
#'   \code{dframe} data frame.  If the popsize argument is equal to \code{NULL},
#'   then neither calibration nor post-stratification is performed.  The default
#'   value is \code{NULL}.
#'   Example popsize for calibration:
#'   \verb{popsize <- list(
#'     Ecoregion = c(
#'       East = 750,
#'       Central = 500,
#'       West = 250),
#'     Type = c(
#'       Streams = 1150,
#'       Rivers = 350))
#'   }
#'   Example popsize for post-stratification using a data frame:
#'   \verb{popsize <- data.frame(
#'     Ecoregion = rep(c("East", "Central", "West"),
#'       rep(2, 3)),
#'     Type = rep(c("Streams", "Rivers"), 3),
#'     Total = c(575, 175, 400, 100, 175, 75))
#'   }
#'   Example popsize for post-stratification using a table:
#'   \verb{popsize <- with(MySurveyFrame,
#'     table(Ecoregion, Type))}
#'   Example popsize for post-stratification using an xtabs object:
#'   \verb{popsize <- xtabs(~Ecoregion + Type,
#'     data = MySurveyFrame)}
#' @param vartype Character value providing the choice of the variance
#'   estimator, where \code{"Local"} indicates the local mean estimator,
#'   \code{"SRS"} indicates the simple random sampling estimator, \code{"HT"}
#'   indicates the Horvitz-Thompson estimator, and \code{"YG"} indicates the
#'   Yates-Grundy estimator.  The default value is \code{"Local"}.
#' @param jointprob Character value providing the choice of joint inclusion
#'   probability approximation for use with Horvitz-Thompson and Yates-Grundy
#'   variance estimators, where \code{"overton"} indicates the Overton
#'   approximation, \code{"hr"} indicates the Hartley-Rao approximation, and
#'   \code{"brewer"} equals the Brewer approximation.  The default value is
#'   \code{"overton"}.
#' @param testname Name of the test statistic to be reported in the output
#'   data frame.  Choices for the name are: \code{"Wald"}, \code{"adjWald"},
#'   \code{"RaoScott_First"}, and \code{"RaoScott_Second"}, which correspond to
#'   the Wald statistic, adjusted Wald statistic, Rao-Scott first-order
#'   corrected statistic, and Rao-Scott second-order corrected statistic,
#'   respectively.  The default is \code{"adjWald"}.
#' @param nclass Number of classes into which the CDFs will be divided
#'   (binned), which must equal at least \code{2}.  The default is \code{3}.
#' @return Data frame of CDF test results for all pairs of subpopulations
#'   within each population type for every response variable.  The data frame
#'   includes the test statistic specified by argument \code{testname} plus its
#'   degrees of freedom and p-value.
#' @author Tom Kincaid \email{Kincaid.Tom@@epa.gov}
#' @keywords survey
#' @seealso
#'   \describe{
#'   \item{\code{\link{cdf_plot}}}{ for visualizing CDF plots}
#'   \item{\code{\link{cont_cdfplot}}}{ for making CDF plots output to pdfs}
#'   }
#' @examples
#' n <- 200
#' mysiteID <- paste("Site", 1:n, sep = "")
#' dframe <- data.frame(
#'   siteID = mysiteID,
#'   wgt = runif(n, 10, 100),
#'   xcoord = runif(n),
#'   ycoord = runif(n),
#'   stratum = rep(c("Stratum1", "Stratum2"), n / 2),
#'   Resource_Class = sample(c("Agr", "Forest", "Urban"), n, replace = TRUE)
#' )
#' ContVar <- numeric(n)
#' tst <- dframe$Resource_Class == "Agr"
#' ContVar[tst] <- rnorm(sum(tst), 10, 1)
#' tst <- dframe$Resource_Class == "Forest"
#' ContVar[tst] <- rnorm(sum(tst), 10.1, 1)
#' tst <- dframe$Resource_Class == "Urban"
#' ContVar[tst] <- rnorm(sum(tst), 10.5, 1)
#' dframe$ContVar <- ContVar
#' myvars <- c("ContVar")
#' mysubpops <- c("Resource_Class")
#' mypopsize <- data.frame(
#'   Resource_Class = rep(c("Agr", "Forest", "Urban"), rep(2, 3)),
#'   stratum = rep(c("Stratum1", "Stratum2"), 3),
#'   Total = c(2500, 1500, 1000, 500, 600, 450)
#' )
#' cont_cdftest(dframe,
#'   vars = myvars, subpops = mysubpops, siteID = "siteID",
#'   weight = "wgt", xcoord = "xcoord", ycoord = "ycoord",
#'   stratumID = "stratum", popsize = mypopsize, testname = "RaoScott_First"
#' )
#' @export

cont_cdftest <- function(dframe, vars, subpops = NULL, surveyID = NULL, siteID = "siteID",
                         weight = "weight", xcoord = NULL, ycoord = NULL, stratumID = NULL,
                         clusterID = NULL, weight1 = NULL, xcoord1 = NULL, ycoord1 = NULL,
                         sizeweight = FALSE, sweight = NULL, sweight1 = NULL, fpc = NULL,
                         popsize = NULL, vartype = "Local", jointprob = "overton",
                         testname = "adjWald", nclass = 3) {

  # Create a vector for error messages

  error_ind <- FALSE
  error_vec <- NULL

  # Create a data frame for warning messages

  warn_ind <- FALSE
  warn_df <- NULL
  fname <- "cont_cdftest"

  # Check for a valid test statistic name

  temp <- match(testname, c(
    "Wald", "adjWald", "RaoScott_First",
  ), nomatch = 0)
  if (temp == 0) {
    error_ind <- TRUE
    msg <- paste0("\nThe value provided for argument testname, \"", testname, "\", is not a valid test statistic name.\n")
    error_vec <- c(error_vec, msg)

  # As necessary, reassign the test statistic name to match the values required
  # by the svychisq_localmean function

  if (testname == "RaoScott_First") {
    testname <- "Chisq"
  } else if (testname == "RaoScott_Second") {
    testname <- "F"

  # Check for the minimum number of classes

  if (testname %in% c("Wald", "adjWald")) {
    if (nclass < 2) {
      error_ind <- TRUE
      msg <- paste("\nThe number of classes into which the CDFs will be divided (binned) must equal \nat least two.")
      error_vec <- c(error_vec, msg)
  } else {
    if (nclass < 3) {
      error_ind <- TRUE
      msg <- paste("\nThe number of classes into which the CDFs will be divided (binned) must equal \nat least three")
      error_vec <- c(error_vec, msg)

  # Ensure that the dframe argument was provided

  if (missing(dframe) | is.null(dframe)) {
    stop("\nThe dframe argument must be provided.\n")

  # If the dframe argument is an sf object, extract coordinates from the
  # geometry column, assign values "xcoord" and "ycoord" to arguments xcoord and
  # ycoord, respectively, and drop the geometry column from the object

  if ("sf" %in% class(dframe)) {
    temp <- st_coordinates(dframe)
    xcoord <- "xcoord"
    dframe$xcoord <- temp[, "X"]
    ycoord <- "ycoord"
    dframe$ycoord <- temp[, "Y"]
    dframe <- st_set_geometry(dframe, NULL)

  # If the dframe argument is a tibble or does not belong to class
  # "data.frame", coerce the argument to class "data.frame"

  if ("tbl_df" %in% class(dframe) | !("data.frame" %in% class(dframe))) {
    dframe <- as.data.frame(dframe)

  # Ensure that the dframe argument does not contain zero rows

  if (nrow(dframe) == 0) {
    stop("\nThe dframe argument contains zero rows.\n")

  # Ensure that unused levels are dropped from factor variables in the dframe
  # data frame

  dframe <- droplevels(dframe)

  # As necessary, ensure that the dframe data frame contains the survey ID
  # variable

  if (!is.null(surveyID)) {
    if (!(surveyID %in% names(dframe))) {
      ind1 <- FALSE
      error_ind <- TRUE
      msg <- paste0("The name provided for the surveyID argument, \"", surveyID, "\", does not occur among \nthe names for the dframe data frame.\n")
      error_vec <- c(error_vec, msg)
    } else {
      survey_names <- as.vector(unique(dframe[, surveyID]))
      ind1 <- TRUE

  # Ensure that the dframe data frame contains the site ID variable

  if (!(siteID %in% names(dframe))) {
    ind2 <- FALSE
    error_ind <- TRUE
    msg <- paste0("The name provided for the siteID argument, \"", siteID, "\", does not occur among \nthe names for the dframe data frame.\n")
    error_vec <- c(error_vec, msg)
  } else {
    ind2 <- TRUE

  # Check site IDs for repeat values and, as necessary, create unique site IDs
  # and output a warning message

  if (is.null(surveyID)) {
    if (ind2) {
      IDs <- dframe[, siteID]
      temp <- sapply(split(IDs, IDs), length)
      if (any(temp > 1)) {
        warn_ind <- TRUE
        temp.str <- vecprint(names(temp)[temp > 1])
        warn <- paste("The following site ID values occur more than once among the values that were \ninput to the function:\n", temp.str)
        act <- "Unique site ID values were created.\n"
        warn_df <- rbind(warn_df, data.frame(
          func = I(fname), subpoptype = NA,
          subpop = NA, indicator = NA, stratum = NA, warning = I(warn), action = I(act)
        dframe[, siteID] <- uniqueID(dframe[, siteID])
  } else {
    if (ind1 & ind2) {
      IDs <- dframe[, siteID]
      for (i in survey_names) {
        eval(parse(text = paste0("tst <- dframe[, surveyID] == \"", i, "\"")))
        temp <- sapply(split(IDs[tst], IDs[tst]), length)
        if (any(temp > 1)) {
          warn_ind <- TRUE
          temp.str <- vecprint(names(temp)[temp > 1])
          warn <- paste("The following site ID values occur more than once among survey", i, "values \nthat were input to the function:\n", temp.str)
          act <- "Unique site ID values were created.\n"
          warn_df <- rbind(warn_df, data.frame(
            func = I(fname), subpoptype = NA,
            subpop = NA, indicator = NA, stratum = NA, warning = I(warn), action = I(act)
          dframe[, siteID][tst] <- uniqueID(dframe[, siteID][tst])

  # Ensure that the dframe data frame contains the survey weight variable

  if (!(weight %in% names(dframe))) {
    error_ind <- TRUE
    msg <- paste0("The name provided for the weight argument, \"", weight, "\", does not occur among \nthe names for the dframe data frame.\n")
    error_vec <- c(error_vec, msg)

  # As necessary, create a stratum variable that incorporates survey ID values

  if (!is.null(surveyID)) {
    if (!is.null(stratumID)) {
      dframe$stratumID <- paste(dframe[, surveyID], dframe[, stratumID],
        sep = "."
      stratumID <- "stratumID"
    } else {
      stratumID <- surveyID

  # Assign names to the variables required for calculation of the finite
  # population correction factor

  if (is.null(fpc)) {
    fpcfactor_ind <- FALSE
    fpcsize <- NULL
    Ncluster <- NULL
    stage1size <- NULL
  } else {
    fpcfactor_ind <- TRUE
    if (is.null(clusterID)) {
      fpcsize <- "fpcsize"
      Ncluster <- NULL
      stage1size <- NULL
    } else {
      fpcsize <- NULL
      Ncluster <- "Ncluster"
      stage1size <- "stage1size"

  # Create a list containing names of survey design variables

  design_names <- list(
    siteID = siteID,
    weight = weight,
    xcoord = xcoord,
    ycoord = ycoord,
    stratumID = stratumID,
    clusterID = clusterID,
    weight1 = weight1,
    xcoord1 = xcoord1,
    ycoord1 = ycoord1,
    sweight = sweight,
    sweight1 = sweight1,
    fpcsize = fpcsize,
    Ncluster = Ncluster,
    stage1size = stage1size

  # Ensure that a value was provided for the vars (response variable names)
  # argument

  if (is.null(vars)) {
    error_ind <- TRUE
    msg <- "A value must be provided for the vars (response variable names) argument.\n"
    error_vec <- c(error_vec, msg)

  # If a value was not provided for the subpops (subpopulation names) argument,
  # assign the value "All_Sites" to the subpops argument and create a factor
  # named "All_Sites" in the dframe data frame that takes the value "All Sites"

  if (is.null(subpops)) {
    subpops <- "All_Sites"
    dframe$All_Sites <- "All Sites"
    dframe$All_Sites <- factor(dframe$All_Sites)

  # Check input arguments
  temp <- input_check(dframe, design_names, NULL, vars, NULL, NULL, subpops,
    sizeweight, fpc, popsize, vartype, jointprob,
    conf = 95,
    error_ind = error_ind, error_vec = error_vec
  dframe <- temp$dframe
  vars <- temp$vars_cont
  subpops <- temp$subpops
  popsize <- temp$popsize
  vartype <- temp$vartype
  jointprob <- temp$jointprob
  error_ind <- temp$error_ind
  error_vec <- temp$error_vec

  # As necessary, output a message indicating that error messages were generated
  # during execution of the program

  if (error_ind) {
    error_vec <<- error_vec
    if (length(error_vec) == 1) {
      message("During execution of the program, an error message was generated.  The error \nmessage is stored in a vector named 'error_vec'.  Enter the following command \nto view the error message: errorprnt()\n")
    } else {
      message(paste("During execution of the program,", length(error_vec), "error messages were generated.  The error \nmessages are stored in a vector named 'error_vec'.  Enter the following \ncommand to view the error messages: errorprnt()\n"))

    if (warn_ind) {
      warn_df <<- warn_df
      if (nrow(warn_df) == 1) {
        message("During execution of the program, a warning message was generated.  The warning \nmessage is stored in a data frame named 'warn_df'.  Enter the following command \nto view the warning message: warnprnt()\n")
      } else {
        message(paste("During execution of the program,", nrow(warn_df), "warning messages were generated.  The warning \nmessages are stored in a data frame named 'warn_df'.  Enter the following \ncommand to view the warning messages: warnprnt() \nTo view a subset of the warning messages (say, messages number 1, 3, and 5), \nenter the following command: warnprnt(m=c(1,3,5))\n"))
    stop("See the preceding message(s).")

  # Assign a logical value to the indicator variable for a stratified sample

  stratum_ind <- !is.null(stratumID)

  # For a stratified sample, remove strata that contain a single site

  if (stratum_ind) {
    dframe[, stratumID] <- factor(dframe[, stratumID])
    stratum_levels <- levels(dframe[, stratumID])
    nstrata <- length(stratum_levels)
    ind <- FALSE
    for (i in 1:nstrata) {
      tst <- dframe[, stratumID] == stratum_levels[i]
      if (sum(tst) == 1) {
        warn_ind <- TRUE
        warn <- paste0("The stratum named \"", stratum_levels[i], "\" contains a single value and was removed from the analysis.\n")
        act <- "Stratum was removed from the analysis.\n"
        warn_df <- rbind(warn_df, data.frame(
          func = I(fname), subpoptype = NA,
          subpop = NA, indicator = NA, stratum = NA, warning = I(warn), action = I(act)
        dframe <- dframe[!tst, ]
        ind <- TRUE
    if (ind) {
      dframe[, stratumID] <- factor(dframe[, stratumID])
      stratum_levels <- levels(dframe[, stratumID])
      nstrata <- length(stratum_levels)
      dframe <- droplevels(dframe)

  # Assign a logical value to the indicator variable for a two-stage sample

  cluster_ind <- !is.null(clusterID)

  # Create the survey design object

  design <- survey_design(
    dframe, siteID, weight, stratum_ind, stratumID, cluster_ind, clusterID,
    weight1, sizeweight, sweight, sweight1, fpcfactor_ind, fpcsize, Ncluster,
    stage1size, vartype, jointprob

  # If popsize is not equal to NULL, then call either the postStratify or
  # calibrate function, as appropriate

  if (!is.null(popsize)) {
    if (all(class(popsize) %in% c("data.frame", "table", "xtabs"))) {
      if ("data.frame" %in% class(popsize)) {
        pnames <- names(popsize)[-ncol(popsize)]
      } else {
        pnames <- names(dimnames(popsize))
      design <- postStratify(design, make.formula(pnames), popsize)
    } else {
      cnames <- cal_names(make.formula(names(popsize)), design)
      pop_totals <- numeric(length(cnames))
      names(pop_totals) <- cnames
      pop_totals[1] <- sum(popsize[[1]])
      k <- 2
      for (i in names(popsize)) {
        temp <- popsize[[i]]
        for (j in 2:length(temp)) {
          pop_totals[k] <- temp[j]
          k <- k + 1
      design <- calibrate(design, make.formula(names(popsize)), pop_totals)

  # If popsize is not equal to NULL and vartype equals "Local", then assign
  # adjusted weights to the appropriate weight variable(s) in the
  # design$variables data frame

  if (!is.null(popsize) && vartype == "Local") {
    if (cluster_ind) {
      design$variables$wgt2 <- weights(design) / design$variables$wgt1
    } else {
      design$variables$wgt <- weights(design)

  # Create the contsum (results) data frame

  contsum <- NULL

  # Loop through all subpopulations (domains)

  for (itype in subpops) {

    # Identify levels of the subpopulation

    lev_itype <- levels(dframe[, itype])
    nlev_itype <- length(lev_itype)

    # Check whether the number of levels of the subpopulation is greater than one

    if (nlev_itype == 1) {
      warn_ind <- TRUE
      warn <- paste("Population type", itype, "contains a single subpopulation. \nNo CDF tests could be performed\n")
      act <- "None.\n"
      warn_df <- rbind(warn_df, data.frame(
        func = I(fname), subpoptype = I(itype), subpop = NA, indicator = NA,
        stratum = NA, warning = I(warn), action = I(act)

    # Loop through all response variables (vars)

    for (ivar in vars) {

      # Determine the set of upper bounds for the response variable

      temp <- dframe[!is.na(dframe[, ivar]), ivar]
      bounds <- sort(temp)[floor(seq(length(temp) / nclass, length(temp),
        length = nclass
      design$variables$colvar <- cut(dframe[, ivar], c(-Inf, bounds))

      # Loop through all combinations of levels of the subpopulation

      # Begin the loop for the the first level of the combination

      for (isubpop1 in 1:(nlev_itype - 1)) {

        # Select sites in the first level

        subpop1_ind <- dframe[, itype] == lev_itype[isubpop1]

        # Determine whether the level is empty

        if (all(is.na(dframe[subpop1_ind, ivar]))) {
          warn_ind <- TRUE
          warn <- paste("Subpopulation", lev_itype[isubpop1], "of population type", itype, "for indicator", ivar, "\ncontains no data.\n")
          act <- "None.\n"
          warn_df <- rbind(warn_df, data.frame(
            func = I(fname), subpoptype = I(itype),
            subpop = I(lev_itype[isubpop1]), indicator = ivar, stratum = NA,
            warning = I(warn), action = I(act)

        # Determine whether the level contains a single value

        if (sum(!is.na(dframe[subpop1_ind, ivar])) == 1) {
          warn_ind <- TRUE
          warn <- paste("Subpopulation", lev_itype[isubpop1], "of population type", itype, "for indicator", ivar, "\ncontains a single value.  No analysis was performed.\n")
          act <- "None.\n"
          warn_df <- rbind(warn_df, data.frame(
            func = I(fname), subpoptype = I(itype),
            subpop = I(lev_itype[isubpop1]), indicator = ivar, stratum = NA,
            warning = I(warn), action = I(act)

        # Begin the loop for the second level of the combination

        for (isubpop2 in (isubpop1 + 1):nlev_itype) {

          # Select sites in the second level

          subpop2_ind <- dframe[, itype] == lev_itype[isubpop2]

          # Determine whether level is empty

          if (all(is.na(dframe[subpop2_ind, ivar]))) {
            warn_ind <- TRUE
            warn <- paste("Subpopulation", lev_itype[isubpop2], "of population type", itype, "for indicator", ivar, "\ncontains no data.\n")
            act <- "None.\n"
            warn_df <- rbind(warn_df, data.frame(
              func = I(fname), subpoptype = I(itype),
              subpop = I(lev_itype[isubpop2]), indicator = ivar, stratum = NA,
              warning = I(warn), action = I(act)

          # Determine whether the level contains a single value

          if (sum(!is.na(dframe[subpop2_ind, ivar])) == 1) {
            warn_ind <- TRUE
            warn <- paste("Subpopulation", lev_itype[isubpop2], "of population type", itype, "for indicator", ivar, "\ncontains a single value.  No analysis was performed.\n")
            act <- "None.\n"
            warn_df <- rbind(warn_df, data.frame(
              func = I(fname), subpoptype = I(itype),
              subpop = I(lev_itype[isubpop2]), indicator = ivar, stratum = NA,
              warning = I(warn), action = I(act)

          # Perform the CDF test for the response variable

          rowvar <- rep(NA, nrow(dframe))
          rowvar[subpop1_ind] <- "Subpopulation 1"
          rowvar[subpop2_ind] <- "Subpopulation 2"
          design$variables$rowvar <- factor(rowvar,
            levels = c("Subpopulation 1", "Subpopulation 2")

          var_totals <- NULL
          var_means <- NULL
          if (vartype == "Local") {
            warn_vec <- c(itype, lev_itype[isubpop1], lev_itype[isubpop2], ivar)
            if (testname %in% c("Wald", "adjWald")) {
              temp <- cdftest_localmean_total(
                design, design_names, warn_ind, warn_df, warn_vec
              var_totals <- temp$varest
              warn_ind <- temp$warn_ind
              warn_df <- temp$warn_df
            } else {
              temp <- cdftest_localmean_prop(
                design, design_names, warn_ind, warn_df, warn_vec
              var_means <- temp$varest
              warn_ind <- temp$warn_ind
              warn_df <- temp$warn_df

          temp <- svychisq_localmean(
            ~ rowvar + colvar, design, testname, vartype, var_totals, var_means

          # Assign estimates for the response variable to the contsum data frame

          contsum <- rbind(
              Type = itype,
              Subpopulation_1 = lev_itype[isubpop1],
              Subpopulation_2 = lev_itype[isubpop2],
              Indicator = ivar,
              statistic = temp$statistic,
              Degrees_of_Freedom_1 = temp$parameter[1],
              Degrees_of_Freedom_2 = temp$parameter[2],
              p_Value = temp$p.value

          # End of the loops for combinations of levels of the subpopulation

      # End of the loop for response variables

    # End of the loop for subpopulations

  # Assign a value for the column in the output data frame that contains test
  # statistic values

  if (testname == "Wald") {
    names(contsum)[5] <- "Wald Statistic"
  } else if (testname == "adjWald") {
    names(contsum)[5] <- "Adjusted Wald Statistic"
  } else if (testname == "Chisq") {
    names(contsum)[5] <- "Rao-Scott First Order Statistic"
  } else {
    names(contsum)[5] <- "Rao-Scott Second Order Statistic"

  # As necessary, modify dimension names

  row.names(contsum) <- 1:nrow(contsum)
  if (testname == "Chisq") {
    contsum <- contsum[, -7]
    names(contsum)[6] <- "Degrees_of_Freedom"

  # As necessary, output a message indicating that warning messages were generated
  # during execution of the program

  if (warn_ind) {
    warn_df <<- warn_df
    if (nrow(warn_df) == 1) {
      message("During execution of the program, a warning message was generated.  The warning \nmessage is stored in a data frame named 'warn_df'.  Enter the following command \nto view the warning message: warnprnt()\n")
    } else {
      message(paste("During execution of the program,", nrow(warn_df), "warning messages were generated.  The warning \nmessages are stored in a data frame named 'warn_df'.  Enter the following \ncommand to view the warning messages: warnprnt() \nTo view a subset of the warning messages (say, messages number 1, 3, and 5), \nenter the following command: warnprnt(m=c(1,3,5))\n"))

  # Return the data frame


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spsurvey documentation built on June 22, 2024, 7:36 p.m.