
Defines functions assign.plot.colors

Documented in assign.plot.colors

# #################################################
# Function for graph auto-coloring; depending on
# the user's choice, it assigns colors or greyscale tones
# to matching strings of characters in texts' names
# (as a delimiter, the underscore character is used);
# alternatively, all the labels can be marked black. 
# Required argument: a vector of labels (text names)
# Optional argument: col="colors" || "greyscale" || "black"
# #################################################

assign.plot.colors = function(labels, 
                              col = "colors", 
                              opacity = 1) {

    if(col == "black") {
        vector.of.colors <- rep("black", length(labels))
    } else {
        # generate unique list of cleaned labels
        labels_cleaned <- gsub("_.*", "", labels)
        distinct_labels_cleaned <- unique(as.data.frame(labels_cleaned))
        # assign a color identifier to each label
        distinct_labels_cleaned$colors <- c(1:length(distinct_labels_cleaned$labels_cleaned))
        # join the list of of distinct label-color pairs to the full list of labels
        labels_cleaned <- merge(as.data.frame(labels_cleaned), distinct_labels_cleaned, by = 'labels_cleaned', sort = FALSE)
        color.numeric.values <- labels_cleaned$colors
        # define a vector of available colors, if an appropriate option was chosen
        if(col == "colors" && opacity >= 1) {
            available.colors = rep_len(c("red","green","blue","black","orange","purple",
            "darkgrey","brown","maroon4","mediumturquoise","gold4", "deepskyblue",
            "greenyellow","grey","chartreuse4", "khaki", "navy", "palevioletred",
            "darkolivegreen4", "chocolate4", "yellowgreen"), max(color.numeric.values))

        if(col == "colors" && opacity < 1) {
            available.colors = rep_len(c(
                rgb(1,0,0, (opacity*0.8)), # red, opacity slightly tuned
                rgb(0.2,0.8,0, opacity), # green
                rgb(0,0,1, opacity), # blue
                rgb(0,0,0, opacity), # black
                rgb(1,0.7,0, opacity), # yellow/organge
                rgb(1,0,0.8, opacity), # purple but slightly different
                rgb(0.5,0.5,0.5, (opacity*0.8)) # dark grey
                ), max(color.numeric.values))

        # define a vector of gray tones, instead of colors
        if(col == "greyscale") {
            number.of.colors.required = max(color.numeric.values)
            available.colors = gray(seq(0, 0.7, 0.7 / (number.of.colors.required-1)), opacity)
        # produce the final vector of colors (or gray tones)
        vector.of.colors = available.colors[c(color.numeric.values)]

    # assigning names to the colors
    names(vector.of.colors) = labels


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stylo documentation built on May 29, 2024, 1:37 a.m.