
Defines functions tb

Documented in tb

#' Convert Summarytools Objects into Tibbles
#' Make a tidy dataset out of freq() or descr() outputs
#' @param x a freq() or descr() output object.
#' @param order Integer. Useful for grouped results produced with
#'  \code{\link{stby}} or \code{dplyr::group_by}. When set to \code{1}
#'   (default), the ordering is done using the grouping variables first. When
#'   set to \code{2}, the ordering is first determined by the \code{variable}
#'   column for \code{\link{descr}} or the column displaying the variable
#'   values for \code{\link{freq}}. When set to \code{3}, the same ordering
#'   as with \code{2} is used, but columns are rearranged to reflect this
#'   sort order.
#' @param na.rm Logical. For \code{\link{freq}} objects, remove \code{<NA>} rows
#'   (or \code{(Missing)} rows if \code{NA} values were made explicit with
#'   \code{forcats::fct_explicit_na()}. Has no effect on \code{\link{descr}}
#'   objects.
#' @param drop.var.col Logical. For \code{\link{descr}} objects, drop the
#'   \code{variable} column. This is possible only when statistics are
#'   produced for a single variable; for multiple variables, this argument
#'   is ignored. \code{FALSE} by default.
#' @return A \code{\link[tibble]{tibble}} which is constructed following the
#' \emph{tidy} principles.
#' @examples
#' tb(freq(iris$Species))
#' tb(descr(iris))
#' data("tobacco")
#' tb(stby(tobacco, tobacco$gender, descr))
#' @importFrom tibble tibble as_tibble
#' @importFrom dplyr bind_rows bind_cols
#' @export
tb <- function(x, order = 1, na.rm = FALSE, drop.var.col = FALSE) {

  if (!inherits(x, c("summarytools", "stby"))) {
    stop("x must be an object of class 'summarytools' or 'stby'")

  errmsg <- check_args_tb(match.call())

  if (length(errmsg) > 0) {
    stop(paste(errmsg, collapse = "\n  "))

  if (inherits(x, "stby")) {

    grp_stats <- lapply(x, tb, na.rm = na.rm, drop.var.col = FALSE)

    if ("groups" %in% names(attributes(x))) {
      left_part <- as_tibble(merge(grp_stats[[1]][,1],
                                   attr(x, "groups"),
                                   all = TRUE)[,-1])
      if (identical(colnames(left_part), "value")) {
        # for special case of descr
        colnames(left_part) <- colnames(attr(x, "group"))
      grp_values <- attr(x, "groups")
    } else {
      null_grs     <- which(vapply(x, is.null, TRUE))
      non_null_grs <- setdiff(seq_along(x), null_grs)
      grp_values   <- as_tibble(expand.grid(attr(x, "dimnames")))[non_null_grs,]
      if (length(intersect(colnames(grp_values),
                           colnames(grp_stats[[non_null_grs[1]]][,1])))) {
        stop(colnames(grp_stats[[non_null_grs[1]]][,1]), " is both a grouping ",
             "variable and an analysis variable; tidy table impossible to ",

      left_part <- as_tibble(merge(grp_stats[[non_null_grs[1]]][,1],
                                   grp_values, all = TRUE))[,-1]

    nb_gr_var  <- ncol(left_part)
    right_part <- bind_rows(grp_stats)

    if (attr(x[[1]], "st_type") == "descr" &&
        all(right_part$variable == "value") && length(names(grp_values)) == 1) {
      right_part$variable <- attr(x[[1]], "data_info")$Variable
    output <- bind_cols(left_part, right_part)

    colnames(output)[1:ncol(left_part)] <-
      sub("(.+)\\$(.+)", "\\2", colnames(output)[1:ncol(left_part)])
    if (order==1) {
    } else if (order %in% 2:3) {
      output <- output[do.call(what = "order",
                               args = unname(output[ ,c(nb_gr_var + 1, 1:nb_gr_var)])), ]
      if (order == 3) {
        output <- output[ ,c(nb_gr_var + 1, 1:(nb_gr_var), (nb_gr_var + 2):ncol(output))]

    if (attr(x[[1]], "st_type") == "freq") {

      if ("pct_valid" %in% colnames(output)) {
        output$pct_valid <- output$pct_valid / nrow(grp_values)
        output$pct_tot   <- output$pct_tot   / nrow(grp_values)
      } else {
        output$pct <- output$pct / nrow(grp_values)

      if ("pct_valid_cum" %in% colnames(output)) {
        tmp_nomiss <- output$pct_valid
        tmp_nomiss[is.na(tmp_nomiss)] <- 0
        output$pct_valid_cum <- cumsum(tmp_nomiss)
        output$pct_tot_cum <- cumsum(output$pct_tot)

      if ("pct_cum" %in% colnames(output)) {
        output$pct_cum <- cumsum(output$pct)



  if (!is.null(x) && attr(x, "st_type") == "freq") {

    output <- as_tibble(cbind(rownames(x), as.data.frame(x)))
    varname <- na.omit(c(attr(x, "data_info")$Variable, "value"))[1]
    names(output) <-
      c(varname, "freq", "pct_valid", "pct_valid_cum", "pct_tot", "pct_tot_cum")

    # remove totals row
    output <- output[1:(nrow(output) - 1), ]

    # remove na info when appropriate
    if (!isTRUE(attr(x, "format_info")[["report.nas"]]) || isTRUE(na.rm)) {
      output <- output[1:(nrow(output) - 1),
                       -grep("^pct_(tot|tot_cum)$", names(output))]
      names(output)[3:4] <- c("pct", "pct_cum")

    # remove cumulative columns when appropriate
    if (!isTRUE(attr(x, "format_info")[["cumul"]])) {
      output <- output[ , -grep("_cum", names(output))]

    output[[varname]] <- factor(output[[varname]], levels = output[[varname]])

  } else if (!is.null(x) && attr(x, "st_type") == "descr") {

    if (!isTRUE(attr(x, "data_info")$transposed)) {
      output <- as_tibble(t(as.data.frame(x)), rownames = "variable")
      names(output) <- c("variable", attr(x, "stats"))
    } else {
      output <- as_tibble(as.data.frame(x), rownames = "variable")
      names(output) <- c("variable", attr(x, "stats"))

    if (isTRUE(drop.var.col) && length(unique(output$variable)) == 1) {
      output$variable <- NULL


  } else if (is.null(x)) {
  } else {
    stop("tb() supports summarytools freq() and descr() objects only")

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summarytools documentation built on May 20, 2022, 9:06 a.m.