
Defines functions help.stError calc.stError

Documented in calc.stError

#' @title Calcualte point estimates and their standard errors using bootstrap
#'   weights.
#' @description
#' Calculate point estimates as well as standard errors of variables in surveys.
#' Standard errors are estimated using bootstrap weights (see [draw.bootstrap]
#' and [recalib]). In addition the standard error of an estimate can be
#' calcualted using the survey data for 3 or more consecutive periods, which
#' results in a reduction of the standard error.
#' @param dat either data.frame or data.table containing the survey data.
#'   Surveys can be a panel survey or rotating panel survey, but does not need
#'   to be. For rotating panel survey bootstrap weights can be created using
#'   [draw.bootstrap] and [recalib].
#' @param weights character specifying the name of the column in `dat`
#'   containing the original sample weights. Used to calculate point estimates.
#' @param b.weights character vector specifying the names of the columns in
#'   `dat` containing bootstrap weights. Used to calculate standard errors.
#' @param period character specifying the name of the column in `dat`
#'   containing the sample periods.
#' @param var character vector containing variable names in `dat` on which `fun`
#'   shall be applied for each sample period.
#' @param fun function which will be applied on `var` for each sample period.
#'   Predefined functions are [weightedRatio], [weightedSum], but can also take
#'   any other function which returns a double or integer and uses weights as
#'   its second argument.
#' @param national boolean, if TRUE point estimates resulting from fun will be
#'   divided by the point estimate at the national level.
#' @param group character vectors or list of character vectors containig
#'   variables in `dat`. For each list entry `dat` will be split in subgroups
#'   according to the containing variables as well as `period`. The
#'   pointestimates are then estimated for each subgroup seperately. If
#'   `group=NULL` the data will split into sample periods by default.
#' @param fun.adjust.var can be either `NULL` or a function. This argument can
#'   be used to apply a function for each `period` and bootstrap weight to the
#'   data. The resulting estimates will be passed down to `fun`. See details for
#'   more explanations.
#' @param adjust.var can be either `NULL` or a character specifying the first
#'   argument in `fun.adjust.var`.
#' @param period.diff character vectors, defining periods for which the
#'   differences in the point estimate as well it's standard error is
#'   calculated. Each entry must have the form of `"period1 - period2"`. Can be
#'   NULL
#' @param period.mean odd integer, defining the range of periods over which the
#'   sample mean of point estimates is additionally calcualted.
#' @param bias boolean, if `TRUE` the sample mean over the point estimates of
#'   the bootstrap weights is returned.
#' @param size.limit integer defining a lower bound on the number of
#'   observations on `dat` in each group defined by `period` and the entries in
#'   `group`. Warnings are returned if the number of observations in a subgroup
#'   falls below `size.limit`. In addition the concerned groups are available in
#'   the function output.
#' @param cv.limit non-negativ value defining a upper bound for the standard
#'   error in relation to the point estimate. If this relation exceed
#'   `cv.limit`, for a point estimate, they are flagged and available in the
#'   function output.
#' @param p numeric vector containing values between 0 and 1. Defines which
#'   quantiles for the distribution of `var` are additionally estimated.
#' @param add.arg additional arguments which will be passed to fun. Can be
#'   either a named list or vector. The names of the object correspond to the
#'   function arguments and the values to column names in dat, see also
#'   examples.
#' @details `calc.stError` takes survey data (`dat`) and returns point estimates
#' as well as their standard Errors defined by `fun` and `var` for each sample
#' period in `dat`. `dat` must be household data where household members
#' correspond to multiple rows with the same household identifier. The data
#' should at least contain the following columns:
#'   * Column indicating the sample period;
#'   * Column indicating the household ID;
#'   * Column containing the household sample weights;
#'   * Columns which contain the bootstrap weights (see output of [recalib]);
#'   * Columns listed in `var` as well as in `group`
#' For each variable in `var` as well as sample period the function `fun` is
#' applied using the original as well as the bootstrap sample weights.\cr
#' The point estimate is then selected as the result of `fun` when using the
#' original sample weights and it's standard error is estimated with the result
#' of `fun` using the bootstrap sample weights. \cr
#' \cr
#' `fun` can be any function which returns a double or integer and uses sample
#' weights as it's second argument. The predifined options are `weightedRatio`
#' and `weightedSum`.\cr
#' \cr
#' For the option `weightedRatio` a weighted ratio (in \%) of `var` is
#' calculated for `var` equal to 1, e.g
#' `sum(weight[var==1])/sum(weight[!is.na(var)])*100`.\cr
#' Additionally using the option `national=TRUE` the weighted ratio (in \%) is
#' divided by the weighted ratio at the national level for each `period`.
#' \cr
#' If `group` is not `NULL` but a vector of variables from `dat` then `fun` is
#' applied on each subset of `dat` defined by all combinations of values in
#' `group`.\cr
#' For instance if `group = "sex"` with "sex" having the values "Male" and
#' "Female" in `dat` the point estimate and standard error is calculated on the
#' subsets of `dat` with only "Male" or "Female" value for "sex". This is done
#' for each value of `period`. For variables in `group` which have `NA`s in
#' `dat` the rows containing the missings will be discarded. \cr
#' When `group` is a list of character vectors, subsets of `dat` and the
#' following estimation of the point estimate, including the estimate for the
#' standard error, are calculated for each list entry.\cr
#' \cr
#' The optional parameters `fun.adjust.var` and `adjust.var` can be used if the
#' values in `var` are dependent on the `weights`. As is for instance the case
#' for the poverty thershhold calculated from EU-SILC.
#' In such a case an additional function can be supplied using `fun.adjust.var`
#' as well as its first argument `adjust.var`, which needs to be part of the
#' data set `dat`. Then, before applying `fun` on variable `var`
#' for all `period` and groups, the function `fun.adjust.var` is applied to
#' `adjust.var` using each of the bootstrap weights seperately (NOTE: weight is
#' used as the second argument of `fun.adjust.var`).
#' Thus creating i=1,...,`length(b.weights)` additional variables.
#' For applying `fun` on `var` the estimates for the bootstrap replicate will
#' now use each of the corresponding new additional variables. So instead of
#' \deqn{fun(var,weights,...),fun(var,b.weights[1],...),
#' fun(var,b.weights[2],...),...}
#' the function `fun` will be applied in the way
#' \deqn{fun(var,weights,...),fun(var.1,b.weights[1],...),fun(var.2,
#' b.weights[2],...),...}
#' where `var.1`, `var.2`, `...` correspond to the estimates resulting from
#' `fun.adjust.var` and `adjust.var`.
#' NOTE: This procedure is especially usefull if the `var` is dependent on
#' `weights` and `fun` is applied on subgroups of the data set. Then it is not
#' possible to capture this procedure with `fun` and `var`, see examples for a
#' more hands on explanation.
#' \cr
#' When defining `period.diff` the difference of point estimates between periods
#' as well their standard errors are calculated.\cr
#' The entries in `period.diff` must have the form of `"period1 - period2"`
#' which means that the results of the point estimates for `period2` will be
#' substracted from the results of the point estimates for `period1`.\cr
#' \cr
#' Specifying `period.mean` leads to an improvement in standard error by
#' averaging the results for the point estimates, using the bootstrap weights,
#' over `period.mean` periods.
#' Setting, for instance, `period.mean = 3` the results in averaging these
#' results over each consecutive set of 3 periods.\cr
#' Estimating the standard error over these averages gives an improved estimate
#' of the standard error for the central period, which was used for
#' averaging.\cr
#' The averaging of the results is also applied in differences of point
#' estimates. For instance defining `period.diff = "2015-2009"` and
#' `period.mean = 3`
#' the differences in point estimates of 2015 and 2009, 2016 and 2010 as well as
#' 2014 and 2008 are calcualated and finally the average over these 3
#' differences is calculated.
#' The periods set in `period.diff` are always used as the middle periods around
#' which the mean over `period.mean` years is build.
#' \cr
#' Setting `bias` to `TRUE` returns the calculation of a mean over the results
#' from the bootstrap replicates. In  the output the corresponding columns is
#' labeled *_mean* at the end.\cr
#' \cr
#' If `fun` needs more arguments they can be supplied in `add.arg`. This can
#' either be a named list or vector.\cr
#' \cr
#' The parameter `size.limit` indicates a lower bound of the sample size for
#' subsets in `dat` created by `group`. If the sample size of a subset falls
#' below `size.limit` a warning will be displayed.\cr
#' In addition all subsets for which this is the case can be selected from the
#' output of `calc.stError` with `$smallGroups`.\cr
#' With the parameter `cv.limit` one can set an upper bound on the coefficient
#' of variantion. Estimates which exceed this bound are flagged with `TRUE` and
#' are available in the function output with `$cvHigh`.
#' `cv.limit` must be a positive integer and is treated internally as \%, e.g.
#' for `cv.limit=1` the estimate will be flagged if the coefficient of
#' variantion exceeds 1\%.\cr
#' \cr
#' When specifying `period.mean`, the decrease in standard error for choosing
#' this method is internally calcualted and a rough estimate for an implied
#' increase in sample size is available in the output with `$stEDecrease`.
#' The rough estimate for the increase in sample size uses the fact that for a
#' sample of size \eqn{n} the sample estimate for the standard error of most
#' point estimates converges with a factor \eqn{1/\sqrt{n}} against the true
#' standard error \eqn{\sigma}.
#' @return Returns a list containing:
#' * `Estimates`: data.table containing period differences and/or k period
#'   averages for estimates of
#'   `fun` applied to `var` as well as the corresponding standard errors, which
#'   are calculated using the bootstrap weights. In addition the sample size,
#'   `n`, and poplutaion size for each group is added to the output.
#' * `smallGroups`: data.table containing groups for which the number of
#'   observation falls below `size.limit`.
#' * `cvHigh`: data.table containing a boolean variable which indicates for each
#'   estimate if the estimated standard error exceeds `cv.limit`.
#' * `stEDecrease`: data.table indicating for each estimate the theoretical
#'   increase in sample size which is gained when averaging over k periods. Only
#'   returned if `period.mean` is not `NULL`.
#' @seealso [draw.bootstrap] \cr
#' [recalib]
#' @keywords survey manip
#' @author Johannes Gussenbauer, Alexander Kowarik, Statistics Austria
#' @examples
#' # Import data and calibrate
#' set.seed(1234)
#' eusilc <- demo.eusilc(n = 4,prettyNames = TRUE)
#' dat_boot <- draw.bootstrap(eusilc, REP = 3, hid = "hid", weights = "pWeight",
#'                            strata = "region", period = "year")
#' dat_boot_calib <- recalib(dat_boot, conP.var = "gender", conH.var = "region")
#' # estimate weightedRatio for povertyRisk per period
#' err.est <- calc.stError(dat_boot_calib, var = "povertyRisk",
#'                         fun = weightedRatio)
#' err.est$Estimates
#' # calculate weightedRatio for povertyRisk and fraction of one-person
#' # households per period
#' dat_boot_calib[, onePerson := .N == 1, by = .(year, hid)]
#' err.est <- calc.stError(dat_boot_calib, var = c("povertyRisk", "onePerson"),
#'                         fun = weightedRatio)
#' err.est$Estimates
#' # estimate weightedRatio for povertyRisk per period and gender and
#' # period x region x gender 
#' group <- list("gender", c("gender", "region"))
#' err.est <- calc.stError(dat_boot_calib, var = "povertyRisk",
#'                         fun = weightedRatio, group = group)
#' err.est$Estimates
#' # use average over 3 periods for standard error estimation
#' # and calculate estimate for difference of
#' # period 2011 and 2012 inclulding standard errors
#' period.diff <- c("2012-2011")
#' err.est <- calc.stError(
#'   dat_boot_calib, var = "povertyRisk", fun = weightedRatio,
#'   period.diff = period.diff,  # <- take difference of periods 2012 and 2011
#'   period.mean = 3)  # <- average over 3 periods
#' err.est$Estimates
#' # for more examples see https://statistikat.github.io/surveysd/articles/error_estimation.html
#' @export calc.stError

# wrapper-function to apply fun to var using weights (~weights, b.weights)
# and calculating standard devation (using the bootstrap replicates) per period
# and for k-period rolling means
calc.stError <- function(
  dat, weights = attr(dat, "weights"), b.weights = attr(dat, "b.rep"),
  period = attr(dat, "period"), var, fun = weightedRatio, national = FALSE,
  group = NULL, fun.adjust.var = NULL, adjust.var = NULL, period.diff = NULL,
  period.mean = NULL, bias = FALSE, size.limit = 20, cv.limit = 10, p = NULL,
  add.arg = NULL) {

  stE_high <- stE <- val <- as.formula <- est_type <- n_inc <-
    stE_roll <- n <- size <- NULL

  if (is.data.frame(dat)) {
    dat <- as.data.table(dat)
  }else if (!is.data.table(dat)) {
    stop("dat must be a data.frame or data.table")

  c.names <- colnames(dat)

  # check weights
  if (length(weights) != 1)
    stop("weights must have length 1")

  if (!weights %in% c.names)
    stop(weights, " is not a column in dat")

  if (!is.numeric(dt.eval("dat[,", weights, "]")))
    stop(weights, " must be a numeric column")

  # check b.weights
  if (!all(b.weights %in% c.names))
    stop("Not all elements in b.rep are column names in dat")

  if (any(!grepl("^[[:alpha:]]", b.weights)))
    stop("Column names of bootstrap replicates must start with alphabetic ",

  if (any(!unlist(lapply(dat[, mget(b.weights)], is.numeric))))
    stop("Columns containing bootstrap replicates must be numeric")

  # check period
  removeCols <- c()
  periodNULL <- is.null(period)
  if (periodNULL) {
    period <- generateRandomName(20, colnames(dat))
    dat[, c(period) := 1]
    removeCols <- c(removeCols, period)

  if (length(period) != 1)
    stop("period must have length 1")

  if (!period %in% c.names)
    stop(paste0(period, " is not a column in dat"))

  # check var
  if (any(!var %in% c(c.names)))
    stop("Not all elements in var are column names in dat")

  if (any(!unlist(lapply(dat[, mget(b.weights)], is.numeric))))
    stop("Columns containing ", paste(var, collapse = ","),
         " must all be numeric")

  # check national
  if (!is.logical(national))
    stop("national can only be logical")

  # check fun and add.arg
  if (!is.function(fun))
    stop("fun can only be a function")

  if (!is.null(add.arg)) {
    if (!is.list(add.arg) | !is.vector(add.arg))
      stop("add.arg needs to be a list or vector")

    if (length(names(add.arg)) == 0)
      stop("add.arg needs to be a named list or vector, names(add.arg) <- ?")

    if (any(!names(add.arg) %in% formalArgs(fun))) {
      notInFun <- !names(add.arg) %in% formalArgs(fun)
      stop(paste(names(add.arg)[notInFun], collapse = " "),
           " not argument(s) of supplied function.")

    if (any(!unlist(add.arg) %in% c.names)) {
      notInData <- unlist(add.arg)
      notInData <- notInData[!notInData %in% c.names]
      stop(paste(notInData, collapse = " "), " not in column names of dat.")

    add.arg <- unlist(add.arg)
    add.arg <- paste0(",", paste(names(add.arg), add.arg, sep = "=",
                                 collapse = ","))

  test.val <- dt.eval("dat[,fun(", var[1], ",", weights, add.arg, ")]")
  if (!is.numeric(test.val) & !is.integer(test.val))
    stop("Function in fun does not return integer or numeric value")

  if (length(test.val) > 1)
    stop("Function in fun does return more than one value. Only functions ",
         "which return a single value are allowed.")

  # check fun.adjust.var
  if (!is.null(fun.adjust.var)) {
    if (!is.function(fun.adjust.var))
      stop("fun.adjust.var can only be a function or NULL")

    test.val <- dt.eval("dat[,fun.adjust.var(", adjust.var, ",", weights,
                        add.arg, ")]")
    if (!is.numeric(test.val) & !is.integer(test.val))
      stop("Function in fun.adjust.var does not return integer ",
           "or numeric value")
  # check adjust.var
  if (!is.null(adjust.var)) {
    if (!is.character(adjust.var))
      stop("adjust.var needs to be a character")

    if (length(adjust.var) > 1)
      stop("adjust.var can only be a single variable name")

    if (!adjust.var %in% c.names)
      stop("adjust.var must be a column name in dat")

  # check group
  if (is.null(group))
    group <- list(NULL)

  if (!is.list(group))
    group <- as.list(group)

  if (!any(unlist(lapply(group, is.null))))
    group <- c(list(NULL), group)

  if (any(!unlist(group) %in% c.names))
    stop("Not all elements on group are column names in dat")

  # check period.mean
  if (!is.null(period.mean)) {
    if (length(period.mean) != 1)
      stop("period.mean must have length 1")

    if (!is.numeric(period.mean))
      stop("period.mean must contain one numeric value")

    if (period.mean %% 1 != 0)
      stop("period.mean cannot have a decimal part")

    if (period.mean %% 2 == 0 & period.mean > 0) {
      warning("period.mean must be odd - mean over periods",
              " will not be calculated")
      period.mean <- NULL
    } else {
      if (period.mean <= 1)
        period.mean <- NULL

  # check bias
  if (length(bias) != 1)
    stop("period.mean must have length 1")

  if (!is.logical(bias))
    stop("bias can only be TRUE of FALSE")

  # check size.limit
  if (length(size.limit) != 1)
    stop("size.limit must have length 1")

  if (!is.numeric(size.limit))
    stop("size.limit must contain one numeric value")

  # check cv.limit
  if (length(cv.limit) != 1)
    stop("cv.limit must have length 1")

  if (!is.numeric(cv.limit))
    stop("cv.limit must contain one numeric value")

  # check p
  if (!is.null(p)) {
    if (!is.numeric(p))
      stop("p must be a numeric vector")

    if (any(!p %between% c(0, 1)))
      stop("Values in p must be between 0 and 1")


  # check period.diff
  if (!is.null(period.diff)) {
    periods.dat <- dt.eval("dat[,unique(", period, ")]")
    period.diff <- strsplit(period.diff, "-")

    rm.index <- rep(0, length(period.diff))
    for (i in seq_along(period.diff)) {
      if (any(!period.diff[[i]] %in% periods.dat)) {
        warning("Removing ", paste(period.diff[[i]], collapse = "-"),
                " from period.diff - period(s) not present in column ",
                period, "\n")
        rm.index[i] <- 1
    if (all(rm.index == 1)) {
      warning("No differences will be calculated\n")
      period.diff <- NULL
    } else {
      period.diff <- period.diff[rm.index == 0]


  # setup parameters
  # define columns in which NAs are present (will be discarded for
  #   the evaluation)

  col_cross <- unique(unlist(group))
  if (!is.null(col_cross)) {
    no.na <- unlist(dat[, lapply(.SD,
                                 function(z) {
                        .SDcols = col_cross])
    no.na <- names(no.na)[!no.na]

    if (length(no.na) > 0) {
      print.no.na <- paste0(no.na, collapse = ", ")
      warning("Missing values found in column name(s) ", print.no.na,
              "\n Cells with missing values are discarded for the",

  } else {
    no.na <- NULL

  if (!is.null(p)) {
    p.names <- paste0("p", p)
  } else {
    p.names <- NULL

  # calculate point estimates
  outx <- help.stError(
    dat = dat, period = period, var = var, weights = weights,
    b.weights = b.weights, fun = fun, national = national, group = group,
    fun.adjust.var = fun.adjust.var, adjust.var = adjust.var,
    period.diff = period.diff, period.mean = period.mean, bias = bias,
    no.na = no.na, size.limit = size.limit, p = p, add.arg = add.arg)

  outx.names <- colnames(outx)
  outx.names <- outx.names[!outx.names %in% c("val", "est_type", "stE", "mean",
                                              "size", p.names)]

  # remove columns
  if (length(removeCols) > 0) {
    dat[, c(removeCols) := NULL]

  # get meta data like stE_high - size - increase in effektive sample size
  # flag stE if values are especially high
  outx[, stE_high := ((stE / val) * 100) > cv.limit]

  # create bool matrix for stE_high
  sd_bool <- subset(
    select = c("stE_high", outx.names[!outx.names %in% c("N", "n")])
  form <- as.formula(paste(
    paste(outx.names[!outx.names %in% c("N", "n", "est")], collapse = "+"),
    "est", sep = "~"))
  sd_bool <- dcast(sd_bool, form, value.var = "stE_high")

  # create matrix for increase of sample size
  if (nrow(outx[est_type == "roll"]) > 0) {
    # estimate (roughly) the effektive sample size per
    samp_eff <- outx[est_type == "roll"]
    setnames(samp_eff, period, paste0(period, "_roll"))
    dt.eval("samp_eff[,", period, ":=tstrsplit(", period,
            "_roll, '_', keep=2)]")
    if (bias) {
      samp_eff[, "mean" := NULL]
    samp_eff[, c("size", "val", "est_type", "N", "n") := NULL]
    setnames(samp_eff, "stE", "stE_roll")
    same_names <- intersect(colnames(samp_eff), colnames(outx))

    samp_eff <- merge(samp_eff, outx[, mget(c("stE", "n", same_names))],
                      by = same_names)
    samp_eff[, n_inc := ((stE / stE_roll) ^ 2 - 1) * n]
    samp_eff[, c(paste0(period, "_roll"), "stE_roll", "stE", "n") := NULL]
  } else {
    samp_eff <- NULL

  # create Matrix for groups which have small sizes
  size_group <- unique(subset(
    outx[size == TRUE],
    select = c(outx.names[!outx.names %in% c("est", "N")])

  val.var <- c("val", "stE", p.names)
  if (bias) {
    val.var <- c(val.var, "mean")

  form <- as.formula(paste(
    paste(outx.names[outx.names != "est"], collapse = "+"), "est", sep = "~"
  outx <- dcast(outx, form, value.var = val.var, fill = NA)
  # reorder output
  col.order <- as.vector(outer(paste0(val.var, "_"), var, FUN = "paste0"))
  outx.names <- colnames(outx)
  col.order <- c(outx.names[!outx.names %in% col.order], col.order)
  setcolorder(outx, col.order)

  param <- list(
    number.bweights = length(b.weights), period = period, var = var,
    fun = fun, fun.adjust.var = fun.adjust.var, adjust.var = adjust.var,
    group = group, period.diff = period.diff, period.mean = period.mean,
    bias = bias, size.limit = size.limit, cv.limit = cv.limit, add.arg)

  output <- list(Estimates = outx, smallGroups = size_group, cvHigh = sd_bool,
                 stEDecrease = samp_eff, param = param)

  class(output) <- c("surveysd", class(output))


# function to apply fun to var using weights (~weights, b.weights)
# and calculating standard devation (using the bootstrap replicates) per period
# and for k-period rolling means
help.stError <- function(
  dat, period, var, weights, b.weights = paste0("w", 1:1000), fun, national,
  group, fun.adjust.var, adjust.var, period.diff = NULL, period.mean =
    NULL, bias = FALSE, no.na, size.limit = 20, p = NULL, add.arg) {

  N <- variable <- est_type <- est <- V1 <- n <- ID <- sd <- . <- size <- NULL

  # create point estimate for subnational result in relation to national level
  if (national) {
    national.arg <- c("Nat[1]")
    dt.eval("dat[,Nat:=fun(", var, ",", weights, add.arg, "),by=list(",
            period, ")]")

    # create new functions which divides by national level
    fun_original <- fun # nolint
    fun <- dt.eval(
      "function(", paste0(formalArgs(fun), collapse = ","),
      ",national.arg) {fun_original(x,w,add.arg)/national.arg*100}")

  # define names for estimates for each weight (normal weights and boostrap
  #  weights)
  # makes it easier to (sort of) verctorize expressions
  if (!is.null(fun.adjust.var)) {
    varnew <- paste0("'", var, ".", 2:(length(b.weights) + 1), "'",
                     collapse = ",")
    varnew <- paste0("c(", varnew, ")")
    eval.fun.adjust <- paste0("fun.adjust.var(", adjust.var, ",",
                              c(b.weights), ")", collapse = ",")

    dt.eval("dat[,", varnew, ":=.(", eval.fun.adjust, "),by=list(",
            period, ")]")

    res.names <- c(t(outer(var, seq_along(c(weights, b.weights)), paste_)))

    varnew <- c(var, paste0(var, ".", 2:(length(b.weights) + 1)))

    if (national) {
      eval.fun <- paste0(res.names, "=fun(", varnew, ",",
                         c(weights, b.weights), add.arg, ",", national.arg, ")")
    } else {
      eval.fun <- paste0(res.names, "=fun(", varnew, ",",
                         c(weights, b.weights), add.arg, ")")
  } else {

    res.names <- c(t(outer(var, seq_along(c(weights, b.weights)), paste_)))
    if (national) {
      eval.fun <- paste0(res.names, "=fun(", paste(c(t(outer(
        var, c(weights, b.weights), paste_c
      ))), add.arg, sep = ","), ",", national.arg, ")")
    } else {
      eval.fun <- paste0(res.names, "=fun(", c(t(outer(
        var, c(weights, b.weights), paste_c
      ))), add.arg, ")")


  eval.fun <- paste0(
    ".(n=.N,N=sum(", weights, "),", paste(eval.fun, collapse = ","), ")"

  # define parameter for quantile calculation
  if (!is.null(p)) {
    p.names <- paste0("p", p)
    np <- length(p.names)

  # define additional parameters for mean over consecutive periods
  periods <- sort(dt.eval("dat[,unique(", period, ")]"))

  if (!is.null(period.mean)) {
    # formulate k consecutive periods
    if (length(periods) >= period.mean & period.mean %% 2 == 1) {
      periodsList <- unlist(lapply(
        periods[1:c(length(periods) - period.mean + 1)],
        function(z) {
          if (!((z + period.mean - 1) > max(periods))) {
            paste(z:c(z + period.mean - 1), collapse = "_")
    } else{
      periodsList <- NULL
      warning("Not enough periods present in data to calculate mean over ",
              period.mean, " periods.\n")
      period.mean <- NULL

    # get periods for k period mean over period-differences
    # get for each difference a list of vectors that correspond to the
    #   differences needed to use for the mean over differences
    if (!is.null(period.diff)) {
      period.diff.b <- TRUE
      period.diff.mean <- lapply(period.diff, function(z) {
        z <- as.numeric(z)
        steps <- (period.mean - 1) / 2
        z_upper <- (z[1] + steps):(z[1] - steps)
        z_lower <- (z[2] + steps):(z[2] - steps)
        diff.feasable <- all(c(z_lower, z_upper) %in% periods)
        if (diff.feasable) {
          lapply(1:period.mean, function(s) {
            c(z_upper[s], z_lower[s])
        } else {
          warning("Cannot calculate differences between periods ", z[1],
                  " and ", z[2], " over ", period.mean, " periods.\n")
      period.diff.mean[unlist(lapply(period.diff.mean, is.null))] <- NULL
    } else {
      period.diff.b <- FALSE
      period.diff.mean <- NULL
  } else {
    if (is.null(period.diff)) {
      period.diff.b <- FALSE
    } else {
      period.diff.b <- TRUE
    period.diff.mean <- NULL
    periodsList <- NULL

  # apply function to all elemnts of group
  # apply also mean and standard deviation for estimates
  out <- lapply(group, function(z) {

    # use only unique values for grouping (duplicates are discarded)
    # if period in z also discard -> always group by period
    z <- unique(z[!z == period])
    na.check <- z[z %in% no.na]
    if (length(na.check) > 0) {
      na.eval <- paste(paste0("(!is.na(", na.check, "))"), collapse = "&")
    } else {
      na.eval <- NULL
    by.eval <- paste(c(period, z), collapse = ",")

    # calcualte estimate
    var.est <- dt.eval("dat[", na.eval, ",", eval.fun,
                       ",by=list(", by.eval, ")]")

    if (nrow(var.est[N < size.limit]) > 0) {
      small.group <- var.est[N < size.limit, mget(c(period, z))]
      cat(paste0("For grouping by ", paste(c(period, z), collapse = "~"),
                 ": \n"))
      if (nrow(var.est[N < size.limit]) > 10) {
        cat(paste0("Sample size lower ", size.limit, " for ",
                   nrow(var.est[N < size.limit]), " groups \n"))
      } else {
        cat(paste0("Sample size lower ", size.limit, " for groups \n"))

    var.est <- melt(var.est, id.vars = c(period, z, "n", "N"),
                    measure.vars = res.names, value.name = "V1")
    var.est[, c("est", "ID") := tstrsplit(variable, "\\.(?=[^\\.]+$)", perl=TRUE)]
    var.est[, est_type := "norm"]
    var.est[, variable := NULL]
    # add groups which are not in var.est
    # because they were not present in sample
    if (!is.null(period.mean) | period.diff.b) {
      # if group did not exist in period
      # add group with NA
      roll.miss <- unique(dt.eval("dat[", na.eval, ",list(", by.eval, ")]"))
      roll.miss <- lapply(
        function(l) {
      roll.miss <- c(roll.miss, list(est = var.est[, unique(est)]))
      roll.est <- data.table(expand.grid(c(
        roll.miss, list(ID = unique(var.est$ID))

      if (nrow(roll.est) > nrow(var.est)) {
        var.est <- merge(roll.est, var.est, by = c(period, z, "ID", "est"),
                         all.x = TRUE)
        setkeyv(var.est, period)
        var.est[is.na(V1), N := 0]
        var.est[is.na(V1), n := 0]

    # calculate mean of estimate over 'period.mean'- periods
    if (!is.null(periodsList)) {
      roll.est <- var.est[, list(
        V1 = rollMeanC(x = V1, k = period.mean, type = "c"),
        V2 = periodsList
      ), by = c("ID", z, "est")]
      setnames(roll.est, "V2", period)
      roll.est[, est_type := "roll"]
      if (!is.null(z)) {
        roll.Nn <- var.est[ID == 1 & est == var[1], list(
          N = rollMeanC(x = N, k = period.mean, type = "c"),
          n = rollMeanC(x = n, k = period.mean, type = "c"),
          V2 = periodsList),
          by = c(z)]
      } else {
        roll.Nn <- var.est[ID == 1 & est == var[1], list(
          N = rollMeanC(x = N, k = period.mean, type = "c"),
          n = rollMeanC(x = n, k = period.mean, type = "c"), V2 = periodsList)]

      setnames(roll.Nn, "V2", period)

      # merge results
      roll.est <- merge(roll.est, roll.Nn, by = c(z, period), all.x = TRUE)


    if (period.diff.b) {
      # calcualte differences between periods
      by.diff <- paste(c("ID", "est", z), collapse = ",")
      diff.est <- lapply(period.diff, function(y) {
        y_cond <- paste(period, paste0("c(", paste(y, collapse = ", "), ")"),
                        sep = "%in%")
        diff.y <- dt.eval("var.est[", y_cond, ",V1[", period, "==", y[1],
                          "]-V1[", period, "==", y[2], "],by=list(", by.diff,
        diff.y[, c(period) := paste(y, collapse = "-")]
      diff.est <- rbindlist(diff.est)
      diff.est[, est_type := "diff"]

      # calcualte N and n for groups and diff
      diff.Nn <- lapply(period.diff, function(y) {
        y_cond <- paste(period, paste0("c(", paste(y, collapse = ", "), ")"),
                        sep = "%in%")
        diff.y <- dt.eval("var.est[ID==1&est==var[1]&", y_cond,
                          ",.(n=mean(n),N=mean(N)),by=list(", by.diff, ")]")
        diff.y[, c(period) := paste(y, collapse = "-")]
        diff.y[, c("est", "ID") := NULL]
      diff.Nn <- rbindlist(diff.Nn)

      # merge results
      diff.est <- merge(diff.est, diff.Nn, by = c(z, period), all.x = TRUE)

      # calcualte differences between periods and mean over consecutive
      #   differences
      if (!is.null(unlist(period.diff.mean))) {
        i.diff.mean <- (period.mean + 1) / 2
        # i.diff.mean <- 1 # nolint
        diff.mean.est <- lapply(period.diff.mean, function(d) {
          # calculate differences for all pairwise periods in d
          d.m.est <- lapply(d, function(y) {
            y_cond <- paste(period, paste0("c(", paste(y, collapse = ","), ")"),
                            sep = "%in%")
            diff.y <- dt.eval("var.est[", y_cond, ",V1[", period, "==", y[1],
                              "]-V1[", period, "==", y[2], "],by=list(",
                              by.diff, ")]")
            diff.y[, c(period) := paste(y, collapse = "-")]
          # calcualte mean over consecutive differences
          d.m.est <- rbindlist(d.m.est)
          d.m.est <- dt.eval("d.m.est[,mean(V1),by=list(", by.diff, ")]")
          d.m.est[, c(period) := paste0(paste(d[[i.diff.mean]], collapse = "-"),
        diff.mean.est <- rbindlist(diff.mean.est)
        diff.mean.est[, est_type := "diff_mean"]

        # calcualte N and n for groups and diff
        diff.roll.Nn <- lapply(period.diff.mean, function(y) {
          y_cond <- paste(period, paste0("c(", paste(unlist(y), collapse = ","),
                                         ")"), sep = "%in%")
          diff.y <- dt.eval("var.est[ID==1&est==var[1]&", y_cond,
                            ",.(n=mean(n),N=mean(N)),by=list(", by.diff, ")]")
          diff.y[, c(period) := paste0(paste(y[[i.diff.mean]], collapse = "-"),
          diff.y[, c("est", "ID") := NULL]
        diff.roll.Nn <- rbindlist(diff.roll.Nn)

        # merge results
        diff.mean.est <- merge(diff.mean.est, diff.roll.Nn, by = c(z, period),
                               all.x = TRUE)

    # add results to one data.table
    if (!is.null(period.mean)) {
      var.est <- rbind(var.est, roll.est, fill = TRUE)
    if (period.diff.b) {
      var.est <- rbind(var.est, diff.est, fill = TRUE)

      if (!is.null(unlist(period.diff.mean))) {
        var.est <- rbind(var.est, diff.mean.est, fill = TRUE)

    if (!is.null(p)) {
      sd.est <- var.est[ID != 1, as.list(
        c(stE = sd(V1), quantileNA(V1, probs = p, p.names = p.names, np = np))),
        by = c(period, z, "est")]
    } else {
      sd.est <- var.est[ID != 1, .(stE = sd(V1)), by = c(period, z, "est")]

    out.z <- merge(var.est[ID == 1, -"ID"], sd.est, by = c(period, z, "est"))

    if (bias) {
      bias.est <- var.est[ID != 1, .(mean = mean(V1)), by = c(period, z)]
      out.z <- merge(out.z, bias.est, by = c(period, z))

    # define size groups - groups with zero size do not fall under size-output
    # for groups with zero size the resutling estimatese will be NAs
    out.z[(!is.na(n)) & n > 0, size := n < size.limit]



  out <- rbindlist(out, fill = TRUE, use.names = TRUE)
  setnames(out, "V1", "val")

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