#' Round numbers with 0-padding.
#' Utility functions to round numbers, similar the the base functions \code{signif}
#' and \code{round}, but resulting in character representations that keep zeros at
#' the right edge if they are significant.
#' @param x A numeric vector.
#' @param digits An integer specifying the number of significant digits to keep
#' (for \code{signif_pad}) or the number of digits after the decimal point (for
#' \code{round_pad}).
#' @param round.integers Should rounding be limited to digits to the right of
#' the decimal point?
#' @param round5up Should numbers with 5 as the last digit always be rounded
#' up? The standard R approach is "go to the even digit" (IEC 60559 standard,
#' see \code{\link{round}}), while some other softwares (e.g. SAS, Excel)
#' always round up.
#' @param dec The character symbol to use as decimal mark (locale
#' specific). [Deprecated; use \code{decimal.mark} instead]
#' @param ... Further options, passed to \code{formatC} (which is used
#' internally). Not all options will work, but some might be useful (e.g.
#' \code{big.mark}, \code{decimal.mark}).
#' @return A character vector containing the rounded numbers.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{signif}}
#' \code{\link{round}}
#' \code{\link{formatC}}
#' \code{\link{prettyNum}}
#' \code{\link{format}}
#' @examples
#' x <- c(0.9001, 12345, 1.2, 1., 0.1, 0.00001 , 1e5)
#' signif_pad(x, digits=3)
#' signif_pad(x, digits=3, round.integers=TRUE)
#' # Compare:
#' as.character(signif(x, digits=3))
#' format(x, digits=3, nsmall=3)
#' prettyNum(x, digits=3, drop0trailing=TRUE)
#' prettyNum(x, digits=3, drop0trailing=FALSE)
#' # This is very close.
#' formatC(x, format="fg", flag="#", digits=3)
#' formatC(signif(x, 3), format="fg", flag="#", digits=3)
#' # Could always remove the trailing "."
#' sub("[.]$", "", formatC(x, format="fg", flag="#", digits=3))
#' @keywords utilities
#' @export
signif_pad <- function(x, digits=3, round.integers=TRUE, round5up=TRUE, dec, ...) {
args <- list(...)
if (!missing(dec)) {
warning("argument dec is deprecated; please use decimal.mark instead.", call.=FALSE)
args$decimal.mark <- dec
eps <- if (round5up) x*(10^(-(digits + 3))) else 0
rx <- ifelse(! & x >= 10^digits & .isFALSE(round.integers),
signif(x+eps, digits))
args1 <- c(list(x=rx, digits=digits, format="fg", flag="#"),
args[names(args) %in% names(formals(formatC))])
args1 <- args1[!duplicated(names(args1))]
cx <-, args1)
cx[] <- "0" # Put in a dummy value for missing x
cx <- gsub("[^0-9]*$", "", cx) # Remove any trailing non-digit characters
ifelse(, NA, cx)
#' @rdname signif_pad
#' @export
round_pad <- function (x, digits=2, round5up=TRUE, dec, ...) {
args <- list(...)
if (!missing(dec)) {
warning("argument dec is deprecated; please use decimal.mark instead.", call.=FALSE)
args$decimal.mark <- dec
eps <- if (round5up) 10^(-(digits + 3)) else 0
rx <- round(x + eps, digits)
args1 <- c(list(x=rx, digits=digits, format="f", flag="0"),
args[names(args) %in% names(formals(formatC))])
args1 <- args1[!duplicated(names(args1))]
cx <-, args1)
ifelse(, NA, cx)
# Internal function
format_n <- function (x, ...) {
args <- list(...)
args <- args[!(names(args) %in% c("format"))]
cx <-,
c(list(x=x, format="d"),
args[names(args) %in% names(formals(formatC))]))
ifelse(, NA, cx)
#' Compute some basic descriptive statistics.
#' Values of type \code{factor}, \code{character} and \code{logical} are
#' treated as categorical. For logicals, the two categories are given the
#' labels `Yes` for \code{TRUE}, and `No` for \code{FALSE}. Factor levels with
#' zero counts are retained.
#' @param x A vector or numeric, factor, character or logical values.
#' @param quantile.type An integer from 1 to 9, passed as the \code{type}
#' argument to function \code{\link[stats]{quantile}}.
#' @param ... Further arguments (ignored).
#' @return A list. For numeric \code{x}, the list contains the numeric elements:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{N}: the number of non-missing values
#' \item \code{NMISS}: the number of missing values
#' \item \code{SUM}: the sum of the non-missing values
#' \item \code{MEAN}: the mean of the non-missing values
#' \item \code{SD}: the standard deviation of the non-missing values
#' \item \code{MIN}: the minimum of the non-missing values
#' \item \code{MEDIAN}: the median of the non-missing values
#' \item \code{CV}: the percent coefficient of variation of the non-missing values
#' \item \code{GMEAN}: the geometric mean of the non-missing values if non-negative, or \code{NA}
#' \item \code{GSD}: the geometric standard deviation of the non-missing values if non-negative, or \code{NA}
#' \item \code{GCV}: the percent geometric coefficient of variation of the
#' non-missing values if non-negative, or \code{NA}
#' \item \code{qXX}: various quantiles (percentiles) of the non-missing
#' values (q01: 1\%, q02.5: 2.5\%, q05: 5\%, q10: 10\%, q25: 25\% (first
#' quartile), q33.3: 33.33333\% (first tertile), q50: 50\% (median, or second
#' quartile), q66.7: 66.66667\% (second tertile), q75: 75\% (third quartile),
#' q90: 90\%, q95: 95\%, q97.5: 97.5\%, q99: 99\%)
#' \item \code{Q1}: the first quartile of the non-missing values (alias \code{q25})
#' \item \code{Q2}: the second quartile of the non-missing values (alias \code{q50} or \code{Median})
#' \item \code{Q3}: the third quartile of the non-missing values (alias \code{q75})
#' \item \code{IQR}: the inter-quartile range of the non-missing values (i.e., \code{Q3 - Q1})
#' \item \code{T1}: the first tertile of the non-missing values (alias \code{q33.3})
#' \item \code{T2}: the second tertile of the non-missing values (alias \code{q66.7})
#' }
#' If \code{x} is categorical (i.e. factor, character or logical), the list
#' contains a sublist for each category, where each sublist contains the
#' numeric elements:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{FREQ}: the frequency count
#' \item \code{PCT}: the percent relative frequency, including NA in the denominator
#' \item \code{PCTnoNA}: the percent relative frequency, excluding NA from the denominator
#' \item \code{NMISS}: the number of missing values
#' }
#' @examples
#' x <- exp(rnorm(100, 1, 1))
#' stats.default(x)
#' y <- factor(sample(0:1, 99, replace=TRUE), labels=c("Female", "Male"))
#' y[1:10] <- NA
#' stats.default(y)
#' stats.default(
#' @keywords utilities
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats sd median quantile IQR na.omit
stats.default <- function(x, quantile.type=7, ...) {
if (is.logical(x)) {
x <- factor(1-x, levels=c(0, 1), labels=c("Yes", "No"))
if (is.factor(x) || is.character(x)) {
y <- table(x, useNA="no")
nn <- names(y)
nn[] <- "Missing"
names(y) <- nn
lapply(y, function(z) list(FREQ=z, PCT=100*z/length(x), PCTnoNA=100*z/sum(y), NMISS=sum(
} else if (is.numeric(x) && sum(! == 0) {
} else if (is.numeric(x)) {
q <- quantile(x, probs=c(0.01, 0.025, 0.05, 0.1, 0.25, 1/3, 0.5, 2/3, 0.75, 0.9, 0.95, 0.975, 0.99), na.rm=TRUE, type=quantile.type)
SUM=sum(x, na.rm=TRUE),
MEAN=mean(x, na.rm=TRUE),
SD=sd(x, na.rm=TRUE),
CV=100*sd(x, na.rm=TRUE)/abs(mean(x, na.rm=TRUE)),
GMEAN=if (any(na.omit(x) <= 0)) NA else exp(mean(log(x), na.rm=TRUE)),
GSD=if (any(na.omit(x) <= 0)) NA else exp(sd(log(x), na.rm=TRUE)),
GCV=if (any(na.omit(x) <= 0)) NA else 100*sqrt(exp(sd(log(x), na.rm=TRUE)^2) -1),
MEDIAN=median(x, na.rm=TRUE),
MIN=min(x, na.rm=TRUE),
MAX=max(x, na.rm=TRUE),
IQR=q["75%"] - q["25%"],
} else {
stop(paste("Unrecognized variable type:", class(x)))
#' Apply rounding to basic descriptive statistics.
#' Not all statistics should be rounded in the same way, or at all. This
#' function will apply rounding selectively to a list of statistics as returned
#' by \code{\link{stats.default}}. In particular we don't round counts (N, NMISS and
#' FREQ), and for MIN, MAX and MEDIAN the \code{digits} is interpreted as the
#' \emph{minimum} number of significant digits, so that we don't loose any
#' precision. Percentages are rounded to a fixed number of decimal places
#' (default 1) rather than a specific number of significant digits.
#' @param x A list, such as that returned by \code{\link{stats.default}}.
#' @param digits An integer specifying the number of significant digits to keep.
#' @param digits.pct An integer specifying the number of digits after the
#' decimal place for percentages.
#' @param round.median.min.max Should rounding applied to median, min and max?
#' @param round.integers Should rounding be limited to digits to the right of
#' the decimal point?
#' @param round5up Should numbers with 5 as the last digit always be rounded
#' up? The standard R approach is "go to the even digit" (IEC 60559 standard,
#' see \code{\link{round}}), while some other softwares (e.g. SAS, Excel)
#' always round up.
#' @param rounding.fn The function to use to do the rounding. Defaults to
#' \code{\link{signif_pad}}.
#' @param ... Further arguments.
#' @return A list with the same number of elements as \code{x}. The rounded
#' values will be \code{character} (not \code{numeric}) and will have 0 padding
#' to ensure consistent number of significant digits.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{signif_pad}}
#' \code{\link{stats.default}}
#' @examples
#' x <- round(exp(rnorm(100, 1, 1)), 6)
#' stats.default(x)
#' stats.apply.rounding(stats.default(x), digits=3)
#' stats.apply.rounding(stats.default(round(x, 1)), digits=3)
#' @keywords utilities
#' @export
stats.apply.rounding <- function(x, digits=3, digits.pct=1, round.median.min.max=TRUE, round.integers=TRUE, round5up=TRUE, rounding.fn=signif_pad, ...) {
mindig <- function(x, digits) {
cx <- format(x)
ndig <- nchar(gsub("\\D", "", cx))
ifelse(ndig > digits, cx, rounding.fn(x, digits=digits,
round.integers=round.integers, round5up=round5up, ...))
format.percent <- function(x, digits) {
if (x == 0) "0"
else if (x == 100) "100"
else round_pad(x, digits=digits.pct, ...)
if (!is.list(x)) {
stop("Expecting a list")
if (is.list(x[[1]])) {
# Apply recursively
lapply(x, stats.apply.rounding, digits=digits, digits.pct=digits.pct,
round.integers=round.integers, round5up=round5up, ...)
} else {
r <- lapply(x, rounding.fn, digits=digits,
round.integers=round.integers, round5up=round5up, ...)
nr <- c("N", "FREQ", "NMISS") # No rounding
nr <- nr[nr %in% names(x)]
nr <- nr[![nr])]
r[nr] <- lapply(x[nr], format_n, ...)
if (!round.median.min.max) {
sr <- c("MEDIAN", "MIN", "MAX") # Only add significant digits, don't remove any
sr <- sr[sr %in% names(x)]
r[sr] <- lapply(x[sr], mindig, digits=digits)
pr <- c("PCT", "PCTnoNA", "CV", "GCV") # Percentages
pr <- pr[pr %in% names(x)]
pr <- pr[![pr])]
r[pr] <- lapply(as.numeric(x[pr]), format.percent, digits=digits.pct)
#' Render values for table output.
#' Called from \code{\link{table1}} by default to render values for
#' displaying in the table. This function forwards the call to separate
#' functions for rendering continuous, categorical and missing values.
#' The idea is that each of these functions can be overridden to customize
#' the table output.
#' @param x A vector or numeric, factor, character or logical values.
#' @param name Name of the variable to be rendered (ignored).
#' @param missing Should missing values be included?
#' @param transpose Logical indicating whether on not the table is transposed.
#' @param render.empty A \code{character} to return when \code{x} is empty.
#' @param render.continuous A function to render continuous (i.e.
#' \code{numeric}) values. Can also be a \code{character} string, in which case
#' it is passed to \code{\link{parse.abbrev.render.code}}.
#' @param render.categorical A function to render categorical (i.e.
#' \code{factor}, \code{character} or \code{logical}) values. Can also be a
#' \code{character} string, in which case it is passed to
#' \code{\link{parse.abbrev.render.code}}.
#' @param render.missing A function to render missing (i.e. \code{NA}) values.
#' Can also be a \code{character} string, in which case it is passed to
#' \code{\link{parse.abbrev.render.code}}. Set to \code{NULL} to ignore missing
#' values.
#' @param ... Further arguments, passed to \code{\link{stats.apply.rounding}}.
#' @return A \code{character} vector. Each element is to be displayed in a
#' separate cell in the table. The \code{\link{names}} of the vector are the
#' labels to use in the table. However, the first names should be empty as it
#' will be replaced by the name of the variable. Empty strings are allowed and
#' result in empty table cells.
#' @examples
#' x <- exp(rnorm(100, 1, 1))
#' render.default(x)
#' render.default(x, TRUE)
#' y <- factor(sample(0:1, 99, replace=TRUE), labels=c("Female", "Male"))
#' y[1:10] <- NA
#' render.default(y)
#' @keywords utilities
#' @importFrom stats setNames
#' @export
render.default <- function(x, name, missing=any(, transpose=F,
render.missing=render.missing.default, ...) {
if (is.character(render.continuous)) {
render.continuous <- parse.abbrev.render.code(code=render.continuous, ...)
if (is.character(render.categorical)) {
render.categorical <- parse.abbrev.render.code(code=render.categorical, ...)
if (!is.null(render.missing) && is.character(render.missing)) {
nm <- names(render.missing)
if (is.null(nm)) nm <- "Missing"
render.missing.0 <- parse.abbrev.render.code(code=render.missing, ...)
render.missing <- function(x, ...) {
setNames(render.missing.0(, ...)["Yes"], nm)
if (length(x) == 0) {
if (is.logical(x)) {
x <- factor(x, levels=c(T, F), labels=c("Yes", "No"))
if (is.factor(x) || is.character(x)) {
r <-, c(list(x=x), list(...)))
} else if (is.numeric(x)) {
r <-, c(list(x=x), list(...)))
} else {
stop(paste("Unrecognized variable type:", class(x)))
if (missing && !is.null(render.missing)) {
r <- c(r,, c(list(x=x), list(...))))
if (transpose) {
if (!is.null(names(r))) {
r <- paste0(sprintf("%s: %s", names(r), r), collapse="<br/>")
} else {
r <- paste0(r, collapse="<br/>")
#' Parse abbreviated code for rendering table output.
#' @param code A \code{character} vector specifying the statistics to display
#' in abbreviated code. See Details.
#' @param ... Further arguments, passed to \code{\link{stats.apply.rounding}}.
#' @return A function that takes a single argument and returns a
#' \code{character} vector.
#' @details In abbreviated code, the words N, NMISS, MEAN, SD, MIN, MEDIAN,
#' MAX, IQR, CV, GMEAN, GSD, GCV, FREQ and PCT are substituted for their respective
#' values (see \code{\link{stats.default}}). The substitution is case
#' insensitive, and the substituted values are rounded appropriately (see
#' \code{\link{stats.apply.rounding}}). Other text is left unchanged. The
#' \code{code} can be a vector, in which case each element is displayed in its
#' own row in the table. The \code{names} of \code{code} are used as row
#' labels; if no names are present, then the \code{code} itself is used unless
#' \code{code} is of length 1, in which case no label is used (for numeric
#' variables only, categorical variables are always labeled by the class
#' label). The special name '.' also indicates that \code{code} itself be is
#' used as the row label.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' x <- round(exp(rnorm(100, log(20), 1)), 2)
#' stats.default(x)
#' f <- parse.abbrev.render.code(c("Mean (SD)", "Median [Min, Max]"), 3)
#' f(x)
#' f2 <- parse.abbrev.render.code(c("Geo. Mean (Geo. CV%)" = "GMean (GCV%)"), 3)
#' f2(x)
#' f3 <- parse.abbrev.render.code(c("Mean (SD)"), 3)
#' f3(x)
#' x <- sample(c("Male", "Female"), 30, replace=T)
#' stats.default(x)
#' f <- parse.abbrev.render.code("Freq (Pct%)")
#' f(x)
#' }
#' @keywords utilities
#' @export
parse.abbrev.render.code <-
function(code, ...) {
codestr <- code
if (is.null(names(codestr)) && length(codestr) > 1) {
names(codestr) <- codestr
names(codestr)[names(codestr) == "."] <- codestr[names(codestr) == "."]
function(x, ...) {
s <- stats.apply.rounding(stats.default(x, ...), ...)
g <- function(ss) {
res <- codestr
for (nm in names(ss)) {
res <- gsub(paste0("\\b", nm, "\\b"), ss[[nm]], res,
names(res) <- names(codestr)
if (!is.list(s)) {
stop("Expecting a list")
if (is.list(s[[1]])) {
res <- lapply(s, g)
nm <- ifelse(sapply(res, seq_along)==1, "1", "")
nm[nm=="1"] <- names(s)
res <- unlist(res)
names(res) <- nm
c("", res)
} else {
if (length(codestr) == 1 && is.null(names(codestr))) {
} else {
c("", g(s))
#' Render continuous values for table output.
#' Called from \code{\link{table1}} by default to render continuous (i.e.
#' \code{numeric}) values for displaying in the table.
#' @param x A numeric vector.
#' @param ... Further arguments, passed to \code{\link{stats.apply.rounding}}.
#' @return A \code{character} vector. Each element is to be displayed in a
#' separate cell in the table. The \code{\link{names}} of the vector are the
#' labels to use in the table. However, the first names should be empty as it
#' will be replaced by the name of the variable. Empty strings are allowed and
#' result in empty table cells.
#' @examples
#' x <- exp(rnorm(100, 1, 1))
#' render.continuous.default(x)
#' @keywords utilities
#' @export
render.continuous.default <- function(x, ...) {
with(stats.apply.rounding(stats.default(x, ...), ...), c("",
"Mean (SD)" = sprintf("%s (%s)", MEAN, SD),
"Median [Min, Max]" = sprintf("%s [%s, %s]", MEDIAN, MIN, MAX)))
#' Render categorical values for table output.
#' Called from \code{\link{table1}} by default to render categorical (i.e.
#' \code{factor}, \code{character} or \code{logical}) values for displaying in the table.
#' @param x A vector of type \code{factor}, \code{character} or \code{logical}.
#' @param ... Further arguments, passed to \code{\link{stats.apply.rounding}}.
#' @param Include missing values in the denominator for
#' calculating percentages (the default) or omit them.
#' @return A \code{character} vector. Each element is to be displayed in a
#' separate cell in the table. The \code{\link{names}} of the vector are the
#' labels to use in the table. However, the first names should be empty as it
#' will be replaced by the name of the variable. Empty strings are allowed and
#' result in empty table cells.
#' @examples
#' y <- factor(sample(0:1, 99, replace=TRUE), labels=c("Female", "Male"))
#' y[1:10] <- NA
#' render.categorical.default(y)
#' @keywords utilities
#' @export
render.categorical.default <- function(x, ..., {
c("", sapply(stats.apply.rounding(stats.default(x, ...), ...), function(y) with(y,
sprintf("%s (%s%%)", FREQ, if ( PCT else PCTnoNA))))
#' Render missing values for table output.
#' Called from \code{\link{table1}} by default to render missing (i.e.
#' \code{NA}) values for displaying in the table.
#' @param x A vector.
#' @param ... Further arguments, passed to \code{\link{stats.apply.rounding}}.
#' @return A \code{character} vector. Each element is to be displayed in a
#' separate cell in the table. The \code{\link{names}} of the vector are the
#' labels to use in the table. Empty strings are allowed and
#' result in empty table cells.
#' @examples
#' y <- factor(sample(0:1, 99, replace=TRUE), labels=c("Female", "Male"))
#' y[1:10] <- NA
#' render.missing.default(y)
#' @keywords utilities
#' @export
render.missing.default <- function(x, ...) {
with(stats.apply.rounding(stats.default(, ...), ...)$Yes,
c(Missing=sprintf("%s (%s%%)", FREQ, PCT)))
#' Render variable labels for table output.
#' Called from \code{\link{table1.formula}} by default to render variable labels
#' for displaying in the table.
#' @param x A vector, usually with the \code{\link{label}} and (if appropriate)
#' \code{\link{unit}} attributes.
#' @param transpose Logical indicating whether on not the table is transposed.
#' @return A \code{character}, which may contain HTML markup.
#' @examples
#' x <- exp(rnorm(100, 1, 1))
#' label(x) <- "Weight"
#' units(x) <- "kg"
#' render.varlabel(x)
#' y <- factor(sample(0:1, 99, replace=TRUE), labels=c("Female", "Male"))
#' y[1:10] <- NA
#' label(y) <- "Sex"
#' render.varlabel(y)
#' @keywords utilities
#' @export
render.varlabel <- function(x, transpose=F) {
l <- if (has.units(x)) {
sprintf("%s (%s)", label(x), units(x))
} else {
sprintf("%s", label(x))
attr(l, "html") <- if (has.units(x) && transpose) {
sprintf("<span class='varlabel'>%s<br/><span class='varunits'>(%s)</span></span>", label(x), units(x))
} else if (has.units(x)) {
sprintf("<span class='varlabel'>%s<span class='varunits'> (%s)</span></span>", label(x), units(x))
} else {
sprintf("<span class='varlabel'>%s</span>", label(x))
#' Render strata labels for table output.
#' Called from \code{\link{table1.formula}} to render strata labels
#' for displaying in the table.
#' @param label A \code{character} vector containing the labels.
#' @param n A \code{numeric} vector containing the sizes.
#' @return A \code{character}, which may contain HTML markup.
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
render.strat.default <- function(label, n, transpose=F) {
"<span class='stratlabel'>%s</span>",
"<span class='stratlabel'>%s<br><span class='stratn'>(N=%s)</span></span>"),
label, n)
#' Convert to HTML table rows.
#' Many functions exist in R to generate HTML tables. These functions are
#' useful for generating HTML table fragments (rather than whole tables), which
#' can then be used to build up complete tables. The first column my be used to
#' label the rows of the table. Row labels, if specified, can have a special
#' HTML \code{class} designated, which can be useful as a hook to customize
#' their appearance using CSS. The same is true for the the first and last row
#' of cells.
#' @param x A vector or table-like structure (e.g. a \code{\link{data.frame}} or \code{\link{matrix}}).
#' @param row.labels Values for the first column, typically used to label the row, or \code{NULL} to omit.
#' @param th A logical. Should \code{th} tags be used rather than \code{td}?
#' @param class HTML class attribute. Can be a single \code{character}, a vector or a matrix.
#' @param rowlabelclass HTML class attribute for the row labels (i.e. first column).
#' @param firstrowclass HTML class attribute for the first row of cells.
#' @param lastrowclass HTML class attribute for the last row of cells.
#' @param ... Additional arguments.
#' @return A \code{character} which contains an HTML table fragment.
#' @examples
#' x <- matrix(signif_pad(exp(rnorm(5*5, 1, 1))), 5, 5)
#' cat(table.rows(x, NULL))
#' cat(table.rows(x, LETTERS[1:nrow(x)]))
#' cat(table.rows(LETTERS[1:3], "Headings", th=TRUE))
#' @keywords utilities
#' @export
table.rows <- function(x, row.labels=rownames(x), th=FALSE, class=NULL, rowlabelclass="rowlabel", firstrowclass="firstrow", lastrowclass="lastrow", ...) {
if (is.null(row.labels)) row.labels <- ""
td <-, row.labels=row.labels, th=th, class=class, rowlabelclass=rowlabelclass, firstrowclass=firstrowclass, lastrowclass=lastrowclass, ...)
tr <- paste("<tr>\n", td, "\n</tr>\n", sep="")
paste(tr, sep="", collapse="")
#' @describeIn table.rows Convert to HTML table data (cells).
#' @export <- function(x, row.labels=rownames(x), th=FALSE, class=NULL, rowlabelclass="rowlabel", firstrowclass="firstrow", lastrowclass="lastrow", ...) {
tag <- ifelse(th, "th", "td")
rl <- row.labels # Make sure it gets evaluated early for default arg
if ( {
x <- sapply(x, as.character)
if (is.null(dim(x)) || length(dim(x)) < 2) {
x <- matrix(as.character(x), nrow=1)
} else if (length(dim(x)) > 2) {
stop("x cannot have more than 2 dimensions.")
nr <- nrow(x)
nc <- ncol(x)
firstrowclass <- rep_len(as.character(firstrowclass), nc)
lastrowclass <- rep_len(as.character(lastrowclass), nc)
cls <- if (is.null(class)) NA else class
cls <- matrix(as.character(cls), nr, nc)
if (!is.null(rl)) {
rl <- rep_len(as.character(rl), nr)
x <- cbind(rl, x)
rowlabelclass <- rep_len(rowlabelclass, nr)
if (!is.null(rowlabelclass)) {
cls <- cbind(rowlabelclass, cls)
} else {
cls <- cbind(NA, cls)
if (!is.null(firstrowclass)) {
cls[1,] <- ifelse([1,]), firstrowclass, paste(cls[1,], firstrowclass))
if (!is.null(lastrowclass)) {
cls[nr,] <- ifelse([nr,]), lastrowclass, paste(cls[nr,], lastrowclass))
cls <- ifelse(, "", paste0(" class='", cls, "'"))
td <- paste0("<", tag, cls, ">", x, "</", tag, ">")
dim(td) <- dim(x)
apply(td, 1, paste, collapse="\n")
#' Label attribute.
#' @param x An object.
#' @param value A \code{character} specifying the label.
#' @examples
#' x <- 1:10
#' label(x) <- "Foo"
#' x <- setLabel(x, "Foo") # Alternative syntax
#' has.label(x)
#' label(x)
#' @keywords utilities
#' @export
'label' <- function(x) {
attr(x, "label")
#' @describeIn label Set label attribute.
#' @export
'label<-' <- function(x, value) {
attr(x, "label") <- value
#' @describeIn label Set label attribute.
#' @export
setLabel <- function(x, value) {
attr(x, "label") <- value
#' @describeIn label Check for label attribute.
#' @export
has.label <- function(x) {
!is.null(attr(x, "label"))
#' Units attribute.
#' @param x An object.
#' @param value A \code{character} specifying the units
#' @examples
#' x <- 1:10
#' units(x) <- "cm"
#' has.units(x)
#' units(x)
#' @keywords utilities
#' @export
'units' <- function(x) {
attr(x, "units")
#' @describeIn units Set units attribute.
#' @export
'units<-' <- function(x, value) {
attr(x, "units") <- value
#' @describeIn units Check for attribute.
#' @export
has.units <- function(x) {
!is.null(attr(x, "units"))
#' Generate an HTML table of descriptive statistics.
#' Produces a nicely formatted table of descriptive statistics for any number
#' of numeric or categorical variables, optionally stratified by a factor.
#' @details
#' There are two interfaces, the default, which typically takes a list of
#' \code{data.frame}s for \code{x}, and the formula interface. The formula
#' interface is less flexible, but simpler to use and designed to handle the
#' most common use cases. It is important to use factors appropriately for
#' categorical variables (i.e. have the levels labeled properly and in the
#' desired order). The contents of the table can be customized by providing
#' user-defined `renderer' functions. Customization of the table appearance is
#' deliberately not attempted, as this is best accomplished with CSS. To
#' facilitate this, some tags (such as row labels) are given specific classes
#' for easy CSS selection.
#' For the formula version, the formula is expected to be a one-sided formula,
#' optionally with a vertical bar separating the variables that are to appear
#' as data in the table (as rows) from those used for stratification (i.e.
#' columns). There can be at most 2 variables for stratification (and only one
#' if \code{transpose = TRUE} is specified), and if 2 are specified, the second
#' is nested within the first. Stratification variables may not contain missing
#' values. The formula may contain a dot (".") to refer to "all variables in
#' \code{data} other than those that appear elsewhere in the formula". It is
#' legitimate to use functions inside the formula to create new variables.
#' For the default version, is is expected that \code{x} is a named
#' list of \code{data.frame}s, one for each stratum, with names corresponding to
#' strata labels.
#' Extra columns can be added to the table using the \code{extra.col} argument.
#' This is an optional named list of functions, with the names corresponding to
#' the column headings. Each function will be called once for each variable
#' included in the table. Each function should expect 2 arguments, the first
#' being a list, the second the name of the variable. The contents of the
#' list passed in as the first argument will be the data associated with each
#' stratum in the table; i.e., one element for each normal column (not extra
#' column). It is then up the function to compute the value to appear in
#' the extra column and return it as a string. By default, extra columns will
#' be placed to the far right, after the normal columns, in the order they are
#' specified in. This can be overridden, however, using the
#' \code{extra.col.pos} vector of integer positions. For example, to place the
#' first extra column in position 1 (far left), and the second extra column in
#' position 3, use \code{extra.col.pos = c(1, 3)}; any extra columns that are
#' not assigned positions will be placed to the far right. A typical use case
#' for extra columns would be a column of p-values for differences between
#' strata. Note that this feature is not available when the option
#' \code{transpose = TRUE} is specified.
#' @param x An object, typically a \code{formula} or list of \code{data.frame}s (see Details).
#' @param data For the formula interface, a \code{data.frame} from which the
#' variables in \code{x} should be taken.
#' @param overall A label for the "Overall" column. Specify \code{NULL} or
#' \code{FALSE} to omit the column altogether. By default, the "Overall" column
#' appears at the right end of the table; to place it on the left instead use a
#' named \code{character} with the name "left", e.g. \code{c(left="Overall")}.
#' @param labels A list containing labels for variables, strata and groups (see Details).
#' @param groupspan A vector of integers specifying the number of strata to group together.
#' @param rowlabelhead A heading for the first column of the table, which contains the row labels.
#' @param droplevels Should empty factor levels be dropped?
#' @param transpose Logical. Should the table be transposed (i.e. strata as
#' rows and variables as columns)?
#' @param topclass A class attribute for the outermost (i.e. \code{<table>}) tag.
#' @param footnote A character string to be added as a footnote to the table.
#' Can also be a vector which results in multiple lines of footnotes.
#' The default \code{NULL} causes the footnote to be omitted.
#' @param caption A character string to be added as a caption to the table.
#' The default \code{NULL} causes the caption to be omitted.
#' @param render A function to render the table cells (see Details).
#' @param render.strat A function to render the stratum labels. Accepts 3
#' arguments: the stratum label, the stratum size (number of observations), and
#' a flag indicating whether we are in transpose mode or not. See
#' \code{\link{render.strat.default}} for an example.
#' @param extra.col An optional names list of functions that produce extra columns in the table (see Details).
#' @param extra.col.pos An optional integer vector given the positions of extra columns (see Details).
#' @param ... Further arguments, passed to \code{render}.
#' @return An object of class "table1".
#' @examples
#' dat <- expand.grid(id=1:10, sex=c("Male", "Female"), treat=c("Treated", "Placebo"))
#' dat$age <- runif(nrow(dat), 10, 50)
#' dat$age[3] <- NA # Add a missing value
#' dat$wt <- exp(rnorm(nrow(dat), log(70), 0.2))
#' label(dat$sex) <- "Sex"
#' label(dat$age) <- "Age"
#' label(dat$treat) <- "Treatment Group"
#' label(dat$wt) <- "Weight"
#' units(dat$age) <- "years"
#' units(dat$wt) <- "kg"
#' # One level of stratification
#' table1(~ sex + age + wt | treat, data=dat)
#' # Two levels of stratification (nesting)
#' table1(~ age + wt | treat*sex, data=dat)
#' # Switch the order or nesting
#' table1(~ age + wt | sex*treat, data=dat)
#' # No stratification
#' table1(~ treat + sex + age + wt, data=dat)
#' # Something more complicated
#' dat$dose <- ifelse(dat$treat=="Placebo", "Placebo",
#' sample(c("5 mg", "10 mg"), nrow(dat), replace=TRUE))
#' dat$dose <- factor(dat$dose, levels=c("Placebo", "5 mg", "10 mg"))
#' strata <- c(split(dat, dat$dose),
#' list("All treated"=subset(dat, treat=="Treated")),
#' list(Overall=dat))
#' labels <- list(
#' variables=list(sex=render.varlabel(dat$sex),
#' age=render.varlabel(dat$age),
#' wt=render.varlabel(dat$wt)),
#' groups=list("", "Treated", ""))
#' my.render.cont <- function(x) {
#' with(stats.default(x),
#' sprintf("%0.2f (%0.1f)", MEAN, SD))
#' }
#' table1(strata, labels, groupspan=c(1, 3, 1), render.continuous=my.render.cont)
#' # Transposed table
#' table1(~ age + wt | treat, data=dat, transpose=TRUE)
#' @keywords utilities
#' @export
table1 <- function(x, ...) {
#' @describeIn table1 The default interface, where \code{x} is a \code{data.frame}.
#' @export
table1.default <- function(x, labels, groupspan=NULL, rowlabelhead="", transpose=FALSE, topclass="Rtable1", footnote=NULL, caption=NULL, render=render.default, render.strat=render.strat.default, extra.col=NULL, extra.col.pos=NULL, ...) {
x = x,
labels = labels,
groupspan = groupspan,
rowlabelhead = rowlabelhead,
transpose = transpose,
topclass = topclass,
footnote = footnote,
caption = caption,
render = render,
render.strat = render.strat,
extra.col = extra.col,
extra.col.pos = extra.col.pos, ...)
.table1.internal <- function(x, labels, groupspan=NULL, rowlabelhead="", transpose=FALSE, topclass="Rtable1", footnote=NULL, caption=NULL, render=render.default, render.strat=render.strat.default, extra.col=NULL, extra.col.pos=NULL, ...) {
if (is.null(labels$strata)) {
labels$strata <- names(x)
if (is.null(names(labels$strata))) {
names(labels$strata) <- names(x)
if (is.character(render)) {
render <- parse.abbrev.render.code(code=render, ...)
# Convert any character columns to factor
char2factor <- function(df) {
df[sapply(df, is.character)] <- lapply(df[sapply(df, is.character)], as.factor)
x <- lapply(x, char2factor)
# Number of rows per stratum
strat_n <- format_n(sapply(x, nrow), ...)
any.missing <- sapply(names(labels$variables), function(v), lapply(x, function(s) sum([[v]])))) > 0)
if (transpose) {
ncolumns <- length(labels$variables)
if (ncolumns > 12) {
warning(sprintf("Table has %d columns. Are you sure this is what you want?", ncolumns))
headings <- t(unlist(labels$variables))
contents <- lapply(names(x), function(s) {, lapply(names(labels$variables), function(v) {
lvls <- unique(, lapply(x, function(s) levels(s[[v]]))))
z <- x[[s]][[v]]
if (!is.null(lvls)) {
z <- factor(z, levels=lvls)
y <- render(x=z, name=v, missing=any.missing[v], transpose=T, ...)
y <- paste0(y, collapse="<br/>")
names(y) <- labels$variables[[v]]
y <- t(y)
rownames(y) <- render.strat(labels$strata[s], strat_n[s], ...)
y }))})
} else {
headings <- rbind(labels$strata[names(x)], strat_n)
if (!is.null(extra.col)) {
headings <- cbind(headings, rbind(names(extra.col), rep(NA, length(extra.col))))
if (!is.null(extra.col.pos)) {
if (!is.numeric(extra.col.pos) || any(extra.col.pos > ncol(headings))) {
stop("extra.col.pos should be a vector of column positions")
if (length(extra.col.pos) > length(extra.col)) {
stop("length of extra.col.pos should not exceed that of extra.col")
# Permute columns
s1 <- seq(length(x) + 1, length.out=length(extra.col.pos))
s2 <- setdiff(1:ncol(headings), s1)
colpermute <- rep(0, ncol(headings))
colpermute[extra.col.pos] <- s1
colpermute[-extra.col.pos] <- s2
headings <- headings[, colpermute, drop=F]
ncolumns <- ncol(headings)
if (ncolumns > 12) {
warning(sprintf("Table has %d columns. Are you sure this is what you want?", ncolumns))
contents <- lapply(names(labels$variables), function(v) {
lvls <- unique(, lapply(x, function(s) levels(s[[v]]))))
y <-, lapply(x, function(s) {
z <- s[[v]]
if (!is.null(lvls)) {
z <- factor(z, levels=lvls)
render(x=z, name=v, missing=any.missing[v], ...)}))
if (!is.null(extra.col)) {
pad_with_empty <- function(w, n) {
rep(c(as.character(w), rep("", n)), length.out=n)
y2 <-, lapply(extra.col, function(f) {
pad_with_empty(f(lapply(x, getElement, name=v), v, ...), nrow(y))
y <- cbind(y, y2)
if (!is.null(extra.col.pos)) {
y <- y[, colpermute, drop=F]
rownames(y) <- paste(rownames(y), sep="")
rownames(y)[1] <- labels$variables[[v]]
y })
obj <- list(
contents = contents,
headings = headings,
labels = labels,
topclass = topclass,
ncolumns = ncolumns,
groupspan = groupspan,
transpose = transpose,
rowlabelhead = rowlabelhead,
caption = caption,
footnote = footnote,
render.strat = render.strat)
update_html(structure("", obj=obj))
#' Update HTML.
#' Used to (re-)generate the HTML code for a \code{link{table1}} object. In
#' most cases, this should not be used direction, unless you know what you are
#' doing.
#' @param x An object returned by \code{\link{table1}}.
#' @return An object of class "table1" which contains the updated HTML.
#' @export
update_html <- function(x) {
obj <- attr(x, "obj")
with(obj, {
if (transpose) {
thead <- headings
} else {
thead <- t(render.strat(headings[1,], headings[2,]))
if (is.null(topclass) || topclass=="") {
topclass <- ""
} else if (is.character(topclass) && length(topclass)==1) {
topclass <- sprintf(' class="%s"', topclass)
} else {
stop("topclass should be character and of length 1.")
if (!is.null(groupspan)) {
if (transpose) {
stop("Nesting/grouping not supported with transpose = TRUE.")
thead0 <- ifelse($groups) | labels$groups=="", "", sprintf('<div>%s</div>', labels$groups))
thead0 <- sprintf('<th colspan="%d" class="grouplabel">%s</th>', groupspan, thead0)
thead0 <- c('<th class="grouplabel"></th>', thead0)
thead0 <- paste("<tr>\n", paste(thead0, sep="", collapse="\n"), "\n</tr>\n", sep="", collapse="")
} else {
thead0 <- ""
if (is.null(rowlabelhead)) rowlabelhead <- ""
if (!is.null(caption)) {
caption <- sprintf('<caption>%s</caption>\n', caption)
} else {
caption <- ""
if (!is.null(footnote)) {
footnote <- sprintf('<p>%s</p>\n', footnote)
footnote <- paste0(footnote, collapse="\n")
tfoot <- sprintf('<tfoot><tr><td colspan="%d" class="Rtable1-footnote">%s</td></tr></tfoot>\n', ncolumns + 1, footnote)
} else {
tfoot <- ""
x <- paste0(
sprintf('<table%s>%s\n<thead>\n', topclass, caption),
table.rows(thead, row.labels=rowlabelhead, th=T),
paste(sapply(contents, table.rows), collapse=""),
structure(x, class=c("table1", "html", "character"), html=TRUE, obj=obj)
#' Convert a \code{table1} object to a \code{data.frame}.
#' @param x An object returned by \code{\link{table1}}.
#' @param ... Ignored.
#' @return A \code{data.frame}.
#' @export <- function(x, ...) {
obj <- attr(x, "obj")
with(obj, {
rlh <- if (is.null(rowlabelhead) || rowlabelhead=="") " " else rowlabelhead
z <- lapply(contents, function(y) {
y <-, stringsAsFactors=F)
y2 <- data.frame(x=paste0(c("", rep(" ", nrow(y) - 1)), rownames(y)), stringsAsFactors=F)
y <- cbind(setNames(y2, rlh), y)
df <-, z)
df <- rbind(c("", ifelse([2,]), "", sprintf("(N=%s)", headings[2,]))), df)
colnames(df) <- c(rlh, headings[1,])
rownames(df) <- NULL
#' Convert a \code{table1} object to \code{flextable}.
#' @param x An object returned by \code{\link{table1}}.
#' @param tablefn Choose a function from the \code{flextable} package to use as
#' the basis for the table.
#' @param ... Further options passed to \code{tablefn}.
#' @return A \code{flextable} object.
#' @note The \code{flextable} package needs to be installed for this to work.
#' @importFrom utils getFromNamespace
#' @export
t1flex <- function(x, tablefn=c("qflextable", "flextable", "regulartable"), ...) {
if (!requireNamespace("flextable", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop("This function requires package 'flextable'. Please install it and try again.", call.=F)
tablefn <- match.arg(tablefn)
tablefn <- getFromNamespace(tablefn, "flextable")
obj <- attr(x, "obj")
with(obj, {
rlh <- if (is.null(rowlabelhead) || rowlabelhead=="") "\U{00A0}" else rowlabelhead
i <- lapply(contents, function(y) {
i <- cumsum(c(1, i[-length(i)]))
z <- lapply(contents, function(y) {
y <-, stringsAsFactors=F)
y2 <- data.frame(x=paste0(c("", rep("\U{00A0}\U{00A0}", nrow(y) - 1)), rownames(y)), stringsAsFactors=F)
y <- cbind(setNames(y2, rlh), y)
df <-, z)
colnames(df) <- c(rlh, sprintf(
ifelse([2,]), "%s", "%s\n(N=%s)"), headings[1,], headings[2,]))
rownames(df) <- NULL
out <- tablefn(df, ...)
out <- flextable::align(out, j=2:(ncolumns+1), align="center", part="body")
out <- flextable::align(out, j=2:(ncolumns+1), align="center", part="header")
out <- flextable::bold(out, i=i, j=1)
if (!is.null(groupspan)) {
zzz <- ncol(df) - sum(groupspan) - 1
out <- flextable::add_header_row(out, values=c("", labels$groups, rep("", zzz)), colwidths=c(1, groupspan, rep(1, zzz)))
out <- flextable::align(out, i=1, align="center", part="header")
if (!is.null(caption)) {
out <- flextable::set_caption(out, caption=caption)
if (!is.null(footnote)) {
out <- flextable::add_footer_lines(out, values=footnote)
#' Convert a \code{table1} object to \code{kabelExtra}.
#' @param x An object returned by \code{\link{table1}}.
#' @param booktabs Passed to \code{kbl} (default \code{TRUE}).
#' @param ... Other options passed to \code{kbl}.
#' @param format Passed to \code{kbl} (optional).
#' @return A \code{kabelExtra} object.
#' @note The \code{kableExtra} package needs to be installed for this to work.
#' @export
t1kable <- function(x, booktabs=TRUE, ..., format) {
if (!requireNamespace("kableExtra", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop("This function requires package 'kableExtra'. Please install it and try again.", call.=F)
if (missing(format) || is.null(format)) {
format <- if (knitr::is_latex_output()) "latex" else "html"
obj <- attr(x, "obj")
with(obj, {
rlh <- if (is.null(rowlabelhead) || rowlabelhead=="") "\U{00A0}" else rowlabelhead
i <- lapply(contents, function(y) {
if (all(y[1,, drop=T] == "")) {
nrow(y) - 1
} else {
z <- lapply(contents, function(y) {
if (all(y[1,, drop=T] == "")) {
y <-[-1,, drop=F], stringsAsFactors=F)
y2 <- data.frame(x=rownames(y), stringsAsFactors=F)
} else {
y2 <- data.frame(x="", stringsAsFactors=F)
y <- cbind(setNames(y2, rlh), y)
names(i) <- labels$variables
df <-, z)
# Try to create a multiline header but does not work
#if (format == "html") {
# cn <- c(rlh, sprintf(ifelse([2,]), "%s", "%s<br/>(N=%s)"), headings[1,], headings[2,]))
#} else {
# cn <- c(rlh, sprintf(ifelse([2,]), "%s", "%s\n(N=%s)"), headings[1,], headings[2,]))
#colnames(df) <- cn
#if (format == "latex") {
# cn <- kableExtra::linebreak(cn, align="c")
# Put the (N=xx) as first row of the table
df <- rbind(c("", ifelse([2,]), "", sprintf("(N=%s)", headings[2,]))), df)
cn <- colnames(df) <- c(rlh, headings[1,])
rownames(df) <- NULL
out <- kableExtra::kbl(df, format=format, col.names=cn, row.names=F, escape=T, booktabs=booktabs, caption=caption, ...)
out <- kableExtra::pack_rows(out, index=c(" "=1, i))
#out <- kableExtra::pack_rows(out, index=i)
if (!is.null(groupspan)) {
groupspan <- setNames(groupspan, labels$groups)
zzz <- ncol(df) - sum(groupspan) - 1
out <- kableExtra::add_header_above(out,
data.frame(c(" ", names(groupspan), rep(" ", zzz)), c(1, groupspan, rep(1, zzz))))
if (!is.null(footnote)) {
out <- kableExtra::footnote(out, general=footnote, general_title="")
#' Print \code{table1} object.
#' @param x An object returned by \code{\link{table1}}.
#' @param ... Further arguments passed on to other \code{print} methods.
#' @return Returns \code{x} invisibly.
#' @details In an interactive context, the rendered table will be displayed in
#' a web browser. Otherwise, the HTML code will be printed as text.
#' @export
print.table1 <- function(x, ...) {
if (interactive()) {
x <- htmltools::HTML(x) <- htmltools::htmlDependency("table1", "1.0",
src=system.file(package="table1", "table1_defaults_1.0"),
x <- htmltools::div(class="Rtable1",, x)
x <- htmltools::browsable(x)
print(x, ...) # Calls htmltools:::print.html(x, ...)
} else {
#' Method for printing in a \code{knitr} context.
#' @param x An object returned by \code{\link{table1}}.
#' @param ... Further arguments passed on to \code{knitr::knit_print}.
#' @details If the target is HTML, the usual internal formatting will be
#' applied; otherwise, fall back to a `data.frame`.
#' @importFrom knitr knit_print
#' @export
knit_print.table1 <- function(x, ...) {
knit_to <- knitr::opts_knit$get("")
knit_to_html <- .isTRUE(knitr::is_html_output())
knit_to_latex <- .isTRUE(knitr::is_latex_output())
knit_to_docx <- .isTRUE(knit_to == "docx")
if (knit_to_html) {
x <- htmltools::HTML(x) <- htmltools::htmlDependency("table1", "1.0",
src=system.file(package="table1", "table1_defaults_1.0"),
x <- htmltools::div(class="Rtable1",, x)
knitr::knit_print(x, ...)
} else if (knit_to_latex) {
# For latex, use kableExtra by default, if installed
if (requireNamespace("kableExtra", quietly = TRUE)) {
knitr::knit_print(t1kable(x), ...)
} else {
message("Get nicer `table1` LaTeX output by simply installing the `kableExtra` package")
knitr::knit_print(knitr::kable(, booktabs=TRUE), ...)
} else if (knit_to_docx) {
# For docx, use flextable by default, if installed
if (requireNamespace("flextable", quietly = TRUE)) {
knitr::knit_print(t1flex(x), ...)
} else {
message("Get nicer `table1` .docx output by simply installing the `flextable` package")
knitr::knit_print(, ...)
} else {
# If not fall back to printing as data.frame
knitr::knit_print(, ...)
#' @describeIn table1 The \code{formula} interface.
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats formula model.frame na.pass terms
#' @importFrom Formula Formula
table1.formula <- function(x, data, overall="Overall", rowlabelhead="", transpose=FALSE, droplevels=TRUE, topclass="Rtable1", footnote=NULL, caption=NULL, render=render.default, render.strat=render.strat.default, extra.col=NULL, extra.col.pos=NULL, ...) {
f <- Formula(x)
if (length(length(f)) != 2 || length(f)[2] < 1 || length(f)[2] > 2) {
stop(paste0("Invalid formula: ", paste0(x, collapse="")))
if (!is.null(overall) && length(overall) != 1) {
stop("overall should have length 1 (unless NULL)")
if (length(f)[1] > 0) {
warning("Unexpected LHS in formula ignored (table1 expects a 1-sided formula)")
if (length(f)[2] == 2) {
f2 <- formula(f)
f2[[2]][[3]] <- f[[2]][[2]]
f2[[2]][[2]] <- f[[2]][[3]]
f2 <- Formula(f2)
dot <- !is.null(attr(terms(Formula(formula(f, rhs=2)), data=data), "Formula_without_dot"))
dot2 <- !is.null(attr(terms(Formula(formula(f2, rhs=2)), data=data), "Formula_without_dot"))
if (dot && dot2) {
stop("Cannot have . in both parts of the formula")
if (dot || dot2) {
f <- attr(terms(f, data=data, dot="sequential"), "Formula_without_dot")
f2 <- attr(terms(f2, data=data, dot="sequential"), "Formula_without_dot")
m1 <- model.frame(formula(f2, rhs=2), data=data, na.action=na.pass)
m2 <- model.frame(formula(f, rhs=2), data=data, na.action=na.pass)
if (!all(sapply(m2, is.factor) | sapply(m2, is.character))) {
warning("Terms to the right of '|' in formula 'x' define table columns and are expected to be factors with meaningful labels.")
if (any(sapply(m2, function(xx) any( {
stop("Stratification variable(s) should not contain missing values.")
m2 <- lapply(m2, as.factor)
if (droplevels) {
m2 <- lapply(m2, droplevels)
if (length(m2) > 1) {
if (length(m2) > 2) {
stop("Only 1 level of nesting is supported")
collabels <- tapply(m2[[2]], m2[[1]], levels, simplify=F)
if (droplevels) {
coln <- tapply(m2[[2]], m2[[1]], table, simplify=F)
collabels <- mapply(function(x, y) x[y > 0], collabels, coln, SIMPLIFY=F)
grouplabel <- names(collabels)
groupspan <- sapply(collabels, length)
stratlabel <- unlist(collabels)
if (!is.null(overall) && overall != FALSE) {
if (!is.null(names(overall)) && names(overall) == "left") {
grouplabel <- c(overall, grouplabel)
} else {
grouplabel <- c(grouplabel, overall)
groupspan <- c(groupspan, nlevels(m2[[2]]))
stratlabel <- c(stratlabel, levels(m2[[2]]))
} else {
stratlabel <- levels(m2[[1]])
if (!is.null(overall) && overall != FALSE) {
if (!is.null(names(overall)) && names(overall) == "left") {
stratlabel <- c(overall, stratlabel)
} else {
stratlabel <- c(stratlabel, overall)
} else {
m1 <- model.frame(formula(f, rhs=1), data=data, na.action=na.pass)
m2 <- NULL
if (is.null(overall) || (is.logical(overall) && overall == FALSE)) {
stop("Table has no columns?!")
stratlabel <- overall
for (i in 1:ncol(m1)) {
if (!has.label(m1[[i]])) {
label(m1[[i]]) <- names(m1)[i]
if (!is.null(m2)) {
strata <- split(m1, rev(m2))
if (droplevels) {
stratn <- sapply(strata, nrow)
strata[stratn == 0] <- NULL
if (!is.null(overall) && overall != FALSE) {
if (length(m2) > 1) {
overall.strata <- split(m1, data.frame(m2[[2]], overall="overall"))
} else {
overall.strata <- list(overall=m1)
if (!is.null(names(overall)) && names(overall) == "left") {
strata <- c(overall.strata, strata)
} else {
strata <- c(strata, overall.strata)
} else {
strata <- list(overall=m1)
labels <- list(
variables=lapply(m1, render.varlabel, transpose=transpose))
names(labels$strata) <- names(strata)
if (!is.null(m2) && length(m2) > 1) {
labels$groups <- grouplabel
x = strata,
labels = labels,
groupspan = groupspan,
rowlabelhead = rowlabelhead,
transpose = transpose,
topclass = topclass,
footnote = footnote,
caption = caption,
render = render,
render.strat = render.strat,
extra.col = extra.col,
extra.col.pos = extra.col.pos, ...)
} else {
x = strata,
labels = labels,
rowlabelhead = rowlabelhead,
transpose = transpose,
topclass = topclass,
footnote = footnote,
caption = caption,
render = render,
render.strat = render.strat,
extra.col = extra.col,
extra.col.pos = extra.col.pos, ...)
#' Subset function that preserves column attributes.
#' @param x An object to be subsetted (usually a \code{\link{data.frame}}).
#' @param ... Further arguments passed to \code{\link{subset}}.
#' @param droplevels If \code{TRUE} (the default), then unused factor levels are dropped (see \code{\link{droplevels}}).
#' @return An object similar to \code{x} containing just the selected elements.
#' In the case of a \code{\link{data.frame}}, attributes of columns (such as
#' \code{\link{label}} and \code{\link{units}}) are preserved.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{subset}}
#' \code{\link{droplevels}}
#' @keywords utilities
#' @export
subsetp <- function(x, ..., droplevels=TRUE) {
y <- subset(x, ...)
if (droplevels) {
y <- droplevels(y)
if ( {
for (i in seq_along(x)) {
a <- attributes(x[[i]])
if (droplevels && is.factor(y[[i]])) {
a$levels <- attributes(y[[i]])$levels
attributes(y[[i]]) <- a
.isFALSE <- function (x) {
is.logical(x) && length(x) == 1L && ! && !x
.isTRUE <- function (x) {
is.logical(x) && length(x) == 1L && ! && x
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